tv News RT October 7, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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nothing but an excuse for sanctions russia reacts the global chemical weapons watchdog confirming germany's finding that. was poisoned with. its purpose is obvious denigrate russia with unsubstantiated accusations and thereby create a far fetched reason for introducing another tranche of sanctions against our country. meanwhile the former chief is barred from speaking at the un security council about a controversial probe into an alleged chemical attack in syria 2 years ago. europe's highest death toll on the country seeing a new surge of infections a health minister is praise for the government's handling of the crisis is called
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into question. and send in the vice squad. swearing off in a televised just over a week after the presidential showdown between trump and biden. live from moscow thanks for joining us than i do not international. welcome to the program. russia has this missed the findings of the global chemical weapons watchdog. which said a nerve agent was used to poison a high profile criminal critic. until you're given documents materials samples material evidence we will consider all that surrounds this incident an unbridled propaganda campaign of lies or simply put
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a low grade provocation its purpose is obvious denigrate russia with unsubstantiated accusations and thereby create a far fetched reason for introducing another tranche of sanctions against our country moscow says it still awaiting any response to its repeated requests that germany asking to be allowed to cooperate in the investigation not only fails severely ill a domestic flight in russia in late august he received emergency treatments in a city of almost before later being airlifted to germany for specialist care it was to conclude it had been poisoned with a nerve agents reporting from berlin is because a lot of. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has published its findings from samples they tested from alexei novelli the results won't come as too much of a surprise to many the o.p.c. w. found not the chalk was present those results in a detailed analysis were sent here to germany where berlin has been demanding
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answers from moscow but using o.p.c. w. findings as the foundation for allegations is unlikely to sit well in the russian capital it is in fact even tacit call story initiated at the behest in berlin by your atlantico allies together with the leadership of the technical secretary and of d o p c w it has continued in accordance with the pre-planned conspiracist scenario with the e.u. council set to meet next week to decide what their reaction to the navellier call will be the german government's demanding serious consequences for the use of a chemical weapon this o.p.c. w. reports could have far reaching ramifications peter all over r.t. early we're talking of ramifications france and germany have issued a joint statement saying they'll propose sanctions against key russian individuals later this week russia's foreign ministry is proud of the move unacceptable adding that instead of cooperating on the case germany and france have now turned to
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threats and blackmail. other o.p.c. w.'s in the spotlight for another reason as well the former head of the organization has been blocked from speaking at a un security council meeting kevin owen discussed that with correspondent taylor. what seems an irony for the u.n. which is of course the organization it's all about putting together international voices about discussing difficult topics it has bought a former chief. from speaking to the security council now we're talking about the star and he's a brazilian diplomatic he was in fact the foster director general of the chemical weapons what between 10072002 he's really a figure of a great authority he was invited by moscow to speak on the alleged chemical attack in the syrian city over duma back in 2018 but at the last minute he was essentially disinvited by among others the u.s. u.k. and france russia called this
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a shame they decided to post this johnny reading the speech he was scheduled to say and they said the following. what happened today unfortunately is yet another sign that western delegations are afraid of hearing the uncomfortable truth you want to silence objective facts that could destroy the picture you have painted of the atrocities of the syrian regime and the infield ability of the o.p.c. w.'s but it is already clear to everyone that it has little to do with reality i'm wondering if you understand what an unattractive light you know appear in the eyes of the international community in general what happened today is a shame and a disgrace so. this is what he said but what specifically is it that he said this ruffled these for the shoe thing when he was planning on discussing what numerous whistleblowers cool and o.p.c. w. cover up of those events in duma now just a quick recap of the images of civilians at the mouth washing out their eyes so
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much investigated and they officially blamed assad's government this of course that is the basis on which the u.s. u.k. and france conducted strikes but in the following months and indeed years after this a number of former employees came forward and they said we were part of this and. stations we were on the ground and what we saw doesn't support this official narrative what's even more sensational claim to start in fact any dissenting opinions or evidence was removed from the final report under pressure from the top this is a small snippet of what they say most of the do see reports on the incident the interim report in the final report was scientifically impoverished procedurally irregular and possibly fraudulent well let's hear exactly what was stanley said on all of that the serious questions are now being raised whether the independent impartiality and professionalism of some of the organisations work is being
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severely compromised possibly under pressure from some member states we've got lots of whether or not this is substance to the concerns raised about the perceived obvious behavior in the do more investigation hearing what your own inspectors have to say would be an important 1st step in mending you're going to say this is the reputation for bustani has previously paid the price for challenging official narratives and what was described by many as an offensive led by washington back in 2002 was dogged by allegations of mismanaging the w. it was already quite dramatic the u.s. representative in fact was booed and one of the sessions when he failed to provide documentary evidence to support that claim eventually though the u.s. prevailed he was removed from the post saying that he with his independent thought had angered a lot of people in washington that they wanted someone more specifically rumors
