tv News RT October 21, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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it. was continues its crackdown on hate speech in order for closure of a mosque or to be linked to the beheading of a teacher who showed caricature was of the prophet mohammad. the school turmoil in the u.k. northerners lash out and boris johnson for imposing tough new coronavirus restrictions on the region well sick people how they feel about. the economic package so you know it's just it works people a lot of big fish to put its teeth through about giving people the correct by not just me to point to the more i'm going to be able to buy a bit. of the u.s. says it will remove saddam from its black list of state of state terrorism sponsors but it's coming with that hefty price tag
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a cartoon. that will welcome you watching r.t. international with me carrying our top story this hour in france people continue to mourn the slain teacher some your party the 47 year old was brutally killed last week in an in an ax labeled us terrorism as part of its pledge to fight hate speech the government has ordered the closure of a mosque accused of links to the gruesome murder with the latest developments a solid defense. several organizations are being shut down as a result of the attack on some real party almost a week ago in france and that includes the mosque behind me this is the grand mosque of punks on you know the reason the order says on the front of the mosque that it is being closed on wednesday is because that is for the sole purpose of preventing acts of terrorism and that's because this mosque which has around 1500
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people who regularly come and worship posted a video inciting hatred against teaches samuel party in the days before he was killed now the person the author of video is under arrest at the moment and is also said to be exchanged messages with the killer now the rector of this mosque has expressed extreme regret for sharing that video on the facebook page of the mosque and this is a statement that's only last we strongly condemn the savitri islam and its teachings categorically condemn such acts the grand mosque needs its most sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of samuel petit and because the violence has no place in a religion which calls for a fraternity and respect for difference as well the beheading of that 47 year old teacher has cool really struck a new hearing for this all unfolded off the he gave a civics education lesson that during that lesson he was talking about freedom of
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speech and he showed controversial images of the muslim a prophet mohammed which really upset everyone and that is a reason that the 18 year old who murdered him said he did so this hits at the heart of this relationship that france has with freedom of expression the liberty of speech and it is a lesson that teaches up and down the country give year in year out and they now feel that if they continue to do so they could be some repercussions that this all comes at a time when the regions in front of decided. publish a book which contains all of the most controversial religious and political cartoons that will be distributed to schools we also understand that some hotels and public buildings in the south of france and elsewhere will be showing images displaying them on their buildings today in a sign of solidarity with samuel patty and we know that some need to also done
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the same many people in front saying they will defend to the end their right for their freedom of speech. we thought it was important to be there especially as i'm studying to be a teacher so i'm still touched directly but almost frankly i think it's horrible what happened hampering our freedom of expression the freedom to learn know. the values of france of the republic which have been targeted through the murderous samuel party whether it is this professor or another no matter which french college or high school who started this freedom and look at caricature not necessarily of muhammad but we look at caricatures to show freedom of expression they're all questions over whether this could incite even more hatred do know that france has had a longstanding problem with grown islamic radicalism and in the last few weeks president
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machen set out to stall in what was seen is being pretty much a long walk speech saying how he was going to fight against this and he talked about a draw off a bill that still to be presented in december that will look down closing homeschooling loved closest scrutiny of many organizations and he said that this was to tackle foreign interference here in france you know the trough bill which we released in december we've had little trinkets of what's coming out given that we've seen mosques like this being shut down in the wake of mood of some real party president. court has said he will continue this point. that our citizens of this islamic faith must be protected against the evil of radical islam i say it here because the will of the islamists of its ideologues is precisely to turn a part of our citizens against the republic using their religion and we cannot let
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that happen but many might say detract is that this is perhaps too little too late particularly given that it's emerged in the last few days that some of the recent been arrested since the summer party known for their radical. thought that ties to radical islam so many people saying is enough being done to stop the rot. you covered $9000.00 restrictions in the u.k. have seen politicians low corns the american race in manchester has lashed out at westminster saying the imminent lockdown in his region will push people into poverty and after talks to avoid those strict emotions collapsed on tuesday. we made a generous and extensive offer to support mentors does business manager didn't accept this unfortunately given the public health situation i must marry proceed with moving greater manchester as i say to the very high level no point today will be
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offered in order to protect the poorest people in our communities through the punishing reality of the winter to come i now look to palm and to be a make a judgement on a fair by natural framework for 3. really striking about this latest disagreement is the politicize ation of it as seen by some with. them holding out saying that the city with its 40 number of cases since its peak in september shouldn't be going into 2 or 3 not done not at least without some kind of sufficient financial package from the central government now initially the mayor had said that his team had. a 1000000 pounds as part of a package the government's figure was around 60000000 but they just couldn't seem to come to an agreement eventually the government put forward only 22000000 pounds of speaking to some of the locals on the street majority of them backing the
