tv Watching the Hawks RT October 20, 2020 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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if you're worried about who's going to pay for it mexico will pay for. it was the one. who knows jose. we'll see on the field with the success. greetings and sal you taishan while right while the race to the white house continues its 3 ring circus act featuring the flailing tantrums of u.s. president donald trump and the. yawning energy of joe biden elsewhere in the world citizens are putting their energy and votes towards a more progressive. dare i say socialist future in new zealand labor party leader and current president just in the ardor crushed her right wing political competition with the resoundingly reelection win anchored on her mature science based public health 1st corporate greed last response to the covert 19 pandemic
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meanwhile down in south america and one of the united states favorite playgrounds for political manipulation of the people bolivia appear to be saying corporate greed us backed coup d'etat no more as the washington post reports that exit polls issued early monday showed bolivia's socialists taking a seemingly insurmountable lead in the country's bitterly fought presidential elections and this comes just a year after the organization of american states or oas through bolivia's electoral process into chaos with unproven accusations of vote rigging against them sitting president evo morales the country's 1st indigenous born president this as you remember helped trigger a military coup that eventually saw the installation of right wing christian zealot and u.s. state department behavior on the 9 yes' as interim president and forced morales to flee for his life to mexico and then argentina well now is the numbers. intended to
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pour in showing a major victory for morale says former finance minister louis r. c. the former president tweeted out quote brothers and sisters the will of the people has been asserted this is an overwhelming victory we are going to give dignity and liberty back to the people to major progressive socialist winds coming on the eve of one of the biggest us presidential elections in history should the corporate powers that be here in the united states actually start worrying about where the world's going let's find out as we start watching the whole. what's going on in a city. you want to. see as this you always state and see a. great city desolate systemic dissent says the late show which. brings up the old. well going to
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watching the i robot and i'm on the set and joining us today to bring us some on the ground insights into this store a collection in bolivia is the latin american campaign coordinator of code pink and bolivian election observer leonardo florists leonardo thank you so much for coming on today. thank you for having me on so 1st i want to ask you you're down in bolivia what are the people in bolivia saying about this huge win for louise obviously the former minister of economy and public finance under morales and what did you witness as an observer. so i think the people are incredibly relieved 1st of all that there's been no post electoral violence the fact that the mosque won with over 50 percent of the vote means that you know the country is firmly supports it and prior to this week there was many scenarios in which would squeak out a victory and then we might have seen another coup happen or we might have seen the electoral authorities try to know the results but since it's such a resoundingly victory i think both of us say for now. what i witnessed yesterday
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was a day of calm and peaceful voting i've witnessed very few irregularities there were some isolated reports of people being disqualified for basically core purged from the voter rolls but there was nothing to suggest this was a tendency to act the really the most a regular thing about the whole night was the fact that the results came in so late after midnight despite the fact that we were probably almost 8 o'clock and so these are the results that we got on actually exit polls they were really pictures taken of the tally sheets by private companies and then compiled basically so these are these are unofficial results that are stronger than polls and that the electorate already is going to certify the results later this week while and leonardo how much of a role has u.s. corporate interests played in bolivia's politics and how does that affect the election and the interest that. well the you. through through usa do the u.s.
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agency for international development and your wiki leaks we basically know that for 20 years now even before this was elected president usaid you had an eye on the u.s. embassy here wrote cables warning that he was a power of warning that he was going to be popular and he was going to have the support of the bases so 20 years ago 5 years before he even became president they started the strategy of trying to undermine him and part of what they did was they would finance these so-called civic organizations particularly in europe which has a strong separatist movement which is where they did just represented where there are more kind of people of white european ancestry and so the santa cruz was very key in terms of carrying out this coup and a lot of the funding goes to not just for a number come out who is from santa cruz and who was one of the 3rd in the elections but really to everyone in the libyan opposition and the liberals and they receive funding from the u.s. and they have strong corporate ties of course in. of course bolivia has vast
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lithium reserves and there's a good reason to believe that mckeon played a key role in this group lithium being what powers a lot of our technology today given the recent progress of weapons we're seeing in new zealand and bolivia are we seeing a new trend towards more progressive and socialist leadership in the world. i mean it certainly looks that way right because it is in argentina the new liberal democracy last with within the last year and we're going to see elections in ecuador in next year when it's very likely that the socialist will come to power in ecuador but you know these are trends that are happening all over the world but at the same time you have fascist parties on the rise and in power say for example in brazil where you know salvador or some might argue in the u.s. . do you think that we're i mean do you think that there's kind of. engagement and this really you know given the nature of what's going on with covert today given the nature of climate change given the nature of the tremendously you know
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tremendous wealth gaps are we going to see more socialist trend in the united states you know kind of following the lead in bolivia and these other these other countries that you mentioned. well i mean we saw a lot of excitement with bernie sanders campaign of course but he failed just like until 4 years ago so i think it's going to take a long time for socialism to really take root in the united states and the fact that there are so many young people interested in social and the bodes well in that regard but. listen to this discourse is so rampant in the u.s. and it's so kind of built into the d.n.a. of the country that i think it would be much more difficult if anything women were going to you might see slightly more progressive policies certainly not because of say joe biden but pressure from below. and what would you say were the breakdown of the voters there i know here in america we're looking at the trends between some of the younger voters many leaning more with the socialist trend versus those that are older women voters and things like that we're breaking it. down demographically