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swirled that his that he had somehow blocks the u.s. is tough stance on iraq while barring the story from speaking almost 2 decades after foreign him comes of course as the a.p.c. back in the spotlight is involved in this entire political saga regarding alexina vaal me with allegations now that the o.p.c. w. is were. holding information on his taste many cynics would point out that now of course would not have been a good time for an insider like the star me to reveal that in his i mean others experience i didn't is not treated secretly within the w. and in fact sometimes it doesn't correlate even with reality russian military expert igor nicole in believes there are still many questions over the whole. first of all we still don't know the exact substance used no one told us about it unfortunately clearly mr ray's inhibitors come in a wide range of substances all nerve agents have them as well as some medication or
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substance from the group and the chemical weapon called are 2 different things the substance can be mildly toxic as toxic gases die cruel verse that we use in daily life to kill in 6 months the difference there is for example a cocktail of alcohol that can be ignited and then there is a molotov cocktail that can even set tanks on fire the 2 the same but quite different forces. i think the results could have been falsified we don't know who did was with the bottle it is possible the bottle had been substituted we don't know that and there is no proof reminds me of the fake stories like with the white helmets in syria when some. bottles samples with so-called proof from the crime scenes and later it is found out someplace else. the next us election debate started in utah. and my parents are clashing in the
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vice presidential showdown the latest effort to convince voters the backyard of the democrats or republicans in the race for the white house was one quarter report some question if there's actually much difference between the 2 parties. name calling personal attacks emotional accusations american society is now so deeply polarized between these 2 figures donald trump and joe biden the 20 twentieth's election campaign is looking more like a political circus than anything i'm not here to call out his lies everybody knows he's a liar they'll never use the word smart with me they'll never use that word give me that because you know what there's nothing smart about you joe what do you she was an excuse well here's your number 2 he's put his puppy you are a senator and the worst with resumes america is ever. to get any word with this clown it's as if many people see this upcoming election as a showdown between good and evil if you like biden he's the country's only salvation from his racist fascist opponent but if you like trump only he can
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protect america's new greatness from his senile rifle it's like a reality t.v. show where actual policy is absent from the conversation the thing is though if you can get past the rhetoric and the emotion is there really any difference between them the difference between right and you know my early experience did you think because there you go far enough away. from the other. government experience. i don't do it for it has a near 0.03 just like the work of one. where you know i might have some issues but most is your party let me see has a post consistent framework for you to go 6. thank you. for being. here is the difference between life that
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the hard times community and the. party cedarburg. my dears. trump hasn't been all that different from the obama administration in which biden was the v.p. remember the wall trump wanted to build in 2016 as part of his popular promise for a new stance on immigration. the penetrable. tall powerful beautiful southern border. isn't a morality it's not who we are is a nation racist and sinful democrats quickly attacked as racist and along came the sad pictures of caged immigrant kids with trying to blame for their misery except some of those pictures were from 2014 under the obama administration that's right trump actually continued many of the same immigration policies from before in fact
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ice arrests and deportations are still lower than they were under much of obama's watch. let's not forget about the peace promise made on his way to the white house i'm proud to have the support of the war fighting generals active duty military and top experts who know both how to win and how to avoid the endless wars and echoed obama's 2008 election promises that would begin to responsibly we brought to its people and filled the hard earned peace in afghanistan. and also like obama trump has so far failed to deliver the difference here though is that the former president got a nobel peace prize in 2009 even though many of america's foreign entanglements worsened under his administration in 2016 trump even campaigned against the interventionist posturing of both parties but we will no longer use american
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military might to construct democracies in faraway lands would try to rebuild other countries in our own image those days are now over. there's also obama's bloated budget deficit which continues to grow under trub the current president made tax cuts for the rich sure but the economy more or less continued business as usual until the pandemic when the debates come around again though one has to wonder if biden will be as frank about these parallels as he's been in the past the truth of the matter is you all know you will know when you got to what has to be done we can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it's all within our wheel house and nobody has to be punished no one standard of living will change nothing would fundamentally change when your only 2 options in an election are so similar in terms of policy perhaps shouting racist or senile is the only way to keep things interesting. hospitals in england have recorded their
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highest daily covert admissions since early june and citing pressure to a government already under fire over its response to the health crisis critics say the authorities have now done nothing but so seeds of covert confusion shut it was the reports from london. when considering the u.k. government's response to cave at 19 pretty and probably wouldn't be the words on the tips of most people's tongues over the course of the year the u.k. has seen thousands of people dying in care homes tests and tracing deadlines set and missed the u.k. topping the death toll across europe plus of course britain being on the verge of a round 2 and while most people think the government's response needs to be completely written off it seems as though not everyone agrees it's been a failure i think it will be like the lympics that's when it's all over and we look back and reflect we will actually be extremely proud of ourselves some people might think a wooden spoon is more appropriate than a shiny metal especially considering the latest news that 16000 positive tests for
