tv News RT November 4, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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it's a nail biting close election day in the u.s. team biden claims victory is in that cites donald trump accuses the democrats also for. the bottle now it's for several key states but the vote count could potentially drag on for days or even longer especially with trump threatening to take notice the supreme court. we want to look good to be used in a proper manner so we'll be going to the u.s. supreme court we want to all voting just. we don't want them to find any ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning if them for the list ok. the
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president's statement trying to shut down counting them judy coast by list was just precedented being correct a naked if it's a take away democratic rights and the before has a presidential to strip americans of their voice it will happen counting will continue until every jew because vote is counted. 8 pm here in moscow for the whole team and myself a very warm welcome to our national clout you chose us today and what a day it is it's november full since the day after the election and the fate of the u.s. presidency rests in the hands of hoffa a dozen states still counting votes right now these are the ones you can see in great things i wisconsin michigan pennsylvania georgia north carolina as well and. results are hiding in the balance and could still go by the way up president joe
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biden is ahead of donald trump in the race for the white house but still. doesn't have enough to be handed the keys what with me in the studio is more at carstairs and caleb maupin taylor let's start with you you've got your boots on the ground you'll stateside now everything still to play for him and team biden's claiming victory is in their sights don't trump 20 not foul play and surprised by what is the latest. well we have heard the biden campaign say that they believe they are on the road to victory and we now have donald trump on social media donald trump is on twitter and this is what he has tweeted out he said quote last night i was leading off and solidly in many key states in almost all instances democrat run and controlled then one by one they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted very strange she says in all
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capital letters and then the quote pollsters that's and quotations got it completely and historically wrong how come every time they count mail in ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction that is donald trump and that tweet was then labeled by twitter as quote disputed and might be misleading about an election or civic matter it's actually hidden in order to look at this tweet twitter has put this disclaimer that you must click on in order to look at it and essentially being suppressed what donald trump is referring to is that right now in wisconsin and in michigan. as the ballots are being counted for a while it seemed like donald trump was in the lead but then as mail in votes were tallied as the votes came from detroit michigan's wayne county which is a stronghold of the democratic party there seemed to be a sudden shift where biden was ahead in michigan and biden was ahead in wisconsin
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now we're waiting for an official result from both of those states now one state that is going to be key is pennsylvania now pennsylvania their ballot counting has been delayed due to the fact that a postal facility where mail in ballots are being sent has been ordered by a u.s. federal judge to undergo an inspection so as a result of that pennsylvania is not expected to give results until tomorrow however the mage. already of the ballots the pretty solid majority of the ballots have been counted in wisconsin and in michigan it looks like there is a lead for for joe biden in both of those states but it's not been called yet people are waiting for the final results to be tallied now biden is set to address the nation very soon and it's hard to imagine that donald trump will be keeping quiet we already see what are you saying on social media raising the specter about the possibility of fraud so at this point the country is watching quite nervously
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as you know it it's very hard to tell what might happen next we're waiting for of results to be certified we're waiting for pennsylvania possibly for a whole nother day quite a situation many people predicted that in the lead up to this election it was widely it was widely predicted that we would not know the results well it is the following day and we still do not know who will be president of the united states for the next 4 years a lot of questions remain was a big turnout in this election we did see some surprising votes around the country for example the state of mississippi voted to get rid of its state flag which is rooted in the confederacy modeled on the confederate flag that was a big upset vote we also saw the state of oregon the u.s. state of oregon vote to become the 1st u.s. state to legalize heroin and cocaine as street drugs so it's been quite an election
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night in the united states but the country is still reacting and we still don't have results. what sas need be a tad it's few hours that's for sure and we're going to see how it all plays out we come back to you many thanks that was more penn you are now over to you you're going to take over the reins i mean we know to expect the unexpected it's 2020 off to rule but this seems like quite a surprising situation we've ended up essentially with 2 women well the claiming that they would get with an election this close. with an election this close well where you've got to wait until the final alice to see who voted for whom who is actually leading you need to set a precedent d.d. to create furor you need to make noise to make sure that when when it comes when it comes a time for a recount perhaps or a challenge to the supreme court you can say that over remember i was shouting about this or are i was i was screaming about voter fraud there were this was
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unfair it's all about sitting in creating a precedent these look this was an ugly campaign it was an ugly campaign the situation the streets in america is ugly people are completely divided into into 2 camps and this wasn't a blowout as polls indicated out all this was a much clue selection suggesting that there's still a lot of america despite everything that the united states has been through this year that support trouble and they're all obviously going to be very unhappy if there's a blue president in the white house so now trump is creating all this noise shouting and screaming about the fraud and you know illegal activities and errors in vote county you had him tweeting about 128000 votes magically appearing for biden 1st of all it's worth saying for the sake of balance that that was likely a reporting error to twitter immediately sense of the comment but it but it's everywhere now and this is this has been trump's tactic you know if you create new
