tv News RT November 2, 2020 7:00am-7:31am EST
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the argument is on. the lockdowns are killing people. i mean stream media attacks on donald trump's coated advisor forced him to apologize for giving an interview to our teeth less was branded a russian propagandist for warning of the dangers of restrictions on the pandemic. anti-lock down protests shake europe as it passes 10000000 confirmed code bases and imposes fresh social restrictions. also this hour deepening crisis between paris and the islamic world after france is rocked by religiously motivated terror
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attacks we discuss the issue with our guests. and it's an opinion we all cherish them but we also want the right for all voice to be searched in these countries a must see those extremists have a completely different view of how they want to be. here watching our 2 international bring you your live news update this hour into the program. that advisor has suffered a wave of criticism on u.s. mainstream media and apologize for speaking to our channel on r.t. is going underground program at the doctor talked about how to combat the pandemic . the lockdowns had been one of the one of will go down as an attic sailor of our policy by people who refused to accept they were wrong were wrong words used to
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exact they were wrong didn't know that they didn't care and became a frenzy of stopping calls like $980.00 says at all costs and those costs are massive and what's happened here is that the argument is undeniable the lockdowns are killing people this is a very controversial fellow his views a controversial he has a lot of power has a lot of enemies in the united states and what happened when his opponent and we can call them that because this is largely the criticisms logic coming from c.n.n. and me here b.c. they went absolutely nuts saying how would they appear now on the eve of the elections on a russian propaganda channel senior white house official tells me dr scott atlas did not have approved from the white house before going adler's did it on his own without seeking approval from white house senior aides have raised concerns that that was would it be on the russian outlet the scots atlas is having an interesting
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week here he is on the russian propaganda network occy which casually opens the segment with some facts about us imperialism on the heels of an interview with russian propagandists talk to school to the supporters and radiologist who has the president's ear spitefully sub tweets dr anthony fauci an actual expert on infectious diseases you know there was never this sort of outrage when adam schiff will or other democrat functionaries officials appeared about t. to talk about you know various topics regarding the bad demick the economy foreign relations never and suddenly you know when this guy a trump of trump follow a close adviser of trump appears on our t.v. all hell breaks loose of course. almost election time and everybody should. squeeze every little bit of advantage that they can out of the situation so they did it they managed to successfully you know to get him to back down and apologize i
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recently did an interview with t. and was on a with bridges to foreign agents i regret doing the interview and apologize for a loan whistle to be taken advantage of i specially apologize to the national security community who is working hard to defend us this was a tough interview tough and rough there's no mollycoddling no frills about it these were challenging questions his views as i said very controversial avoid in the he's against the locked out he's against shut down economic restrictions he wants the economy wide open he says that the damage from from a shut down economy will be of a bigger there than from than from than from you know leaving the economy open so his views were challenged by action without you know that the democratic leaning mainstream media says it's corona virus that could spell the end of the trump presidency and i think there's a gross distortion that is certain typical of reporting you know i'm not. the risks to younger people is extremely low the university of washington study
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that says there will be 500000 dead by february kind of contradicting the your your lack of correlation between cases and deaths here the situation with covered in the united states is absolutely catastrophic the highest number of infected in the world enormous enormous damage to the economy the social fabric of the united states and this is something i put together a report on on how these elections aren't so much about the economy aren't so much about foreign policy they're now more than anything else about the pandemic 2020 was going to be trumps year stock markets breaking records the highest employment rate in a decade and he'd finally absolve himself of any ties to russia it was going so. well nobody you know except one country can be held accountable for what happened it was ease in america's achilles heel the health care system paid health care
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where people can be billed hundreds of thousands of dollars for hospitalization and we're talking here about a pandemic this was a system wide collapse they couldn't even agree on how to count the dead and he said we're in deep the world is and we need to act it was failure from the get go while much of the world hunkered down shut borders went into quarantine the u.s. choose to ignore it the virus is just another flu official said had officials urged old people to potentially sacrifice their lives so the economy could keep running let's get back to work let's get back to living let's be smart about it and those of us who are 70 plus what will take care of ourselves but don't sacrifice the country reality hit whom haad when emergency ward cartoons were lined with beds when hospitals had to pack bodies into freezer trucks because the morgues were
