tv News RT November 5, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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in the world's richest country. through all syrian schools to stop the pot account turn out occasions of fraud to send angry crowds into the streets how the 2020 us president elect will election is going so far. joe biden is creeping ever closer to the goals of the white house although he's not through them yet for battleground states have still not being pulled leaving the final result hanging but trump says it will make legal challenges and all the states by tim has recently claimed. also to come away from the democrats and republicans we discussed the lack of real time to 2 choices to
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the big 2 with the libertarians on the screen. i don't know if libertarians are other 3rd parties or if we'll ever consistently get a high enough food to win a national election we have to rally winners single member districts when you take all system. which encourages people to vote for the listerine. know what you want to international this thursday evening just gone 8 pm here in moscow while in america counting house resumed in key states to decide the u.s. presidential election. now 2 days on from the election america still doesn't know who will be handed the keys to the white house and everything does hang on the key swing states that are yet to decline at the moment things are looking good for democrat joe biden he has the backing of 264 electoral you can see that right behind me that's if you include
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arizona which many say is too early to cool if it is his though it means that he needs just 6 more to reach the magic 275 victory donald trump as you can see has 214 well let's look at the polish ways to power for the counted as food joe biden securing a majority in nevada would hand him 6 electors which is an offer to put him in the white house for 4 more years of donald trump though the incumbent president would have to win 5 states where the result isn't clear yet and trump is currently ahead in 4 of them excluding nevada however in georgia the current margin is only north point 3 percent so although nothing is certain the odds are stacked and biden's favor so let's just focus more on nevada as you can see it's incredibly tight with 14 percent of the vote still to be counted that is being done right now
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as we speak and we do expect an official update any moment now. let's had stateside now caleb maupin as right there in new york i mean we're in the final i was it seems but take us through the current state of play in the other states that are still counting. right now as you mentioned biden has the easiest path to victory at the moment of biden is able to secure a victory in nevada and in arizona then biden will be the winner in the electoral college now arizona had previously been called for biden however in the recent hours the lead of joe biden in arizona has narrowed and narrowed it's getting closer and closer so as arizona as votes continue to be counted it is not guaranteed that joe biden will necessarily win it but if he is able to win both
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arizona and nevada then he will be the clear winner now in nevada you know we're expecting an update on the count you know so at this point we're just waiting to hear what result will come from nevada arizona is also in question now in terms of trump though now if trump were to win for trump to be victorious in the election he would have to win georgia north carolina pennsylvania arizona and nevada now that is all very possible but it's a much more 'd more unlikely scenarios that things look best for biden at the moment trump means all 5 of those states in order to win now it's important to note that in philadelphia you know the largest city in pennsylvania the vote counting has been delayed both sides agreed to a pause in counting roughly 30000 votes actually tweeted out that he called this a big legal win in pennsylvania and we're not expecting results from pennsylvania
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for several days due to this agree to halt in the counting in pennsylvania now the president's lead in georgia has been narrowing donald trump is ahead in georgia but as votes continue to pour in his lead has been getting smaller and smaller pattern that he himself has commented on on social media now we did hear from the biden campaign. they said that they essentially believe that pennsylvania and arizona will go to biden they believe north carolina on the other hand will go to trial but they are expecting that pennsylvania and arizona will go to biden and they expect themselves to be victorious now the biden campaign is arguing that donald trump's campaign is engaging in misinformation they say that the lawsuits that are being filed don't not necessarily have merit they're simply serving to stop the vote they argued that there is misinformation and rumors going around from
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the trump campaign however we are seeing trump supporters around the country raising their concerns that there's talk of legal challenges there has been talk of you know donald trump has already raised the possibility of going to supreme court many questions are being raised by the trump campaign we've seen many of donald trump's tweets flagged by twitter as being possibly misleading about an election or a civic matter and so there's quite a bit of contention different narratives coming out of both campaigns about what exactly is going on not a clear clear understanding of what is actually the case here we've seen people in the streets so it is you know 2 days following the u.s. election and as many expected we do not have a clear result we're waiting waiting for these final states to give their vote then the final count from those states that is certified is expected to be contested in court by the trump campaign so when exactly an official and clear election result is determined remains to be seen i mean it could be quite
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a while or it could be very soon many people are looking on and saying that with expected results from arizona and nevada coming soon that this could be quick that biden is declared to be the winner or others saying that it could be a long time especially with the legal challenges not a clear narrative a lot of different messages being sent out you know a lot of a lot of almost hysteria it seems coming from all kinds of different sides. so a lot of confusion going on no clear message a lot of people around the country are holding their breath and biting their nails because we still don't have an answer as to who will be president for the next 4 years you know it's been quite a roller coaster clarity is definitely not a word you could use i think for this election cycle that was caleb maupin reporting from new york. while the tense out misfit's surrounding the counting of the votes has been playing out on the streets to thousands have been venting their anger all around the country violence even erupted at some protests
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scale so if you are in the polls on the streets i mean that's so much at stake it sounds surprising that people there's so much energy are they really waiting with bated breath for these final results well that's you're absolutely right and what's not helping the clarity of this whole situation is that this whole election is moving and migrating very rapidly from the polling stations to into legal turf into courts i mean you know no court orders have been issued yet but don't trump is waging his legal battle i mean it's it's all in he's going all in he's recently said that he will legally challenge the results in all of the states where joe biden has recently claimed victory it's not completely clear as to which states exactly he's talking about but it sounds like definitely pennsylvania or maybe wisconsin michigan arizona nevada so these states it sounds like all of these states up for some legal trouble when it comes when it comes to the voting and this is just this is just one of the aspects here because one of the other later.
