tv News RT October 16, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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question if you dream is in for. islamic radicalism strikes again in friend says president emanuel macron calls the beheading of a teacher in paris an act of terror. washington rejects russia's proposal to extend a major nuclear arms treaty between the 2 nations just months away from expiring. also with coronavirus numbers now surpassing the peak from earlier this year curfews and restrictions are being reimposed across europe. and pre-election madness in the us as republican slams social media giants for banning an explosive article on democrat joe biden with biden. they take
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a negative post down almost before they even go up there trying to protect him they're trying to project but this is election interference in the attempt to rig an election which is what we're seeing here by monopolies is unprecedented in american history. just after 4 am here in moscow you're watching r t international i'm donald quarter welcome to the program. now our top story french president emmanuel macron has confirmed the beheading of a teacher in paris on friday evening was quote an islamic terror attack the suspect was shot dead by police shortly afterwards charlotte to pinsky updated us from the french capital earlier but we understand that it's a 47 year old history teacher who has been decapitated in this particularly
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gruesome brutal attack that took place in a northwest area just outside. of paris and we understand that it was perpetrated by an 18 year old man to give you some background on this we understand that the teacher had been just a few weeks ago giving a class on freedom of expression and in that class had apparently shown the students a caricature cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed now we understand that some of the parents were unhappy about that and they actually reported the teacher at the time we understand that on friday he was to capitated by this 18 year old and the attack took place just outside the school at around 5 pm local time here in france this is being treated as a possible terror attack and we understand that shouts of allahu akhbar would heard just before that attack was carried out the interior minister here in france has
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cut short a visit to morocco and is back in the country where he is heading up a crisis unit back in paris i'm being informed directly by the crisis unit that i have opened in conjunction with the president of the republic and the prime minister so we understand that the perpetrator of this attack then tweeted some of the most of gruesome images i have seen of late all of the decapitation of 47 year old teacher in the tweet that was posted in this now apparently been removed from social media the 18 year old said that he did this in the name of allah and he said he executed the 47 year old history teacher because he had belittled the prophet mohammed relating back to those caricature is that perhaps had been shown in the class just a few weeks ago the image of the decapitation very gruesome the face mask
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that the teacher had been wearing so completely in blood now we understand that. teacher the police then turned up that the 18 year old alleged attacker at threatened them with a knife and they then shot him dead president mark or unhealed this was a long awaited speech that's been in the works for months about the problem with separatism here in france he said that he wanted to fight back against separatism in this d.v.d. or ation away from the secular nature of france now this is because the french authorities had been fearing for a long time that children were learning arabic in a setting that was organized by religious associations and in mosques and that they were at risk of being indoctrinated by radical islamists as a result of that president mark on announce that they would be no more home schooling unless there were situations such as health concerns he announced that
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there would be closer scrutiny of religious associations and schools that served religious communities he talked about liberating france from a foreign influence and this all came around a time as well that we saw a poll of 3 quarters of respondents or who were muslims under the age of $25.00 saying that they would put their faith ahead of the republic and many also saying that they are unhappy with the idea of a magazine say like charley do we publishing the controversial cartoons of the prophet mohammed which it did just a few weeks ago and to bring this into context again just 3 weeks ago we also saw another terror attack related to the images of the prophet mohammed here in paris when an 18 year old stabbed 2 people outside the former offices of charlie hebdo so very worrying developments that within less than a month there have been 2 incidents one including this deadly gruesome decapitation
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of a teacher on friday here in paris all over it seems the republic shing of cartoons of the prophet mohammed. and we discussed the possible repercussions of the attack with a number of political commentators does deputy links to the trial of the people who could lie did in the murder of the journalist the cult you just show you do and the casualty of do is so french there's a great tradition in for a lot of political. cartoons and others and offensiveness in a sense subtle and i think that is not something on which the french need to yield is something that is bringing them to unfortunately this continue to happen every month we have another gruesome story those who preach hatred those can be they can be sent back to different countries they can be put in jail i mean again we have laws to protect the french citizen from those things to happen and whatever if
