tv News RT October 24, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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question of the american dream but the bigger question of the dream has been for. clear and shock among teachers and frogs of the one of the old was brutally murdered in the capital last week we speak to an educator the. mind is many many things it's still my position to be tricked into. poland court found the way support abortion spots nationwide protests impacting the age old question the right to life the freedom of choice. and while the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan openable and i care about it rages on a 14 year old boy tells r t his story of saving his family dragging them out of the conflict so. confused will tell you john nobody in tangata marine could until she was
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a knee jerk off to the store without coming to. bring you your news every hour of the day this is our teams national of our own welcome from the whole team was. our 1st story this hour the horrific motto of a french history teacher last week has left many in the profession traumatized with teachers now fearful that the freedom to speak and instruct is a risk and this teacher got tons o. told us the impact this gruesome attack has hot. tragedy that happened last week the death of chicago a smiling is many many things it's a tale of terror teachers in france are expected to do a lot and it sounds like we will be expected to even more presents many ills in society and i know my colleagues and i are ready to take on many challenges that
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ish teachers are really under the threats of islamic terrorism and we should not ask ourselves here's how you will teach kids should ask ourselves serious how we will protect the school itself and the surrounding stuff to school from your parts he was beheaded in a terror attack last week outside his school in a suburb of paris the suspect an 18 year old refugee of tension origin was late to stop at a by police it's possible he was angry at the patio had shown his students cartoons of the prophet mohammad in a cloth on the freedom of speech his fellow educators are still reacting to the horror of. what i was going to snow i told myself that it could have been me and beyond that he was just going to work doing his job and he was killed for unacceptable reasons to vote on that if the values of the republic come under attack and it's also a tribute not only to this person who died but to other teachers who taught us
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those values even and it is sometimes haunt but it was important for us to be here with them that the poem on the front teaches union highlighted that teachers should be able to organize the walk however they like free from fair cop around the town so again says that his profession is protection now yes of sentiment but he also tells the story of how as a slow sites he teachers we are i believe my profession needs to be respected my profession needs to be protected if the question is how do we protect the professional not just the profession well then. let's start by believing sure when they say that something is wrong i'm not sure still understand how important this is i'm not sure the french state will put enough money and people into such a huge challenge meanwhile since the death of samuel party france has cracked down on hate speech the government ordered the closure of
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a mosque accused of having links to his gruesome murder it's also proposed changes on a night to start of level. seed of course the defense council has already decided to add 2 new provisions to the draft law against extremism firstly to reinforce protection for public servants by penalizing those who exert pressure on them or those who put pressure on public institutions their words or actions as happened in the case of samuel petty and the school principal secondly the possibility of sanctioning those who post personal information online that in danger someone's life as they did in the teacher's case. with the issue of integration now back in the spotlight the interior minister weighed in on an ethnic group in front. with walking back last r.t. should it do bensky delves into the issue. radicalization and how it happens is now once again headline news in front now while most questions are focusing on the
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impact of social media poverty and foreign influence the country's interior minister has come up with this suggestion as one root of the problem i was about to get on to those are you has always shocked me to go into a supermarket and see that there would be one type of ethnic food selection here and another one next to it domino 2 went on to say this is how community terrorism begins it's a term that loosely translates as identity and it's also used to describe those who don't comply or respect the idea of secularism here in france that's a separation of religion and state and even though the interior minister says he doesn't want to put it ethnic food dollars in supermarkets it's comments have caused a stir with many mocking him. down
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on also thinks is to big business owners to do their bit in fighting separatism so what restaurants streets like this one here in paris offer a plethora of selection from turkish to chinese italian to indian cuisine all the way to along with supermarket aisles setting people on the path the become bad french citizens. i think it's important to respect their very city and that should be reflected in supermarkets this should be everything for everyone including. there is a demand for something should be then. that's one of the things are so great about france is that we do have people from lots of different countries and i'm. american and i live in france for 5 years i don't really think. normal if i go in the
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supermarket i don't really think about that so i don't really see the harm behind this despite the pushback the interior minister says he doesn't want ethnic food or supermarkets but who does think it's up to big business owners to do it in fighting separatism so move though do you think domino's comments have merit and should be treated. the minister is right. is the beginning of communitarianism. should be available in the general aisles along with other food but having a dedicated doll is the beginning of communitarianism because we know that everyone who is muslim or jewish interior minister says he doesn't have one word to take back but given that perhaps his badly phrased thoughts have been made in the aftermath of the brutal terror attack. and while
