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tv   News  RT  November 4, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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it's a nail biting post election day in the us as team biden claims victory is in the sights while donald trump accuses the democrats of. the pot. state count could potentially drag on for days or even especially threatening to take to the supreme court. so we'll be going to the u.s. supreme court we want to. hear repaired for any efforts republicans make in any court and. the. president.
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hello welcome visitor international live from moscow this november 4th and it is november 4th so we've got to talk about the election and how the fate of the u.s. presidency rests in the hands of hof a dozen states still counting votes right now at the moment results in the balance and could still go all the way our president. is ahead of donald trump in the race the white house but still doesn't have enough to be handed the keys and socked one of the states we're talking about is in michigan and there's just news coming in from the campaign munch of the campaign has filed a lawsuit in that state to hold counting of the ballots until quote meaningful access granted will get a more not a bit later on but for the moment let's go to the bullpen who is in vogue i mean again so much information coming in nothing really concrete yet still both teams
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trying to go for it team biden says victory is almost that trump wants a recount or as we just heard in michigan a whole taking the count what's happening here. well at this point there is no clear winner it is contested as we're waiting for results from a number of key states these key states will determine the outcome at this point michigan and wisconsin you know the count is almost completed in both of those states but it appears that biden is pretty strongly ahead now we also understand that there are roughly $200000.00 votes remaining in georgia and that the results in georgia you know could also be pretty soon upon us and available now at this point trump seems to be ahead in georgia but many are looking at where potentially these remaining $200000.00 votes are from if they're from an area that is
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a stronghold of the democratic party etc we now have donald trump on social media saying that he smells the possibility of fraud this is what donald trump tweeted out he said last night i was leading off and solidly in many key states in almost every instance democrat run and controlled then one by one they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted very strange and the pollsters got it completely and historically wrong how come every time they count mail in ballot dumps they are devastating in their percentage and power of destruction now that was donald trump has also raised concerns about the potential of the vote in pennsylvania and its results being impacted 'd and at this point but this point twitter has labeled a number of donald trump's tweets in the past few hours as disputed and might be misleading about an election or civic matter and in order to view the president's tweets one has to click on them there's like
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a disclaimer that shows up on the twitter page of the president you have to click on the disclaimer in order to see the tweets they're being suppressed not showing up in people's feeds etc. now at this point we've got the biden campaign raising money for what they call the biggest ally. action protection effort ever and they are raising money because they feel that donald trump is going to try to prove vent votes for biden from being counted that is their argument now all eyes are on pennsylvania right now because pennsylvania is a state where the delay has been established in the counting of the votes due to the fact that federal courts have ordered the postal facilities where mail in ballots are being sent and processed to be inspected so we're not expecting any results from pennsylvania until at least thursday similar delays in the state of nevada but at this point there is a lot of outrage from the trump camp there is there is calls for recounts not just
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in michigan but also in wisconsin there is concerns from the president expressed about about pennsylvania where he argues he has a strong lead but the you know postal ballots he's arguing that there's some kind of some kind of fraud going on or some potential for foul play and he's concerned about pennsylvania meanwhile many people in the democratic camp are saying that if this is simply what they predicted this is the mail in votes that have been cast coming in they urged people to wait for the results and not allow donald trump to declare victory so there is a lot of contention now about what these results mean we do not have official results from a number of states we have people around the country saying different things it's a contested vote and many people are watching and waiting as votes are being counted there's calls for a recount there's calls for stopping votes until proper access is secured there's a lot of conflicting reports and a lot of concerns here it's pretty clear that that the 2 campaigns do not see eye
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to eye about these results and donald trump as we heard is raising the specter of taking this to court so when we will actually have the results of when we will know who will be president for the next 4. yours is not exactly clear many people predicted that the day after the election we wouldn't know and it is the day after the election and we do not know who will be the next president of the united states such a rocky couple of months with those riots and then now this it looks like the uncertainty is not going to be resolved anytime soon that was caleb maupin reporting from new york with the latest many thanks. when i don't know tom nor joe biden seem to be willing to concede on accusations of voter fraud and threats to take them out to to the supremes court only placing fog the stress on the already existing divisions in american society i discuss the current political climate without a tease. well that they're claiming that they would get with an election this close
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with an election this close well where you've got to wait until the final hours to see who voted for whom who is actually leading you need to set a precedent d.d. to create fear or need to make noise to make sure that when it comes when it comes to time for a recount perhaps or a challenge to the supreme court you can say that over remember i was shouting about this or i was i was screaming about voter fraud there was this was unfair so it's all about sitting in creating a precedent this is not this is an ugly campaign the situation the streets in america is ugly people are completely divided and it's a 2 cabs and this wasn't a blowout the polls indicate after all this was a much cusa election suggesting that there's still a lot of americans while everything that the united states has been through this year that support trouble and they're all be asleep good to be very unhappy if
