tv Worlds Apart RT October 11, 2020 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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sides and that is to add to the almost 80000 dad that accumulated over almost 38 years of this conflict and while international mediators keep calling for an immediate cease fire i don't think anyone is listening who will watch can possibly stop this war right now and i believe fortunately in the last few days we've seen so promising signs i think there's a procedure in presidents being set up to get back to a cease fire and very hard by that good i would say you know who the addition to your overall income it may be syria is the number of casualties that bit's is much higher than is publicly as at this point as are but it's only authorities know announced as we've heard terrorist orgies you certainly have been fighting this isn't true this long there are probably hundreds on that side is well so death
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through your may well be approaching thousands and while are there is a flurry of diplomatic activity here surrounding this conflict i don't think we have seen any actual evidence from the ground that they have still is out about it and. that suits are present it's a sad set. piece but when parties to a conflict it seems there is about to be a truce there's up to do that it's a big case of on the ground to a little bit of the way in to improve or better into positions in your defensive positions it would be be seeing some of their. literally tied to the fact they were going to be meetings is that even with have already been. achieved if they had some progress in the exits a precision it's a beating it must go on monday maybe not so breakthrough and moves toward true well let's keep. our fingers crossed but basic conflict doesn't happen. in many reasons
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for optimism let's put it that way because it's been going on on and off for almost 30 years and i know that back in the late 99 just land russia france and the united states got together to form the so-called minsk group we sure were right will share . their view was that you were going to solve it fairly quickly what was fueling that often is that that's happened and why people are still dying in that war that provoked 2020 years later though be good to explain that. there's been a difficult it's that they could lose those 2 to be heard to resolve soon that in the middle east receded a user it's those simply they present good chances but we saw in the ninety's and what's been missing lately and i hope can be a separate is
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a willingness to develop a relationship between the subjects. who know to ninety's. as a basically president head or a leader. rest the president who hired me near the river could syrian actually started developing the ruperts all relates it didn't mean the leaks were that good they were able to gain sued tristen one and the other is to explore real country once. salukis it happened earlier with senator lugar through as a volunteer presumably suit but that ambassador i think that's actually where one of the problems because in one of your articles you mention that almost every it imaginable solution has been brought to the table that clearly you know whether because one of the sides i mean it is that sat on preserving the status quo ad and the other side * has every john finds it unacceptable what it be fair to say that
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this conflict perhaps has exhausted all the potential of being sold politically. so you do not believe. in him i would say the group. with the rest should be united states interests as co-chairs is actually we're better than many people give it credit for the dialogue inserted between the diplomats has been amazingly so even when relations between some of the parties a because typically russia and the united states have been strained in other areas the cooperation here is the way to. make it is clear to anybody and that's you're going to do what you've got been mechanism for what's what keeping negotiations going sure that flat and ink the conflict how not to convince because i mean that i think there is an almost and universal recognition that it was
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a savage on who started this war and there with a lot of. preparatory means i mean they put a lot of effort into the preparation that she had to actually blame them for either initiating this military action after all those years of essentially fruitless negotiations. it is it is a meteor and it will always respond related so it has. been inflicted making even a secret out of that i mean they have not their own right at that territories recognized as there is on the international law. to ricky. the their position didn't end in the played and it's taking place right now and may well are started in july there is kurdish 17 people died then and i think the tensions there are dated and after that so it's been waiting for it incident along the line of
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conflict to reinitiate still he said after what i'd say it is possible and it we're doing becomes. we're doesn't really fit in here is oprah he's a fault for hardening their positions in the leadership or media interest now as you're based on her follow through not turn it into their own people about the need for cooper months the solution a lasting political solution to this problem will never be achieved by being in posed but a pressure of the united states or anyone who wants it in those arenas or bugs or really see the members so there has to be a direct dialogue between them that seriously looks at compromise when it had that they've approached beast you know that having to be exposed to what if turkish news in my household and it's not always clear whether it is. or accurately that's
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leading the charge i wonder how does terry keyes evolve and she's got contrary easy to get anything out where 20 years ago or is it something qualitatively different. it's it's just sitting in. the underlying problem has changed it was qualitatively different today it is a dramatic difference is the level of armaments does this but both sides in the position of turkey. you raised when i had worked on this 200-2001 they were approaching a solution turkey was a sleepy supporter of bringing about a peaceful resolution. it's there's still under president here is changed dramatically and in the last few weeks to see a willingness to almost encourage for the repression and i don't think that is the
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way. it's the result if you believe it and i really resident france have both said based on evidence of this new jersey facilitated with adversity or use it to their version from syria little arubans russia has played a role there it is also problematic but i do think the potential to be to try to work a kind of bruce is there it was about 3 days ago statements by the or meet him prime minister nicola sooner than the bowser median incurred by ready to debate serious mutual compromises it was a ruse and we'll see how messy you mentioned the russian role in apt selling weapons to both me and abidjan and add i want to stress that those at a fish will say i said if it weren't russia selling weapons perhaps it would have been the united states or china doing that so you know weapon sales within legal