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private 19 have been lost meaning this super spreaders of money under way this still spreading thousands of people blissfully unaware they've been exposed to cove it potentially spree. during this deadly virus a time when hospital admissions are increasing and we're in the 2nd wave blunder after blunder critics say the government's not learning from its mistakes but as the country hurdles towards a 2nd wave of the virus could the confusion is still lingering in the yeah with mixed messages coming from those in power it's 6 in 6 in the hospitality but as i understand it not successful apologies i misspoke today in the northeast new rules mean you cannot meet people from different households in social settings indoors including in pubs restaurants and your home you should also avoid socializing with other households outside go to work but stay at home eat out to help out but don't socialize kick start the economy but stay in your bubble it's no wonder the country
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is confused especially considering the man telling the u.k. what to do is accused of being a tad confused one of the major problems is widespread confusion about the local restrictions people feel very let down a very frustrated very forgotten can we pin all the primal boris johnson after all these all around president to times far to go back to all that no prime minister has ever fought before and after months of economic paralysis boris johnson began to i'm not so locked down even though parts of the u.k. was still plagued with the virus and so the north south divide found its latest partition the timing of the lifting of national lockdown was london centric please remember this the next time you see politicians pointing fingers at our people on the eve of a 2nd wave many might think the government would know what it was doing by now especially considering it's how to round 6 months to prepare but when carrot has been replaced with confusion can the government really expect people to for the rules when it doesn't seem to know them itself shut the artsy london.
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and moscow covert is also continuing to make its presence felt over the past 20 days infections have been as the. increasing once again tuesday saw more than 4000 new cases recorded though they were down slightly on wednesday or thursday so growing increasingly concerned over the rising numbers well as the talk of a city wide lockdown yet wearing masks on public transport and public places continues to be mandatory everyone over $65.00 is being advised to stay at home when it comes to vaccines russia's health minister says the mass rollout of the sport and it could be job could start as early as this month is recently said the latest trial results have been encouraging russia's anti-monopoly service meanwhile says the price of the vaccine will be capped at $13.00 per dose a science journalist we spoke to says russia's attempts to combat the coronavirus look promising. i have been or my.
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cat on. the end of my neck which is. why the. only. cause. own. ideas are well aware. in a way to biology and how they view. that and that knowledge i have been and. are then there. would be. moderate action. meanwhile scuffles are broken out in tel aviv between police and protesters who are angered at the israeli government's handling of the pandemic. i.
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choose the hundreds gathered to denounce the latest covert restrictions the protesters have also demanded the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu they claim he's using the virus as a distraction from his ongoing corruption trial is what some have to say of course that is using this crisis in order to remain elusive to avoid to avoid. we are afraid. to. create. a civil war between us. because the. feeling our democracy he's the. only he's a genius. is very strong very strong it will not stop until he. moved. to get rid of them for ever.
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it's been a huge explosion at a former russian military facility about 200 kilometers southeast of moscow the blast happened in an old military warehouse that stored $75000.00 tons of ammunition rockets and artillery rounds at least 10 people have needed hospital treatment for injuries or than 2000 have been evacuated from villages within 25 kilometers of the epicenter of firefighters are still on the scene attempting to bring the situation under control and rest a geisha has been launched into the cause of the incident. poland's competition watchdog has slapped a massive following on russia's state controlled gas giant gazprom as well as 5 other companies working on a huge north stream to pipeline project. i have made the decision to issue the most serious maximal financial sanctions on the order to disband agreements by parties undertaking involvement in the building and financing of the north stream to gas
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pipeline of poland's as the monopoly watchdog rule the gas pipeline is a risk to polish consumers and european energy security and find gas from more than $7600000000.00 for not securing its approval 5 other european energy companies involved in financing the project or find a total of $6161000000000.00 the competition commission expressed surprise saying it's rare to see and to trust fines of such size all those penalize say they rejected the decision gazprom said it would be appealing the decision this decision violates the principles of legality proportionality and fair trial the unprecedented size of the fine shows the desire to oppose the implementation of the nord stream to project at all costs of the north stream to pipeline is in its final stages of construction that will double the amount of gas russia surprised the europe via germany poland along with the us and baltic states are firmly against
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the project side are concerns about energy dependence on moscow was or even suggested germany uses an alternative which the liver's gas from norway. if germany declares energy needs poland is open to it using the infrastructure that we are building for our own energy security is precisely because the project is nearly complete and total success so far that the united states intelligence services and the polish government don't try they have an all need to stop this they want to remain in the position that they are in and just that may european nations western europe and germany as well as russia i don't think it is just a. european law and the only reason for it poland's national strategic interests not the interests of the european union or germany.
