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tv   News  RT  October 16, 2020 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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with someone that you know. with infection rates. during the spring new curfews and restrictions are. coming up in the program as the race for the white house edges towards the finish line republicans are crying. for twitter on facebook expose article on democrat joe biden. by. they take negative posts down almost before they even go up trying to protect them trying to protect but this is election interference in the attempt to rig an election which
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is what we're seeing here by monopolies unprecedented in american history. terminally ill children is said to become illegal in the government there is banking new rules too and. children will feel pressure. to allow people to kill them. that is the. kind of cases of patients who are suffering so much suffering. by. wherever you're tuning in from across the world welcome to our to international my names you know neal. the coronavirus is once again tightening its grip on europe france spain and the united kingdom are set. new infection records on
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a daily basis far exceeding those seen during the initial wave however when it comes to tackling the health crisis it seems political unity is in short supply or your correspondent peter all for delves further into the. cases of coronavirus sky rockets across europe e.u. leaders are bringing back hard core restrictions and we have made a decision to impose a curfew it will be in force in the paris region and 8 other french cities other should out in this situation over the bend them it is serious because we record rising infection numbers almost everywhere the reason is that fear is a 2nd autumn winter wave of the virus would be worse than the 1st appear to be coming true back in march france was in lockdown with around 7 and a half 1000 daily cases the latest figures show that is high and now the same picture is repeated in spain and in the u.k.
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while all those countries were in lockdown in the spring now politicians are trying to strike a balance between safety and personal freedom for many the potential economic damage of another lockdown outweighs concerns of a public health. and. since the virus was 1st detected in europe different countries of opted for different tactics the swedish government went for a hands off approach relying on people following precautions without them having to be made the rules that worked at least for a while but now restrictions are in place in sweden as well the disjointed approach among member states has caused public frustration a poll of e.u.
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citizens found that just over half of french people consultant thought there was unity in the block when it came to tackling coronavirus however 60 percent of italians and almost 3 quarters of those here in june. any thought the approach lacked solidarity as i go larry in security the measures that confusing i have no idea where i can and can't go out there just simplify their rules i'm worried about a 2nd law down especially the impact it will have on restaurant owners and the self-employed it's not clear if there is a right strategy but there must be a better way to explain the strategy where supposed to be when we know the hotspots of large family gatherings politicians maybe care homes and retirement homes that's where they should focus this is just chaos the one thing that was agreed upon this week was a unified set of travel rules for the european union we welcome the agreement reached day by the member states on uighur coordination of measures restricting
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free movement related to the corona virus pandemic it will have a single set of colors to categorize the different regions based on risk with a single set of rules to follow so citizens can see more clearly what the situation is the german chancellor says that means to be more cooperation across europe to help calm attain a virus that doesn't care whether it's in brussels bremen things we have also experienced that european corporation is not limitlessly resilient i tell you the south critically especially in the beginning of the pandemic inveterate specht we focus too much on the problems of our own country but this experience once again makes it clear that we need each other we need close european cooperation in order to must agree challenges which can only be achieved together with the citizens and not working above their heads so far that unified approach to tackling cove
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it has been lacking from european leaders these are all of our r.t. . or we spoke to a swedish epidemiologist who believes it's almost impossible to have those 0 covert debts that many nations seem to want while saving a colonies at the same time. if you're going to be. facing. the 1st thing you have to see is whether they're aware of those little pleasantries so it does not help that they say well that was that gordon from long before he should have been taken into account in diplomat. to face the epidemic that was not there so this is. i dunno. i don't see it but the. others you know with your protest are not to save their
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lives. with your players it's hard to say. ok we have it nice economy doing this but it didn't make the time to look down. there we suffered much more so we're going to have a better position than they have if you have those ideas you have to some cities and of course you're going to sacrifice. but that is. the human rights. we're here in russia is also witnessing a rapid rise in numbers on friday the number of daily cases top more than 15000 the day before that saw a record number of daily deaths 286 new restrictions are not being rolled out in the capital and other cities. with u.s. election fever are nearing its peak the mudslinging for both sides has gone up a gear but republicans believe they're being specifically targeted not by big tech twitter and facebook centered on explosive power to go on the reportedly shady