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position of the mayor and really proud of andy burnham the mayor of manchester for really they were the way the b.b.c. put it was bending them the government over a barrel and really sticking hard on this one and defending those people because that the economic package they announced just it won't keep people alive i do think it's very good that he's holding out for financial measures because we do need that and it hasn't been done enough. but also there is a point where you cannot hold human lives as a leverage anymore they think that it's a place instead think about giving people the correct by not just. people are going to be able to survive a bit so. you. the government still insisting this part of the country should be going into 2 or 3 lock down what that means for those especially the lowest paid in the cities well it's going to be a long dark winter ahead. starting on friday greater manchester will be put in the u.k.'s top risk bracket for covert classed as tier 3 that means
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a ban on mixing between households and guidance against travel in or out of the area and the closure of all pubs we heard from local councillor allan bret's who labels the drastic measures as misguided. i'm still not convinced that 3 'd is the solution to the rising rates especially myra in this time if rates start going to change then obviously the government was right and we're wrong the big issue is to protect lives and it's also to make sure our economy doesn't on its alone 5 to 8 that if you're 4 and you're in no low 'd income job you're more likely to touch this and you're more likely john although it's problems so 'd it unless we have a focus on our interest but gauged then all of the local economy get badly it. it will affect the poorest ringback members of the commission. on the u.k.
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to the rest of europe where the 2nd wave of coverage 1000 is gathering pace and belgium france and spain are all on high alert those countries now have the case numbers far higher than during the peak back in spring and the spanish region of catalonia doctors say they're down to the best sensuous in protective equipment to drive the point home to authorities equip of them strips that underway in the central square dance alona just one example of how people are struggling when across the continent with more on how doesn't sound battling to flatter because his piece on of inviting. lots to get through different measures being taken in different countries across europe will start from where i'm talking to you from here in germany. most of germany has got off pretty lightly compared to its european neighbors what we've seen on tuesday is a full red alert announced in the back this god no region of bavaria in the south
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of the country 2 and a half $1002.00 wrists being told you've got to go and they have to go immediately says the practice guard in the region goes into this full lockdown. and in poland which is one of those countries that fed reasonably well in the spring when we 1st saw over 19 it ripped through europe it's not doing so well now with the government there is put in place a series of measures which includes things like closing gyms however we have seen some fitness clubs attempting to get round that one in crack of in particular has relaunched itself as a church of the healthy body in an attempt to circumvent ban on gyms while they are doing that the authorities in poland taking things a little more seriously in fact they've turned the national stadium in warsaw into a makeshift hospital as the polish government prepares for the worst human the.
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chinese we must also think about darcus naruse if we are not able to stop the pandemic in our country temporary hospitals will be necessary. spain more cities going into lockdown for 2 weeks nevada the latest to do just starts around 650000 people will be locked down that means bars restaurants won't be able to open it supposed to last for around 2 weeks but that could roll on depending on infection rates spain saw 25000 extra infections of covert 19 over the weekend. moving north and the island is heading into 6 weeks of what's being called extreme lockdown households would not be allowed to mix with one another and you're not supposed to go more than 5 kilometers from your own home in measures that will last until the beginning of december i understand and i feel very personally and
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profoundly the sense of disappointment the feelings of loneliness perhaps even this the despair the dissonance meant will bring for many if we pull together over the next 6 weeks. we would have the opportunity to celebrate christmas in a meaningful way. we look at in italy the longer the region as seen a huge spike in infections that's prompted the introduction of a nighttime curfew hospitals they're concerned that they may become overwhelmed as they did back in the spring and the 1st wave of covert 96 there going on on the ground respiratory viruses do not have legs it is people who spread them lumber the is a very dynamic region very active with a lot of population and then a large concentration of population in the cities but overall it's a pretty bleak picture here in europe one big question that nobody seems to be able to answer though is why countries like germany sweden and denmark bearing the brunt
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you there. welcome back the u.s. has pledged to take the done off its list of terrorism state sponsors in exchange it was caught him to pay out hundreds of millions to terror victims in true modern diplomacy style the american president of the sudanese counterpart took to twitter
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to discuss the deal great news new government of sudan which is making great progress agreed to pay $335000000.00 to u.s. tara victims and families once deposited i will lift sudan from the state sponsors of terrorism list thank you so much president trump we very much look forward to your official notification to congress rescinded the designation of sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism which has done too much currently washington's list of terrorist states include 4 countries sudan iran north korea and syria this means they're subject to sanctions and can't receive foreign aid from the u.s. there's also about long arms sales as well as a number of financial restrictions so that was designated a terrorist state of the harboring al qaeda leader osama bin laden.
