tv News RT October 12, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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you know what money is highly. charged as. capital of. joy is its 1st night of karma ceasefires agreed pockets of show. up in other parts of the disputed region corresponding reports from the 1st the city of hundreds of. artillery shelling the city right now this is the least safest place of all of the region. as a says 9 people have been killed and dozens more injured after one of the cities outside the immediate complex came under attack with armenia also alleging shelling of its territory. they're going to get the 2nd could be.
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corona virus vaccine is to complete its final stage of testing. there among the volunteers taking part of the infection rate in the country sets new. marshals to monitor compliance one of our strips in public places we mixed reactions. there's already many restrictions in place anyway it wouldn't make any difference to me i don't know what actually went out there right now. either thanks for joining us here on. the ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan is entering its 3rd day parties already faltering monday morning after a 1st night of calm air raid sirens were again heard in the capital of nagorno-karabakh pitches that show some of the devastation. earlier hostilities.
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over the weekend. accuse each other of violating the trees saturday with russia's meat. ation the sides agreed to a pause in fighting to allow for an exchange of prisoners of war dead. the southern front of the disputed region has seen some of the fiercest fighting since the conflict began more than 2 weeks ago on sunday despite the supposed truce the city of hundreds was shelled and our correspondent if you stuff was there. right now we're getting closer to the town of detroit it's on the southern front and it is probably the heaviest contested region in all of nagorno-karabakh i think is even before the cease fire was announced the president was there by john the homily had said that the city defenses had fallen and that well as of that moment the town was under the as there by johnny control of course there media and forces that denied all of that saying that they're still in control of the city so even despite
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the ceasefire both sides are wrestling heavily for the control of this town. so we're inside the city of adroit this part of town at least this part of town is under the control of the armenian forces of the forces of nagorno-karabakh artillery his shelling the city right now this is the least safest place of all of the region. is what. we're being told to go to get down into bomb shelter this is where we're going to stay for now and wait out wait out the shelling. so essentially they're telling us that only one person at a time can move.
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ok that was it that was very brief that was very quick but it's simply way way too dangerous for us to stay here for long so we're getting the hell out of a draw to there's no ceasefire there's no ceasefire here has already told you it's being shelled basically both sides are wrestling hard for the control of this town it's a matter of all or it's a matter of integrity for both. go go go go go. right yeah. so you can see what happened to our car we don't know exactly what caused the tire to go flat much we actually had to move we drove for several 100 mi says on just on that century no time no anything right now our driver will be installing
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a spare one and will continue to drive. so it's been about 30 minutes before we could get back on the road and resume the movement as we were helping our driver change the flat tire we could hear military jets flying above us and bombing the mountains next to the city of patrols so there's that for the ceasefire for now i guess down of reporting from the corner karabakh see. all the nagorno-karabakh conflict some 30 years olds the region is formally part of us about john it is populated mainly by ethnic armenians and broke away back in the 1990 s. following a bloody conflict the fight is also spill beyond the disputed territory on many a 2nd largest city of mark to the was hit by shelling at the weekend it's a scene scattered on the streets with buildings badly damaged have been no reports of civilian casualties. one of us by john's largest cities gunship was also attacked in the early hours of sunday cases 9 people were killed 30 others injured
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armenia denies being behind the right smile fatah leader of a journalist from buck you has this report. the news about. caused the fury and outrage is a reaction among azerbaijanis has been the 2nd consecutive missile attack on the 2nd biggest city of the country with the population of half a 1000000 but this time 9 people were killed and more than 30 people were injured including the reaction among others why does vary from cautious to radical once it was 2 in the morning we were sleeping i heard a huge sound and i saw everything falling on me glass wood the wall everything my son ran and a teacher it and pick me up. i saw a rock fall on my face i opened my eyes and another rocket hit i said to myself what is this i opened my eyes and couldn't see anything but clouds of dust what's cease fire we know these armenians very well we know how they behave they are 2
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faced they completely lack honor you can't even call them seaman's. they are barbarians they are not human if you have a war it's with soldiers but we are civilians we were sleeping at night the officials of the gun off the shores already paid a visit to see the head of the foreign affairs department. called the. act of genocide by the president of the country. said it was the brutal while ocean of geneva convention and war crime and he warned i mean years to . we heard what residents in both of the nation's capital think about the truce. we have now given armenia one less chance to resolve everything peacefully a good solution for immediate would be to withdraw its troops from our territory.
