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tv   Going Underground  RT  November 3, 2020 6:30pm-10:31pm EST

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the following program contains material that may be disturbing including references to illegal sex drugs and drug use he would have scratching as advised. they were going underground a show that will likely have more viewers from around the world this week of dry headline making interview with white house current virus advise a professor scott atlas the mainstream media reaction and after his subsequent apology for his appearance hasn't stopped one man from coming on the show as voters elect the president of the united states president all trumps personal lawyer and former mayor of new york city rudy giuliani joins me now via skype from washington d.c. rudy welcome to going underground especially for the election why have you called today's election the most important in your lifetime well i think there's such a stark difference between the directions in which the 2 candidates would take the country i mean donald trump would take it in the direction of free enterprise
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continued growth in our economy which he drove to the highest point it's ever been right before the pandemic beyond any other american president more jobs higher income better gross then all 'd of a sudden we got hit by the pandemic and all the democrats were predicting to your depression 25 percent unemployment we'll never get out of it will take years and here we are once 34 months later we had 3 months of record job growth record each month set a record for job growth our g.d.p. growth this year was this just this this month was phenomenal $33.00 and a 3rd percent that's 3 times higher than our record in the best and the end result of all this is we're about. 75 to 80 percent of the way back we're further back than any any of our allies by far we've got a stronger economy than any any of them but that our economy that like professor
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even though in many ways we won it pretty much one of the hardest well it has or sounded about one thing about donald trump is you can't quarrel with the fact that he's masterful and guiding the economy and in that area there's no not many people to dispute that and biden of course is never guided in economy and has some really infantine ideas like raising taxes is going to help grows its admission to killer let's explore some of those issues in a moment but of course even before the cove it destroyed the economic gains claimed by the trump administration i have to us this is about the shadow of russia why even after inquiry after inquiry cleared trump of being a russian asset why is it and it would be you and his colleagues why have you been unable to get that message across to people here in britain let alone to those crucial states that presumably trump will lose on the night the president
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went so i didn't want to surprise him victory and one of the reasons we can't get it across is because to 80 percent of the media is a maniacally and i jumped to the point of tough the pathology i mean look at the censorship imposed on the hard drives with 80000 e-mails and text messages that was left behind by hunter biden and there's another one in boston that spent discovering that he also left behind now these these hard drives contain massive evidence of brighton's espionage money laundering. you know i can count the countries that joe biden was taking bribes from just from the just from the hard drive his son admits it describes that. there's a complete censorship been done on that big check by the big networks by. one of the big companies that do business with china is
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a real fear of offending china ok then for the 1st time in american history we have some kind of mess censorship done on behalf of the democratic party it's almost as if the media here has become to the democratic party what profit was to the russian socialist party and innocent over the democratic party it turns nothing good about . it prince nothing bad about the democrats even if it involves a child in danger in child pornography that's really an homage bribery ok well just on the. other on ones i have to say on the allegations obviously joe biden is that my son like a lot of people at home have a drug problem he's over taking it is because he's worked on it i'm proud of him i'm proud of it's less of sir same kind of saw her giuliani the edge of southern lebanon take at it well don't let me see a point on the meeting going to take the time will let me answer that his son isn't over his drug problem i have the photographs to show his son has
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a 30 year joint problem that's a massive trial and one reason he has actually problems joe but when this man was a young man having this serious drug problem instead of letting him live a life that was simple he started to use him as a bag man to collect bribes for so you don't take a drug addict and have him deal with murder is an organized criminals his son is in been better in business with. one of the biggest crooks in the ukraine member of ukrainian organized crime michael xhosa asking he's gotten $4000000.00 from a later good arena was a close friend of let me have putin's and helped to depose a husband in order to get into that very very strong position he's been a partner with z e ing me who is acknowledged to be somebody who trains intelligence agents and puts people into shell businesses so he can trap and for espionage purposes and his
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partner passion coach is described by one to buy and proudly as his business partner who is a major chinese spy well that there are 2 major chinese transactions one of them is a $1500000000.00 commitment to hunt to biden's private equity fund right at the very time that joe biden is negotiating with china to reduce their terrorist and back off their militarization of the islands they dispute with japan and joe biden loses both of those to the chinese in other words they raise terrorists and they put more military on the island on the other hand. biden receives a letter 8 days after they returned from from china that china is going to put a $1000000000.00 into his totally ridiculous private equity fund that never made any money and that involves as tartars to sort of the vice president the son of the step jerry state john kerry the son of whitey bulger who's
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a major american organized criminal and the bank of china ok well then we have had a lot of people deny wrongdoing joe biden's campaign says they carried out a phone call us policy towards ukraine and engage in no wrongdoing those dimensions of the they they have no wrongdoing joe biden's tax returns financial disclosures show no sign of any share of fund to buy money vladimir putin denies the russian accusation i mean is is the problem let me accidents now let me answer each one of those a lot of them put wasn't part of the russian accusation so we whether regionalized or affirms that what made a damn bit of difference it was it was only in a good arena and it's documented and if somebody would have the energy to just look at them hard drives and i suppressed it the way the american press asked it find out that it's proved. it's not it there's nothing there's nothing disputed about it now you say to me it's not honest tax returns that's
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a little silly criminals don't put bright money on tax returns but prosecuted you know $20.00 bribery cases and a 100 crimes i've never met a criminal who puts the bribe money on the tax returns joe stupid but he's not that stupid to bribe money sitting in for sure a house that ukrainians would like to get their hands on and the us treasury has been blocking for 5 years ok but. the proof the proof of that is we can see the money coming into the accounts of a wasp you don't think it's possible to have money buy that money is not the one to buy because hunter biden is basically high on crack every other day we don't think it's even the only pictures there are of him on crack in the hard drives hundreds hundreds of pictures these you think those allegations that you don't think are just they're not running for election it is not running a little good at the hard drive the day if they ask me whether he's denying it but the edge thing to do you think it's popular to finish what i'm saying please sorry
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go ahead what i'm saying is you want to find the answer to it don't ask me go look at the hard drives so i mean i'll show you some of the pictures right now if you'd like to look at them and i'm not sure our lawyers will allow that here i'll show you a picture of of hunter biden cured of cracked this picture comes from his hard drive. do you ever see that you don't think he could have been involved in these contracts. without his father knowing after all it is joe biden we're talking about today not as. well let's say let's let's go let's go to joe biden for a moment ok and let's read. let's read the e-mail of january 3 2019 in which hunter biden tells his
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tells his daughter that for 30 years he's been collecting money for the family he has to pay the expenses of the family and then he has to give half of the to his father so this is about joe by using his son in a most horrible way as a bag man or it could have been that there was exaggerating things and saying things that his father didn't know look i just want to get to the sense of humor but knowing that then why do the tax have him explaining to his father what he's doing because we don't i mean that's not a long time ago we have text messages where joe biden is dealing with charisma we have a witness now mr bubble lenski who's a who's a retired navy officer destroyed honorably not thrown out for drugs like hunter who says that there were frequent discussions between joe and his father about the money they were making in china from the chinese communist. so we can we can
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disregard that too i had to tell me about how bad a problem is there's not it there's never enough evidence greed has overtaken patriotism and hatred has overtaken the good of the country there's no doubt about that and that's what this election is about and the american people are tetchy not in the last 3 weeks the polls have sit shifted dramatically remember last time president trump won he was down by 8 points on election day and he what you're getting into is he hasn't the rallies for trump and biden but has a hard time durant under people truck troop 35000 people to a field in pennsylvania and 25000 people to a place in michigan in the snow. the american people know just how good our media is ok but i want to hear i want to ask about this point about the media because
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scott after so the white house coronavirus task force had a tweet deleted you sent material to the new york post i understand twitter took it down at one point the evidence that you had provided the new york post not need right now all the problems of the 3 but turn pad 3 and a half years to reform the media reform media in the united states that alone the tech companies why didn't he do so and how can you turn this around the mood here in the united states are protected by the 1st amendment she had done that it would've been challenged in court every liberal in the world would have gone nuts if he tried to censor the media or you'd be totally unrealistic i mean can trump do anything right i mean the reality is an american president can't come down the media rudy giuliani will stop you that more from president trump's 1st a lawyer after this break.
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so. if the phone. call that come. oh my. 6 6 2 back guys are going for my guy to financial survival this is. a device a. by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these as frauds are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to the. totally
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destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for what guys are for. welcome back i'm still here the president trumps personal lawyer rudy giuliani trump has threatened to say to twitter rather than be regarded as a platform it is a publisher if it is if it is would like to do that except the democratic congress would never tell us who how much money do you think of her. twitter say how much money do you think they give to the democrats hundreds of millions in it not funding of tax and other things they own the democratic part that's why they're doing they don't do many censorship it savor of chop the
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censorship is against trump and to collect a guy they control joe but. we were buying this election we will be subjected to this censorship for the next 4 years because they're unleashing the reason they despise trump is because trump basically tells them to go to hell it's not the east not going to let them run this country they eat wasn't elected he has lost contributors because he had contributors come to him and say why did you just go easier on the companies and he's basically sort of out of his office and the reality is that big check and big media this is the 1st president they can push around because basically big jack and big media. is is what he says the enemy of the people when you deprive the american people of critical information about a presidential election you're really not a journalist is some kind of political hack twitter is replied by saying our
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policies are living documents we're willing to update. adjusted them unwilling to counter new scenarios or receive important feedback from the public oh really really then how come everybody that they began is conservative a group of tax returns was put out about a month ago to port to be done with trump's tax returns in order to get to be out of steel there is absolutely no sanitation that there is tax returns no signature page there is not even an anonymous source i mean obviously there's an anonymous source but they don't even describe the source and they publish that it's even you know has 3 on the record sources it can be internally clarified turns out it's now been verified by the f.b.i. it's totally true why was that suppressed but the tax returns put out trump was elected in that inaugural when he gave his inaugural address i think steve bannon
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may have written it he talked about the american working classes he talked about american carnage if these structural reasons usually that are credited with winning elections in the united states do you think. do you think he was really he's been wrong to fire people like steve bannon those who were close to him in 2016 before the campaign on those rust belt issues i mean he did repeal nafta he did things that those states wanted but does he need more help has he needed more help. it's got a remarkable record i mean steve is a very close friend of mine a big supporter of the president. the fact he can make changes in your ministration is pretty to under ormal i can't think of much he could have done that would improve his record on our economy the best it's ever been. most employment highest wages tremendous gains for the poor. african-americans have never done better i
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mean democrats promised african-americans the world they gave welfare truck promised he would work on their problems and he's moved thousands and thousands of them out of poverty many of them highest wages ever least on a point that most employment he's got a great deal african-american support not sure if american president major major or even rap artists are supporting the democrat party space a clear parasite on them keeping them on welfare and if they're in welfare they have to depend it really comes out of their socialist thinking ok some of these indicators were moving in that direction under obama's last years but it is a fact that the uninsured rate has gone up and a trump from. from 10.9 percent 260213 point 7 in 2019 life expectancy ok it was falling under obama in 2014 it's continued to do so as for pay and race quarter 321000 figures have media week median weekly earnings 3
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quarters of the level of white men as a black man i mean you know what it used to be has under obama. it grew it grew dramatically under trump. i'm african-american suffered mightily under obama he didn't do anything for them they have the highest wages the lowest unemployment and the highest employment and an under under chop and also the death rate in america grew under obama and the death rate in america has gone down every year on the job including this year with the number of cova deaths it's lower than in obama's last 4 years every year he has brought down the death rate including this year where it seems almost impossible to do plus you say uninsured people are uninsured want to be uninsured they'd rather be uninsured they young
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people they don't want to pay they feel they're never going to use their insurance so they don't want to pay and they didn't want to pay the obama penalty which which is why obama lost the congress history passed obamacare and lied he had biden lied to the american people they said you can't keep your plan you can't take taken plan away you can keep your doctor totally false you can't do that the government decides on who your doctor is look you guys effect socialized medicine for a very long time a couple of years ago my wife got ill in one day i didn't go to one of the hospitals because citizens told me not to go to one of the hospitals i got a private doctor for and i had to spend a lot of money for it because their socialized medicine system is not a very good medical system nor is the canadian system where the supreme court of
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canada has described it as we regard health care as pretty you want to list. ok well it's a much evil says john edwards we went off to the united states and fred is i going to just read up a bit though because you just talk which spent 2 days with one of the hospitals the political spectrum he will disagree with you on that but talking about people of color. in american that goes for health care for a 2nd because i want to get back into well thinks that he has the people of color not remaining with this ridiculous socialist system it could actually be people come on this side today's election was a given all the advances the people of color made under the trumpet ministration and the fact that black eyes matter anyway was a movement that began after killings by police under obama's administration why is the term but administration been criticizing back by as a matter and not talking more about its achievements i know we're troubled blacklight matter is is
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a marxist organization founded by 3 women who are valid marx's who make it clear they were trained as mark says it's a it's an antecedent or a result of the former black panthers the black liberation army trained by the black panthers in the black liberation army and every protest they crying out for the killing of police officers if you're talking about the expression black lives matter that's a perfectly honorable decent expression if you're talking about the organization it's a violent marxist organization that advocates this killing a police officers that resulted in the death of police officers and it's resulted in massive riots everyplace and theoretically has peaceful protests and they do tremendous damage to their own community they destroyed black businesses all over the country they smashed down the doors to go inside they steal the stuff it's time just last night people were people were stealing in philadelphia 4 days of steel
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out i mean i was. i watched a store get ripped open and people employing up with their with their. suburbans and filling up their cars with televisions and the police were standing there watching because philadelphia has 8 just return that was put there by george soros who only prosecutes about half the cases he likes criminals better than innocent people and a mayor who doesn't know how the police to arrest rioters ok well george soros would deny that and black lies about our people but little george soros deny that he's the major funder of black lives matter george soros can't deny the fact that he funded $27.00 just attorneys elections and elected total idiots his district attorneys who don't prosecute cases like criminals go free george soros is singularly responsible so that for the rise of the crime rate in philadelphia well of course george can absolutely did i think and to tell you the thing is we were
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talking about health care i mean now we know biden and trump both support fracking trump said he would reform health care there's never been a real reform of a revolutionary element apart from his now he's talking about drug pricing annoying the big pharma lovi similar taney asli he said he was going to replace the paris agreement nothing really came to pass in 3 an off night god comparison was terrible . if you disagree you know how china to pollute the world while we all sit around and have our economies beaten because most of your countries in europe suck up to china and we don't obama sucked up to china and now we know why by bike because you get paid written certainly once a purse breaks a deal with china your are close to this country have an ornery knighthood what happens if if trump is re-elected or of by is elected as regards
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a special relationship given the britain is leaving on new year's eve well i have a tremendous regard for the great britain and i think the president does i think it was it was clearly evident when he visited there how close he feels to. the british government. the president's problem with our allies in europe if they don't pay their bills major problem is germany germany is a very rich country they only take about less than half of what they're supposed to pay for nato there's no trade deal signed between the u.s. and u.k. even in the last months of this presidency do you think biden will sign the deal with boris johnson much quicker than trump has been as regards post brics future only if somebody reads it or i mean but dinah's working out about half as large as you know that right have you ever watched him say he's running against george or i
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pledge allegiance to the united states. oh and the rest of it or mistaking his wife and his sister to the democrat party as to why it's their job but there's no question they've got 2 major things on which they can take him out of office any time they want they could get 10 psychiatry to say he's suffering from dementia because he is and 2nd now that they have this hard drive which they've been told pulling for the last 2 weeks they can take it and they can show him all of the things in those photographs that he doesn't want you to see the other crimes that would be revealed i mean the ability when you asked me about that picture of hunter biden you want to know why that's relevant because china has all those pictures and more because that's what china does to extort people remember remember when the democrats were all upset that maybe russia would have pictures of donald trump and his family well russia does have pictures of the buds sort of
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china many thousands very compromise and sort of the democrat party this man should not get anywhere near the white house he's way to compromise well he denies a mentor and weak on very high with the chinese and allegiant as he did i did mention but with a rather then again then again he thinks he's running against george he thinks he was a senator from 106 years he confuses people's names all the time and he can't you can't get numbers right and they're simple if he wants to loosen the restrictions on getting a president out of office if he's suffering from mental illness or mental problems and she said it doesn't pertain to trump. so what is it for again just fine don't worry i don't think he's going to be i don't think he's going to be elected just finally it's highly appropriate to be reelected everybody in europe is going to be really surprised again because all you do is listen to are completely biased press
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and therefore you have a very real understanding of what's going on of this country this finally you know what's going on in new york maybe you know what's going on in los angeles you haven't the foggiest idea what's going on in iowa that's why nearly every well on well on the aisle on those polls obviously last time around there was a to by the end of polling day visit to point difference and of course trump won the electoral college this time around this time around it could arguably be more complicated. do you think you'll be legally assisting the trump campaign should it be close he's ahead in north carolina by a percent he's ahead in florida by 3 percent all that happened this weekend that's known as momentum it's also known as the fact that trump has enthusiasm died doesn't the reason the pollsters missed they don't know how to track his enthusiasm when 25000 people show up for you they're going to go out and vote 100 people show
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up for you they're going to go out and vote because a big difference which one is $5100.00 you're going to get a big surprise and maybe construct taking a better look at america and not use the new york times and the washington post because all they're reflecting is a very narrowly 8. not the mainstream america where the good people that make this country work and the people to send rudy giuliani thank you thank you thank you very much and the time of the show will be back tomorrow on the eve of england's unprecedented 2nd lockout as more storms and fails to prevent a coronavirus 2nd wave hitting the u.k. until then join the underground on you tube twitter facebook instagram and. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics. i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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from the world headquarters of artsy america in our nation's capital this is elections 2020 special coverage with rick sanchez now again everybody i'm rick sanchez and i want to welcome our viewers from all over the world including those of you who are checking us out using your phones using the free portable t.v. we're so glad that all of you are there it's going to be an exciting night i'm going to be joined tonight by many of my colleagues correspondents special guests and contributors including right here next to me riding shotgun as we like to say
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this evening is news with rick sanchez correspondent ferrand also joining us throughout the night boom bust host bret job or who is going to be manning the big map you see there behind him to try and help get a sense of how that map is going to be filling out throughout the night with the electoral college votes speaking of that we should say that it's no secret that president trump has his work cut out for him on this night because you know if you go by the latest polls in the conventional wisdom he is behind as the night begins but here's here's the really good news for president trump tonight and conversely the bad news for mr biden. polls and conventional wisdom do not choose the next president of the united states and both have been wrong many a time in our nation's history it's the voters who are going to be making this decision tonight and we're going to be following that very carefully for you before we get to anything else we want to try and give you a sense of which states we're going to be hearing from 1st because there is an.
