tv News RT November 5, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a made in the shallowness. going down to the wire the u.s. presidential election has still not delivered a final result but both donald trump and joe biden feel very confident they'll end up the victor. if you count the legal votes easily when the count is tradition hers and i will be declared the winner it's a corrupt system democracy sometimes mr. president trump's team is filing one lawsuit after another across the country over quote plenty of proof of voter fraud . and what you're seeing now is how the 2020 u.s.
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presidential election is shaping up so far lawsuits calls to stop ballot counts and allegations of fraud draw angry crowds to the streets. watching our internationals us presidential election coverage my name is donald quarter and i'll be joining you for the program and certainly a nail biter as vote counting has resumed in key states to decide the u.s. presidential election. now 2 days on from election day and america still does not know who will be handed the keys to the white house everything depends on the key swing states that have yet to declare at the moment things are looking extremely tense joe biden secures $264.00 electors that's if you include arizona which many say is too early to call if it goes blue though that means that he just needs 6 more electoral votes to reach that magic 270 for victory donald trump on the other hand currently stands at
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214 now let's take a look at the pathways to power for both candidates for joe biden securing a majority here in nevada would mean he would get another 6 electoral votes which is enough to put him in. white house but the margin is less than one percent right now given trump confidence things perhaps may turn around and with the exception of nevada he's currently ahead in all of them although only by 0 point one percent in georgia which is just $3000.00 votes in terms of the difference that picture makes both candidates believe they will end up the victor as caleb open explains. we've already heard from joe biden twice since the vote on tuesday and now donald trump has broken his silence and we've heard from donald trump the 1st time since election night now donald trump spoke about the election and he basically argued that there is widespread efforts by the democrats to swing the votes against him he
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painted a rather negative picture of the u.s. electoral system and blamed the democrats for it take a listen democratic officials never believed they could win this election honestly i really believe that that's why they did the 1000000 ballots with this tremendous corruption and fraud going on and that's why they mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited bella's they refused to include any requirement to verify signatures i get is usually even determined whether they're eligible or in those you go to now throughout the year donald trump has speculated that mail in voting could lead to widespread fraud and from the podium he spent a large amount of time going over different accusations of fraud on the part of the democrats arguing they're working to move against him now he specifically talked about pennsylvania donald trump stressed that it one point in pennsylvania he had a lead by 700000 votes but that lead has been slipping he's argued that in
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philadelphia specifically where the vote counting is being carried out there is not proper transparency and republican observers are not given proper access to oversee the process of counting the votes donald trump's words were somewhat reminisce. and what we heard from joe biden biden reflected on the fact that he said democracy can sometimes get a little bit messy here's joe biden's earlier remarks democracy sometimes messy sometimes requires a little patience as well but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years because just some of government governance the envy of the world however donald trump he didn't seem to share joe biden's belief that the u.s. system is the envy of the world and painted a rather negative portrait of the us electoral system blaming democrats for it saying that it was open to pretty widespread fraud now donald trump emphasized that he felt that the media by presenting polls was interfering in the voting and the
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polls were largely inaccurate compared to the vote count that ultimately came in and he also emphasized that if only legal votes were counted he felt he would be the secure winner there was no blue wave that they predicted they thought there was going to be a big room way of that was false it was done for suppression reasons but instead there was a big red wave now vote counting still continues in a number of states it's not clear when results will come in but the country is still holding its breath nervously as we still do not have a clear winner in tuesday's u.s. presidential election. a lawyer and former candidate for new york city council marty he'll also believes the trump team is on shaky legal ground. and they're trying to slot as launching a lot of these lawsuits he's alleging that the ballots can only be county till election day the law is that if the votes are cast on election day or before election day and those are legitimate. that is our democracy and the right to vote
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is very very sacred it's not i mean if their race was really really close and it was it was it and it would come down to one state like pennsylvania and maybe that would have some merit i don't really see that here and i know the race is close in a couple of states but i think biden still will be able to eke it out i had that you know skin of his teeth and really i think charges just firing frivolous lawsuits don't really have a marriage i mean there is a process and a procedure and it biden winslet i mean there's no there's no reason why. that child is basically has to see that i lost the election i mean i think it's going to be very hard for trauma because he's a narcissist and because he is you know it's hard to to loose but i think that's what he's going to have to do it and yes to accept that he would says i hope i don't i think that trump is really fighting these frivolous lawsuits but i don't
