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tv   Keiser Report  RT  October 6, 2020 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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ality. the world is driven by a dream shaped by our own person. thinks . we dare to ask. one of those silly jobs law about the vilest of all the i'll just.
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keep on going to one mic i want to quiet while you know who the hell out of the. clearly hope will be but there are here are some friends that the us are still soul but the soul feel hoping to do something this year. which. shows lost. they value about them as the article simple allaah told him i was able to put them on the that you double tap. on. i am max keiser this is the kaiser report 1st of all a big thank you to our t.v.
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espanol one of our shows and our all our shows are dubbed into spanish has over a 1000000 views just from last week oh my god that's a credible now for everybody out there lost to follow max astacio telegram we have our own telegraph group at. the forward slash orangeville thousands of people are in there from dozens of countries talking about how fabulous. everything is for us in this group up up up up oh boy stacey of course you know the good thing about many of our spanish speaking viewers oh in places like argentina and uruguay and brazil you know it's a little bit warm down there it's heading into their warm season i guess brazil's always warm but and day yeah but see i know that because it's the title of adapt oh bobby airy album from the seventy's that i used to listen to cali and they see c.c. anyway yes thank you for our t.n.f.
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i know actually 80 dad you know we like the news and spanish and we thank you for tuning in but you know we're going to talk about because you know there's not that much exciting stuff happening in the booth there who play well i found this story interesting just the headline you could tell where it's all going the 2.2 trillion dollar coronavirus relief package passed by the house and clues a complete ban on even and foreclosure filings for the next 12 months it only passed the house of representatives that doesn't look yet like it might ever pass the senate but nevertheless they're thinking of a ban on foreclosures for the next 12 months there's a big issue in terms of the properties that will no longer be playing rent of course means that the landlords who are equally in financial straits will not be able to pay back loans to the banks and the banks are equal financial straits and
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they will not be able to service their portfolio meaning that central bank would have to bail them out but the central bank is already completely constrained with their ability to bail out the system anymore after been bailing out the system nonstop for 12 years as you know watching this show so this is just another piece of the sinking of the global financial titanic they hit the iceberg in 2008 there's an actual video on you tube. by the way they've got a real time of the sinking of the titanic all 2 hours and 25 minutes of it. and you know you notice that there really that big time sinking of the titanic doesn't happen until the last 2025 minutes you know that's where red now the beginning of the end. right well that is what we have been doing here for the past 11 years on kai's report looking at the sinking of the central bank fee titanic and here is the headline along the same lines where we're looking at you know the threat of
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a ban on a veteran of foreclosures well on the one hand you're saying well you know blackstone is now the harshest private landlord in america. for them but you know on the other hand the fed has their back has blackstone's back they get to dump their bad debts like all these foreclosures that aren't allowed to happen and blackstone is the largest private land they'll be able to dump it on the fed's balance sheet so you know schwartzman at blacks and will never have to pay for this but the small landlords will pay for that here we're looking at the difference between the big and the small why we have the rising wealth and income gap and looks like the fed is starting to notice this and their answer is what the people have been demanding essential a m.m.t. modern monetary theory that if you could print money for the for the banks why not for us and i want to add that one of our 1st episodes ever the 1st 5 episodes a kaiser report we spoke to steve kean in 2009 and he said that we should have
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quantitative easing for the people rather than for the banks and this is what it looks like the fed is going to get ready to do what's behind the fed's project to send free money to people directly so on september 23rd cleveland fed president had a master spoken cheap basically flag that something called the central bank digital currency is coming and because the fed their system that they're building could be faster than congress or the i.r.s. which has taken some people still haven't received their i.r.s. to me less checks of $1200.00 for example so basically what she's saying is that all residents americans you know green card holders could get an account at the fed and within a few seconds she would be credited with this and you can transfer it to buy an app because. a lot of people don't have banking accounts so but wolf richter here at street dot com does. the breakdown of what's been happening because obviously we've seen especially since 2008 the fed has been buying all those assets from the likes
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of blackstone and pumping as asset prices so property and equity prices bond prices everything so had we use just from march during this pandemic when we spent the fed has issued 3 trillion dollars in credit there are about $210000000.00 adults in the u.s. that the fed decided to throw 3 trillion not at the markets as it has done since march but add americans directly it would translate into a lump sum payment of about $14000.00 for each adult so a household of 2 adults would get $28000.00 whether this household is made up of a couple living in a tent or couple shuttling between their mansions with billions of dollars in assets what this all means is that the united states economy resembles to a large degree the economies of countries that the united states typically makes fun of you know the u.s. or the united nations will send aid and they'll send money to countries let's say in africa for example not to pick on africa but it does happen where the money
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never gets distributed it just ends up the leaders of that particular country and then they become fabulously wealthy here in america this idea of printing money and distributing it it doesn't work because the potentates and the kings in america like jamie diamond keep it and we know this to be provably accurate because look at the money velocity number it goes straight down to 0 because jamie dimon and his friends on wall street keep the money in they buy you know huge chalets in the hamptons so america and some dysfunctional after country are almost exactly the same in this regard now here's the problem with understanding by the central planners in america. the system is corrupt and they need to go directly to the people with these checks and what this money is that this will mean the end of asset price inflation and the beginning of consumer price inflation in a big way that'll be out of control which means that the u.s.
