tv Cross Talk RT October 26, 2020 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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normally again. you discuss some real news i'm joined by my guest marcus papadopoulos in london he's the editor of politics 1st magazine and in budapest we have george samueli he is an author and a you tuber the goggle original macross uprose in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it or i was going to london marcus says you know we've been watching over the last few years a closer relationship between moscow and beijing and as a matter of fact a couple days ago when asked about the tension military alliance which these 2 countries do not know right now but this possibility putin said this the russian president theoretically it's quite possible to imagine with without any doubt our cooperation with china is bolstering the defense because capacity of china's army train will show how it will develop we can't exclude it we've never heard this
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before from the russian president what's changed. in a period of 5 decades russia and china have gone from the brink of war with each other which could have it both nuclear weapons to a situation today where both countries have formed an informal sure sieges partnership with one another to stand american a call who mastery now given that 5 decades sees in relative terms of very short period of time the turnaround in relations between moscow and beijing is quite simply astonishing however i am of the opinion that there's a lation ship betrayed russia and china is one of our fantasy it is one of necessity both countries need each other to prosper you know well it's in a way. the over who to create power now i so
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i do not see any reason why the informal should c.j. partnership between russia and china won't break down of the forseeable future but there are serious challenges to that relationship and it is these challenges are only ones that people in washington and london come from here we think recent times so for example china is continuing to try and undermine russia's predominance in central asia and i hope all the more so once china launches its one belts and it is it and then you have lost just very close relationship overlay ships with india and vietnam which is a very serious concern for china because india and vietnam. through various potential adversaries all china and china could very easily come and go in a war with both of those countries then you have china's very close relationship
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with america which gives a lot of concern to the kremlin. and so we also have to tell you. into consideration the military relationship now i'm very aware of president putin says boss i'm not so sure he really believes that there will be a military alliance because the russians are very sensitive in concerns about a supply of high tech. on a solution is military because many in the kremlin often says. russia could be there was enough military force in china one day it could strengthen the national security of the russian federation now all that said i see the relationship between russia and china continue in syria blossom in the future but there are very serious challenges cigarettes you know sure he has when it didn't happen to be that this wasn't an inevitability here this relationship we can put ever whatever adjective you want to put in front of it but this is basically the makings of washington i
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mean and and they did they did it with eyes wide open go ahead george yes without question. what 3. since the end of the cold war has been a massive expansion of nato something the russians would be to blame warned they didn't exist then read. the united states with a growing brown key military agreement with russia most recently from the ins but before that the a.b.m. treaty and now they're planning with a group of the open skies agreement. and now you know it could be that the new start treaty has also put history so that one thing well the other thing which is over real terms on russia is the level of a bit true that is directed toward russia and of from ordinary the from the tabloid
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press but from the very. highest levels of the u.s. government it will be. the people who are in the executive branch with people who are in congress. and of course you have the media stoking those so when you have. the absence of any arms agreements a possible arms race developing process the sort of hostility yes then russia does view of britain and is obviously growing towards china now china also feels very threatened because it is gradually replacing the united states as the global they have enormous economic and financial power and never in history has one has your money quietly ceded its the role in the world to a rising hetman and given the hostility that's emanating war china from trouble especially now biden is actually saying that trump of being too soft on
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china so it's quite obvious that some sort of a serious home plate between the united states and china is like in the very near future so because the wives both russia and china book existential reasons are increasingly growing towards each other a group who was saying was that this is a real possibility is not saying that it's going to happen tomorrow at that no real possibility so you know. i mean that's marcus and that's exactly how i read it is that you know it's almost table and it is negotiable and it depends on external factors and i think that that was just kind of basically putting up the flag on the floor and seeing if anybody salutes and it is actually also a warning ok because there's there's this. ridiculous li held concept in the west is that russia is just begging to join the american coalition and you