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updates is that members of the trump team they have been allowed in the philadelphia have been allowed to monitor the results how the votes are being counted they have been allowed to monitor the counting in philadelphia the capital of pennsylvania which is a key battleground state right now in fact corey. a very famous or infamous judging depends on how you look at him he said that they have been allowed to monitor the events from 6 feet away and also members of trump's a team on the ground they have explained why they are doing this and what they are trying to achieve have a listen. they continue to count illegal votes that is unacceptable and it's giving illegal people. a sense that this system is corrupt we have to have a system where legal votes are cast but the harry reid machine has done is the
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row out recklessly ballots. and now they don't want us to check those ballots and we are seen discrepancies all over. well definitely looks like they are ready for war doesn't look like even if those results from the. come rolling in at that game to give it up any time so absolutely both biden and trump already full legal will because trump obviously he's challenging the results biden has fired back saying that a they have a team of lawyers which is on standby and to you know to fight back against trump's lawsuits and also. joe biden has said that this strategy of you know legally trying to bog down the counting of the votes and the announcement of the results of the election that the strategy will trump won't work these joe biden's words but this is not the scariest thing if you ask me because they're ready for war as you
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rightly said but their supporters they are even move already and war is not metaphorical well for many of them they are ready to go on the barricades they're ready to go in the streets the election night did see some scuffles and you know some fights between the protesters between the 2 camps between those who are pro trump and those who are against him that's the election night alone and the longer it's being protected the worse it will get because the mood emotional people would get his or what the supporters over joe biden and dole and trump are saying why they are passionate about this counting of the ballots. right. ok. while if i'm not
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mistaken just as we were speaking it looks like that was an increase of biden in nevada by 12000 votes which would be quite a ton of events it doesn't look like those kinds of fights are going to stop anytime soon indeed when you win an election like this you hear like 12000 votes you think that's just a small not sure but in the election various close it's actually a lot and it could be it could mean a make or break for either candidate and the situation is changing very very rapidly on the ground and new ballots seem to be coming in and new results are being announced and these fractions of a percent that are changing they are really really crucial in this particular election because it has been it has been an absolute nail biter and so so 12000 don't we shouldn't really underestimate as to how much this is in this particular election now so you but going back to the protest going back to the legal battles
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that both candidates are waging great now this is surely just the beginning because it doesn't really matter who increases who goes forward in one race or another there are still plenty of battleground states which haven't been cooled and if biden cools any more of these states it would only mean the trump would trump steam that rudy giuliani would sit down get to work and more more lawsuits will be filed so there's that will have to just stand by and you know just watch as things unfold but certainly this isn't ending any time soon will start we think your point 5 percent one percent doesn't seem like much but actually it's the difference between the next being the next president or not that was he goes out of the studio with us and thanks. well despite the legal action being taken several election commissions in america insist that every product that was followed was counted and accurately reported international observers have also said the vote did
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go according to the law and a slammed president trumps on occasions of fruit saying it damages public trust in democratic institutions. the editorial director of the american institute for economic research jeffrey alba tucker believes if biden wins of america to consider him the president. my read of the situation on the ground is that. probably half or more of republicans think this whole entire voting apparatus is rigged if biden ekes out this little bit this time in victory with a couple of states the swing swing states where there is some suspicious ballot biden comes it becomes president with with on almost you know with very little the gentleman say and certainly no serious consensus so there will be no mandate for biden and this will last for 4 years which is very interesting situation politically for for the united states especially since the democrats
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failed to turn up for that for the house the house they lost apparently 5 seats and the student senate is complete control the g.o.p. not to mention that the supreme court is already a done deal so biden becomes a base when they end up for 4 years where. after the american public will consider to be a fake president i don't think that a lot of the people that are dedicated to trumpet have worked so hard for israel's action including the you know hundreds of thousands of moon's people have turned out to israel as of last month are ready to let this go and so there is can be a lot of screaming and gnashing of teeth over the next. 30 to 60 days already leading up to the to the end of the year absolutely so by him can't just say magic words that everybody recognize me as president let's go back to our normal lives be peaceful i don't think there's any chance that. we're both 202016 the losers actually won the popular vote and that is down to the countries act or
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a quality system let's take a look at how that works. while here i spoke with representatives who are because the posses the libertarians on the greens on whether the 2 current tea party domination gives americans any real choices the one percent that libertarians get does play a significant role i don't know if libertarians or other 3rd parties or it will ever consistently get a high enough to win a national election maybe not win in elections but impacting policy debates and