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what were some of the key demographics for the win that you got. i mean the main democratic demographic is basically race whether a person is indigenous or not so for example last night as i was observing the elections i ended my night in a straw in the stronghold for the opposition candidate for carlos mess that was in the old liberal and they have about 50 voting booths in that precinct of those 50 voting booths $48.00 went to mesa and only 2 went for the mass candidate and then when i asked the people why they said that the voting booths are basically separated by the blast and and that those particular 2 voting booths they had indigenous last names voted there and so basically the indigenous so born in those 2 places whereas in the other 48 it was kind of more middle class upper middle class and mixed her way heritage those who went for the new liberal candidate and then when we see the rulebook come in that is almost exclusively indigenous and that is where the massive power base is and they won handily in rural areas where i
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got to thank you very much for your service there and keeping an eye on the voting that took place there and thank you very much for coming on and educating our off our audience of what took place in bolivia over the weekend it's definitely interesting to follow where that is going and where those voting trends will take us into the future thank you so much for all your hard work. absolutely thank you. early voting has started and voting sites are already seeing long lines along with widespread growth in mail in ballots and various polls showing that the 2020 u.s. election may be record setting r.t. correspondent john hoodie has more. in charlotte north carolina voters waited in long lines many saying they would stand there as long as necessary to cast their vote it was a similar scene in other parts of the country as early voting has started the website elect project dot org shows that of the $42.00 states plus the district of columbia reporting the latest numbers more than $1.00. 1000000 have already voted
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in north carolina 3000000 people in california more than 4000000 people in texas and 2500000 in florida florida once again is a key battleground state as it was in 2016 most election experts agree president trump needs to win the state like he did in 2016 to win the 2020 election of the more than 2500000 ballots in florida thus far 49 percent are democrats 30 percent are from registered republicans and 20 percent no party affiliation president trump held rallies in florida and michigan last week and nevada over the weekend spending the final weeks of the campaign in states that were expected to vote red but are now close to flipping blue the latest polls show joe biden still holding a solid lead nationally leading in 10 of 12 swing states but president trouble portably regained a slight lead in ohio and pennsylvania along with some gains in florida biden meanwhile returned to his wilmington delaware home and his campaign said he will not be holding any other public events until after thursday night's debate with
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president trump it's the 2nd and final debate and if it's anything like the 1st one there will likely be fireworks once again the question is whether it will be a debate focusing on substance rather than insults between the 2 candidates and one thing that will be absent in this next debate foreign policy the debate commission announced that instead the debate will focus on the pandemic race in america climate change and national security concerns about voting this election will likely be one of the topics discussed according to a recent pew research center poll there are quote deep divisions in views of the election process and whether it will be clear who won and of the more than $11000.00 registered voters surveyed while large majorities of voters think that the elections in their community will be run and administered very or somewhat well they are less confident in the administration of elections throughout the country according to the poll more than half of the trent voters surveyed said they don't think the election will be administered in a fair way and that absentee ballots will not even be counted correctly for now
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though the votes are being counted and 2020 may be on track to be a record setting election year for watching the hocks john hardy. artemy just looks like bolivia has free and clear brilliant elections while we're we might we might be struggling on the road our edges are being held together with bubble gum at this point it's interesting because as john he just said we're seeing right now this ramp up in people voting early and i think that's a good thing part of that is driven by all of the electioneering and fear tactics that donald trump used about mail in voting but also people you know responding to colbert 19 and saying that they were going to get out front of it so we're seeing a lot of folks across multiple states a lot of young people a lot of diverse voters using early voting in a way that we haven't seen them use it in this type of number in the past that's very true and one of the members of stood out to me when i was talking about the numbers early voters i believe it was in florida so that 20 percent of those were unregistered and that's a big number for early voting and i can't imagine that's going to fare well for the
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incumbent donald trump but you've got 20 percent of registered people coming in to vote this year very interesting stuff all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand for the brand new portable t.v. half which is available on all platforms definitely check out portable t.v. coming up we delve into the myths and propaganda surrounding black buying power here in the united states of america with professor jared ball you don't want to miss this conversation stay tuned to watch or. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. forces. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or roommate of the shallows. americans love by and homed. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country at large understood
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the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. of the really interesting back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the united states not just that old question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is and for . secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within the zeros on the work to view houses were. preserved was located and the only people had access to the story for investigators covered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. the great of nor.
