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tv   News  RT  October 13, 2020 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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it's the 4th day of a truce between armenia and azerbaijan he is accused of a city outside the immediate conflict zone we hear from the president in an exclusive interview with r.t. . we should not. forget. the real started this war that was. clearly. the 2nd wave of the corona virus pandemic taking its toll on health care systems around the world a new survey finds a large number of nurses in france ready to quit. the world health organization says. the best way to funk over 19 is they cause significant
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collateral damage particularly among poor a population. using. the lockdown is just one consequence. and that is making poor people. thanks for joining us here on. the faltering ceasefire in the. 4th day as armenia and azerbaijan accuse each other of violating the truce in a sequence of shelling attacks saturday saw the 2 nations which border asia and europe agreed to lay down weaponry to exchange prisoners and those killed in fighting. 100 grenada have been found in the disputed place in the armenian prime minister has warned of a potential humanitarian catastrophe on monday the government reported several of
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its regions have been shelled by. the 2nd largest city in the country killing at least 10. people and injuring dozens more this is the scene reportedly showing the aftermath of that attack iran denies the claims correspond as it into trying to spoke with the media president's arm and said in an exclusive interview the full version will be airing later today for now here's a preview so are there violations on the part of armenia and if there are why is it happening that there are violations and as far as i understand it one violet the other one and then it goes back it goes around back to the initial place who was the 1st point number one in the case of. the bombing or shelling. journ journos of a bug john cleary information from my government from ministry of defense and for
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foreign minister and foreign minister i have spoken about that already and it's definitely not not i mean it has filled it that's number one number 2 when you were speaking about breaking the cease fire it it was unfortunately immediately after the cease fire was announced 12th log step and i hear the capital city of of the. republic was shelled and i mean i'm speaking about civilian shellings as world 3rd we should not. forget. in this account the real fact who started this stage of war it was the us there is side clearly. the people of nagorno-karabakh the republic of arts. so violations are there there are fortunate and i think all parties have to put a lot of efforts in order to stop it and of course it's very very important to have
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make an american is a verification of who is breaking the cease fire i mean these are many ways of doing that internationally using technology but that should be put in place because until the cease fire is not established fully the humanitarian side of this says fire will not be. one and either of sides will be able to use that. as a budget arm for its part has denied accusations of violating the cease fire the karabakh conflict stretches back more than 3 decades where the region is populated mainly by ethnic armenians it is legally part of as a bike shop we spoke with former azerbaijani diplomat el norte he said that his country's merely claiming back its own land. i don't think that the you'll find and a citizen among the un member states which will not support it has to get its own territorial integrity we have to again i say that this is he a key issue here we have to understand that the other by john has been admitted to
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the u n on the specific visiting it at that of us and we don't want any other countries than it is we have it's shall be made much clear that without mark claiming in it that it's you know the public record media and the republic of i mean it is the difficult what we are claiming were claiming implementation of the un security council resolution very much clear talk i think that there are there are messages quote sometimes cottons going the wrong direction as it was on my junks fighting with all the coffee about it which is not the case as in my job is claiming back to control what can legally be longstreet and we have to make it clear and it has been clear for the last 30 years that we that we don't target any i mean who lieschen iranians have tradition and leave on of them by genocidal and we are looking for a peaceful coexistence of the 2 communities in the world and that was the issue of position of azerbaijan over the last 'd 30 years and we have a teacher rated destroyed many times and we have done practical steps in that
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direction to show our city it's definitely we believe that the iranians and a lot of my genesis and leave to get. healthcare systems across europe are being pushed to the brink with 1000 infection rates clocking up across the continent in france medics fear that they're not as well prepared as they were during the pandemic 1st wave. we don't have any nurses back in february march we had an enormous amount of volunteers 2nd serious point is that we had help from other regions in march and april to today those regions are all in the red zone and with therefore not able to receive that same assistance so we have beds for additional covert 19 patients but we don't have any staff to manage them. and the new survey is confirmed exactly that it found that with the pandemic taking its toll medical workers want out of the profession. and to make reared its ugly head the 1st sign of real strain was on hospitals. as
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were posed people who wanted to show their appreciation also started. the paris. now is the pressure on hospitals and again all the clucking in the world isn't enough to boost the morale of traumatised medical staff and we're still having his bearing that more than the whole focus is suffering. and many say they are ready to quit it's conducted by the national order of nurses 57 percent of respondents said they were exhausted all 37 percent said the covert crisis had made them want to change jobs. this summer saw wave of layoffs and it became clear that the