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there's a beauty president in the white house so now trump has created all this noise shouting and screaming about the fraud and you know illegal activities and errors in boot calends if you had him tweeting about 128000 boots magically appearing provide 1st of all it's worth saying balance that is likely to work within the era . immediately sense of the comment but it but it's everywhere now and this is this is being from stack you know if you create new ways then in the future you'll be able to point out that this was you know trouble point and here we have a situation in which there's all sorts of crises in every state as you know something that either side is on happy with and now they're claiming that they're going to go to the supreme court we want. to be used in a proper manner so we'll be going to the u.s. supreme court we want all voting just. we don't want them to find any
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ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning and that's the list. so you're prepared for any effort republicans make in any court in any of the states to advance the surgery. last night where there was such a mixed reaction to trump's speech at 2 am that when you came out all smiles but saying this is far from over and it's not the blue wave as many we're protecting as you're quite right and sad but i mean still a lot of people thought you know what pre-election this is just a lot of people saying all that we're going to fight about but they didn't maybe expect it to actually get to this point are we surprised that actually got to a point of 2 presidential candidates saying we're going to go to court well 2020 and all that of course there was a new put it this is the worst case scenario if one of them had more than a blue at the polls indicated you know it would be far it would be in sort to be
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a new president the other would be forced to concede the clues are these the mall worst case scenario it is because there's no room to contest the election i mean there were 50 o.s.c. observers for the entirety of the united states though there was no you know there's no outside 'd observers who you could then ask. people who have you new bikes neutral who you could ask is this fair with business for i mean some of these allegations if this election was in ukraine or in russia that be shouting and screaming about how unfair and unfree it was here it's completely different the mail in ballots as well the early voting it all skewed the balance of what was expected and what wasn't with with the with the letters being counted obviously they favor biden because he had called it as worthless malin rather than a ted with trumpet it was the opposite and with different states having different regulations you know different vote counting mechanisms and procedures it's just
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all sort of confusing to the point where you can say anything which is what both candidates have been saying you know you like. and you can tell the people he would anything you want you will support they'll support you just because of the color of the of a hat you've got on your head other supporters you to the full stabbings and from the white house to the wideouts to the i mean people taking out their disagreements says icky oh mon another i mean this is this is the president and he just goosed issue how cool rise to the now divided the united states is more so than at any point in living memory and this is something that the dog has reported on significantly that the united states now is as divided as it's never been before. it was all high hopes and big promises back in 2016 when donald trump took his
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place in the white house the nation was already divided by race gender class you name it and the country needed a hero now it's time for america get behind a division have to get together. republicans and democrats and independents across this nation i say it is time for us to come together as one united people turned out trump never came to be that night in shining armor. 20 twentieth's presidential election seasons looks more like an all out war on the streets more than anything mishandling of the pandemic response and the economic crisis but most significant was the brutal killing of george floyd that sparked
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outrage across the nation and even calls to de-fund the police all together. and instead of trying to unite people america's divide. lines became part of both parties political strategies on the one hand biden then the democrats sold themselves as allies of the so-called peaceful protests what's let's be honest we're not so peaceful promised in this instance peacefully protests. not a bad way to dip your toes into the more radical left and black voter pools but on the other hand you have trump who decided to play the tough guy calling anti racism protesters vandals and anarchists trump sent federal troops to put down uprisings
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in cities a move that won support from a number of police unions and people who didn't want to see their white picket fence neighborhoods ruined now the law and order doctrine also embolden some of trump's more radical supporters so that seeing armed right wing militia is an entity for freely walking around the streets of american cities became a new reality and what have both candidates done to fix all this point the finger it is what it is is a rasie what's going on and he doesn't want to see a lone order because he can't because he'll lose his radical left supporters proud of who is stand back and stand by but i'll tell you what i'll tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti fair and the left because this is not a right as we move them is there is a direct this is a government where it's about us is the radical left would you she wasn't on both sides of the political spectrum we've got armed groups white nationalists proud boys right wing militias and tea for the whole bunch so what exactly will happen
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when the election is over weld everyone just sit down and decide to accept the results. well the elections in 200-2016 demonstrated the number of states accountant wins matters more than the popular vote and both cases the one most support overrule and not settle down to the electoral college system which the country uses let's take a look at how that works. what i want to jump into the pros in the cons of the current system with me i've got was
