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tv   Keiser Report  RT  October 23, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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how many was here was i think were a part of america thirst for murmur or cry. or worse. on max kaiser this is the kaiser report lot of people talking about is this the beginning of china as the world's superpower or but they're not thinking about another end of an era in that would be just some troll banks stacey yes we are we believe here in kaiser report anyway that we are at the end of a fee out era and we've been kind of warning of preparing for that for the past 10
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years of this serious 11 years now and you can see that even jerome powell an acting sitting head of a central bank the u.s. central bank is even saying this member last year mark carney said that as he was exiting the bank of england he said that the dollar is no longer fit to be the walls reserve currency and that we need these additional currency sort of s.t.r. sort of currency to replace that and this earlier this week we saw at your own power stated that he would dread a day that digital currency is take over the current system and the u.s. dollar would not be the old reserve currency anymore rightists like dentistry people dread it the day that gas lights are no longer around no one to electric lights and they dreaded the day that cars took over and we didn't have horse drawn carriages anymore and you know things change and he can't do
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a thing to stop at your own pal he could be the last fed chairman in the united states before the big coins take over and so this is just all part of life i think it's more like the day that you know the french royal family dreaded the day that. democracy and a republic would form rather than the peasants be happy with brioche so here he's saying i hope the peasants remain happy with this can tell you in effect that is part and parcel of a system whereby we the central banks create money and we give it to the oligarchs that aristocrats of our era now you know the money 1st that happened back in the french to the strategist it is to give the money to groups of folks on wall street and then trust that they'll be fair about its distribution and what we've discovered over the past 50 years is that it started off unfair and that's gotten more unfair over 50 years to the point now we're learning velocities and 0 and the
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continuing errors are growing exponentially but yeah i mean as simon dixon pointed out in the last interview there is a sense that they understand this problem of cause and they want to start giving money to the people instead but it's kind of too late because after 20 years of this mass can tell you the fact that we see you know the top one percent have all that wealth and all the assets so they could buy up all everything before the inflation arrives of all this money going to the ordinary people but you know another quote that we say all the time here and i think it's one of the most relevant to this sort of cantillon economy that we do have and that is from frederic bastiat out one of the thinkers of the french in my ments and it is relevant to today because we do see a trickle down of the plunder that happens at the top so when plunder this is the quote from frederick boss becomes a way of life for a group of men and
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a society over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes that and a moral code that glorifies that so that i use in reference to this tweet from liz ann sonders she says parabolic spike and business applications look at that parabolic move in the formation of small businesses. that happened this chart goes back to 2004 and you see the parabolic spike why well because you could be there you know work from home be unemployed at home during this pandemic and cluck 600 dollars extra week or you could become a small business thing collect a $1000000.00 from the taxpayer and become you know what you're closer to that can tell you in class that way right the federal reserve should not be operating like a multi-level marketing scheme like amway or mary kay cosmetics right i mean that's an established way of doing business where you refer people and those people who you refer if they refer people all those kickbacks all the way up to the original person that did the referral ok that's
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a business model but the central bank shouldn't be operating the same way when they lend money to wall street at 0 percent interest or negative rates and then wall street gets a kickback every time that money enters the economy and then someone else uses it or maybe lends it out be it the the the banking system or kicks back to the primary dealers the primary wall street banks so that's no way to run an economy because you create concealing arabs who then distort everything underneath the economy and you can create a permanent peasant class like we have in america now well in this money the reason why these small businesses are forming is in order to get the p.p.p. funds member that 560000000000 that was allocated back in not like april or may to go to small businesses and you could get like millions of dollars that were just handed out they're not expected to be paid back for the most part so it's free money but you know this is coming directly from the treasury this is coming from the government this is real money this isn't like credit money that the fed just
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moves all the bad assets off the balance sheets of the banks and put it on their balance sheet and yeah and ways monist as they should because then nobody's ever going to pay that back either so. it's a ponzi all the way down whether you look at the credit you know the fed system and that can tell you the fact that they. cause or here in this system you know the government the treasury and the f.b.i. are arresting some people who have fraudulent lay claim to us but it seems like if you look at that chart like everybody understands the cost of doing business you pay a small fine ok they're arresting some people whether those are real businesses no no no i'm assuming not and just like apple all creates stock market growth without creating any earnings stock buybacks but used to be illegal so that's an illegal activity previously illegal activity and so that people in the small to medium enterprise businesses are saying hey wait a minute we've got to have some kind of fraud too or else we're going to get you