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order to the polls close early some bowls close later in the day or the night should say ferran joining us now to take us through that what are we going to be looking for 1st where are the polls closing 1st so as far as 7 o'clock pm right now the biggest states we have are georgia indiana kentucky south carolina and vermont the key states are going to be looking at that georgia and then south carolina you have a major senate race with lindsey graham who's the incumbent who could be unseated highly likely but we'll see then at 730 we've got north carolina ohio and west virginia north carolina ohio being those 2 battleground states at 8 o'clock we have a vast majority of these states closing their polls but the 2 that we're going to watch i'm sorry the 4 we're going to watch 2 as far as florida and pennsylvania they say those 2 presidential pass to go through in order to get the presidency but as far as alabama and maine those are 2 very key senate races you have susan collins and then you also have doug jones who is the democrat who could be unseated
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most likely 830 just got a little old arkansas by itself 9 o'clock we're looking at arizona colorado michigan minnesota texas and wisconsin all battleground states texas right now a toss up that we haven't seen since the late 1970 s. 10 o'clock we've got iowa nevada montana and utah montana watching that key senate race there 11 we've got big old california hawaii idaho oregon washington and at 1 am all by a slow some alaska so strap in that's going to be an interesting night of those states is called or as we should say as each state is projected we're going to be taking you through many of those projections as they happen speaking of that let's go over to the big map now that's where a branch of bar my colleague is standing by to take us through the very beginning of what we're going to see tonight which probably will begin with the states of what kentucky and indiana and indiana we have our 1st set of numbers coming in from kentucky with 14 percent reporting so far president trump is leading 51 percent to
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40. percent obviously we'll have to see that now 1500000 early voters happy took to the polls in kentucky it hasn't gone democrat since 996 with bill clinton we can't really expect that to change but we will see obviously anything can happen in these crazy elections indiana is also just close they have roughly about 14 percent of the vote in has a little bit higher of a lead with roughly about 63 percent of the vote right now so we could go ahead and that obviously hasn't gone blue since 2008 when obama won it however it was has been solid red since $1006.00 this go over to the big map here and take a look at what we're looking at let's start with florida there's 29 electoral votes at play in florida and they had more than a 9000000 early votes 95 percent of the turnout from 2016 that's a pat and they actually surpassed 2016 in about 2 hours of voting today it's voted
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with the president says 1902 and it's been a key swing state that draws the eyes of pretty much every candidate so that's a big one there georgia also there 16 electoral votes are at play as well and that has been they had 3900000 early voters 2000000 were expected at the polls today we'll see what happens there it hasn't gone democrat since 1902 although democrats believe it is in play and as a parent mentioned south carolina we have vermont and virginia also closing this hour as well and their electoral votes are up for grabs as well rick. well you know as i'm looking at this and stay where you are because i want you to go over for our viewers what are the 4 most important states early into the night and you know i think you mentioned just moments ago and we're going to be talking about florida georgia north carolina and pennsylvania explain to our viewers if you would why the numbers say those 4 states are so significant well because they're so close number
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one is why they are seen as so significant what you're going to see throughout the night is in the southeastern states of florida and georgia you're going to see those early votes those are to be counted 1st so we're going to see those numbers coming in any time now and then you'll start to see what happened on election day a lot of analysts would say in that situation at the beginning going to see kind of a blue lead and then it will switch to read or it may have to be made up by president trump later in the day pennsylvania was a key state and pretty much helped seal the victory for president trump in 2016 and it had been a predominately blue state so far in the past and now this year it is the state that he's with all 4 of those states that you mentioned there rick those have to be won by president trump for him to declare victory obviously to get anything can happen he could steal away some other states from joe biden and pull off a victory but everybody is saying those are the 4 states where colleagues got to
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know hughes and all and cook are joining us now on the set for their observations scotty i want to begin with you the news out of florida is that it's as tight as a drum and some of the biden people are nervous course by the people and as they should be there's a large voter turnout that's the worst news possible for the biden camp they were hoping that people were going to stay home and they did all their voting early because that usually traditionally helps the democrats they did it today we saw across the board and all these states large voter turnout large voter numbers in fact i think in this state age you could find less people who actually did not vote than actually who did vote and that's probably not a good thing for the democrats especially in florida or early try. you know marco rubio 6 hours ago our friend tweeted out looks like it's going to be a grand slam for donald trump and rubio is not one to be a trump fan all the time for him to say that means he's got a good policy on the on the state it looks good if you look at some of the early numbers or at least the early observations i guess is what we should call this at this point is nothing is official but hold on let me bring you into this some of
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the exit polls that i've been seeing show and fact i'll give you the number that i've been seeing it says that white voters who voted for trump in 2016 were at 70 percent so far the exit polls are showing there and 65 percent so a little bit of a reduction there significant enough well i don't know the result we can officially announce as of midnight from dixville notch new 'd hampshire. first sweep since richard nixon where it was a 5 to nothing vote for joe biden that's the only official tell our viewers well that's because a lot of people have no idea what you're going to play for it's the 1st in the nation it's a tiny hamlet in hampshire near the canadian border and they vote at midnight at the stroke of midnight on election night and they have no clear path of representing the ultimate vote but it was just a cute sidebar it is and it is every night you know it's kind of like groundhog day and by the way by the way one of the important things that we're going to be
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watching tonight which is probably key to how soon we're going to be able to make a call on this night is the counting and it's funny because every state does it differently florida for example started counting yesterday so they could they could literally have results in florida in the next couple of hours unless it's very tight then they won't obviously michigan is going to do it sooner some states are saying no we're not going to start counting until our polls are closed for example that we have anything on that as far as what's with the states you know florida like you said they've been counting since yesterday even since you know as early as 7 am and that's kind of what you learned. florida learned when you covered it back in 2000 to start early because when you got it out of sent the states they're saying they're going to delay their putting their counting other half are very blue states the states are saying we've already started we're proactive we're on top of it are red state you sure when i actually i thought there were some there's an argument about what's going on in wisconsin because there are some recent and they
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want to where they want to hold and i think what you have but that's what happens what happens is maybe a lot of folks don't understand that about the election in the united states it's not statewide it's actually county by county and that's where you're going to have a state that's more purple been red or blue and you have different county officials who make a decision that they're going to count in a different method right now that is true but like i said you look at florida who said we're going to start counting as soon as we get pennsylvania did if you've seen the video from pennsylvania it looks like a huge operation going on on the floor opening up but even that there's an envelope inside an envelope then you also have to tally it out it's an operation once again sylvania let's look at the states they're up for controversy they're not necessarily a red or blue they're purple or there are a dozen a blue falling before the numbers get carried away there's one number we must know 100 and it was 100 years ago tonight as rutherford b. hayes was winning the presidency that radio was born and experimental radio
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station now known as a pittsburgh sign done just in time for the election result so happy birthday radio and i go to the accuracy in your mind that well you're going to be getting a lot of that throughout let's talk about a state that probably is going to be important in this election and it's going to be important in fact in just about every election in the past and moving forward as well i was recently quoted as saying it's florida florida florida and actually in many cases it's miami dade miami dade miami dade because florida is so important we have devoted some time to that and we've asked one of our correspondents to drill down on what's going on in the sunshine state for us is john hardy has been deep diving into this and here is his report. president voted at the west palm beach library not far from our lago i voted for a guy named trouble because. thank you very much over. his vote not exactly a surprise the question though is whether trump's home state of florida will have
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any election surprises nov 3rd as one of the top swing states florida could once again help determine the election the state delivers 29 electoral votes the presidential candidates who have succeeded in florida since 1906 and more recently have gone on to the white house florida's population of close to 22000000 is seen as a microcosm of america though in modern presidential election history florida has leaned more republican in 2000 george w. bush took the state an election mired in controversy with the infamous recount bush won by just 537 votes in 20082012 barack obama took florida though 2012 was another close one when president obama squeaked by mitt romney by less than one percent and in 2016 while trump won the state it was also a narrow victory with trump edging out hillary clinton by just 1.2 percent it's
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been said that the path of the presidential victory often runs through florida well the path to victory in florida often runs through miami dade county where both campaigns have been a favorite trying to squeeze out any and all votes in the final stretch before the election. in miami the cuban population is often voted republican but new data shows 2nd and 3rd generation cuban americans born in the u.s. are embrace a more democratic party ideals but truth remains popular in south florida particularly with hispanics as the pro trump weekly caravans in miami show the more biden harris supporters have also been turning out in recent weeks and this year another important factor an estimated 67 280000 convicted felons who completed their sentences are also now eligible to. in florida under the state's amendment for bottom line it's likely this year's election will be another nail biter in the sunshine state and to prevent another election debacle teams of lawyers and volunteers from both campaigns have been deployed across the state to prepare for
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the likelihood of a close election and to head off any potential problems so as the countdown to november 3rd is on the heat is also on in florida for our t.v. john heidi. it is now 14 minutes after the hour and we are ready to make our very 1st projection and here it is the state of kentucky the state of kentucky mitch mcconnell's state as we know it has been called for the president of the united states takes kentucky let's go over to the big map where rob is standing by brant the significance of this what do you got for number well i mean it's the 1st state that we're seeing reported for trump from the associated press i mean we're still early in the reporting it's 16 percent right now president with 55 percent vice president joe biden but let's go ahead and bring up the big map if we can and we'll take a look at that right now because that's where we're going to see our 1st mark state here for president while we don't have the map quite yet but we're seeing this as
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the 1st for trump we're going to be looking at voter turnout here to see how things happen and we're also going to want to keep an eye on mitch mcconnell's senate race as well coming up here as we continue our coverage there's no expectation right now that we're going to see a change there but we can of course like i said elections anything can happen especially in these crazy week times we have there rick we should probably explain to our viewers who may not be familiar with the way the system works how these states can possibly be called even though as you just said the precincts are still low it's a matter of exit reporting that is conducted usually by the associated press and what they find is that the delta is just too great for one. candidate to be able to overcome so 'd they say essentially he's up by so much at this point it's impossible for the other guy to be able to catch up we're going to go ahead and make that call right bret absolutely record and a lot of it has to do with the trends that we've seen over the past in counties and
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things like that too and that's where they make those decisions of course now we have the map 8 votes electoral votes for donald trump right now 0 for joe biden but we're expecting to see more states with those projections as you just mentioned in the matter of moments in a matter of the next half hour john jordan is our political commentator he's joining us now from california for his reaction with this 1st call john good to see you tonight what's your take on how things are going so far for both candidates. a couple things to look at here kentucky is a lot closer of an election often given as more interesting elections in indiana has in the past so there are certain count counties that we want to see in and around lexington for example but was really jumping out at me right now is that virginia seems to be getting called by some news outlet so early when it wasn't called this early in 2016 even though it ultimately went for hillary clinton it's about one percent and but it is still being called by a couple of news outlets as
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a victory and i have my doubts about that but if that's true that could be an issue for president so you think right now what we need to be looking at is not who's going to win which state to the point that you're trying to make we kind of expected that virginia would probably go for biden just like we expected that kentucky would go for trump so what we're looking for is the delta the difference between how many votes trump got when he was facing off against hillary these of the how many votes he's getting this time around right. yeah yeah that's half of it the other part of it is to see what types of scores or numbers president trump is running up in the counties in virginia that kind of resembled soon ones in pennsylvania or georgia for example so you want to be able to compare like to like so we want to be able to see how those counties unfold the up present trends going to lose virginia but the margin by which he loses it and where he loses it could
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tell us a lot about whether the evening goes very well for the president or not and john you know kentucky is always really a heavy red state we knew that this is most likely going to go to president donald trump but back in 2016 he won kentucky by 63 percent to hillary clinton's 33 percent what say you as far as now we're seeing 54 to 43 trump kind of losing quite a bit of ground there in the big mo as those you know well let's see let's see which counties are in right we know that he's going to win it but we don't know necessarily right now the composition of the size of his win kentucky is kind of quirky you know it has a democrat governor you know every new every 4 years the democrats make a big push to try to take one of the senate seats but they do have some democrats that win statewide offices there but i before we start drawing conclusions about kentucky or virginia i think we want to see even though we know which way those states are going to go we want to see which counties and which counties are running up which score because that's going to tell the tale the 4 most important states at
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this point and i just want to make sure that you can give us a confirmation at least as far as your take and i know you're an insider i know you talked to a lot of people on both sides who've given you some information we've been saying it's going to be florida it's going to be georgia it's going to be north carolina it's going to be pennsylvania and eventually it's going to be arizona it's going to come down to those states isn't it john. absolutely the what i'm hearing right now is that the republican turnout machine has really come through in arizona and florida and if they've done it there it's more likely than not that they've done it in georgia as well if president trump wins those so-called the sunbelt states then he just needs pennsylvania or michigan or a combination of wisconsin and minnesota and possibly nevada or something else. you know i tend to think the base of the numbers i'm seeing this is on twitter and
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this is a publicly available the president job is over performing in florida and arizona visa be the polls remember we need to understand right now rick is polls are done now they're out the window what matters now is vote totals and it looks to me in many ways that the democrats have underperformed in their absentee ballot program and in the last couple of days before absentee ballot voting closed a lot of states their numbers hit a wall and the voters they've been turning out of been the ones that would turn out on election day anyway so it doesn't look right now like the democrats have built a 2008 obama ask expanding electorate but we're going to have to see florida is really going to tell that tale and you know reckon if you look at my miami in the dictionary there's your picture your mr mine but if you look at miami dade broward analysis you know that's further north and palm beach county look at those scores and how well the democrats did there so go that those big 3 so goes florida all
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things being equal. john jordan your delight it's so great to be able to hear your perspective on this it's very informed you're a smart guy and we look forward throughout the night checking in on you thanks so much we need to talk now little bit about what's going on in the country a lot of some of the things that he's going to possibly be one of the biggest determinants for this vote this year and by the way it's something that this country hasn't experienced until back in 1918 and. what we're talking about is a pandemic this code 19 pandemic and the impact that it's throughout not just the country but this particular election as well and that's we're going to go to our t. correspondent tavenner she's been digging into this as far as what all of this and how this is entailed as far as impacting this election cycle here's a report. president donald trump has been notoriously against wearing face masks amid a global pandemic that has already claimed over 1200000 lives the president and his
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family faced severe criticism when they all failed to wear face masks during the 1st presidential debate president even doubled down and mocked at the his democratic challenger for wearing one and it turned biden used a debate to attack the traumas handling of the coronavirus pandemic and just days later both president bush and the 1st lady tested positive for cover 19 and a massive outbreak hit the white house days later 18 people interims administration have to has that positive for kobe had 19 this after the wall to wall coverage on the death of a well known conservative and 2012 presidential candidate herman cain who in july attended a trump campaign rally indoors and told. not wearing a mask now days later king died from quote a 19 although it's still not clear exactly where and when he became infected by the
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virus now despite a highly publicized death traumas still garnered a large crowd over and over again even in iris on most states like florida alabama georgia texas and south carolina joe biden however didn't see a massive turnout because he chose to go the digital town hall route where folks could tune into c.m. sky but supporters like hillary clinton barack obama and other notable celebrities views even topped over 100000 with supporters staying at home yet still taking part and most recently did biden a speech over to in person rallies in 1000 has undeniably change the tone of the 2020 election year states were forced to quickly change how you cast your ballot. which could ultimately bring unpredictable and pretend truly disastrous results states across the country have seen record absentee ballots 1000000 ballots and
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lines wrapped around polling places with voters waiting for hours in line all 6 feet apart now only 5 states didn't have to change anything already having universal mail and voting ballots are sent out to everyone now things took over 19 other states followed their lead however 22 states and this are of columbia only decided just to extend the amount of time it takes for your ballot to get their push him back to date for the full and final results now this could complicate things and it could drag out the election past november 3rd pushing it all the way to thanksgiving like in washington state who has the most far out extension date while some states were in the middle of revamping their entire election process president trombone on the attack calling mailing voting fraud corrupt in some stayed late mail in ballots won't change anything but for battleground states like michigan and pennsylvania 2 states president visited multiple times the same week
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election officials say could take days to get the final count then there are states like new york and alaska who won't even give out any 1000000 results on election night so there's no argument 2020 has proven to be the year of on certainty and a presidential election year that will go down in history good stuff and so i was good enough to join us now to share her perspective on this it really has been a cataclysmic of the united states in particular probably as bad as anywhere in the world right now exactly just the latest numbers globally we're at over 47000000 cases that's globally over 1.2 here in the u.s. i mean we have the most majority of deaths and cases. now as a result of this pandemic we have had record numbers of mail in ballots requested over 87000238 percent over what we had in 2016 now
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1000000 early mail and early person balance returned over 93000000 over 101 percent from the time in 2016 which is why it's so important that every single vote is counted which now brings me to the 2nd point is the signature problem in all of these 1000000 ballots this think about if there's over 87000000 people that have mailed their ballots they need to make sure that every single ballot every single vote is being counted but ballots rejected could be a central fight over election results yeah if there is one you know there is election law experts voting rights activists and also campaign a lot of lawyers they're all holding their breath to make sure this does not become a fight over a letter they're going to go. down to how close will the election be right i mean if there's a narrow margin and we're into the wee hours of the morning talking about this that's when those lawyers go to work that they're going to build those large probably know and what so that's also interesting is you know they never do they
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ever tell you how many ballots were actually thrown out if their signatures were accepted what they do is they do have some kind of laws when they do notify the voters but by the time you actually get that notification mailing it's too late but it may not matter if it's a state where you know if it's a let's say the one that we've already called kentucky kentucky it's not going to matter if there's $10000.00 votes out there looking at the signatures and wondering it doesn't really matter exactly going to matter words close at this point and more that's really a signature thing seems a little silly i saw my son signature when he 1st got his driver's license when he was 18 as opposed to now it's a totally different and that what's interesting is you have the young vote you have the older vote you know some older people they might not be able to sign the way they used to those are just not a artes and they just had this problem in 2080. and florida midterm senate race it took 12 days to actually call the winner because they were checking every single signal are we are ready to make another call we are ready to make a nother projection as the night moves on the 2nd state that we are going to be
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able to project and we're going to do that in just a moment stay right there don't go away we are now bringing you this special report the 2020 election night coverage right here on r.t. america i'm rick sanchez along with there on fronsac we're going to be right back stay there. like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that it's a folks dennis miller here i've got a new show. oh
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you go. by. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make a man come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down to find the truth. because it's time to do news again and question more. thank you for finally see me. understand you're tired of network news you. did today and. they are. no matter what. you know me 'd i'm famous for my views. and. ready yours truly ready. the corporate
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parasites in power today might think they're just troll will continue forever whether they're right or wrong we have to keep fighting question more. watching our special coverage of the 2020 u.s. election the posted by rick sanchez featuring scott i know you all and cook your senators your c ventura and larry king only on our to your member of the state to. welcome back everybody i'm rick sanchez it is now 730 on the east coast of the united states and we're ready to make another projection the state of vermont the state of vermont and 3 delegates that it carries will go to former vice president joe biden let's go over the big map now where branch taken care of things for us by bring us up to date on that well rick it's exactly as you said in the previous segment which is look there's about 2 percent reporting right now in vermont
