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tv   News  RT  November 5, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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it's. going down to the wire the u.s. election have still wanted evidence victor all eyes are fixed on full throttle brown stakes. donald trump vows legal challenges in an old stains but i didn't house recently clay according to the president says plenty of proof of photo for water. not how the 2020 us presidential election is shaping up so far schools to stop by
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all accounts and allegations of fraud to our great crowds to the street. watching all of the international this friday rather the morning is just going 1 am here in moscow in america counting has resumed in key states to decide the u.s. president. now 2 days on from the election america still doesn't know who will be handed the keys to the white house and everything hands hangs on the key swing states that are yet to declare the moment things are looking good for democrat joe biden he has the backing 264 electors that's if you include arizona which many say is too early to rule if it is his though it means he needs just 6 more to reach the magic 270 the victory incumbent donald trump you can see he's got to 14 well let's look now at
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the pump ways to power for the 2 candidates for joe biden security a majority rule right here in the west in nevada would hand him 6 electors which is enough to put him in the white house. for 4 more years of donald trump the incumbent president would have to win all 5 states with a result on clay i would talk about pennsylvania will carolina georgia amongst others and trump is currently ahead in 4 of them excluding nevada however in georgia the current margin is i need north point 3 percent so although nothing is sutton the odds are stacked in by tens of the democrats made a statement a little less than an hour ago 6 and for the latest on this somewhat chaotic election let's cross live to caleb maupin who is right that reporting from new york biden's made a 2nd statement in just still found statement rather in just 24 hours anything new this time. well in light of the fact that the
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country is currently holding its breath to find out who will be the next president for the next 4 years one passage from joe biden's remarks might be a little bit interesting take a listen to this. democracy sometimes missing. sometimes requires a little patience is wound but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years in the system of government governance the envy of the world so the envy of the world well at the moment the country is watching and waiting with the number of states still counting the votes to determine who they will give their electoral votes to win the electoral college and who will end up ultimately becoming president united states now in georgia a state with 16 electoral votes at the this point donald trump is ahead but his lead is narrowing and we heard from election officials in georgia that it could be
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quite some time before the results ultimately come in. we have to certify this election by november 20th because under the law we have to get the federal runoff ballots or the senate runoff out by saturday and you aqaba on saturday the 21st so we can have anything get in the way of our timelines on this is going to be difficult for us to make it as it is and our poll workers our elections directors our election staff the center for elections they're going to put a lot of long hours to bring democracy to the people of georgia. now at this point in pennsylvania results are not expected until at least tomorrow or tomorrow at the earliest now that caused some in the media in the united states to announce that the election staffers had decided to take a day off well as one election employee of the state of pennsylvania made clear they are not taking a day off take a listen there's no day off for the workers in the election board they're preparing
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for tomorrow organizing the tables moving things around bringing things from the warehouse over to the county office building where this process will begin to take place now in the vatican 24 percent of the ballots still need to be counted and that is currently being done but they do not expect results to come soon not only because they are counting the remaining ballots in nevada but because they are indeed looking into some of the claims of fraud take a listen we also have to make sure that our data is being updated because we need to prevent people from voting twice in the system and so we have to scan those in his mail received so that updates the database or in person voters can't have voted twice our goal here in clark county is not to count fast we want to make sure that we're being accurate the results in the state of nevada obviously are going to be
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very important to the entire country and that is our number one goal. so. all the states have given reasons why they cannot give results on this day and why people have to wait they've all added significant delays now they have all stated reasons about why their results are delayed but to an independent observer it might appear that none of the states in question want to be the ones declared responsible for alternately ending the election looks like this is going to be a long day one thing we can say is patience is going to be the key thing in this election that was caleb maupin reporting from new york many thanks. while the turns out myspace surrounding the counting of the votes has been playing out on the streets to thousands have been venting that anger around the country and finance even erupted at some protests with demonstrators facing off with police.