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is then in the future you'll be able to point out that this was you know this was a problem a trouble point and here we have a situation in which there's all sorts of crises in every state there's you know something that either side is unhappy with and now they're claiming that they're going to go to the supreme court. we want the law to be used in a proper manner so we'll be going to the u.s. supreme court we want to. voting just. we don't want them to find any ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning of the earth ok. the president's statement trying to shut down counting of julie cost ballots was outrageous unprecedented and incorrect and naked effort to take away democratic rights never before has a president's will to strip americans of their voice it will not happen counting
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will continue until every julie cost vote is counted now there was certainly mixed reaction to trump's speech at 2 am that one came out all smiles but saying this is far from over and it's not the blue wave as many were predicting as you're quite right and sad but i mean still a lot of people thought you know what pre-election this is just a lot of people saying all that we're going to fight about it but they didn't maybe expect it to actually get to this point always surprised that i actually got to a point of 2 presidential candidates saying we're going to go to court well 2020 and all that of course there was no pretty this is the worst case scenario if one of them had won and a blue polls indicated you know it would have been far it would be the sort that new president the other would be forced to concede the closer it is the more worse case scenario it is because there's no room to contest the election i mean there were 50 o.s.c. observers for the entirety of the united states though there was no you know
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there's no outside 'd observers who you could then ask. people who have you new bikes neutral who you could ask is this fair with business for i mean some of these allegations if this election was in ukraine or in russia that be shouting and screaming about how unfair and unfree it was here it's completely different the mail in ballots as well the early voting it all skewed the balance of what was expected. what wasn't with with you know with the letters being counted obviously they favor biden because he had called it as worthless malin rather than a ted with trumpet it was the opposite and with different states having different regulations you know different vote counting mechanisms and procedures it's just all so confusing to the point where you can say anything which is what both candidates have been saying you know you like and you can tell the people and he won anything you want your supporters they'll support you just because of the color
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of the of a hat you've got on your head other supporters for stabbings in front of the white house to the white house today i mean people are a taking out their disagreements physically oman another i mean this is this is completely and president and he just to show how cool rise than how divided the united states is more so than at any point in living memory and this is something that dawn has reported on significantly that the united states now is as divided as it's never been before. it was all high hopes and big promises back in 2016 when donald trump took his place in the white house the nation was already divided by race gender class you name it and the country needed a hero now it's time for america to find the wounds of division have to get together. republicans and democrats and independents across this nation
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i say it is time for us to come together as one united people turned out trump never came to be that night in shining armor. 20 twentieth's presidential election seasons looked more like an all out war on the streets more than anything mishandling of the pandemic response and the economic crisis but most significant was the brutal killing of george floyd that sparked outrage across the nation and even calls to de-fund the police altogether. and instead of trying to unite people america's dividing lines became part of both parties political strategies on the one hand biden on the democrats sold themselves
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as allies of the so-called peaceful protests which let's be honest were not so peaceful protests in this. peacefully protest. not a bad way to dip your toes into the more radical left and black voter pools but on the other hand you have trump who decided to play the tough guy calling anti racism protesters vandals and anarchists trump sent federal troops to put down uprisings in cities a move that won support from a number of police unions and people who didn't want to see their white picket fence neighborhoods ruined now the law and order doctrine also embolden some of trump's more radical supporters so that seeing armed right wing militias and tea
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for freely walking around the streets of american cities became a new reality and what have both candidates done to fix all this point the finger it is what it is is the raese what's going on and he doesn't want to see a lone order because he can't because he'll lose his radical left supporters proud of i wouldn't stand back and stand by but i'll tell you one of tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti fear and the left because this is. not a right there is a direct this is. about this is the radical left would you she wasn't on both sides of the political spectrum we've got armed groups white nationalists proud boys right wing militias and tea for the whole bunch so what exactly will happen when the election is over well everyone just sit down and decide to accept the results while with the wild still waiting on tenterhooks for the result europe's been reacting to the situation to now my call to discuss the response with these ali and london shot it deepens can paris. and berlin. we've
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heard from a few senior figures within the e.u. bush notably the prime minister of slovenia of all places yet is has said that he's already called it basically for donald trump and mike pence. his tweet was followed up with one from the chief spokes person of the e.u. commission who said that the democratic process was still underway yet in that there was still chances things could change but we've also heard from on the fridge verba who's one of the most senior peas in the european parliament saying that we should look here in europe towards the united states and if we don't sort out our problems in the e.u. we could end up as divided as america while you're sick but the e.u. high representative for foreign affairs has been keeping it as diplomatic as you would expect from the e.u. top diplomat that's been pretty much the message as well for mayor in germany from one of the country's main tabloid newspapers good look mr president whoever it is
