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tv   News  RT  November 7, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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fine. projections put joe biden in the white house says the 46 us president is the key state open so they needed to close more of its vote count vice president elect called it a high risk described the win as not just about us as she sent us to gotch elations . we did it. here given that is president of the united states. declared victory for himself in the election that could still be a twist that was the republicans you and she will suit so for a late surge in postal bought it's a one to buy to. pound the fallout from election night in america creates division
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we have from new york claims of fraud hunger for the us democratic system. hold mr woodward you know. you've got to do what's good for the people good marriage of people trust is a direct threat to our democracy trump he's trying to time he's to find what he's trying to for because to be some kind of approach to this country and its people the accident scene said not seemingly the rest subdivision of u.s. society as both by do not trump supporters continue to rally all across the country . you want you all to international i'm sauce to tell you that this is my calling don't reports on it some day here in moscow so it's 5 days since the voting in the u.s. senate looks like we might finally have a result. a number of media are projecting that joe biden has been elected the 42nd
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president of the united states having secured 298 up to world college it's just a reminder of course 270 are needed for victory the form of the piece when in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across that threshold donald trump meanwhile stands at 214 well let's cross live to our international's new york correspondent caleb mop and caleb one of the details coming out from pennsylvania this is certainly a huge moment for joe biden when to say indeed this morning as the vote counting in pennsylvania continued it became pretty clear that donald trump was not going to pull ahead and that is when t.v. networks started projecting joe biden as the winner of the presidential election and then we heard the biden campaign go ahead and declare victory this is what they said america i'm on is that you've chosen me to lead
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a great come tree the work ahead of us will be hard but i promise you this i will be a president for all americans whether you voted for me or not i will keep the faith that you have placed in me. now at this point we understand michelle and barack obama have congratulated joe biden as have a number of world leaders who have expressed their congratulations to joe biden and accepted him as the winner of the presidential election now the biden campaign also released this interesting video of camila harris the vice president elect calling joe biden on the phone to let him know he was the winner. early. here given that is the president of the united states. now from what we understand joe biden was actually playing golf when he received that phone call he was on the golf course when camila harris called him to give him the good news to her that was quite good news that they would be headed toward the white house but let's remember
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the trump campaign is not accepting these results donald trump on thursday evening addressed the country and raised concerns about potential fraud talked about allegations of ballot harvesting as well as allegations that there was not proper transparency and how the votes were counted in places like philadelphia and michigan and elsewhere we now have the trump campaign saying this is not over and they do not consider joe biden to be the winner take a listen we don't know why joe biden is rushing to full sleep poses do we know and why he's meeting and trying to help him they don't want the truth to be exposed. now just a few hours before joe biden declared himself victorious we had donald trump on social media saying that he had won and by a lot and legal challenges are being prepared this will end up in court the trump camp is very clear they are not accepting these results they consider there to have
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been fraud and they are taking this to court now it is saturday the election was held on tuesday at the moment it appears we finally do have the winner of the presidential election that being joe biden however this win is not being accepted by the trump camp there will be legal challenges and follow ups and even though we are pretty far out from the november 3rd vote it seems pretty clear that at this point the controversy surrounding the 2020 presidential election in the united states is certainly not over. and thank you very much for those election updates now donald trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani has stressed the allegations of fraud we'll see the election and up in the courts. lawsuit will be brought starting on monday. but the 1st time it was discovered was here in pennsylvania
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just a couple of days ago. the people you see behind me are just a few of about. 50 to 60 poll watchers who will all testify that they were uniformly deprived of their right to inspect any shingle part of the mail in ballots as you know from the very beginning the mail in ballots were a source of some degree of skepticism if not a lot of skepticism as being innately prone to fraud. well let's look now at how people are reacting stateside there are voters that are washington d.c. there is of course the white house at the end of that avenue and you can see it's looking pretty juba have people right that we can see that all jumping up and down clearly abides and supports us now washington d.c. is of course a democratic stronghold only 5 percent i believe of d.c.'s residents voted for donald trump so undoubtedly the atmosphere in the capital will be very celebrate
