tv News RT November 7, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EST
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no jerry thinks. we dare to ask. you to have a final declaration. of victory yet. but the numbers show us it's clear we're going to win this race stopping short of declaring victory democrat joe biden says he's on course for the white house his announcement comes despite ballot counting continuing into the state's. budget by the leaves with 264 electoral votes trump has 24270 is the magic number needed to win the presidency. from the top insists his wife was no right to quote wrongfully declare victory in the woods to multiple low suits alleging glycol fraud the republican claims that suddenly slits in joe biden's favor and
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a number of state sponsors precious. before truck to vote count on food claims raises divisions on the questions of america's heralded democratic system well ask people on the streets for that reaction. could go oh mr old boy you know. you got to work at what they did but it deep down they're just people trust is a direct threat to our looked at the sea from the stripes on the east to find out what he's fighting for because there is something kind of frogs in this country. a warm welcome i'm mickey aaron and you're watching on t.v. special coverage of the 2028 u.s. presidential election and it's certainly a nail biter as the vote counting has resumed in some of the key states and the race for the american presidency.
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democratic contender joe biden has expressed certain see he's on course to beat donald trump stopping short of declaring victory you'll have a final declaration of victory yet but the numbers chose it's clear choice a clear and convincing story we're going to win this race run track to over 300 electoral votes electoral college watch so i bought in there speaking just a few hours ago well this is how it looks at the moment biden has the backing of $264.00 electors if our zone is included there is some say it's too early to call the election there but with the grand canyon state biden only needs 6 more electoral votes to achieve the 270 threshold for victory trump has standing at 214 it still remains a very tight race though gaps closed in different battleground states on saturday
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but the anticipation could last for days if not weeks the former vice president leads in nevada they were officially there say they can't continue till thursday and the state of pennsylvania biden is less than one percent ahead of trump while in georgia biden has taken the lead by their 0 point one percent with 99 percent of the ballots counted but at the margins there are so small that officials have announced a recount or donald trump claims a multiple case of electoral fraud took place his teams filed lawsuits in pennsylvania georgia michigan. nevada some of the claims have already been turned down but trump insists the fight is not over and say's he could take legal action to the supremum court joe biden should not wrongfully claim the office of president i could make that claim also legal proceedings are just now beginning i had such a big lead in all of these states late into election night only to see the leads
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miraculously disappear as the days went by perhaps these leads will return as our legal proceedings moved forward we discussed the contested vote counts with her guests. but there always is some fraud and a usually happens in the major cities and it's usually where there's one political party control of her political machine and people have quotas to meet about how many votes they're supposed to produce to keep their jobs in local government or their contracts and so that's kind of what happens it becomes very difficult once those ballots are in the box to to invalidate them and so what's what poll watchers are for and why we try to have poll watchers everywhere to prevent those improper ballots from being counted the problem this year is so many ballots being cast by mail were done in private without any witnesses there is always when these recounts that happen there will be challenges about what legal standard was applied to how
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to count those votes and those issues probably will be taken up by the supreme court the mail in ballots that were received after election day were in the less than 5000 from what i saw. biden is going to win the state of pennsylvania by over 50000 maybe even over 100000 votes so the fact that that 5000 votes might be challenge is not going to be statistically significant and the courts won't even hear it unless it's enough to make a difference in the election is about 99.9 percent if not more clear that biden has won this election is going to probably win $300.00 or 6 electoral votes so he's not going to just win it by a little bit is going to win it by probably 5000000 popular votes and 3 percent or 4 percent in the lead and in terms of the percentage of the vote in every election
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there needs to be some type of transparency and accountability and with elections a really close i don't believe in we can have recounts now do i think is going to change anything now it's what will probably happen his job amoco to get markets would be even bright for i suspect. let the people have their say and i have no qualms with their still going to hear. rallies are continuing for both candidates across the u.s. the vote count delays and claims of voter fraud have raised divisions and even questions about the us system of democracy we call reaction from people in new york . with the whole mess go annoy you know. you got to do what better for the people the american people you know just what the best for america people and what the white person is in a sea that's going to do good for the people of america that you trust is a direct threat to our democracy to our freedom and to our everything that we live for and everything everybody worked for and this country well i think has already proven himself to be
