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tv   News  RT  November 7, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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trollish ness. is made of green cheese. but. it's. projections good job i do the white house says the 4 to 6 u.s. presidents as the key state of pennsylvania to class with a vote count vice president elect to travel to paris described the win as not just a power as she sat atop cucaracha nation. believe we did it. here given that a president of the united states. donald trump declared victory for himself in the
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election that could still be a twister it was the republicans launching most serious. and postal products. on the floor out from election night and america created stiffish and we have from new york claims of fraud time for the us democratic system. ole miss gold or you know. what good would it be to people we trust is a direct threat to our democracy trump he's right and he's to find out what he's trying to for because to be some kind of front this country. hello you're watching out international this sock say the 7th of november detail
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joining me in the studio also today will be don't know of course i will be talking through the big moments because it's now food days since the u.s. election on a looks like we might finally however result a number of media all projecting that joe biden has been elected the 42nd president of america having secured 290 addict world college votes just to remind us to 70 are needed for victory in the form of the piece when in his home state of pennsylvania seems to have pushed him across that threshold don't trust meanwhile. 214. on its cross live now to new york and to. penn kato we saw lots of people out in full set a great saying biden's when and that seems to be on the basis of details coming out from pennsylvania big moment joe biden thought time lucky it looks like indeed a number of outlets have declared joe biden to be the winner and joe biden himself has announced
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a victory on the basis of pennsylvania's electoral votes count in pennsylvania seems to have joe biden in such a solid lead that he will be the winner when the count is concluded so on that basis joe biden is declaring victory and the people on the streets celebrating his supporters seem to be reflecting those sentiments take a listen. america i'm honored that you've chosen me to lead a great country the work ahead of us will be hard but i promise you this i will be a president for all americans whether you voted for me or not i will keep the faith that you have placed in me now at this point not only has joe biden declared victory barack obama and michelle obama have sent their congratulations to joe biden for his victory furthermore at this point we have a video circulating with vice president elect kamel harris talking on the phone to joe biden and letting him know the results take
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a listen to that. the lead lead. here given that it's the president of the united states. now at this point the white house does not agree with the sentiments coming out of the american media and out of the biden camp they argue that there are legal challenges ahead they have repeated the claim that there was ballot dumping and that essentially there was some type of fraud they have said that republicans were not given proper access to the vote counting and are asking for recounts and recounts are planned in a number of states here's some of what we've heard from the white house. we don't know why joe biden is rushing to full sleep poses do we know and why he's meeting trying to. they don't want the truth to be exposed so it's clear there is going to be legal challenges to the projected win of joe
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biden the court proceedings will be taking place the trump campaign does not consider themselves to have lost we saw donald trump on twitter prior to the announcement that joe biden was victorious saying that he won by a lot we're also hearing a number of claims and allegations about fraud from supporters and if this point even though joe biden is at this point considered to be the winner of the election by a number of mainstream media outlets by the biden camp it's clear that the trump camp has a different view and this may not be the end of the us 2020 presidential election. well sutton not ok to support says he. that's one thing they famously like about him fighting spirit that was capable pin reporting from many things. while trying to pass a lawyer to be on the house stress that allegations of fraud will see the election end up in courts. he settled lawsuits will be brought starting on monday.