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to be honest i reacted to the truce very negatively because there is no point in trusting their words which is a lot of time has passed as we all the time listen to them listen try to peacefully resolve this whole conflict but apparently our words do not reach them yes we have to call them up or i am of course in favor of a truce because gondry says suffering great loss of human lives is a moment in such a truce at this stage is the right step we should thank rash afraid that it happened but i want people to have then dependence so they can live normally. with the pandemic 2nd wave breaking in countries around the world russia's vaccine is poised to complete final stage trials jobs already been registered in russia was developed by scientists at moscow's institute $55000.00 volunteers are taking part in the phase of testing and among them to use more if an option. moscow clinic number 68 in the city center nothing special except this is where i received the
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rushes vaccine against call that 19 hopefully able to resist public enemy number one as the world health organization calls it. this navigation science says cobbett 19 vaccine clinical trial is this way. maybe i received a placebo because this is a so-called double blind trial meaning neither the authors nor their participants know who's getting it was only 75 percent of the volunteers are getting jobs with a real shot and i hope i am among them and i have reasons to believe i really am i'll explain why i got the 1st shot exactly 21 days ago i felt really miserable the next day headache muscle pain for back then developers say every 6 volunteer basis
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to more side effect by the way they faded away 48 hours or so later well today i'm going to get the 2nd dose of what could be the most awaited drug in the world why to bolster the immune response to but if it forms after the 1st shot before being approved for the trial i was checked and scanned and checked to get the blood test your entire 19 tears of blood pressure also general level and today we do some testing again. the vaccine by the way divided the world of those criticizing their . too little evidence too fast and praising russia's efforts i'm going to get vaccine right here. on my ear. i need to relax my groove. who've. specially after the 1st shot i was.
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i have been monitored by doctors. the happy calling me and you need media calls you know and after 2 days i'm going to continue standing types with medics you know and as well as all volunteers because it's a trial after all. that's it i'm done well the head of the world war 2 where the vaccine is made says pine in favor of russia is expected to be able to produce up to 6000000 doses monthly bring in russia close to her eve unity finally written otieno party from moscow there of year. meanwhile the pandemic has gotten significantly worse in russia the daily infection rate setting a grim new record on sunday as it passed the 13000 mark 2000 more than joining the peak of the 1st wave you may with the rollout of russia's vaccine still potentially
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months away. residents to remain cautious there will surely be a vaccine that can be used for mass vaccination in a couple of months and this drug will be over but we need to get through trials without problems there's a constant risk of someone who's sick with covert and doesn't even suspect it being nearby. well in response to the spike new measures have been introduced in moscow cheaper travel for students and the elderly has been stopped to encourage them to stay at home or companies are required to have at least 30 percent of employees working from home the city's mayor says it's the lightest lockdown possible given the current situation. and while the u.k.'s daily covert infection rate is past the 15000 mark later today prime minister boris johnson is expected to introduce yet war measures among the early on some failed her so-called covert marshals to ensure compliance with destructions ukase earmarks 30000000 pounds to fund the scheme. the role of covert $960.00 or marshals or equivalents is not to
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force covert 19 regulations or have any force and powers which should remain the remit of the police and designated local authority compliance and enforcement officers marshals will be selected from volunteers they'll be equipped with body cameras and will keep an eye on everything from pubs to weddings give yellow cards star warnings to 1st time violators now while the marshals mornings early have enforcement powers they will be able to inform the police of violations however the move has been criticised by local councils they said the government didn't consult them so we've also questioned the usefulness of martial since they'll have no informant powers we asked people on the streets of london what they think. there's already tell you many restrictions in place anyway it wouldn't make any difference to me i haven't seen any covert martial i don't know actually quite scary about. it infringes on people's privacy as such i do think there needs to be some sort of enforcement of people being able to follow the rules but at the same time i'm not