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well with an equal action being taken now and move threatened even if the winner is declared today it seems many people are going to accept the result for some time with more on that has a tease sequels tunnel. all these people that we've just looked at who are asking
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a very legitimate question as to why there are no results they come from both sides they can both from joe biden's camp and from the trump's account and well they could be in for a bit of a way because this even with all states in all ballots when all of them are accounted for when all states are called this might be just the beginning of an end so to speak because already this whole election is migrating and going into legal turf donald trump has already said that all of the states that have been recently claimed by joe biden will be legally challenging he hasn't specified which states exactly but this could mean response in michigan philadelphia arizona nevada and the list would. be expanded. there are already legal suits coming from trump's team for instance in michigan and some supreme judges and some judges they don't really rush to take them seriously because for instance in michigan just recently judge
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has literally scoffed at this rule should see you essentially calling it just hearsay. the way the way he put it it was like. somebody said something bringing in the real facts that some are quoting it but this is very very close to what's been said so and this is just one of the examples and there surely will be more because trump seems to be very adamant about taking this too cool for instance trump has been demanding that his team and his team members would be allowed in philadelphia by the way to witness the counting of the votes now the reports that even after the court allowed them to be present to watch the counting they still aren't being let in lots of there's a flurry of information flying around in the flurry of reports which have to be verified so there's that but members of trump's team they have explained as to why they are doing this is that why they are potentially protracting and already lengthy election season have a listen they can. to new to count illegal votes that is
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unacceptable. and it's giving legal people. a sense that the system is corrupt we have to have a system where legal votes are cast but the harry reid machine has done is the row out recklessly ballots. and now they don't want us to check those ballots and we are seen discrepancies all over so there's that joe biden has already responded saying that he has a team of lawyers on standby to potentially if i don't know trump in court over the recounting of the votes but while both biden and trump duking it out legally juking out duking it out in front of the judge their supporters again we've already seen them taking to the streets the election night has already seeing scuffles and violence as protesters clash between each other not anything significant but again
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this could be just a very very smooth ignition which could grow into a full on wild fire all across the united states this is certainly the concern that is being well reiterated and echoing all across the social media and so on and so forth for instance just to show you a little bit move these protests and these demonstrations coming from both sides here the oh. ok well you. know it's easy to understand where the discontent is coming from because people on both sides are expected to waves they expected tsunamis just a different color as people in joe biden's camp expected a blue wave and in trump's count. explained they expected
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a red tsunami neither of that happened and the elections are really really close they're heavily contested so people. growing tired they are already tired of not knowing who's going to be in the oval office for the next 4 years and the thing that this whole election could be protracted for even longer because mind back in 2000 when it was bush v gore election when they had only one contested state that was florida here trump was threatening to legally challenge and number of states so and back in 2000 when it was just florida the whole election they protracted for the whole of the month here again we're looking at potentially number of states a number of states. could it go all the way through the winter so what's going to happen wow joe biden will respond to that how the supreme will respond to that there are a lot of questions and i don't think there is anybody right now in this whole world
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who know a solid reliable answer to that so we'll just have to see this unfold. despite the legal action being taken several election commissions in america and says that every valid ballot was counted and accurately reported international observers have also said the vote did go according to the law and of sound president travels allegations of fraud thing it damages public trust democratic institutions. the issues surrounding his allegations of voter fraud up for debate. need to remember that the media does not call elections the process involves electoral college vote where the different states have to certify that their results were accurate if they can't do that we go through a process so we can this is a very unusual in modern times situation but with the way i look at it when you look state by state what you see in the evidence is that is states that donald trump in theory lost which he may have won in 2016 happen to be states in which
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down ticket republican ballots have done very well if this is a democracy the votes need to be counted they need to be in certain states postmarked by a certain date and were then received by a certain day i so you know we don't know anything right now we know where states have called the winner forget the media we know states have called the winner and have counted 100 percent of the vote for they've counted enough that the absentee ballots are not going to make a difference even if one pad it gets 100 percent of those polled so those states are called and they've certified that and there are states that have them now it's interesting that you know there's fraud you know that trump comes out in the census the legal team there to go there there are specific and credible allegations of an internal person in the post-office department event of triggered an inspector general investigation of the back dated ballots being mailed after november
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3rd. with with the wrong date on them so instances like that have to be investigated fully we're not talking about 2 ballots here we're talking about thousands tens of thousands of ballots in different states there are 3 kinds of vote in american election code and he's expressed on election day in person. that he's expressed in fierce and be sure in action day and davey's day made in found most which is to sent i mean before election day and it went. the deadline for receiving that and how you count them depends on state to state but these are all very safe ballots because that is old saw it in the past and the truth hope you send to them and they can fair senior sure and so on it right so there is no space for trout. now in some states these ballots needs to be needs to arrive by election day in some states then they can arrive later which is why they
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are being counted later there's nothing constitutional that this is actually respect and below claiming as a 1st guess said that that the votes should be though it's on to the ballots at the riot by election day should be counted is is wrong and by the way if we were to score oh count being biden would have won by a large margin and in fact trans people in one state are saying stop the counting the other one or seen keep counting. just to remind us securing a majority in a state even by the narrowest of margins means a candidate is handed every one of the electors under the it up to world call it system let's see how that actually woks.