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tory it's just gone 5 pm that similar scenes festivities of people dancing cheering us filming this historic moment happening all across the u.s. we saw a big groups gathering in times square new york but we similarly saw also pro trunk rallies in atlanta georgia they had called shouting the fight is not only fire we support our president just an example of how contested this election still is but that's the scene right that 5 pm in the capital of america with those people fully expecting joseph biden to be a known curated on january the 20th. well it's been election season the seemingly deepened the rift in divisions. all of us society that you camps are out in the hundreds in support of trump right now with crowds gathering as we just saw or in d.c. new york philadelphia all the major cities across the country delays and claims of
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vote to force have created rifts on raised questions about the u.s. democratic system well we decided to go out to the big apple and get reaction from the people on the street. whole mess go annoying you know. you've got to do what better for the people the american people you know just what the book remember to people and what the white person is in a sea that's good do good for the people of america that you trust is a direct threat to our democracy to our freedom and to our everything that we live for and everything everybody went for in this country so i think he's already proven himself to be a threat to democracy my hope is that we can get past. this all the hysterics of the last 4 years and start moving forward as a country there's no fall out at this point even though he's going to losses which is probably going to delay the presidency from he's trying to time he needs to find
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out what he's fighting for because to be some kind of fronts in this country so we need to make sure there is for democracy i think there's a murderer who who remains my whole point is that i hope where or when the people have freedom job. maybe care and they can be free to be whoever they want to. love as let's talk about so we're joined on the line now by media commentator t.v. and radio host anchor and news outlets genius and a very busy woman on political activist anthony watch is right welcome both of you to the program it's always good to see you general start off with you just quite a general question see biden supporters popping champagne d.c. there are crowds out that and then of course you got trump supporters saying we'll put back quote back in the bottle it's not done quite yet what do you make of this whole situation. well you know we've had media lie to us over the last 4 years extensively and so i'm not very
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surprised that the media is calling an election which is yet decided we found gross inadequacies in fact a whole counties have been reversed now when we found software glitches we found rampant fraud this will all be decided in the courts and and there's so much evidence now that is mounting more and more part of a committee that is actually helping to investigate this and i can tell you there are a lot of inconsistency so once all legal votes are counted certainly then someone will have a right to pop some corks but for right now it's a little premature. to pick up on something that you know was talking about that and that's the role of the media because as you know right you said they cooled especially our reserve that it was recalled and they called to the again but the other states which are much bigger margins that they kept denying cooling people say was just a bit strange now i also had to get the weight of the media is talking right now is a way to intimidate judges who might potentially rule in trumps what do you say
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to that kind of on occasion. yeah you know i would actually agree that in some cases the media did not necessarily act responsibly that is absolutely correct i think that however we have seen fox news at this point box news of course being the primary news source for this soon to be former president of the united states has in fact called this race for what appears to be president elect joe biden what i will also say is that judges in the united states of america have shown that they are not going to be intimidated by anyone including by this president who tried to intimidate judges for having mexican dissents so i don't think that the media has that much power at this much at this point in time we're looking at simply is the math the math is simply not there anymore this president to claim any irregularities the math is not there for him to overtake what appears to be
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president elect biden's lead in key states like pennsylvania georgia and the bottom and potentially arizona. while this next question goes to you gina we've heard a lot from politicians in the u.s. and outside the u.s. about these fraud allegations potentially being harmful to democratic institutions do you think what's happened is going to damage the reputation of the united states as a beacon of democracy in around the world. no i don't that's exactly why we have the court process that we have i mean certainly when you have a whole precincts where 200 percent of registered voters in a given precinct voted you know that something is severely wrong with that and so so those things need to be sorted out in the courts most definitely and i would think that any american who believes in freedom and believes in the electoral process with think that those things should be sorted out in court and certainly not certified by the media i still believe in the process and i think that most
