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tv   Boom Bust  RT  October 6, 2020 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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nuclear become a battleground in the u.s. in vermont people love demanding the shutdown of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous oh no claire power plant the owner is attempting to run the risk to beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where's it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or powerline with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real ways though a struggle all naughty. the world is driven by shaped by the curse of those. in.
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the day there's things. we dare to ask. this of both of us the one business show you can't afford to mess i'm fair minded fair fair and washington coming up markets are reacting to find other trends health is improving and his tweet just hours ago as well as hoped for more simulate we have a panel fanning by the airline industry and hoping for another thing we'll fail out but will the industry both passenger confident after administering. overbanked team
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tests have a lot to get started. internal documents reviewed by bloomberg show exxon mobil is planning to increase annual carbon dioxide emissions the documents revealed exxon's output will be the size of the entire country of greece in a statement exxon said these projections are an early assessment that does not include additional mitigation and abatement measures that would have been considered the next step in the process adding the same planning document illustrates how we have been successful in mitigating emissions in the past this comes as rivals b.p. p.l.c. and royal dutch are moving in the opposite direction this 2 to curb oil and 0 emissions the internal documents also show exons $210000000000.00 investment strategy yearly emissions it's expected to rise 17 percent by 2025. days after testing positive for
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a covert 19 president donald trump took to twitter and confirmed hill will be released from the walter reed medical center on monday evening stocks are still rising this as u.s. lawmakers seek to end the ongoing gridlock that has kept them from passing that 2nd stimulus package artie's rachel blevins now live from walter reed with the details rachel. yes sarah president trap is now saying that he feels better than he has in 20 years after just a few days of treatment here at the walter reed medical center now even though it is to be released monday night there are still concerns for his condition moving forward considering the fact that it has been less than a week since he was tested positive for cold but not seen now in the same way that we saw the markets react to his diagnosis last week for now also in memory once again to all of the optimism that is coming out of the white house as a result of that on monday the as you 500 was up 1.7 percent the nasdaq index climbed 2.2 percent and the dow jones and. average was up 1.6 percent and there's
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also been a lot of optimism surrounding democratic and republican lawmakers and whether they will finally be able to come together to put out yet another stimulus package now house speaker nancy pelosi is saying that progress is being made we know this week that the senate is expected to take a vote on a bill and they say the bill will include a $105000000000.00 for education $16000000000.00 for coven $1000.00 testing $31000000000.00 for vaccine development and $15000000000.00 for child care grants now it's not clear yet if that bill is going to be the magic one that passes and get support from both sides considering the fact that the numbers in it have been heavily criticized by democrats who say that republicans are doing the bare minimum for the american people now meanwhile out here at the walter reed medical center behind me you can see that there are crowds of supporters that are out here for president trump they've been out here every single day and on sunday he decided
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that he was going to join them in a way by taking part in a motorcade parade now president europe was seen in the backseat of a car wearing a mask and waving at his supporters and not move to a lot of criticism for many who questioned whether the secret service members involved were truly being taken care of and provided for and whether they were at risk as a result of those critics included in attending physician at walter reed who took to twitter to write every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary presidential drive by just now has to be quarantined for 14 days they might get sick they may die for political theater commanded by trying to put their lives at risk for theater this is insanity now we're just a few weeks from election day here and we do see trump really trying to show strength in the face of this coded 1000 diagnosis and we know that we will continue to see mounting pressure surrounding both his health and whether or not lawmakers are going to be able to come together to pass this do. package anytime soon
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reporting from outside walter reed great job of an art scene. from our we are turning to the partner and director of trading at research and education for market gave dot com michelle schneider and euro pacific capital c.e.o. peter schiff michelle let's start with you both the united states and global stark's stocks that they are reacting to trump's improving health condition now leaving the hospital on expectations also that washington will reach a deal a stimulus deal what do you expect to go on this week. well 1st of all nice to see you again sara one of the it's very interesting is we have to sort of break the stock market down into different pockets so what we're really getting the most today in terms of the sectors was the biotechnology space and that has really very little to do with the stimulus and a lot to do with how quickly trump at least has perceived to gotten over the symptoms and of course we know part of it was the cocktail that he's receiving
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using part of the to regenerate on drugs but he's had other drugs as well so the hope and incentive occasion for the drug companies to continue with symptoms that they can deal with and vaccines is very strong and that really helped the market as well as that whole biotech space as far as the rest of the market trumps health may have had not as much to do with it as not only do the hope of the stimulus but also sort of banking on potentially a biden way and is what the market looks like it's reacting to because starting friday even though the markets swooned with the announcement of trump being l. the small caps the transportation and the retail sector what we like to look at as the real inside of the u.s. economy actually will close green and those gains continued again with even though the nasdaq in the spying the dow closing up the idea of the un which is the russell 2000 closing up even stronger so yes there's part hope on stimulus there is. part