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well as they were they had to set off a palestine chronicle believes the upcoming u.s. election played a big role in his latest. of course this is a devastating. political statement that there is sure then turned out not to be really about terrorism if that was ever the subject of the u.s. saddam conflict but it is about money i mean imagine what kind of precedent this is going to send not just within that region but worldwide but i really think it was never about money in the 1st place trump is desperate to go back to his supporters
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and to claim another foreign policy victory especially because in 2 days there will be another i debate that will focus largely on foreign policy so he needs to go and talk about his achievements and sudan in addition to the immigrants and be the leaders of his achievements as far as he's concerned this is really more about us elections that that money percent. and i historically if the u.s. government has stopped charges on tech giant google it's accused of violating laws meant to stop monopolies on online searches and that the sizing the whole thing is one of the most significant legal challenges to a tech company in decades. please
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. on the issue of monopoly is the google holds 88 percent of the us such market with 94 percent of the low ball such is occurring on it 7 says washington also alleges that the tech companies suppresses innovation by looking up distribution through contracts with our poll political analyst dave perkins sais this looks a lot like history repeating it so i want to compare it to historically true the advent of the widespread use of the telephone in america about 100 years ago when the company called american telephone and telegraph own everything including the manufacturing of the equipment so government let that ride for about 50 years in the prices got too high in the service got too bad and so they filed a lawsuit against a t.n.t. an antitrust suit and it resulted in a t.n.t.
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breaking up into regional companies and telephone service being opened up to competitors and all of that made life much much better for business and for american citizens now we have google which is considerably more complicated than a telephone number one because we're not quite sure what they're doing when you use the company's services for free and you can't figure out what they do to make money and what their product is that means the product is you and they're selling you and your data and we just don't know how certainly it should not be done behind closed doors under cover of darkness by only one company for his pa google believes the estate is deeply flawed and will hurt its consumers by pushing them too and its opinion in syria rivals. people use google because they choose to not because they're forced to or because they can't find alternatives this lawsuit would do nothing to help consumers to the contrary it would artificially probably over
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quality search alternatives raise phone prices and make it harder for people to get the search services they want to use what google has done is build themselves centrally a couple of different forms of one are believed within the marketplace one of them specifically though is with the android operating system which they say not only has google you know dominance in terms of being the largest operating system in the world but defaults that system to create google as the search they also also dominate the advertising market for online advertising as you know about 80 to 90 percent of all online advertising goes through directly through google and so the idea is that google has used an optimized its search engine its enjoyed operating system to be able to create market dominance and it's not necessarily because the public loves google so much as it is the fact that google has found a way to make themselves really the primary search engine online when it comes to a mobile device. the office sign challenge of own weapons on
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a british nuclear submarine with apparently sunk to new has apparently sent to new depths that's not the allegedly turning up the welcome to a night on the town but a shot he had with dudley found out this is not the 1st time h.m.s. vigilant has found itself in choppy waters. fears over the nuclear button and what could happen if it was pushed an era has overshadowed humanity for decades so no one wants the trigger to be in the wrong hands certainly not drunk ones one lieutenant commander in charge of nuclear missiles on board a british royal navy submarine stationed in the united states was sent home last month after he allegedly arrived intoxicated for duty following a big night out and is far from steady and sober hands were carrying a bag of grilled chicken and to work personally i go for fried on a hangover chicken aside an investigation has been launched where an individual's conduct falls short of the high standards so we expect we won't hesitate to take the appropriate action where we don't comment on the detail there are numerous
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safety checks and processes to protect the safety and use of weapons the board all submarines while turning up hamet at most jobs is a sockpuppet offense most people aren't responsible for missiles and sensors on the u.k.'s nuclear deterrent vessels and the incident has rallied the twitter brigade who are calling for nuclear disarmament this is not reassuring me why not just remove your nukes and everything associated with them from scotland that would be more effective and next you don't to do to nation no for a nuclear warhead in a populated area is unthinkable let us make that impossible by destroying these weapons whose sole purpose is to vaporize everything and if that's not bad enough in 2017 the submarines reputation took another dive then captain of the vessel was removed from his post after allegations he was having an affair with a female crew member same year different incident 9 british sailors were kicked off the board after testing positive for cocaine and now another scandal has surfaced