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full worse and worse and worse until even trump fell ill this opponents his opponents saw the pandemic saw all the mistakes as a miracle but a tremendous opportunity we're just lucky we have to use it well that is god's gift to the last. instead of uniting america the pandemic divided there were protest against everything for mosques against mosques for shut down again shut down for trump against trump against china against democrats now the democrats are politicizing the coronavirus you know. they're politicizing it we did one of the great jobs you see house president drew from doing to go home. he's given up he's quit on you he's quit on your family
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he's quit in america of course the democrats didn't do any better look at new york which ranks 10th in the world by hoover deaths among countries as many as in all of france or in all of spain whatever they now say however better they claim they could have handled this pandemic they didn't good news in the sense that it may not be as serious an illness in the vast majority of people but that's something that we'd want to see we have heard a lot about the coronavirus spread at any emergency room doctor and he or she will tell you that it's the common flu that's concerning them if they are positive and they didn't know they were positive they're found by surveillance that means that they weren't that sick the vast majority of people aren't going to get sick from this and this nonsense has continued for the whole year states shutting down and reopening based not on infection statistics but political affiliation a week of arguing between the reds and the blues about stimulus about couvade
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relief for ordinary folk they even managed to politicize the one thing that will end this the vaccine. are already in the final stage joe budden vaccine. here is putting a little at risk are literally doing it for political reasons it's very foolish if the doctors tell us that we should take it i'll be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if donald trump tells us i said to him that we've taken i'm not taking it is a spectacle of absurdity the coosa to the election we got the more ridiculous it became they were arguing not about who to vote for her but about how to do the actual voting democrats people to malin their votes while republicans are in their boots to go vote in person and getting tired of the pandemic. you turn on c.n.n.
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it's all the cover covered covered 10 democratic coverage of the town you know why they're trying to talk everybody out of voting people aren't buying it seeing dumb bastards that i did what could only be described as monumental acts of duplicity and hypocrisy they warned warned each other a lot of politicize the pad demick the same people that brought you all of these the bungled response the in a name tilts and accusations had the gall to say this this is become a political thing and that's sort of crazy that it's become a political thing this is not a time to score political points through baseless commentary it is a time for facts unfortunately it's become very clear the democrats are more interested in keeping the coronavirus as a political issue than actually fighting the virus we all know about the memes about 2020 what a catastrophe it's been and it has but no matter who wins this election no matter
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how they win they will inherit a country riddled with division and infection a population seeking tod of politicians and duplicity for many this isn't an election about picking the better president it's an election about making sure that the other guy loses journalist and broadcaster neil clark told us that some and the west want a single media environment where every outlet toes the line. this is the age old sort of mccarthyites me exactly what you do is you play the man not the ball. in other words you don't focus on what he actually said he was a very good interview he made some very good strong points against lockdowns this is the debate we should be having but rather than actually listen to what the guy had to say about that no the narrative is all about it's switched to oh he appeared on a russian channel this is terrible you know seen as r.t. started in america and in britain it's been under attack from russia. from people
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who are happy that a candle is out there they would look for people to be able to watch in the western countries that actually puts forward a different perspective than what you normally get on a lot of the other channels so it's an intimidation campaign so the anybody who appears on r.t. in america or britain who has public standing who is this to show politician a journalist that sector will be targeted and they'll be told 1st oh you know good you know arty was an agent of the russian government blah blah blah open the person would say oh i'm sorry i didn't realize i was born again obviously boy and after that it gets nasty it gets attacks this person is r.t. and this is this is serious so there's lots of ways to there's more the one way to censor media outlets the that most obvious way is just take them off the air pull the plug but they're using different methods to do this and to try to gayla get to mice and to and to marginalize r.t. and people who go on it and i think everybody needs to be aware of that and ask
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yourself simple question why why is it so important to these people to attack media pluralism why is same point for these people to spend so much time on attacking r.t. and people who go on it they must be a reason for that. the number of covered 1000 cases in european countries has surpassed 10000000 but half the cases being confirmed in the last 5 weeks alone but states reimposition a lot down measures is bringing frustration that many taking their anger out onto the streets.