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the wrangling over the presidential election is almost obscured another race going on in the country both parties are still grappling for seats in congress and in the days ahead of the democrats they hope they pray they spent large sums of money in an attempt to paint both the house and the senate well that did not happen because the house is expected to stay in the hands of the democrats results still trickling in 20800 seats are need to twit a majority so far we can see the dems on to 8 republicans on $190.00 some experts calculate the blue majority will be fyn of this year so far though ready down at least 6 incumbents that could add to the democrats' disappointment as it looks like
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they will be wrestling control of the senate for now it's a time. oh no it's not it's just the republicans just one had a lot of them ended up keeping their seats the party is predicted to hold on to the majority it's enjoyed for the last 6 years that would be bad news for biden who with victorious could find himself a so-called lame duck president unable to get any of his left leaning policies through a right leaning house well let's go live now to. you i can see and human rights i just want to ask you if you have just come in trump has just filed suit against philadelphia election officials claiming they didn't allow allowing republican observers to witness the vote count what do you make of this one does this have any likes to it. the lawsuits don't have legs to them there are a lot based on as the earlier person spoke about
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a lot of hearsay somebody heard this side and that site what we have seen is that all over the country there have been very orderly processes follow there's been representatives from democrats and republicans there at the site what people are complaining about is they want to show up and and be there and be there at the site and want to sign up last minute to do that and they have not they're not allowed in and so somebody says we're not being allowed in and that becomes the truth and gospel and unfortunately that's the way truth has been handled through the president's approach to elections and governing this year and the last 4 years and now both of the candidates have said that they will do all it takes i'll even go to the supreme court to get this not to settle do you see it going that far i do see it going that far and i think you know we've been through
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this before in 2000 and whether it's one state or 4 states only many it'll end up being i think that. it will pretentiously work its way to the supreme court but the supreme court only handles federal matters not state matters and traditionally and that was what was so odd about bush versus gore in 2000 is it was a question of interpretation of state law and state law. states run elections as we can see here and so it may make it up to the courts but we have to remember that as with the case with richard nixon and wiretapping so many years ago in the seventy's that supreme court even with nixon appointees voted $8.00 to 0 at that time. to order him to turn over tapes and brought down his presidency so i don't think we
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should view the supreme court in just a partisan way but i'd say that it will end up there but there are ways to expedite this and i think over the next month or 6 weeks this matter will get played out all the way up to the highest court in the land what we told you mention that about reid can't just think about partisan politics but if we look at the supreme court at the moment it is 63 with republicans you know in favor of that do you think that if it did go to washington that that would give trump the upper hand especially in light of a macone baratz recent confirmation. well i think the recent confirmation increases the likelihood that someone will look at the law very narrowly what we have to remember is if she is true to form of being a someone who believes in the interpretation of the constitution being looking at the letter of what it says and they believe that in states rights there's very few
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issues to bring before the u.s. supreme court so we don't know just because it's a conservative or republican dominated supreme court that that will result in a partisan decision when the case itself apparently has very little merit and was planned way ahead of time i also want to ask you just from a legal perspective is it possible for america to be left without a president elect for a few months and for example could we potentially even end up in a situation where we don't have a president elect on january 20th ration day you know i think it's there are advantages and disadvantages to a extended legal. battle if you will i think that yes it's the matter is not resolved by inauguration day that seems to me to create a constitutional crisis in the united states however if the supreme court is going
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where or when an operation today they said they're briefing schedules they will eventually irrigate that will. and will issue the appropriate orders but donald trump is fighting for his life he knows he's going to be prosecuted criminally when he's released from the presidency and if not he wants to stay on this is very personal to him however the supreme court can hear the matter and here are in a quick way but i wouldn't be surprised if they won. to throw that kind of curveball into it and make everyone have to hold their breath and be plugged into the drama into january but i suspect that the matter will move much quicker and i believe that it will have a president elect and you know they're in there's
