tv News RT November 5, 2020 10:00am-10:31am EST
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i. will say it's called to stop the ballot count and the allegations of fraud send angry crowds on to the streets that's how the 2020 us presidential election is going so far well joe biden is creeping ever closer to the doors of the white house although he's not through them yet 4 battleground states it's still not being called leaving the final result hanging and also to come away from the democrats and republicans we do discuss the lack of real alternative choices to the big with the libertarians and the green. i don't know if libertarians or other 3rd parties or it will ever consistently get high enough to win a national election we have the only winner's single member district when you take
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all system. which encourages people to vote for the list read. aloud i get even you're watching r.t. international issues come 6 o'clock here in moscow while in the united states counting has resumed in king states to decide the u.s. presidential election. well 2 days on from the election america is still no closer to knowing who will be handed the keys to the white house everything now does hang on the key swing states yet to declare and tense atmosphere surrounding the vote counting has been playing out into the street.
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a majority in the. team 6 electors which is enough to put him in the white house 4 more years of donald trump incumbent president would have to win all 5 states where the result is not yet clear and is currently ahead in 4 of them exploding barter over there although nothing is certain the odds are stacked in biden's by. what we can focus a bit more now on because you can see it so incredibly tight there with 14 percent still to be counted that is being done right now and we do expect an official update in about an hour's time. ok let's go over to the united states now and get more there with kelly and he's been following the election closely for us from nevada callup what's the situation looking like then in the other case. well the voting is
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still are i'm sorry the counting of the votes is still continuing in those states as we discuss now arizona had long been considered to be called for biden but now it is now being considered to be an undecided state as the vote counting continues in arizona meanwhile pennsylvania's votes are continuing to be counted as are north carolina and georgia and now north carolina is not expecting to give results for another week there are only about $50000.00 ballots left in the state of georgia to be counted and in pennsylvania the vote is can to the vote counting is continuing despite calls and a lawsuit filed by the white house to stop the vote counting and donald trump tweeting out stop the count the vote counting is continuing now essentially right now the white house sees their possible road to victory as donald trump winning the states of pennsylvania georgia and north carolina if he can secure
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a win in those 3 states and he seems to will at that point he will be victorious however if in any of those states trumps narrow lead is able to be overturned as the vote counting continues if in any of those states he does not win then it will probably at that point it will go to joe biden so the vote counting is continuing now interestingly now donald trump continues to raise his concerns now he tweeted out stop the count. and he has also tweeted out concerns about how the vote counting was carried out in michigan michigan was called for biden but now he has he has tweeted out concerns about you know about the way the vote counting was conducted donald trump also shared a news item saying that he wants the pennsylvania attorney general the pennsylvania attorney general to step down sharing this item and expressing concerns their supporters around the country. continue to raise calls for the vote to vote
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counting to stop essentially because they argue that there is a lack of transparency on the other hand the message of the biden camp is to let every vote be counted they are have been raising funds for the what they call the the greatest protection effort in history and it seems like all eyes are on these states where the counting continues the fact that arizona was pretty much considered to be for biden and then now is considered to be undecided that was a pretty big loss for the biden camp but as the vote counting continues in philadelphia and in north carolina and in georgia it is clear that trump's lead in those states is narrowing but will the the new votes that are being counted be enough to actually switch donald trump into into 2nd place or not that that remains the question as ballots are being counted you know as i mean it was widely anticipated that the u.s.