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on the front page of build saying that this was the most important 'd vote in the world right now that was going on what we've heard from senior figures though here in berlin from angela merkel's cabinet is that whoever is in charge of the united states following this election the problems that are in existence between berlin and washington they aren't going to go anywhere. like the german government and defense ministry we have to deal with any reality on the ground in the u.s. regardless of who gets to point the administration's points about the need for more german and european defense spending north stream to relations with russia have also been brought up by the democrats the time is different but in principle the demands are just as tough from that party try it to the presidency germany have been one of the united states' closest allies politically economically and
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strategically some of those issues have been spawned in the new. way. with berlin in washington it polar opposites when it comes to nato spending trump isn't the 1st president to tell germany that it leads to contribute more but he's the 1st one to do it so publicly and so often when it comes to north stream to a pipeline bringing gas from russia directly into germany well trying to say it's a new start everything you can to try and shut that down including putting in place sanctions against german entities involved in it something that would have been on thinkable in the past then it's the relationship between donald trump and chancellor angela merkel it clearly well it's clear they don't get on a lot of senior figures in germany in berlin in the political sphere. a bite in presidency not because the problems would go away but because donald trump has demonstrated time and time again he's willing to air the dirty laundry in public
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that perhaps would be done behind closed doors under a by presidency. the u.k. has this special relationship is it keeps a with the united states what it said given that the election is hanging in the balance in the united states so-called special relationship between the former imperial power of the u.k. and the. sun if you will the united states and that's what was called in by winston churchill many years ago and it has survived and downs in the relationship recent years perhaps some strains creeping in on the donald trump you've seen differences on things like the 5 g. system here in the u.k. with trump pressuring the u.k. to lessen or completely kick out chinese influence in the 5 g. system differences with regards to the iran deal and perhaps all of those reasons why the foreign secretary told me that rob was somewhat circumspect saying that it's not really important who the president is because he believes that special
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relationship will overcome any ups and downs. depending on who's in the white house there are always slightly different contours of the opportunities and the relationship but. very confident the bedrock ties all security cooperation and shared values will mean that the friendship the strength of economic ties cultural ties the shared interests i'm very confident that the relationship will go from strength to strength all of these don't exist in a vacuum the united kingdom itself is really cling to wars and no deal brags the coronavirus because when. enough as it is the u.k. were banking on a trade deal between the u.k. and usa but we've seen previous democratic president barack obama saying that the u.s. is priorities would be a trade deal with a big block like the e.u. the u.k. would be to the back of the line remains to be seen whether by the words take a similar stance to that of his democratic colleague but then on the other hand you
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have donald trump saying that he does want to strike a trade deal with the united kingdom but at what cost there are many here in the u.k. that fear that any trade deal would mean essentially the asset stripping of the united kingdom and selling off public assets and utilities like the national health service the n.h.s. many people here watching those election results very closely to see what it means for the future of the united kingdom behaving pretty much diplomatic responses with the election hanging in the balance is that the story too in france president mark owen has been incredibly tight lipped on twitter in regards to this election but we did have one slip from the minister of the economy he's tweeted in the last few hours that what ever happens in the united states states europe must strengthen politically and economically in the face of not just the united states but also china so a sense that regardless of the outcome over the election over the other side of the
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atlantic france in europe will be more. when president michael was elected here back in 2017 trump was already in office in the u.s. he invited trump to come and spend basti day here in france and it did seem as if the choose genuinely go sold with each other but that quickly soured and they have been big problems in the relations over the last few years let's start off with the paris climate accord president trump said he was going to leave the paris climate accord which might present michael was very unhappy about there was also the iranian nuclear deal which again trump said he was going to leave now president mark owen was trying desperately to keep that to rein in nuclear cool life there's also been the trade rules between the countries the u.s. has hit products in europe including french products such as wine and cheese with these massive taxes europe is looking at retaliatory taxes for that but it is
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holding on holding on until there's a result of this election to see who they might be dealing with in regards to that trump is the winner of this election we can expect that there will be a bumpy ride over the next he is now if boyden is the winner of this election perhaps doesn't change too much over some of the issues but biden has been clear that he would take the u.s. back into the paris climate accord the suggestion that he might go back to the table over the iranian nuclear deal and as i said the e.u. is holding off on those retaliatory tariffs because they think if it's a poison presidency they might be able to open those negotiations and smooth over the issues but let's be clear if boyden is the winner he is going to have a lot to deal with on his plate domestically so regardless of whether this is a trump or a poison when of course the administration here in france will work with that new administration in the u.s. but it doesn't seem like it's going to be easy sailing. well there's certainly lots
