tv Going Underground RT October 3, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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politicians don't really law i mean our press tells us the truth al media by and large few things wrong with that but by log. is a free media none of these things are true and the sonship has a son to represent what i would say is too much truth. it is the most important political trial of this century certainly one of the most important of my lifetime and it's been virtually blacked out by most of the sort of coal misnamed mainstream media is no surprise to me but when you sit in court and listen to some of the truly shocking at the twins' indisputable evidence the just the day the what i would call the medical day describing what
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a songe was gone through with the evidence of professor michael kopelman and professor kate humphries both of them distinguish you're of psychiatrists talking about the way this single human being has been punished for telling this truth that if he goes if he's sent to the united states if he's extradited he'll find a way to take his own life. i want to get to the psychiatric reports in in a 2nd because goes the u.s. prosecutor is present there at the old bailey trial cause doubt on the on the. prominent. dallas out they call i've never hood in this modern age when finally we're recognizing the blight of mental illness how it touches so many of us and especially during this. coronavirus period.
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the prosecution q.c. . attempting to discredit professor cope woman's evidence and describe mental illness is most lingering effect that you know it's like a victorian. as if it didn't happen well also the prosecutors said that he would be less likely to kill himself joining us on to be less likely to kill himself in the united states prison than he had belmarsh prison in london well of course yes. has he been in the u.s. prison supermax i have i've interviewed people in them they were described i think by edward fitzgerald q.c. the defense could see as a clean hell. and that says it perfectly the sanitized wonderfully scent of tar shining. and they are a vision of
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a true brave new world and it's there as so many witnesses made clear he'd be subject to something cold sans it's an acronym for special administrative measures in which he'd be dropped in the hall and not seen again they said not solitary confinement in that in fact he would have access to things that easy the prosecution's arguing against this was not was was 90 against day it was so disingenuously quite a was a country club so it was it was so pathetic one rightly should be angry about it but that's the game they play. a song that's the whole the whole hearing shouldn't have happened it should have been for all and out we had evidence on the the 2nd last day that. a sundress being spied on by
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a spanish security company almost certainly in the pay of the cia all his his confidential deliberations with with his lawyers and doctors had been spied on on record and that will be enough to throw doubt in the other famous. whistle blower case of daniel ellsberg in 1971 i think it was an ellsberg of course was one of the witnesses at the is saddam's trial. it was the fact that nixon had sent his thugs into daniel ellsberg psychiatrist's office trying to get some dirt on him the very thing but the americans were doing in the ecuadorian embassy on assignment that in the trial was enough to throw. the judge threw it out david no allegations of a that case continues but david rosen you see global claim they were protecting julian assize they were hired by the ecuadorian government to help it sure they
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goes and all the pig flying of afshan describe his average day julian isn't just average day's average day at the moment i don't know whether he will be relieved once this thing is a. he is roused at 5 o'clock in the morning in belmont. he is stripped searched he is shackled. presumably he's allowed to show up and have some prison breakfast he then in jewels. at least an hour in the hall of. in this torture his drive from belmarsh to the old bailey in walked his partner stella morris as described as something like an upright coffin i've seen it it's a great white circle around truck of course. and there's a small window at the top to look out to you have to stand rather precariously. so
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in this dreadful stop stop traffic on i've driven up from belmont to the central criminal court songes taken in this in this box this is this prison. to to a court where he he sits in. a glove scorer drawer in which is his god and himself and the only way he can speak to his lawyers is to get down on his knees time and again i've watched him because where i've been sitting has been looking down on him he's got down on his knees to speak through a slit in the garage in the in the glass. to one of the. lawyers at the back and she writes his message on opposed to the post it is then handed
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through the body of the court to the barest as who are arguing the case against his extradition to an american oh all that's how he communicates with his lawyers it's actually slightly better than watergate was a westminster magistrate's court where is actually in a glass cage he's known to gloss corrigible. who would deny it's a coffin that they carry out their private eyes outsource british government just as. all brilliantly do you think that's the reason why judge or magistrate divot is of rates a didn't want amnesty international reporters without borders present i mean why were they not allowed in they've been tweeting furiously reporters without borders i mean it's good to see both those organizations. speaking up to many organizations and i'm not necessarily pointing the finger at both of them but
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a son should have been a prisoner of conscience. along with chelsea manning a long time ago it's good to see them protesting at at this outrage that they weren't allowed in the court will remain convinced in the report is that voters went so far as to tweet against a b.b.c. journalist arguably a b.b.c. journalist said you see the reason why you view is may have to watch going underground to hear about this and not the b.b.c. reports daily from this trial of the century as people have been calling it is it was a bit repetitive you know the inane a-t. and the cynicism in that statement repetitive every day has been a description usually of hell. of the kind of hell that we keenly expose the kind of hell to which all of us have a right to know. which is now being imposed on the on the truth
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teller himself and for that b.b.c. journalist to describe it as repetitive. doesn't quite leave me speechless but it leaves me with a sense that. it's over. with much of the media to watch this day off the day this extraordinary important trial telling us so much about. how those who govern us those who want to control our lives and what they are and what they do to other countries how they live to us watch this day off today. and see none of a reporter door if you do see it reported you'll see something like. a sound told to pipe down by the judge on a day. he only did this 2 or 3 times i don't know how he kept his mouth shot.