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a threat to democracy my goal is that we can get past. this all the hysterics of the last 4 years and start moving forward as a country there's no vote for it at this point even though he's going to be lawsuits which is probably going to delay the presidency trump he's frightened he needs to find out what he's fighting for because there is some kind of fronts in this country so we need to make sure there is full democracy i think it doesn't matter who who brings my whole point is that they all where or when the people have freedom job. maybe care and they can be free to be whoever they want. so the proud us electoral system is being challenged at the very highest level and american allies and adversaries alike have been reacting to insurgency of america's votes our correspondent in your paws. of all the adjectives to describe democracy which stands for giving the people the right to choose who is in charge the man who
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stood up to take over the white house didn't pick fair stable or strong democracy sometimes messy it sometimes requires a little patience as well but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years with a system of government governance and the envy of the world just messy or it's just gotten way too messy and his country we have received reports of many irregularities we believe that there are good voters that have been counted this is fraud this is absolute fraud trump campaign says they're going to court the biden campaign says it's ready for court fights protests bite from supporters and a series of vote fraud allegations by the president himself trump will go to war over this election and that is dangerous for this country there is quite a list of things appearing as cracks in the system take the mail in voting in times
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of covert when the nation was meant to rely on it at one point the postal service warned it couldn't cope the president flushed the method altogether saying it would lead to a rigged poll if you read some of these pieces there have been plenty of such the media has been questioning the confidence in us democracy here it's been watching the mess in the wings with raised eyebrows but the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because we preach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise i would democracies are in danger was a blink in america does not quite correspond to the democratic culture we know from the united states it's important the result is the accepted by everyone is easy to be a winner but sometimes it is hoped to be. trumps late night speech puts a question mark over his possible 2nd term in office it is hard to imagine what the 2nd sam would look like when the president directly code for the abolition of the rules of democracy he's called to stop counting votes is
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a blow to the essence of american democracy here's a voice of concern from allies to pat. we can say for the united states to get into turmoil and confusion because of the election is a minus for its allies and like minded countries but perhaps the most fascinating thing to observe is the smear by america's foes after so many times washington told them how wrong things are with their elections. what a spectacle one says this is the most fragile and election in u.s. history who says that the president who's currently you know this is a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u.s. elections and u.s. democracy we do not interfere in the internal affairs of the united states and we hate it when they pretend to give lessons in democracy to the world disputes scarce and the refusal of election results by certain candidates was supposed to take
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place in developing countries where political conditions were not stable and definitely not in the country like the us but things have changed all these have occurred to him the us and the us is not synonymous to a stable civilized and consensus based society and more now just for a giggle let me read out one tweet as an official one country a calls on country b.'s leaders to show commitment to the democratic process and rule of law we urge all parties groups and individuals to engage in inclusive dialogue to find peaceful solutions to their disagreements to heal national divisions full stop it's a tweet by the u.s. embassy country a in ivory coast country b. from the 4th oh the irony there's a reason a lot of western european nations stopped doing mail in ballots a long time ago france stopped in 1975 because the process is rife with fraud and i
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have to tell you i think it's incumbent upon the trunk campaign to say al gore took $37.00 days to litigate florida we're going to go litigate and we're going to demand recounts some we're going to be automatic obviously in georgia but in wisconsin and michigan in pennsylvania in nevada in arizona we want to get to where we have free and fair elections where every legal vote is counted in a trustworthy and transparent way the american people deserve it i was wishing and hoping that last night trump was going to look into the camera and say i'm demanding a free and fair election that the american people can try. not for myself but for you because you deserve it and i think the scary thing in all of this is at the end of the day no matter who ultimately wins half of the population of america is going to think the election has been stolen that is a very dangerous place for us to be in as a country. counting in swing state nevada has been criticized for taking too long government officials insist that putting accuracy over speed and the face of an unprecedented flood if of mail in ballots but that being mercilessly mocked online
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the vote count is of course happening under the shadow of coronaviruses the country keeps breaking records with more than 100000 new cases a day actually america's trinity chavez reports. the u.s. marking another milestone as the coronavirus pandemic continues to hold a tight grip on the nation the war according to johns hopkins university the number of daily new confirmed kovan 1000 cases surging 45 percent over the past 2 weeks to a record 7 day average of 86352 while the number of deaths are up 15 percent now averaging 846 deaths every day now there are many groups that are seeing record number. and we have more than now. so this is a very serious situation room and it looks worse. the u.s. now has the highest totals in the world while infections are increasing in nearly