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however trends projections they say that the a.p. can call it at this point let's go ahead and bring up the big map if we can and take a look at where we are right now so we have vermont being called in favor of joseph biden. as we talked about earlier kentucky there later electoral votes going to president donald trump so we are at 8 versus 3 very early in the process but i believe now we can actually bring up some numbers from florida we're seeing some of those early numbers come up if we could bring that graphic up and take a look at what actually happened is happening in florida right now that would be wonderful they've already counted about 5000000 of those votes so far we're seeing as we expected joe biden has a little bit of a lead of course that's coming from early voting numbers anything could happen when we get to the election day votes with about 44 percent reporting joe biden has 51
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percent president donald trump has 48 percent and this could go late into the night as we count up all those votes because as we know every vote in florida matters so it could be a late night there but this is what we're seeing so far if we go to our next state that would be wonderful. and we can see what we have going on i believe that south carolina available for us as well to take a look south carolina has one percent reporting there are 70 percent for president donald trump right now 27 percent for vice president joe biden of course south carolina pretty ruby red state in general no surprises expected there but things can change throughout the night rick we're going to be making another call in just a moment so stand by because it looks like there's going to be a call coming in west virginia that we're about to make just we're going to go we're going to come back to you in just a moment for more on that in the meantime we're also going to talk about something that doesn't get
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a lot of conversation and tingly enough you know we in the united states are finding out right now some of the latest polls are showing that people who went to the polls today and they asked them what party affiliation are you something like 35 percent of them said i'm not a republican and i'm not a democrat and they have really a more moderate interestingly enough no party affiliation which means or seems to be a need in this country and this is a long time conversation for a 3rd party but but it's one of those things we haven't seen it you know you look at states like vermont bernie sanders got 3 percent of the vote there right now one in 6 people actually want to see a 3rd candidate emerge but why can't these candidates actually break that barrier and get on the ballot will especially in a lot of those battleground states well here's my report on 3rd party candidates take a look. who am i. why am i here. was eve the 1902 independent party's vice presidential nominee with ross perot where
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was he the v.p. presidential debate stage this is a movement that came from the people we've seen 3rd party candidates on the ballot for years i was not put on a ballot by either the 2 parties i was not put on the ballot. back money $94.00 lobbyist money minded special interest money no modern 3rd party presidential candidate has come close to the stage let alone close to winning yet they still campaign as long as we admit we all have an equal right to run for election we should not engage in this political bigotry yes anyone can run but there are institutional barriers in the u.s. election system that make it impossible for 3rd party candidates to get any attention and to not run an independent campaign against that person yeah ok. raise your hand now if you don't make that pledge tonight
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turns out the biggest way to get attention. to. the presidential debate stage and to get on it you have to go through the commission on presidential debates controlled by other republicans and democrats who don't want to see a 3rd party candidate the commission sets the rules and there's only one 3rd party candidates must have at least 15 percent and the national polls to get onstage so what they've told of the 3rd parties is if you want your voice heard if you want to be seen then you already have to have had your voice heard by 15 percent of the people and they have to have liked it enough to already want to vote for you otherwise nobody can see it but they already camped shia political experts say the quote winner take all mentality in u.s. elections forces voters to ditch the weakest party for more viable options ultimately squeezing out 3rd parties so in other words you're not always voting for the candidate you like or the one that really represents all of your he's you're
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voting against the candidate you don't like so how do we fix it there's a solution called the voting and everybody should know about it and demand that we have it the people in the state of maine just got it does a way with any possibility of a split election spoilers and make sure that we have. candidates elected by majorities and it gets rid of negative campaigning it sounds simple on the surface but how does range choice voting actually work all right so let's say we have 3 candidates howland myself and rick voters head to the polls and rank their candidates based on preference 1st 2nd and 3rd that part's easy it's all the votes actually get counted well then the system gets a little harder to understand so if it gets more than 50 percent of the 1st place votes he wins that's the end of it but let's say he doesn't and instead these are the results for the person in last place sorry holland he gets eliminated now anyone who chose rick as their 1st choice will instead have their 2nd choice counted as
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a full vote that changes the results turns out most of holland's supporters like me better than rick and now the results look like this so even though i wasn't the majority or the plurality is 1st choice i win however there's only one state that does this maine the good news it doesn't need to get passed by congress rather just at the state level but if you still have no hope for a 3rd party remember this the end of the 2016 presidential election ended up with just 2 candidates but we all remember the debate of 16 on the republican side so when the old cliche excuse of we can't have 3 people on the stage it's too many well it appears that excuse is gone now. good stuff aaron that's interesting talk about 3rd parties but right now we're talking about 2 men former vice president of states and the president of the united states and in west virginia just 7 minutes after the polls closed the associated press is calling it for the
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president of the united states west virginia goes to donald trump we're going to light that one up for you as we go over to my colleague 1 brunch abor once again brooke west virginia for president trump and as you mentioned it's actually 133. i do apologize about the graphic here not showing the exact numbers here but west virginia did just go for president trump and as you also mentioned just moments after polls close in fact while the associated press is projecting president the winner in west virginia he is they have yet to actually provide us any data so we don't know how many people have voted for him or what david's reported yet what they're seeing so based on exit polling based on trends they've already decided that west virginia goes to president donald trump this is interesting and you know fair and part of the conversation and some of the things that we're going to be looking for you tonight is how is joe biden doing compared to hillary clinton did how is president doing in 2020 compared to how he did in 2016 do we have numbers on
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how this was how this ended up in 2016 and we do now you had in west virginia in 2016 we were talking with us 3rd parties gary johnson 3 percent but trump 68 percent clinton 26 so let's take a look tonight to see of trump can meet that 68 best that 68 were under that 68 and that'll give us a sense of how the election's probably going to go tonight. let's do this now let's go to my colleague ben swonk host of boom bust he's checking on things for us tonight he's there at the white house and it looks like you got a lot of friends behind you there. yeah there's a lot of people out here no question about it and it's pretty safe to say it's down party lines in terms of those out here right now a lot of biden harris supporters who are out here right now the area we're in right now is lot across from the white house and it's what's called bloodlines matter plaza those protesters are behind me right now they've got flags they're chanting different things including black lives matter no justice no peace they're also
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saying vote out white supremacists is part of the chant out here and right now it's kind of a party atmosphere there's music playing it's as i said only kind of one ideology so there isn't a lot of conflict the question is going to be what happens in the next couple of minutes as we move through. when i have a lot of that side by the way that what's going to happen here over the next couple of hours as we watch a couple big states georgia and florida are the 1st 2 but if those numbers come in for trump chances are this crowd going to be less happy less of a party atmosphere than what they are right now so we're keeping a very close eye on things as we showed you yesterday the white house has a special fence they set up they call it ins and unscalable fence that they have erected inside white house grounds essentially mesh you can climb up it the president is inside with a smaller party tonight than he had originally anticipated having that white house at 400 people they scaled down this afternoon obviously we're going to keep a close eye on how people react and how the feelings out here develop over the night or devolve over the night we'll keep you guys up to it ben stay right there i
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want to come back to you in just a minute but apparently we have another call the associated press is projecting that the president of the united states has been defeated in the state of virginia virginia goes to joe biden here's a branch of bor standing by the big map go ahead right that's right rick updated numbers we're already seeing the electoral count go up 16 to 13 in favor of vice president joe biden as we have seen virginia and vermont go to the vice president west virginia and kentucky have gone to president donald trump at this time if we have the numbers and we could pull that graphic up of actually what happened in virginia we could talk a little bit about what we're seeing at this time there like we're seeing and in general states where we're not seeing huge numbers in yet but those trends the projections are saying joseph biden has won in virginia all right thanks
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a lot will be coming back to you throughout the night we're going to go state by state as the projections come in we're going to share them with you let's go now to the host of watching the hawks tyrol insurer. is standing by outside capitol hill you see that beautiful iconic shot right there behind of the big. story that's been the topic of conversation here in our nation's capital is it looks like it's been deserted that is the streets of d.c. and we've seen every building seemingly boarded up what's going on with that tyrone . it has been incredibly eerie good living here in d.c. during the in the last 48 hours not only did we have huge gusts of winds hit us over the last 2 days rather winds of change or is that something wicked this way comes the night has got to tell us but yes the the buildings are boarded there's been a strong police presence on the streets but as you can see apart from as ben swann reported earlier the white house seeing the most protester action there's not much
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else going on in d.c. the streets are quiet shut down d.c. a group a group of activists put out a tweet earlier saying we are staying here and we are supporting each other until the people swear in the new government we will not let d.c. police in trying to undermine the will of the people so you can the passion is definitely strong in the pockets of protesters here in d.c. but as far as d.c. as a whole it's eerily silent it's very very silent it's very calm here just a block you know here down the street from the capitol a couple kids are out here on skateboards a little smattering of media behind me but other than that the streets are relatively calm and that's a good thing so far in the night and you tyrrel i've done it many a live shot right where you are i i know what you're talking about when you see kids. there but going into the night do you expect a little bit more people to turn out over your way and expect anything to get rowdy by chance. there's not there's not been any reports of that you know obviously there's always the threat of rowdiness but here in freedom plaza where i'm
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currently there you know there are there was a few groups of protesters who did get permits to protest here but we have not seen hide nor hair of any protesters whatsoever like i said it's very very quiet here i think it's interesting when you look at the selection because ultimately the big number that jumps out to. maine is the new york according to the new york times the election turnout is likely to reach 67 percent this year that's a lot of people coming to the polls in fact that be the highest in over a century so when you look at those numbers i think everybody mailed in early and now they're probably sitting at home like you like all of us waiting with eager anticipation to see what the night brings us good stuff. reports that there is near capitol hill let's go back and show you a live picture of what's going on there outside the white house this is this is quite a scene a lot of people gathered there all of them with their own messages everybody with something to say for the most part it's been very peaceful thus far obviously
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there's a lot of concern among police officials here in the d.c. area that if the wrong the wrong message is sent somehow tonight that it could become less peaceful obviously we're going to be watching that for you speaking of peace let's talk about relations between 2 of the most powerful countries on this planet russia and the united states it seems curious as yogi berra would say curiouser and curiouser that when donald trump was actually elected a lot of people believed that his relationship with russia would forge something that would be very friendly but in fact this is ministration has been as tough on russia as any other ministration that came before it and we keep hearing the russia russia russia even coming into this election and one of the big questions is how do we actually get here because as we know the cold war ended in the 1980 s. right well that's where host of in question alice chan explains. so in your
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discussions of the nuclear freeze proposals i urge you to be where the temptation of pride the temptation of blithely. declaring yourselves above it or label both sides equally have called. to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive imposers of an evil empire to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding that was ronald reagan circa 1983 when the soviet union was still intact the berlin wall still stood separating east and west germany us were so relations nearly boiled over for the top nuclear powers of the world that for you history buffs out there you probably know that by the end of 1991 that i shared in the fall of the soviet union marking the end of the cold war but have u.s. russia relations really ever truly defrosted for a moment there it appeared as though the u.s. and russia might be able to join forces which made people all over the world sigh
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in relief the leaders of the us and the new noncommunist russia even seem to get along very well like old friends even. the question i looked the man in the eye i found to be very straightforward and trustworthy. and we had a very good dialogue i was able to. get a sense of his soul and during obama's 1st term with hillary clinton at the helm of the state department russian and american authorities even tried to reset the decades long animosity if you want to reset relations. but then something happened let me be clear these terms are not negotiable. these terms are not subject to negotiation if gadhafi does not comply with the resolution the international community will impose consequences for the resolution will be enforced through military action.
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ah yes it was that the world expected hillary clinton's ascension to becoming the 1st woman president of the united states in 2016 all the polls and all the pundits all agreed including the cia in a now declassified release former director of the cia john brennan's handwritten notes reveal that the agency was aware of the clinton campaign's plans to smear trump in a russian collusion scandal so when donald trump took the surprise victory this happened the anti russian hysteria made it all the way to congress who insisted on keeping ukraine within the fold what is important is the president's. relationship with russia this is this is at the same time as the white house was
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aware. of this threat to the security of our men and women in uniform. the president was alerting with the idea of having russia be part of the g. 8 this president has been played like a fool by president putin every time they negotiate putin wins and he loses he's afraid to talk to putin and the state of u.s. russo relations aren't lost on the incumbent either getting along with russia or china or all of them would be a good thing i've said it for a long time but it's hard to get along with russia or china or any of that when domestic infighting by be establishment prefer you have enemies russia threatens allies and partners both militarily as seen through its invasions of georgia in 2008 and ukraine 2014 at their own aggressive campaign to undermine western democratic institutions across the continent russia advances its political and economic relationships with little regard to the rule of law are accountable and
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trim. current government but despite all of this when the coronavirus pandemic hit the us russia sent 45 ventilators along with p p 2 new york city who was experiencing a shortage at that time soon thereafter it was discovered that fema tossed out those ventilators claiming the voltage was incompatible with that in the us and that american hospitals didn't have the conversion adapters this after 6 of the same ventilators caught fire in st petersburg so as you can see while the cold war may have ended relations between the u.s. and russia have remained frosty efforts to warm up those ties have continually been thwarted by the political establishment in washington no matter who. is in the oval office from the white house south lawn manila chan r.t. good stuff. i think you'll notice something about our coverage tonight which is. differentiates itself from what you'll see on some of the other networks what we're
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trying to give you tonight is not just the numbers in the reports and the endless panels of people talking back and forth and in some cases arguing back and forth what we're trying to do tonight when you saw it right there that story that manila brought us is context right perspective trying to put this story in perspective because it's more than just a horse race as far as who's going to win tonight it has a lot to do with our lives and not just ours but it's a global story as well what are the repercussions depending on who wins tonight of relations with europe with russia with china and these are some of the things that we're going to be focusing in on tonight as well as bringing you the states as they're called speaking of calls let's bring in and let's make a call how to hall and scottie who are joining us once again on set to give us their perspectives on what's going on well here's where it is all and start with you to your point about the consequence of tonight wall street thinks it can't lose
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and i got over a got a report from my joke connally at c.b.s. radio in new york he says president for 0 point tenure to be pro-business joe biden we continue to fight the virus and whoever gets in there is going to run the printing press again and get those stimulus checks out and history also shows that who controls congress actually has more impact on stock market results than who the president there was an article in politico last week which we brought to our viewers' attention as well that said that wall street was giddy giddy is the word they used in their heaven remember giddy about a biden victory a lot of this is priced in and wall street by various reports has perceived that he would run the printing press faster yeah if he gets in and the families are begging for that next round of stimulus and it doesn't it's going to be coming anytime soon at least not if you're waiting for our government to make that call well scott here's where we are right now biden 6. trump 13 any surprises no not at this point
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but i think what's interesting right now is are fine going to see some of the senate race in these congressional races and i know brant is on top of it over there but they actually do have an impact on the voter turnout and the areas and i think that has been the story of the day it's not only just been about the president the top of the ticket it's been a lot of these motivations i mean so you're seeing a higher turnout when people get to also vote for their congressman their senator even all the way down to the mayor and the local alderman reverse coat it's kind of working out it's going all the way up and that would also bring out some of these votes florida right now is going to be the issue we're about to turn 8 o'clock at the top the hour florida is going to really close i have to tell you i am reading a lot of conservatives a lot of republicans are very worried right now yes of originally we're both in these high numbers and they're not as high as what they need them to be and they're a little bit worried about where we're going to stay in the panhandle but i did the night is young you know i was taken for the jughandle sized bottle of red bull so yes didn't have it that is you know but we but we better local know florida pretty soon as soon as they close well but now we'll know where it's going to go and
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should underscore that of florida comes in for by the. blue hairs on the hard shoulder the curtains for the president united states to be able to be reelected in that situation but let's talk about i think that's really smart of you to bring up this conversation about one of the biggest stories tonight has not thing to do with the 2 men running for president it has to do with a woman named collins in maine and you know a woman named ernst and. a guy named graham in south carolina these are very important votes and the republicans need to essentially win right in 4 places tonight so they can hold on to the senate because they're going to they're going to win in alabama that's kind of a given that's again a bit later this thing mcconnell i think we're it's going to be declared the winner by the a.p. here it could have a very large number at this point but just mcconnell come back as majority leader we saw bill frist came back he won his race but not majority leader makes a big difference so it's one of the it's less you know it's not as much of a fun time especially if you do have what democrats. hoping for which is control of
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the white house and obviously both branches of congress do we see any numbers yet and i know you've been looking at them for us tonight as far as seeing that comparison between how hillary did as opposed to biden at this point is there any way to draw any conclusions well so as far as calling virginia you know we've been looking at those numbers when we look because everything has been compared back to 2016 when you look back at virginia in 2016 you had trump winning by 44 percent of season losing 44 percent to clinton's 49 percent one of the states you know that we were looking at before was trump had a a wide margin over clinton and he kind of lost a little bit so how do you do you think virginia is going to kind of see those same numbers where they're a little bit neck and neck or do you see more of that more about you know a greater divide a blue state. blue but the question is what all right i mean by them outperform hillary clinton because that's the pattern we're going to 1st look for if biden can beat whatever hillary clinton did by 10 percent 12 percent but that's the pattern
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right there we're going to be look for the other way around if trump has better numbers now that he showed in 2016 but that may be the pattern for the night who knows right and not a real suspense state in virginia what we're going to know maybe in about 5 minutes when florida comes in they make virginia seem like a new wants really it was below virginia it's very blue because obviously it's here around washington d.c. it's a lot of government money if you took out the area around washington d.c. the private part of the virginia you probably have a pretty red state pretty solid red state it's truly the government and i got to tell you scottie i live in florida my mother and father are in florida my wife and my children are in florida when i go down there and spend time with them and what they're telling me it's been an onslaught you cannot turn on a t.v. without seeing a spot every almost one or 2 minutes people on the streets phone calls e-mails text messages i get 50 texts a day from both sides telling me did you vote vote for me. really pretty it me that
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it's a full court press in florida t.v. viewers will heave a sigh of relief beginning tomorrow because all those political ads are gone but they work and the negative ads which people say in research that they hate work so it went again is that good or bad that it takes money for the politicians to get elected that's unfortunately the business it is that in that week where the state of politics over and today scotty there is some concern and you know it's funny we started this newscast saying that we were there was some concern on the part of the democrats that florida was looking like it was going to go the other way now you're saying he's concerned the other way the panhandle or waiting on this panhandle turnout that's going to be that close or translates they're all trying both did they come out as strong. as they were hoping they would be stronger than what they were in 2016 for scotty and holland and fair and i'm rick sanchez we're going to take a quick break you're watching our special coverage this is 20 twentieth's lectured night and we're going to be here until somebody is elected.
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something you know your sports h.q. . larry king question listening learning you know i've always said i never learned anything when i was talking it's important to listen to. question more on. the field. every the world. experience.
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and you get it on the old well. according to jesse. world from the. turn on the t.v. on about the world it was happening around me i see shows on the screen and last every t.v. because of. the. this is. cool to make it. in the school but i found that there were no question. the corporate parasites in power today might think their role will continue forever whether they're right or wrong we have to keep fighting question.