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reaching out to voters is what we do how it's want to pick up on something that was just said what he said you know we're talking about a single percent support for thought pa to town today that's right it's kind of spread quite even 40 $849.00 for the republicans and democrats so it's almost sad to say that the republicans or democrats at this point represent the will of the majority of americans do you think that as you know you disagree with that absolutely i mean look at public opinion polls majority of americans want a green new deal which is what the green party is for to do with the climate crisis get the economy going to. majority of americans want medicare for all and both the democrats and republicans oppose those posts the problem is that our electoral system. we have a plurality winner single member district when you take all system which encourages people to vote for the lesser evil the most people are voting against the other
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major party rather than for their own party so i think if we can change the electoral system in place the electoral college with a national popular vote used the right choice voting for presidential elections. i think the greens will move way up and in the boat we get currently the state in the us is kind of how how it hearkens mentioned it's people for trump and people who hate trump that's what they're voting about and they're there strategically choosing one of the major parties it's not that they necessarily agree with the platforms of those parties and was that there is a lot of white hods criticism saying for a party actually can create problems more problems and build and just wason the defense and because that essentially is stealing quote you know folks from parties that would actually when for example the republicans or the democrats in this
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particular case why it is so close and those states that were saying yes sometimes even less than a percentage point how would you react to people who say that if i had to choose we want $21.00 of the major parties i would flip a coin because i equally dislike both of them. the difference between the republicans and democrats is mostly about personality and style when it comes to the substance of the issues they're both for the deficit spending they're both for spending and taxing too much they're both for continuing the wars and those are things that libertarians oppose and even grains oppose some of that stuff as well so i actually like it when the republicans and democrats get mad at libertarians because it causes them to focus on us and it gives us an opportunity to say hey here's why you guys are wrong and here's why we won't vote for you this is what we stand for what we need real political parties that actually have members i mean what we have now are 2 major parties you tell the state which party you're in in
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order to vote in primaries there's no local organization no local chapter of the party no you don't agree to a set of principles and they do sort of party to join you just tell the state which party you're in so the electorate is adam honest and disconnected from the political process. well pennsylvania is still counting votes on could prove the deciding factor one of the 16. long run democrat wins altie is 20 charges has more on why the state swings between the 2 parties. pennsylvania with nearly 13000000 residents is arguably the single most important stage of the 2020 election but in many ways the keystone state mirrors the country while it's rust belt is dotted with a shuttered factories and run down chimneys it's also a place of affluent liberal suburbs and conservative countryside reflecting a divided america i mean the devices in this sense going on in this country right now it's ridiculous and i don't care what anybody says that it is
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a race. and very lucky that somebody like donald trump is. my president and i can vote for him again while the northeast and the southwest corners of pennsylvania residents come from a long line of blue collar workers like old coal mines and steel industries the state's eastern and western borders hold the biggest population centers and a lot of industry and heartland in between and although pennsylvania is considered a blue wall state as it has a history of voting democratic that changed in 2016 when donald trump won the state over democratic contender hillary clinton by a point 7 percent congratulations mr president but now 4 years later controversial pipeline projects have helped make fracking a political flashpoint in the debate over energy the climate crisis and the influence of big business these 2 parties are radically different and that what i think is that each party is controlled much more by what would be the
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stronger i guess that's extreme way you're right. both candidates focusing on pennsylvania president trump holding several rallies there trying to woo the region with promises of coal and steel jobs while insisting that joe biden what a limb in a frock it hard for a bargain is a virtue or if you're. for america to deliver economic ruin to pennsylvania and you families but you've got to be for 3 years biden who grew up in pennsylvania says he isn't calling for the immediate end to the oil industry but is pushing for ending federal subsidies for fossil fuel companies and ending new permits on public land for fracking president tropics far different what happened to president bush the people approach you didn't get to have their chance if you. doesn't stand a chance as pennsylvania is the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in the united states and the 3rd largest net supplier of energy the american petroleum institute estimates its natural gas industry contributes nearly 35000000000 dollars to the
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state and combined with its oil industry it supports about $340000.00 local jobs were afraid that if we buy a ticket with that the gas and oil thing is going to be shut down it's spite of what they say so just a quick recap on who's got what so far joe biden currently has 264 electors with ours so you know which hasn't been called by our front quite yet donald trump you can see that he's got 214 defiles to 270 claims price winning you just one more state like nevada for example would hand victory to wild trump and want to turn the tide would have to take the remaining battleground states some like will carolina pennsylvania on to to declare for some time.