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every state on wednesday texas reported more than 1000 new coven 1000 cases and 126 deaths while in missouri nebraska and oklahoma hospitals are hitting record highs experts fear and dire consequences in the coming months especially concerning the fact that there are very few hospital beds slapped in some parts of the country that's a sign that the care system is. under very. epidemic is facing. all this amid a presidential election unlike any other polls show the public health crisis and the economy were top concerns for many americans but there are competing issues that trump and biden view through drastically different lenses. while president trump has ignored the advice of his top health advisors and has repeatedly downplayed the virus. and then you get better in your view democratic
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contender joe biden on the other hand is rarely seen without a face mask and has made public health during the pandemic a key issue there's a lot of things we could be doing very massive ground but the fact is that. it's just not appropriate for. a pandemic also was bending how americans vote while donald trump supporters said they were more likely to vote in person joe biden supporters said they were more likely to vote by mail to avoid being exposed to the deadly virus reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. we're on top of all developments in this race and we'll bring them to you a soon as they come and america could have a new president in a matter of hours or it could take weeks news team has you covered when that historic moment happens we're back after the break with more of the global headlines. i think i am exactly.
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thank. you. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy on sunday should we let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic development only engage and i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. to. anybody who thinks that because i just won the election we are problems are all over that that's simply not true the problems were there before president trunk
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they're not going away you have grounds for the economy in the room you're going to have to pay for the things you're going to do we still have a problem in the united states which raises we have too many young are going to. jail for grown possessions in search of some of those problems that are there or can't be simply allowed in and don't produce not does not. welcome back in world news now france has apparently why did this crackdown on terror in the wake of a series of deadly attacks across the country is now clamping down on those who welcome acts of terrorism even children in ma say a 14 year old afghan boy has been charged over remarks he allegedly made about the killing of a school teacher some your party who was beheaded by an 18 year old muslim in
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october has he was it brutally murdered after allegedly showing cartoons of the prophet muhammad and a class on free speech the teenager who commented on his death has been released but will remain under supervision is being demanded by prosecutors that he also be banned from school and from communicating with other students or teachers. there have been an increasing number of inquiries opened into young people the latest probes involve children as young as 8 many are under suspicion for interrupting a minute's silence held in memory of samuel party and allegedly saying his death was deserved in the wake of the tragedy more than 60 similar investigations have been opened into supporting terror to young people aged 12 to 16 extremely repugnant language is the islamic state group which is very worrying. we discussed with guests the spread of radicalization among young people. i don't think that the fact that they are minors should blind us to the extent of this
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problem there is a huge amount of sympathy for islamic terrorism among young people not necessarily by those with open house including by those of muslim extraction if you put them in jail it's not going to help them because they're going to be radically going to be radicalized in the in the jails and they gonna get even worse we have huge amounts of immigrants in france and i'm afraid to say that the existence of these immigrant communities is a breeding ground for islamic fundamentalism and fundamentalism is a breeding ground for terrorism and has nothing to do with terrorism you have allowed him events in france you have a lot of muslim immigrants in france who are in accord with the french law with the french way of leaving the fence some events which are not are ok with the radical islam i mean you're in my saddle and even here in france i had
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nothing to do with their radical islam that's now the fact that immigration and immigration is part of the problem it is to some extent a cause and it has to be stopped it's still continuing at a rate of several $100000.00 a year into france and those levels are unsustainable incidentally independently of the question of islamic terrorism you have a lot of terrorism that are committed by friends people who have changed religion who have become muslim and those people are friends that's completely untrue there are no examples of french catholics muslim converts committing terrorist acts or 100 percent of the islamic terrorists who have beheaded people or killed them in other ways in france in the last few years and indeed this problem has been going on actually for decades ago 100 percent of them have either been recent immigrants who are. issued or they come from immigrant