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a lot of issues to look at donald trump has been building a fence around the white house that is all the way around was set up to prevent people from rushing the white house or just to create that kind of stood in the streets and so but the lawsuits themselves sometimes cause people to calm down and step back thinking the legal process might take care of it and then with time we actually can have pretentiously it is fusing of the highest emotions that we're beginning to see played out here today and i just want to finally ask you trump wants a recount for example in the state of wisconsin do you think that that is a reasonable request do you think about what's just silence all those who are saying you know want it it's beautiful it's and we recount and we prove that it's not fair to ford for example do you think it could restore faith in democracy i think he's. got to be careful what you ask for there were over 20000 votes.
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difference in west concent historically and the rico as brought about maybe a few dozen votes that somehow got tran supposed incorrectly or some problem there's never been let alone tens of thousands of these types of things and so you know put part of what you're pointing out is when you don't have a centralized election system just as we're suffering under covert now without national leadership you don't have uniform rules so you have one stage is due by this date one takes impose my. one who why we can't have a national election system is beyond me and it just opens the door to these types of abuses and challenges what is certain doesn't see we're moving father father away from the thoughts and has less and less clarity it seems and it looks like nothing will be cleared up in the coming days i thought that was eric's rock n e
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t to un human rights so i thank you so much for coming on to the program. politicians around the world have also expressed that the straight shot over the uncertainties surrounding the u.s. election while iran supreme leader mocked the process european politicians have also expressed concern. about it is also clear to us that we in the european union have every reason to insist that europe should develop its own strengths particularly in view of the development of the united states in international politics what a spectacle one says this is the most fraudulent election in u.s. history who says that the president who's currently in office he's a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u.s. elections and u.s. democracy are but the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because we preach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise
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our democracies are in danger calling said our sister channel spanish had the chance to talk with him for moralez the bolivian president who was ousted by his military last year amid claims of a raped vote more on his get his take on the election in the us on the apparent double standards at play when compared to france and his own country. when the right wing is loose they make accusations of electoral fraud now i hear in the media that trump is talking about fraudulent elections in the united states so why then does he not turn to luis l my group the head of the organization of american states after all the oas know like no one else how to organize coups the oas is always watching everything that happens in latin america but what are luis l. magro and the oas doing if they're not watching the us elections americans go to elections and vote person fortunately the country is ruled by neither the people
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nor the president selected by them no matter what party in fact everything is ruled by transnational companies capitalism entrepreneurs this is a huge difference from the change that is taking place in bolivia in the us perhaps more radical fascist racist or right forces will win over more moderate right forces that's the whole difference. so just to wrap up who's got what so far joe biden carney has 264 electors with arizona which hasn't been called by everyone of quite yet donald trump has 14 the 1st 70 claims the prize winning just one more state like nevada would hand victory to by 10 while trouble in order to tie the time it would have to take the remaining battleground states some like north carolina pennsylvania and teaches a class for some time. if
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you can save someone if you die this more in direct means save the painting that you can then save your thousands of other lives well my response is that the way we should think about what is just is that just as there's a child in a store experiment right there in front of you in this burning building you can say will also just thousands of children around the world and take millions of children around the world you could potentially state it wait it's lightweight in this situation in the being facing a burning building just all the time. seems
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wrong. to me. and in. the trail. this is the kaiser report i think there are.


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