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business dealings of joe biden and his son the social media giants claim they were merely trying to prevent misinformation here shark killing. the election is just 3 weeks out and the new york post the daily conservative tabloid of new york city says it has a bombshell and they've allegedly got e-mails from joe biden and his family now the e-mails are said to have come from a laptop that was left behind at a computer repair shop in delaware there are some images of joe biden's son hunter smoking crack and an alleged sex tape the e-mails show hunter biden introducing his father joe biden and the vice president to the board of barista a natural gas giant from ukraine that actually paid hunter biden $50000.00 a month to sit on its board. did home to thank you for inviting me to d.c. and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together it's
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really an honor and pleasure critics say this proves that joe biden when he was vice president knew about his son's business deals in ukraine and helped to the republicans see this is damaging the biden campaign team of course they didn't i everything so why has this story gotten so big well in social media got involved when they will intentionally not cling to the new york post i want to be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by facebook's 3rd party fact checking partners in the meantime we are reducing its distribution on our platform on facebook you couldn't even share this story in a direct private message it was blacked out gone twitter even shut down the new york post account and the account of the white house press secretary when she tried to share a screen shot of many this looks a lot like tech giants meddling in american politics so how did twitter explain it . the policy establishment 2018 prevents the use of our service to distribute
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content obtained without authorization well that's interesting because the recent story from the new york times similarly unconfirmed about donald trump's tax returns which was based on personal data that was somehow collected which the new york times never bothered to explain where they got it from that story it's still up on both platforms so cue the republicans with biden today they take a negative post down omo just before they even go up there trying to protect him they tried to project by the tech monopolies that control american media feared this story might hurt that candidate when they favor this is election interference in the attempt to rig an election which is what we're seeing here by monopolies is unprecedented in american history now twitter says this is all just a big miscommunication well the damage has already been done the story of joe biden
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and his son and their business dealings is probably not going to have a big impact on the election results however the move by the tech giants to censure it after they've already had a long history of anti-conservative bias that very well could. r.t. new york well twitter host since announced it will revise its huck material its policy to the liberal tweets instead all blocking them however the new york post article remains blocked at this plays images containing private information apparently public policy professor mark seabirds believes silicon valley has gone full political actor. both twitter and facebook are very clearly in the biden camp and so this bombshell story by the new york post is damaging to joe biden and so both twitter and facebook for political reasons are trying to restrict viewership of this incriminating
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information of course the social media platforms can't come out and say that explicitly they can't say that we're in cahoots with you know the biden team and we didn't like it for political reasons it reasons instead they need to make up other reasons for restricting viewership what is cleaner is that this was a very pro biden move. the dutch government tells approved plans to allow the euthanasia of terminally ill children aged between one and 12 the research shows there is a need for the possibility of active life terminations among doctors and parents of terminally ill children who are suffering hopelessly and i'm bearable and will die in the foreseeable future current dutch law permits euthanasia for babies under one
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year and children older than 12 consent from parents is monitoring while children age 16 or 17 need only inform their parents of their decision the new rules will also require parental consent on the approval of 2 doctors euthanasia for adults meanwhile was legalised in the netherlands almost 2 decades ago and euthanasia comes for 4 percent of the total number of deaths in the netherlands od of more than $6000.00 cases the majority involve terminal conditions we put the government's new policy up for debate. there's 2 things that have got to find one is how long someone's got to live and the other is how unbearable the suffering really is and both of those things get watered down over time or in oregon for example terminally ill has been watered down to you know you require some medical treatment to sustain your life which means even diabetes is classified as terminally ill where people can live for decades without p.t.s. this is what essentially they don't know exactly what you know around the
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definitions of what causes what is terminally ill what is unbearable and this kind of thing and the fact they will think it down now to children as well shows exactly the slippery slope that happens when you legalize euthanasia in this kind of way it's absolutely nonsense what you say it out of them basement with having diabetes will not be helped in his suicide just because he has a diabetes if there is a diabetes it by suffering but it's certainly not the reason and this is to wait a post or preachin is talking about outlaw i think even the suggestion to young children maybe dying is their option is just going to very very very disturbing for their children and and just provoke anxiety i think children what you have what will happen here is children will feel pressured to die pressured to allow people to kill them what an awful thought that is and then parents as well feeling pressured to kill their children or allow their children to be killed i think if you don't want to have euthanasia you're not going to ask for it you won't get it