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sure if that's the best use of the government's money people who are not wearing their masks so i would actually of like somebody to say i'm sorry you've got to wear your mosque and be vigilant about it we see everywhere people breaking rules and i guess that would help to help them but after saying no i'm not in favor of that are i we do think it's. more stateside the consequence is a spring and summer time code restrictions are coming increasingly to the for almost a quarter of all americans say they don't have enough money to see them through the next 3 weeks and it's not just in the u.s. where the pandemics widen the gap between rich and poor saudis don't quarter reports. over a 1000000 people across the globe have died from coronavirus related causes says billions more continue to struggle with the pandemics economic consequences things are looking up for the world's billionaire minority for the 1st time ever their collective wealth has surpassed 10 trillion dollars billionaire wealth equates to
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a fortune and almost impossible to spend the most while lifetimes of absolute luxury anyone accumulating riches on this scale could easily afford to raise the pay of the employees who generate their wealth or contribute a great deal more in taxes to support financial public services and all the while jobs are disappearing at an alarming rate the super is good even richer will mean the people around the world lost their jobs does not a coincidence this is how the system works might be time for governments to step in right well they already have in fact they're helping the ultra rich get even richer thanks to a loophole in the us as coronavirus relief package the wealthy ended up getting around $1700000.00 worth of handouts and another $133.00 large companies received $5000000000.00 more from the treasury as for the u.k. over $20000000000.00 of government stimulus has already gone straight into the
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pockets of corporations for the rest of humanity it's unfortunate because extreme poverty is only getting closer to home between 88000000 and 150000000 people could fall back into extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic with an additional increase of between 23000000 and 35000000 in 2021 potentially bringing the total number of new people living in extreme poverty to between $110000000.15 the world bank defines extreme poverty is living on less than $1.90 a day so as the ruling class continues to collect the billions of dollars in government charity you have to wonder how exactly society is benefiting as a whole from this degree of inequality it is a manifestation of capitalism. capitalism handles a pandemic you can see a disproportionate impact low income workers have been laid off fired run into unemployment much more than middle and upper income workers capitalist employers
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are keeping their jobs during an economic downturn but laying off millions of american workers so you automatically if you react to a pandemic that way you worsen the inequality it's the capitalist system and its operation that is in fact the cause of this growing poverty for which there is no excuse up possible. i say with this morning's after the break. join me every thursday on the alex simon sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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back to the foreign ministers of e.u. member states saw meeting today in luxembourg among the topics on the agenda possible new sanctions against russian officials over moscow's alleged role in a lexan of alan is poisoning something russia has strongly denied the opposition activists fell severely ill in late august with the quest quick to point the finger of blame at the crime that the sun or explains the still remain more questions than answers. someone must know the whole truth of what happened to alex play in what the motive was how they did it what i want to do is try to unravel just a small part of this time called web and see where we end up. is head of the investigations department she's worked for years many journalists know me to maria power need be had different best occasions out of our knees and corruption fund but her name doesn't appear on the list of employees or in the credits of any of the funds project she claims she's worked on in fact few people it harder for just
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a month ago even of on his former deputy chief had trouble remembering her. it was you are you know i didn't remember her right away but it came to me when i saw him 2016 at one of the internal events there are already said that he treated her in a special way this is not just an ordinary employee despite her age he treated her with special reverence respectfully talk to her as an equal this is not generally found in a lexus habits which you communicate with someone on an equal footing because she's more always prevailed him like hearing down from my throne laugh at my jokes it wasn't with her there was relatively equal communication with her which underlines a certain mysterious status let's follow this elusive maria on the day of the fateful flight and the once off to it it's the 20th of august the opposition figures on a flight from thompson to moscow but maria stays behind in siberia she has work to finish then a video is posted. and
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here another moment of mystery emerges at 8 25 am the pilot puts in a request for an emergency landing. 5 minutes later he gets told there's a bomb scare down below and his landing isn't a sure thing it turns out to be just got a stat but why did it come from giving the appearance in the media of a bomb hoax at the airport to prevent the. the landing of the plane carrying of only investigators working as additional versions of what happened it has been found that the anonymous message was sent through a server located on the territory of germany safely lied to me as hurried to hospital in the meantime maria decides to return to the hotel where he's been staying and to look for any clues left behind and with the evidence she's backed she flies out to home to siena vile me 2 days later she's on board that imagine sea left carrying his wife. lynn and maria considered a friendly european face as