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we've seen that demonstrations taking place across europe against measures that are being put in place to try and stop the spread of covert 19 europe 10 percent of the world's population 22 percent roughly of the world's kovac 19 infections here in germany where i'm speaking to you from we've just entered into what's been called lockdown light from monday until a miracle said she wants to try and get infections of covert 19 down by around 75 percent in germany and the way that they're going about doing that is trying to keep open as many schools kindergartens and elements of business as possible at the expense of social contacts so it's the it is bars restaurants beauty salons james that are paying the price they're the ones that are going to be shutting down in the attempt to do this however in bringing in these measures some politicians here
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in germany were caught breaking them already. the focus should now be on protecting the population and at such time when the demanding so much from people politicians need to set an example. well the covert 19 measures that have come into place here in germany mean that bars and restaurants will have to close for normal business they will be allowed to
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carry out operations to take out the preferred that came into play one bar in the ins political quarter particularly popular with politicians from the bundestag said that a number of key officials would be barred from entry this included angle america or less shots the vice chancellor and the mayor of berkeley and michael moore are saying that because they were putting in place these measures they were no longer invited there for a drink. the government has done nothing since april to prepare people for winter and the 2nd wave of the pandemic it's known that many politicians come to us as guests some of those politicians decided yesterday to shut down catering business is again to ban us from doing our jobs we are adding those politicians to our black least immediately well new covert 19 measures are being put in place across europe in france we saw them enter into a really strict new lockdown where pretty much all of the same measures that were
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in place in the spring up back in for similar measures taking effect in belgium on saturday night the british prime minister boris johnson announced that the u.k. will reenter a month long lockdown from thursday number of all the countryside introducing new measures are expected to introduce new measures over the coming weeks or one country that has seen a big rise in the number of cases is russia 18th out. and 665 new confirmed infections of covert 19 on sunday the number of dead in the country has now passed the 28000 mark there are no signs of a new full lockdown coming into place in russia however over 60 five's have been told to you to stay at home as much as possible those in the out risk category we know the virus attacks those who are older much harder than it does the young but
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when it comes to things like night life in cities like moscow that remains open mess that is so beyond in the rushing of the mayor of the russian capital is said that the q.r. code system that's being used to allow people into bars and nightclubs will continue but it may be under review should cases continue to rise. journalist and i kind of miss public think believes that measures should be focusing on kick starting the economy. as an economist i look at trade offs and to be honest measures taken in most of europe like the lockdowns do seem too much focused on trying to avoid infections at all costs rather than trying to find a balance between debt and other goals such as keeping the gandhi life avoiding poverty and maintaining individual liberties so i understand it's difficult for any government right now to take the right decision but it seemed too much could i think and towards trying to avoid infections in europe yeah we will most likely see
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civil unrest in crete over the next few months because of the lockdowns will be a harsh winter everyone hoped after 1st lockdown with a relatively mild summer that the worst was over but now we started the new episode off of another lockdown and god knows how long this will take so what will be very challenging for the rest of the year and also early next year for now well if you look at the polls in holland most people still support the lock down and the strict measures but the of course when we see the unemployment rise we see we're bankruptcy's there will probably be a point where people say ok no more and that's something you really seems treats of course and it will only increase as long as we we don't find a way to to to live or deal with the with the virus. still had anchor and paris expand their war of words following the terror attacks and france on that after this break.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. high salacious whole community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the death. or inmate in the shallowness. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the
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world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back between paris and the muslim world over freedom of expression and religion is escalating in the wake of the terror attacks and france but negative sentiment intensifying on both sides the french president called the violence unacceptable on his turkish counterpart is crying in a phobia. if a spectacle he said look i understand and respect that people might be shocked by the caricature was but i will never accept that someone can justify physical violence because of them i will always defend my country's freedom to speak to right think and drawl. so you see the countries that teach the world about human rights and democracy take the lead on islamophobia and xenophobia a fight needs to be put up against and to move them sentiment today just as
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a battle was waged against and to some it is more in the wake of the holocaust. as muslim majority countries were both against france's treatment of muslims protests have spread across the world along with the boycott of french products anger was heightened by emanuel tough comments against islam on the beheading of a paris teacher who had shown his class caricature of the prophet mohammad has also become the motto for a series of attacks on french soil. we