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election results would not come immediately it wouldn't be a normal election where people got the results the next day and it is now 2 days later we still do not know who the winner of the presidential election will be now the biden camp seems to argue pretty strongly that they are on the road to it when they're saying just count the votes and they're pretty sure that if all the votes are counted they will have won the trump camp on the other hand argues that they have won and they're you know you know trying to stop the count arguing that there is some kind of lack of transparency or some kind of nefarious activity going on so all eyes are on the states where the vote counting seems to continue the call you know in the lawsuit filed by the trump campaign to attempt to stop the vote counting in pennsylvania does not seem to be upheld by the courts and the counting is continuing in pennsylvania despite the president's call so at this point a lot of people are just watching and waiting to see what will happen next we still don't have the results in the u.s. presidential election yank just wanted to us we do expect some sort of update from
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the vote think in the next hour or so. when could we expect more from the of the case they. well that is what people have been wondering since since the election election day they have been wondering how soon announcements could come north carolina is not expected to give results until possibly next week meanwhile our people are hoping that pennsylvania's results will come rather soon the same with the state of georgia only 50000 ballots roughly remain in the state of georgia to be counted so at this point people are watching and waiting but with different narratives coming from both campaigns with the trump campaign raising the specter of nefarious activity we've seen what donald trump has tweeted out there could be possible legal challenges possible recounts so it may be quite a while before we have the official results are in officially you know one candidate is considered to be the winner but it could be that results just come in very
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quickly and it's over we still have to wait just wait and see that's what a lot of americans have been reminding themselves over the last couple days just wait and see you know we just go to chris to bill will have a. kind of open for us in the united states. now the trump campaign is we mentioned there has filed lawsuits in pennsylvania michigan and georgia demanding that absentee ballots which arrived after the election day itself should not be included the president has questioned by a ballot dumps that were counted last which biden into the lead in both wisconsin and michigan from supporters would be rallying outside the election center since we can say demanding those votes shouldn't be counted while democrats have taken to the streets proclaiming every ballot does that. right i i i.
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i. i. so with nor suits already filed and other legal challenges likely see even if the victor is declared today seems many to aren't going to accept the result for some time with more his trunk. democratic candidate joe biden is very close to that threshold but the winner has not been announced so more than a day after polling stations closed the country still doesn't have a president elect what the nation has instead are protests some of them are angry and violent also lawsuits and also a feeling of a flawed system so protests have broken out in different corners of the nation the
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left side is chanting pretty much make sure that every vote counts while the pro crum supporters are screaming stop the count what is this if not an indication of a lack of trust for the electoral system i could remind you that before the november votes donald trump called on his supporters to vote in person and warned that there could be potential fraud with absentee and mailed in the votes and at this point the trump camp is saying that they have the ground to bring this to court in fact they've already filed several lawsuits they say they have proof of fraud including secret the dump ballots will be going to the u.s. supreme court we want to whoa voting just. we don't want them to find any ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning in them to the list. not
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a single republican has been able to look at any one of these mail ballots they could be from mars as far as we're concerned or they could be from the democratic national committee joe biden could have voted 50 times as far as we know with 5000 times the ballots could be from camden. philadelphia unfortunately and say this about my own city has a reputation for voter fraud in georgia they filed a lawsuit and the aim of that is to make sure all the absentee and mail. the ballots that were handed in past the election day deadline are rejected several lawsuits were also followed in the states of pennsylvania and michigan and their claim from the republican is that the counting wasn't transparent enough and this explains why the program supporters are chanting stop the cal like here in detroit but. beyond the.
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yahoo. yahoo yahoo to. if you listen to the speeches that we heard from both candidates pretty much their message was that they had already 'd won the message was very close to that perhaps it was way too soon for donald trump to do that because the numbers aren't looking good for him at all however the late as speech by democratic candidate joe biden once again i'm going to say that he already sounded like he'd already become president he called on the nation to unite once this election is finalized and behind us it will be time for us to do what we've always done as americans to put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us to lower the temperature to see each other again to listen to one another tweet to hear
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each other again respecting the care for one another to unite to heal. come together as a nation so mr biden is calling on the nation to get together to unite which is in stark contrast to what we were hearing from the democrats ahead of the poll when they pretty much called all donald trump supporters and we see some very nasty things were said however it doesn't look like the nation is uniting with all the protests some of them are violent with both sides but at this point especially donald trump sides being ready to take the cases to court and also like i said again it's not been decided yet it looks like some of the results we're not going to hear until the next few days so watch this space. there were