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know it and in its of this part of this american exceptionalism if you just listen to us and do it we say everything will be fine with the russians not that's not true in the chinese certainly don't know that's not true as a matter of fact now china is on the receiving end of what russia has been on the receiving end for years go ahead mark. oh absolutely paisa you know gone are the days away you know russia sort integration with the west and i'm talking about us in the early days. since his tenure in power now that he's. long gone laughter so the day eases shrive interest she is for potential in the wells and russia understands acutely that in order for his her its chief its full potential then he is really does have to seek should he take alliances around the world and that is one of the main reasons why russia has forms that they saw unofficial shifts egypt partnership with china and it's certainly the case that
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a military alliance between moscow and beijing ease possible unless those challenges to the relationship which i outlined moments ago of his oath and our military alliance simply will not happen and it is it is also a case that there is talk in washington and london that the american screwed well there should nixon attempted and indeed actually achieved to drool china away from us as nixon through china away from the soviet union and i referred earlier to how china has a very very heavy relationship with america that is one way of the americans could achieve distrust in the relationship between moscow and beijing now i don't see that happening in the 1st. bus or anything new anything is possible challenges between russia and china really have to be resolved and in regards to
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india russia has put itself forward so all of the parties concerned as a mediator as a british because russia is telling china india and 3 and a half that leslie was so for all. less fuel cells for the soul the difference is that who is going to benefits it is going to be america last russia acts and as a mediator has not worked so far because china and india came so close. the question is tension is growing that's free in china and finance and the chinese know who breaks out in strange china and india or china and 3 and a half chinese soldiers who die and die behind last may's weapons and those options are on incident safe india and so i do hope this challenge can be results you know but i think i think that given the case of ok having the difficulty
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resolving these issues ok it's that these are very clear here but the other the other gambit is is to trust washington and i don't see that's possible i think that george you really i saw you nodding your head i mean the thing is is that the american politics is at a point right now we're russia is just the cultural to fight your internal enemies ok so i can't see how this is going to change very much and i think the chinese have actually learned to watching how washington is treated a must in it's a real printer because all the issues that mark has just brought up it's probably easier to deal with those issues than to deal with that ministration in the united states your. question peter because. this kind of talk comes from washington about how well we should now be a tilt toward russia against china just as nixon tilted towards china against the soviet union it's just hogwash because. of the so many years of
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unremitting hostility toward russia and serious threat towards russia you can't just turn around and say oh well that will be bygones be bygones and now please joy . join us in some kind of a global coalition against china i mean the russians aren't stupid. they know perfectly well that essentially what's behind this is a kind of let's you and him fight you know they're going to try and push russia into a war with china and then eikenberry going to just of the setback wife this is this is a really bad conflict going on here so i think there's just you know that actually left the station a long time ago. but i do think that the comfort china conflict with india and china conflict beat them while real are i think much less urgent right now than the conflict with the united states ali that's the that's a serious one because here you get. the odds it which is really now very concerned
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about its role in the world and this is this is not happen this is we're talking now but it's likely $45.00 no one has challenged the united states the supremacy in the world i mean yes the soviet union did when it came to nuclear arms but in terms of economics finance. geopolitical influence the you could rival the states china is now in a position to do that ok i didn't want any we're going to go to west or break it up that break we'll continue our discussion and some real state party. in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. being at the hospital but you know no rush for us though i put a stop just to be truthful will support the senior white house at the definition will be back home but i can merican suffered from racism and
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a complete lack of prospects. is i cannot this month he'll be a losing one by else a store run by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in. a country about which they knew almost nothing at all and some of the african-americans who are recruited during the night. found great crowds. to move toward few you're going to go. and now almost a 100 years later history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time i went to russia. probable worst crime to go anywhere why not me. when i come here. kind of financial survival job today was all about money laundering 1st to visit
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this cash into 3 different. oh good that's a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the tough talk or say we just have to deal with all and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. a bill again for a match you know what money laundering is highly illegal to watch kaiser of course . an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country trying to wipe out an american town. we do everything in our power to protect them. want an escape ing climate change poses the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost
