tv Politicking RT October 29, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification or should be very careful about artificial intelligence and the point all fiercely is to face trust our government shia. areas chaing with artificial intelligence will summon a demon. must protect its own existence as. an entire village in alaska. if another country trying to wipe out an american town . we do everything in our power to protect the. water they escape in the climate change poses the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of
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ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is fast in the east the river is 35 closer to how long. was more i think were a part of the earth for. less than a week into action day 2020 with voting on just cause of very anxious america christine todd whitman the cereal with her take on this edition of politics. welcome to politicking on larry king less than a week to go until election day on the swami with the voting lines across a very anxious america. let's get perspective from a well
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a long republican or as in dos the democratic candidate for president joe biden she is christine todd whitman former administrator of the environmental protection agency the former governor of the state of new jersey the election is a week away of us in the week in the give me a look where you think you know i've chest i don't know i honestly don't know area it's you know a trump voters clearly have a huge passion and they get more riled up every time he has a rally whether it's those there are those listening and tweets and stuff and he's inciting them to riot basically and biden is out there if you believe polls he's going to win but i just i hope the intensity is just as strong on his side as it is on the trump side i've been delighted by the turnout snow that's great people finally recognizing that we have a responsibility in this democracy and one of those responsibilities is voting and
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for seeing our voters finally being we will wait willing to wait in line this is a good sign no matter what happens or is it hard to leave you a party as well i haven't left i'm still an a republican but i'm eisenhower republican i am the type of republican who believes in the dignity of the individual believes in adequate things like balancing budgets certainly trying to keep taxes low you know i believe in a strong national defense in our i believe in international involvement that we're part of a world and we need to recognize that and i believe in protection of the environment and so that's the kind of republican i am not this type. was that type of public him look at donald trump way like from where. well with with great concern must put it that way i mean you know color you look at some of the basic tenets if you respect the individual if you are
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a family man if you care about life then you don't rip children away from their parents at the border and then lose their parents you don't do that demonize people because of where they come from or how they dress or how they how they worship i mean this man is tearing apart the very fabric of our country he the constitution is an inconvenient document when he gets in his way he ignores the rules of law all the norms that we have come to depend on in a country have been turned upside down and obey the way the massive failure of leadership around this coronavirus shows just what kind of a person he really is he's unable to lead he still is out there saying don't worry about it we've turned a corner and young people don't get it why the 15 year old grandson is in isolation right now in this house fortunately but with coat it that means the whole family has to be in corinth teen and you know when you've got 4 kids and you've got
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a job and your husband has a job just think of the people who don't have the ability to put one child in isolation away from everybody and handle the rest it's a terrible burden and we're losing lives and people are losing their livelihoods it's a crisis. as you know a party let this happen. well frankly i blame all of us we people weren't voting again it gets back to that we'll fight like mad to defend our rights in a democracy but we keep forgetting about our responsibilities and for so long as you well know voter turnouts in primaries were 10 to 12 percent that meant the most partisan people were voting and they tended to be toward the extremes that got worse and worse as time went on business from going on for 1015 years and it got to the point where nobody in washington they would work together and so the public people got up and said tony 16 you know you guys haven't done a single thing to convince me you care about me you're hearing what my problems are
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the fact that i'm worried about the future and so pox on both your houses and we want to get rid of everybody who despite the rejection of trump by a significant number of political problem for republicans like is self he remains extremely popular with the rank and file why well 1st of all let me just say that if you look at the numbers of people who sent a self identify as republicans or registered republicans for the 1st time ever there are more registered independents than registered republicans so that base that high number comes from an ever shrinking pie it's a smaller number those people as i said they wanted to turn washington inside out and upside down but i think a lot of them are having some buyer's remorse because this isn't what they bargained for they've seen what's happened when you ignore things like climate change when you ignore the professionals and the scientists with the coronavirus i
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mean we're up to almost 230000 people have died in this country just since the beginning of the year i mean this is this is big stuff and this president has shown a complete lack of ability to lead how's this lincoln group you know with him right the republicans for replied. well we are funded by the lincoln group republicans and independents from biden but we are separate because all we're focusing on is the election of joe biden and what we're doing we have a very diverse group of people who are part of the leadership of it they are former elected officials governors congress people senators or some current local officials still serving cabinet members we have a wide range of respected opinion leaders and what we're doing is focusing on those important states like arizona and michigan and using the members that we have from those states to write up beds to go on local radio stations to get out there and to