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a terror trial is underway over the 2015 attack on a kosher supermarket many are incensed it seems it's not so much cooking up a storm with his words but wading into some very hot water. auty paris. a sad day for women's rights that's what activists are calling upon by poland's top court on abortions on the grounds of the fact the ruling has incensed. on thursday fountains across the country took to the streets and in the capital seoul riot police were out in force using crowd control mashes protesters denounce the governing law and justice party a long time to tough. it's also been accused of practicing the constitutional court with loyalists the ruling pounds almost all abortions in poland only last year 98
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percent of terminations in the country would down because of severe fetal abnormalities but that will now be outlawed however due to rape incest or threat to the mother's life are still legal the ruling will take a fact once confirmed by parliament considered a done deal given the ruling party's majority we put the issue up for debate. well i think the thing with human rights in general especially the right to life is that they shouldn't be dependent on what other people think slavery back in the day used to be a democratic option that didn't make it morally justified in the same goes for abortion every child deserves to be a wanted child and every mother deserves to be well and mother and as we see in countries like poland as was recently for the same reasons in northern ireland that we on the one hand hear these conservatives saying that they want to protect life on the other hand and exact same governments on the exact same administrations that
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cut supports for disabled people cut supports for single mothers and cut support for special education services for people with seem disabilities well i would like to clarify that no one in the pro-life camp is wanting anyone to be an unwilling mother right saying that you should have the right to abort your fetus is not the same thing as saying you must be a parent for the rest of your life adoption is always an option and one i strongly encourage if someone is finding themself that on time pregnancy and does not want to be a mother was unprepared to be a mother but to say that because the person who conceived you doesn't want to be a parent therefore your right to life is worth that that is completely ridiculous there are many many children out there who grew up with parents that were at the bass and perhaps maybe didn't want them i'm sure many of them would take issue with the idea that just because their parents weren't necessarily the most willing supporters of them that they should have been aborted or that would have been all right to do it's it's just something that's fair to say what this highlights is run
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by the people who make the laws because they're not preventing this from happening what they're saying is we're ok with these abortions as long as they happen in a different legislative legislation you know they're not sand we disapprove abortion to be just just proves that many will hold their noses against you happening in this country who reject choose a citizen and make you travel to a different country and then your life back once it happens it is complete. chris i am sure that if the polish had government had implemented any measures to prevent women from traveling to different countries in order to get abortions then these pro-choice advocates would be up in arms even further of these suppose it restriction of these freedoms you know the international conversation about abortion is very interesting as well abortion is often touted as a woman's right but we don't really hear pro-choice advocates talk about the issue of sex selective abortion right there are countless numbers of female fetuses around the world who are at risk of being aborted on the basis of their biological sex where are the feminist protectors standing up for these fetuses our lives and
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their lives as women matter as well and what we had a northern ireland when we made it illegal was people who were arrested or have an abortion so if you want to go and arrest every single woman in poland or every single woman in america have an abortion go ahead but that will be one 3rd of the adult woman population and nobody can support that. for weeks off to being reignited the tensions in the disputed region of what i said moron on saturday authorities reported aerial bombardment of the city of must to cut by as a by johnny planes this week women and children were evacuated safely off to the selling of surrounding villages many civilians caught in the crossfire now have to take the future into that own hands and eyes on that story shows even the youngest have found courage.
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true a year goes political melts you don't look. up to a little blue shield thing. or does heidi. spoke. in tongues got a mean caracal cheese i need to know what i mean to me uncle luke looking for. his good song called son full. the each on the d.v.r. and get lost if you were to hold. i had totally gone could i come you would not she . could all just a little so it was. on one week link on it's own little. you guys fish are not for you just shows i mean are you sure you get it but that i
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ask them. to just let me know you're good. with the make up are a function of the chick chick over me at home watching on meth and they don't show knocking me down. i mean was a by john 2nd largest city of down to has come under repeated mis all the talks last week that these thoughts and civilians were killed and over 50 and local will correspond to. reports. a few days after is a terrible tragedy people still come to the police here to buy one of the wiesel's croucher used to be on the part of the building just a couple of the single local solutions come here every day to commemorate those who died so result of the tragedy we can see flowers photographs of the victims here. a couple young man described as small children.