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and here we go again this is our special coverage the 2020 alexion who will be the president of united states will it be the man who is in the office now where the former vice president under barack obama we're going to take you through this every step of the way but we want to begin right now by taking a look at something which has been developing along the way as well this is a report that we have been preparing for you with trinity chavez who has been looking into well a couple of things pennsylvania something in particular in pennsylvania that has many pennsylvania fraught with concern and that is fracking and the concern that maybe joe biden who has said this on a couple of occasions might challenge the fracking industry so let's take a look at this here's treaded chavez with a look at pennsylvania and fracking. president donald trump and democratic challenger joe biden are gone. we head to head trying to win over key swing states
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and if the election comes down to just one state there's a good chance it will be pennsylvania both candidates have been zeroing in on key battleground states seen as critical to clinching an electoral college victory and we're going to win pennsylvania and we're going to win 4 more years is that very little where it started for donald trump to pack his bags and go home. pennsylvania with nearly 13000000 residents is arguably the single most important stage of the 2020 election but in many ways the keystone state mirrors the country well it's rust belt is dotted with a shuttered factories and rundown chimneys it's also a place of affluent liberal suburbs and conservative countryside reflecting a divided america i mean the devices in this sense going on in this country right now it's ridiculous and i don't care what anybody says that man is a racist and very lucky that somebody like donald trump is.
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my president and i can vote for him again while the northeast and the southwest corners of pennsylvania residents come from a long line of blue collar workers like old coal mines and steel industries the state's eastern and western borders hold the biggest population centers and a lot of industry and heartland in between and although pennsylvania is considered a blue wall state as it has a history of voting democratic that changed in 2016 when donald trump won the state over democratic contender hillary clinton 5.7 percent congratulations mr president but now 4 years later controversial pipeline projects have helped make fracking a political flashpoint in the debate over energy the climate crisis and the influence of big business these 2 parties are radically different and that what i think is that each party is controlled much more by its what would be the stronger i guess that's extreme way you're right. both candidates focus. sitting on
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pennsylvania president trump holding several rallies they're trying to woo the region with promises of coal and steel jobs while insisting that joe biden what a limb an 8 frock $800.00 for a bargain do or for your job. to deliver economic ruin. your family but you've got to be here biden who grew up in pennsylvania says he isn't calling for the immediate end to the oil industry but is pushing for ending federal subsidies for fossil fuel companies and ending new permits on public land for fracking president dropped. out of what would happen if it's a venue you know you're going to get their share if you are shy. about china. as pennsylvania is the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in the united states and the 3rd largest net supplier of energy the american petroleum institute estimates its natural gas industry contributes nearly $35000000000.00 to the state and combined with its oil industry it supports about 340000 local jobs were afraid
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that if. they could win that the gas and oil thing is going to be shut of what they say activists however say fracking has caused major disruptions to dozens of suburban and rural communities have contaminated surface and groundwater sources while vast amounts of methane escape from oil and gas sites were global warming now experts say fracking is one of the key topics that will sway the voter outcome in pennsylvania and winning the states could be a clear path to victory another interesting point to highlight is that joe biden has actually outspent president donald trump and blew all states like michigan west gunson and pennsylvania reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. and now joining us from our new york studio is correspondent trinity chavez trinity great report thanks so much for joining us now quick question do we know anything about is far is early numbers on voter turnout in pennsylvania at all. not at this point but you know this election is unlike any other was so many people voting by
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mail because of the code in 19 so it will take longer this year to tally the totals especially when it comes to pennsylvania the votes so far are divided by a razor thin margin for the state's electoral votes as you know 2 both candidates have been campaigning extremely hard trump prowling in the state about a half a dozen times and biden visiting this state several times as well as you heard in my piece there there are nearly 13000000 residents that's equivalent to 20 electoral votes many experts refer to the state as a tipping point meaning that if pennsylvania if it comes down to pennsylvania you're really going to carry enough other states to get the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election but it's almost like they're running 2 different elections here on one hand the state is hitting record breaking numbers with mail in ballots but also there has been an extremely large voter turnout at polling sites for people who want to go in person and cast their votes to make sure their vote is counted but if you election comes down to just pennsylvania it's likely we
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won't know a winner until the coming days because pennsylvania law prohibits election officials from processing mail in ballots until election day which means that it could take several days to know the winner in this state and if this happens it's likely that trump will claim victory if it looks like he's ahead in other key states even recently tweeted that the election could end on november 3rd and it should end on november 3rd and not weeks later this as several legal battles are plaguing pennsylvania is election over whether or not to extend the date for a mailed in balance for 3 days given the pandemic until november 6th. all right reporting from our new york studio training chad astronomy thanks so much for that great we've got some we've got a lot of news coming in right now we are now able to make projections a bevy of states have just come in which we're going to be sharing with you it's now 6 minutes after the hour of 8 o'clock here on the east coast of the united
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states mississippi alabama tennessee oklahoma south carolina as for mentioned it's looking like we're going to see massachusetts also delaware rhode island let's get to some of those are coming in as we speak brant over at the big map start filling in this map for us if you want to absolutely reckon if we get the big map up we could take a look at what we're looking at as far as total electoral votes now we have $85.00 to vice president joe biden 55 to president as you mentioned massachusetts rhode island connecticut delaware maryland virginia and illinois are in for joseph biden . as far as for president trump of west virginia kentucky tennessee alabama south carolina mississippi and oklahoma now we're still waiting on those results of those key states we're not seeing anything right now that is a particularly surprising when it comes to the electoral map however we are
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starting to see some updated numbers and i believe if we could go to some of these state numbers that we have i believe we have south carolina we do have a little bit of what was reported there earlier the 9 electoral votes present top right now 52 percent to 45 percent for joe biden with 2 percent reporting we also see updated numbers now from florida is coming in as well and this is big because we've already seen about 10000000 votes have been counted in florida vice president joe biden just leading. president trump 4 by about 2 percent but it's actually even closer than that we're probably looking at about a percent percent and a half of difference with 34 percent reporting in the state of florida right now which is a big deal ohio is also reporting some numbers that we have seen as well if we can
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get that up perfect president vice president biden with 68 percent to president trump with 30 percent and that's with 8 percent currently reporting and that's what we're looking at right now we're going to keep you updated as we go rick all right brian a quick question for you let's head back over to south carolina really quick that we called certain one of the big things is that they're talking about the senate race for lindsey graham now we have south carolina 'd called for the republicans however senator lindsey graham right now the numbers we're looking at 50 percent to 48 percent at his challenger could we see the trump effect do you think or do you think lindsey graham is going to pull this off i mean i can't make that prediction at this point however it did look like. senator graham was breaking away from jamie harrison just a little bit though i mean they were close to that margin of error when it comes to polling if the turnout continues to be high it's going to be hard to say what we can see in that senate race there by the way we haven't been able to call any
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senate races yet but we're going to be watching those and as we said in the past we're going to be looking at the senate races in states of arizona south carolina we're going to be looking at maine so these are some of the big states where we see that there may be some changes and of course as well let me bring in my colleague john jordan 'd and he as you know is our political commentator he's joining us now from sonoma here's the numbers in fact while we're talking to you it might be illustrative for us to put that big map up so we start to get a sense of how this map is filling out it's looking like biden $85.00 trump $55.00 at this point there it is john your take. no big surprise. as yet we have the next big prize to come in is going to be florida and it looks like that's going to go for president trump by more than it did in 2016 i know you call that yet but the counties are really outstanding are red counties in the panhandle that's the 1st big prize ohio's going to be
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a big one to understand we're going to one georgia north carolina and ohio and pennsylvania we're going to know where this race is going the states have been called right now on both sides are ones that we all kind of knew that they would one race is kind of interesting is a mitch mcconnell senate race in kentucky democrats spent over $100000000.00 trying to take him out and it was one of the quickest calls in the in the country it looks like that's going to be pretty one sided but the next hour is going to tell the tale florida georgia north carolina and ohio what are your sources telling you about florida right now. that between you know me and everybody else out there know it's in the bag present tribes going to win it he wanted by a 113000 last time he's going to win it by 250 this time so he's going to clearly pat you know surpassed what he did and the secret sauce of that is going to be a gross under performance by the biden campaign in miami dade in particular and it
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goes over performance with trump with that county which i know you're from and 70 percent latino so that's going to be a big part of it looks like that white suburban voters that broken for for trump in 2016 a lot of surveys were saying we're going to break heavily for biden this time it looks like they did a little bit but not nearly as much as everybody thought and so that it's the blood of the african-american and the latino turnout in miami dade into another it's that to a lesser extent in broward that really is going to put this in the column for president but you know it's interesting this almost turns into a game of hopscotch for the president of the united states if what you're saying is true and the call is true for the president in florida then he has to hopscotch over to georgia and then north carolina and then pennsylvania and then arizona that's pretty much the task ahead isn't it john. yup it is but keep in mind those are all counties that he lives states that he's won before in the case of
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pennsylvania for example there's a net increase in republican registrations since 2016 of over 200000 voters so it's more republican friendly just in terms of party identification than it was into the 16 the same is true with 200 also 200000 in north carolina and georgia has you know pretty much never elects democrats in a statewide or national level so so so that so the terrain those states have become a little more friendly for president from just in terms of party identification than they were a few years ago so so if you're on the president's side you have to feel good about how this evening is started now bear in mind another point rick is that a lot of these early vote totals if you look at all the dials and all the other websites out there is that the democrats did have an advantage in the early vote and that's showing up but it does look like the underperformed even the biden campaign today general molly dillon was very concerned about that even saying going so far as to say we have
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a path to victory without florida and pennsylvania which is very difficult to imagine because for them to thread that needle they have to do it in states which are far far rather so it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out but this is not going to be over any time soon and john you know i want to kind of switch things up really quick to the senate race as you know we've got about 10 senate races here that we're going to be watching one of the things that was interesting me to me when researching a lot of these races is how much money democrats are spending to unseat a lot of these republicans for example you have arizona you have martha mc sally spending 30000000 her challenger mark kelly 45700000 you go to maine susan collins 16.7 percent her challenger sarah gideon 24000000 but then you go to a place like alabama ok we know that doug jones most likely will get on seated but he spent $14300000.00 to his challenger tommy tuberville just $3000000.00 why i mean do you think a lot of these senators could we see someone sitting tonight as far as i mean we
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probably won't an alabama i'm sorry will in alabama but as far as these other races . well that's a great question scott the 2nd time you asked me a great question today. lindsey graham looks like he's going to hang on in south carolina even though $100000000.00 was spent against him the phenomenon at work here is that the democrats were able to raise what i call stupid money far more money than can possibly be spent in any official way he might in money matters to communicate with voters and get out the vote in commercials and sober but there's only so much you can spend in a given state at any given time in south carolina i mean there's not $100000000.00 worth of t.v. ad inventory in the charleston and the charleston t.v. market for example so it's kind of like they had more money than places to put it efficiently so they're like saying hey to your friends i'm thirsty and putting out a bunch of empty glasses and then taking a garden hose or water and to fill those glasses yeah you put too much water is going to end up on the ground because you know only it can only absorb so much and
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that's kind of what we've seen with money on the democrat side this cycle john jordan as usual doing great work for us john thanks for the insight interesting comments about what's going on in florida we'll be watching in the if florida is the next call we'll be ready to bring it to you and that's going to be a very very important call as we're watching this race i think you're starting to get the lay of the land already as you look at the map and how it's shaken out i want to bring you a special guest she's a correspondent for r t france and she's good enough to join us here on set now this is stephanie dema rue who's been interesting lee enough she's covering the story. for our t.v. france but she's covering it from our nation's capital 1st of all welcome to our nation i happen to welcome to the united states truck of the laws you know and it's great to be here it's great to have you here so let's start talking about give us some perspective you know we talked earlier today about how important it is for our viewers to get context outside of our own little bubble so give us
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a sense of what the french. it is about this election year house of friends this election frauds are very interesting but this election the as a must have news channel maker special coverage of during all is an ally tonight. saying i think i'm not wrong myself if i say they hope donald trump is going to lose this election according to a bevy a it's a famous porn institute in france that 85 percent of french people has a very negative opinion of our. friends even the country we hate the most donald trump actually and the used to get worse and worse the last 2 years. creek you know we we hear that biden does not have a lot of fans over
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a year certainly with france and any other country pardon me trump i misspoke so we hear that we see that in the headlines all the time the question is will biden be better received and if so why 1st i have to say they don't like trump's care right away in a way maybe leaves a wave sometimes it's woman you talk about a woman and say you know where chug a lot of. tweets you know but provocator tweets a lot of people here are shocked by a. lot of saying now we are. always according to the same poor. aggressive then interest even recist most of french things out about him except maybe young people and except. especially. a right wing party you are has another opinion of donald trump by doping and also
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in a sort of contrition europe germany spain italy and even united kingdom that's fascinating you know stephanie thank you so much thanks so much for joining us and sharing their perspective you it's always good to know how other people see the situation. i have to say. don't know very well joe biden actually you say i am. against. therefore yeah absolutely yeah it's important thanks again thanks really appreciate you being here now let me take you out to the streets once again but before we do that if we could have a not shown the big map once again just for people in fact every. probably every 5 to 10 minutes we're going to give you a glance at the map so you can see and from time to time we'll show it to you in the corner as well we want you to be. able to keep up with us throughout the night which states are going which way hard to call at this point exactly which way it's going to go in florida comes in for trump as is being suggested or is that as the
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indication is that it might that would certainly spell a much longer night than some democrats had expected tyrrel than sure is my colleague joining us now he's just outside capitol hill one of the prettiest pictures in all of washington d.c. he's bringing us up to date on what he's hearing in terms of the national turnout and what he's expecting to see on this night go ahead. you know it's interesting when you when you look at what's going on here in d.c. because with the national turnout high and you're seeing these record setting numbers you know the streets here in d.c. are again still very quiet over here and everywhere except it seems that the white house there was a group earlier tonight long live go go as you know the go go music is a long deep cultural history here in d.c. they had set up a black lives matter plaza just in front of the white house in lafayette square and you know with dancers spoken word poetry things like that they were briefly
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surrounded by the d.c. police but nothing bad happened they were left alone there still i guess they are making music and having having a good night so far we haven't heard any incidences here freedom plaza we are still relatively quiet a few new elements of media of shown up the skateboarders are still here in fact earlier tonight d.c. police have the place locked down as far as automobile traffic but we did see a big group of electric skateboards and electric bikes come through waving biden flags go on by so you still see a sense of activism in the streets here but it is nowhere near like we've seen all summer in the sense of you know bad news coming on the streets or in alter occasions with the police that we've heard of now one thing my producer did tell me is that interesting lee it's been relatively quiet on the trigger on the twitter front when it comes to the local activist groups here in the. national activist groups that are here in d.c. that have been have amassed you haven't seen many tweets or any kind of social
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media things coming out of those groups so again the streets here in freedom plaza by the u.s. capitol and national mall relatively quiet nothing new nothing new to report on here so far though we've got the nation's capitol covered for you in fact you see that shot right there we're going to hold on to that shot with tyrrell in it and we're going to add to this shot our colleague ben sean who's just outside the white house right now where he's following the situation there as well set the scene for us if you would ben. yeah i would say that it's certainly a more active scene the what tyrrel is seen as you can see there's a lot of people out here where we are the main thing we're seeing right now and i mentioned this before rick is it's essentially one ideology one group of people it's supporters it's biden era supporters who are out here right now there are virtually no time supporters at all so there's no real conflict that's taking place here no clash in terms of ideology we've actually seen i shouldn't say none one i've seen one person with a mag i had on and he had
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a lot of media around him because he was the only one i guess they would talk to him other than that it's been pretty quiet i think what we're really going to see though 'd is how this all develops throughout the night because well right now it's pretty much kind of a party atmosphere out here and everyone's kind of at the same mindset as we watch what happens over the next few hours you mentioned florida a moment ago about 85 percent of the vote is now in in florida it looks like if that does continue to break for trump as it appears it might be if that happens if george north carolina goes to trial or the people out here. as happy as they were say an hour ago as you know election night is a long night so we're in store for a long night and whether or not these folks feel satisfied that what they're seeing really i think it depends on what we see develop i will say this though most of the people who are out here seem like they're just out here to kind of hang out to make their voices. there are definitely some people who look like agitators who are in this crowd as well who look like they're looking to get into some trouble all of
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the for you will keep you guys updated and banned you know it was about an hour and 23 minutes ago that we checked in with us since the 1st poll closed right now we have joe biden with 85 electoral votes donald trump 551 of the big things that many were talking about this year was that young vote coming out you're also seeing a lot of young people in those protests that we've seen throughout the country can you tell us and give us a sense of the age range is it mostly young people what are you saying. it's somewhat mixed it is mostly young people but it is for the most part mixed you can tell some of the people who are out here clearly are from the d.c. area they say that's pretty apparent others look like they're tourists who are out here and just kind of coming through the area trying to get knocked over by this guy that's really what we're seeing there is a lot of young people out here something interesting though in terms of the national vote some of the older voters nationally it seems like have been breaking for trump but i have also been hearing from some folks that i have talked to.
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younger voters in some states may be breaking torn because of the fear of more coronavirus lockdowns that's not certainly not the group that we're seeing out here where we are the groups that are out here again it's all there is no question about it and for the most part of the young people and again to piggyback off again with joe biden right now at 85 it trumps 55 are you seeing a little bit of overconfidence what the voters out there are they still kind of still waiting to see what happens yeah i think a lot of it's a waiting game keep in mind nothing that's happened so far is unexpected nothing has gone any way other than what we would've expected it would have gone at this point so i think everyone right now is if you went into tonight thinking we'll take it you're probably still still feeling pretty good about that as i said we'll begin to see when we see that that blue fire wall in the butt. northeast and those midwestern states if that starts to break up wisconsin michigan later in the night then we might see the mood start to sour. what we see right now been interesting
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but i'm going to let you go and we're just going to share some information with the viewers is that. florida is indeed starting to look like it's very much breaking for trump tilting in the trump direction by more than 3 percentage points which is at least a 7 percentage point difference from what had been called by the pollsters georgia right now is looking like it's leaning very much for trump as well the only state of the big 3 that we have been talking about that's leaning toward biden is north carolina he has a slightly in there but that does not mean at all that he has a huge advantage in fact that needle seems to be stuck right in the middle right now as far as those 3 states go no calls yet no projections but obviously as soon as one of those comes in we're going to share that with you're going to take a quick break you're watching our 2020 alexion coverage i'm rick sanchez along with karen fronsac and we're going to be right back.
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to larry king question being listening learning you know i've always said i never learned anything when i was talking it's important to listen. question more. major questions earth new questions numbers as stars and lists as the sea and bring you all the insight distance death and.
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if drive all that remains in question. jim thompson response to teach students to go. back to the slick side any questions including a paid shill made the list. legends live. for so much going on in the world don't you think when's the last time you had a real bird's eye view of. the news feed more than just hours of bickering given 30 minutes i'll take you off the low. i'm holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fan to glimpse the big picture question more.