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americans do and i don't trust any media source to call these things. well and the next question to you anthony so biden himself and his son hunter biden have come under some scrutiny throughout this election especially in connection to the sun's business dealings in ukraine do you think under a biden presidency an investigation into that is going to actually be done. i don't necessarily think that will be instituted by president elect biden himself but if there is any wrongdoing absolutely there should be an independent investigation into it just like there were independent investigations into donald trump independence of investigations into the dealings of donald trump's own family including his son in law jerde questioner also you know there were independent investigations into a former mayor of new york city really rudy giuliani who i don't understand why he's making a spectacle of himself now would he himself was also implicated in some dealings
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having to do with the ukraine bottom line if any wrongdoing has been done the american people absolutely have a right to know about it we have seen thus far though that it's been republican senators who did complete an investigation of president elect biden son hunter and they themselves said that no wrongdoing has been. has emerged at this point in time you don't want to just to pick picking up and i mean anthony said that do you think that the media especially has given a level playing field to these 2 candidates you know very often we read that people as slightly unfair on trump and maybe they threw thoughtful questions to joe biden what's your favorite kind of ice cream given that's a fair assessment. there's no question that the media favors joe biden and look it's a free country the media can favor whomever they want to favor i mean that's just the way it goes i think one of the big blessings is that because it's
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a free country the answer to that is that a lot of alternative media sources are sprouting up all over the country and all over the world and people know how to find those and so that's one of the great things about about the free market and so that's working itself out i believe it will continue to work itself out i believe that's why donald trump got 6000000 more votes this time than he did last time i believe that's why he doubled his minority votes from the last time including blacks and latinos i believe that's why you know the conservative movement america movement if you will will continue to grow because you know americans will are resourceful and will find the information that they want to find and find the truth regardless and you know some of the new sources that that that your other guest cited have made some changes and have flipped a little bit since they are under new ownership but you know what that's just part of the american way and americans will fix that too they'll find their alternative news sources that's actually something really interesting came out of this election
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was that i actually don't trump outperforms himself amongst the minority groups right you gain more among black and latino 9 voters than he and any republican in 60 is already is quite astonishing my question is this obscene do you think the republican party under trouble has the potential. to change and become genuinely a fat representation of all of society because traditionally these are not groups that flock to the republican party are we are we seeing a changing over the 2 groups and the fabrics. this is a very very important question i would argue that yes president trump for now would definitely did over perform with african-americans and some segments of hispanics it's very important also that we don't more for di's the entire hispanic ethnicity we know that we're back for instance some hispanics are white people right it's an
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ethnicity not a raise what i will also say is that i do think that there are plenty of african-americans who are dissatisfied with the democratic party who they have shown a steadfast electoral loyalties for years and decades and generations and have not gotten a lot in return from this party so i think it's both parties are doing a post-mortem they have to look to these communities and ensure that their lives and their needs are just as important as their votes but there can be no denial whatsoever that donald trump did make inroads and at the same time there can be no denial that at the end of the day what appears to have lifted joe biden's a victory for black brown and indigenous voters this next question goes to the both of you but let's start with jena a lot of people during this election specifically have been criticizing the american political systems effectiveness during election time specifically the electoral college the winner takes all system in the united states what do you guys think do you think there needs to be some serious changes or
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a serious political overhaul after this 2020 election i would say quickly absolutely i found more and more i are. you know you. don't you don't i don't personally i think i think the i think the system works and i think i think it will work itself out i think that our electoral system works i think that our electoral college works and that's me saying this even though hillary clinton was part of the electoral college i think that you stick to the system that works it's worked for all of these years i believe in it when it doesn't work for my party and i believe in it when it does work for my party i also feel the same way about our rule of law and about our constitution about our court system which will sort out this election as well and i will accept the winner ultimately once all legal votes are counted and what were you going to say. i would say that the electoral college is clearly an antiquated system that was started by white slave owners in an effort to suppress votes of specific people keep in mind that this system was created at