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obviously good news about getting better and of course proving to people that maybe it's not as scary which is the message she wants to deliver and then you're also part of the polls in the i didn't win and what that means for the overall economy going forward well it's interesting because the polls had hillary clinton winning 2016 so a lot of people skeptical to even believe the polls at this time peter you've been very doubtful that another round will get done before elections where less than a month away from them has that viewpoint changed or do you still think the market is bubbling up on this false hope. well it's certainly possible that we can get another round of so-called stimulus but none of this stimulus actually helps the underlying economy and it doesn't do anything to increase productive output of the economy it does stimulate the markets and makes stock prices go up so clearly there is interest for that but that doesn't help the actual
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economy all it does is the base the value of our money we very well may get another one of these phony stimulus is before the election but i think the prospect of a biden victory is decisively negative for both the economy and the stock market the only silver lining in that cloud from the perspective of the stock market is since the economy will be so much weaker underbite in that the fed will be called on the do even more monetary stimulus so they'll be a lot more inflation create a lot more money printing in a biden ministration at a trumpet ministration although we're going to get a lot of both regardless of the outcome but will probably have even more of a if if biden wins than trump and so that could provide more fuel for the stock market bubble but remember taxes on corporate earnings are going to rise substantially not only at the corporate level but on the individual level because corporations are subject to double taxation so we're. talking about massive
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increases on corporate taxes effective tax rate that substantially reduces the value of those corporations so it's going to take a massive amount of air to blow up a bigger bubble given that the fundamental value of stocks will be so much lower on or biden that would be the case under trump well michelle you mentioned at the the election coming up and that the markets are reacting to the polls in a possible biden victory but we're weeks away from that election and much like peter just mentioned wall street is going to to possibly see these higher taxes and even tighter regulations now others are saying much like peter also said the fiscal stimulus there would be more of it under under biden and that would sort of help stocks what do you think. well i think it's really difficult to make any kind of assumptions of what's going to happen and who's going to win but i do believe we can look at the market right now and as of right now with wyden ahead in the polls whether it's a real or
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a mirage and given the fact that it's no secret that corporate taxes will go up as i said the u.s. economy in terms of what we're looking at in terms of the small caps which is the manufacturing within the united states it's not these large corporations transportation which of course is the demand side of the economy how goods are moving and retail based on the fact that we are a consumer based economy given it's a huge percentage of our g.d.p. all have rallied over the last 2 days could it just be sort of a rotation after there was too much money in this in the tech sector in that sector and that's come on it's possible that all reverse biden actually wins and also possible but i think there's one other thing too that it really doesn't matter one thing i actually totally agree with peter on is about inflation if the dollar track continues the way it's going which it's been going south and the fact that there's been so much shorter just terms of food was supply chain disruption climate change whether you want to use that term or not it just is
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a fact that. the food is the shortage around the world right now china actually has employed a clean slate rule now where half portions are being given at restaurants this will create a possible inflation which could turn into a stagflation which means both the democrats and republicans will have very little tools to be able to do to avoid that so the dollar is something that i would keep the very the guys on right now no matter who wins well seeing the dollar peter we just saw a rise in gold prices on a weaker dollar right now there's been this long term cycle where gold actually tends to bottom out every 8 years or so i believe the last low we saw was in 2016 so we won't really see one or the next one until 2024 does that mean it's only going to remain going up from here. why the gold is now building a new basis of chord around the old all time record high we know we got up to 1900 back in 2011 and then gold sold off and pulled back down to earth 1000 but now
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we've really broken through those highs and i think once we finish building this new base of support gold is going significantly higher and yes in that same environment the us dollar is going to lose a lot of value not just in terms of gold where we'll lose the most value but in terms of a lot of other currencies that will lose less value than the dollar and so that does mean the cost of living in the united states is going way up and so you know people who are staying at home and who are living off of government checks those checks are not going to buy nearly as much because the price of everything they need to live is going to be getting higher and higher and higher so the value of those benefits is going to go lower and lower until ultimately if we completely destroy the value of the dollar and we have hyperinflation then none of that matters it doesn't matter how much money the government says you if you can't buy anything with it so matter how much money the government sends you or what party that money either way we're looking at a lose lose situation here michelle snyder director of training education and
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research at market gauge dot com and peter schiff of pacific capital thank you both so much for your time today. thank you or your. u.s. airline industry is looking to test passengers for covert 19 and hopes of bringing life back into the actual in the street well since a crown of iris emerged air travel has dropped by 70 percent in the u.s. and from believe testing might help people gain that confidence to fly once again artie's alex mahela todd the story with hundreds of planes grounded. u.s. airlines are hoping to take off once again by implementing a new coronavirus strategy the industry is planning to make over $900.00 tests available for passengers before they board flights airlines including united american alaskan and jet blue have announced programs which will offer mail in tests that will be sent to passengers homes or rapid tests at airports hopes are by