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benedict from the libertarian party and how we all can from the us green party but if you are very welcome good to see you. before we sort of go into the details i want to toss to how we. let's talk about the policies currently in play out not the republicans and democrats but parties what political leverage does your party or indeed the libertarians have when it comes to u.s. politics. well i think the most leverage we have is in local elections we can do green cory's one about a 3rd of the elections we've run and we can build the base they are build that to state level in the house of representatives and then we can add being impact on national politics it just point running for president was about to get enough votes to have balance in the states now we did have issues unfortunately this election was basically trumped versus not trump it's about trust personality not the issues
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we're concerned about like the climate meltdown growing inequality and these endless wars and deployment of nuclear weapons. and was i want to ask you i mean the libertarian candidate joe you've been since he's listed as a county and all 50 states do you envisage a few to why i thought parts of town today that cannot see have a considerable influence on who decides the president. well with their election results so closely divided $48.00 or 49 percent for each the one percent that libertarians get. does play a significant role i don't know if libertarians or other 3rd parties or over will ever consistently get a high in a vote to win a national election but here's how libertarians and greens and others do affect the outcome. there are over a 1000000 people a 1000000 libertarians that voted for the libertarian candidate and during the
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selection process republicans and democrats were always both contacting us saying why are you going to vote libertarian instead of republican or democrat and that gives us the opportunity to point out how we're not voting republican because you guys say you're for smaller government but you increase spending you in keep creased taxes you increase the debt and we tell democrats you say you are for protecting civil liberties and for ending the wars but when your guys are in charge you keep those wars in the middle east going and you keep the patriot act spying on americans so maybe not when elections but impacting policy debates and reaching out to voters is what we do how it's want to pick up on something that was to sadly he said you know we're talking about a single percent support for thought parts of town to that's right it's kind of spent quite even $48.00 points night for the republicans and democrats so it's almost sad to say that that the republicans the democrats at this point represent
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the will of the majority of americans do you think that as now you disagree with a lot absolutely you look at public opinion polls majority of americans want a green new deal which is what the green party is for to deal with the climate crisis get the economy going again majority of americans want medicare for all in both the democrats and republicans oppose those policies the problem is our electoral system. we have a lot of who are already winners single member districts when you take all system which encourages people to vote for the lesser evil the most people are voting against the other major party rather than for their own party so i think if we can change the electoral system replace the electoral college with a national popular vote using right choice voting for presidential elections i think the greens will move way open in the vote we get was do you agree that there needs to be a reform to the electoral college system and if that reform would do you agree with
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how that would it would be a a national popular vote. well the reform that libertarians would like to see is more in congress where if we have proportional representation based on the number of votes your party gets that would allow us to win some seats in congress there are other alternatives such as rank choice voting or approval voting that libertarians may support but i wouldn't say they're going to be magic bullets that would change the outcomes dramatically and i think it goes back currently the state in the us is kind of how how it harkens mentioned it's people for trump and people who hate trump that's what they're voting about and they're there strategically choosing one of the major parties it's not that they necessarily agree with the platforms of those parties and i just want to also because i was speaking to
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a guest of ours yesterday soon describes what's going on as a cartel of the republicans and democrats what's the what the he is when it comes to presidential elections how do we end up in a situation where it is just 2 parties inside outside of voices i just pushed to the friends. well the money behind these parties like 7 a 2 party system where they bet on both parties no matter who wins they have friends in high places so i think that's the dynamic here you have a 2 party system both of which are funded by the wealthy special interests so they get the audi tension we have debates sponsored by what's called the commission on presidential debates which sounds like a government agency in fact as a private corporation the 2 parties control. i don't think that's right it's not the way to really open up the political system is a good proportional representation you can use rank choice voting for multi-member
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districts to do that there's actually legislation in congress and that's something else we need bush. and was there is a lot of white hudson criticism voting for a party actually can create problems more problems and build and just wason the division because that essentially is stealing quote you know folks from parties that would actually when for example the republicans or the democrats in this particular case why it is so close in those states that was saying you know sometimes even less than a percentage point how do you react to people who say that. i tell them if i had to choose we want to any one of the major parties i would flip a coin because i equally dislike both of them. the difference between the republicans and democrats is mostly about personality and style when it comes to the substance of the issues they're both for the deficit spending they're both for
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spending and taxing too much they're both for continuing the wars and those are things that libertarians oppose and even grains oppose some of that stuff as well so. i i actually like it when the republicans and democrats get mad at libertarians because it causes them to focus on us and it gives us an opportunity to say hey here's why you guys are wrong and here's why we won't vote for you this is what we stand for and sometimes republicans and democrats do adopt the issues that 3rd parties push the war on drugs is one example libertarians were laughed adding greens as well 30 years ago and even 10 years ago for a say in less decriminalize drugs and legalized marijuana now both major parties have started to adopt those policies to some degree and they are passing at the state level so yeah i focus on libertarians and grains hate us listen to us learn in adjust your major party policies how elephants also i mean generally i