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you're watching our special coverage of the 2020 u.s. election was hosted by rick sanchez featuring scott i know you call him the kooker sedges jesse ventura and larry king only on our team america stay tuned. for i have to go to the big map and show you where things stand right now and you'll see right there that the president of the united states has. a bunch of states that have been called his way as does the former vice president but here's the problem if you want to call it that at this point none of those states are make or break states in other words this is pretty much the status quo as it was expected we can tell you that we expect at some point to hear from the voters of florida it's tilting very much it seems at this point in the direction of the president and we're also going to be checking in on georgia and north carolina
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georgia by the way pullin area indications are it's tilting as well toward toward the president of the united states well speaking of the sunshine state speaking of my home state let's go out to our to correspondent john hardy he's out of our studio in miami he's following the situation there word out of the street as we like to say john is that florida is looking very good for the president. it's incredibly tight here right now rick look we knew that it was going to be very tight his history is shown it's always been a nail biter but i mean it's literally banned a horse race it's been neck and neck but at this point president trump is pulling you had you know florida the ultimate swing state with 29 electoral votes is incredibly important as you guys have been talking about so this is very close i'm looking at the latest numbers and keep in mind so the polls closed most of the state around 7 but in the panhandle at 8 o'clock so a lot of the numbers are coming in day of voting numbers also the early voting more
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than 9000000 people cast early ballots their ballots for early voting mail and balance over the last couple weeks so you know we knew that there were more democrats that were voting so that it was going to basically be showing more in biden's favor but now as there are as the day of votes are coming in we're starting to see president trump pulling ahead the numbers that i'm looking at right now this shows you how tight it is right now 52.7 percent for trump 48.4 percent for a bite and it was literally i mean neck and neck as of late 20 minutes ago so expect that this is going to continue you know for some time now 11 thing we're also looking at real quick let me just point this out john jordan also talked about this when you had him on miami dade county very important county 13 percent of the state's votes come out of the county hillary clinton won the county back in 2016 biden is ahead but by a lower percentage so that's a problem that's
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a warning sign for the democrats because they got to make it up in another part of the state ok so right now it looks like trump is pulling ahead you want to jump in i would just call that seems to be forthcoming is correct the president. does in fact take the state of florida what will be the key to that victory you mentioned. mile down to where you're living now you're all down miami dade county what about broward what about the i 4 corridor or what about the panhandle. so so broward right now but so biden is ahead in broward too that's not too much of a surprise because clinton took broward back in 2016 also in palm beach county. pinellas county that's a county we're watching as well a lot of senior voters there a lot of women voters there biden is ahead it's often been said the bellwether but but in other parts of state in the panhandle trump is well ahead in sumter county trump is is well ahead again these numbers are changing i think in in the in the
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southern in the south the southern part of the state here in south florida a big key a big factor the hispanic vote in miami dade county the cuban american vote there a lot of the you know a lot of cuban americans vote for trump especially in a lot of venezuelans vote for trump kind of the younger generation was leaning more democratic but i think he's also i think trump has continued to take that hispanic vote and also the senior vote very very important as well in the western part of the state in clearwater in cape coral and fort myers those are areas that are that are leaning red at this point that are showing red right now in florida real quick let's let's go to georgia because i want to go i want to bank through florida georgia north carolina total combined electoral votes 60 votes so these are really the states here in the southeast rick there we're taking a hard look at right now so looking at georgia you mentioned this before the break
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right now it's leaning to trump it's leading 55.2 percent compared to biden 43.8 percent but keep in mind that's with only 16.5 percent of the total votes coming in so it's still very early in georgia north carolina right now another toss up 15 electoral votes in north carolina. trump won this state by less than 4 points in 2016 but biden has been leading in the polls it's possible the state will go blue tonight but again it's still way too close to call let me just update the numbers here bear with me so biden it's looking like 54 percent over 4545 percent with 65 percent of the vote coming in so biden is definitely had in north carolina you know but again these numbers are changing you know every every couple minutes as the numbers you know as it as the votes are being counted they're kind of see sign back and forth to south carolina we're expecting trump to take
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south carolina real quickly we're watching the senate race very closely there republican senator lindsey graham had been leading over democratic challenger jamie harrison one of the most high profile and expensive races both candidates raising more than $180000000.00 mostly out of state campaign contributions and donations but harrison shattered fund raising records in the fight against granite what began really as a longshot bid to unseat graham so a harrison victory would be huge and potentially where it could help the democratic party take control of the senate so we're taking a look at that but again florida georgia north carolina 60 electoral votes very very important and either one of those states right now is looking very good for the biden campaign interesting enough john had a good reporting we appreciate it we'll be checking back with you from time to time here's what the new york times seems to be indicating right now they're giving a 95 percent tilt to president trump in florida but 84 percent tilt to president
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trump in georgia and a 66 percent tilt to president trump in the state of north carolina mind you that doesn't mean that those states have been projected that doesn't mean those states have been called but the new york times who usually does a pretty good job with these states this is the ones that they're focusing on tonight they're the only states they're doing this. apparently showing that those 3 states are right now very much tilting toward donald trump i want to bring you back in here because i understand there is another call the state of arkansas we are now ready to make a projection in the state of arkansas brad take it away of course the state of arkansas is projected to go to president donald trump at 6 electoral votes again as bents one mentioned david as john he would mention we're not seeing any surprises here on the map quite yet that gives 85 electoral votes to joe joe biden right now 61 to president trump at this time and to the point about florida we're looking
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about the southern tip they're still waiting but it looks like a lot of those votes are already being counted rick thanks so much brant you know what i have on my mind as i'm looking at this map would start to get very red let's do this and this is a story that's extremely important as we look at this map as well it's the latin america fact something that many administrations in the past have not paid a lot of attention to but as we see more people from lot in america coming to the united states and becoming part of the american fiber we start to see the difference that they can actually make in changing the demographics of our country here's a report that we prepared by rick sanchez o'donovan that explains the latin america effect on america and its elections. do solemnly swear donald trump won the 2016 u.s. presidential election without an articulated policy towards latin america he did
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seem to have something clear from the stop. bringing drugs to bring in crime there rapists and some i assume are good people to sending us not the right people it's coming from more than mexico. it's coming from all over south and latin america by the way remember the wall just a few miles of it were actually built and no it wasn't paid by mexico although u.s. mexico relations kicked off to a rocky start found a surprising ally in mexico's left wing president andres manuel lopez obrador the forecasts failed also we're not fighting we are afraid. friends. helped secure his country southern border and started a working relationship with krum that crystallized in the signing of a new trade agreement the united states mexico canada agreement or u.s. m c
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a which came into effect on july 1st 2020 and replaced nafta which was previously described by trump as the worst trade deal ever made while hans approach to mexico and central america was based more on immigration and trade the truth is his views on cuba and venezuela a more political back in 26 thing then candidate trump pledged to reverse obama's policies in cuba and he did travel restrictions economic sanctions and the withdrawal of diplomatic personnel all send a clear message not only to the cuban government but american voters especially to latino voters and specially to latino voters in swing states like florida. in july 28th following allegations of sonic attack surfaced in 2017 the united states withdrew most of its personnel from the havana embassy but where trump pressed the most was with sanctions in april 29th he imposed sanctions on companies
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transporting venezuelan oil to cuba and in september of this year his administration introduced new sanctions and restrictions were also for the restricting the importation of cuban alcohol. in cuban tobacco we're also imposing strict sanctions on the dictatorships of nicaragua and venezuela we brought criminal charges against them a douro for his narco terrorism during the past 4 years both trump and former national advisor john bolton have repeatedly said that all options are on the table open in the door to military intervention in venezuela it's clear that the trumpet administration did not find the fast track solution they wanted to recognize an opposition leader and as interim president in 2019 with just a year later why don't i was invited to the state of the union joining us in the
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gallery is that true and illegitimate president of venezuela one. mr president. thank you. this election's outcome will determine the position the u.s. will take in venezuela if trump is reelected more sanctions could be on the way and if joe biden is the president we could see a change of course nicolas o'donovan. listing perspectivism had and was here on our set it's filling up once again we're joined by our friends to talk about some of the things that we're seeing thus far taking place tonight as we do that and we probably should do this from time to time give me the big map once again if you could kevin so we can give people a perspective on some of the things that are going on now the state of arkansas recently called in you're seeing the red states the blue states as it all comes together score at this point i don't know what it's going to be at the end of the night but it looks like it's right now biden 85 trump 61 expect changes lots of
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changes but stay on the subject of latin america every good we're joined now by roxana solano she's one of our producers here. it's interesting as we talk about that map to see how that map is filling in and how it may change in the future we're seeing states like arizona. we're seeing states like obviously california that have very predominant hispanic pro democratic vote but then you see florida which could be called soon for donald trump which goes the other way what's the difference well the latino community in the united states is very diverse and you cannot think of as one identity that either votes republican or democrats hispanic is the largest minority group with over 13 percent of eligible voters 32000000 hispanics will be eligible to vote this year making that a large number in some swing states like you say a little ride on the about id so on or florida they're both decisive actually they
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have the size some elections in the past for example last elections wanting for net peano's voted for trump however let's see most are not reaching their full potential because they don't register to vote for example or they don't go to the polls one of the reasons is that they feel that they're both don't count in some states that are predominantly blue or red light color like i'm sorry california or texas or aren't they believe in states that are not battleground states for example floyd again it is a struggle that the male voters stand to vote more democrat than republican and we saw it in 2016 hillary clinton won 66 percent of the latino vote but in general let the most are not the loyal to a democratic or every public and party and they don't vocalize their choices like they don't say oh i'm more transport bided so that makes it more difficult for a political party to pinpoint and a strategy how to win the latino vote for example those who support don't know
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trump care more about trump's stance on economic and less on that amy grant issues trump has actually invested a lot of time in the cuban community in the venezuelan community and in the colombian community. in south florida in a broader perspective hispanic voters for example from puerto rican the center of mexican descent tend to vote more democratic and cubans. come to united states from the old dog a republican younger acumen start taking more than stance and voting democratic so you see that share here happening in states like you know it's interesting i mean politically as we watch this even though most hispanics tend to vote democrat. the party is kind of. taking them for granted now that they're calling me because it's like you're already in the bag we don't really need to pay that much attention and maybe the democrats may be paying for that on this night in the state of florida
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we'll see i think it's smart you know roxanna said don't think of this as a monolith vote correct imagine if puerto rican had a vote after the president tossed him paper. and by the way which they do because they're american citizens and they vote predominantly there's a 1000000 puerto ricans along the i 4 corridor between tampa and orlando and they were expected to come out heavily we haven't seen the numbers yet they were supposed they were heavily supposed to come out for you know for joe biden is that the case or is that not the case i think i have to ask you and roxanne you can attest to in 2016 we heard a lot about hispanic especially from the democrats there was a lot of emphasis put on hispanics you've seen a lot of hispanics for trump on the republican side do you feel like there was another issues based geared towards hispanics in the 2020 alexion like what we saw was so successful and 2016 well actually recently came out with.
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his plan for the hispanic community called the i'm mary can dream plan and these i mean it's kind of seemingly in some ways to biden's planned the only difference that i see from the general perspective is every form to that immigration system other than that they want to tackle economic inequalities and they want to. you know sanctions i guess latino american countries as more than biting but overall it's kind of to that point that was what we heard in 26 and we have 12020 is the big beautiful door i'm going to build a big beautiful wall with a big beautiful door to go and we didn't hear about the door in 2020 and you have to ask yourself why there were a lot of conservatives like ann coulter other that became very disenfranchised and angry at trump because they feel like the wall wasn't that promise was not kept and there definitely was that what that big door to roxana's. point i've also heard from hispanics a lot of them that have gone through years of becoming legal citizens paid thousands upon thousands of dollars they are upset at this thought of just
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a free ride people that are just coming in illegally and having the same freedoms that they had to work so hard when they work to get their citizenship and there's a large crowd of that now well you know even if you are on 1st. generation there is a difference between for incineration or people that have lived here and their families long time so that people don't have leap here for a long time and their families feel more separated from the simi gratian nations than people and it's an irish americans real quick irish americans there's no such thing as irish americans anymore because everybody has a little bit of irish in them if you live in america i believe that's how you will see the hispanics because they have spare communities done such a great job of integrating in every aspect of the united states guess what they're just like americans are melting point and as the election continues let's go and bring in my colleague chris hedges he's standing by now in new york veteran journalist pulitzer prize winner chris how do you see the lay of the land on this night as some of the 1st numbers and some of the 1st states start to commit. well i
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think it's closer than a lot of the pollsters predicted. and i think you know we've learned a lesson from 2016 that the polls themselves are perhaps not a great indicator of where this is going. i mean the fact that we have record numbers of voters i think shows that there is a great deal of. both sides among supporters and among people who oppose trump so. yeah i mean i think that that perhaps what's surprising is how close it's been run you know i'm thinking on this night and we're not at that point yet but there are many people who say the democratic party has moved so far away from what the democratic democratic party was originally intentioned to do you hear people on the progressive side who are saying look joe biden doesn't represent us we had people that we thought would represent those people like bernie
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sanders and instead we ended up with someone that the party to quote them has pushed down our throats do you believe that there is that sentiment that exists right now and that it's going to come back as we like to say to bite the party in the behind. yes and it didn't 2016 i think the anger on especially on the part of the white working class towards the democratic party is not misplaced after nafta indian dust realisation. and this was the you know clinton of course was the architect of that the democratic party continues to speak in that kind of feel your pain language and biden of course does this yet has so egregiously betrayed its base especially labor that they threw them into the republican camp and just as that animists was expressed towards hillary clinton i think to a certain extent it will be expressed towards joe by. because biden was very much
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an architect of nafta and then of course the 1994 omnibus crime bill militarized police on and on and on all the free trade deals you know biden had his hands in all of this so yes i think that this the trail on the part of the democratic party towards their traditional base is going to be as much a part of this election as it was in 2016 in fact some of the exit polling that we're seeing tonight although not conclusive seems to show that the people in large measure who are voting for joe biden are not so much voting for george as much as they're voting against donald trump whereas the people who are voting for donald trump are actually voting for donald trump what do you make of that. yeah i mean in america you pretty much get to vote against what you hate that's the way the system is run. in my last book america the farewell tour was in anderson indiana the old
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which was a city that had 25000 unionized jobs for g.m. they all left for monterey mexico all the plants closed down and what was interesting to me is that all these old u.a.w. workers had voted for sanders in the primary but they would never vote for clinton and i think that they found trump not a particularly powerful figure but they weren't going to vote for a party that had destroyed their livelihood and destroyed their city so there is of course a very fervent base that supports trump but i think there's also a lot of people who. feel that because the democratic party turned their back on them and traditionally as you mentioned the democratic party and watched out for their interests they will vote for trouble no matter what so i think it's that mix but you're right that the i mean it's hard for biden to fire up much enthusiasm and
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that and susie hasn't gap is plagued this campaign all the way back to the primaries but of course he's not his is his main asset is that his pitches to the voters that he's not from and chris herren here you know it's interesting that you brought up that town and anderson indiana because i was actually a news anchor there at that time covering that you know up yeah you brought up those u.a.w. workers ok last night on our show we had brunch abor he's our numbers guy at the map tonight he brought up an interesting story out of ohio where he talked to many of the union workers there that was a rough and rugged guys and he said you know what their union leader said that not everyone was really talking about was hey you know what my guys they just don't want to vote for a woman they're not ready to vote for a woman yet it was something not a lot of people were talking about do you think this time around with these rough and rugged you know u.a.w. workers these union guys do you think it might have had gender had something to do with it from 2016 compared to now. i think gender may have had something to do with
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it but i think the fact that it was the clinton administration that pushed through nafta. at least from the interviews that i did in places like anderson the predominant factor i mean the old you a double leadership was telling their members ok we know you're going to vote for trump but at least vote. for the democratic state statewide candidates which by the way didn't work in 2016 so of course you know the massage any and all of that is real but i think the the greater impetus for at least out of anderson and i spent several weeks there well you probably know it better than i do but i think the greater impetus was was the fact that they were so betrayed i mean as you know they didn't just abandon these plants they tore them down and the surround of them was psych loan fencing with lots when i was there supermarkets
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were closing churches were boarded up the opioid at the demick had hit the town suicide rates especially among middle aged white men was all the kind of diseases of despair that d.m. dust realization as visited throughout the country had hit that city really hard and and so yeah i mean i gender was probably a factor but i think the bigger factor was that they lost their ability to have a sustainable income with benefits and pension and job protection and you know it's funny because you also when you when you bring up wendy's industries leave how those small towns that not a lot of people hear about in the news and in that in the grand scheme of things for example you had in south bend studebaker left and the entire town completely collapsed a lot of those workers then saw a shining star in bernie sanders in 2016 we obviously saw what happened and it was kind of like a revenge vote for donald trump this year again we're seeing the same thing with
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bernie sanders do you think those union workers are going to be out again voting for a trump do you think they're going to stay home where do you think their vote lies this go around. well i guess we'll find out i think the anger you know the anger runs so deep because traditionally the democratic party had had an alliance with labor for years going all the way back to roosevelt and. and it really especially under bill clinton it was. betrayed labor deeply and the consequences of that the personal consequences that of that for unionized workers remember all of these jobs for instance the g.m. plants moved to monterrey mexico mexican workers are making $3.00 an hour without benefits and then all these trucks and everything is shipped back over and sold to us so. i i think that the trail runs to my own part of my own family comes from maine rural maine and when maine also destroyed by nafta. many are
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trump supporters and it's really out of that that anger that i think legitimate rage. at a democratic party leadership that and what clinton did is sold him out for corporate money i mean by by the late ninety's he did corporate bidding in the democratic party had fundraising parity with the republican party that was the whole strategy . and it worked in terms of. opening the taps from wall street a major corporations but i think the cost we have seen we saw in 2016 and and i don't think that that cost especially with the stress of the pandemic remember i mean things were bad enough before but now you've got. huge numbers of chronic under employment in the official figures are very specious since they drop people have stopped looking for work they drop people are furloughed they drop people who are working but are still below the poverty line 43000000 frontline workers don't have employee sponsored health insurance you know many more have lost
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i forget the exact figure have lost. employees. sponsored health insurance and then you have all the people who are behind in the rent i think it's billions of $1.30 some $35000000.00 families the $600.00 in boost to the unemployment has run out so and then we have the pandemic coming in an estimated 3 100000 people will be dead by december 400005 january 'd. it ends we're not controlling it in any way so all of these are sort of coming together to put even more stress on the working poor in the working class who were already is barbara ehrenreich said you know being part of the working poor in this country she wrote is one long emergency so. and the democratic party biden is made clear that he is not going to institute the kind of radical social reforms that if you know potentially
