tv News RT November 6, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and were just. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for god's guys or for. ground america the democrats put one foot in the door of the white house office 3 tatts days joe biden looks set to become the 42nd us president as key state in the boat ads close a twin now that results meanwhile if you count the legal votes easily win in a county tradition or version i would be declared the winner. it could still be a bumpy road ahead though has both kansas clashed over pilot was dealt with some of
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the republican county claiming the county has been fortunate. and the delay to announcing the president raises big questions about the vote itself especially melancholy amid all right now we hear from commentators on the key issues. sort of says they want to stop the killing over so if you want to continue tell me it's a joke every night after night after night except when i watch the big board our system is the word we also see that in the united states constitution voting is never mentioned at all. welcome top international this friday welcome to our coverage of the u.s. election but counting in key states continues.
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the contest for the white house could be over in the coming hours with democrat joe biden looking more and more likely to be declared the winner in increasing his vote margins in key states however a recount has been announced in the state of georgia leaving america on tenterhooks and. and is focused on a handful of states now we all still waiting for crucial results in nevada and pennsylvania to whether democrats hold a slender lead while as it stands this is how it looks joe biden has 264 electors if you include arizona which some say is too early to cool but if you assume he's won it he has 6 electoral votes short of the 270 required for victory donald trump on the other hand currently stands to 14 but that's it remains a very tight race gaps have been closed in different ground states overnight in
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pennsylvania and a father to the former vice president is leading by less than one percent and in ga ga biden has taken the lead by just over a 1000 votes with 99 percent of the ballots counted as mentioned the margins is so tight that a recount will take place incidentally a democrat hasn't won that state in decades meanwhile the race and north carolina is too close to cool yet let's go live now to our correspondent caleb maupin in new york this is what we seem to be hairy with too early to cool the margins so far it is just you know hunt a couple of 100 a couple of 1000 what's the situation in these pedestal states then well the votes are still being counted in arizona in georgia in pennsylvania and in nevada but in all of those states there is a narrow lead for joe biden leading many in the democratic camp to speak very
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optimistically this is nancy pelosi i wish we weren't wearing masks so we could see how exciting it is to come before you today with joe biden having the tremendous mandate that he has and that. pretty soon the hyphen will be gone from vice president to president elect joe biden now at this point georgia is already planning to do a recount because of concerns raised by the trump camp meanwhile officials in nevada are saying that they expect to deliver results on sunday now we heard donald trump who took to national television and the white house podium to raise the concern of fraud and these concerns are being echoed by other republicans and by trump's supporters the latest we have from trump is quote we believe the american people deserve to have full transparency into all vote counting and election
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certification and this is no longer about any single issue this is about the integrity of our election process from the beginning we have said that all legal ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted and yet we have met resistance to this basic principle by democrats at every turn we will pursue this through every aspect of the law guaranteeing that the american people have confidence in government i will never give up fighting for you and our nation that's donald trump a statement that was appearing on social media and these sentiments that there will be efforts to overturn these election results in court have been echoed by other republicans this is the republican national committee we intend to ensure that every little fool votes and has their vote counted in a cool dence with the law that observe is a granted the access they achieve on the state law and then any irregularities that have occurred with the by malicious intent or incompetence fully investigates its
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to the fullest extent allowed to under the law. now the mayor of philadelphia has said that the allegations against his city and the vote counting process in philadelphia and in pennsylvania are completely groundless furthermore at this point though the biden camp has not yet declared victory and they're already starting to use some spicy language in regards to president trump's statements and threats not to leave office the american people will decide this election and the united states government is specifically capable of school bus passes outs of the white house now at this point we're waiting to hear from joe biden he is expected to address the country this evening and we are expecting at some point to get results nevada says results will come on sunday georgia is going
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to conduct the recount but at this point biden is ahead in the 4 key states where voting vote counting continues and everything looks pretty favorable for joe biden but the trampers are not satisfied the trump camp says that they believe there was massive fraud they will be taking this to court so it looks like we still don't have official election results and when such results come in they will probably be contested that was caleb maupin bringing us up to speed on the much anticipated results coming in from those key swing states in the u.s. many thanks. while we're looking now at life photos in fact this is the scene in washington d.c. this friday you can see protest as hopes may be fading for donald trump but that isn't stopping his supporters has tunning out there calling for the vote counting to be done legally and. the demonstrations have been peaceful and are taking place
