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tv   News  RT  October 29, 2020 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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a knife attack at a church in the french city of nice leaves 3 dead and several others injured as the government is convening a crisis meeting. the rage felt in muslim countries over emanuel micron's defense of the right to mock islam shows no sign of dying down opinion on the streets of paris is divided. even if we have the right to use blasphemy we have new right to my religion i find it important to reaffirm the values in which we are firmly established and fronts caricature is the 1st of its. debate on the freedom of expression was sparked 2 weeks ago in france following the beheading of a teacher near paris be shown his class caricature of the prophet mohammed.
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thanks for joining us you're watching r t international where we start with breaking news this hour from france. 3 people are being confirmed dead in the southern french city of nice following a knife attack here in the 1st pictures that we've received from the scene several of the people are reported to have been left injured the incident occurred early in the morning in the city center or 30 say that they suspect has been arrested. let's go to paris now our correspondent there is charlotte dubin ski charlotte just give us the latest information on this breaking story. well grim details coming up about this latest attack this mass stabbing that took place in the southern city of nice as you mentioned there 3 people have been confirmed as being killed in that attack some reports a police source saying to the reuters news agency that one of those individuals was
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beheaded that has not been confirmed but if it is confirmed that would mean the 2nd beheading in just a few weeks here in france now this attack took place in the center of the church we understand that 2 bodies were found in the center of a church and a 3rd person who succumbed to their injuries this is possibly the guardian of the church had managed to take refuge in one of the areas inside the church a perimeter set up as obviously police try and deal with this the perpetrator was apprehended at the scene we understand he was shot and he's being conveyed to hospital with his injuries we understand that during that arrest he shouted the words. god is great several times the mare of nice has described this as a terror attack. remember the scene with the police who arrested the attacker confirm that everything suggests a terrorist attack inside the not to damn brasilia of nice.
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well this case has now been taken over by the antiterrorism prosecutor here in france for murder in connection with a terrorist enterprise and it does appear to have all of the hallmarks of an islam missed terror attack this of course comes just days before all saints day a religious holiday there is a crisis meeting taking place at the moment with the interior minister present and the french prime minister said to be attending that president is due to head to nice shortly afterwards. and charlotte this attack comes not long after another incident another attack and a general time of tension it seems for france. that's what the director general of the national police just said in the last few days that he extra vigilance particularly around religious sites and this was because there was
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a threat posed by a press agency close to al qaeda and france of course taking this very seriously given that less than 2 weeks ago a teacher was beheaded in france. beheaded after he gave a civics lesson in which he showed controversial cartoons of the prophet mohammed that angered an 18 year old chechen who then bare headed him just 2 weeks ago so this is that going on and since then in the wake of some of patti's decapitation president machen has defended the use of those controversial images that's caused a huge amount of anti french sentiment that has been rising in many muslim majority countries that have been protests with tens of thousands taking place effigies of president match on have been burned and they have been for a week caught on french products this anger this resentment towards this defiance of france to continue showing these controversial cartoons which is seen as being offensive to muslims seems to be stirring and raging even more now we are. i don't
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know that it's the latest attack is related to those cartoons but it's not a fast deck to suggest that there is a link. from paris though with the details of today's attack in nice. a spring in political analysts nicolo. live on the line we've heard some of the details from our correspondent. there unconfirmed but the reuters news agency quotes sink police sources saying that a woman had been decapitated that the assailant who is believed to have been arrested was shouting a lot who are even after being arrested everything says that this is a another terrorist attack in france which has borne the brunt of so many and there's really no sign of that this is going to improve anytime soon. it's difficult to say. the information but it does indeed have the hallmark of an
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islamic. mayor of new school is our new cation said that only one other person was killed in this use he said sit in wait sandals since i'm a patsy is this professor who was beheaded different witnesses were present. and another another person would also add rooms under on her name. and of course many people saying go to her car so we need confirmation so far this information which is happening with you in some of the mainstream media is starting to talk to the senate as this is such an edgy subject you don't see this and are going to be sure so yes we do see and we know this is unfortunately nothing new if it is confirmed that this isn't a summit that and of course this is something we're just continuing practically on or. we're getting attacks not all of them so gruesome as the one today with you know there's a look this is also something which isn't important which is important now this week there was a note in a school this week you know. you know there's