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where he stood up and protested at the evidence that was that was clearly. folse and and offensive to him that was the headline that was the story of the day we didn't get access what was the judge like this judge threw out and that's abrasive she declared against the defense so many times she imposed the guillotine of hall for no on the. on defense witnesses statement. and she gave up to 4. to the to the prosecution for their cross-examination no i know cross-examination usually gets more time but the disparity between the 2 is absolutely grotesque but obviously the
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crown prosecution service will deny all of that john pilger i'll stop you there more from one of the world's greatest journalists after this short break. and our own bags or head there. for the future but so. far get. everything you. just said the commission did. not occur to. them in a few years ago not because. they are just as from. god since we. need. to mean don't hate. this kid or to. think of. any. kind of system different from being an equal. in this
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sentiment our names and. always be polite never engage with the negative a good or constitutional. don't get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich. you've got 2 eyes and ears and one mouth. so you should be seen here and a whole lot more than you're saying if you don't take that advice easy going to dig yourself.
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welcome back i'm still here with journalist filmmaker and friend of wiki leaks founder julian songe john pilger the guardian newspaper has referred to time and time again as a. buzz. and david lee david lee who was and trusted the. secret password to. some of the wiki leaks files and published it and they published a book that he and his been saying that julian assange manage or at least printing stories about being the problem because he didn't redact data from wiki leaks cables that were released that's in danger in people around the world what is meant for interrupting but what is coming through perhaps more powerfully than end of thing is that a song out of his way to protect in 4 months to redact.
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daniel ellsberg said he redacted 15000 files the distinguished investigative journalist nicky hague who worked with the sound on this said watched him taking the most extraordinary proportions with with with the material doesn't just paranoid one thing to redact so much i would suggest those who didn't redact perhaps are only of the side certainly not on a sondre side og known for for years the extent to which truly in the songe went to redact and tried to redact and work through the night to redact and couldn't and wasn't allowed to so much of this has come out in court and or to have been reported the one with the good you know the reporting about the guardian at the old bailey on its front page or perhaps the guardian has something to hide or even
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something to fear and do you think do you think there are many people that many publications that feel this way i mean this is who no one is having the guardian directly do don't go over the little i don't really want to concentrate the guardian's behavior through all this it's campaign of vilification against assad is the way they turned on the source they way they are because he wouldn't be part of the collusive club. has been a disgrace. they know it's been a disgrace the way they published articles like the one that said that trump provides a poll manifold. and russians visited a son but it never happened there's been no apology from the guardian i think.
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it's not just the gobby in there are many of the newspapers that a found some actually behave rather honorably i think i think it was good to hear from the investigative reporter. joining goods who was the investigations editor i think spiegel in germany. he spoke very clearly he also refuted the story that was sawn which was in the hopping liebl there's a son she. had had had said that. it was quite a good thing that some of these informants while home goods harding and lee were not at this dinner i put so songe was meant to have said this but john good's was and he said and said a son said nothing of the kind now judge parade. wouldn't allow goods to actually
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out of those woods in court she cut him off. because of time well because i think the reason i sang corrected but i think the reason was that these words actually weren't in his written statement but he was telling the truth well we invite hiding and then it's of the god you know on to explain its behavior i'm sure they'll deny completely in the secret agenda it has me said the joe biden the democrat contender full the presidency united states says judy the sound was it was like a high tech terrorist he called him a cyber terrorist yes. well what would you expect. a maiden trump biden. jumps on the rego visine doesn't know anything about wiki leaks it's not my thing i know there is something having to do with julian is
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a who's who knows what trump knows about who knows what he says is true that minute it changes the next. i do know that what came out very clearly from these few days from story these few weeks in court was that. a son of his own trial for journalism. and the many other journalists have done exactly what he did and that is publish. the. iraq and afghanistan war diaries. one website published it well before even wiki leaks the guardian published the prosecutions and you know we timed the prosecution did we can he says more reach even if we keep expose them later. but they they all published the same thing
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and the. the 917 espionage act 103 years ago which has never been used against a journalist because in the united states the journalist and free journalism is meant to be protected by the constitution this is the 1st time. he's been it's been used the 1st time. and in my view if they get away with this if they send a sondre across the atlantic it won't be the last time it will be the beginning who will be next. you did detect someone hopefully some kind of change in the last 2 days of this 4 week hearing at the old bailey can you tell me a little bit about. my sense was that british
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justice has been so trashed by this trial unfold the so-called case management proceedings before it that an innocent man a man whose only crime has been biol infringement for which he received an unheard of sentence of almost a year in a maximum security prison with murderers and convicted terrorists. my sense is. they may feel it's going to be too far because everyone going into that court lawyers those of us who have been in many courts around the world. can no longer poured the 2 words british and justice together. there hasn't been due process in this court that has been due revenge.