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backgrounds like the chechen who directed captivated the schoolteacher it's not the car but it's the radical islam is is the cause of the problem of the problem in. brussels has blasted israel for destructive or operation in the jordan valley that has left dozens of palestinians homeless palestine ses israel has times the move while the world is distracted by the us election artie's poorness layer of reports from the scene of the incident while the was attention has been focused on the american elections and no one has been looking here in a remote part of the west bank israeli bulldozers have been hard at work demolishing most of a bed when a village the results has that 73 people are now without homes huff of them children. really army arrived at 10 am and began an operation to demolish our homes without any warning pieces in operation in order to bring it on people out of from the area but we are not going to really i mean it did this land was in
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hellerstein years ago israel claims it is a war zone on the guy's among the structures that were destroyed or tainted homes trains solar panels and animal shelters the only thing that remains here now washed say the only one on goats the israeli army confirms it carried out this demolition and says it was because the structures were illegal guardian yani lost our houses they destroyed everything we would still stand our ground and we will not abandon our land israel is a disease in the shell it is a cancer which was spread throughout the world and 3 it neglects the whole world and this is to know what it is like. a palestinian leaders have been quick to say the demolitions were carried out while the rest of the world was distracted. the attention is focused on the u.s. election israel chose disk evening to commit another crime and covered up to demolish 70 palestinian structures including homes displacing about 80 palestinian
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citizens the united nations says that small structures in any other demolition carried out by the israeli army in the last decade and which no where else to go the residents of this village are bracing themselves for freezing cold winter without the homes to provide protection policy r.t. west bank. before we wrap up for the hour here's a reminder of how the u.s. presidential race looks so far democratic nominee joe biden has $264.00 electoral votes just 6 away from the presidency donald trump is to kill $214.00 biden currently has a narrow lead in the traditionally red state of georgia as well as a nevada and he's just going out in front in pennsylvania as well so without a throughout the coming hours and days as we continue tracking the 2020 us election all other key stories. are.
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important to know because we're going to talk about the smug industrial complex having a showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements yes it sounds like cable news similar self-satisfied complacent self-congratulatory superior puffed up you might understand that we're talking about the smug industrial complex known as the american cable news networks the think tank networks that are so star in all of those people in new york city and d.c. are just so much better than every body else all the deplorable is and this country . has the smug class to protect the class so they feel very comfortable with their affiliations and associations with the institutions that run america at the highest level the permanent institutions that are always running america the matter who is the president they have friends in the media and those friends feel smug that no
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matter what happens that they are protected and it's dangerous to have a entrenched smug class in your society in your country because they can take liberties with the truth and project a situation that is false and put people down the wrong path of course their fake news was not prevented from spreading before the elections in america everybody assumed there was being going to be a blue wave that biden would win in landslide nobody will be fired for that none of those articles were stopped from spreading. and yet they did so this is important it's a good way to look at any economy empire wealthy families this is how they fall apart it's not from outside this is why the founding fathers of america did warn that america will never be destroyed from outside it will be destroyed from inside because she is what always is the deadliest of all human emotions throughout
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history the thing that it obviates is the need for free market and competition because in a meritocracy or a capitalist democracy like the united states you have the ability for social mobility which is the antithesis of smugness in countries that are legacy monarchy or aristocracy still in place smugness counts particularly in countries in europe where we have lived for years we noticed that to be the case so it would be a tragedy if america went the way of a permanent smug class and got rid of social mobility but the numbers are quite discouraging on this front i thought you were to say smug lives matter and that's how they seem to operate but i just think history thousands of years of history maybe the decades long and you know the last few decades of neo liberalism in europe maybe seem to contradict it but the thousands of years of history suggests that smugness and hubris they're both part of the same thing always always ringback
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destroy power they always take it down so i'm going to show you some of the exit data that was just remarkable and we try to be the opposite of smug and we try to be heterodox we try to think outside the box not look at the orthodoxy with the status quo as soon as you have a status quo it behooves anybody out there who even if you adore the status quo to look outside and see what what other people are thinking that's why we went across america twice the great american pell grant and then gonzo the smug industrial complex chose. not to do that so the cable news washington post a new york times told you that the only people who vote for trump are white supremacists this male right so this is what he they who votes for trump according to the exit polls trump did better in 2020 with every race and gender except for white men so the change from 2016 white men.
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