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for justice on. the economic condition of black families across america is persistently picked apart studied and drives advocacy for policy reforms and the controversial calls for reparations. blacks have been property in america longer than we've been allowed to own and home ownership remains a key component of the american dream and wealth building in the u.s. but for blacks home ownership has been greatly hampered due to redlining racism in lending and devaluation in property values even after a home is purchased but one thing we can't seem to get away from is the notion of black buying power the n.b.c.
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publish an article in july looking at black buying power growth and racial profiling by retailers news one a popular media outlet for black community news has spoken many times on the phenomenon of black buying power in february an article titled black buying power by the numbers stated quote the wealth of black people in america and the gap between other racial groups have been well documented but that doesn't mean black folks don't have any money to spend even though the racial wealth gap is widening black people can spend money with the best of them statistics show. with nearly $50000000.00 black people in the us black consumers spend more than one trillion dollars a year nielsen which provides analytical insights on consumer habits dive from drive to deep with some of the discussion around black buying power with the release of this report it's in the bag black consumers path to purchase that report found that african-americans outpace spending nationally so which is it are black
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struggling economically or buying like there's no tomorrow and living their best the great gatsby lives a new book the myth and propaganda of black buying power aims to answer that question and more in his book arthur gerrard balls demonstrate how the black buying power myth began the powers that be that drive the lies and why the media environment continues to perpetuate it in the book ball takes major aim at the claim that black buying power makes black america economically equivalent to the national economies of many countries by comparison g d p. jared ball author and professor of communication studies at morgan state university joins us now welcome. to pleasure thanks for having me well your book is quite interesting so what inspired you to tackle this topic and what are some of the negative effects of the myth of black buying power being perpetuated today. wolf again thanks for having me and i appreciate that introduction because you outline a lot of the problem there you know for me it started before at long before i
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became any kind of journalist or academic is just as an activist and anybody who has spent any time in any really black political public sphere will have heard a version of this myth. you know whether they consume media or just again read attend activist meetings and i just kept hearing this but as you lay out in the introduction any time you start to look at the numbers the data the actual economic analyses and of course just the broader analysis and history of this country those stats didn't make any sense so i just wanted to at the time i became a columnist and then also an academic of sorts i wanted to really dive into it and look into to its origins and blend the work that i'm interested in which is a combination of afrikaner and media studies i don't want to ask you because it just seems a little ridiculous when you really think about where did this idea of the gross domestic product the g.d.p. of other nations and black buying power in the u.s. and that comparison even come from and most importantly how is that been debunked.
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along and little bit of a complicated history that i try to summarize briefly in the book but an even shorter version would be that initially the concept of buying power was developed by the federal government in the economic business elite of the 19th and early 20th century and they were trying to basically keep labor activists from rebelling and workers from rebelling they wanted to find out how much could they exploit workers by reducing wages but paying them enough that they wouldn't rebel and also have a. off to spend in the economy buying the products they were helping produce in the mid 20th century it was really the black commercial press which is sort of where your introduction leads to that weaponize this for the purposes of garnering ad revenue from white corporations in black commercial media spaces so there was sort of this symbiotic relationship that developed between again the government in
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the economic elite of this country in the black business community that what it basically wanted on the one hand to promote a post world war 2 wondrous potential for black people in the new you know singular hedge of monic moment of the united states by promoting capitalism as something that anybody even the 4000000 slaves could could use to better themselves and then the burgeoning black boo's was the in that moment post world war 2 wanted to do the same thing by part by you know accommodating that mythology by saying yeah we have money to spend we don't really want to rebel we don't want to gauge and civil and human rights struggles we just want to be able to shop and be good middle class citizens so if you use your ad revenue in our commercial media outlets we will provide you with a customer base that can afford your products and out of that came a lot of misunderstandings a lot of bad journalism and a lot of mis reporting and misinterpretation that still unfortunately plagues us today because in the end the most pernicious virtue. result of the myth is that it
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blames poor people in this case or people for being poor but the suggestion that if we were so-called better or more financially literate we would be far better off in this again wonderous and open capitalist economy and that's part of what i'm arguing it's without it and how do we hold it to your point how do you hold black media specifically accountable here because i noticed that during the george floyd protests black media kept going back to this over and over again until again to your point a lot of it i think was to drive more media ad buy specifically from white organizations. to keep their businesses going but all in all it makes a lot harder for black people who are in these really suffering communities asking for assistance demanding things from their cities their states as well as the federal government how do we hold black media leaders to the fire when it comes to perpetuating this myth and what it does for the black community. we have to have i think just an honest. conversation as much as possible even if it takes place off