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know blown out here so they create this frog in a stronger ponzi schemes all the way down right and as i said is when you. have a system that glorifies it the only way to become rich in america as we pointed out is to avoid all taxes and there are tax loopholes written in the 2000 pages of tax the united states that only a select few like donald trump get to use and of course getting access to making sure that you don't have to take any risk you've always said this that they get to defer a risk they take no risk at the top and now is trickling down and starting to get to the people who could scam a 1000000 instead of a 1000000000 off so that people plundering the p.p.p. system or just plundering a 1000000 or 2 whereas the top at the fed level they're plundering by the billions dumping it on to the balance sheet but i also wanted to point out you know this whole system really started you were there that day and the whole moral hazard and the system of plunder set up in 1987 and monday was the anniversary of that so
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happy anniversary on this day in 1987 i remember it well have been in the business for 13 months at that point out fell 22 percent and was still the worst ever single day performance and 124 year history of the stock market's black monday wiped out an estimated 1.7. trillion from global equity markets that's when reagan of course came in and formed the working group on financial markets otherwise known as the plunge protection team right so i had already been a stock broker for 5 years in 1907 and it was a complete wipe out of. all accounts really and firms were essentially forced selling clients out of their positions because the farmers themselves and want to take any risk so they automatically just wiped everybody out they just sold everybody out and they didn't get reports back at what price you sold out for sometimes days you know usually you get a report back in
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a few seconds but it took days and days i remember an image of the floor of the new york stock exchange and they still used a lot of paper back then the paper was actually above people's knees they were waiting through a sea of paper and so this was you know an incredible watershed event because it was caused by the futures market in chicago and the cast market in new york becoming contentious or broken essentially and it went into like a nucular meltdown technologically driven that was out of control the next day the market was set to open down another $500.00 points which would have wiped out every bank insurance company and in america and that's when reagan robert rubin and down greenspan stepped in and they started to buy s. and p. futures in the open market is the 1st time the government really started to play the market they created the plunge protection team which is very active to this day and we now know it as the greenspan put that was invented on october 20th but he
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says he's getting at the can't tell you now moment this is when they came into the rescue of bad mistakes that of course you could compare it to the big question market because this is something similar happened in march via bit max when there they got into a do loop of forestalling that caused the big crashes to prices to crash. i think over 22 percent and it was a circuit breaker and that max back and collapsed they couldn't deal with all the selling so it did rescue that price but here the man came in to intervene this is the beginning of of algo driven disasters essentially and yet it is yes i think that was program trading as it was called was just beginning and that was a major industrial accident essentially that caused a meltdown in the financial markets that work a completely out of control but it did now put the government in the position and they created what became known as the greenspan put that is to say markets can never go down anymore ever and we've had that then the bernanke you put the janet
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yellen put now that jay powell put jay powell unfortunately will be the last fed chairman but i mean you see that in the historical charts is like from this period stock markets never really go down for too long because everybody counts on they buy the dip it is that good really in this era to buy the debt because the fed will always come to the rescue it appears and that's created more hasn't that's created the council an heiress and also like kind of a snowflake sort of mentality in the markets here you guys i mean you were at lunch he said when most of the fall happened at 22 percent you know today we have you know i think the biggest since and might have been a 7 percent fall in a day and there's absolutely hysteria total you know chaos in all markets when people are panicking and screeching and you know yelling like james cramer did on c n b c the fed this is no time to be an academic you have to come bell out these markets and blah blah blah so that in 2008 the markets were down i forget the exact
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percentage point but it was maybe 4 or 5 percent and the plunge protection team came in and it was during that bailout period where timothy geithner negotiated an $800000000000.00 bailout for his friends on wall street and they crashed the market they knew that if they crash the market they can get the money they did that predictably because all the tools to. prices became more sophisticated for example now we have the vix index the volatility index which is manipulator as our friend tells us all the time the author of planet ponzi. misfires you know he goes in and has done a study on this the vix is used as the tail that wags the dog because you can manipulate the vix for a lot less capital and then that in turn manipulates the entire market and so it's play is pure politics there's no price discovery and speaking of politics remember we have interviewed people mom graham you should look it up she was on the plunge protection team under the 1st george bush i believe it was maybe the 2nd george bush but anyway she worked on the pledge protection team and she said you know people focus too much on the fed what they should ask questions is why does the
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treasury have a whole room of trading desks like what are they trading that should be asked obviously she herself probably couldn't be too explicit about what you were actually doing there because she was part of that team but it's an important question you know it's an american command the control it's a command control economy american style right we criticize soviet union for that but that's what america does it to the extremists well happy anniversary max you survive that day you know the great day you know it's a lot of fun you know and here and in your twenty's then down everything is fun and everything's a party so there's a great video online of me talking about it to c.b.s. news with dan rather anyway we're going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way no more yet beach out now.