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like the new deal could ameliorate all of this stuff whether that's universal health care or a green new deal which would create infrastructure jobs or anything else few people put into perspective the sense that it's being felt in that area we tend to call the rust belt better than the chris hedges are calling my thanks chris as usual for joining us on this night we look forward to talking to you again as this map continues to fill out in fact let's take a look at that map just to take you through it as we take it to the break as you can see and i'll take you from right to left vermont called for biden massachusetts called 'd provided connecticut called for biden rhode island called for biden virginia for biden maryland for biden but then you start seeing that red wave starting to develop you've got south carolina and west virginia and kentucky and indiana and tennessee and alabama and mississippi and arkansas and oklahoma
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what's next we will find out and we will share it with you as we continue our special coverage here it's election. 2020 i'm rick sanchez along with aaron from will be right back. on the larry king question listening learning you know i've always said i never learned anything when i was talking it's important to listen to question more. questions birth new questions. number. and lists as the
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city and bring all the. distance. and. the remains in question. look for the key. cities. to include. the. legs. i. something for you your sports h.q. . i like it when the hosts ask
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a question for the guests and then actually listen to the guests answer and then react to that as a fox dennis miller i've got a new show. watching our special coverage of the 2020 u.s. election posted by rick sanchez featuring scott i know you kooker said jesse ventura and larry king only on our team. to. say welcome back i'm rick sanchez along with my colleague. now beginning the 9 o'clock hour here on the he's goes to the united states and things are kind of starting to move along as they say as we look at this situation tonight we probably should bring you up to date again on what's going to happen from a programming note from an electoral. college note in terms of which states are going to be closing their polls which we will soon be able to make projections
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about yep so we have 9 o'clock right now the states that we're going to be monitoring for you closely that are those battleground states that have just closed their polls we've got arizona colorado michigan minnesota texas and wisconsin wreck yeah let's go over to brian to get a lay of the land as it were in terms of how the map is shaping up and what we expect to see in the the coming hours go ahead brant take it away well within the last 15 minutes or so and you mentioned in the last segment there indiana was called in favor of president donald trump 11 electoral votes are going to him of course as fair and just mention these polls that are closing right now arizona wisconsin minnesota are the really big ones that we're going to be looking at that's that blue wall the blue wall that failed military clinton 2016 and is now what president or vice president joe biden is going to be looking for in winning he has to secure those to take everything or to take it down here what i want to bring
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up with some numbers here that we are seeing so far let's bring up florida what's happening there with 79 percent reporting a lot of that early voting present donald trump is currently leading 50 percent to $48.00 like i said it's a little bit closer in that margin of probably about a percent and a half to closer to a percent let's go to georgia and take a look at where georgia is reporting right now with only 8 percent reporting a lot of that early voting coming in as well 55 percent for president donald trump 43 percent for vice president joe biden will keep that up of course like we've been talking about rick a lot of this is looking like it might skew more in favor of president trump in florida and georgia and even in north carolina at this time let's check out ohio though going to the midwest where we're seeing quite a bit 56 percent for joe biden to. 42 percent for president donald trump now right now it's looking as if and this may not be enough to win but vice president biden
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is outperforming hillary clinton in ohio at this given moment but we'll keep you up to date with numbers there and i want to take one last look at texas before we move on to texas which democrats are claiming could be in play in 2020 for the joe biden 50 percent right now to 48 percent for president trump now of course again like we mentioned earlier in the show the early voting is reported earlier there then the in person voting so we will see if president trump can make up these deficits when it comes to election day voting rick it's starting to look like this thing is going to be going into the night there are no sure things i think the democrats were looking for some quick calls in places like florida north carolina and georgia it's not looking like we're going to get quick calls in florida north carolina and georgia after the night so now all eyes are going to be
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on pennsylvania are going to be on places like well the midwest michigan wisconsin and pay particular attention to a high red threat that's going to be worried really is going to that that's going to be where the rubber meets the road as we like to say. and after you know president trump won it in 2016 you would imagine that he was going to repeat that was what polling was showing but as i mentioned joe biden is outperforming where hillary clinton was will it be enough is the question we'll see which way that standby because i think we're going to be able to make some calls here real quick the dakotas looks like nebraska and wyoming is going to be coming in very soon those are states that you would expect would be with the president are they coming as expected are they going to come in as expected with the president of the united states and that one of the other. russians do is again like you mentioned those mission there was midwest battleground states that were going to be looking at and that's where we bring in our to correspondent saya challenger so you've been deep
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diving on all of these midwestern states and it could come down to some of these states we're going to be waiting on and what do you have for us as far as starting with ohio sort of starting with their audio as the saying goes goes or heigho goes the country in fact ohio has gone 14 straight elections or 60 straight years picking the winner so ohio is closely watched right now like grant said it's leading with joe biden and you know about biden after the hardly campaigned in ohio because all signs actually lead to truong winning the state so this is very going to be watched very closely because of course many think of ohio you think of fracking you think of shale it was because of ohio us a pretty much got their u.s. independence energy independence and they don't like the fact that there has been a lot of a lot of you a little democrats would say rumors republicans would say fact that biden and camilla harris are you are opposed to fracking which now biden and palin are as
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they have come and said they will not oppose fracking again one of the main ploy areas of ohio driving that economy but now moving to michigan right now michigan right now is leaning towards president trauma $57.00 versus $48.00 over $44.00 joe biden now trying why michigan in a very very narrow point 2 percent in 2016 basically trump won michigan by just 11000 won't votes in 2016 but the last time michigan went republican was 988 reagan so trumps 1st event also in michigan he's been talking a lot about the auto industry and that's the livelihood of michigan you know he's made a lot of claims that he has pretty much he has he has taken all . in this tree and it's made it alive again but that's really not so much facts because there's now 5000 less jobs in the oddest street in michigan then there was
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before trump took office then there was also of course the flood water crisis a lot of people in michigan thing not much has been done so that's when they would blame on obama which then ties into the present the vice president all right they would but that if you like still nothing still has been done then they think i'm trying but we know that we've got some calls that we're going to make that's and by the way stay on top of that for us because i think the midwest is where the next story is going to be playing out as we watch the rhythm of this election on this night we're looking at the southeast then we're going to move into the rust belt as we like to say and then just west of the rust belt is where i think we're ready to make some calls now let's go over to brunch a bore. well we actually what east coast state was called in the last couple of minutes that's new york and its 29 electoral votes no surprise there went to joe biden but we are seeing the upper midwest in north dakota south dakota nebraska
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that it combined 11 electoral votes going to president trump at on the 3 from wyoming and then 5 electoral votes in new mexico go in to vice president biden now again when you look at this map at this time it's falling right in line with what you would expect at this point in the night like you said pennsylvania ohio michigan wisconsin minnesota florida georgia north carolina and arizona sitting out there in the southwest those are what we're going to have to keep an eye on as we go out through the night and once again just nailing down the president is north dakota south dakota nebraska and wyoming significant or pretty much as expected right absolutely as expected nebraska however could have split their electoral vote because they go they split electoral votes it goes by district or congressional district so. so there's 3 congressional district districts and 2 senators that's how you get 5 electoral votes and if one of those congressional
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districts would have gone for biden that would have meant 4 electoral votes to president trump one to biden from nebraska and same could happen in maine but that's a surprise i mean that's actually interestingly enough the 1st turn about sort of speak tonight i had seen the conventional wisdom the polls the talk on the street was 'd that biden was going to take that congressional district you're saying he hasn't write that call but maybe at this point i'm not seeing that it has been done of course i was standing on set when that was called someone to dig into those details forward because i want to make sure we don't call that incorrectly but that is what i am seeing from the associated press at this time and if that is the case it could be a very big deal because if this comes down to one or 2 electoral votes that could be where it's at we heard by the way check back into those numbers let us know what's going on we look very much forward to hearing from you as the map starts to fill out let's go back to the map room quick just so you can see it at home that's
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what it looks like right now you're starting to see the red just outside the midwest there with the code and now you see the state of new york which obviously is going to be blue for now an eternity as they say. but we spoke about minnesota a little while ago and this is interesting because minnesota is a state that president really wanted to see if he could get back he was in fact the republican party had targeted minnesota this time around we don't have a call yet on minnesota but we do have the former governor of the state of minnesota our own minnesota former governor jesse ventura the host of the show right here on our team america jesse or governor i should say 1 what is your take of the way the election is coming out so far. well it's going to as expected it's going to be very close apparently you're not going to see a quick win or you know if florida had gone for biden you might have seen a quick winner biden's looking very unusually strong in north carolina though i saw
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that earlier. i guess it's going to come down to the upper midwest belt along there the surprisingly biden is doing good in ohio were better than what was expected of him to do there and of course pennsylvania michigan wisconsin minnesota and iowa and that whole belt along there could well determine who ends up winning in the end i just find it's interesting that obviously there's not much fear of the because of to me if if if the president wins i have no idea i guess we're going into herd immunity them because he has no plan for anything and i guess it's just those that ketchup fight it and life goes on apparently what i see here is a battle for money or hell's the if you're voting for trump you're voting for money if you're voting for biden you're voting for health and governor it's your favorite midwest girl here besides your daughter and your wife aaron i got to ask you being
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from the midwest you know this even though the university of minnesota in the universe it was constant hate each other the one thing that the 2 states have in common is a lot of times they both the same however in 2016 minnesota went blue wisconsin went red kind of your predictions is what you're saying because trump was heavily going around wisconsin and we also had that issue with foxconn with a lot of those jobs lost him not checking up on that do you see them both going back to being those twins again and being both blue. leading that way because all the polls have indicated wisconsin's major shift more towards the laugh . i don't know what has caused the shift whether it's a pandemic or what what exactly it could be but we do seems more chance for them to go blue and i see equal chance for minnesota to stay blue so i could see minnesota and wisconsin after all the packers and the viking split the season now
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so you know it's 5050 to a head just to stand by for just a moment i don't want you to go away because we're coming back to you but we've just we've got to sneak in a quick update i asked brant to check on something for us that congressional district in nebraska that most people were saying was going to go blue you've got an update for us on the yes and i just want to clarify so right now the a.p. is projecting the popular vote in one of those congressional districts going to president trump the other 2 are still allocated so the other 2 are still up for grabs i just want to give you that update rick and just explain to our viewers if you would why it is that maine and nebraska do something that's much more weird than what they do with most other. well because it's a better way of i don't say a better way that's not for me to decide but it's a more accurate way of allocating the vote percentage so instead of saying where it's a close vote and all of the votes go to one candidate like you see in florida all 2 of you can win by less than one percent 29 electoral votes go to whoever won that
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51 percent in those states they have decided to allocate those just a little bit differently so it goes by congressional district and then 2 goes for the popular vote thanks so much for and we appreciate that explanation back there governor jesse ventura now governor you if anybody has a sense of what that rust belt and what the midwest is all about it is you give us . it really is i mean you you are the all-american guy who. found you walk you talk like a midwesterner in many ways. so you understand the heart of the midwest of the united states if it's true that the midwest this time around is going to flip from red to blue what do you think then that this president did to essentially lose that vote i think in the upper midwest if it does go that way i believe it will be the pandemic that did it and his lack of response on it the fact that he knew in january how dangerous it was he hid it that's what troubles me
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rick is i'll tell you this if donald trump would have been my commanding officer of underwater demolition team 12 when i was in the navy he would have been relieved of his command he would probably have never commanded again and he would have been court martialed for what he did with the knowledge he had of the pandemic the fact that he hid that knowledge he proposed a false front to his men and then subsequently put them in danger for his own personal gain if you did that in the military you'd be friday and it would be that simple is it not a pocketbook issue though as well. well i'm sure it's a pocketbook issue absolutely you know that's what i said at the outset this vote this year seems like it's divided 5051 male so the other side money if you're for
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money your vote in that way if you're for healthier vote miss way and it seems like it's a tie so i guess most americans figure the dollar is equal to their health great stuff former governor jesse ventura my thanks to you for giving us that perspective we hope to be able to talk to you again throughout the night we've been telling you tonight that we want to give you a perspective of what the country thinks as they go into this election from a regional perspective we told you about what's going on in parts of the midwest we talked about how things are breaking down in florida now let's go to the far west california in particular is a place which has been hit hard with wildfires wildfires have displaced a lot of people in the middle of a pandemic and i've also affected the election as well absolutely we have our teams brigade a santos she's going to look at how this has impacted voters in california as well as those wildfires and the impact on the selection. of thousands of voters
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in california have lost everything in wildfires in the months leading up to election day we found out that our house was gone. it's a very sobering. to find out that all you've worked for. and all of that your parents have worked for. in the moment is gone it gives you pause and it gives you a moment to realize what's really important in life because. what we thought was important is now ashes the 2020 fire season is now the largest in modern california history with more than 90 to 100 buildings destroyed and over 4000000. makers burned and there's no end in sight the silverado fire is tearing through the hillsides in foothill ranch dozens of firefighters are wrestling the flames hoping they don't reach the homes below so far nearly 100000 residents have received
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mandatory evacuation orders as of now no structures have been consumed but across the state thousands of people haven't been as lucky despite the unprecedented destruction wildfire survivors still have the right to vote even if the house they registered at is no longer standing california has taken measures to make sure displaced voters can still cast ballots so far in the state's measures appear to be working pick a really use house burns down in the glass fire told reporters i have a backpack and a picture of my dog that passed away what else do i have well i have my voice i have the things that i care about and i want to express them on twitter a wildfire survivor with the username bug me not says my home in trinity burned on september 28th i called my county elections department and had my ballots sent to my daughters i got it and voted last week but some people are still trying to pick
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up the pieces voting in this election may not be a high priority. while these historic fires have claimed 31 lives in displaced 53000 people in california this year voters across the board face challenges with the ongoing pandemic definitely uncertain times in a year that will go down as one of the most contentious and in history reporting in irvine to santos. that's what we're trying to provide you with tonight as we show you what are the conditions that are in the areas where people are voting right now you saw that report from california let's stay and kill. fornia. correspondent atocha sweet is reporting to us from tonight from california on some of the very important elections are going to be following there in particular of course the biggest of all is going to be arizona everyone will soon have their eyes on arizona
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because it is a pivotal state particular for a must win if you will for the president. yeah that's right rick arizona is definitely a tossup and now we all know that you know 2016 was a surprise for many and that's why some have been critical of those early recent polls but also adding in more absentee ballots to the mix this year is leaving some voters on edge there are some interesting races here in the west as you mentioned wrecked all eyes are on arizona as there is a chance the state can flip blue now unlike california which cannot start counting ballots until polls close at 8 pm local time arizona is allowed to count ballots up to 14 days before the election but those results can't be released until polls are officially closed but the mail and ballots also come with an extended counting period in 2018 the senate race there took 6 days to call after the election and the
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president has made several appearances in the state in the last few weeks with large turnouts. provided it means no good school no graduation no weddings no thanksgiving no christmas. and no talk of july together other than that you have a wonderful. biden and his v.p. pick kamel harris making a joint appearance in phoenix last month. we've to my appraisal ready. to. more than 200000. once these fires. now the state of colorado has voted republican all the way from 1920 to 2004 but the state has voted democratic in the last 3 presidential elections texas races have been tightening between republicans and democrats in the last few years the
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lone star state has voted red since 1980 biden showing a slight lead in early polling in new mexico democrats have won 6 of the last 7 elections nevada was a close call in 2016 where hillary clinton beat the president by a margin of only 48 to 46 percent but now this senate race is also extremely important for whichever candidate wins the white house right now republicans are fighting to hang on to their majority there are 14 seats that look to be competitive let's look at a few here in the west now if you take a look at this map in terms of early polling you can see arizona and colorado leaning democrat alaska leading republican but of course none are out of the woods just yet republicans raised $377000000.00 democrats almost overspending republicans by double with 636000000 now in the race in alaska is interesting and while the state is seen as being read the majority of voters there are registered
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independents incumbent dense all of it is a supporter of the president while gross is being criticized for his views on drilling in the arctic the arizona race that has a familiar face mark kelly the husband of former congresswoman gabrielle giffords well he's running against senator martha mixed sally former air force combat pilot well kelly has been outspoken about gun control since his wife was shot in 2011 and in colorado senator cory gardner is trying to maintain his seat warmer governor john hickenlooper a democrat is hoping to help his party win back the majority and neither candidate has ever lost an election in their colorado political careers so while the presidential race remains competitive in the west the fight for the senate is also . high on the list for voters rick back to you sir good stuff as usual natasha we certainly appreciate it let's bring in our legal and media analyst lionel has been know watching the calls as they come in so far as we start with lionel let's go
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ahead and put up the map so the folks at home can see what the score is right now as you can see as it stands and that's with none of the big calls made just biden won 19 trump 92 no big surprises yet. well it's so. it's a little early i mean it's and i know people want to prognosticate and people want to wax vatican pythonic they want if they want to pretend that they understand what's happening it's like watching you know a fish tank if you're saying oh i see what's happening here no you don't we don't know yet where it all i know is in my adult life having been watching this 5 i have and we all are going to agree with this i'm interested right now in the collective psyche of everybody that i know everybody family members friends i'm sure you could there's 2 people will call you what's going to happen what people
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can't sleep people are just ready here in new york and around the country people are waiting for to the riot start they're boarding up the banks what's going to happen and the overarching number one issue that everybody's talking about and i love this are the media. what does the media have done the corruption the fed in fact you lent rake world of the mainstream media let me tell you something rick we are going to feel the results of this not because of biden or trump but because of this cataclysmic societal change for the next 25 years this is we are we are setting the rules setting the foundation for changes that are going to be felt in every aspect of our life the way we think about politics how we run things even this notion this archaic and to dilute vian notion of this this
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mythical left right paradigm that there's this different between left or right democrats i don't recognize democrats i don't know who the republicans are this is this breaks all rules this is this has no this has no corollary so i am fast and either way no matter what happens no matter who wins or loses everything changes permanently they magically speaking a subject which has been raised in fact 4 years ago we 1st started talking about the system being broken which seems to be what lionel so eloquently just eloquently stated sorry folks it's my 2nd language and i don't my thanks to you we appreciate you joining us tonight and sharing your perspective as usual. we're going to break down and try and get a better sense of exactly where the polls are going to be taking us next we've got some closings coming up that you're going to bring us up to date on when we come back we'll be looking at new states that might be called as we go into the
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bewitching hour right here this is our special coverage it's a 2020 election night coverage on r.t. america i'm rick sanchez along with erin stay with us. i'd like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that it's a folks that are still are here i've got a new show. oh
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you go. by. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make a man come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down to find the truth news with rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more. year thank you for finally changing your understand you're tired of network news with you. today. they are. no matter what. you know me 'd i'm famous for my views. and. 'd yours truly.