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dollar now like the last 20 minutes on the titanic so might just described is about to go belly up so speaking up belly up who we're going to look at some seventy's style sort of place and looking like it's coming but i just want to quickly wrap up on the fed story is like when the congress agrees to issue a stimulus check they have to go to the market and borrow they have to issue a u.s. treasury bond here the fed what they're going to do with this is just a credit people you know they're not the borrow it they just can put it on their balance sheet to different size of their balance sheet so it's going to be like a magical money well this is the point is that up until now there's been this economic theory that this money printing is immunised yes in some way that doesn't cause dislocation and but now they realize that they did cause a massive asset bubble dislocation and massive wealth and income disparity and social unrest so they have to jump into this crazy scheme of pumping cash directly
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that's not offset in any way and that's going to cause c.p.i. inflation in a real way which is going to put the kybosh totally on the dollar well we're going to look at 2 little things here a char and a response to what's going on because of interest rates interesting chart things haven't been this bad for savers since the seventy's so this is a chart from j.p. morgan interest rates and inflation nominal and real 10 year treasury yields and as you see there real yields on basically we have negative in the u.s. now just as we did back in the seventy's when inflation was really high interest rates were high and rising and of course paul volcker ended up taking them to 20 percent. drawing inflation but we're seeing that savers are losing money and if it's if you're having negative influence and rates here real rates then you're losing money on your savings and i want to show you this interesting response to it because this is what we've been talking about especially you've been talking about
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the fed is causing deflation and i says it creates a very negative feedback loop in the economy this guy wrote with reef this low likely forever consumers have to save $5.00 to $8.00 times more in order to retire which means higher savings lower spending lower g.d.p. debt don't deflate they inflate causing a spiral downwards right just a few years ago you had a $1000000.00 in retirement you get $50000.00 a year in income now you've got to get $25.00 to $30000000.00 in retirement to get the same kind of income in retirement and so it's again using my titanic metaphor it's a little liquidity is great if it's coming in the taps and you're using it to mix cocktails in the 1st class lounge but if there's a gash in the hall it is pouring in in the boat is sinking then that's not a good that's too much liquidity so the fed using what they call the greenspan put
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became the bernanke he put the yellen put the jay powell put this need to bail out wall street at every moment of every day has gashed the hall of us titanic and now it's sinking because of all that money printing and no matter how much you try to belt out with your little little dinky pail of policy it's still torah really coming in and people are dying and that's the way we're we're at the last 20 minutes of the sinking it's a great film watch it yeah and you would have thought like they could have been set of issuing all these trillions to wall street and now they're like oh ok we've left the ordinary person out for the last 20 years let's give them some money in the last 20 minutes like save some women and children sort of thing they could have just used all this free. money as these last days of the exorbitant privilege and at least built from infrastructure right because look at china seems to know that this whole thing is going to blow up and what have they been doing with this fake money while well where it just like i don't know consuming their tick tock sort of
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videos is they've been building infrastructure right preparing for whatever happens next after this whole fed derivate derived sort of free money for wall street and now m.m.t. for the people like. like we could have done something pretty something real for it i mean you said new york city right i just saw that a an apartment on 28th street near the high line was listed at 50000000 sold for 20000000 so all that building up of these flats by that top banker class up to the 304050 1000000 now it's all resolving back to its median of getting closer to where not much at all is the last 20 minutes or so are the telegram to is teed. forward slash pill that's where you find max of say 247 words or 247247 right there and we're going to be back after this message so don't go away.
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but the pandemic knows that you know blood is just blind to nationalities. those are. the facts. to be. judged as commentary prices. we can do better we should be. everyone is contributing. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together.