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but the 1st time it was discovered was here in pennsylvania just a couple of days ago. the devious to see behind me are just a few of about. i'd say 50 to 60 poll watchers. who will all testify that they were uniformly deprived of their right to inspect it in single part of the mail in ballots as you know from the very beginning the mail in ballots were the source of some degree of skepticism if not a lot of skepticism as being anything prone to fraud. well i think we actually she can just pick up what giuliani because obviously a lot of people on the campus saying this election has been just riddled with with fraud looking out proof giuliani that talking about pullups of us not not being allowed being blocked dead people voting in pennsylvania i mean do you have
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anything to add a mean what else do we know about yeah definitely i mean this isn't the 1st statement that rudy giuliani has made about the potential fraud involved with these mail in ballots he made a statement just a couple days ago talking about how there is really no way to verify exactly where these mail in ballots came from that could be from mars that could be from the moon who knows and it is quite suspicious that a bunch of new mail in ballots that were previously announced showed up out of nowhere just right after the ballots closed there was also the lot of trump supporters we're talking about ignored mail in ballots from military military veterans who were in support of trump and the like of that so it definitely seems like there's going to be some sort of legal battle after the end of this election i mean trump's already filed lawsuits in a number of states some of them have been dismissed but there's also the supreme court would say yeah absolutely not shocking speaking to a couple of guests to well quite interesting you talking about how. confounding
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a lot of judges in the legal system over the last 4 years might finally pay dividends for him if it ends up going through state level and then ending up in the supreme court but i also think you know football i didn't care if he says this is you know i've been given the mandate i'm so proud i mean we've got to talk about the numbers here on believable tahn out in this election more than what 17 around 74000000 votes for by tomorrow yeah absolutely historic turnout and then we can also talk about how the so-called blue wall that he mentioned happened wasn't exactly i would i would say a blue wall i mean it was basically 5050 percent of the population voting for trump and biden but definitely of historic turnout and not just because of the numbers but also because this election specifically i mean i have a. a degree in history and i know for a fact that. an election in which a president wins ohio which trump did and loses the election is a very very rare occurrence no republican president in the history of the united states actually has actually lost ohio and won the presidency and only 2 presidents
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in the history of the united states have won the election without ohio and he won florida on top of that so that in itself is a very very abnormal situation in the u.s. electoral system is also quite right of course for the incumbent president not to wed reactions will be something only like the 4th time if the top is proven wrong and is indeed not and will curated on january 20th the last time was to bush sr from not mistaken yeah in the ninety's now it's i mean that was so many interesting things about this election i was actually we've been hearing reaction as well from hillary clinton. she says this is a sign of america tugging away and giving trump the cold shoulder but i don't know what you'll feel not just not so fast 8 months well i think really what this election shows is that you know both the democrats and the republicans are trying to portray that the country's on their side of course but i think this election really portrays if anything that the country is more divided than ever before you mentioned that this is the 1st election since george bush sr where the incumbent
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president did not win reelection and that's i think definitely because we're in a very unique situation right now of course the coronavirus is still going on the pen demick people are talking about another lockdown we've got an economic crisis so these are definitely abnormal times that don't really help the abnormal situation and you know the possibility of fraud in the election of some funny business going on of course we haven't seen any evidence of it but you know when i meet with the campaign believes that they're on course to find something that hopefully can shift things and trump's way is also just as a final thing was very interesting to hear what one of our guests was talking about how either way you look at trump has really shaken things up and even if it's gotten will cure 8 and g. . 20th they have to him and comedy they have to listen to the people because we're seeing this kind of populist wave that tunning away from kind of foreign interference stuff like that so he said you have to be careful because in 4 years time unless they start changing things they might end up with just one of the donald trump or donald trump again quite frankly and 24 yeah. i mean there's
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whether donald trump does win the selection or not i mean it hasn't specifically ended yet but it looks like biden is on his way to the white house whether he wins or not he has clearly made a serious impact on american history on the american country and who knows maybe he will come back here for biden and come all the terrorists you know the voter base they were able to accrue he would it would be another normal thing in the american presidency since we've only seen one other american president become president and then come back after another term grover cleveland and like the early 20th century or late 19th century what i call way to see has wrought is that because if there are tens of thousands of them gathering in the middle of a pond. by your bottom dollar that in 2024 with no pandemic hopefully they're going to be a lot more of them that's true well let's go live now and bring in professor federica been to you from the 'd sun tough for trends that transatlantic that you are relations at john hopkins now. where are my all they go for and i found
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it right i want to start off a lot of wild need to have already congratulated joe biden for his victory on how do you think his presidency will change america's foreign policy well you will bring joe biden we bring back of the u.s. into being a leader is respected leader and ward level and if you didn't people and other countries contrast and this is why people are so happy you do is around the world are so happy dual. for him to be elected and to be frank i think russia and putin should be elected should be happy as well because they would finally get back and rational actor with which they can negotiate for real. i also want to ask you now obviously since 2016 a lot of democrats have been questioning trump's election they said that it was