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think want to run the wild with a lot of apathy when it comes to people coming paul that they think that vote doesn't count and a new ass as well you say it's around 50 to 60 percent this this election cycles of support many more people out what do you think can be done to booth and encourage people to take to the polls. well we need real political parties that actually have members i mean what we have now are 2 major parties you tell the state which party you're in in order to vote in a primary there's no local organization no local chapter the party no i don't agree to a set of principles and big boost to the party the joining you just tell the state which party you mean so the electorate is adam eyes and disconnected from the political process or any way to get in gauged in politics at the grassroots level
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so i think you know the role for the green party is to build their grassroots party structure because even in this election of the largest group of voters where those who didn't vote out a 3rd of the population it's going to be roughly one 3rd patrol one 3rd provider and one 3rd didn't come out those are the people we can engage by having a real party structure of the grassroots and was i won south king it does also regarding electoral college there's also the possibility of a right to go all faithless electors right who could give a vote to a candidate who didn't when they elected state do you see that as a pro or con. it's a con one time this is a relic of the constitution going back to the 1700s when they didn't want to direct election to the president you know most people think their vote for president when they're actually vote for electors and in a state legislature can say you lost the popular or you want to probably go well
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we're going to send the other guy's electors to the elective pilots anyway that's all constitutional not any such a marriage yeah why's what about you. in fact in 1972 there was an instance i think it was 72 where a republican delegate actually cast their vote in the electoral college for the libertarian candidate course that had no impact and it's never happened on a significant scale. here in the us we elect our governors by popular vote i think if the nash if the nation switched to a national popular vote it wouldn't be that dramatic a change in how things work here i know the 2 parties do argue and yell about whether it'll help one or help the other and who it helps just a tiny bit can change over the years so i think we we we could go to
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a national popular vote and that would just simplify things a little but i don't see it making a big difference. and how the i find it's want to ask you how do would you characterize select said do you see it as a failure of the 2 party system do you see it as a failure of donald trump do you see the democrats as i mean that fighting really small margins now is do they not put forward to good enough candidate who could just you know how this blue wave that are almost sort of saying and one twits what would happen. all of the above this was about trump trump tweets or says something as he's on his way out to his helicopter outrages the corporate media and the democrats and that's all they talk about he set the agenda the whole time so it's about whether you like the truck or not the issues were not discussed and it was the most back you list that he was issue this campaign i've ever seen in from our point of view where it is pretty issues we've got real problems and we
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need real solutions and they were not the steps and are not being offered by the 2 major parties and just a final thought from you was i want to ask you. whether any surprises that came out of this election for you i mean we knew that it wasn't going to be easy i think everyone's become quite skeptical of polls off the 2016 a lot of people suffer a bit of p.t.s.d. i think but some it was that anything that really stood out for you as a as a big moment in the night. well libertarians did about as expected and as usual i obviously hoped we would have had a breakout year and in something big i'd say the biggest surprise to me was the same as 2016 all the media and polls were saying in biden the democrat was going to easily win a trump was definitely going to lose and i just thought this time around and in so many other people thought surely the polls can all be wrong again and the press can
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all be ken and sure enough they were totally wrong estimating 8 to 10 percent popular vote victory by biden and should note it came to be within a percent or 2 so i'd say that's the big surprises yes they're all wrong again while. one eye doesn't look like the surprises are going to end any time syrian the still so much that we could see both of you thanks so much for taking the time to speak to us i was was benedict from the libertarian party and how we call kinsfolk the us green party have a great day thank you well let's cross now live to the u.s. capitol washington d.c. and to our teens rachael blevins the great seal is being quite a friend of the interesting last 1224 hours we had that donald trump has filed a lawsuit to hold about 13 count and michigan and is also demanding a recount in wisconsin you know these are the states obviously what joe biden has essentially claim victory and trump's lawyer richard yani is on his way to
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philadelphia after reports of muscle violations at this point what would it take for the either of these parties to win. well tensions are certainly high here right now as we continue to hear too close to call over some of the most serious battleground states in the country and when we look at projections this morning we keep seeing those numbers change now the latest projections are specifically looking at the battleground states of wisconsin michigan and pennsylvania as of right now it looks like wisconsin and michigan could go towards biden if he gets the states then that's us him up for getting to exactly 270 electoral votes which is what he needs to win the presidency now on trump's hand it looks like he could take pennsylvania which is a big win but with the current projections it looks like he may only get to 268 electoral votes which is just shy of the all too important to 70 so of course right now when you're.


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