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government will continue reducing hospital beds the thing is the government shot health workers in the back by refusing to admit that 31000 staff were infected with over 19 due to the lack of masks and medical robes many young nurses considered quitting the thought to themselves i mean work amid a statute on a lower wage and terrible conditions risking the lives of patients i'd rather leave while i still can and many other moved abroad for example to switzerland or luxembourg where the wages for nurses a double worthy opened up their own practice where they themselves determine how much they work and get paid. it comes as the french prime minister issued this warning. the french thought she quickly that this virus was gone the reality of the 2nd wave is here they could be no more slackening. is in the country facing problems with medical rights while the u.k. prime minister was raising about fantastic any chess we will because our
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n.h.s. is the beating heart of this country it is the best of this country if. it is powered by love just so under the course they were thinking of throwing in the towel last month more than 2 thirds who responded to a survey said they plan to quit the n.h.s. because of how close it had been term goals many said they were this illusion and exhausted but there were other reasons. 65 percent said a lack of personal protective equipment was a factor while 54 percent cited their inability to speak out. when we are left to work without the necessary equipment with patients who do not have covered 19 we could be the ones passing the infection to them for example
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university hospital centers knowingly told staff who tested positive it's nothing serious continue working when employees throughout france are asked to avoid any contact with people for at least 7 days at the same time nurses are told nope nothing serious continue no we disagree it contradicts our professional ethics because we are in danger in patients we will not put up with this when nurses are told to do more work extra hours work during the weekends it exhausts them and exhaustion leads to mistakes at work we don't want just because of fatigue because our management is exploiting us. medical staff have been vocal about the demands of this pandemic and while in some kind. trees governments have put their hands in their pockets to pay packets it's not nearly enough protests demanding more funding for health care and a better working conditions have sprung up across the continent thanks and praise
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for medical staff who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic is always going to be welcome but medics want to remind people and a government that they are no more cause and do less things turn around soon european countries could see a whole sea of doctors nurses technicians and many more leaving the service. so let's. see paris. france is among the countries that is seeing higher infection rates than in the spring along with the u.k. it's introducing new lockdown measures but the world health organization is now warning leaders against using such log downs as the primary control method against the spread of covert 19 so using lockdown as your primary control method lockdowns just one consequence that you never. belittle and that is making poor people. who the global economy as a whole are certainly felt the impact of lockdowns one recent forecast suggests
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that it will calm tracked 5 percent in 2020 and that's despite governments together stumping up trillions of dollars to protect jobs markets some analysts say the world could enter its worst recession since the great depression rick sanchez small to america discuss the pros and cons of lockdowns with his guests. these lock downs extended lock downs are ridiculous and are causing such economic and mental and health devastation at some point we have to have a conversation about how do we protect the most vulnerable but we've got to get back to work these lockdowns are devastating to the working class and i would argue that those that are are doing for extended lockdowns are anti working class i got your point but here's the other point here other countries that have been able to deal with this effectively vietnam south korea china new zealand some of them knocked it out in like weeks to a month and they didn't do it with a lockdown they did it with an entire list
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a bevy of things including testing immediate testing knowing who are the people who are sick isolating them i mean that is how you apparently about this disease right . no i agree 100 percent they did it with the leadership structure they leaned in on the science they did it with a leadership structure and a government that understood what covert 1000 was and what type of a threat it was they did it by not acting like oh but $900.00 was a hoax at the end of the day we do have countries that have far exceeded the level of success when it comes to preventing individuals from contracting covert 19 and i think that those are areas that we need to look towards in terms of the methods that they use but in each one that you just named they had government leadership that followed and acknowledged the fact that covert $1000.00 was a threat and developed a plan from day one whereas in america we had a president who completely ignored the threat and its like to keep going as it would not affect us and acted as though we were somehow insulated because we're the united states and we have american blood running through our banks and i would argue if you didn't have these extended lock downs in california and new york that
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average would be even lower and you're seeing the g.d.p. come roaring back i will point out this i think the shame of it all in the spring is that trump listen too much to barracks and fogey with faulty models including the marine model out of washington state if you hadn't and followed his instincts i think we'd be in a much better place they were a lot of people who still hosted house parties and other things i'm from chicago originally i know chicago shut down lockdown for a while yet their cases steadily went up but in large part that was because of basic human behavior and people not following the social distancing guidelines so i think that taking it construct with the other things that we've heard from organizations like the c.d.c. it's very important that we follow all of those things and not look to one as the magic bullet to ensure that people are healthy and safe. to most use of former presidents theodore roosevelt and abraham lincoln the top of the pole in the mid right some bungle is an across the u.s. city more of that after the break.