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implementing testing passengers would feel more confident to fly while lifting the need for travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines in the states many are seeing this as a possible lifeline for the airline industry which has been ravaged by the coronavirus september 30th was the last day of a $25000000000.00 federal bailout package which assisted with payrolls in the industry and the airlines were hoping to see a new pandemic plan take effect last week the republicans are blaming the democrats for the lack of action which just days ago caused the fertile of more than 32000 jobs combined at united and american airlines nancy pelosi has said numerous times that she would keep us here to get it done that was in july. she made his way all summer but who did she really make way small businesses that have now declared bankruptcy are those people that are employed by them there are now
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out of work for those at their unemployment do not get the extra benefit or what about the airlines could she not see past politics for once politics aside it is estimated that the u.s. airline industry supports approximately 10000000 jobs and accounts for 1.7 trillion in u.s. g.d.p. . while not necessarily a solution the idea of using covert 900 testing as a way to boost the airline industry is not new and has become commonplace in some countries for months france germany and iceland were among the 1st countries to announce covert $900.00 testing for passengers their airports in russia a diagnostic test is being offered at one of moscow's biggest international airports with results being returned within an hour and talking about russia that country and finland have kicked things up to another notch by introducing man's best friend into the mix finland has already deployed dogs in helsinki's
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international airport to sniff out those with covert 1000 in less than a minute at a 94 percent accuracy rate according to some studies while in russia dogs are still in training live with the rickover we have 2015 were in dog i believe will have the 1st read all of them by december concurrently there is not a single test that offers 100 percent accuracy the rate at which the tests fail to detect the virus in a person who is actually infected known as a false negative rate ranges from 2 percent to 50 percent depending on the test never mind the concern for false positive results at the facts that people who are tested a few days in advance have time to catch the virus before flying and that testing is optional it is obvious that the danger of catching corona virus on a flight is not gone in addition the tests are pricey in the us they cost between $80.00 and $250.00 while some health experts hope that a quick and accurate test will be made available at airports in the future for now
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they believe that even if all passengers on a plane are tested masks and physical distancing should still be recommended the latter being quite difficult in a plane full of people for boom bust i'm alex mileage. prime now for a quick break but fail here because the return young. going saga between the u.s. and to talk continues but there is a new twist on post the social media trick dead well discussed next and as we go to break here the numbers up close.
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was a pandemic no certainly no borders just blind to nationalities. summary . judgment commentary classes at least. we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is create to respond. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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this. american citizen that he didn't want to talk to. and attack the other. guy and. i would vote for a republican i would vote for anyone not you think and how it would bring their defeat. the future yeah. yeah my 2nd wife. she could handle it. all she and i divorce because our trouble is what the president and i floated for him and she clenched and. when the ball is too important election. in our history list of the months to go before the next presidential election is the atmosphere in the us now. watch of the highest priority programs clearly they vote they do next. just some of the
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questions we put in there. a new twist in the ongoing saga between the united states government and social media company to talk new reports indicate that talk hired a former chinese diplomat to oversee its global content policy unit which decided what content should be allowed on the short form video up that former diplomat. worked in china's embassy in iran for 4 years prior to taking up that role with tic toc. a post he held until early this year joining us now to discuss are bloomberg
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host for c.i. and ben so on it christy give us some more background on then and why this news could affect the relationship between the united states and tick tock well i think 1st of all this headline is being blown way out of proportion the fact that the administration wants so badly to somehow be able to tie tech talk to the chinese government that is now trying to pin everything on the face of one man that this one man somehow symbolizes all of beijing's influences and all of the c.p.s. ideology so that's just plain ridiculous and that's pure association fallacy where you think is a is b. and b. is c. then therefore all of b. is c. so 1st of all like these are very sensationalist headlines that we're looking at calling him a high ranking member of high ranking former chinese diplomats touting that he was a really big deal and i mean if we look at the facts most many people work at the embassy and right now he is just another suit because he just worked at
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a chinese embassy in tehran for 4 years those are all the fact that we actually know so the fact that it was his job is not any proof of closeness to beijing and there's no direct evidence that thai influenced any decisions on behalf of beijing during his time at tic toc so and then let's look at what he actually did he wrote guidelines for what videos were acceptable on tick tocks platform but also for other apps including hello which is a tool for networking at as well as the go video which was a video app so he was hired based on his previous experiences not because of its previous role in the public sector so right now that these headlines are coming out and made to sound like such a big deal it's going to be very troublesome for the relationship between the u.s. and tech talk going forward and frankly it makes it look like the u.s. is just grasping at straws at this point and sure to. talk has deleted and removed some of its content that are considered very controversial which has resulted in