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the record because we get it i understand the economic model in this country and the need for black commercial media to gain garner ad revenue for the same time we have to be able enough and of course i appreciate the long history that black media have plenty in continue to play in offering an outlet in a perspective that much of the other mainstream or allow but in this one area there does have to be some sort of confrontation lovingly polite is that can possibly be that says look to the constituency that you target you are wildly misrepresenting the economic situation and offering a set of interpretation and analysis that doesn't lead anywhere this is long black capitalism and black business development have long been debunked as models for attaining well for any community much less in oppressed so-called minorities such as black people white wall who wasn't created this way so the idea that black people in this situation could do the same thing is again mr logical i think and that to me is we're truly at the heart of this is that is that kind of capitalism myth perpetuated here in the us the you know hate everyone can start from nothing
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and create an empire out of that you know what are some of the factors of just looking at that myth of the american dream that really jump out to you that has been so used to oppress various people and cultures in this country. again is that sort of outlined in my book a little bit there has been a specific targeting and a development of the use of propaganda in this country going after the 2nd world war specifically toward the concepts of democracy and capitalism together to create large all can all citizens in this country as consumers. politically disengaged to a large extent and largely seen their civic engagement in their pain treats his and the lens of consumption and we know that the even before culvert and you know and certainly which is really the ravages which was the saying now that the economy is countries that are roughly 70 percent consumption banks so when people aren't shopping when people aren't spending in this case particularly black people. the
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economy will stall so when we're being told that is black people and poor people are being told to invest your money stave your money be frugal don't spend irresponsibly that's actually contradicts how the economy works and that the ied for this economy for for consumers as we're seeing right now when people can't spend money is that is that you are used to so what we are encouraged to disbelieve or move away from is the wall public policy plays in the creation of wealth definition of wealth and distribution of wealth and that's the that's the arena i think we need to be more active in in developing public policy that says it doesn't matter what role you play in the development of wealth where there's a consumer or an owner but all that wealth has to be more properly redistributed so when it comes to the question of g.d.p. where g.d.p. is a measurement of wealth trying to get by and for the entire economy and the wealth that accrues largely to those who only economy it's not a measurement of inequality within an account so when you talk about the g.d.p. of any country it doesn't you know the g.d.p. of this country before covert was 20 trillion dollars that did not speak to the
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wild inequality that exists in this country and who gets that 20 true so that's what i'm arguing needs to be the focus and not who sets up a business and who is an entrepreneur and who saves their money that's that's should be irrelevant to the question of who is able to benefit from all the wealth and resources that we help generate in this country i couldn't agree more i think it's a great book and i've been to do a great job really breaking that down and i can't i can't thank you enough for coming on the show today and talking about these issues because they're important issues that should not be ignored whether in the mainstream press alternative media or in our home or in our conversations on home and around the dinner table thank you so much for your good work professor and keep keep it up and keep up the great work out there. thank you very much. professor just breaking it down right a new clue i'm glad you took that out because out of the myth i've heard for the longest and wondered what the pieces of that puzzle were no and a dangerous myth dangerous because like you pointed out that that was really great is that it reads them in activism to bridge the political in activism when you
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think that ok there's only one route to attain wealth are to what if that is our show for you today and remember in this world we are not told that we are loved so i tell you all love you i am tired rover and i'm of the people i'm watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and let everybody. know when i'm going to be out there so i don't think about that i don't mean a grown man now for. i kind of but i wonder. if i'm not big now i think it's higher than i. am as i succumb i feel. safe. to europe but once they.
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the french government to take on the islamic project their off date is they could watch need to a spike in islamophobia in the country. on integration issues elsewhere in europe by lebanese man is denied a job and system shipped over his refusal to shake hands with the woman discrimination or justified requests opinions differ. but it was a clear signal that he still is here to a totally different value system of. the one which is established in germany this is a cultural and historical process and somebody doesn't shake the hand of the world plus enough in america a prominent supporter of president evo morales triumphed in the country in the presidential election.
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