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are at war against terrorism terrorism can always strike there is no 0 risk and the state is doing its utmost to protect the french people. the french demand justice who want these people to be deported to their country like we are in a country that has witnessed atrocities great teachers being beheaded priests having less throats slit people are beheaded in a church that's not france and even if we take in all possible security measures have been able to come in with a knife to do is deadly deed 0 risk does not exist you know there are i think 40000 churches in france we could put a 1000000 and a half soldiers there but that would not change the problem we can take someone who wants to kill someone else many countries especially in the middle east have taken measures against terrorists for knife attacks. we discussed the worsening conflict
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with our guests. the president a french president was very right to confirm that we stand for a secular state and for the freedom of speech in the secular state of france religion is seen as an opinion we need to address radical islam in france and we are in a war against radical islam and i don't think mr micro is going far enough you can never justify terrorism or violence of any sort so what is the issue with president micro on his war in islam is that is the terminology that he's adopted which is and then murder has in which he tarnishes every single muslim and holds muslims responsible for the action of a small minority of terrorists nothing i actually heard from. it is really attacking islam and moderate muslims in france what what i think he's trying to do is say look we have a country here we have laws and regulations that we've built up over centuries and
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this is how this country works and actually go 63 midst who have a completely different view of how they want life to be and maybe separate and so their own type of society. france is probably not for them we need to deport foreigners who preach islam on our grounds we have radical in mom's preaching. against islam or telegrams what you mean by what i mean by that is they hate speech is against the western way of living against a securely way of living we have men not shaking women's hands we have most preaching for separate swimming 0 is we have young girls going being told to put on the veil this is not what we think it is certainly a pen. it is a lot is there nothing to take place that's stop tonight is to be and talking about you know what you talking about you just sound like as if you're talking from the national fruit and here gender of the far right we as muslims recognize we have
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a problem there are. people want some it's said this there's a problem with people who are involved in terrorism he want to bring people decent people who are against terrorism come together let's do that but just do away with this rhetoric that we're hearing tonight mr shafiq you oughta know that many mosques in france are preaching and saying that the laws of the of the qur'an are superior to the loss of france which malise please no i have no answer for you and i do not envy you oh that's your father francis crick what about your colleagues in the far right what about the colleagues in a far right not a single word about the far right near nazis far right extremists or which is totally out of guilt that just shows you just focused on demonology a whole community we all feel the same very strange that need to be dealt with and the police are having to deal with the rise of right wing extremism but at this moment today we're talking about people being beheaded it in churches and basilicas
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and things of course because france that's the issue that france is having to deal with at this moment let's speak a sister let's take on the narrative the terrorist but don't do that the expense of orderly innocent muslims around the world we are poor terrorism but we also want the right you know for our boys to be heard in these countries are not free not to be attacked in the way as being tonight france is a country where all religions can peacefully live together and i live together with millions of muslims i have many muslim friends who are and lated muslims and whom i adore we can exist all together at france under the condition that our traditions and loss of secularism are respected. that's been our rob up of the day's top headlines for this hour but if you're looking for more stories head on over to our web site dot com. some control for a middle class to move in mosul more very hardworking people who want to get ahead
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that have either have some some health issues or have some strict about luck a full time job moon told me he's paying for a place to live and missing just a month's rent can get you a victim to gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. you better catch up real quick or you're going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted anyone that's homeless is history like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time it's not the case see how it is to be poll in the world's richest country. next as a financial survival guide stacey let's learn about fill out let's say i'm not so i can endure. the fight while street fraud thank you for helping.
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destroy 6 that's true if you looked at slavery. the u.s. has a history of complicated and heated presidential what's different this time is that the biggest political events of the last 4 years is happening amid the coronavirus and the rest of the level of civil unrest sparked by the death of george floyd and the rise of the radical groups on both sides of the political spectrum. right there this is your. say. these groups attract very angry
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members who have taken to the streets making protests look like full scale what you hear we're going to do you know what's about to. visit demonstrators are sometimes heavily armed and they are not afraid of violence or law enforcement. if you will of war let it begin with us. or go into trouble across the u.s. over the next week to meet those groups and their leaders to find out how far they're ready to go to fight for what they believe the stupid for this country. we are in virginia members of a group called the. little boys have been around for several years now but the recently came into the media spotlight during the summers and say lockdown and government protests in august several dozen heavily armed men and tactical gear
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