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mcchrystal king about it now and again that's a good thing but if he doesn't have the courage to implement the rules and regulations then we will continue to see the situation i mean when we have someone you know do say that it's ok to you to decapitate another person i mean there's no there's no room for for for discussion. has decided to talk about it and that's a good thing however in terms of acts i think we're far from what should be done one of the major issues that you know that can describe the situation we're in right now its message immigration and that's not one country. washington and moscow are at odds over the extension of a major nuclear arms control treaty after the u.s. pushed back against vladimir putin's proposal to continue it without preconditions for another year nick aaron has more. well as the clock ticks on the last remaining u.s. russian arms control treaty the united states and russia remain locked in what seems
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to be a stalemates one last go is suggesting an unconditional 5 year extension of the treaty the u.s. wants quite extensive changes which moscow has called it quite simply unrealistic now speaking earlier on friday the russian president made a strong call it to save the remaining pact you used to i have a suggestion to prolong the existing treaty without any conditions for at least one year in order to have the opportunity to hold talks on all the matters regulated by such treaties and not to leave all the countries in the world interested in the preservation of strategic stability without such a fundamental document as district did you comes reduction treaty. with things between they say seem to have escalated quite quickly with the us even responding with threats if they say that conditions are not met. president putin's response today to extend new stance without freezing nuclear warheads is a nonstarter the united states is serious about arms control that will keep the entire world safe we hope that russia will re-evaluate its position before
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a costly arms race ensues now the issue is that washington wants a framework for a new trial lateral treaty that covers all nuclear warheads and includes those of china in the future and that's something which russia has objected to now the new strategic arms reduction treaty otherwise known as the new start treaty was signed in 2010 by the us president barack obama and russian president dmitry medvedev the pact limits each country to no more than $1550.00 deployed nuclear warheads and $700.00 deployed missiles and bombers and in visit is sweeping on site inspections to verify compliance too but the treaty is set to expire in feb 2021 so time is really of the essence here and the lack of an agreement and of course the tone of rhetoric between the 2 sides has raised concerns within the un it is imperative that the russian for the nation and united states of america extend with. the new start treaty for the duration of 5 years for the sake of all of our security the
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world must return to a common past wars nuclear these arms now as you may remember last year saw the breakdown of the 987 intermediate range nuclear forces treaty says so the new stars is really the only nuclear arms control pact between the 2 sides that remains so needless to say the stakes are high. in other news france spain and the u.k. are setting new daily infection records exceeding those seen during the initial wave of the coronavirus however when it was when it comes to tackling the health crisis it seems political unity is in short supply our europe correspondent peter all over reports. cases of coronavirus skyrocket across europe e.u. leaders are. bringing back hardcore restrictions and we have made a decision to impose a curfew it will be in force in the paris region and 8 other french officers dodged
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in this situation over the pandemic is serious because we record rising infection numbers almost everywhere the reason is that fear is a 2nd autumn winter wave of the virus would be worse than the 1st appear to be coming true back in march france was in lockdown with around 7 and a half 1000 daily cases the latest figures show that is high and now the same picture is repeated in spain and in the u.k. while all those countries were in lockdown in the spring now politicians are trying to strike a balance between safety and personal freedom for many the potential economic damage of another lockdown outweighs concerns of a public health. since
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the virus was 1st detected in europe different countries of opted for different tactics the swedish government went for a hands off approach relying on people following precautions without them having to be made rules that worked at least for a while but now restrictions are in place in sweden as well the disjointed approach among member states has caused public frustration a poll of e.u. citizens found that just over half of french people consulted thought there was unity in the block when it came to tackling coronavirus however 60 percent of italians and almost 3 quarters of those here in germany thought the approach lacked solidarity as i don't larry in securing their measure 2nd. using that i have no idea where i can and can't go there just simplify the rules i'm worried about a 2nd laws down especially the impact it will have on restaurant owners and the self-employed it's not clear if there is a right strategy but there must be
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a better way to explain the strategy where supposed to be when can we know the hot spots knowledge family gatherings policy maybe care homes and retirement homes that's where they should focus this is just chaos those were the one thing that was agreed upon this week was a unified set of travel rules for the european union we welcome the agreement reached day by the member states on uighur coordination of measures restricting free movement related to the coronavirus pandemic it will have a single set of colors to categorize the different regions based on the risk with a single set of rules to follow so citizens can see more clearly what the situation is the german chancellor says that means to be more cooperation across europe to help calm attain a virus that doesn't care whether it's in brussels bremen things we have also