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russian interference do you think that we're going to suddenly see this flipped as republicans now questioning the legitimacy of. well 1st of all 2016 wasn't lost by the democrats because of russian interference i think this is clear and these election showed even more so president trump is desperately trying to make the case that this election is somehow rate he is i would say beyond ridiculous at this point if not. if not dangerous in watch you said she's saying biden is has won fair and square yaz over $4000000.00 votes more then. than trump he when the count would be fini should probably have 320 volts just like trump had in 2016 there is no way whatsoever to say that this election in some want rate well federica we've seen throughout trump's presidency he's been in
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terms of nato trying to get nato states to pay their fair share into the transatlantic military alliance what do you think biden's election into the presidency is going to mean for international relations and for nato specifically. well you know you know that there is number of international treaties from which with there are from from very said to the treaty with iran with agreement with iran and so on and so forth so the 1st order not to mention nuclear proliferation and us of the 1st being that i abide in will do or we'll be going back into those treaties and assuming the other actors will be ready to do i think the biggest question mark will be with iran because of since. then answer the treaty they went on but for the sense are the nuclear proliferation rasher asked to negotiate and renew the treaty and and. trumpeted not to so the 1st act would be to really insert. the us in
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a number of international treaties or even international going to zation because even with all from that one type are going to zation in our and make it a part of the multilateral for once again. as as nato goes probably by then we keep asking for europeans to. pay their fair share this one change both manners which you shane your last and that really matters you know in person relationship as in foreign policy there is a way and the way to ask people are things and there are different ways to deal with people so if you ask sam think candy and you argue why that is important maybe europeans will listen if you just go there and what they need to do when he said i want to pick up on something that you said a bit earlier about how russia should be happy that. if i don't gets. in january biden came out a couple of weeks ago and actually said that russia was america's number one enemy
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so how how does that fit enter into your logic. you don't need to be friends to negotiate internationally and it's impossible to negotiate international who someone who is a saw. last week i would say and strength is and they're very good between the u.s. and russia is over 70 years old is nothing new they have been absent downs but that they always being faith will negotiations between the 2 and this is what we're going to go back to i mean it's impossible for russia to negotiate in direct negotiations or else where in their words like middle east with a pastor that is as. as and as untrustable as trump is and by they will not be that biden will have one direction and would stick with that.
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suskind i was just talking about how this election it was a record turnout election also showed how divided really the united states is right now what do you think biden biden presidency will be able to rectify that divide and if so how and look at that the united states is a very fractured and divided country there is no doubt it's very trashers divided what the tram presidency and the selection show is that the fracture and the gap is wider than we thought and there is a heart lots of hard feelings that being said if it is one person one person that can man they get they can heal the country that is joe biden and as many have said i mean it's unlikely that any other democratic candidate would have been able to be elected under the pseudonym stances and he's the one because obvious humanity because of his ability to relate to the other he is the one who can bring america together and this is what the country badly badly needs to needs
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to get now. i want to pick up on you said earlier how trust was a person who lacked people couldn't trust by till the other hand can bring people together obviously 17000000 so people believe that truong represented the well for 4 years that's why they came and voted for another 4 years of him is there anything that you think that he did that has left a good mark on the country it's hard to find a way something that he lacks the good marcone i mean it's really hard and i think if you are overseas is difficult to understand the conditions of the country you know waking up every morning and say ok what's up today and it's been like being a roller coaster never ending 4 years of the roller coaster and. he leaves the county when more divided and he was before and economically in a much worse shape than he was before and so there's old to be reconstructed is
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really hard to find something good about the president while might have been a right across the last 4 years it looks like the right across to i continue for a couple more days or weeks trying to campaign continues to contest the election that was professor frederica bindy senior fellow at the center for transatlantic relations at john hopkins my thanks for coming on and speaking to us thank you for having me if you were watching us international we'll be back in just a my when with all the latest from the election to come back we've got lots.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. dramatic to follow only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. here is the smug class to protect the class so they feel very comfortable with their affiliations and associations with the institutions that run america the highest level the permanent institutions that are always running america the matter of who is the president they have friends in the media and those friends feel smug
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that no matter what happens that they are protected it is dangerous to have an entrenched smug class in your society in your country because they can take liberties with the truth and project a situation that is false and put people down the wrong path. do you think that because i just won the election we our problems are over that is simply not true the problems were there for president trump they're not going to worry you you have problems with the economy in the long room you're going to have . to go there you're going to do 3rd we still have a problem in the united states which raises we have too many young. jails for growth possessions are some of the worst problems or did your work. is
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simply what you can do is not is not. welcome back to you ought to be international on to our coverage of the u.s. election the u.s. of course being a key figure and so whatever happens in washington also has an impact beyond the u.s. borders and to do that let's get some insight from a europe correspondent shot it depends who can talk us through the other side to fit. biden here claiming he's beaten trabant trump obviously not giving up quite yet but so far was that mean any reaction from abroad to this new incoming president. well as soon as those projections show that biden would