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to show people who don't want to vote for donald trump but have never voted for a democrat or fraid of that are afraid of the o.c. and think that's who biden will listen to and telling them no 1st of all a look at the man that he is look at how he has handled himself throughout this campaign i mean he has refused to be pushed to the left even though that probably would help him with his base he has shown throughout his career that he's willing and able to work across the aisle to get things done he's a decent man who respects the constitution and oh by the way would never be silent when american troops are being harassed and injured by russian troops. i do have some concerns about election day well i do when you see some of the blogs that these far right groups have put up the so-called malicious saying they're going to be at the polls and they're going to wear their guns and i guess i
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can't remember what state it was michigan i guess or wisconsin where they are where the. british ery just overturned a a. an effort by the government to say you can't wear open he can't do open carry in the polls so they're allowed to carry their weapons in the polls and you see some of these people saying i don't really think they were the smallest of the groups but domestic terrorism is a very real concern and specially around this election i don't know if if trump doesn't win they're going to be a problem as well i mean he will be but but they will be because he's he's empowered the he's encouraged them he wants this kind of thing in is going to try to change in some way the thing is going to say on november 4th no this is not once do it again let's assume you think something some kind of he will. well it really depends in my mind on what the what the count is because if he wins at
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all well he's won and that's that and i don't think biden would put us through unless there's some egregious obvious attempt stealing of votes or interference it's been pretty bad thus far by the by the trump people but you know something this proveable are biden's just not that kind of man but if i had wins by a small amount then absolutely trump will do everything he can to claim that it was an illegitimate vote that people ought to get out and demand a new election or a recount if i don't wins by such a margin i really think then you're going to see some of these republicans that have been silent and have been enablers relates if you if trump tries to cause a lot of problems standing up and say no you can't do this this is a big in effect 3 for joe biden it's very clear what the american people want and what they don't want to. do for god country is big enough for. i think so i have only met faith in the american people i mean we are at the most
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extraordinary experiment that i think humans have ever undertaken in trying to put together a form of government that recognizes and respects all people and i think deep down we were decent group near decent people sure we have our fringes we haven't always done things right and we've got those who will object almost anything but i think overall that if this comes to a really. troubling conclusion after the election or if they try that i think the majority of the american people will stand up for the constitution the rule of law. as allegations of voter suppression fraud as who may be all over the place do you believe we're going to have a hectic hectic obama 4th i suspect it's going to be challenging. you know after the votes it depends there's so many states it's interesting the variety there are some very important states that start to count the perhaps interior the mail in
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ballots right as they get them other states you have to wait 2 days and so the real issue is going to be that traditionally those who go to the polls themselves tend to be republicans and democrats too who are voting by mail so on election day trump could stand up and claim victory on the 3rd and say the early 3rd and then you'll see the blue the blue wave start as they start really counting those absentee ballots in the states that don't start until after the polls close so it's going to be i don't know that we'll know on election day unless some of the major states like wisconsin pennsylvania actually show even at the polls that there been that there's been a decisive vote for biden was a feeling is about all of us whose name lifetime republican on the verge of seeing a different kind of person possibly lead to what if imogen's.
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hope that i do see a different person in the white house. fear for our country because you know some of the emotions that this president has unleashed are not going to be put back in the box easily the damage he's done to the environment to and the damage he can do between the election and inauguration and he's talking about changing the rules that got rid of patronage in the civil service he started doing away with all those so he can fire people without she who has the gall to stand up and say what he believes is true and put in political operatives so there's a lot of damage she can do i'm hoping that people right now and i'm sure they are looking at ways to prevent that were to overturn it right away but he's done some serious. he's done he has really undermined our constitution respect for the rule of law and ways it's going to take a long time to recover and of course our standing internationally. thank you
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christine always good talking to see if the bill action you know candy take care good to talk to you or have more politicking right after this. the maternity town the slums go in and you may never get out some sort of. teenage gang rules here. or one of you to move then you're letting my people go. but. the navy will be. told. you. might have seen her.