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and a number of. the rao over results being potentially waked started even before election day with both parties are stressing the boat out meikle if you count the legal votes i easily win if you count the illegal votes they can try to steal. the election from us in america voters sacred. it's how people of this nation express their will. it is the will of the voters no one not anything else but chooses the president of united states for merck this tremendous litigation going on and this is a case where they're trying to steal an election they're trying to rig an election each ballot must be counted. and that's what we're going to see going through now and that's how it should be our goal is to defend the integrity of the election and
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will not allow the corruption to steal such an important election or any election for that matter it's a corrupt system and it makes people corrupt even if they aren't. r.t. senior correspondent our guides to discuss the tension around the country with mickey aaron. big us really does pride itself on its democratic system this front now appear to have glitches with everything that's going on i would say at this point more of a spectacle i mean the elections in the united states the there are always something of a shoe for the entire nation but this year in particular they seem to have outdone themselves democracy sometimes messy sometimes requires a little patience as world but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years in the system of government governance in the envy of the world while the envy of the world perhaps in days long gone if you're in the united states you just
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a citizen wanting to exercise your constitutional right to vote while you show up at the polling station and they'll turn you right around and tell you to go and register 1st except you have to register 2 to 4 weeks in advance depending on the state you know different procedures everywhere and to register you have a say you have to have a special id card which not everyone has so far ok you will well prepared you did it you you went and registered next you've you've got to get time off work either that because in the united states whereas in europe vote it is always inside everyone's free everyone who vote in the united states sunday is a jewish holiday and they would make it a national holiday voting day so you have to go to wednesday for example now there's a pandemic it is dangerous it is literally dangerous to good sound and huge lines of people with the very little social distancing suit you will you vote as democrats have been urging their supporters to do you mail your vote and it's lost
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150000 votes have been confirmed sue far lost in. election and they're still counting the this potentially tens and tens of thousands more even election as clues as this where every vote matters they've lost so many already democrat officials never believed they could win this election honestly i really believe that that's why they did the mail in ballots with this tremendous corruption and fraud going on that's why they mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots they refused to include any requirement to verify signatures i get is or even determine whether they're eligible or if it was a vote of it is a nation divided more now than it has been in living memory the level of polarize ation and division political division in the united states is is tearing the country apart and it isn't doing anyone any favors everybody understands what is
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happening in america but there is very little you know that nobody's willing to go to take the extra step to understand the other side everybody wants things done their way and and this is being repeated across the country protest violence political violence to level to get beaten stabbed because of the color of the had to to work with a slogan a new t. shirt and this is this is being seen worldwide liberties envious of these in europe they're saying look we we simply can't afford in content out europe to become as divided and as polarized as the united states the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because we preach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise our democracies are in danger. what's happening in america does not quite correspond to the democratic culture we know from the united states it's important the result is the accepted by everyone is easy to be a winner but sometimes it is hoped to be
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a loser at the end of the day the how close this election is how close the vote is well that both candidates a lot of leeway both are claiming that they are on the path to victory that their winning bird will be contested lawsuits of fire being fired off like fire crackers but trump especially the this election will be interim self said that you know this is a lonely and in the supreme court. more despite the warning of he collection several election commissions in america have insisted that every file it was counted and accurately reported international observers of all says that the ballots proceeded normally they have slammed donald trump's allegations of fraud saying it damages public trust in democratic institutions. human rights no eric throughout can believes the president will fight tooth and nail to stay in the oval office. i think it's there are advantages and disadvantages to
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a extended legal. battle if you will i think that yes if the matter is not resolved by inauguration day that seems to be to create a constitutional crisis in the united states however if the supreme court is quite aware of when an operational day they set their briefing schedules they will eventually irrigates that will. and will issue the appropriate orders but donald trump is fighting for his life he knows he's going to be prosecuted criminally when he's released from the presidency and if not he wants to stay on this is very personal to him however the supreme court can hear the matter and here in a quick way i wouldn't be surprised if they want to throw that kind of curveball into it and make everyone has to hold their feet rather than be plugged into the
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drama into january but i suspect that the matter removed much quicker and i believe that it will have the president elect. while the count has been particularly complicated in this contest senate stright up many contentious issues to america discuss just some of them. i. look at what the prison is doing legally the places they're trying to intercede and serve and so if they want to stop the county other states want to continue tell me to get a concrete standard for that and as well as after shelby reed holder in 2014 who had alluded voting rights we need to end the ministries records of who the president is authorized to make things that the 5 border guards at the have national standards only legends we cover republicans are fighting against that since they like these and that what i was saying that metastasized into this year's election now i don't know what about that why don't we have one uniform federal law