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to discuss so let's bring in our political analyst gideon levy and jordan william luton he's a former member of the missouri state senate welcome to the program thanks for coming and speaking to us john i'll start with you trump is now claiming fraud in michigan in your opinion how much truth to these claims. if democrats aren't stealing they're trying. going back to kennedy and they flipped cook county illinois flipped illinois and elected president kennedy in 1960 they've been flipping elections. americans are used to going to bed with one result and waking up with another as these activities go on overnight so the assertion that there is criminal activity in detroit is always a pretty safe assertion so yes we're definitely looking into the vote fraud the
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stakes are incredibly high and we won every every americans vote counted but not counted more than once and get in what's your response do you think this is trump essentially trying to backtrack on a potential loss trying to save face or do you think there's at least a possibility that these claims are true. it's very hard to judge from here it's very hard to know what's the truth but until you know we have no evidence. those charges those claims have any kind of fake sure the basis i mean he just threw it. where the evidence is. and until i'm just picking up on something i mean this is not wholly on top to territory in the sense that we could we're seeing some echoes of of course the highly contested 2000 elections when al gore's campaign requested recount one of
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florida's counties in what would you see as the key state that potentially trump would want to see some challenge to. well definitely wisconsin's going to be a big one challenges in wisconsin but also michigan and potentially pennsylvania and really nevada you could add nevada and arizona both those are very much in play this this whole idea of mail in ballots on a massive scale just created all kinds of additional opportunities for for foul play and so we're going to have new legal grounds of when is a mailed in ballot a qualified ballot does it have a signature we're seeing efforts to open ballots and process them even though they don't have signatures that's a clear violation you can't do that anybody can take a stack of ballots and fill them out with no signatures and stick them in
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a box and they get counted that so the signatures always been a strong standard to prevent fraud and the fact that we have ballots being counted without signatures tells you what you need to know and the problem is the fraud as always and democrat stronghold counties where the prosecutors are also democrats so that's why a lot of times you just don't see these they've gotten away with the fraud and the democrat prosecutor who benefited from the fraud doesn't take up the case not getting both candidates have said that they are willing to go all the way all the way to the supremes court if they need to to resolve this issue. what do you think who would you say would have a better chance in winning that i would for example trumps recent confirmation of a justice barrett play any role would that be in his favor. i seeing the 1st full relief to new kid there is because if there will be
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a very new majority in which student might be the carries i mean it's not going to be a you. victory but the. difference is in a. magnificent i see. we've come to a moment in which nobody would go to cause. trouble to meet. he's losin the victory of by we have to wait for the coming hours to see how big is the difference according to karl rove the votes and only then would be very very tied up then i see you can get and then you know the supreme court will go forward i think states is today a very very. specifically we have a very conservative supreme court but until then i mean not to put too fine a point in it but is the u.s.
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on the cusp of a constitutional crisis. i'm not sure we're at the constitutional crisis point yet but understand the way the process works in the united states you have state laws and that the elections officials are supposed to be following with some some guidelines from federal obviously things like you can't require poll taxes or you know you can't intimidate people for not voting so the courts are going to be taking these things up on a case by case basis were were the local election officials violating their state law by counting ballots that didn't have signatures on them the danger here is that what happens is in a practical sense you have a room full of ballots and once you've taken the envelope and thrown it away that didn't have a signature on it and you've called mingled that ballot in with valid ballots it's
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hard to find that ballot later it's not like they all have a barcode and they're all tracked. in every jurisdiction so the danger right now is that ballots are being called mingled that shouldn't be counted but that's where the battles are going to happen it's going to happen on a case by case basis did they violate the law and if they did violate the law their supreme court should order a new election. getting a new memory can you remember a u.s. election that is quite. sort of hall and you know everyone there's so much tension everyone's eyes all over the wild affixed on their screens it's really quite i mean it's quite sensational is there a fear that the u.s. society is becoming so polarized that it's only as a point of no return here. no because the united states never had a president like go around for the good and mainly for the bid. evokes
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a lot of emotions by. big. very big. enemies who think that he's a catastrophe. when you have a candidate like going to try you can compare it to any other candidate before a president like going to compare him to any other president in the studio over the united states and therefore so we have no facing this situation in which. there is an atmosphere of a crisis in there but you see again we have to wait. from raju until now there are no roads i don't see that these must be excluded but may be more peaceful than waiting until you want to see if i'm not mistaken or based in florida at the moment now florida of the sea is a swing state.
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