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the stock of the force of the story of our country is currently at war and if there is no unity of one common thing to free our territories we will never win and this daily heroism is very important for each of us this is our homeland this is our future and we can't stand this anymore look with you also this for the steward looking glass in the woods buzinski this in this is one who always does distance injustice far from soberly finds you total over the insolvent broken and to lose shells were fired only presidential every once during the conflict he didn't go home to duty. i woke up as a herd terribly loud rumble there was dancing black smoke with stories suffocating everything around resister worried we don't understand why the target a civilian town we are far from the battlefield we are all one peace we don't want war. my parents are in hospital now they were injured because
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of the artillery strike everything they gained throughout the years everything was destroyed in a few minutes their houses are nothing but dust now and the key thing is that civilians were injured we don't want to live like this we want to live peacefully. but still had marches and police thought how some italians met the fos might open a new hope that cough you take a. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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welcome back now a smoking gun political song democrat senators are calling on the f.b.i. not to investigate the business activities of joe biden and his son hunter they insist it will harm american democracy and is just a small campaign by donald trump's team with more his all to use chemical. who can forget the russia gate hysterics and the demand from u.s. senate minority leader chuck schumer that the f.b.i. investigate allegations against trump regarding collusion that's a serious issue and needs a thorough thorough investigation we know director komi was leading an investigation and whether the trump campaign colluded with the russians a serious offense where those investigations getting too close to home for the president the dismissal of director komi establishes a very troubling pattern well it turns out that senator chuck schumer is far less
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interested in looking into the shady dealings of the biden family in ukraine surprise surprise. we therefore urge you to resist pressure from president trump and other poets as an act is to take any actions intended to benefit president trump politically only the election succumbing to such pressure would deeply undermine the national security interests and could have devastating consequences for the resiliency of our democracy the democrats seem quite nervous about opening this can of worms remember hillary clinton using a private server for her e-mails similar story what's interesting this time however is that the democrats' message of nothing to see here folks just move on that message is being echoed by media outlets we don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories and we don't want to waste the listeners and readers time on stories that are just pure distractions and quite frankly that's where we ended up this was a politically driven event and we decided to treated that way now that was national
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public radio the media research center a media watchdog that leans conservative said the biden family scandal has gotten a little almost no coverage in the aftermath of the recent trump and biden town hall events a.b.c. spend 0 seconds on hunts a budget and d.c. spend just 6 minutes 9 seconds on hundreds of scandals c.b.s. led the brule coast networks with a still measly 10 minutes and 33 seconds print media as well usa today has dropped op eds on the subject usa today didn't want to run my hunter biden column this week my regular editor is in vacation and i guess everyone else was afraid to touch it. it seems like the party line of the american elite is do not discuss the biden family e-mails and the so-called free press is in full compliance once again american mainstream media shows us what it's all about words happening right now we're trying to biden is there a way asked for in
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a smear campaign and so he sees and between 2 candidates and mrs. nat really playing out right now in america it's kind of seen as a distraction and possibly even hurting donald trump and me in the end to a degree i would say voters are made up their mind we've watched 5 years of scandal i'm donald trump there's a group of voters for donald trump with joe biden. is nice and again the story of the allegations between him and sonia are not getting out there because they're nacho in a quid pro quo so i don't see how this is going to factor in at the last moment so far the election season on and again we call it silly season. let's get back to europe now where tens of millions are facing tough
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a coronavirus restrictions all across the continent a nighttime curfew is in effect in many places cause a quite some wrangle the 1st night in italy didn't go well as an example hundreds of protesters marched through naples and had some tense encounters with the police regional sides have imposed a daytime castle that is well on the suggesting the rest of the country to follow suit with more how europeans a firing on to the u.k. that cobb's has been told of a. while the european continent creaks under increasing cases of covert 19 germany has failed comparatively well however as cases here past 10 files and today for the 1st time those in charge of public. health in germany preparing for the worst. the situation has become very serious but we can slow down the spread of the virus if we take precautions in a systematic way although we have to expect that the virus will continue to be transmitted in some regions of germany and the spread may be uncontrolled from