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join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. you have capitalism without capital and you can't have top at all without giving people an interest rate to incentivize them to save. and the reason you do that is that if there is a downturn like. there's plenty of seed stock there's plenty of capital in your capital system to smooth it out but if you deface the current. you interest rates are 0 and there's no incentive therefore there's no capital then you don't have dapples anymore you have a club time or c by structural banks the worse it gets the more they pay themselves
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. welcome back the u.s. city of portland has seen riots and vandalism with statues toppled people demonstrated on indigenous peoples day which is replace the federal columbus day holiday in several states. to start she's a former presidents theodore roosevelt and abraham lincoln will pull down on the entrance to the oregon historical society was blocked 3 people were arrested president this to say about the us. put these animals in jail now the radical left
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only knows how to take advantage of very dumb leadership fools this is biden law in order. we spoke with political interest on to the vote just rights and social justice journalist on then conan who explained why some people object he said instant cheese in the u.s. columbus day is a celebration of white male mediocrity this is a person who got lost and got very very lucky you don't see prince that swastikas in germany and for all intents and purposes or did things for germany that were beneficial to the germans but were so disgusting in the process that those symbols have been taken down in germany where they've had this true record truth and reconciliation process i just don't think that we can exercise this from an english centric lens a referring to it's our history now we might have all been combined or impacted in some sense but we were not impacted in the same way and this goes back to that indigenous idea of free prior and informed consent they were not informed and they
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did not give consent for these symbols of hate that have been literally etched in stone in something that was sacred to them that can't continue to happen and in some cases yes many of the statues may have to come down i didn't know lincoln had ordered the lynching of the 38 1st world people who were trying to protect their families and this is an opportunity to understand yes lincoln is. revered in america for so many values that we hope to aspire to and yet we never really tell the story of what happened to 1st native people in america and what's happening to them today and that was brought out in that. ok let's find some news in brief for you next starting with a march by chile's largest indigenous group which descended into violence on monday the unauthorized rally through santiago was met by riot police total bombs and
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stone thrown were counted by water cannon in tear gas. wildfires in syria has killed 2 with 70 others requiring medical attention the north west of the countries currently in the grip of the heat wave buildings in several cities have been damaged. and the police think people have been killed dozens more injured after a 3 story building collapsed in lagos nigeria video taken not long after the tragedy shows what's left of the building the cause is yet to be determined. the european union has backed imposing a new round of sanctions on russian officials this over the election of our new case it could include travel bans and asset freezes and balls the alleged poisoning of the opposition figure our europe correspondent peter oliver has the story. the sanctions measures were put forward jointly by france and germany the legal necessities will need to be drawn up before they can come into full force and we're
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expecting them to be announced in e.u. council meeting that's a meeting of the heads of government in state of the e.u. member states on thursday and friday of this week what we can expect from the sanctions though is that they will take the form of asset freezes and travel bans it's being reported that 9 members of russia's security services may be the targets of the sanctions the german foreign minister announcing them had this to say that we have initiated sanctions against individuals whom we believe to be partly responsible for this violation of international law it is important that the e.u. shows unity in such a serious crime we did today well germany and france were the 2 member states that put forward these berlin in paris say that russia has not give. adequate answers as to what happened to alexei of ali well from moscow's point of view that they've germany to provide moscow with the evidence that shows that alexei navalny was
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poisoned with a nerve agent 4 times but that request has fallen on deaf ears in fact the russian foreign minister not happy at all with the way that moscow is being treated in this situation there were protests of the euro we are asking the o.p.c. doubly to explain their find these were the results of this probe they tell us the request was from germany so it's the german case and you should ask germany so we ask german when we get the same old story the last of requests from a prosecutor general sanchez would have been sent in a. conventional meeting this is the supreme was massive in your them under this convention request this must receive an answer should instead we hear excuses are absurd statements the russians should investigate these crimes on exam we cannot investigate the case when we have no facts so where does this leave russia's relationship with the european union well not particularly great modern day we heard from alec foreign minister saying that there could be no return to business