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despite the legal action being taken several election commissions in america do insist that every ballot that was valid was counted and accurately reported international observers have also said that the vote did go according to the law and have slammed the president from allegations of fraud saying it damages public trust in democratic institutions. the editorial director of the american institute for economic research jeffrey albert does believe that biden wins half of americans won't consider him the president my read of the situation on the ground is that. probably for more of republicans think this whole entire voting apparatus is rigged if biden ekes out this little this time in victory with a couple of states the swing swing states where there are some suspicious ballots biden comes becomes president with with almost you know with very little the gentleman say and certainly no serious consensus so there will be no
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mandate for biden and this will last for 4 years which is very interesting situation politically for for the united states especially since the democrats failed to turn up for that for the house the house they lost apparently 5 seats and the 7 senate is complete control the g.o.p. not to mention that the supreme court is already a done deal so biden becomes a bit lame duck for 4 years where. the american public will consider him to be a fake president i don't think that a lot of the people that are dedicated to trumpet have worked so hard for his reelection including the you know hundreds of thousands of moves people have turned out to israel as of last month are ready to let this go and so there is can be a lot of screaming and gnashing of teeth over the next. $30.00 to $60.00 days all leading up to the to the end of the year absolutely so. just say magic words that
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everybody recognize me as president let's go back to our normal lives be peaceful i don't think there's any chance that. well in both $22016.00 the losers actually won the popular vote and that is down to the country's electoral college system. my colleague saskia taylor spoke with representatives from america's 3rd parties that have a tear in the greens on whether the current 2 party domination actually gives
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americans any real alternatives. the one percent that libertarians get. does play a significant role i don't know if libertarians or other 3rd parties are or will ever consistently get high enough to win a national election maybe not win in elections but impacting policy debates and reaching out to voters is what we do how it's want to pick up on something that was just said to him he said you know we're talking about a single percent support for thought party town today that's right it's kind of spread quite even 4849 for the republicans and democrats so it's almost sad to say that the republicans or democrats at this point represent the will of the majority of americans do you think that as you know you disagree with that absolutely when you look at public opinion polls majority of americans want a green new deal which is what the green party is for to deal with the climate crisis get the economy going again majority of americans want medicare for all and
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both the democrats and republicans oppose those policies the problem is that our electoral system. we have through all the winner's single member districts when you take all system. which encourages people to vote for the lesser evil there most people are voting against the other major party rather than for their own party so i think if we can change the electoral system in place the electoral college with a national popular vote used the right choice voting for presidential elections. i think the greens will move way up and in the boat we get currently the state in the us is kind of how how it hearkens mentioned it's people for trump and people who hate trump that's what they're voting about and they're there strategically choosing one of the major parties is not that they necessarily agree with the platforms of those parties and was that there is a lot of what hudson criticism saying for
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a party actually can create problems more problems and build and just wason the device and because that essential steaming quote you know folks from parties that would actually when for example the republicans or the democrats in this particular case why it is so close and those states that were saying yes sometimes even less than a percentage point how would you react to people who say that if i had to choose we want $21.00 of the major parties i would flip a coin because i equally dislike both of them. the difference between the republicans and democrats is mostly about personality and style when it comes to the substance of the issues they're both for the deficit spending they're both for spending and taxing too much they're both for continuing the wars and those are things that libertarians oppose and even graines oppose some of that stuff as well so i actually like it when the republicans and democrats get mad at libertarians
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because it causes them to focus on us and it gives us an opportunity to say hey here's why you guys are wrong and here's why we won't vote for you this is what we stand for what we need real political parties that actually have members i mean what we have now are 2 major parties you tell the state which party you're in in order to vote in primaries there's no local organization no local chapter of the party no you don't agree to a set of principles and they do sort of party the join and you just tell the states . so you look good as i am i was disconnected from that loop grasses. ok let's go back to the election now on what's happening there because pennsylvania is still counting votes and could prove to be crucial trump did win there in 2016 reversing a long run of democrat wins aarti shahani chavez has more now on why the state's winds between the 2 parties. pennsylvania with nearly 13000000 residents is