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saturday masks will have to be worn outside in any way you can to maintain a 1.5 mi to distance from another person and that includes some of the german capital's most famous shopping districts while infection rates have gone off so too have the number of germans willing to go to parties back in the spring 90 percent of people said this would have been at the highest order now that's true up to 60 percent with almost half saying they had been to a gathering with more than 10 people in the last 4 weeks it's a much different picture in france where infections cross the 1000000 mark this week making them the 2nd nation after speaking to cross the map threshold paris is seeing a curfew set to be extended. over the last few days the whole situation in our
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country has continued to deteriorate the 30 collation level of the virus is extremely high the coming weeks will be tough the number of deaths will continue to rise and our hospital services will be put to test if we do not succeed collectively in whole thing the epidemic will be faced with a dramatic situation and we'll have to impose more severe measures. the new has promised extra phones and testing capabilities to be rolled out across the globe to slow down the virus we need to test as much as possible and therefore the european commission is making available 100000000 euro from our emergency support instrument with this money we can buy between 15 and 22000000 rapid and teaching tests for the european union desponding plan to boost charged with tracking the pandemic for brussels a far from confident about the situation. we are clearly into a 2nd wave we are waiting and we are expecting to see the cases rise even more with
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over a 1000000 cases in france and spain things seem relatively controlled here in germany however the fear is that this is akin to being in the attic of a burning building we can feel the flames yes we can smell the smoke i hear all over all to believe i am let's find me finish up with some other wild news in brief starting with undressed in chile police fired water cannon to disperse protesters in the capital of santiago hundreds were protesting ahead of a national referendum on changes to the constitution not to take place later this month demonstrators are also angry about rising subway fast and foreign wages. protesters have also gathered in london against nigeria's special and in what poorest parts called far as huge demonstrations against the false war ready held in nigeria earlier this month those stars has been disbanded now the rallies are
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generally against forwards up police violence in west africa. and surround things off a bit of good share it's the time of year excited children celeb christmas presents wishlist often not planned and while 2020 is topsy turvy for the christmas as the holiday is still on santa's expressed a special wish that everyone stays safe and healthy this. really argue with santa on not while it's goodbye from me for the moment we're back at the top of the hour but to titrate from told it's because reports. seem wrong. just don't call. me. yet to shape out this thing comes out ahead and in gains from it because betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country trying to wipe out an american town. we do everything in our power to protect the. water the escaping the climate change poses the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. it is fast paced the river is $35.00 closer the power. was more
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i don't think were a part of america or thirst for. i'm max kaiser this is the kaiser report lot of people talking about is this the beginning of china as the world's superpower or but they're not thinking about another end of an era in that would be just some troll banks stacey yes we are we believe here in kaiser report anyway that we are at the end of a fee out era and we've been kind of warning of preparing for that for the past 10
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years of this series 11 years now and you could see that even jerome powell an acting sitting head of a central bank the u.s. central bank is even saying this member last year mark carney said that as he was exiting the bank of england he said that the dollar is no longer fit to be the walls reserve currency and that we need these additional currency sort of s.t.r. sort of currency to replace that and this earlier this week we saw a drone powell stated that he would dread a day that digital currencies take over the current system and the u.s. dollar would not be the old reserve currency anymore rightists like dentistry people dreaded the day that gaslights are no longer around no one to electric lights and they dreaded the day that cars took over and we didn't have horse drawn carriages anymore and you know things change and he can't do
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a famous stop at your own pal he could be the last fed chairman in the united states before the big coins take over and so this is just all part of life i think it's more like the day that you know the french royal family dreaded the day that. democracy and a republic would form rather than the peasants be happy with brioche so here he's saying i hope the peasants remain happy with this can tell you in effect that is part and parcel of a system whereby we the central banks create money and we give it to the oligarchs that aristocrats of our era now you know the money 1st that happened back in the french the strategy is that is to give the money to groups of folks on wall street and then trust that they'll be fair about its distribution and what we've discovered over the past 50 years is that it started off unfair and this guy.
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