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'd now. the corporate parasites in power today might think they're just strolled will continue forever whether they're right or wrong we have to keep fighting question more. well watching our special coverage of the 2020 u.s. election the posted by rick sanchez featuring scott you know you all of the cooker said yes even turkey and larry king only on our to you america stay tuned. all right here we go it's the bottom of the hour it's $930.00. and we are bringing you the latest on the election 2020 as it comes in so far no big surprises but there's a little thing called tendencies and we're starting to see some tendencies develop in several places some of them very good for the president of the united states for the incumbent and some of them good for a president or for vice president joe biden as well so we're going to be breaking
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these down for you i think the 1st thing we should do is go over the big map where you say i say i say let's go get a job or who is the host of us now for the latest and those numbers but what he got for us so we actually just had another call recently the district of columbia's 3 electoral votes will go to vice president biden that will bring him up to 122 electoral votes at this time again nothing surprising nothing shocking all of these electoral votes are being allocated as you would have expected last week in the last month in the last year possibly i want to take a look at north carolina though what we're seeing reported right now it's 15 electoral votes we got about 80 percent reporting right now and joe biden is actually leading 50 percent to 48 percent so in those last 20 percent of the vote we're going to be looking at the rule north carolina trump voters and see if they came out in full force to support the president of the united states next i want to
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check in on pennsylvania which some would say is going to be where it all comes down to obviously this only 11 percent reporting so we were way ahead of schedule and democratic presidential nominee vice president joe biden 64 percent to president trump's 34 percent again that's very. early there but we just want to remind you regularly that this could all come down to pennsylvania and then lastly i want to check in on ohio we're going to take a look at ohio because as we mentioned earlier in the show vice president biden is actually outperforming where hillary clinton was with nearly 60 percent reporting he is up 52 percent to 46 percent so we're going to keep an eye on all of these races because those 3 races that we just talked about those 3 states those can shape this electoral map if they go ways that you did not see initially rick yeah it's interesting and by the way just just for the sake of our viewers i mean i'm looking at this i'm looking at the same numbers that you're looking at right now we
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only have 14 percent reporting in pennsylvania we only have 1000 percent reporting in in michigan and only 10 percent reporting in wisconsin so the only the only significant percentage that we can really look at right now is ohio and 66 percent right absolutely in the midwest and remember when you're talking about is specifically pennsylvania which we say as we mentioned could be the decider here in this election they were not allowed to open their mail in vote until election morning ok while some states like florida hadn't had a prepared all they had to do was count them get them ready and allocate them unfortunately pennsylvania was not able to do that so this could go on a little while and pennsylvania michigan on the other hand was saying that they were going to be able to get some of those about votes they initially thought it would be a 3 day situation but they thought they were getting it a little bit closer ohio's really doing some work on election night here and we'll see where they end up scotty and hall and join us now to talk about some of the developments as they are coming home and i'll start with you as far as we're seeing
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that expectation that many on the democratic side thought that by now they would have at least called one of the states that they thought would lock things down for them it's not looking that way just what we were hoping for real suspense and we know if you want your doubt it right we know that pennsylvania. it's going to be a cliffhanger because all of those mail ballots and we learned our lesson in 2060 and we were all focused on the popular vote it's about the electoral vote and that's why this state by state suspense is so cool but that landscape is about to change because every 10 years the united states census reshuffles the house of representatives which also impacts the electoral college house seats plus senate seats plus 3 for d.c. equals 538 according to election data services at least 17 states will likely gain or lose seats the south and west will see the biggest gains texas could pick up as many as 3 seats in the midwest and northeast 8 of 10 states could lose house seats
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i live in rhode island we have 2 rats we're probably going to end up with one and since the number of house seats is fixed even states whose populations have grown since the last census i.e. california are at risk of losing representation in congress to those who have grown even faster and you know it's really interesting with that because you're saying a lot of them are going down to those sunbelt states scotty i go to you on this because we've seen you know for example they were talking about the great exit this from california to texas those people are bringing their politics with them what do you what effect you think is going to have even though they're getting more people these you know take a state like texas for example to the dogs out right now yeah well we can talk about the future i think what we can talk about today right now nancy pelosi is breathing a sigh of relief because it is projected the house is going to stay in the democrats will in fact they picked up seats so while yes there is this general migration going it actually looks like the democrats are going to be able to hold on to control and they're going to actually have
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a little bit more power nancy but i think back with some more in ohio one quick thing i do want to note as we're figure out how this is coming and why it why it's going to so initial with all of the early voting numbers that's what the rig initially brought in right now is what they're counting as the day of the day and that's why you're seeing that start to skew a little bit more towards the red where originally. and ohio opened up i think there was a lot of republican sweating you know you make a good point because of the contagion if you will because of this pandemic the way that the voting has taken place has been very different and it's probably going to have an effect and we probably won't see it to your point until we get all the results let's just take a break at this conversation i want to go out to our own ben sean goes to boom bust he's standing by now outside the white house where there's been a lot of activity throughout the night catches up bena few wood on what's going on there behind you. has been pretty calm so far rick terms of there's you know really been no arguments breaking now people seem to be in pretty good spirits inside
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what's going on behind me right now is just it's kind of a party atmosphere there's a lot of people out here right now they'll break out and chance every now and then no justice no peace 4 1 of the chance was trump you're fired they were chanting that a few minutes ago so there is you know it's generally as i've told you it's really just one ideology out here support for the former vice president joe biden and senator harris and that is who is out to those supporters there really aren't some supporters out here so we're not seeing any kind of clashes taking place now a couple interesting things that we did see a few minutes ago there was a group of people who walk by holding gas masks which i thought was kind of interesting i don't know if they came in preparation in case things get out of control and police show up until gas is used that's what it looked like and we've also seen. a mix of people in terms of age demographics some people who are a little bit older more people who are older now starting to show up we're seeing some of those younger people come and they disappear for a little bit and then they come back so we're standing right now is almost like
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a transit point where people come in they go out for a little while and then they come back again so you know we're watching it throughout the evening but again as you guys are reporting the numbers again nothing really surprising that's happened so far florida if it goes for jump is a big one george if it goes to trial which it looks like it's going to those are big ones so we may start to see the mood changed. but it's really going to be those those midwestern states i think that will affect the way people here are feeling and whether or not they start to change their mood from a festive atmosphere or to an agitated atmosphere before you go up and just let me ask you a question about the police presence there i know it's there but are they visible or kind of in the shadows knowing they may have to come out. they are not very 'd visible or there is not there is a couple of them that i have spotted who are plainclothes who are kind of milling through the crowd and there is not if you walked around here without knowing who to look for you would not see hardly any police at all i've seen one uniformed officer the whole time that we were out here and he seemed to be going someplace else like
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he was cutting through this area so you know they're not very visible right now rick. thanks as usual yeoman's work out there man stay safe and we'll be checking with you throughout the night all right so from the white house to the capitol now we're going to go to watching the host tyrrel ventura who is standing by outside the u.s. capitol tyrrel how's it been out there what can you tell us. well it's interesting because right now they're just they have freedom plaza lit up brightly with floodlights and those floodlights just turned off as ben was doing his report clearly there there were some protests or gatherings that were supposed to you know they've gotten permits to come here of the night but clearly with the floodlights being turned off in a very lack of any kind of police presence anywhere around me i mean a couple intersections blocked off things like that but it looks like things are i don't it doesn't appear to me that anything is going to happen of note here to go on what ben was talking about earlier and talks of police presence over at black lives matter put plaza earlier tonight a man was arrested at black lives matter plaza for allegedly refusing to disperse
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for the removal of one of the long live go go vans as we mentioned as i mentioned earlier go go music was playing a huge factor in the festivities there black lives matter d.c. at the time of this man's arrest tweeted d.c. police department escalating and getting super aggressive the folks just listening . the go go music. mayor bars black lives matter plaza swarming a concert really that was the tweet that they had sent out but again nothing's really happening over here you know mostly the only people left here in freedom plaza are mostly all journalists like myself reporting on the night's events but we will keep you posted if that changes other matt d.c. has been relatively quiet during this election coverage. good stuff as usual bret we want to bring you in real quick let's go over to you. and 'd get a sense of any new calls that are coming in i understand we got a couple of them right well yes rick we have colorado was just called within
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a few minutes ago it's 9 electoral votes will go to vice president biden new mexico is called a little bit ago it's 5 electoral votes also going to vice president biden and i want to give you the numbers here with 65 percent reporting in colorado it's 58 percent to biden $39.00 to trump but we will be keeping an eye on that contested senate seat as we get a little bit later into the night what take a look at those numbers and break those down for you as well read enough and yet on florida georgia north carolina or pennsylvania correct correct that's a big that's a big let's talk a little bit about you know we said earlier today that we wanted to do was try and create context for you throughout the night and we've talked about some of the things that going to impact the next administration no matter who it is nothing has been impacting u.s. administrations more than the middle east at least not in the last 3 or 4 decades right here's a report filed by paul a slayer on what to look for in middle east relations. with.
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trump's approach to has been unconventional based especially in the middle east when his actions have caused control to see some the moment he entered the white house trump has made it clear that he would be adopting a very different policy to that if we speak to say says. and it came to addressing the many different challenges facing the region to moving the american embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. recognizing the israeli sovereignty of the golan heights. and not to forget his much touted deal of the century a peace plan they gave precious little to the palestinians who rejected it outright while awarding israeli hardliners with pretty much everything they wanted what it. comes to israel and palestinian he changed the paradigm no more inside out meaning 1st of all deal with the palestinians and then bring the arab
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world is changing it. first bring in the arab world and then the palestinians. actually did in securing historically steel's between israel and the united arab emirates and kuwait in the moderate sunni countries share with tel aviv a hostility against iran and cheered when trump withdrew from the nuclear deal and we imposed sanctions against iran want to trump the restoration approaches to solve to for example the iranian issue. it's true that telling it like it is is a very appreciated quality in the region and not you know not appeasement or laxity however. it remains to be seen whether it's again bitter a gamble you see whether the maximum pressure campaign for example towards iran with adopting the result that it is selling to obtain or else would it lead to further deterioration trumps genuine assassination of the powerful all could force commander the money met with iranian retaliation and both the united states and
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iran to the brink of war still they would not try to challenge the u.s. because they would one they would want to be on the good side of the u.s. in terms of relaxing the sanctions coming back to the new round deal of 2015. enjoying better relations with their surroundings trump american 1st approach i mean that washington no longer supported large scale military interventions that have become the norm in the region since the september 11th attacks in 2001 trumps proteins did has been to focus attention on withdrawing american forces from the region at the earliest possible opportunity in c.b. read the administration signed a historic agreement with the taliban agreeing that u.s. forces would be removed from afghanistan after almost 20 years to the promise to pull out by christmas i would say that coming from the best of intentions it will be the 1st american president to make that complaint promise or pledge to boil. but
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it remains to be see i wouldn't want to speculate on there because. it's to be seen currently it's highly unlikely they would manage to do so. but when you get into the drawing troops from syria trump abandoned the kurds who'd fought alongside the u.s. against islamic state in favor of vancouver it seemed to miss it be wary of trusting the united states i think that donald trump promised to his voters before before the elections that. he will remove a. certain amount of soldiers from syria and i think on the whole us. from relentless quests to try and transform the arab societies and. resolve the palestinian israeli conflict so basically. this is a this is what he tried to achieve and i think he did it trumps bromance with the
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turkish president added one lefty american president standing virtually alone between and and congressional sanctions over the letters decision to buy russia's is 400 a defense missile system for air the one and the leaders of 2 key is one in north korea the ledger of the past 4 years has been almost entirely positive trumps rejection would confront them with immediate challenges making trump not the only loser should he fail the november elections here r.t. tell of a. couple of updates we want to bring you up to date on that we're told now that there is starting to be some police presence outside the white house or that live picture there we've been showing you from time to time this is just outside the white house for the most part it's been very very peaceful with people just having their say outside the white house most of them are biden supporters according to
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our reporter on the side. being there but we're now being told and earlier we were told that there was very little police presence that we're now seeing some police officers there on their bicycles not that that you know foreshadows anything that's going to be going on the other note to share with you is that we're now getting information inch tingly enough that the folks who make wagers in the united states of america the folks who live in las vegas are now flipping their prediction and saying that trump may have a better chance at winning this election than joe biden again there's this is not a scientific situation but this is but these are folks that sometimes people put. more give more credit to than some of the people who are supposed to be making the calls on polls etc so it looks like vegas is now flipping and going with trump let's bring in chris hedges not a gambling man but a man who does have his finger on the sense of how america thinks what see if you
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chris as we look now at things starting to look maybe not red but a little much much more pink than most people in the media had expected. i think it is evidence that biden was a very weak candidate and. you know he was anointed or selected by the democratic party donor class didn't want someone like sanders indeed people like lloyd blankfein the former c.e.o. of goldman sachs said that if sanders was the nominee he and then there are many others quoted in the press saying they would support trump so that whole kind of least worst montra doesn't matter for you and me and the voters. are only matters for me you're the voters doesn't matter for them so yeah i think that that we're seeing what we're seeing is the weakness of of biden who who is really 2 is one campaign message was that he wasn't trump he was
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a decent affable guy and i suppose you know i hammered quite correctly trump's mishandling of coven. but on all of the major issues there is very little daylight between the 2 parties whether it's the endless wars the middle east or free trade deals or wholesale surveillance or austerity or. you know the for profit health care system. you know what they argue over is what freud once called the narcissism a minor difference you know it's interesting we still have pennsylvania coming our way it's looking like will likely do well in ohio in fact he was supposed to do well in ohio but biden's been leading a whole this time in pennsylvania what's your take on the people the voters of pennsylvania and whether what kind of message they may be sending tonight. i mean pennsylvania is
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a really interesting state it's. you know there are parts of pennsylvania. you know replicate the attitudes of the south and then you have cities for instance like philly so pennsylvania is a very divided state as by the way is new jersey i mean you go to parts of new jersey huge pockets of trump support so that's more pronounced in pennsylvania so again i certainly expect a state like pennsylvania to be. even if biden wins it i don't i don't suspect he's going to win by a lot chris hedges as usual thank you so much we appreciate your time we'll be checking with you throughout the month let's go back to our panel scotty you're looking at the scoreboard it's looking right now like there's some you know enough no big calls but there's some tendencies that tend to go toward. the president right now there is there's a little bit of a way of going on but let's say that with hesitancy in this case we're looking at
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arizona you mentioned that's a state we're going to watch make sally very unpopular more than likely going to lose that race can still win this state he's got to have arizona at this stage of it we're also hearing that you're starting to hear parts of people from the white house are starting to speak to the public kellyanne conway just announced that the president will be addressing the public from the east room tonight at some point from the white house and that's been confirmed so to be real interesting to see what he's going to say or if he's going to say hey this is just the intermission half time get some popcorn and go on and get your pajamas on so you are starting to see that kind of trend going on the other one that we're obviously looking at is ohio and here's where you want to talk about your tennessee it's the suburban moms we've kept hearing about the bashing of the suburban moms ohio is all about those suburban moms and that's what happened in colorado these suburban areas came out and they did come out probably stronger for joe biden that was able to bring him away and make it closer than what a lot of people was going to think it was going to be. it turns out that in fact
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many have underestimated the trump supporters once again the shy from supporters as we like to call them from time to time. is it because our media 'd in this country just does not understand or have its finger on the pulse of what middle america really represents well as a lot of ready fire aim going on in the media because there are now more news channels the news stories and editing has suffered as budgets have been slashed by corporate media so there's a recklessness to reporting things and who will forget in 2000 when al gore was pronounced the winner and then they started to take back some of the states they had called there's a rush to judgment on the media's behalf that does not serve the viewer reader or listener well now you know you are and you brought up the pulse of the country and
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you know scotty also brought up arizona and i want to go to roxanne about for this one because i found this interesting when researching a lot about arizona so there was a recent monmouth poll done for the latino vote that asked you know as far as the coronavirus and what's going on does the president or joe biden have at least some understanding of the day to day concerns that of people like me for biden they gave him 50 pretty 3 percent positive rating trump 47 percent they're talking about arizona possibly turning into that deep purple possibly a blue state you have the state's republican governor doug do see who is actually just endorsed by his complete political rival bernie sanders what do you think that says about arizona and i guess the effect of the latino vote and what it can do for the state in the future well something important to not do is that there's a difference between the latino vote for women and the latino vote in maine and men tend to align more with try. and speech and they don't can see
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their dad died or on the virus versus others thought just like a car not me or a healthy shoes or so there's a difference and then women tend more to be more i can see they're about you know women stop zoe and i think that's the difference so if trunk and wind man vote then that means that they could you know possibly win that state this is really interesting i'm just going to share some numbers with you coming in right now with 87 percent of the precincts reporting joe biden leans in north carolina by a point to 2.2 with 51 percent reporting donald trump is right now running away with georgia he's leading by 14 points florida at least by precincts 91 percent reporting donald trump is leading by 4 points mind you for the most part biden according to the polls was supposed to be ahead in florida by 4 points so once again holland you expect
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a quicker resolution in florida than we're expecting in pennsylvania yeah oh much much more based on the methodology based on the methodology of the vote count florida we could probably know what's going to go on in florida in maybe the next hour or so but it's interesting that once again and this may be too early to make this to say make this call but it may be looking like once again those of us who pay a lot of attention to the polls because these guys put a lot of time and energy into these polls at the end of the night it may be looking like the pollsters are going to have egg on their face once again they sure could and the public will never trust them again you think you say that but they should never trust them after 2016 i'm going to say it again the pollsters for right in 2016 they're right and 2020 the problem is there if you you have to take the time to read the details read the breakout there over stamp. certain areas in certain regions it's what happened in georgia it's why there was this rumor that georgia
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was going to turn blue they were oversampling atlanta the cab county they were looking at the rest of the state if you read that but there's a reason behind it because it everybody says that this person is going to win what that does is the day at it disenfranchises says you know what i'm not going to go vote what's the point that we get into the weeds here oversampling criticized a lot by poll critics there's also waiting you know there's a counter technology that goes with that in 2016 the pollsters got it right they were asking the wrong question let's see if they learned their lesson right next to hall and there are 2 of his left ear now mine i guess you can see the images of what's going on outside the white house right now just to let you know that we've got crews near that scene and we're monitoring it for you and while earlier in the day there wasn't a lot of police presence we're now being told that the police are coming into the area just about the same time that the crowd is starting to i guess intensify. but
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as far as we can tell and we're happy to be able to report that it's a peaceful but there you see those police officers on bicycles that are now showing up on the scene as we go to break one more time let's take a look at the big map so you can see where the election stands right now where heading toward the top of the hour which means we'll have some more potential calls as more polls close in very very important states don't go away this could end up being a very long and exciting night as well we're going to be right back i'm rick sanchez along with along with the team here this is our special coverage of election 2020.
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something for you on your sports h.q. . on the larry king question being listening learning you know i've always said i never learned anything when i was talking and simply horse until less of a. question more. all the feeling of. every the world should experience for me and you'll get it on the open road. the world according to a gesture. welcome to my world come along for the ride.
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how to read our breed turn on the t.v. learn about the world what's happening around me i see shows on the screen and last every day because of fake news narratives the steady state theory to maybe cool some luck building up this is good karma after the power brick by brick cooled listen to make it sound however plenty of that in the store but i found that network that open question. can the corporate parasites in power today might think their role will continue forever whether they're right or wrong we have to keep fighting question. well watching our special coverage of the 2020 u.s. election this close to the by rick sanchez scott you know you all and cook are senators yes even true and larry king only on our to your member state to.