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what you're seeing on your screen now are pictures from new york where protests have been taking place for 3 consecutive nights that's as people on both sides have been demonstrating across the country frustrated over the continued confusion over the election and why no final results have been given yet drum campaign has filed a lawsuit to halt vote counting in philadelphia pennsylvania one of the key states yet to be called claiming republican observers weren't allowed to watch the vote counting process many of the absentee votes have yet to be counted but there is no set time as to when that will happen. with legal action being taken and even more being threatened even if a winner is declared today it seems many people are not going to accept the result for some time with more on that here's our tease of. all these people that we've just looked at who are asking
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a very legitimate question as to why there are no results they come from both sides they can both from joe biden's camp and from the trump's account and well they could be in for a bit of a way because this even with all states in all ballots when all of them are accounted for when all states are called this might be just the beginning of an end so to speak because already this whole election is migrating and going into legal turf donald trump has already said that all of the states that have been recently claimed by joe biden will be legally challenging he hasn't specified which states exactly but this could mean wisconsin michigan philadelphia arizona nevada and the list will grow will expand. there are already legal suits coming from trump's team for instance in michigan and some supreme judges and some judges they don't really rush to take them seriously because for instance in michigan just recently judge has literally scoffed at this lou should see you essentially calling it just
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hearsay is the way the way he put it it was like. somebody said something bring me the real facts that's i'm not quoting it but this is very very close to what's been said so and this is just one of the examples and there surely will be more because trump seems to be very adamant about taking this too cool for instance trump has been demanding that his team and his team members would be allowed in philadelphia by the way to witness the counting of the votes now the reports that even after the court allowed them to be present to watch the counting they still aren't being let in lots of there's a flurry of information flying around and a flurry of reports which have to be verified so there's that but members of trump's team they have explained as to why they are doing this is that why they are potentially protracting and already lengthy election season have a listen they can. to new to count illegal votes that is
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unacceptable. and it's giving legal people. a sense that the system is corrupt we have to have a system where legal votes are cast and what the harry reid machine has done is the row out recklessly ballots. and now they don't want us to check those ballots and we are seen discrepancies all over so there's that joe biden has already responded saying that he has a team of lawyers on standby to potentially if i don't know trump in court over the recounting of the votes. both biden and trump duking it out legally juking out duking it out in front of the judge their supporters again we've already seen them taking to the streets the election night has already seeing scuffles and violence as protesters clash between each other not anything significant but again this
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could be just a very very smooth ignition which could grow into a full on wildfire all across the united states this is certainly the concern that is being well reiterated and echoing all across the social media and so on and so forth for instance just to show you a little bit move these protests and these demonstrations coming from both sides here they are right. now it's easy to understand where the oldest discontent is coming from because people on both sides expected waves they expected tsunamis just a different color as people in joe biden's camp expected a blue wave and in trump's count. explained they expected a red tsunami neither of that happened and the elections are really really close
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they're heavily contested so people. growing tired they are already tired of not knowing who's going to be in the oval office for the next 4 years and the thing that this whole election could be protracted for even longer because mind back in 2000 when it was bush v gore election when they had only one contested state that was florida here trump was threatening to legally challenge a number of states so and back in 2000 when it was just florida the whole election they protracted for the whole of the month here again we're looking at potentially number of states a number of states. who didn't go all the way through the winter so what's going to happen wow joe biden will respond to that how the supreme will respond to that there are a lot of questions and i don't think there is anybody right now in this whole world who know a solid and reliable answer to that so we'll just have to see this unfold. despite
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the legal action being taken several election commissions in america insist that every valid ballot was counted and accurately reported international observers have also said the vote did go according to the law and have slammed president trump's allegations of fraud saying it damages public trust in democratic institutions. human rights lawyer eric cirrhotic and believes the president will fight tooth and nail to stay in the oval office. i think it's there are advantages and disadvantages to a extended legal. battle if you will i think that yes if the matter is not resolved by inauguration day that seems to me to create a constitutional crisis in the united states however if the supreme court is quite aware of when an operational day they set their briefing schedules they will eventually irrigates that will. and will issue the appropriate orders but donald