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about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is fast paced the river is 35 closer than how ben was 4 i don't think we're part of america or earth from. welcome back to cross up where all things are considered i'm hearing about to mind you were discussing some real names. are going to go back to marcus and in london pat buchanan an author i often cite on
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this program and came out with another brilliant column a couple of days titled america a land of ceaseless conflict and he ruminates about the evolution that some people have in the political class media in the united states is that once trump skull and everything is going to go back to normal will get every will be quiet and even you know joe biden said on the campaign trail nothing will fundamentally change these people don't know what they're talking about because the rift that is going on in american politics and culture is so deep the obese the abyss is so deep that i think that you know what happened in the trunk ministration is this reflection of those divisions that he didn't create those divisions irrespective of how you feel about from so going back to normal that's an illusion marcus what do you think. america is not for want of a better word a new whole country firstly it was born out of genocide and
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secondly and the fact so i'm going to side now might be distasteful to a lot of people when in particular liberals are quite frankly i'm only interested in what they frank but america is not a nation states and that manes america has never truly had an identity america has never truly has a coach was the most soulful the largest groups ethnic groups in america are moving european for example with english german sorriest so sirish and and irish there are many other ethnic groups there if you take australia australia in america have relatively speaking similar length periods of history there is more of an australian national identity in culture and unity than there is in america because the vast majority of australians descend from the british otto's in
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particular england but in america the you do not have that sort of harmony so that is a major problem we hear a lot of liberals in america talk about how america is a successful military it would be nice if everyone in the wells was united that is not how human beings have evolved human beings have the foundations of us if over into triumph that is the way it is the way it's always will be and indeed flame a person once ostroff or totally doesn't merit or actually have a coach and i'm saying it doesn't because america is not a nation state that is why america will always be divided no matter who sits in the yellow you can make the argument that it is a nation state of multiple tribes ok i think that that. that's a viable argument to make you but george you know to my point here i mean these
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divisions have been with us for a very long time and something one of my favorite mantras as you well know is that you know the the the neil liberal ideology that is that is practiced and forced down on on everyone it's it does argue about what culture means what american culture means but they refused to talk about class and that is the biggest division ok you know a black live matter there and you know our poor tshombe you know these are the things they do to keep us divided and i and i would be willing to say. saw it very differently and it's up to our viewers to decide how successful he has been but the you know the the class issue is what got him elected and that's an issue that could get him reelected if he were focused on it but it is late day in the game i don't know if he's going to be able to who overcome the but you know joe biden said you know nothing will fundamentally change well that's the problem when things need to
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fundamentally change ok because the next republican after trauma of those in 4 years or 8 years is going to be somebody that's going to be like trump but probably a far more effective in office go ahead george. yes here's the other problem with the united states you know to be a functioning democracy in means that there is a consensus and there's a consensus about the succession of power i mean what happened in 2016 and i think it at least in terms of modern history is never happened which is. one class simply refused to accept that election result well when that happens of course then 2 you've got the makings of a civil war because whichever way the selection goes it's almost certainly going to be a very close one and it's very unlikely that either side will accept the election result
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. should be reelected then you the so those who have been rioting all of this year plus this of the media allies will be justifying the violence of the with black lives matter they will be in support they will be they will support the violence and they will just simply refuse to accept trumps re-election whether they blame russia for it or they'll find something else of the blame the october surprise the brave bring it all trumps by bringing up the this a laptop they will blame that and almost certainly within days of being inaugurated nancy pelosi house will launch an impeachment yet another impeachment if it goes the other way if it goes if biden wins and particularly are we going to have these elections you where we're going to be counting and counting and counting for weeks on end and sunny whoa biden is one we've got the votes then i think