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a look at these are very strong symbols for the french don't forget that over practically 300 french. past years. terrorism. doesn't seem to be able to cope with it and this is right now this very specific situation where people are going to be confined for a month starting to know this is pretty a lot of tension in the french are saying you said it the french state seems to be struggling to deal with islamic extremism what do you think about the way that the president has been handling because he's been proposing reforms which included teaching arabic in schools promoting islamic culture at the same time he seems to be antagonizing somewhere like turkey saying that in crisis which is in code that incurred the wrath of president ad one on defending the. mocking caricature of president add one what would you think of the way is handled the situation. it's
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a catastrophe and he's doing the same thing that has the previous presidents for that he fasold all of our cozy organs like shot they don't know how to cope with. threats is one of the leading countries sending jihadists to the to the middle east a radical islamist i think it's very important that muslim viewers understand this in france we don't have a tradition of you know this bad as it could be and muslim countries so that is that which is taken over by an act of minorities a very radical what would be is that which is showing really that they are in a jihad and that there are their objectives to come to conquer france and western europe and the government and they don't understand this they're they don't they don't get the you know the information that the previous minister of interior was very worried and before eating shop we don't said that today french are doing side by side but he fears that they were there we face to face because of this radical islamism which is taking over the muslim community and the government and the
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police are incapable of coping with that nice don't forget the nice weather good tactic as so he's at that same place where a truck was driven by islamists a couple years ago killing a host a 100 people on the corner there's only what has changed since then where are we know that there are different radical muslim mosques in fascinate where the not being closed down while we have to wait it was as was the case in point out that there was a terrorist attack so that if you closed down france is not doing is turning a blind eye because it doesn't they're treating the subject it just wants to give image that the way the muslim community is well educated and there are just a couple a couple islamists and a terrorist and which is not the case that the radicalization of the muslim community even many muslims and sell to themselves is something which is real which is a danger for france which is dangerous for the muslim community because of course at the end of the day people are going to distinguish the. people are going to
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be cured because because. there was the show trial regarding the 2015 attacks it a lot of people thought maybe this will bring some closure to this tragic chapter in inferences history but as i understand the magazine reprinted the controversial cartoons and then obviously continued in that vein with the mocking caricature of the president it seems like division lines have been drawn at the magazine certainly not backing down and that they've been supported by the leader of the country how do you reconcile a situation like that where you said it seems like lines have been drawn and no one's backing down. no i was backing down again the president is very cozy because i once sat these 2 of us as you said they want to teach arab and it in school that they want to add a bit crass actually the government did government did organize an association to
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more or less organize it's not in france because there are french is out of it this is not working so on one side of it many of the muslim community saying we want to integrate into the other side these with fire using these to try to get those. drives i think it's normal in france that freedom of speech is important in the west tenet interview for all subjects not just a system it is important you can't have a president playing around with this that he knows it's going to be provocative for part of the opinion in his role is to say we respect freedom of speech whatever it is that we do have a policy whereby all religions are accepted in society the problem with a man or a mat and most of the most of the leaders of the west is that they don't see that that active minority which is really taking over the muslim communities here in western europe is inspired by radical islam this is fundamental and nobody can understand the situation if they don't understand this if you can go in some of the
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outskirts of the major cities in france you will see this radical islam you will see peace will not tolerate this as you can see in many i mean in muslim countries this is not the case you receive a radical it's not a today we're talking about beheadings we'll be talking about people getting killed but there are every day in france you've got just attacks on people and girls who are in skirts because they're not wearing a good job or kids getting punished because of the not muslim this is the reality of some of the suburbs that the transfer this radical islam is taking over as long as the people in power in france and other western countries don't tackle this radical islam and get rid of it and and this is important as long as the muslim community doesn't do the same thing it can't work and not every athlete each of these attacks is not of the. well in france where are the normal most of the muslims mature and then in these cases we hear some of them and know what the sermons are. but where are they why isn't the silent majority of muslims up in the
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streets condemning this and get in your community get rid of these people because if they don't do it who will be taken over eventually there is going to be very strong. in a civil war we've seen this. in previous years you know for us i got some 23 years ago this can happen again in france so people are going to be very careful because if nothing is done this will end this will end in a bloodbath and obviously just to point out the obvious that we're talking about extremists here people on the extreme fringes of a religion. is the mists and obviously you describe them as the silent majority that you know that the dodge number of muslims in france who. obviously have nothing to do this don't condone it and do you think is a danger that they're going to be pushed even further away by this and that they would say that they there's a sense of hostility towards them because of previous attacks it's just going to make them either more solid and even more marginalized is that one of the other effects of an attack like this. that's not a possibility of course because people are infuriated when we see 2nd if you look