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trump is fighting for his life he knows he's going to be prosecuted criminally when he's released from the presidency and if not he wants to stay on this is very personal to him however the supreme court can hear the matter and hear in a quick way but i wouldn't be surprised if they want to throw that kind of curveball into it and make everyone has to hold their breath and be plugged into the drama into january but i suspect that the matter will move much quicker and i believe that we'll have a president elect who put the issues surrounding allegations of voter fraud up for debate. need to remember that the media does not call elections the process involves electoral college vote where the different states have to certify that
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their results were accurate if they can't do that we go through a process so we can this is a very unusual in modern times situation but the way i look at it when you look state by state what you see in the evidence is that it is states that donald trump in theory lost which he may have won in 2016 happen to be states in which down ticket republican ballots have done very well if this is a democracy the votes need to be counted they need to be in certain states postmarked by a certain date and we've been received by a certain day i so you know we don't know anything right now we know where states have called the winner forget the media we know states have called the winner and have counted 100 percent of the vote for they've counted enough that the absentee ballots are not going to make a difference even if one candidate gets 100 percent of those votes so those states have called and they've certified that and there are states that have it now it's interesting that you know there's fraud you know that trump comes out in the sense
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as a legal team there to go this there are specific and credible allegations of an internal person in the post-office department event of triggered an inspector general investigation of a back dated ballots being mailed after november 3rd. with with the wrong date on them so instances like that have to be investigated fully we're not talking about 2 ballots here we're talking about thousands tens of thousands of ballots in different states there are 3 kinds of vote in american elections the only expression on election day in person is a vote that is expressed in person before election day and they raised a meeting in found out which is to sent by me before election day and it went. the deadline for receiving that and how you count them depends on state to state but these are all very safe ballots because that is old so even
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attached and the truth all were sent to them and they compare senior sure and so on it for right so there is no space for trout now in some states these ballots needs to be needs to arrive by election day in some states then they can arrive later which is why they are being count that later there is nothing constitutional that this is actually respect and below claiming as the 1st guest said that the votes should be though it's only the ballots at that riot by election day should be counted is is wrong and by the way if we were to score oh count being biden would have won by a large margin and in fact trans people in one state are saying stop the counting the other one are seen keep counting. america's system of electing its president is not exactly simple here's a brief recap of how it all works. well
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wrangling over the presidential election has almost obscured another race going on in the country both parties are still grappling for seats in congress in the days ahead of the vote democrats hoped prayed and spent large sums of campaign money in an attempt to paint both the house and senate blue that though did not happen the house is expected to stay in the hands of the democrats although the results are still also still trickling in 218 seats are needed to win a majority so far we can see the democrats on 208 and the republicans with 190 some
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experts calculate the blue majority will be thinner this year so far they're down to at least 6 incumbents that could add to the democrats' disappointment as it looks like they won't be resting control of the senate at the moment the republicans are in the lead and the party is predicted to hold on to the majority of its enjoyed majority the majority it's enjoyed for the last 6 years that would be bad news for biden who if torrijos could find himself unable to get any of his left leaning policies through a right leaning house election integrity activist and independent journalist nico house told us why the so-called blue wave promised by democrats didn't happen this year. that stage was set unfortunately prior to the general election because well the candidates that i thought could beat trump which would include gabbert bernie sanders and i would even argue andrew yang those aren't the ones who are allowed to go up against trump in the moment that they selected that one of the male democrat in joe biden who's basically been by our standards
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a republican who is pro fact tracking just like trump who can be a little bit more hawkish on foreign policy than trump then you are setting the stage for walk a fine we'll go wall half the vote in support base awful party lines because that's seemingly where at least the democrats are demanding we vote on and by that it's by extension you want to have republicans of course staying loyal in most cases to donald trump. politicians around the world have also expressed their frustration over the uncertainty surrounding the u.s. election wall around supreme leader mocked the process european politicians have also expressed concern to us once about us it is also clear to us that we in the european union have every reason to insist that europe should develop its own strengths particularly in view of the development of the united states in international politics what a spectacle one says this is the most fraudulent election in u.s.