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arguably the single most important stage of the 2020 election but in many ways the keystone state mirrors the country while its rust belt is dotted with the shuttered factories and rundown chimneys it's also a place of affluent liberal suburbs and conservative countryside reflecting a divided america i mean the devices in this sense going on in this country right now it's ridiculous and i don't care what anybody says that it is a race. and very lucky that somebody like donald trump is. my president and i can vote for him again while the northeast and the southwest corners of pennsylvania residents come from a long line of blue collar workers like old coal mines and steel industries the state's eastern and western borders hold the biggest population centers and a lot of industry and heartland in between and although pennsylvania is considered a blue wall state as it has a history of voting democratic that changed in 2016 when donald trump won the state
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over democratic contender hillary clinton by point 7 percent congratulations mr president but now 4 years later controversial pipeline projects have helped make fracking a political flashpoint in the debate over energy the climate crisis and the influence of big business these 2 parties are radically different and that what i think is that each party is controlled much more by its what would be the strong i guess that's extreme way you're right. both candidates focusing on pennsylvania president trump folding several rallies there trying to woo the region with promises of coal and steel jobs while insisting that joe biden what a limb in a frock it hard for barges or virtue or for your jobs bill for our care to deliver economic ruin to pennsylvania your families but you've got to be pretty clear biden who grew up in pennsylvania says he isn't calling for the immediate end to the oil industry but is pushing for ending federal. subsidies for fossil fuel companies and
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ending new permits on public land for fracking president. what will happen to the president. the people approach american. if he doesn't stand a chance as pennsylvania is the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in the united states and the 3rd largest net supplier of energy the american petroleum institute estimates its natural gas industry contributes nearly 30 $5000000000.00 to the state and combined with its oil industry it supports about $340000.00 local jobs were afraid that if the. ticket wins that the gas oil thing is going to be shot at spite of what they say ok let's have a reminder then on the walked in terms of votes so far joe biden currently has 264 legs as donald trump is 214 remember the 1st 270 that is the magic number plate the prize winning just one more state like nevada would hand picturing to
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biden while trump in order to turn the tide would have to take all the remaining battleground states like north carolina and pennsylvania. some time. so that brings you up to date with the state to play voting has resumed in the key states which could decide this election and we are expecting an update to from nevada within the next hour or so and as we said a win for biden would hand him victory but there's no certainty that that will happen we'll be back with the latest in 30 minutes.
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one else truths seemed wrong. but old quotes just don't call. me old yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and in detroit because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. all the while the way they want to go down with the white house. in the soil or how do you think it's the fault of the clothe the middle of the loop they will take on the. top that cock or walk on a full $2.00 come oh my. thing enough for me is one of.
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sorrow very sorry 6 6. when i was truths seemed wrong. but all wrong just don't call. me. yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and in detroit because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. oh i'm back skies are this is the kaiser report i think there is
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a winner yes we have a winner stays we have a what are we have a winner oh well incoming incoming. my best just a civil war but don't call in the troops for us because you know at the civil war the noises you hear the incoming missiles and shrapnel and notes are so weaponry that's just the larp ing going on and rachel maddow and and or some cooper's head you know they're magine in the civil war that was here that was happening oh yeah so the war the good the sequel land the sequels are as good as the original and of course the winner of the 10th is your own power that's what the headline says max this is jerome powers moment no matter who wins and that was that trending story on twitter for a bat out 03 days up until the last with your money again my money fell out so you
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know i'm not a central banker i was trained by the old school i was trained by plucky and plucky is not very good at these this modern weaponry. right so while max is doing that i'm going to talk about the headline on barron's sharon's had this the winner no matter what happens on election day count the fed chairman jerome powell as the stabilizing force for the economy and markets that's right as we know the day after the election the f o m c started meeting the f o m c meets the morning after election day continuing business as usual no matter who occupies the white house and 2021 they said right before the election chair jerome powell is arguably a more important figure in washington for investors that's right. i'm a failed central banker i have to say they don't see people say droll piles of talented and worthless but you see how difficult it is to blast the money gun it
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takes some skill they have a good idea of the culture coming again oh it'll go it's a war zone those are just remember those are just they imagine nations of m s n b c and c.n.n. that you hear in the background that civil war noise is just imaginations so of course you know the point is always that the can't tell you nearest must win the can tell you nearest win every time and that's why in fact gold and bitcoin were the big winners of this election and in fact on the eve of the united states election for president of the united states again it doesn't matter why you know why they're saying jerome powells the winner why because not only is he taking care of the can tell you in our class and i can tell you in our class must be taken care of max whether or not whatever party wins whatever of the 2 parties are allowed to vote for win but remember what we talked about in the lead up to the election or the notion.
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