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on the french. or straight now people read through it and there is that the risk that with that there is going to be people who think that this radical islamists are inviting vocalists but if i said this majority of muslims doesn't react this is how can the french have another image because every time people who don't live in these outskirts people who don't live in the 4 who are on the borders or the french towns and you know the time that europe is not secure about the having to see french crags being burned to see a french who produce being thrown to the ground and in muslim countries how do you want them to have a better image is that so i think this is extremely important and one of the president's 1st responsibilities really goes to the muslim community in france who wants to show that they have nothing to do with this extremist and that they condemned this and not only that they can then it in words but they can do this in
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acts there are over $100.00 radical mosques in france usually to date the muslim community has to do something to get there if they were the 1st to close them down and to say that it be had nothing to do with this which sent a strong image of it to the normal muslims in france if they're not doing it i think people see that complacent and so the government's not going to anything to close them down the muslim community doesn't do anything to close them down then everybody's going to have this image of a muslim a group extremist equals dishonest because enemy and this way 60 reported there are between 5 and 6000000 spending on the figure was interested if the active minority within this community becomes the sanest in will end up as i said it will have very very bad way because you cannot have 2 populations under one same there if they've got their views are somewhat close that the only way they can talk to each other is through through knives and guns. finally we're talking about emanuel micron you
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know he supported satire this law just race and lay and then an attack like this happens and some people might think he might be feeling a little bit nervous about what to do next what do you anticipate is the next move will be. it's is very difficult to calculate what a map was or next month will be whatever the subject he can tomorrow state in the end anything can go with that this is also in the specific situation with this management of the whole coronavirus situation the fact that press is lying about the confinement that of course everybody's going to be speaking about that this is this and the church they were about france is going to. it's heading towards a very difficult economic situation in the weeks to come with one month of confinement for the fence it's going to be very bad for economy because it's going to be very bad for a lot of french or a loan anything's possible i definitely think that he thinks he would like to be perceived as a say some sort of seizure problem definitely not of christianity but of freedom of
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speech and he is trying to endorse the role of the. fighter or the defender of free speech and you will see that he's fighting against radical islam that's and i think this is what he's saying the mayor of nice who was close to mark hall called this an attack of a he's not who are fresh easement which is a word which is then. according to your own friends mixing fascism and and i think matt was going to continue to say we're fighting against this is the most problem is and i think many french people who agree with him we saw that in the in the situation what happened recently with trying to go back to the olive branch political movements that i'm an american policy if you're going to fight and you talk to anything it's the radical this the islamists but if you're going to find a better person and you don't do anything against these these mosques and if you don't stop the behead the beheadings the killings the stabbings again that we see every few weeks now and interest then you're not going to be credible and i think
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a lot of people know that america was not the right person to endorse this that the photo spread across a man won't go through many muslim even though he wants to have that image. of its political analyst my guest. protests have been gripping the muslim world over the french president's recent defense of the right to parody of religion it comes as french satirical magazine surely a caricature those are at the center of the round as added fuel to the fire with its latest front cover which we just spoke about it features a cartoon of the turkish president who's been one of the fiercest critics of the french state stance on freedom of expression ankara called the front cover disgusting with turkish prosecutors launching a criminal probe in response to shirley publishing his caricature of the turkish president slammed its alleged hostility towards islam adding that disrespect for the prophet mohammed is spreading like cancer especially among european leaders
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because people in paris are they see the cartoon. personally i find it is respectful even if we have the right to use blasphemy we have no right to mock religion. in these times of crisis and international attacks on france i find it important to reaffirm the values on which we are firmly established in france the caricature is the 1st of these. the publication of this drawing and mocking a religion is dangerous because it increases hatred. it represents the fact that despite everything humor is the most important thing and there are one in this position after everything here said about france and the president of our republic gets a nice lesson from charlie hebdo. that's the latest drawing with their $21.00 it's a provocation and while the french ambassador to sweden has recently gone so far as to say that france is a muslim country his remarks didn't ring true though with the prisons we spoke to.