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some outrage and apologies but how is that different from any other us apps we have instagram removing all the cannabis related posts all of the time facebook they shadow ban content lots of political content as ben is all too familiar with if not outright moving that and then we also have apple which they sometimes just remove your app from the app store without notification it removed numerous blocking wallets numerous dabs on device currency mining and many many more well then christie is making a point here and i thought the claims against tick-tock word regard to an issue of security a national security issue that we're looking at but this is obviously about a different issue this is about content and more about censorship right. yeah this is about change the subject right originally the subject was it was all about debt is your data 'd secure it is to talk sharing that data with the chinese government that was what we have been hearing now all of a sudden this claim is christie said is based upon one person saying well because
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he worked in the chinese embassy he has a direct tie to the chinese communist party and therefore he has this huge threat now here's the thing you know there are accusations that tick talk has since sort of removed posts that are critical of the chinese handling of the week is obviously a very big issue and it's definitely it is worth a discussion and it's worth looking at whether or not to call to talk has been doing that whether it's the result of this guy or someone else if ticked off because then that is a problem but my frustration is that's not the conversation we're having the conversation the u.s. is not having is not one where they say that social media companies need to be sincere free platforms they don't believe that at all in fact the u.s. government encourages censorship of content they encourage facebook and instagram and you tube and google and apple as christine was saying his sins are all kinds of content but look at mark zuckerberg just as an example saying that within 2 weeks of the election they won't even allow political posts we posed that all right how is that not election interference 2 weeks before an election you're not going to
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allow any content to be placed there google coming out and saying that any leaked documents that come from company into things like wiki leaks would be banned from their platforms and if anyone puts them up on youtube any information from leaked documents you'll have your account removed so it's not about the u.s. taking a stand and saying we believe in sincere ship free platforms they're saying we want to control censorship on those platforms and we're going to accuse the chinese of doing the very same thing that we are encouraging right here in the united states every day a completely different subject much like like you're saying than christiane to turn to to chinese chip makers semiconductor manufacturing international corp arsenic and they've taken that preliminary exchanges with the u.s. bureau of industry and security regarding some export risk. actions is there any chance that they'll see the us back off some of those attacks the they're now facing no i think it's going to be foolishly optimistic for smith to think that there will be any backing off or reconciliation at this point since both china and
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the us have made clear that the decoupling is now in full effect and both sides are determined now to be very self-reliant so to think that they will be treated any differently or with any less hostility than take talk on huawei that's basically burying its head in the sand and ignoring all the warning signs of its predecessors so both. they've denied any allegations of ties to the chinese government and the fact that there has been no evidence never deterred the u.s. from these accusations but this administration right now they've brought in the term of national security way beyond that of any previous administration when it comes to china right now national security is defined as data basically all data all chinese tag is apparently suspect according to this administration so while smic they're still playing ball with the u.s. and jumping through all the hoops set out before them in order to obtain these special licenses in order to continue to use u.s. parts it knows that these days are quite numbered at this point and the u.s.
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has ceased to become a reliable trading partner so earlier this year smic raised a $6600000000.00 in a listing on the star exchange in order to fill up its war chest and kick start the manufacturing industry and more advanced technology sounds a little too familiar here we saw this play with with wall way not too long ago and that fight continues while boom bust co-host christine and so on thank you for your time today and for helping break this down. that's all for now you can catch boom bust on the man on the portable t.v.'s available for your apple and android devices or simply talk about it portable dot t.v. we'll see an actor. as the u.s. economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. you can work 40
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hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it we're not financially equality and the lack of affordable housing for a living minimum wage of many people no choice. just been a problem with the city and all those turn returned told to stay away almost. requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops. the united states economy resembles to a large degree the economies of countries that the united states typically makes fun of you know the u.s. or the united nations will send aid and they'll send money to countries like say in africa for example not big on africa but it does happen where the money never gets
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distributed it just ends up the to leaders of that particular country and then they become fabulously wealthy. thank. you. in the morning headlines and choose day of president. sunday's parliamentary election results from the weekend spot must run. for president and prime minister of the central asian states been released from jail the chaos with the parliament building set on fire late is coming up. elsewhere the former coronavirus new york city sees another wave of infections the authorities are rolling out new restrictions starting with the decision to shut down the city's schools.


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