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you will get absolutely perfect health care in the netherlands and in oregon it is nonsense to say that it is suggested to patients that they should make a choice for death it is not one of the nicest thing for a doctor to do to help his patients die but sometimes it's the only way out it's not nonsense at all the many reported cases where patients have felt pressured you know because doctors have said you know we can't maybe we can't treat you for this and so you should think about euthanasia have you thought about euthanasia and dots of repeatedly said that to patients and they felt the pressure of it give me a quote to that article i have never read. what you set it is just something you think or you believe which is happening that maybe there have been cases where this has happened i must say that we are sacred but it is certainly not the general our outlaws practice in the netherlands how would this practice in oregon how does practice in belgium in luxembourg right now i mean what we've found consistently in surveys of doctors is that people who are actually policy of care doctors do not
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support euthanasia they're the ones who know that pain can be alleviated euthanasia is is not the right way round everyone agrees that this is a wrong thing to do to terminate life in this kind of way you are perseverant in saying something which is not right if there are situation to alleviate pain by periods of care how doctors do that but we are talking in discussion of cases of patients who are suffering so much where the suffering can not be alleviated in such cases it is much more humane to help somebody die peacefully by yes of course by the hands of a doctor by giving medication. rebellion is brewing in the north of england after the government brought in regionally targeted covert restrictions but faced with growing opposition prime minister boris johnson has pleaded with the murder of greater manchester to engage constructively however he threatened action if ignored
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if agreement can't be reached i will lead to intervene in order to protect manchester's hospitals and save the lives of manchester's residents the prime minister's words came after moscow's murder and opposition labor party politician accused on instead of using the north as canaries in the coal mine if sally has more. of manchester has been speaking today and he's been lashing out at the government's attempts to implement this so-called 3 year to system on certain parts of the u.k. or at least putting certain parts of the country into those higher brackets and mr burnham saying that those parts of the country he suffered enough economically there are certain sectors of the economy that have suffered enough economically throughout this crisis and if the government is going to pull these measures out then they have to extend some type of financial support to those regions last night the deputy chief medical officer told great amongst the leaders to bring the
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infection rates down any regional lock down would require widespread closures way beyond pulps to stand any real chance of working and that would have to be done in tandem with all the neighboring regions and even then it would not be certain to work but here's the point the government is not giving city regional city regions like ours and the liverpool city region the necessary financial backing for full lock downs of that kind. that is why we have unanimously opposed the government's plans for tier 3 they off lord and. now there are other leaders in the northeast of the country council leaders who have also lashed out in places like sunderland the new cost of against these government measures here in the capital london we are expecting to go into the
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height from saturday all the words on the streets of the city there are mixed feelings as to whether that is the right way forward i think it's kind of been sprung on a lot of people people weren't expecting it necessarily but it seems like it's the logical next step i would prefer a sure shot down rather than something that we just don't know when it might. just keep rolling right back look at the damage that it's been doing to the economy to a 2 tier 3 everyone suffering now we've reached a point where this there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel i take the view that the this is the reaction to this disease as. more unfortunate and terrible it is being grossly exaggerated and we need to. try and regain normality soon as possible again i feel whatever is going to. spread is a good thing i think it probably needed to happen a while ago and maybe we would have had to do it
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a bit less dissin know it was fairly it's gone forever and i know it's in the public interest and we should be safe but. i don't know i'm really tired of my work and everything just being disrupted all the time you do i have to do it. we're in this for the long term political commentator jonathan fryer believes the new measures will do little to stop the spread of infection. the 3 tier system which the government has brought in clearly is rather complex and it divides parts of the country up sense going to be quite difficult i think to make people pay the rules particularly in those in the top tier and there's no guarantee of success unfortunately the been a number of meetings with local authority leaders in which the government has they doubt more details of what's available but it's good not going to be as generous as the support that was available during the 3 months from uptown that we had starting
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in march this year there's going to be a recession in this country but the economy wouldn't collapse we have to remember still the country is the 6th richest country in the world and unemployment rates are relatively low compared to even other countries in europe sal it would be a hard thing to bear but it wouldn't destroy this. u.s. city of portland is counting the cost of another night of vandalism last weekend after a black lives matter protest ascended into rioting on business targeted was a restaurant owned by a military veteran john jackson. we experienced some bend alyssum and vandalism in the form of what i would call domestic terrorism on sunday evening by a faction group that hasn't yet identified themselves during that even in they had