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as usual however we did hear from your barrell as well the e.u. high representative for foreign affairs basically the e.u. foreign minister if there ever was to be one he said that the relationship between moscow and brussels went deeper than anything that had to do with alexei not only that russia's cooperation was needed particularly when it came to situations like the ongoing crisis in the got a cutback russia is one of the co-chairs shoulder means group to deal with is the fight in northern iraq i wash with the president mccall has to toggle this is the president putin we want to work with differing work with meaning screw up you know that to look for us he would look over his. we're not going to stop doing that to do to the top of these tensions alexina valley is still recovering here in berlin he took it on a flight from siberia to moscow back on the 20th of august he was brought here to
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berlin was in a induced coma for a couple of weeks he was roused from mats and discharged from hospital the last month and continues to recover but as he's getting better it would seem that there's still plenty of ramifications from whatever happened to him to come with relations to how that relationship between moscow and brussels is going to go from here on out. and i wrote it today watching r.t. international thanks for joining me this morning i will return at the top of the hour with more on our big stories. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the
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depths. or a maybe in the shallowness. of those who still just know that the vilest of all of this. one let go of quiet. ok. we hope it will be but this year i wrote some friends that the us are still stuck at the so did the something this is. the charge for sure. they'd have about that the simple dollar that the house is going to buy was that well put them
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on them that you know but that. as the election approaches we feel it's necessary to ask a very simple important question why do most potential voters describe themselves as independent or not affiliated with the for the people party on top of this whole after poll revealed voters what more choices is the 2 party system limiting. democracy. greetings and salutation is all right just when you thought the 2020 reality 6 show series couldn't pack any more twists and turns in steps this season's big bad
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i'm talking of course colbert 19 to slap the united states president congressional republicans and viewers like us right upside the head i mean i am. and all the fallout from the brand name and chief bout with covert is still yet to be determined the government run health care currently nursing our president and his covert stricken administration has apparently been bang on with even the president tweeting doctors nurses and all at the great walter reed medical center and others from likewise credible incredible institutions who have joined them are amazing tremendous progress has been made over the last 6 months and fighting it this pledge with their help i am feeling well. which is rather a lariats coming from a man whose party in political platform states on equivocally the government run health care is about as diabolical as naked cactus climbing or as economist and former us secretary of labor robert rush tweets show don't tell the republicans but
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at walter reed they have socialized medicine oh my gosh with the donald and his associates are the only flag waving mega capitalists who don't seem to have a problem feeding from the public trough when times get tough huff post is reporting that at least 5 companies with histories of violating environmental rules secured emergency government loans totaling as much as 32000000 to retain employees during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic these are companies that have collectively paid more than $52000000.00 for it for in for in for environmental violation penalties in fact mal thanks to the federal reserve's decision to buy corporate bonds for the 1st time in u.s. history in order to save wall street from essentially destroying itself earlier this year when covert hit alexis goldstein with truthout reports that we the public together with the bed now own over 300 $15000000.00 in bonds of fossil fuel perms including those with a track record of environmental racism. so with the great leader heading back to
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the white house after basking in thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of publicly funded health care and big oil and other corporate bremer's staying alive through taxpayer backed federal reserve bailouts. how's that $1200.00 check they sent us back in spring feeling now guess it's time to start watching the hawks. if you want to go on a city street you want to. see that this is joyce state. great city this least systemic deception is the late show which. brings up. a world where more than watching the i robot and i want to crawl. boy a boy image a pretty big news of i mean donald looks like he's back and all all from public
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public health care and you get the big companies come find out the companies that threatened our environment they got fined for pollution they're receiving good government money in the time of covert we're bailing out big oil the fed steps in me one of the americans are still waiting for that extra check to keep their lights on so it's amazing to me how we continually to watch the american government decide time and time again to bail out these big businesses when all it would take is an act in congress to actually have another round checks to americans who are still highly unemployed going into the holiday season with no end in sight even for those who are currently working who are on the chopping block we just were in a very bad place economically and i don't think that our leaders have been taken that seriously as they should yeah because i think that they live in their own kind of version of a covert ball.


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