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a time when myself i was considered only 3 fifths of a person we are seeing more states including states that. republicans have had success and like made experiments in with new ways of voting including rain choice voting in nebraska as a matter of fact were were trumped won the popular vote but didn't win every congressional district joe biden was awarded some of the electoral the delegates of that state so i do think that it's a problem when a president or a candidate can win the popular vote but because of an antiquated system that was quite frankly enacted to suppress the votes of black brown indigenous people and women i think that it's time for us to look at that it's a look at new systems that are going to make sure that the majority of the people's votes is the is the will of the majority of the people that's not the case right now we were able to engineer victories when the majority of the people. have not
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voted for a particular candidate and that's going to continue to be a problem at the same time and i'll say this quickly i don't want states of a smaller population to be disregarded just because of the population of theirs of their state so rain choice voting you know we see that with parliament as a sounds on it's. well yeah yeah i mean i think again we will go back and forth on this but you know choice voting has worked in maine choice voting has worked in cities like san francisco and i think we're going to see more places willing to experiment to make sure that the will of the people is actually what the outcome of elections are i'm fine you just to pay the fee to a sort of wrap up i mean if we are indeed things that have the waning days of the trump presidency lot of people have blamed 10 for the divisiveness on polarization in society in jena do you think that he has to play even 2nd would he think that biden is a pass and he's capable of as he says healing the soul of america. i
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think that the evidence speaks for itself that he is gaining the president is gaining minority votes in droves and i don't believe that we're seeing the waning days of his presidency i believe we're seeing the beginning of the 2nd term of his presidency and i believe that you'll only see him bringing together more and more people all different groups of people look what he's done for traditionally black colleges look what he's done for. the enterprise zones look what he's done for prison reform i mean no other president all these other democrat and republican i might add administrations have said they were going to do all these things for minority populations they have it not even to mention what he's done for women lowering unemployment to record lows for all minority groups including women and i think that he will continue in that in his 2nd term i for one look forward to seeing him do that i would i would hope that you know that joe biden and harris when this is proven in the courts that donald trump in fact did win will
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congratulate him and support him in that effort instead of fighting him tooth and nail like they have for the last 4 years and i'm sorry i just want to quickly all sort of relates that you know some critics say judge donald trump did more influence than joe biden did and 47 years is there any reason to believe that if biden is in will grayson on january 20th that he will actually use the next 4 years will potentiate us any differently to the last almost 5 decades. what here's one thing i will agree with the madam in that donald trump did not create the did business of this country. benefit from the business of this country and utilizes the business of this country one president cannot be held responsible for 500 years of oppression of racism of white supremacy of patriarchy but this particular president can be accused of utilizing it and in some pieces exacerbating it i do think that joe biden calmly hers have a gargantuan task in front of them if this does hold up as we believe that it. well
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it's not going to take a presidency though it's going to take that people coming together having a truth and reconciliation process in these discussions to really understand that the united states of america is a systemic lee racist country that was founded on racism on genocide on patriarchy and on colonization and it's going to take all of us coming together not politicians we can't rely on politicians for the work that we have citizens have to do at the end of the day the united states is a representative democracy and the citizens of the united states have to advance they advance citizenship and do their part as well to make this a so-called more perfect union while sadly i think everyone would agree that whoever is going to include a no actually this country is actually. i was just going to say this country is actually a representative republic as it was defined he said jefferson said i've given you a republic if you can keep it and also i think that this country was founded on freedom and free markets and that's what's beautiful about this country is that we
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can come together as martin luther king jr sad they judge people not by the color of their skin but the content of their character i hope we can get there what is really quickly stop deodorizing in c. and it's isaac martin luther king when it ceases yes it was not on free markets and that commodity of the free market were slaves african people that the gentleman that you reference and thomas jefferson own and in some cases. against their will so we have to be honest and tell the full story in that's going to be the process of us maybe being able to come together we can't have justice without peace but we can't have peace or justice without truth. wall i was just going to say that i think we can all agree on one thing and that is that whoever is going to be kicking back in the oval office on january the 21st has gotten a mountain to climb as me no easy yeah and i don't think it's going to be an easy 4 years i thought was media commentator t.v. and radio news on this you know huge and i'm political activists on t.v. which is right or ways good to see you too thank you so much for taking the time to