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while in all the news england i'm greece all returning to knock downs in a bid to put a stop to it cases and guns were imposing restrictions following the needs of france. money in order to slow the spread france is currently reporting more than 40000 new cases a day it's in the is introducing overnight curfew and in germany new infections grew by more than 20000 over the last 24 hours russia meanwhile registered more than 19000 new cases on one day but a return to restrictions in europe is not winning favor with those who once again find themselves living on. top of explains everything from berlin. we're 4 days into what's being called lockdown light here in germany younger merkel put this in place with the idea being to keep schools kindergartens as much of the economy open
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as possible at the expense of social life essentially bars restaurants theaters cinemas gyms all of these closed down in order to keep open schools and kindergartens and as much business that doesn't involve direct contact as possible although those businesses that are open are under some restrictions so far though it's a fairly mixed bag when it comes to opinion on these measures here in berlin. in my opinion the measures come too late and i think they should have been different shutting down businesses at 10 pm i find absurd it looks like the virus only comes out at night during the day you can do whatever you want but then at night you have to close because the virus comes with a part of the i phone in justified partly i'm sad about the restaurants but overall i find the look down necessary for the money it's dark if you have no savings or support it isn't enough in berlin as a freelance musician suddenly everything is gone there isn't enough help at all the
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numbers don't paint a pretty picture when it comes to infections in germany on wednesday germany recorded 190-0990 new cases of covert 90 now that's gone beyond what was initially put forward by angela merkel is a doomsday scenario for the health care system of 19200 cases it's the 6th straight day germany's record of over 15000 cases the plan from angela merkel and her government is to get infections down by 75 percent with this new lock down like this for the next month or for the month of november with the hope being that if we suffer through november then we might get a little bit of a reprieve in terms of the restrictions anyway over the christmas period he said so i don't think toughen up this. depends on what we can achieve in november so if we have very sensible now then we will be able to allow ourselves more freedom for christmas but i don't think that there will be lavish new year parties we have to
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wait and see but it will be christmas and the chronic conditions but it should not be a lonely christmas over the western border into france and there's of a very bleak picture being painted by statistics put forward by french health minister. and he says that one person in paris every 30 seconds this week of being contracting covert 191 person every 15 minutes requiring medical attention there's no chance of a christmas break in what he's saying he says that people are going to have to make plans around covert 19 because the virus isn't going to make plans around them we've also you're seeing protests in france as well high school kids out on the streets this week protesting against what they see as a lack of social distancing or article it and coronavirus measures taken in schools police used tear gas against some in paris the schools in france went back on
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monday. in the united kingdom and england has entered a month long lockdown but on wednesday evening just before that came into play you wouldn't think that anything was about to happen in places like old compton street in london where revelers packed in for a last pint nearly a mask nor any kind of social distancing in evidence there over in sweden a couldn't tree that had been held up as an example of how to limit corona infections without making measures law well it seems that they're going to have to make some of those measures law that's according to stephan 11 the prime minister of sweden who says this may be. needed in order to keep numbers down in that country in greece this strict new measures come into place in thessaloniki where no non-essential flights will be allowed in or out there's also limits on when and for
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what reason you can leave your home in portugal the prime minister's put in place a new state of emergency and in italy a new curfew has come into play as european nations try and get rising infection numbers down they seem to be fighting a losing battle in lots of different places but the these obstructions are continuing to come in in the hope that in a couple of weeks they can try and suppress this 2nd wave the virus well that's all for the moment and we will of course be bringing you all the very next the specially from us as those new vote counts keep coming and over the coming hours to check back with us hips and soon.
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