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bounds but i'm. more interested about the role of turkey here because at when you were working on this issue 5000 years ago. all the official mediators by russia france the united states they had some leverage some influence on the szell warring parties that anyone have a leverage with jack at this point of time and specifically that president erred on . their potential for leverage is there i did not see that it exercised its stated simply it's clear we the united states is predator put pressure interviewed a number of areas where. american express and. the reserve releases. you know you we've raised questions about our incentives to treat those surprisingly that is he said so are legal in the international community teacher to
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russia so for. just. so if we were to judge you. probably liberals to be sure but we've seen willing to get it you risk your situation in syria libya. situation with her book as well there's very little ambassador you have to take a very short break right now but we'll be back in just a few moments. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on often scary dramatic developments only really i'm
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going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. welcome back to worlds apart the time that's there kerry capital for my point carol they always seem in screw up ambassador just to pick up where we left off before the break we were talking about their role of tricare and i don't know if you with agree with this but i think president barack obama has been quite successful in playing on russian they go out and masaki over the last couple of years a deal that is developing relationships that bowl them using that as a bargaining chip and i wonder if. at least to some extent the conflict in that
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format about he's acting. on office average and he almost didn't add to it as ever to answer your charge that had is actually every south of both russia and neda feeding his ambition as it of triangulating that new challenge in most if not the impression i get is this is driven by his desire to play a greater role. in a number of regional areas into enhanced rupees international resister but i think it's not playing well. in the international community i'm not sure he gains signal to good reputation by the accidents he's thinking of his reputation in the international community after imprisoning like hundreds of thousands of he said if that's an international community being old a mum. i don't wouldn't say it's been well known to their peers and.
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you know i think the international community is going to be the. district much harder than it s. them i think so we will see that this is that there will be discussions in the u.s. congress about they said they've already started to back them give me contacts. on capitol hill i think there's that inspiration being made what steps congress to take action here i think we've seen the same religion him prime minister do so is that people are responding to you mentioned some of the matters that the u.s. congress and canada and others could take and i almost wish they were as far well as you present them to be i mean what can possibly all those actors do to impress was mr aired on it is difficult in dealing with the authoritarian regimes
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to get them to act it would be hager you know better do that does it serve to widely i think that's a problem here may be to the united states persimmon frames working together uncover about who will help actually send a message to your field how unified the outside rule that is against these kinds of activities which threaten the global stability of internet so that every 6 out. sounding like a conspiracy theorist at the end they said opinion here in russia that it's france and the united states that actually like to take care of the quote unquote airline problem by using russia and old. news about that all those savvy imports about turkey supposedly or allegedly reportedly sending. that rebels or 'd ass fight isis as you know i separate. could be
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interpreted as the united states sort of trying to you. you know send russia secret that look you know here's a problem of terrorism in your backyard why don't you get involved and by doing that and in my both russia and turkey what do you think about this a year would put new credence in spears it all everything that it was seen in the good and i'm retired so i'm not in washington now but every signal that i know you have seen it is one who are concerned about this development just newsstand's of turkey is an issue of how do you best tackle that and i think you would find who are they are you know this is a route together then this center to it says survey this. is we're talking about her but. this is a significant conflict all of her people who are of the lesson but it's here that
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for really an answer both to have the russian federation the united states of america in the republic in france is there mediators this is no small feat these are 3 veto wielding permanent members of the security council there's a lot of international incident to prove this conflict because we recognize the dangers of kurds that we would take steps that could exacerbate that you know put at risk can i ask you something about me count it in to get about the russian position because. you once said that russia console 'd this problem on its all and i think there is a full realisation of that in moscow moreover there is a perfect he again almost exasperated sham at having to deal with it and always being underappreciated mistrusted at hughes of so. being out the side it cetera as much as russia is unnerved by turkey's presence in the south caucasus don't you
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think that if it also be partially believe that this problem is no longer. it's exclusively biggest rebel due respect in france and the united states may be part of the men's group but they have not really that their vital interest and not connected to solving this problem as much as russia's interests are you know that is true and it. is consulates mediation i think that been in the earlier years just to ensure that relations between the united states and russia. and the kurds were more comfortable and looking at compromise knowing that both russia and the u.s. were part of this so it so that heard helps sadly the truth has changed and it is a tentative agreement. also while you're on on all sides peter the but it's
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intensity and i truly hope president everyone will look at this difference it's ceasefire can be used. on the basis of the discussions the foreign minister lavrov who be leading i meant that i think that will do if we're live recently to give him the rest of the united states and critics to head turkey back oakland is in hope has moved forward we're with you again brister was basement room but also scary movie 2 are getting back to. you mentioned from mr let us talk about his amien and counterpart claflin that's monday and well i believe it's both i think do result of the discussion that took place in geneva or. thursday is lead to agreement that the o's are president for minister
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leaders well let me ask you specifically about their meeting in position because it's their meeting and the. insistence on preserving the status quo that ultimately led to the current flare up of why is this problem hasn't been told because i mean yes metaphorically stuck to their guns do you think it makes sense strategic sense for them to come to the negotiating table now and perhaps changed that position because that is one of the main i mean without supporting it i mean the hands that were there but i have a jam it has ever done if you only have to recognise that that at this point of time the disputed territory still being recognised as the territory for example genesis there are many in school do not lat the state of florida to be changed is it rejigger earlier in ridges this and there are already been a signal from the everybody in prime minister. kirk in are be are prepared to look