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speak to us take care of were very few if you think you owe the reaction to biden's projected victory has gone far beyond the u.s. with a range of wildly dissenting that congratulations to both biden and common to harris european politicians were among the fust to react to the projections from paris shot achievements he brings us more on exactly what's been said. he does in europe have been quick to flock to congratulate biden on his victory will start off with vanderlyn who is the european commission president she offered one congratulations to the biden harris team and she talked about the u.s. and the e.u. as being allies and friends sebastian kurtz who is the austrian chancellor tweeted about the shared values between the 2 countries. whose prime minister talked about the us being able to count on italy is being solid like an evening
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there was from stoltenberg who is the chief of nato saying that he knows that joe biden is a strong supporter of the organization also congratulations coming through from the prime minister of the u.k. the french president and the german chancellor congratulations to joe biden on his election as president of the united states and to come our harris on her historic achievement the u.s. is our most important ally and i look forward to working closely together on our shared priorities from climate change to trade and security the americans have chosen their president congratulations joe biden and come all of ours we have a lot to do to overcome today's challenges let's work together i look forward to future cooperation with president biden our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to master of the great challenges of our time so much congratulations but let's be clear not everybody is going to be welcoming
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a biden presidency and one person's perhaps not feeling too great about that right now is the slovenian prime minister who this week could actually tweeted that he was congratulating trump for his win he's also talked about biden in the past suggesting that biden as president would be one of the weakest u.s. presidents in history but let's not forget he has a personal ties. in the game here because milan in the current 1st lady is of course from slovenia want to ask you as well we heard there about reaction from angola michel and so let's take a look how to biden presidency change relations with germany for example well i'm glad merkel is a staunch politician somebody who would work with anyone and we've seen her try to work with trump over the last few years but clearly germany is hoping for easier relations in the next 4 years it wants to perhaps strengthen that transatlantic cooperation between the 2 countries some of the issues that germany is going to be
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most concerned about is the fact of the trade was that donald trump has famously have these trade rules with the e.u. over various issues there's also the issue of a nude stream to this gas pipeline coming straight from russia into germany the u.s. currently has sanctions on companies that are working with that and they're also the bigger issues issues of nato iran all of these germany will be hoping that they will be able to work with an ally we know that obviously over the last couple of years we've seen how trump has been pulling out of some international agreement so the paris climate accords that drew a lot of criticism of the iran nuclear deal how do you think biden coming into the oval office could see things change getting the e.u. all hope that maybe some decisions will be even reversed well we know already that biden has been incredibly clear what t. makes of some of these agreements you mentioned that the paris climate accord
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donald trump famously pulled the u.s. out of saying he wasn't happy with it that sort of caused a bit of a fraction in the relationship between him and france's president and many a man you are not corn now biden has been clear that the 1st day of his presidency he would reenter into that agreement and in fact that's one of the things that many of the european leaders the m.p. . easy any piece of been talking about on social media is the fact that they're welcoming that the u.s. would be back it would be their part of the paris climate accord so that's obviously something that we know biden will do in regards to the uranium nuclear deal again not something that trump pulled the u.s. away from something that was negotiated and the obama presidency when of course joe biden was vice president so there is that joe biden if he is the 46 president of the u.s. will be somebody who will want to go back to the negotiating table and trying to
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smooth over those relations but there is a big concern here that if biden is the $46.00 president he's going to have so much on his plate when it comes to domestic issues whether that's the fallout from the election with of that's the $1000.00 pandemic whether that's the economy that europe may be waiting before those issues are dealt with. so just to recount the u.s. media has named joe biden the new president elect topping $270.00 electoral votes with the addition of pennsylvania but vote counting on legal challenges by the truck campaign looks that to continue for many days even weeks we here at r t what always be on top of the latest especially in this most congested 2020 u.s. presidential election keep checking back in will have lots for you and you soon.


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