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that says when you're voting for president maybe put it on a separate take it i'm not sure how this will work but why don't we have one federal law for that the question is what you're asking is a great question there's a better question to which i think transcends that why is it in the year 2020 when we can map of the genome we still have this archaic system which i think speaks to something which is which makes it right and right if for any kind of shenanigans we know so much about how the votes can be stolen we had terrible days of cold actors and literacy tests and our system of voting is the worst let me also say that in the united states constitution voting is never mentioned at all there's hardly anything new selectors and that sort of thing they never got around to it so the question we have to ask is how is that right now that we see that we have something as archaic and as stupid as it.
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seems i think is really it's gotten him if this is not the donald trump that we're used to this is not the same fire and brimstone have bob how did you take it down to what degree. it will say it was embarrassing it was the sad final chapter to a set chapter in american history that's something you'll hear. on an internet war we're looking it's a choice you want broken to beat him cards that almost everything you said in that speech was a lot older stand up for a little moment you find yourself getting angry a bit at the end had broken down old man who realized. for every hole call understanding that there is no pair or. would you want joe biden to drive you home from the airport let me just talk about something right now when you put all this is side this is this says either something about is good or bad when we have a man but i'm not even sure knows where he is and he is most probably what we see
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is correct going to be sworn in as the president and i for the project since since we are predicting he will serve my term shorter than william henry harrison of $31.00 days when kamel harris will be removed immediately something will happen joel will maybe perhaps that aneurism god forbid something will pop up maybe coded maybe 8 maybe senescence but he will be moved because if you think of anybody thinks that joe biden is going to be if he is the he is the intended get it and you think that well my friends happy birthday cause you were born yesterday robert can you respond to that do you think that there is a likely i've heard from a lot of people on both sides who they all seem to believe that biden will not serve his entire 1st term and i hear from democrats who say that the time with me are from republicans who say it would be a scandal but i've heard very few people disagree with that idea do you disagree with the. course or disagree with that idea or still buy tickets or rather this
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term i think it's important that he does because he the throwback to the era politics where we were not governing in a 51 to 49 country we were we have bipartisan agreement we did big thing to big big projects of the major we put people on the moon one cold war we've liberated. western civilization that's what america used to do we work to call or you are. this is a sham the fix is in the fix he's been in from the beginning all these states so you know just going around the voter and changing the voting rules claiming that it's because of coded setting up the scenario where you think they can't finish counting the votes in georgia or north carolina or whatever they're just they're just waiting they're coordinating with the biden people and they're just waiting to see how they're going to do this we all know it's a joke every night after night after that i sit there and i watch the big boards
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you know whether it's on c.n.n. or wherever it is and guess why the numbers more votes have come in in this state more votes have come in in that state and guess what biden picked up folks trump's lead is evaporating what a surprise this is really a travesty what you guys say is the actual role of the press in these elections i mean aren't we supposed to be the observers of the process because these days it does seem like the media wields so much power that it could actually steer perception steer the public's and ultimately steer the election itself then. yeah absolutely you know we're supposed to be in the media the observer the impartial observer we're not supposed to be influenced or in this case we've moved even past that to become the decider in fact that we're in the arena is full combatants this is something almost unique to the presidency i mean the uncomfortable position of being a never trump or somebody who thinks the president should be defeated hopes to use defeated and yet finds himself very sympathetic to the president when he complains
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about the media because steve is right my friend steve is right the president has got an unfair shake from this media and i think it's all people out there like me who don't think don't trust in a particular good president but we hate it that we have to defend the guy against an unfair media well still ahead here on out international coverage of the u.s. presidential election america could have a new president in a matter of hours that could be protracted over weeks to news team has you covered when that moment happens when back after this break. if you can save someone's computer by the small and direct means saved on the painting that you can then save your thousands of other lives well my response is that the way we should think about that is just is that just as there's a child in a store experiment right there in front of you in this burning building you can say
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it also just thousands of children around the world and take millions of children around the world you could potentially state it where it's light where in the situation in the being i'm facing a burning building just all the time. seems wrong. just don't. let me. get to shape out these days. and it. equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. and.