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again is the head in the hands not recent as within the past it's serious. i think to the communications on both certs to their people their everything they were good at reason they were has never been real and sort. the position of answer but it's not to say well of course they are being used to loop or should be comfortable being under as or bones or with the word. imagine that if you're living in sterling here today. shows and missiles are raining down on the city it's to be a meeting in the middle you know say we've seen the 1st group and i mean you know they're prepared to go back to that kind of dialogue in the. middle homily or i haven't been involved in discussions. while he's been president but his
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father was prepared to look at concessions and i think if they does rather is revered as a wrestler and i think he could realize he did looked it good so should the league really meant was or be any of that with you because you bring about peace and he could use a strong leader it could. feel a sort of support that you know well he may be a strong leader but i think he's here to share a very tactical act it's here or mr and both of them there have a need to save face and it's a difficult to get accurate information about the situation on the ground that i think we can see this evidence slowly at but surely is gaining ground is it really in the interest of or is abidjan to stall right now i mean that sort of military strategy it with that suggests that they would push as much as they can. again as
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my surgeries possible and then hopefully come to the negotiating table while now that position is strong i think very much in 2016 for better or worse the 4 day war showed that azerbaijan good military seriously regaining some territory but very small amount of territory to bury us i think what we will see when a cease fire is a step was to move those settles that will happen as everybody will have daily the small amount which are very it is very significant human cost the death and destruction on all sides. my hope is he'll realize to this can never be a solution to get all the things he has some new the level of destruction a little it will lose was the way it would be super nervous in the fact is
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it simply wouldn't out certain forces would become involved in this conflict and i'm president who very clearly signaled that russia will it somewhat under its defense loser me i don't institute spec does not repair but but there is a lot of it it's present year this leads it to happen in the series do you know also senator this is the fading consider they would need to be looking at is it really is or really is also a member president. even president there who shouldn't or see him you do not want to come too close to that line now our ambassador i appreciate your dedication to this bill think that one of the add dangerous of. extensive negotiations and trying to raise the conflict is that it goes on indefinitely and
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as you pointed out in one of your articles that frozen conflict is a conflict in waiting to flat i mean it's not the salt lake that i think. one of the sides to this dispute has. misusing it go shooting at a process that takes on advantage do you think it makes sense at this plant time to try to freeze this conflict once again for the sake of saving lives for the sake of waiting for a bad at opportune moment do you think. this should be solved right now or that there is still at evaluating the spawning dissolution and i think the nature of conflict that will be postponed a bit there's still sightings weeks of it's almost impossible to bring parties to be haitian able mediately. to give fighting to sit down and have reasonable discussion students about the counterman
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is that what he does you can start setting up some framework for women how you will do that but it's a get the result you seek that won't be immediate so i think what will be immediate and i hope we'll see this as surely is the internet as a response to the humanitarian this conflict is just in the last few weeks and i think that me and goal. greater involvement by the united nations is a specialized agencies to deal with both the displaced people from the fighting are . going to have contact and have been separate so i think we may see greater involvement there in. the tension even if it were for the good offices framework of the secretary general to hang late international concern about this situation and international support
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a result well ask to have to leave it there i really appreciate your time with us today and i apologize the time periods for the technical issues that he seemed to be having if you had the all during their quoting i still hope that you have 5 this discussion valuable no i think it think it's been good for your viewers it illuminates the challenges that are here in the hope that perhaps in a few weeks we could even talk. oh how now that there is a ceasefire will that exits be to try to. discuss it probably the best racing like and unredeemable optimist but i hope you're here right anyway thank you very much for being with us today and thank you for watching this year again next week other worlds apart.
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is the us economy was booming growing numbers of people made homeless. you can work 40 hours 'd in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of we're not financially equality and i'm like an affordable housing or living minimum wage give many people no choice you know that's been a problem with the city knows turn a bitch on and told me stay away oh miss colton do this. there is no answer because the answer requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. to small class as american citizens united want to talk let's try. to find the other. guy and i think. i would vote for
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a republican over trump i would vote for anyone who is not you and has half a brain defeat john john. please if you get. a 2nd wife. she can handle it. she and i divorce because our trouble is elected president and i floated for her and she can't stand for. the most important election. in our history list of the months to go before the next presidential election how is the atmosphere in the us now. what are the highest priority programs how will they vote which they do next. just some of the questions we put to really america.
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in the weekly from r t f fragile the truce takes effect in the disputed region of the goal no karabakh conflicting reports of shelling are coming from both sides our correspondent in the heart of the conflict zone reporting on the devastation and how locals view the situation. the city of kurds is a story sight i can see it has been razed to the ground but it has been battered by show many many calibers sizes and types. the international chemical weapons watchdog claimed train 5th similar to not a chocolate poison were in some polls belonging to alexei novelli one of those days the a.p.c. w.'s handling of the opposition activists case is politicized.
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