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experienced that european corporation is not limitlessly resilient i tell you the south critically especially in the beginning of the pandemic inveterate specht we focus too much on the problems of our own country but this experience once again makes it clear that we need each other we need close european cooperation in order to must agree challenges which can only be achieved together with the citizens and not working above their heads so far unified approach to tackling cove it has been lacking from european leaders these are all of our r.t. . we spoke to a swedish epidemiologist who believes trying to save both lives and economies has been made incredibly difficult by bad planning if you are to be able to enjoy your face. the 1st thing you have to see is whether they are groups aware of those little prison trees so it does not help that they say well that wasn't brought in
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from law before it should have been taken into account in deployment of this strategy to face the pandemic and that it was not the done so this is this year i do know. over incapacity. i don't see it purpose but the. others you know where your protests are not to save their lives it will be with your play it is hard to say the economy so even. if we have it nice economy doing this pandemic and the country will look down that will then we suffered much more so we're going to have a better position than they have if you have those ideas you have this consideration of course you're going to sacrifice. but that is. the human rights. now with us election fever going into high gear republicans believe they're being specifically targeted by big tech that's after twitter and facebook censored an
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explosive article on the reportedly repeated reportedly shady business dealings of joe biden and his son the social media giants claim they were merely trying to prevent misinformation here's are to scale up and. election is just 3 weeks out and the new york post the daily conservative tabloid of new york city says it has a bombshell and they've allegedly got e-mails from joe biden and his family now the e-mails are said to have come from a laptop that was left behind at a computer repair shop in delaware there are some images of joe biden's son hunter smoking crack and an alleged sex tape the e-mails show hunter biden introducing his father joe biden and the vice president to the board of barista a natural gas giant from ukraine that actually paid hunter biden $50000.00 a month to sit on its board. did home to thank you for inviting me to d.c. and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together it's
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really an honor and pleasure critics say this proves that joe biden when he was vice president knew about his son's business deals in ukraine and helped to the republicans see this is damaging the biden campaign team of course they didn't i everything so why has this story gotten so big well in social media got involved while they will intentionally not cling to the new york post i want to be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by facebook's 3rd party fact checking partners in the meantime we are reducing its distribution on our platform on facebook you couldn't even share this story in a direct private message it was blacked out gone twitter even shut down the new york post account and the account of the white house press secretary when she tried to share a screen shot of many this looks a lot like tech giants meddling in american politics so how did twitter explain it . the policy established in 2018 prevents to use of our service to distribute
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content obtained without authorization well that's interesting because the recent story from the new york times similarly unconfirmed about. donald trump's tax returns which was based on personal data that was somehow collected which the new york times never bothered to explain where they got it from that story it's still up on both platforms so cue the republicans with biden today they take a negative post down own those before they even go up there trying to protect him they tried to project by the tech monopolies that control american media feared this story might hurt that candidate whom they favor this is election interference in the attempt to rig an election which is what we're seeing here by monopolies is unprecedented in american history now twitter says this is all just a big miscommunication well the damage has already been done the story of joe biden and his son and their business dealings is probably not going to have
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a big impact on the election results however the move by the tech giants to censure it after they've already had a long history of anti-conservative bias that very well could. r.t. new york twitter since announced it will revise its hacked materials policy to label tweets instead of blocking them however the new york post article remains blocked as it displays images containing private information public policy professor max abrams believe silicon valley has gone full political actor. both twitter and facebook are very clearly in the biden camp and so this bombshell story by the new york post is damaging to joe biden and so both twitter and facebook for political reasons are trying to restrict your viewership of this incriminating information of course the social media
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platforms can't come out and say that explicitly they can't say that we're in cahoots with you know the the biden team and we didn't like it for political reasons it reasons instead they need to make up other reasons for restricting viewership what is cleaner is that this was a very pro biden move. now also in the u.s. portland is counting the costs of another night of vandalism last weekend after a black lives matter protests descended into rioting one business was targeted it was a restaurant owned by a military veteran john jackson. we experienced some bend alyssum and bandolim in the form of what i would call domestic terrorism on sunday evening by a faction group that hasn't yet identified themselves during that even in they had
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a march here in portland which turned into a riot and that's they me vinnie they targeted heroes american. and proceeded to shoot through the windows with what we believe was a 9 millimeter pistol. the heroes american cafe is known for supporting veterans police firefighters and other public servants according to its website some profits are donated to support local heroes the restaurant was attacked during the so-called day of riot and portland protesters toppled statues of former presidents and raided the oregon historical society building portland's mayor described the actions as obscene john jackson again believe some groups intentionally escalated the situation. it was a planned attack not just random because there's other buildings all around me that were untouched they tore it out multiple statues