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history who says that the president who is currently in office is a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u.s. elections and u.s. democracy. but the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because we breach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise our democracies are in danger. now in latin america colleagues at our sister channel r.t. spanish had the chance to talk with abel morales the bolivian president who was ousted by the military last year i made claims of a rigged vote where alice gave his take on the election in the us and the apparent double standards of play when compared to events in his own country. when the right wing is lose they make accusations of electoral fraud now i hear in the media that trump is talking about fraudulent elections in the united states so why then does he not turn to luis now my group the head of the organization of
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american states after all the oas know like no one else how to organize coups the oas is always watching everything that happens in latin america but what are luis al magro and the oas doing if they're not watching the us elections americans go to elections and vote but unfortunately the country is ruled by neither the people nor the president selected by them no matter what party in fact everything is ruled by transnational companies capitalism entrepreneurs this is a huge difference from the change that is taking place in bolivia in the us perhaps more radical fascist racist or right forces will win over the more moderate right forces that's the whole difference. well whether or not trump secures 4 more years in the white house it's fair to say he certainly left his mark. however it ends the election trump will go down in history his vows to drain the swamp build the wall
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and make america great again they'll remember him what they'll write about him will depend on the book the author the perspective if they loved him or hated him each the greatest failure in the sri of the united states and the worst with resumes america has ever had. the worst and most dangerous president where are you in 2070 when we had the worst president i would even argue that he is the worst worst president in american history she's the worst president the country's ever had 4 years of trump was 4 years of bitter conflict at every level he and his opponents fought it was a time when grown ups behaved like children in the white house and congress in the streets todd when democrats and republicans seem to put aside everything that they agreed on and focused entirely on everything that they despised about one another.
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the $252.00 congressional votes under trump's presidency $104.00 resulted in disputes and clashes some of the initiatives that congress voted on would to block trumps initiatives they voted to prevent votes on things that trump wanted and we're not talking here about things like the wall or deporting illegal migrants we're talking about politicians who supported trump's ideas like pulling out of the iran nuclear deal when he was a businessman suddenly reversing their positions when he became president seemingly out of spite i believe iran will not change and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions well ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power at this time and this place for so many reasons pulling out precipitously without our allies involved does not achieve any of the goals we need to achieve and hurts americans in different ways but politics is
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politics right they fought under obama too if a little less nothing new about the media then specifically them losing their minds and throwing away any semblance of balance out the window. digging up tax records or leaking cause who even investigating trunks foreign ties it's journalism that's what journalists do it's normal no what they did themselves on is out right and somewhat petty smear campaigns about how awful trump is for drinking too much diet coke about how much of a cheat trump is that golf about how bad he is at it about how his own wife doesn't want to hold his hand all cheap all dirty and for trump easy to dismiss you are shake do we are fighting to fake tears there are people in your profession that
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rate fake news. i'm the president you're shaking the net result has been a collapse of trust in the media the news it isn't news when the publication has an evident interest in maligning someone. never in living memory has the establishment tried to sink a president elected by the american people from before he took office with sabotage with leaks with set ups they did everything to make people believe in the trump russia collusion sham the kumi investigation the steel dossier about prostitutes and urination the mueller report all to make impeachment possible the impeachment of the president of the united states impeachable conduct impeachment nonetheless we should begin proceedings to impeach the president move forward with impeachment and this president has partners on impeachment this impeachment process cost
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a reported $11000000.00 trying to impeach trub $32000000.00 for the mueller report countless man hours wasted and they couldn't pull it off at the end of the day trump will be remembered if differently he was a tyrannical megalomaniac a man who drank too much cook who sucked at golf and whose hand even his own wife didn't want to hold he was also a man of the people the underdog who ruse to drain the swamp that is washington and cost down the corrupt elites whatever version they read in the future they'll agree on only one thing it was a long and savage fight. let's not take a quick look at who's got what at this very moment joe biden currently has 264 electoral votes with arizona which hasn't been called by everyone just yet donald trump has 214 and the 1st to $270.00 claims. the prize winning just one more state
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like nevada would hand a victory to biden while trump in order to turn the tide would have to take all the remaining battleground states some like north carolina and pennsylvania aren't due to declare for some time. and. it was supposed to be a landslide we were told way alonso when the polls were again while. trump may still lose this both but can't explain trump is a fluke or
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a number ration stayed in touch with the next. sputnik 5 has the world. just like its namesake the original. the 1st draft of a to leave the south and orbit the world's sun while many questions remain unanswered about russia's new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. has exposed the force of. what's going on in the family states please we made through my city life in the you know one for the. real raid to receive. interest in preliminary requests for juan williams those of us all fresh from fiction.
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