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join me every photo stream on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser a time out to go to be honest sis welcome back i spend a lot it has been max thanks for having me back always a pleasure now you have written a 5 part series entitled when the world market itself as fake economic value loses any real meaning now go over the big picture thesis here on what's happening
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to our economy and how we see that spilling over now into politics this place what's happening is it's being hollowed out for a long time now the notion of value has been moved from the blood sweat and tears of people caught in which is where real value comes from creativity and effort and participation and and it is moved progressively from bat to assignments of value which are parasitically and predatorial siphoning off real value which is creativity and real effort and real labor into instruments which are essentially symbolic assignments or they capture that value in symbolic ways and then use that to replace actual value and as more and more of that gets siphoned off. as you saw you know early early seventy's a one middle class job full time could support a family could support cars could support it in college and now you have 2 people
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working full time and you can't support any of those things that this point you're in total debt up to your ears so one has to ask the question what happened in that time and what happened was increasingly mechanisms economic world economic mechanisms started to favor a financial frankly lazy elite that saw much gold mine and basically mining people's own effort and mining people's own creativity and it was only accentuated by these platforms that allow people essentially to be the fodder and i just saw a movie called social dilemma in which they said that when you are honest so some media networks since this quote free you are the product and you're being sold to advertisers and that is a i think a great encapsulation not only in terms of the way that we've been ripped off and our efforts and our creativity but in the way we're now being used simply
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a spotter and data for greater greater concentration well there's 2 main planks to this thesis as i understand what you're outlining here so 1st you're saying that the value of stuff itself has been hollowed out and it no longer represents i believe you said labor creativity effort and participation that's one side of the equation then on the other side of the equation we have people trading on various platforms items that have more symbolic value than actual value we know we live in this age of names for example and mean savin credible value apparently a meme a pep a the frog had a big impact on 2016 election i just saw that one of these very popular. pop or k. pop bands is going public at a multi-billion dollar valuation tesla stock is mostly a meme it's an idea there's no real yeah they're there and they're just trading you
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know it's symbols and ideas so then the but but but we still live in a whirl governed by economic forces supply demand and we still are economic animals and social animals and you did mention there that value kind of comes of labor and a lot of people would suggest that value is is subjective it's completely subjective so on one hand i see what you're what you're saying here but on the other hand. if in fact humans decide that me miss our currency and have value it's not completely outside of what we've been doing now for hundreds of thousands of years in our track as a species towards some form of virtual reality it seems this is the
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interesting thing is kind of come full circle. the most interesting thing about this whole covert shutdown. at least anecdotally and done some research on this it seems like it goes beyond mere anecdote is that when people were quote unquote forced into their homes to actually sleep to actually binge watch to actually be closed off of these associations churches sporting events and distractions and so forth there is a weird rediscovery of the fact that wait a minute we are being used wait a minute we are being way over charged and exhausted wait a minute there's no end to this treadmill so an interesting form of value came about and that was the value of rest i thought people walking on the street on the road we live out in the country finally people are starting to come out doris instead of just spending all day indoors watching football or something like that so what's happening is yes and while on one hand like you say our lives are
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becoming more virtual you can like things and you think that you've actually done something when you really have it and that free it's a perceptual value for you that you've actually done something even though you actually have not but we've also found a kind of weird opening for opportunity here where people realize they're the ones who create the system and they don't have to agree to it when they stay home you know that that's what really shifted the whole thing with the oil market into the negative territory that where the future is is because people were at home and that also showed us something else that our demand creates the power and the value for those people when you have been that demand isn't there their value can sink to the negative territory so i think it's a mixture right now it's a mixture of real reality based it's a mixture of virtuality and this new emerging thing which is beginning to see not material goods and what i call relationship capital as emerging values where rest
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becomes important health becomes important and these are starting to emerge a. values as well none of these necessarily are compatible they have a conversation and even a quarrel but it's an interesting and fertile time right now i believe one a term that you use weaving in into your essays and it's a brilliant 5 part series i suggest everyone take take a look at it is the term nihilism so that year or year you use that term and explain how you weave that into your essay i mean i listened to me simply means if you followed it you would see a logical extent where would it end right it would end up in nothing or it end up in anti matter right so if we're going to follow this program of hyper concentration of wealth and the hands of fewer and fewer people 'd what's going to happen to our freedom what's going to happen to our creativity what's going to happen to our already of life all these things we truly do value and become values