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and now it's looking for the. melanie when. you know the mccain. police all i think. we now welcome to politicking bill mccollum the former g.o.p. congressman from florida and the former florida attorney general all right less than a week to go bill what's your call. well i'm not sure who's going to win this election this is a really interesting election it's been tight all the way through it's tight who are according to what i see you know i chair the republican state leadership committee nationally which focuses on state legislative control legislative races
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the senate governors the light we see all the internal polling data of the states and pennsylvania north carolina the ones that about restoration of president of course are valid ground states and then we began this have a more optimism about some of them recently and in florida i think florida's going to go trump i really do but people are saying rove there's a chance biden wins georgia and there is or texas there is but i think both of those states are likely to go to truck but you know you come to north carolina you come to pennsylvania become to michigan and wisconsin it's not quite so clear those are really the critical states i think an election day we usually bill know the winner by the end of the day do you think there is a chance we will not know the line or play the end the day if it's as tight as that i think it's going to be that yes that is a group the chance that because of the ballot the county sits you know my state of florida you count the absentee ballots the supervisors do they have to be in by you
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know the end of the day election day they just dump all those out early so you're going to see those results maybe 1st before you see the bat ballots cast on election day but in some states many states now they don't start counting them until after election day and they have a longer period and some of the states that are critical to this so i think we should know i hope we know within a couple of days of this maybe even that day if it's really not that close but a close election very pennsylvania north carolina cetera probably going to be 2 or 3 days at least if trump loses when you agree that what defeated it was the car on the virus. probably so i think that the perception of the coronavirus that has been a really tough act thing for him to overcome i think people to him 1st of all larry to blame the president for anything that they feel is going bad in the country as
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a whole may not be as fault but with his personality his nature etc and those various press conferences and the many many times the media and the biden campaign have tried to say it's his fault a lot of people believe that actually i think he's done a quite a good job in terms of this virus is not something anybody could really truly control that's a misnomer but again the public wants to see it our way think about the amount of effort he went in early on to stop the virus of coming in from china to stop the flights the aid that he gave to new york and other states by getting the private industry to to build the ventilators and supplying to build up the supplies that were short and on and on and off to the point that we now have had this huge super charged up effort to create a vaccine it may not be your by election day or even the end of the year but it's far from there a lot of that would have been i think it anyone else the president he's not going to get credit for that he does well with some quarters but in some critical places he doesn't he look it was cause it for example were
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a spike recently i think he has a good chance of winning that regardless of what i hear but i don't doubt for a minute that some senior citizens of particular and some others that are scared by the virus now that didn't have a spike earlier in the year are going to vote against the president just on that basis so this election is more for our guests trump that historic bright. eyes and prize that biden's poll numbers in florida. no not this estate is this kind of mix all the way through to visit who's closer look at that but i think i think again trump wins here we're talking into a 3 point margin is pretty traditional and places like the villages i'd be very surprised trump doesn't win that it even though i know some of the senior vote is not there they say that was before but the surprise if there's any year in florida is the large support he has from the hispanic community not just the cuban american community but most of the latin america community this down of i mean some florida
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it is very strong and the opposition to bite is very strong so that's one of the reasons i feel pretty confident that trump wins the state i live they have a tony is and they can me and i can figure flogger out when they talk about a little and to know what is it is it securely democrat the guard not dade county used to be the controlling county and say what's going on. welfare is really a mixed bag you have various factions inside the latino community if you will remember that the cuban american community is only under 50 percent of the hispanic vote in the state of florida we have a lot of migration from venezuela from colombia a lot of from central america and other latin american countries so that if you add them all up they're dominant and then there's the puerto rican vote now in central florida which is change the complection around by home or everywhere lando since
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many of the puerto ricans are more inclined than other hispanics to vote vote democrat right now so it's an interesting state i heard some of the bush people talking the other day about the weather carries a vote of look for early on election night and we'll be an early state reporting comparatively speaking and i agree with the hernandez county and duvall county which should go heavily for trump they did last time for nando's just north of tampa is kind of one of those things that comes in early and if he goes his way then chances are it's headed that way. those who fear election day he will marches in the streets. i don't think that's going to happen i know everybody's worried about it on election day certain it happened that day i don't think and i don't think it's going to happen right after that now we have a back right away i can't see that happening if the biting winds the cause i think that most of the trump supporters while the grouse about to be unhappy about of the
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really worried about what happens because some of his policies are quite far to the left and in views quite radical i don't think they're going to go out in the streets now there may be some of those who are participating in the organized writing that reason really said that went on in the black eyes better movement after the fact of i'm not accusing all the people involved that they were just legitimate protesters but there certainly were people organized too to be rioting where there's anti for what i want to call they were there for that reason to some iraqi cities i would be surprised to see them back not long after the election but i would be surprise if they were our election night that would surprise me as a veteran of all of this how do you rate the the biden campaign telerate the biden camping well i had my heart it very yeah the by japanese very unusual in that he didn't go out really camping in the traditional sense of bernstein is more like