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a part time resident of london is welcomed with open arms germany is sure that she does not work for the others being there are no fools in the modern world it means that they are sure that a person is not again just to their country they fully understand what kind of person this is in germany is also met with ceremony whisked away by emergency army personnel to the sheraton hospital and even gets a surprise visitor. it was a personal meeting between the chancellor and missed in the vani it was a meeting with a person who fell sick after a nerve agent attack and who's been treated in germany a hospital visit from the head of state to a foreign national in the middle of a pandemic in the meantime repaired chick becomes the power to so set in a detective story and gives the greatest need because all the way from that hotel room in the middle of siberia through a number of ports she smuggled out. of agent it was terrifically packaged in
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different places because we understood that no matter what this bottles were just bottles nothing of value but there is a microscopic chance that they will be valuable if we hadn't taken them from tomsk they would have become trash and there is no doubt that now these bottles would be gone those hof drunk bottles of water become star witnesses apparently the basis on what job identifies not the chalk on the trigger open diplomatic firestorm. lengthy power fact trail to the conclusion that an opposition figure who talked too much was poisoned by fog and in the far tearing country case closed or is that during the preflight security check of maria pet check at thomas show the airport novosibirsk there was no contain is more than $100.00 milliliters in volume in her suitcase and backpack including any bottles of water after the check maria paved cheek purchased a $500.00 milliliter bottle of water from an ass side vending machine with which she flew to the city of arms so we don't fully know who maria is and now her role
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as the alleged bottle smuggler is more puzzling but before anyone had the chance to ask these questions and seek any i want says suspicions have turned into policy we consider that there is no other plausible explanation for missing the van this poisoning than of russian involvement and responsibility drawing the necessary conclusions from these facts france and germany will share with european partners proposals for additional sanctions some have already found the motive the weapon and the guilty party they also know what punishment they want their criminal to suffer is it possible. evidence of their knowledge rogue agent and not to contaminate or inflict any once or only go but on the place of. ground if you go back to the case in england where the script rose where. there were 2 other persons who were infected by coming into contact with the norwegian agent for
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the average growth would look without incident were not credible that if you are carrying a number to a gauge and then you must guard definition they can tell when they. come into contact with you but actually the more one looks the more tangled this all becomes and the more it reads as unsolved mystery thriller and not case closed. and t. for protest in portland oregon at the weekend saw violence and statue toppling bundles that tore down figures of abraham lincoln and theodore roosevelt the police made a number of arrests some for some protesters to the ground of these things as officers had intended to stay back but intervened when things got out of hand. but on this something a bit different for you facebook's given onions the chopper for an algorithm deemed them i wateringly sexual in nature.
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in other times it was. cancelled with the slogan on sexy for facebook facebook removed in the ad for onions being overtly sexual then they were stored and farden and since it would be overtly propaganda for trump is ok on facebook but onions are probably. a result of maybe took knology to keep nudity off our apps but sometimes it doesn't know an onion from a well you know we stored the ad and are sorry for the business trouble.
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just silly but the get a list of all the. people who want to make out what why and why the fuck. out of the. police. but there are some friends that the us are still so but the still hoping to do something to see. the child for. the lack of a simple alibi i'll fall in love with someone of that kind of a look at. a
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dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if you're going to exploit our child here in los angeles there we're going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trade. hello and welcome to cross talk wrappings are considered on peter lavelle diploma.
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and work an update on the cease fire negotiations in moscow on the issue of the border look at a buck and is the war on cope and also a war on populism on the left and right. to discuss this and more i'm joined by my guest george some yelling in budapest he's an author and a you tuber at the gaggle and here in moscow we have dmitri bobbitt she is a political analyst and an editor at interest me internet media project right gentlemen crossed out rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciate it ok i was going to put it past the george we have a cease fire we heard that there are some violations but at this point as we're speaking right now it is still holding and i've been looking at a lot of the reporting this is only a tiny baby step i mean this issue is not going to be resolved.
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