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now certainly in the last few days there are periods the heads appeared to be a loosening up allowing of for instance the the the defense and prosecution are allowed a whole month to make there are they closing statements but still they come make them they can argue them in court they can only make them on paper. and judge parade's who will give a decision on the 4th of january on the stand. but the whole dreadful drama. and the the ogling against the. what professor mills mills of the u.n. reporter on torture has cooled to arguing against the very fact the obvious fact
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of the psychological torture of these journalist and publish publish who told us about war crimes he told us about war crimes he told us about how governments lies. that's journalism has been recall sed literally has espionage not espionage in the country you come from or even the country you publish from this country but in another country the united states what has gone is solvent today that american jurisdiction can cross any ocean and reach into any country any journalist just imagine to reverse it. china during the china with its own equivalent of sound case russia can you imagine the outrage it would never
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happen i mean obviously he's in australian citizen you were born in australia if he's extradited to have a genius who had to face 175 year sentence if found guilty i mean would you be able to be a journalist and he will. own pain of body. anymore i don't. so i don't wish to give a frivolous sciences that's what i do and i regard it as a constant privilege but if so he is very likely to cause if it's always gave you information that pertained as we have as a curiosity i would try and find somewhere where he published i doubt whether these days whether a newspaper would do it yes it does make he has a live let's put it all civil service and just done what the best journalists have done and. they will move they've they've they've come into court to.
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you know people like nicky hogger and and and all those of coming to court patrick open to talk about journalism. but let's say that this is you know going underground of these extra spirits it really because obviously we publicize it and governing all of this i've got to ask you then given that it's a month now for that evidence then it's the decision by breakthrough in january for 2021 and then perhaps an appeal to the high court and so what how given that we now know about smuggled in razor blades into belmarsh prison by julian is it the suicide risk that he presents can he can he last i don't know i can't speculate on that. i point ever i've seen julian in belmont i mean when i 1st went to see him off to he was.
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he was thrown out of the ecuadorian embassy one of the 1st things he said was. i think i'm losing my mind and i found myself reassuring him that he wasn't his resilience is absolutely astonishing and that he and that includes courage of course. about what we did look good and i have to say me. that some of the despair. the punishment has worked on him but some of the despair that he has had to endure during this. i think if he's freed you will recover he is a strong personality he's a political prisoner political prisoners as they they knew on robben island and so many other places. can recover perhaps not everything but the substantial
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part of them because they there for a principle one of the things that's always been neglected about wiki leaks is that it's stuff and with a a rather moral way and that the politicians should be accountable. that's that they should in a democracy they should be accountable to us i know he felt that very passionately right from the beginning. so he has that he feels strongly about that. but it's been 10 need is all of incarceration of one convert. and this last year or this loss. whatever dues 15 months in this dreadful place belmont has
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just been horrendous. it's it's just in the land of magna carta. what a what a shame. thank you and then he was being disturbed by the issues maybe ordering ad a british prison he hadn't gone to the samaritans the numbers down here that's it for the show will be back on monday 34 years to the day the world came to know about israel's alleged nuclear weapons for mordechai vanunu would be kidnapped in london's west square in amman said honey trouble breaking before solitary imprisonment there was a book and still not talk freely to the media until then keep in touch via your twitter facebook instagram and sound. everybody's reaching for that you have political power and so as it goes on sticky and i mean it's a russia and i think the resolution of this is there's going to be a gnostic war that's going to go on for maybe months as john in an already rejected
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it's. almost goes off to mediate because the fighting is too early on that people are now battling to see what territory they can get and i think when the fighting settles down and the lines are drawn and people realize that they're not going to move forward or backwards then they're going to turn to the other players in. my name with 2nd face on the media mr jackson or did i see just a. little bit on you know even. when you know we've got to get it. down because of. the movie.
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deal will not cease pizza box and i use that down to teach to make it any day. you know food trucks used to people. who knew clubs who falls in clubs because the clubs didn't he. said if the. music that. i love to dance because he makes me happy i love these guys because he meets me copy plane flew to fly. and when he. was in love with her.
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i doubt. that. he. was. the. first strikes destroy a hospital in residential buildings in the disputed region of nagorno-karabakh or to reports from the ground as hostilities between armenia and azerbaijan continued for a 7th day. was very sobering would have to leave he has been like this all day. all 3 border and i'd certainly been main conflict zone one telling us reportedly had by around 2000 shelves and i must rate. also ahead of the. virus infections had record numbers and from reports suggest the government could enforce a nationwide shutdown on restaurants museums from monday.
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