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to british born eisel fight is alleged to have been members of a notorious execution gag known as the beatles have been flown to the us the face trial the group's been linked to the kidnapping and killing of more than 20 hostages in syria and iraq several of the victims were filmed being beheaded but more in the case has caleb open. now we heard from the u.s. state department about the 2 individuals who are set to face charges and stand trial for their involvement with this new taurus isis cell now the individuals el shafeeq shaikh as well as alexander amman kotel a are facing some pretty serious charges take a listen to what was announced my message to other terrorists is this if you harm an american you will face the same fate as these men you will face american arms in the better of the battlefield and if you survive that you will face american
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justice in an american courtroom and the prospect of many years in an american prison now it's quite an interesting slew of charges facing the 2 members of the isis cell known as the beatles for their british accents now they face the charge of hostage taking resulting in death conspiracy to commit hostage taking resulting in death as well as conspiracy to provide marriage material support to terrorists now if convicted on these charges they could face a life sentence now the terror cell was famous for its grizzly beheading videos we all remember those horrendous beheading videos now the leader of this terrorist cell who is known as jihadi john he was killed in an airstrike in 2015 now these 2 individuals were captured in january of 2018 at according to the u.s. state department they had just arrived today in the united states to stand trial for their alleged crimes and going on the ground does about jones
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a mascot of the u.k. it's a here. are known investigative journalist greg palast of the guests were about 30 minutes with the latest. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. the u.s. economy was booming numbers of people made. you can work 40 hours 'd in
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a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the lead up to the reality of the not financially quantity and unlike an affordable housing or living minimum wage many people naturally know there's been a problem with the city will always turn a return and told me stay away all this. because yes that requires. the most vulnerable abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. through. time afshin rattansi we're going underground as republican vice president mike pence and democratic senator harris prepared to go head to head in the 1st u.s.
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vice presidential debate of this election campaign tonight it's a debate that will arguably face more scrutiny than the usual given the age of democrat contender joe biden and the fact the president donald trump was hospitalized with a virus that has killed more u.s. citizens than anywhere else in the world coming up on the show as thousands of nato troops warships and fighter jets practice europe's largest exercise in scotland is the memory of libya lost when it comes to the recent fighting between armenia. a nato ally azerbaijan we speak to the azerbaijani ambassador to the u.k. about preventing the nagorno-karabakh war that's going to ating into world war and the leading voice on u.s. voter suppression supported by actor leonardo dicaprio greg palast tells us if u.s. president donald trump testing positive for corona virus will change the outcome of the event this election. coming up in today's going underground of fast amidst a global pandemic nato allies and their guns ships and warplanes are playing war in
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scotland as part of exercise joint warrior the largest of its kind in europe this is nato arguably licks its wounds after failing to win peace in its wars from afghanistan to iraq to libya u.k. pm boris johnson in the past 48 hours suffered a defeat in a london court over the bank of england's alleged stolen $1000000000.00 of venezuelan gold as he seeks regime change with his chosen president one white oh dear leader the nation with the world's largest known or oil and gas reserves but another conflict involving regime change and with global energy implications is raging in europe the goanna carra back in azerbaijan has seen fierce fighting and hundreds of dead nato partner azerbaijan and russian military partner armenia have been armed by countries all around the world including russia turkey and israel azerbaijan has claimed the war has been the sole result of armenian aggression and that they have not fired a single bullet it's not about winning war says a by johns a message to the u.k. it's about winning peace ambassador here talking as i death joins me now from london ambassador thanks so much for coming on i'm going to actually start with the
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fact that the media isn't being allowed into your country to cover the war people might not know the history the regional tensions why you know allowing journalists from britain or any other country into azerbaijan i think this one's 1st of all thank you very much look to start by chile. your measure. 'd is award as it reaches. 3 caused by army an absolute i'm crew of russian and asian 20 percent of my country i want us to believe that when we discuss the issue of jordan being as you put it allow them up with a job or a group won't join the list of guns blazing that this job radical mistake or remove him from his office. has been shelved on numerous occasions by army artillery using missiles.
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