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going back to the days in the 1920 s. you know hardy and some of those who basically some of the front porch didn't go anywhere but he was relying on some campaign strategists who told him just like rotavirus let truck to feed himself and i think actually the last week or 2 that could have been the back fire on them because i think the president has done but better in the last couple weeks i think he did very well in the last debate i think some of the things he's done the last few days of an important. what i'm really appalled with larry is the absence of the media attention at all to the the the laptop of his son hunter biden and all those e-mails that are on it now i realize it is you know in politics and so forth but i am convinced this is not anything to do russian disapprobation and what's appalling is already asking about it and also even more appalling is what they had hearings on here recently with regard to facebook and twitter and they're just their decisions of basically censor stuff not
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let the new york post piece even go out me i'm worried about post-election don't worry about this election we're in a post election where are we headed as a nation with the intolerance that seems to be out there and the desire of such a high percentage of of your own profession to to come in and and say no we're not going to even ask these tough questions even our own interviews not of not talking about the debate there are questions that ought to be asked and they are legitimate questions so that troubles me a lot not not so much you know i like personally joe biden you probably know i've known him a lot of time but there's something here it is a he where there's where there's smoke there's fire there is really something here in this case i believe dual news is this something you fear in a biden for some. kind of about fear is the right word as something i'm concerned about i'm concerned that they really will with chuck schumer and that crew nancy
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pelosi they have control of both the senate and the presidency after he has this commission and all that they will try to pack the supreme court to change the numbers and so forth i am concerned that let's say the supreme court threw out obamacare and everybody says it won't do it maybe they won't but let's say that it will it is going to come back in and probably an act of more universal care type of play and it'll be a program i predict if he's elected with the senate in the democrat hands of the 1st 92180 days that you see a lot of stuff go through and istra like some of these other bills you have seen over the years a lot of senators and house members want to read up and all of the published in a fight about it after the fact and they can be they can be pretty far reaching to appeal to the group of him you know identity politics supporters that he has who essentially say this was the campaign of the coronavirus.
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i think publicly yes i think that has been the dominant thing but i do also believe the economy is a factor the economy went down in part because across a virus a lot of people however are aware of the strong activity that was going on in our economy that trump stimulated with this tax this tax cuts and other things that regulatory cuts last year before so. i am not sure i want to completely label it altogether that right now i think there's also going to be historical thing about this election historical in the sense of remember the book arthur's lessons or wrote decision writing of america back in 1901. and i think that's so prophetic and i'm really worried to use you're sitting or writing about it i have to worry about this i've been talking about this for a good year or so that you know back in the ninety's when i read that i don't know i i served in the immigration subcommittee i believe in the simulation i believed
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in indy segregation integration we're going back in the wrong direction right now we're headed back to a segregated society we're not assimilating all of the people who come here the way we should and we don't seem to behind the ideal and support american young people don't understand our history and aren't enthusiastic about supporting the ideals that work our country was founded on i don't have any problem criticizing founding fathers and a lot of problems with destroying them overboard or saying we are not a unique nation we are unique nation in history though if it weren't for america there wouldn't be individual liberty and freedom and we wouldn't have the hope out there to other countries so i'm really worried about where we're headed not just in this election but what i'm seeing that this election has brought forward in that has been already there in academia but it's really really out there among a lot of young people who just don't understand don't know better know is going to talk going to have
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a good election day. thank you 2 good luck thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking hey remember you could always change your conversation on my facebook page join the conversation or just tweet in and over get tweet me have kings things and years of politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politic. it's an amazing country with so many friends in russia and i'm very excited to be here. i love that idea i think i can do that. different nice to make
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a lot of money with the same millions and hundreds of me. here is the nice what. a great wall and nobody feels a lot better than me believe me and i'll build a very inexpensive like a great great wall. 'd and just in case you're worried about who's going to pay for it mexico will pay for . it we'll see what happens. i always say who knows what we'll see on the field it will be a success. you know we dealing with a global pandemic in the viral type infecting people causing chaos and mayhem but that's small change compared to the mind
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virus bit coy. terrorist strikes again in france as a knifeman rampages through a basilica in nice leaving 3 dead and several injured the suspect was wounded by police and is now in custody. france's antiterrorism prosecutor reveals the attacker came from tunisia. if africa and arrived on european shores just last month. according to the elements we have to pay dues in september 20th this. while up the coast for me said the iconic cathedral city of another man is shot dead by the police for threatening people with a handgun the french.
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