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be the next u.s. president those reactions from e.u. leaders have been thick and fast pretty much every country's leader or prime minister or the deputy prime minister in any peace have been tweeting their congratulations to the team of joe biden and camilla harris will start off with the european commission president vonda lane who offered her warm congratulations to the both and talked about the e.u. and the us being important allies to each other we also heard from the austrian chancellor sebastian could soon talked about shared values of the usa and of austria and europe in general saying that he's looking forward to working with him cooperating in the future also the italian prime minister just become to saying that the u.s. can rely on italy as
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a solid ally so really these warm contract congratulations coming through from most countries now also congratulations coming through from the u.k. prime minister johnson from the french president and from the german chancellor angela merkel. congratulations to joe biden on his election as president of the united states and to kemal a harris on her historic achievement the u.s. is our most important ally and i look forward to working closely together on our shared priorities from climate change to trade and security the americans have chosen their president congratulations joe biden and kemal a harris we have a lot to do to overcome today's challenges let's work together i look forward to future cooperation with president biden our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to master of the great challenges of our time. well the irish prime minister talked about joe biden being
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a good friend to ireland let's not forget that joe biden has irish roots so there might have been a lot of people rooting for him there and nicolas to the 1st minister of scotland not just congratulating biden but also mentioning the fact that harris as voice president elect becomes the 1st woman to hold that position in u.s. history so a really big achievement but while the majority of people have been warmly congratulating the democratic team there are others who may be feeling a little bit less warm towards him at the moment including slovakia's prime minister who on wednesday said that he thought trump would won the election and in fact as previously described brian biden as possibly being somebody who had become one of the weakest presidents in u.s. history let's not forget of course that melania trump the current 1st lady is from slovakia yeah i know you can't you can't hide that part of that alliance i want to
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ask you as well we heard there about reaction from going to michael so let's take a look how would a biden presidency change relations with germany for example. well i'm glad merkel is a storage politician somebody who would work with anyone and we've seen her try to work with trump over the last few years but clearly germany is hoping for easier relations in the next 4 years it wants to perhaps strengthen that transatlantic cooperation between the 2 countries some of the issues that germany is going to be most concerned about is the fact of the trade was that donald trump has famously had these trade rules with the e.u. over various issues including what. white house and trump saw as being unfair advantages given to airbus which is a you ripley in plains maker now germany was seeing some of the
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fallout from that with the threat that there would be tariffs put on german cars going into the e.u. going into the u.s. so there would be a hope that that sort of trade war friction can evaporate now there's also the issue of a nude stream to this gas pipeline coming straight from russia into germany the u.s. currently has sanctions on companies that are working with that now germany has talked about this pipeline being incredibly important for bringing sustainable energy into the e.u. bloc that's something that trump has not been happy with so lots of little issues like that but then there are also the bigger issues issues of nato global issues such as iran all of these germany will be hoping that they will be able to work with an ally that is looking to forge a stronger relationship between the e.u. and the u.s. as has been in the past yeah i'm just finally before i let you go i sorry i know
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you want to go home but i struggle one more question for you we know that obviously over the last couple of years we've seen how trump has been pulling out of some international agreement so the parents climate accords that drew a lot of criticism of the iran nuclear deal how do you think biden coming into the oval office could see things change getting the e.u. all hope that maybe some decisions will be reversed. well we know already that biden has been incredibly clear what he makes of some of these agreements you mentioned that the paris climate accord that donald trump famously pulled the u.s. out of saying he wasn't happy with it that sort of caused a bit of a fraction in the relationship between him and france's president and many a man you are not gone now biden has been clear that the 1st day of his presidency he would reenter into that agreement and in fact that's one of the things that many of the european leaders the m.p.'s the any piece of been talking about on social
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media the seething is the fact that they're welcoming that the u.s. would be back it would be their part of the paris climate accord so that's obviously something that we know biden will do in regards to the uranium nuclear deal again not something that trump pulled the u.s. away from something that was negotiated and you bomb a presidency when of course joe biden was vice president so there is that joe biden if he is the $46.00 president of the u.s. will be somebody who will want to go back to the negotiating table and trying to smooth over those relations and europe is particularly hoping that that will be the case let's not forget that on merkel and other european leaders all try to get trump to stay inside that iranian nuclear deal in fact when france hosted the last g 7 leaders summit in 2019 actually flew in the iranian minister something that had never been done before as he was attempting to get those relationships and working
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again to save that rainy and nuclear deal of course that didn't happen and trump refused to sit down with the iranian minister so yes european leaders hoping that a biden presidency will see more negotiation see partnership together but there is a bigger concern here that if biden is the $46.00 president he's going to have so much on his plate when it comes to domestic issues. whether that's the fallout from the election without the 1000 pandemic whether that's the economy that europe may be waiting before those issues are dealt with was such a new we were all means to be seen how to change things one thing i think we can say that starts in is that they'll be a bit less twichell foreign policy on twitter rather was solid team penske reporting from paris anything. why do you not to pick up on something that a lot he was talking about just kind of expanded in the sense of how biden is going to negotiate with.


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