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as a quarter of the crew tested positive for covert 19 after sailors went boozing despite a strict doctor measures so the h.m.s. vigilance submarine has found itself in deep trouble over the years giving new meaning to the old traditional sea shanty all of what should we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning shouting edwards daschle r.t. london. thanks for joining us here on aussie international we're back with the latest in fact the minutes. seemed wrong. just don't all. get to shape out just they become educated and in the game equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. americans love. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country at large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right that's the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. and be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history what housings meant in the united states not just that old question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is and for.
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you know what i mean maybe up there see i don't think about alaska pectoral many roman not new dorp or. i kind of were on that ship on the course of the now i think it's higher than our. members of the africa mafias promised them safe and quick passage to europe but once they. leave they are in sleeves they count speech util. will not some of them leave your mom and i couldn't you know if this unit can get it out to him in. the soil the. lady gets all concord of the import data because the persona that
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a kid even thought all the scabby the normal. i'm after township we're going underground as nature nation media arguably tries to ignore the seismic electoral victory of evo morales his socialist party in bolivia the latin american country overthrown with the backing of washington which holds the largest known reserves of lithium used in all our mobile phone batteries coming up in the show as the royal navy arguably overlooked its links to slavery and celebration of trafalgar day despite calls for lord nelson is iconic status to be reevaluated we investigate the overseas operations a bill that would appear to give british soldiers carte blanche to commit war
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crimes with labor m.p. ups on a begum who voted against the bill and against her party and is the global south celebrates the push back of nature a nation imperialism in bolivia can the root of all modern resistance from che guevara to pull ropes and to the ira he found in haitian revolutionary leader to santa rosa tour we talked to the author of a new biography about the so-called black spartacus all a similar coming up in today's going underground 1st today monks trafalgar day and while mainstream media will likely fail to chart the royal navy's links to the slave trade britain has been busy immunizing its security forces from historic and present war crimes this is the u.k. record some of the worst coronavirus numbers in the world joining me now is one of the kids star as labor m.p.'s of sana begum m.p. for the london good stitcher see a proper line mouth's who has voted on both these issues thanks so much for coming on i want to get to the overseas operations bill which is going to 3rd reading but
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i've got to ask you labor keeps calling the main coronavirus testing system in this country serco test and trace when the actual name is n.h.s. test and trace the name the media most of the me. he gives it why why is it important to call it test interest the think the public need to understand that the any chance has been privatized over a number of yes' and the at the service that they're currently getting in terms of just addresses not you know government owned it's it's done by company called circle which many people might or that of before and is failing the general public there are not enough tests and to is there not enough tests and there are serious questions as to the way in which tests are also being administrated i consider to be say that for example in my constituency where you know tests are running out constantly all across london and also that we don't see the level of maybe even protection that staff should have. you know which which should be the case
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especially in a test and. is only one of the companies or many other companies and certainly they would deny that they're not doing their best and by means of ours johnson says we have the best testing capability in europe so it may be bad in your constituency but it's better than anywhere else according to the prime minister i disagree and i think you know if that was the case he would not also had a letter to m.p.'s from serco just on the 14th of october outlining you know and trying to miss past some of the missed what they perceive to be misconceptions and you know they're claiming that they you know they it's a just call triumph to have had now fit 500 and the dissent is it's all good having 500 come and test and test and that is welcome but if they're not producing enough tests and they're needed then it's not sufficient to to meet the demand you know at around this over.
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