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they'll be a real burst in the growth of in the militant movement and as happened in the ninety's it's quite likely that the u.s. administration will likely try to crack down on the militant movement. if it ends in the kind of bloodshed as happened in waco 1903 then you know then the best really good to be of violence a very serious insurrection that the government may well not be able to cope with because even the government in britain don't behave like other little happen of waco i mean the yemeni government itself there any light ok that's when you you know marcus i don't think the topic for the program i think there is american culture but i mean probably think about it differently being an american i suppose but i mean one thing that you know for a viable nations say you have to have institutions where there is a consensus that they these institutions have legitimacy kind of picking up my georges and their these institutions you not have universal legitimacy and not is
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the problem right here people don't believe in the electoral outcomes anymore ok they don't believe that the in the state is going to enforce protection of their rights we've seen and it depends on what you know what your political create is i mean you can you can land on one side of the law and if you have a different radio on another side ok and it's basically liberals that take care of themselves and if you put the perfect example people in drums or would be being indicted and things like that then would the legitimacy of the system as they say is in doubt this election is going to show it go ahead months if i. was following a society to get off a dominant culture that is absolutely crucial for ensuring. home and you see existence we are a society but i absolutely accept there are many other factors which can be
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sciences to account for why american society historically is divided and as you correctly cited peter cost is a major factor and that is something about i think the democrats and all those upon it can see. came in syria accounts those who stay down i suspect they know it's the case. yes that lisa me on syria my next point is i believe that if there is to be who he lists chance surrealistic opportunity creates in a far greater degree of harmony never in society then there has to be. another political party in america one that is truly independent one that does not have to very slowly agree or spirit mr military industrial. complex to the big pharmaceutical companies foreign policy. is ral in saudi
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arabia they have only they could there be a real chance your life both and. that is more shots of hell freezes over then another os in russia a lot of price in britain britain is dominated by the conservative party and the labor party unless that changes in britain unless changes in america then the situation we see in both countries will just continue indefinitely it's been continuing like hundreds of years peter nothing fundamentally changes in either britain or america or why those policies in america britain parts of the assassinations the british and the american perspective. you know you know george really unite talked about the gaggle about how please be aware that the d.o.j. was starting antitrust against google unfortunately an american problem in the u.k. do you can have antitrust against political parties it is i would be all for in the
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end to break up those do big parties because the fact of the matter is the most common political affiliation in the united states is not affiliated ok they the majority of the population of voting age is politically home. yes ok and weak and as long as they remain homeless the status quo will be maintained except for changes on the margins ok and it's all about you know it's it's a celebrity politics is what it's about nobody wants to talk about the substance because if you did most people of the pitchfork and they showed did george yes yes that's right and it's kind of interesting that when the pot is 1 attempt to. push their way into the united states they were met with or roche's opposition by the maids the but is there a personal tied them up in court because it's quite hard to get on the ballot in the united states in that you have to have 50000 signatures or whatever and you
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keep challenging the signatures you take them to put on a century by. this what happened with ross perot that your top of the bag you got up and then what you had when you gave her aroud nader is a massive media but still it was him you know how dare you run how dare you take the oath the way of the. rats based on you know you well. that's right and they did not win with jill stein the great you are letting in trouble you are working this is clearly a russian well. so it is extremely hard but a thought but you know how than anywhere else are in other countries but bodies are emerging not too much typical but in the united states almost impossible to do that but but you're right when you if you get a security where people are homeless and are unable to express their that is then violence is the likely outcome in fortunately have to leave on that very depressing
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the maturity to. go in and you may never get out of the most of. my teenage gang rules here. are one of you to move. my boat you were. but. the name you will be. told will cost. you. minus seeing her. but now it was in for the. me and melanie meant nothing for. you and you know i'm lucky that little music i see.
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french products all removed from shelves portraits of a monument chrono burnt in some muslim countries as i think of my own so birth crackdown on suspected islamists following about heading in paris we get reaction in france. people government still goes on to divide us it will create separate groups in society and it is not the solution today we have to be camping and not developing and then to muslim countries. street brawl breaks out between donald trump fans and haters in times square yet the main rivals at next week's us presidential election appeared to agree a lot more than the supporters might think. russian you bill.
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