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here we go it's 10 o'clock on the east coast of the united states and i'm rick sanchez hello again everybody along with aaron frons are going to be joined by 2 members here in america all night long we've been taking you through what's been happening here and you know the numbers are starting to get interesting we're starting to see some tendencies that branch of boers about to 'd take you through yet but we also have it since it's 10 o'clock right now we have some polls closing we have iowa montana nevada and utah iowa obviously one of those battleground states montana a very very heated senate race and that's where then we're going to send things over to branch of bore who is going to give us an update on another senate race but your latest numbers for us are 1st i just want to hit the electoral map as we can see nothing's changed in the last 15 minutes 131 electoral votes for joe biden right now 92 for president donald trump again this map looks as we would expect it but those battlegrounds they're tight things aren't trending the way
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a lot of analysts had expected so we're going to keep an eye on that as rick sanchez it said but as fair and just mentioned we have an important senate race that was just called by the a.p. projected winner will be former governor john hickenlooper has beaten cory gardner in the state of colorado 55 percent to 42 percent with 35 percent reporting you would assume that will tighten up as more numbers come in however they are calling it right now for the former governor i want to take a look and also lindsey graham of south carolina has been this challenger in jamie harrison as well we'll have some more details on that race and what happened there in just a few minutes but i did want to take a look at the makeup of the senate because this is very. right now as things are we have currently have 38 republicans with the newly elected folks who got reelected we have 41 democrats and 2 independents who caucus with the democrats that's why we keep them on the left side there so as we see those white seats fill in throughout
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the night we'll be able to see what happens because you know we talk a lot about this presidential election but the senate and house are very important as we see these numbers trickling in already keep you updated because no matter who the president is they do have to work with congress so that control is very important by the end of the night we still got to hear about what's going on in maine as well and north carolina you talk about important senate seats those are 2 of the big needs as well right yes absolutely so you have maine susan collins running against sarah gideon that's a very big race you also have joni ernst in iowa a conservative who is facing a tough challenger you also have in montana dane's verses steve bullock the former governor there the governor there as well as very popular and those are a lot of the contested seats we're seeing also thom tillis conservative in north carolina that's another seat that we're going to keep an eye on as well as in
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alabama doug jones is probably going to lose to head football coach. in alabama as well so that's going to flip from democrat to republican as expected right as expected no surprises there fair all right so we have our team correspondent sweet out of our studio in los angeles joining for us with what's going on there natasha. ok even to you as polls are getting ready to close here in california authorities are boarding up businesses even enacting a curfew and while there's a chance we may not know the outcome of the election this evening officials say they want to ensure safety and a possible and rust curfews are in full effect in some areas of los angeles and san francisco the l.a. police department they're recommending businesses closed early as street closures may also be going into effect nearly 100 americans 100000000 americans voted early shortening lines in places across california but that wasn't the case for texas
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there were lines and voters were expected to wait here to social distancing guidelines approach rally was broken up this afternoon for using a bullhorn. trying to support a candidate and they were used. can you do it in a board demonstration. educate them on the ordinance on the lawn. well texas is hard to call at this point president trump is showing a slight lead biden wins new mexico and colorado and the state of arizona crucial for the election is a toss up all polls close there an hour ago as they don't partake in daylight savings time now unlike california which cannot start counting ballots until polls close at 8 pm local time in another hour arizona is allowed to count ballots up to 14 days before the election voters are also questioning the senate if republicans can keep the majority so when it comes to the senate many democrats are focusing on
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health care during the pandemic and this comes as the supreme court on the existing affordable care act so yes we're getting a later start here in the west hopefully results come in sooner than later back to you guys good stuff we appreciate you staying on top of that for us not so let's get over to brad apparently we've got another projection that we could make this is coming to us from the cajun state of louisiana that's right rick unfair and we have louisiana there a little 8 electoral votes will go to president donald trump also kansas 6 electoral votes are also going to president i hate to keep saying this. but it's not a surprise we knew that those states were going to be red states at the beginning of the night but it is going as planned as of right now the associated press is projecting those calls rick all right thanks so much by the way just a quick note have we heard anything on the lindsey graham senatorial campaign
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taking place in the great state of south carolina yes we did mention that he was able to pull out the victory in his senate race against jimmy harrison down there in south carolina so that will. the democrats had hoped to be able to pull that seat off as they were talking about another blue wave like we saw in 28 seen unfortunately they were not able to foresee for them not important for me unfortunately for them they were not able to pull that off yeah and then that could be another potential bellwether i mean a lot of people thought you know that there could be enough african-american votes in south carolina to make a difference in that race and so far it hasn't is that a sign of what we're going to see throughout the night again well all we can do is pick up all the clues and share them with you now back to the contextual part of this night we've been promising to bring you different perspectives on how people around the regions of the united states and different parts of the world as well
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see the united states and we'll see the united states after this election there is no bigger story in the last 2 years than china there's absolutely no bigger story than china and especially the relationship between china and the trumpet ministration this is what we have been focusing on as well yes we have our alex my holiday she's been doing a deep dive into this for us he now has his report. it was shaping out to be the bromance of the century. back in 2017 it looked like president donald trump and china's president xi jinping were well on their way to developing a friendship their relationship to the. president she'd done most of the things that stand a little forward to being together many times in the future coliseum but the meeting between me and president trump points to the direction and plans the blueprint for china and u.s. future relationships however there will lation ship between the 2 countries
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eventually soured on the top of the trumpet ministrations agenda was a trade deal with china and some saying that it wasn't happening fast enough for the american president to frustration. by the spring of 2018 the u.s. introduced tariffs on a variety of chinese products with china responding with its own economic punishments against the u.s. a tit for tat approach quickly took the 2 countries into a downward spiral but even with tensions on the rise the relationship between the 2 nations seemed to remain at least amicable. in january 2020 trying to agree to buy an extra $200000000000.00 of american goods and to give u.s. companies more access to china's markets both sides considered it up the 1st phase of a broader trade pact something many believe needed to be pushing forward by drummy believe especially with an election looming however with the unexpected entry of code with 1000 into the mix the relationship saw some dramatic changes when china
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announced that the city of hand was going to be locked down in january 2020 president trump told c.n.n. b.c. it's going to be just fine i have a great relationship with president. the following month however the trumpet ministration to airline travel from china to the united states and with the coronavirus death toll quickly rising in the u.s. and the fall election around the corner many say china became a target to deflect from issues at home. by march 2020 the tree deal had been put on ice and was replaced with a woman flu also known as the chinese flu as the centerpiece of he was china relations a trend which continues to disdain as trump returned to the campaign trail his administration expanded its attacks against china and its ruling party the c.c.p. sexploitation this disaster to further its own interests is bad disgraceful rather than helping the world. has shown the world the parties to face we talked about.
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how we seen hong kong's freedoms crushed we watched the c.c.p. bully its neighbors militarized beatrice in the south china sea and instigate a deadly confrontation with india the most recently taiwan has become the subject of contention by leading longstanding agreements between china and the united states american diplomats have visited the disputed island and the u.s. has signed billions in arms deals with taiwan both moves that some analysts see difficulty the chinese government. in less than a year china moved from the ranks of friend to put an adversary had been created and with that a chance for the current administration to show off its strength in the international arena thank you to american voters r t. is good enough to join us now to talk about the situation with china you know i got to tell you there's no bigger story in the last 2 years than this trade war between the united states and china it would
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almost seem like i'm not speaking for china but they probably have to be just as tired of it as we are right. most likely look i mean for trump and i think it's something they really wanted to put in his pocket you need to build an adversary prior to an election we see every president before their war trump didn't have that so he had at least his trade where the guy you know you always talked. these he says he's a businessman as a businessman or to talk about what are you going to do you're in a fight that trade battle and you know even before 2016 as mentioned and he was say you know the china we got to get straight in this thing out with them well that whole adversarial approach didn't seem to work out the way that the trump camp wanted it to as we saw there was a phase one to this trade deal that was done and then they just kind of shoved it aside and replaced it with coronavirus to create this sort of adversary because if you're getting a deal done you don't have that for really for
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a matter of fact is here that phase one didn't really mean much to the whole deal that was supposed to be done if you look at it it's the trade imbalance still exists some say it's even worse today and china although it's tired of this that's for sure look that they have bought the coronavirus they're out of a lockdown and there are economy is on the way to recovery the united states can't say the same so for china yes they would like to get this over and done with but you know what they're doing ok. we have done a bevy of stories not just on the trade war but the aggressive militarized. impact of this story south china sea in particular where suddenly taiwan comes into play where the united states is sending millions and no weapons to taiwan and china is not reacting favorably favorably to this we this has to be something that this
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concerning to the entire world this buildup of weaponry and conflict going to gretz abyss between our country the united states and china in this situation alex. well i mean i mean this is something we've been learning since the early ninety's that the sleeping dragon has political analysts call china this is a country that has been in a softness if not of deficit time and time again this is a country that's been able to build up a military and not use it it's a very different story than what we see in the united states so they were packed and ready to go with the united states right now we're looking you know there keep poking that drag it over and over again and taiwan is an island that is really one contentious place in the bigger scheme of things especially when it comes to the one china policy something that the u.s. has respected till very recently and now that's sort of been thrown out the window and that's scary and no matter who's in office this is going to be a story that's going to keep on giving and this is why we have. following this type
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of development for us thank you alex we certainly appreciate it all right we go now to legal and legal and media analyst lionel of lionel media in new york line all you know we're looking at the map right now we've got joe biden 131 to trump's 98 so far what say you. told me to wait till it's over with i'm going to wait till it's all over with i just i mean it's still early at this particular point i want to see the impact of what this new thing called mail in votes means what it is even what it knows no corollary it's not an absentee vote it's not everything we've ever seen how's that going to work i don't know now right now the thing that is the most important to realize. there's that this is a fascinating subject to me in terms of how people react you'll have one school of
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commentators who compared to 2016 this has nothing to do with 2060 but they always say well you know hillary clinton took this and they almost say it whirled if you will repeating the same. i guess a mishmosh that if you prefer virtually every media show with the exception of this and right now people are looking to see some kind of order and i've got to tell you something and i've been talking about the media but i want to just give you my opinion i am shocked shocked that in the year 2020 we have someone right and i'm sorry this is just a political opinion and i hate to do this but i got to tell you somebody asked me here today would you let joe biden drive you home from the airport and i thought to myself no so why is he going to be your president i don't understand why this country doesn't realize it doesn't say because i think people have gone too
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far in terms of mocking him but ladies and gentlemen of the jury i'm not a neurologist but i'm not an obstetrician but i can tell a pregnant woman sometimes there's something very wrong with the fact that we're talking about ohio where we're talking to a man who's walking around yelling who ordered the veal cutlet who's been handcuffed to a radiator and an undisclosed root cellar for the past 6 months now i don't know about you know what i'm sitting here thinking am i you know parallel universe is anybody going to say how is he doing how will he can this be happening are we actually forgetting this i mean this i'm in a city right now where they're boarding up banks and people were. waiting for i guess unrest for a movement trump supporters i don't think so but nobody will say it we don't say
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things we we don't talk. the whole thing about 100 biden had to do 100 wide we're talking about one of the greatest examples of corruption nobody's saying any that we have an attorney general who's not saying anything but tonight i'm supposed to put that aside and say well clearly it looks to be pretty good didn't hillary clinton take that. i'm telling you i may be cracking right now live on t.v. because i can't believe i have so many other that i am ok lionel don't worry about it we still love you you know we're going to we're going to leave it right there lionel i'm on my own the media thank you so much i know casts his bank here only for donald trump as we just heard thank you i know. joining us now is another member of our esteemed panel joining scotty and hall and. camp of redacted tonight joins us tonight you know i was thinking about you were earlier as
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i was i was i would know i was thinking in my conversation with chris hedges about the fact that to almost quote line a little bit that the party annoying to. joe biden and i'm thinking back to the successful politicians in the times that people have not being successful like like when a party decided to go with with bob dole for example because he was next in line right when they decided to go with killer equipped because she was next in line and they now decided to go with joe biden because he was next in line and the times of the democratic party has done well it's when they got somebody who wasn't next in line when jimmy carter a peanut farmer from georgia became president when bill clinton a saxophone playing you know carouse or became president when 2 the you know after . an american president is a community organizer became president is that is that lesson going to have to be really learned is the question that's coming to my mind tonight well it is true
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that they completely kneecaps so much energy in the democratic party not just for bernie sanders but for something remotely progressive instead of somebody who's running to the right of trump on foreign policy so they did cut all that energy out and you know if joe biden doesn't pull this out i think you can put part of the blame on the fact that. he could have done anything to reach out to progressives and he did basically nothing you know he said i'm not for the green new deal i'm not for medicare for all i'm not going to put in a v.p. who's known as a progressive but that's the strategy hall and the strategy for the democratic party and we don't know it might still work tonight but it was let's go after the old white guys what you're going to do many of them. don't but let's think about this for a minute if the strategy for the democratic party was let's go back and get the old white guys and forget about the minorities and forget about the young people because trump has too many of them and we want some of them back i mean that's an
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interesting strategy isn't it i mean that's what they that's what they did with joe biden am i wrong well they just wanted so they want someone that will represent america inc well and that's that's what he you know and that's their problem that's really kind of the ruling elites problem with donald trump is he doesn't represent america inc well he has a corporation it's things are not steady for you know as it goes and so i think that they wanted someone in there that they knew would not cause any kind of you know instability rock any boats so you're saying it doesn't well if the idea is to win and if you have somebody will use bernie sanders but he wasn't the only one who appeals to young people african-americans people on the other side of the specter who usually don't vote for a guy like joe biden why would you ignore that possibility or that opportunity you're saying it's because they don't make the decision wall street does. yeah exactly and look i agree with you i have to say why not listen to so much energy out there i mean that's what got obama into office was listening to that and at
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what it's promising give me an option who did the democrats really have an option they want to have another proc obama guess what that's a hard one to find and the timing of it there isn't any other option the democratic party now there is what we got the ideas of barack obama's vice president who's you know who could be his but joe biden was no barack obama make no mistake on this broker bomb could have won that ticket in 2008 by himself they put on joe biden to kind of calm down the southern white males that would not have had a problem but already got to know you look good we got one on the ticket naming it and i think that's why that's why i think alexander is so exciting for the democrats that's why she's getting that excitement she were talking to i have are like poison here you know i really want to get all of the democrats the the younger one to love her and the interesting thing about it is though that while republicans like donald trump are calling joe biden a socialist most people and we will tell you the far the democratic party is the farthest thing from socialism is that if there was
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a candidate away from describes biden i would be impressed but that guy with a long time to go on this guy's incredible 5 go ahead please house soon we get crowded debate stage early on in the democratic primary i take issue with rick's characterization that the party chose joe biden jim cliburn chose joe by so that's a great point that has been rated all its needs got less crowded and i take issue with the consensus here about. whose turn is it until trump historically republicans fell in line and yes pratts fell in love george mcgovern mike dukakis jamey carter we fell in love with these guys but who did the republicans nominate whose turn. is it bob dole actually a modest and it's a veteran sorry it was trump who was the anomaly where the downs
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fell in line and the voters fell in love now we were talking about the progressive vote and lee i want to bring this to you because there were as rumblings if there was a joe biden win that they possibly would then bring in bernie sanders as the labor secretary possibly elizabeth running as the treasury secretary just to kind of appease those voters and do you buy it do you i think it would have gotten some progressive energy a little bit but yeah i mean it down to that people usually vote for the top of the ticket so i don't know how much difference it would have made but you know it goes on that long list of really goal number one of the democratic party for the past 2 years 3 years has been just to make sure there was no progressive voice just freakin purge the whole party of any progressive voice and they succeeded largely and that's why i added a lot of trouble you know they were not very keen but let me back it up and put i think it's all you any more and more the old school democrats are losing the progressives are winning with and that party is starting to take that narrative
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especially the more conservative that the republicans begin that little division is happening more and more original but that it right i tell you i know people i know them very well who are in their twenty's who when i've had conversations with them about whether they're excited about this election have told me in no uncertain terms that there is nothing exciting to them about this election that they have no interest in voting for any one of these candidates because they represent something that happens in america that's seemingly goes out and that is there's a middle ground somewhere there's a whole lot of people in this country who don't don't articulate or don't hear the message articulated by democrats or republicans and they're just waiting for somebody at some point someplace to come along and say something meaningful that matters to them and what's interesting about that is in my story about 3rd parties you had ross perot. back in 1902 what was he running on the environment talking about minimum wage and raising it he was talking about you know workers you know helping the workers how. exactly and so it's like we have had that voice before but
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he was an old white man but i want to name the you also to be m. and he has always been forged bush the allow iraq to have the actually get have to the image that goes with it this is where barack obama was so charismatic and the perfect candidate for the democrats at that time the democrats find someone else like that reality they have a chance of winning again and i disagree i think trying to send something that he has made him a cultural icon he already has culture and others for republican young leader i mean you very no no no i didn't i've never seen express with social media being the way it is you've never seen a person from the republican side they have no idea what he talks about or what his policies or agendas are but they like to wear that red maggie and opposing bikini's with the flag wrapped around him he's done that that's ok you have george w. bush remember romney motivated you know like you're absolutely right lee go ahead i . mean that is ready to go with that sort of straight megaphone. where do i want to go. yeah no i mean that while they are excited about traveling trump was the 1st to
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really speak out against the mainstream media against so many of these things whether he actually created the change you talked about when he was he claimed to be anti-war and bring the troops all know all this stuff but the other candidates were doing it and that's what got him elected he didn't do it's interesting that you would talk about the mainstream media because there is no one more responsible for putting donald trump white house they have not rush but the mainstream media they gave him free air time left right in between they made it so that he got 10 times anything that marco rubio got 10 times more than the ocean and then they got mad after they put him there the final numbers of the last go round where he got 10 times as much coverage as hillary clinton and $23.00 times as much coverage as bernie sanders in the primaries. fascinating they put him in office and by the way folks this is not opinion this is old stuff but i mean we know this the fact of the matter is the mainstream media was in thrall reason why then they got mad when mel
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you don't really read a lie they fell for the click no they didn't fall for it hard results donald trump was delivering a record amount for a political rally that initial season the debates would happen panel ready and he delivered it you're like a horse that works and let's be real here you know he knows exactly how to play the media how many times have we set there waiting for him is he coming out yeah you know now we get c.n.n. sitting there just having the camera on they're not going away because they he kept them in that moment where it was when you know it's because it was too ching to change right i'll bring on t.v. the ratings go up and they get to sell more commerce reporting flakes or whatever it is that they're doing like hello actual fascinate you know if you. don't know why network well to get one of those around 3 am all right this is a fascinating conversation and it's one that i think americans are having as well and i think it's an important one and i'm so glad that we have it and i thank all of you everybody but only. because of your thank you as always great to have you
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come back right come about i'm not done with you yeah the night is young folks this is election night coverage 2020 i'm rick sanchez with aaron and the rest of the crew here and we're going to be coming right back with more potential results and we'll see how things shape up on this night. on larry king question being listening learning you know i've always said i never learned anything when i was talking it's important to listen. question more. oh you. louis.
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pick up by. me your questions birth new questions numbers as stars and lists as the sea and bring all the inside distance death and. if dr. that remains in question. time some spontaneous slewed so they can go. back to see something some place named with a cape still made to live. legends live. for so much going on in the world don't you think when's the last time you had a real bird's eye view of. the news feed more than just hours of bickering getting 30 minutes i'll take you off the love.
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i'm holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fat to glimpse the big picture question more. you're watching our special coverage of the 2020 u.s. election is hosted by rick sanchez featuring scott i know you all and cook are senators jesse ventura and larry king only on our team america stay tuned. hey welcome back i'm rick sanchez it's now 1030 and if you thought things were interesting before this are about to get much more interesting let's go over to brad to borys over at the big map shows how things are shaping up visually take away our and we haven't we're not ready to call any more states as of yet but i want to go through some of these key battleground states that we're looking at and i want to talk a little bit about what we're seeing reported at this time if we can start in
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florida i want to talk.


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