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a march here in portland which turned into a riot and that's they me vinnie they targeted heroes american. and proceeded to shoot through the windows with what we believe was a 9 millimeter pistol. but heroes american count feri is known for supporting veterans police firefighters and other public servants they're courting to its website some profits are donated to support local heroes the restaurant was attacked during the so-called day of riots in portland protestors toppled statues of former presidents raided the oregon historical society building portland's murder scribe the actions obscene john jackson they can believe some groups intentionally escalated the situation. it was a planned attack not just random because there's other buildings all around me that
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weren't touched they tore it out multiple statues a statue of teddy roosevelt abraham lincoln and they destroyed a museum a historic museum at the same time the chatter on the internet indicates that they believe that we were pro police in they believe that we were anti black lives matter which. is makes no sense because you can see that i happen to be an african-american business owner that portman is a community of relatively peaceful people and i think that the people from portland that are protesting are protesting peacefully what's happening is there's faction that are being paid to come to portland. and to antagonize and to escalate trouble. some breaking news not coming out of the french capital deceiving and gruesome if it is fine to be correct
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a man has reportedly been dick capitated in a horrific attack near a school in parlous a suspect has also been shot by police let's go live to the french capital an r.t. charlotte dubin ski to talk more on what is known at this stage not a. well very little that information coming through now that we understand a man was decapitated in one of those suburbs around paris there are a lot of reports on to a terror of the social media that lead up to that nothing has so far been confirmed what we do know though is that the national antiterrorism prosecution team have been informed about this and it looks like this is being treated as a terror attack we understand that a man was headed on friday with no i. the value of those region or that is of course we understand that the attacker has been shot dead by the
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police the scene and they still took place at about 5 o'clock local time in france and it happened apparently need a spoon as well and now apparently national police officers arrived at the scene very very quickly shooting dead at the suspect who is alleged to have carried out that gruesome decapitation all the another individual let's not forget is only comes just 3 weeks after the last terror incident to introduce at that was when an 18 year old man who was and did buy images at me published by the satirical magazine challis after all of them was him prophet mohammed attacked 2 people at site the former offices. that magazine france of course is on high alert the details we have at the moment is that a man has behaved from the police and shot dead the alleged perpetrator just horrific details charlie thanks very much for bringing us up to spec what is
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known now at this stage charlotte devinsky. now ever since germany said it was a refutable the top kremlin critic alexina volumnia had been poisoned with a novacek nerve agent berlin has been demanding answers from moscow but news that russian lawmakers wrote to the german parliament's president offering cooperation as incensed some german m.p.'s as they were never informed of the over the members of the bundestag do crucial and miller and hurt are stunned how in the highly tense situation of german russian relations which urgently needs dialogue russian offers for talks and requests for help are so brusquely rejected by the german side some politicians in berlin have since the smiths the proposal as a cheap trick to win influence moscow has been repeatedly rebuked by the e.u. for failing to provide what they state is a credible explanation over the incident but the signatories of the letter say their offer of cooperation was the liberally ignored but why the buddhist president
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has decided to ignore a letter in my opinion he had received a command to do so otherwise i can't explain it this all undermines the deputy's independence which is sad. meanwhile our deputy for the alternative for germany party has urged the head of the bendish tag not to leave the russian letter on answered we talked to one of his colleagues huns your mueller. bust monday the 12 o'clock toga or the personal secretary of mr scheuer wrote to a friend. of mine but l. actually he had forwarded letter both to tickle me chew on foreign affairs a lot of wonderstruck and the members of the truman russian parliament recruit by being a member of the german russian parliamentary group i have never really received this letter by mr short so you just proved in writing that mr short blip or right
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on this topic it letter deliberately and then i got a letter that mr scheuer really forbit the letter only true they had hoped they called me to on foreign affairs but this only happened after we had already a lift to the topic in this moment your conference with a russian colleague so also a piece he had done only under pressure and what i did personally use that presidential little bit blonder stark decided truth frayne to gives an answer to russia this i have also in writing i think this is a very it is a tremendous political scandal but the president of the door to the stark side to refrain and you are in service to moscow on this very important letter the politics of cocaine in focus next as we look at how colombia is struggling to leave behind
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its legacy as the world's biggest coca producer not program starts in a moment. a confirmation process that will most likely see judge become the next supreme court justice is an impulse way for them and their liberal media cast doubt over the proceedings legally their jobs don't have any merit whatsoever on whether this is don't want to play simply says the supreme court has been little sized maybe forever in fact to the poor if you really see the.
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same wrong all rolled just don't call. me. yet to shape out just they become educated and gain from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. a sort of amazing country with so many friends in russia and i'm very excited to be here. i love that idea i think i can do that. every night i make a lot of money with. millions and hundreds of me.


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