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in sort of amazing country with former friends in russia and i'm very excited to be here. i love that idea i think i can do that. every night i make a lot of money with. millions and hundreds of me. and. he has a nice. a great wall and nobody bills a lot better than me and i'll build a very inexpensive like a great great wall. 'd and just in case you're worried about who's going to pay for it mexico will pay for
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. it will see what happens who knows i always say who knows what we'll see and the failure will be success. with little more than a week before the election many are asking the question do you believe the polls we have good reason to do so should voters trust the polls if you don't trust the folks will you trust the outcome of the election. secret prisons or not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however he even the most prosperous can be deceived we've been busy roads along the way to view houses were. preserved was located in the only safe people had access to the story for investigators she held the uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean. the great of nor.
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a sore knee. crying for justice. welcome back to take as a part imax keyser time now to go to stephen palli he's a partner anderson tell law firm stephen larkham back nice to be here max it's good to get your overview on things and accept us bases been no shortage of exciting crypto legal news these past few weeks what's your overall sense of the space in terms of how u.s. regulators at the department of justice are trading at our our trading and you know we went from a period of no regulations at all to now there are lots going on what's your feeling of the overall picture here sure so if you look at the you're referring to d.o.j. which issued a framework last week. related to crypto. we're
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also seeing some enforcement activity you talk more about it against her to currency exchange bit max buy see if you see india j i r s issued guidance not long ago there are some other issues are a godsend use of crypto to pay ransom or what we're saying is that u.s. regulators and i'm sure elsewhere in the world i only really follow the us closely understand the asset understand the space and are continuing to it's almost like a reverse form of regulatory capture where the regulators are capturing the technology as opposed to vice versa right what i mean by that or what i mean is that if you read some of the guidance and you read some of the. some of the views the regulars are taking they seem to like the technology because in a particular certain way you know actually technology allows for really good surveillance some wags in the space and conspiracy theorists and actually
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interested various times that decline was created by you know u.s. intelligence apparatus but if you look at if you look at. look at the deejays recent court they understand how this works and it allows them to track drug trafficker drug traffickers allows them to track and keep an eye on transfers being made for international terrorist financing so i don't think i think they're coming around to saying that the technology itself is kind of useful from a surveillance standpoint ok let's take a look at an individual story here said john mcafee he's kind of like the billy the kid at the end that kept us space you know he was out there a wild west pushing affronted air and then you know the modern times have caught up to him the long arm of the u.s. law seems of caught up in regards to unpaid taxes and as i see pump earnings so what are the overall legal lessons anyone can learn from this case at least as
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presented in the indictments well they always get your taxes right so i saw the there are 2 things that happen one is mcafee was sued by the f.c.c. for violating a bunch of. securities regulations he among other things touted allegedly touted. particular i.c.a.o. as wish in their view the f.c.c. were securities offerings without disclosing his own holdings made allegedly misrepresentations about different i.c.'s pretty run of the mill securities violations frankly just out of jury high volume. and nothing incredibly new it's a it's a fairly long the civil complaint by the f.c.c. is fairly long been includes features of many other civil and force and actions that we see in the past now when i saw the f.c.c. complaint i was you know we're of the the eye of the of the criminal indictment but
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the 1st thing that crossed my mind was if there was something i'd probably be taxes because people who follow this space and follow mcafee know that who are. you know so. time he's basically been saying on twitter and social media that yes he file tax returns he doesn't pay taxes he doesn't have tax liability and now clearly somebody at the i.r.s. noticed and you know he was arrested in spain and i assume extradition. proceedings are ongoing and interestingly to max the. charge the criminal charges against mcafee were filed under seal i think it may or june so they're confidential they were known to the world they were only unsealed a couple weeks ago when he was after he was seized overseas the i.c.l. mark that down to 2017 there were many of these allies many situations launched. in oh it seems that in the last year or so we have had this wave of de
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5 tokens now and to me it seems like a repackaging of the i.c.l. the same kind of people all the same hype i get the same spam and similar to that in wall street you know it's famous for repackaging the same scams over and over again a repack as collateralized mortgage obligation can take 20 different lives than ever and different forms is the same scam and why am i correct in saying that the fat from most part is just a repackaged i.c.l. scam own wine in new bottles definitely technically perhaps a little bit different than a serious but in many respects yes what we're seeing are old fashioned financial instruments. packaged and you know with with fun names like the fire but many of them are actually things that are controlled by sensual eyes arenas ations by a few people who stand to make money by policing the backs of many so yeah