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a statue of teddy roosevelt abraham lincoln and they destroyed a museum a historic museum at the same time the chatter on the internet indicates that they believe that we were pro police in they believe that we were anti black lives matter which. is makes no sense because you can see that i happen to be an african-american business owner portman is a community of relatively peaceful people and i think that the people from portland that are protesting are protesting peacefully what's happening is there's faction that are being paid to come to portland and to antagonize and to escalate trouble. a rebellion is brewing in the north of england after the government brought its regionally targeted covert restrictions into effect but faced with growing opposition prime minister boris johnson has pleaded with the mayor of greater manchester to engage constructively however he threatened action
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if ignored. if agreement cannot be reached i will need to intervene in order to protect men just as hospitals and save the lives of magisters residents the prime minister's words come after manchester's mayor an opposition labor party politician accused downing street of using the north as canaries in the coal mine i saw early reports the mayor of manchester has been speaking today and has been lashing out at the government's attempts to implement this so-called 3 year to system on certain parts of the u.k. or at least putting certain parts of the country into those higher brackets and mr burnham saying that those parts of the country he suffered enough economically there are certain sectors of the economy that have suffered enough economically throughout this crisis and if the government is going to pull these measures out then they have to extend some type of financial support to those regions last night
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the deputy chief medical officer told great amongst the leaders to bring the infection rates down any regional lock down would require widespread closures way beyond pulps to stand any real chance of working and that would have to be done in tandem with all the neighboring regions and even then it would not be certain to work. but here's the point the government is not giving city regional city regions like ours and the liverpool city region the necessary financial backing full full lock downs of that kind. that is why we have unanimously opposed the government's plans for tier 3 they off lord and. now there are other leaders in the north east of the country council leaders who have also lashed out in places like sunderland and you cause that against these
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government measures here in the capital london we are expecting to. go into the heart from today all the words on the streets of the city there are mixed feelings as to whether that is the right way forward i think it's kind of been thrown a lot of people people were expecting it necessarily but it seems like it's the logical next step i would. show no doubt rather than something that we just don't know when it might. just keep rolling right back look at the damage that it's been doing to the economy 2 tier 3 everyone suffering now we've reached a point where this there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel i take the view that the this the reaction to this disease is. unfortunate and terrible it is being grossly exaggerated and we need to. try and regain normal as you soon as possible again i feel whatever is going to. spread is
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a good thing i think it probably needed to happen a while ago and maybe we would have had to do it a bit less dissin know it was fairly it's gone forever and i know it's in the public interest and we should be safe but. i don't know i'm really tired of my work and everything just being disrupted all the time you do what you have to do it. we're in this for the long term that's all your latest news stories for this hour make sure to check us out on your favorite social media platforms and on our t.v. dot com thanks for watching and we hope to see you again soon. a confirmation process that will most likely see judge breyer become the next supreme court justice is an impulse way thim when crowds in their little need cast doubt over the proceedings legally their doubts don't have any merit whatsoever on whether this is the one to play simply says the supreme court has been little size
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maybe forever impacting the poor it is a real job. a dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge going to exploit for a child here in los angeles they were going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being.
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direct. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallow. secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe now. even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 zone there were 2 view houses were. prison was located only cia people had access to the story for investigators sure hell they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean one of. the great ignore in thought.
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someplace he most people almost call me i most came in nobody goes from believe me national security was he was put oh you do i called. him those down that i pull. out of the compass he didn't. deny someone to sleep on us you're not going so smoothly live in the middle you won't believe i come on the fuel vehicle. and also knows all the discipline little models little but if you see all of that i think all you know because i have you seen the not a political muscle monosyllables a lot of. what you think up as a buddhist but on the loss of life but a compass you know if you don't know much about us or to get. to know michael turtle. say you 1st.
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