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so if you follow where we're going right now we end in white nihilism you know it cannot know isn't meant to certain extent existential nihilism you know from a philosophic standpoint it's like we're valued simply becomes us being slaves to somebody else notion of getting another number on their balance sheet that's not the kind of future i want to have to guess the future you want to have so the nihilism term i think is a bit of a warming warning as well as a descriptor of where we're heading if we continue along this so in the case of j.p. morgan who we talked about on the show often jamie diamond had set up that bank they recently agreed to pay a $1000000000.00 fine they voided criminal racketeering charges for rigging precious metals markets for over a decade they were reportedly are earning 200 $50000000.00 annually in profits on their gold price raking so look dress like they returned under half of the money they stole so you would put the sun in the category of existential nihilism says
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absolutely i mean the film dark waters are just. came out in the last year showdown i think it was you caught it wasn't i think with the pot with the company that made teflon ended up playing out in class action suit over a period of decades the total amount was less than one year profit on that extruding the poisonous product that they were just dumping into the ground so if they can make it pennies on the dollar or even 10 you know tense of a penny on a dollars course are going to continue to do that and if there is no barrier to them continuing to accelerate that then they think they will and right now we know the politics are captured around this you know that central banks are willing you know clerks for this kind of saying everybody realizes reading you know into kind of an environmental armageddon and there was like shrugging his shoulders like well what can we do these people on the world now like well we can begin to resist and one of the things i say we can start to smartly understand our demand still matters
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we saw it with the oil crash and we can do it in other areas as well that the question of our demand still matters you know you could look at in terms of our brains in a virtual world are represent potential demand you know the ads have to be clipped by some entity and the virtual sphere the with me our brains so if we can effectively be gate keepers of our own minds and we can encrypt our own minds we would have an asset that would be worth something in a virtual nihilistic world so is my right i absolutely love that metaphor i think it's pitch perfect. well we saw all the troubles and the dilemma that there have now but i want. to say look at the implications of that look at the implications of that the implications of what you just said because i think it forms the basis for a really effective resistance our minds are not we've been taught that our minds
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there are for the service of others and i mean i don't mean that in the good sense of going out you know raising money for you know people that are poor whatever i'm talking about we're in our schools and our churches and so forth we're there to obey certain mandates that are passed out response be assimilated into that now to move into the virtual world and the corporatization of our culture that easily translates into like you said looking at ads and clicking on them and so forth if we begin to take back our own autonomy and realise we're actually sovereign individuals ok then we're going to and that we can essentially close the door encrypt our own the think if you will and have a conscious understanding of what we're doing rather than allowing herself to be unconsciously manipulated that's going to be an absolutely integral part of challenging this nihilist problem these days seem to be one of identity so there's a lot of groups out there whether it's black lives matter or the transsexual
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movement or other groups that are seeking recognition they are talking about identity and in a virtual world that issue becomes less of a factor because we can change our skin at will we can be identify whatever we want like a big a trans a woman in the morning and black lives matter person in the afternoon and you know we can swap and switch and identity becomes wholly owned by us and so that would be seemingly an advantage because it makes it difficult to be targeted by the kleptocrats and the and the nihilists yeah i think there is there there's i said i'd like the flexibility about it and i like the fact that we are. simply imprisoned within a concrete understanding of what my whiteness or male ness or whatever that happens to be so i like to create unity involved and that of course that can be misused you can speak for others or pretend you're others but what i do like about it is this notion of not simply being anchored to labels that have
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a history behind them that constrain what you do and start to look more into things like martin luther king said the color of your character versus the color of your skin now i happen to be a real advocate of diversity in it's real and live sats that is the notion that your ethnicity and your gender and stuff can influence and give great spice and labor to you but i don't think it should define you because if you just simply defines you it will constrain you so i agree with what you're saying there is a certain fluidity here that that can open up whole new possibilities only of frontiers for us getting out of our boxes and you know some danger there as well because we can become lost and distracted into jillion different avatars so we have to have some discipline and discernment in that process all right ok we're going to have a 2nd segment on this a skank to good service but thanks for being on this portion of the kaiser report ok thanks max and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser a par with me backs kaiser and stacy herbert thanks to our guest this yama niyama
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so if you want to catch us on telegram we've got a great group on telegram called our and tell podcast join it the next time buy a. seemed wrong. role just don't hold. any role yet to see how he's going to catch a cold and in danger because of the trail. when suddenly find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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breaking news this hour here in our reinforcements are heading into the battle between armenia and azerbaijan russia's intel chief says that mercenaries from terrorist organizations including. travelling to the conflicts meanwhile those rages on in the disputed region with dozens of civilians being killed on both sides international humanitarian organizations including the red cross are expressing alarm. we are seeing and hearing is that people. terrified and being forced to make really impossible decisions also to come this hour the former coronavirus hotspot new york city sees another wave of infections the authorities are.


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