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it's a it's definitely it's definitely a return of things that we've seen in 20172015. right and just for a check on a going around the table am looking at all the latest legal developments let's take a look at the bit max for a moment here the founders and senior executives a bit max were indicted on far more serious crimes what they tell us about the charges and why the lesson is drawn here sure so i would say overall. big picture you talk about mcafee if you talk about it max the overall lesson is that gravity still exists and if you have a big enough and you. blatantly violate recently idea in the eyes of regulars you plainly violate laws are going to come and get you and these things happen. they have lots of patience and it can take a lot of time so a bit max is. have to exchange derivatives futures exchange that's
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based off shore in the seychelles moved where it's american founder moved it. according to code in one of the one of the legal papers because it would be easier to bribe regulators there so they were charged civilly and the exchange each year global when a bunch of other entities. and several of the co-founders were charged simply by the c f t c which is a u.s. executive branch agency tasked with enforcing their requirements of the commodities exchange act and. the are over simplifying greatly. the things that bit max was selling to see f.t.c. says were things that required registration as a futures commission's mission i believe that steve and even if c.m. . under the c.s.a.
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i don't also require them to comply with the bank secrecy acts am i ok why sirrah quire ments my story short a c a t c says that there were tens of. thousands of u.s. customers trillions of dollars in. trades billions of dollars in fees from americans and they're seeking to claw a significant amount of that money back this appears to have come at the end of at least a year and a half long. investigation which would have been caught which would alert the confidential if there were news reports about it last year in july and apparently at the end of the end best occasion they decided to file charges instead of reaching a negotiated settlement which often happens now i think about if it is interesting and i would say. allows us to maybe predict a little bit of what's going to happen the future is that in parallel so the see if you see charges just like mcafee was sued by a s.c.c.
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and criminally charged for tax fraud. that nexus principals were criminally indicted for violation of the u.s. bank secrecy act there c.t.o. was taken into custody and boston i believe was almost immediately released on bond . with a relatively all things considered relatively light cash collateral $500000.00 cash lateral and a $5000000.00 bond without a lot of movement restrictions and the last time i checked the other defendants including arthur hayes which is that next a c.e.o. who are still. at loose i've heard of this is true but i've heard that mr has maybe in singapore a question it's an extradition treaty to them criminally charged violation of the bank secrecy act which requires you to register if you are
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a money servicing business doing business with the u.s. persons each violation of the bank secrecy act subject of 5 year for years in prison. and couple $100000.00 fine if i recall correctly one of the allegations you going to see if you see complaint one of the titans was that there are all her $85000.00 accounts with us nexus which would mean in theory and this is not the way it works of course but you know to be a little cute like a half 1000000 years in prison would be the maximum penalty it's going to happen i suspect that the this principals will. either turn sums in or will be located in iraq actually united states right let's change gears for a 2nd you know those of the past that's the wild west days and now we've got michael saylor mike a strategy of putting 425000000 a big point on the balance a this is the clearly the future direction you've got at the publicly listed company as a lawyer and you're in the legal space air my question is does this mean that every
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c.e.o. and c f o and all these companies around the country that have huge staff cast on their balance sheet are they almost obligated with the fiduciary responsibility to have a conversation like look this guy's going into because we have to look at this now because our shareholders are going to want to select at it and he's making a case for versus cas versus galled and so does this become a an item in the boardroom now going forward it's a stretch to say it's a breach of anyone's fiduciary obligations to not consider buying now you know i don't know onion futures or are investing in oil or or bitcoin i just i don't think that's the case what i would say is that. we want to take away from these prosecutions not that there's a problem with because right actually i'm i remain bullish on the asset going forward and i think what it shows is that it exists it easily exists in and it's
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within stablished laws and regulations and if you break those also regulations are going to shut up that's not that's not. that's the fault of the person who is you. and creating things are ok well we got to cut it off there steven fallon anderson kill law firm thanks so much being on kaiser report my pleasure right now is going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with max and stacy want to thank our guest even palli of law firm if you want to contact please do until next time by all. seem wrong. just don't. get to shape out. and in. the trail.
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find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
12:00 am
brazil accuses. the french government and social media for failing to hate speech but public opinion. is very easy to prove. and it's up to a person to decide what is problematic. and there should be more people more. content. and the. president.


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