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talk i'm back now wrangling over the election has overshadowed another heated race in the country both parties all still grappling for seats in congress in the days ahead of the vote democrats spent a large sums of money campaigning in a bid to win more influence in the house and senate. that though has not happened the house is expected to stay in the hands of the democrats with results still coming in however some experts calculate the blue majority will actually be fyn of this year and so far they are down by at least 6 incumbents to 18 seats and needed to win a majority so far the democrats are on to 8 to get republicans on 193 while there's also a tussle for the senate 2 democrats need to gain full seems to flip control of the upper house although that's unlikely as the republicans already have 48 seats and have been eating in 3 of the remaining 4 races to get to that good number 50 so
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that's the race for seats in congress meanwhile in the presidential race the blue wave that many were predicting has failed to materialize even though joe biden is on course for victory at this stage the contest has been much closer than polls for cost election integrity activist an independent journalist mika house told us why. that stage was set unfortunately prior to the general election because well the candies that i thought could be trumped which would include bernie sanders and i would even argue. those aren't the ones who are allowed to go up against in the moment that they selected one of the mill democrat in joe biden who's basically been by our standards a republican who is pro fact just like trump who can be a little bit more hawkish on foreign policy than trump then you are setting the stage for a fund will go will have to pull in support base awful party lines because that's
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seemingly where at least the democrats are demanding we vote on in that it's by extension you want to have republicans of course staying loyal in most cases to donald trump. i remind you that all that i was in the presidential race democratic nominee joe biden as 264 electoral votes just 6 short of the presidency. by tim carney has a narrow lead in the traditional red state of georgia. in the fog that has just gone out in front in pennsylvania as well keep checking back when we know it.
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sputnik 5 has the world. just like its namesake the original sputnik. the 1st craft to leave. orbit the world's sidewall many questions remain unanswered about russia's new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. poses for. what's going on in the family states please we may say we should be able to know because no one from the. real raid to receive. interest in preliminary requests. williams those of us but see.
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all right this is happening. the window and the reaction has been exactly the same as it was way back then journalists not just not the world reaction is made of green cheese. but. it's. a. media reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that is.
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directly. what is true was his faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or in maybe in the shallows. the us has a history of complicated and heated presidential elections what's different this time is that the biggest political events of the last 4 years is happening amid the coronavirus and precedents and level of civil unrest sparked by the death of george floyd and the lies of the radical groups on both sides of the political spectrum. right there with breaking the city ordinance. say. these groups
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attract barely a week members who have taken to the streets make intro tasks look like full scale what you see here was only a taste of what's about to. visit strangers are sometimes heavily armed and they are not afraid of violence or law enforcement. if you want a war let it begin with us. we're going to meet those groups and their leaders to find out how far they're ready to go to fight for what they believe is good for this country.
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greetings and sell you take. here in the united states the air is thick and my friends it is thick with anticipation as we wait for the final counts to come in and we finally get a new president crowned but while that american idol section of the us version of democracy is yet to be concluded that wasn't the only big decision made by u.s. citizens on tuesday night that will affect the future of lives across this great country some 32 states as well as the district of columbia and puerto rico had $124.00 ballot initiatives spread out amongst them this year according to the folks at the national conference of state legislatures these ballot initiatives initiatives included california's that involves hoover and lifts multimillion dollar fight to keep their drivers labeled of independent contractors rather than employees because you know hey i mean who wants to provide benefits and protections to thousands upon thousands of drivers when you've got company shareholders to appease and bank accounts to fill colorado and louisiana saw voters weigh.
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