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i don't agree with the french ambassador to swear down because we live in a secular country there are many communities in france one of them muslim people which have a big place in france but we stay secular country. france is not a muslim country perhaps alou not it is a country of judeo christian tradition and there is nothing more to say it is really stupid. france is not a muslim country but islam is the religion which has the most believers here and we can see a lot of racism in france there are prejudices towards muslim people earlier my colleague in another nail in august discuss the limits of freedom of expression. you can't hold a country sponsible for one of my using posts can you it's a private enterprise publishing satire in a western liberal nation i don't the problem is just charlie able in their characters i think it's the institutionalisation of mosques i think it's micron's comments that islam is in chaos islam needs to be reformed mccrum to reform islam
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was my prompted judge whether islam is in chaos or not i think when it goes up to a presidential level in france and you have someone at the level of metron backing this caricature and making a big fuss about it and criticizing the state of islam yet that is taken very seriously by muslims throughout the world so bright that you space this gives me. all the private newspaper can make up to and use the french tradition you can accent it can refuse if i don't said something to our turkish friend inside this newspaper the name shall be at the during 20 years i so that it gets your war against against just cries against the pope and. it's not just against misname this newspaper is not the position of the government the position of the government is freedom of press
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a lot of muslims who are feeling they're being directly attacked by this it's not just seen as a clumped on radical islam is and how do you confront the 2 how do you do that this has a sort of clash of civilization value systems i wouldn't go so far as to say it is it is extremely difficult there are clearly different perspectives on the world in volumes i think sensitivity to each other is important and i would say that freedom cannot be absolute in that sense. religion is a very ginger very touchy subject and when you enter someone else's taboo and you claim freedom of expression but then you have a leader a french leader again continued to project this on the buildings you have the french leader continue to say islam is in chaos this is really pushes the line
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there is freedom of expression and then the plane insulting isn't there where does this fall nobody everybody should drive to don't overspend. for the problem is not missed. the problem is that in my country and gratian is completely broken of course the biggest difficulties we still make in this same. freedom. and if i can said this not by girl ok but this sense for photos. and the reminder for you of our breaking news this hour 3 people have been confirmed dead in the southern french city of nice following a knife attacks and a lubbers have been left injured the incident took place early in the morning in the city center or 30 say i suspect has been arrested as the micro will be heading to nice later in the day stay with r.t. for our coverage i'll be back after this short break.
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we communicate better than human communication does a lot to thing better than we do so the possibility of germs being restricted with the brains we go on with the fine art nombre of growing. even today even just combining true human rhymes together. i mean somebody has a lot of the advantages. sputnik 5 has to the world. just like its namesake the original sputnik. the farce cruft to leave. orbit the world. many questions remain unanswered about russia's new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. credits puzzle for. what's
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going on in the family states please when you specifically say life enough to know was the. real raid to receive. interest in preliminary requests. billions those of us fresh in fact see. all right this is happening. we go and the reaction has been exactly the same as it was way back then joblessness. the world reaction is made of green cheese. but. it's.
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congo. the maturity to. go in and you may never get out. of. my teenage gang rules here. but. name. was. an elementary. school.
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welcome back to articulate return to our breaking news story this hour coming out of france 3 people have been confirmed dead in the southern french city of nice following a knife attack here the 1st pictures that we've been receiving from the scene several other people are believed to been left injured during this attack the incident occurred in the early hours of the morning in the city center authorities say a suspect has been arrested. let's go to paris to get an update from our correspondent there charlotte charlotte 1st of all the latest information that's been coming in in the last hour on this attack. yes lots of information coming in on what's been described as a mass stabbing in the city of nice we understand that this took place inside the
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basilica of not down which is in the heart of the city and that 3 people have died as a result of that and there are several people injured now we also understand from unconfirmed reports this is police sources speaking to the local french media that at least one of those who was killed was headed in that attack we also know that the local mare of nice has been describing this already as a terror attack. i'm at the scene with the police who are the rest of the attacker confirm that everything suggests a terrorist attack inside the not to damn brasilia of nice. we also understand that the perpetrator who was apprehended by the police shortly after that took place at 9 am local time on friday shouted the words allahu akbar god is great as the police were trying to apprehend him now the suggestion is if that decapitation is confirmed that of course would be the 2nd time in less than
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a fortnight that somebody had been decapitated in france and this does have all of the hallmarks barings of an islam missed attack it has been taken over by the anti terrorism prosecutor who have opened an investigation into what they described as mood or in connection with a terrorist incident and we know that there's a crisis meeting that's been held by the interior ministry president was also in attendance as was the french prime minister president macron is due to head to nice to be at the scene of where that deadly attack took place the latest in france. as you mentioned you touched upon the this is a time of tension in france off the back of a of the recent terrorist attack and indeed even just the comments made by the country's leader about the role of islam in the country.
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absolutely there is so much going on at the moment we don't know if this attack is connected to anything else that's going on but just to give you a sense of the situation here in france at the moment the director general of the national police force just a few days ago for vigilance he said that the terror attack was still high the threat of that was still high here in france and that came following a press release from an agency close to the terror group al qaeda now this all has been playing out in the context of the last 2 weeks following the beheading of teacher patti on october 16th less than 2 weeks ago he was decapitated because he had showed controversial cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed in a civics class about freedom of speech since then president macaroons defended several times the use of showing caricature is like this and the fact that caricature is like that can be.


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