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tv   News  RT  November 7, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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projections put joe biden in the white house as the 46th u.s. president as the key state of pennsylvania declares more of its vote count vice president elect harris described the win as not just about the center congratulations. believe only did it. here given that he's president of the united states. earlier donald trump declared victory for himself in the election there could still be a twist though as the republicans launch lawsuits over a late surge in postal ballots for biden. and the fallout from election night in america creates division we hear from new yorkers as claims of fraud hang over the
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u.s. democratic system. oh mr noise you know. you go to what's good at putting people to people you trust is a direct threat to i looked at my machine from he's right and he needs to find out what he's fighting for because there is some kind of fronts in this country. you're watching are to international special election coverage my name is donald quarter and i'll be joining you for the program now it's now 5 days since the u.s. election and it might it looks like we might finally have a result a number of media are projecting that joe biden has been elected the 46 president of america having secured 219 electoral college votes just a reminder 270 are needed for victory the former v.p. is win in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across that threshold
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meanwhile stands at 214 we now cross live to atlanta and our tees ben swan so ben the race is being called for joe biden where do we stand now. yeah the race is being projected uncover joe biden by the a.p. in a couple of states that the 2 big ones that we were waiting on pennsylvania and of that were the 2 states that were called early saturday morning for biden and that's a big deal because just about alone would have put him over to 70 now he sits around $290.00 and is on course if he gets georgia which right now biden is leading in the count in georgia would put him around 306 electoral votes he only needs 270 so certainly today the projections have been made that he would win these and of these states and of course that leads some news organizations to go ahead and call the race for biden which of course was met with relief from the biden campaign they were supposed to make an announcement last night they waited and then this morning on video we saw them celebrating take a look at the lead only did it. here given
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that he's president of the united states of. america i'm on it you've chosen me to lead a great country the work ahead of us will be hard but i promise you this i will be a president for all americans whether you voted for me or not i will keep the faith that you have placed in me. so there you see the celebration there joe biden his statement that he put out and certainly calmly harris his running mate very excited about this as we mentioned they were supposed to make an announcement in wilmington delaware on friday night but because the state had not been called they decided not to now what's really important about this is these are of course projections and in the united states the media may call a race meaning that they believe based upon the vote count that certain candidate will win that of course is not an official declaration the way it works is there's a certification of ballots that have to take place and there are
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a number of lawsuits going forward i want to talk about those lawsuits in a 2nd but 1st here's a statement the president trying to put out in regards to the certification of the election look at this. we all know why joe biden is rushing to full sleep poses do we know and why he's meeting and lawyers are trying to help him they don't want the truth to be exposed. yes so what are those lawsuits about well there is of course as you guys mentioned in the lead up here a lot of allegations of foul play of what's called election fraud here is also much voter far fraud but election fraud that's accused so the trump campaign is move forward on a number of lawsuits one is in the state of nevada one is in the state of pennsylvania one is in the state of michigan and there may be one forthcoming in the state of georgia now these are all lawsuits that are being leveled at different levels for different reasons the claim in pennsylvania is that poll watchers and vote counters were not allowed inside of the building in the vatican lanes that dead people were
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voting and in michigan the claim that votes were being flipped in some counties now there was a county that had about 6000 votes that apparently flipped from biden to excuse me from trump to biden and that has since been corrected but the same voting machines that were used that made this supposed error are found in 47 of the 80 counties in michigan the bottom line here is that the lawyers for the trump campaign intend to go forward on monday and begin filing these suits now back in the year 2000 was the last time we saw a truly contested legal battle over a presidential election that was with george w. bush and al gore that legal battle went on for 37 days before it was finally settled by the supreme court and it was over one state so as these legal challenges go forward here in the united states it's very possible they could drag out for at least 30 days if not even longer because of the fact that so many states are involved but what it really comes down to whether or not judges are even willing to hear these cases even so as of right now joe biden is projected to be the $46.00
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president of the united states while seems like it could be a drawn out election season this year ben swan thank you very much for those election updates. donald trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani has stressed the allegations of fraud will see the election end up in the courts. baeza lawsuit will be brought starting on monday. but the 1st time it was discovered was here in pennsylvania just a couple of days ago. the people you see behind me are just a few of about i'd say 50 to 60 poll watchers. who will all testify that they were uniformly deprived of their right to inspect any single part of the mail in ballot as you know from the very beginning the mail in ballots were a source of some degree of skepticism if not
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a lot of skepticism as being innately prone to fraud. well what you're seeing on your screen now are live pictures from both washington. with it's actually it's been an elective election season that seemingly deep in the rifts and division of u.s. society the 2 camps are out in their hundreds in support of biden and trump right now with crowds gathering in washington d.c. new york philadelphia and other major cities across the country delays and claims of voter fraud have created rifts and raise questions about the u.s. democratic system and we got reaction from people in new york. ole miss going or you know. you know what but a foot if the american people you know just what the book put america and what the right person is. that's going to do good for the people of america that stuff is a direct threat to i looked at my mercy to our freedom and to our everything that we live for and everything everybody went through and this country well i think
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he's already proven himself to be a threat to democracy my whole is that we can get past. this all the hysterics of the last 4 years and start moving forward as a country there's no fall out at this point even though he's going losses but just . then it delayed the presidency from he's right and he needs to find out what he's fighting for because to be some kind of fronts in this country so we need to make sure we do split in the person. who brings my whole point is that where we were weaned people have. jobs. maybe care and they can be free to be whoever they want to. reaction to joe biden's projected victory has gone far beyond the u.s. with a range of world leaders sending their congratulations to both biden and camilla harris european politicians were among the 1st to react to the projections earlier charlotte dubinsky told my colleague saw taylor about what's been said. he does in
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europe have been quick to flock to congratulate biden on his victory will start off with vanderlyn who is the european commission president she offered her warm congratulations to the biden harris team and she talked about the u.s. and the e.u. as being allies and friends about staying current souse the austrian chancellor tweeted about the shared values between the 2 countries. whose prime minister talked about the u.s. being able to count on italy is being a solid hour like an evening there was a note from here in stoltenberg who is the chief of nato saying that he knows that joe biden is a strong supporter of the organization also congratulations coming through from the prime minister of the u.k. the french president and the german chancellor congratulations to joe biden on his election as president of the united states and to come our harish on her historic
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achievement the us is our most important ally and i look forward to working closely together on our shared priorities from climate change to trade and security the americans have chosen their president congratulations joe biden and come all of ours we have a lot to do to overcome today's challenges let's work together i look forward to future cooperation with president biden our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to master of the great challenges of our time well so much congratulations but let's be clear not everybody is going to be welcoming a biden presidency and one person's perhaps not feeling too great about that right now is the slovenian prime minister who this week could actually tweeted that he was congratulating trump for his win he's also talked about biden in the past suggesting that biden as president would be one of the weakest u.s. presidents in history but let's not forget he has
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a personal ties in the game he. because milan a trump the current 1st lady is of course from slovenia we heard there about reaction from my callers so let's take a look how would a biden presidency change relations with germany for example well i'm glad merkel is a staunch politician somebody who would work with anyone and we've seen her try to work with trump over the last few years but clearly germany is hoping for easier relations in the next 4 years it wants to perhaps strengthen that transatlantic cooperation between the 2 countries some of the issues that germany is going to be most concerned about is the fact of the trade wars that donald trump has famously have these trade rules with the e.u. over various issues there's also the issue of the north stream to this gas pipeline coming straight from russia into germany the u.s. currently has sanctions on companies that are working with that then there are also
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the bigger issues issues of nato iran all of these germany will be hoping that they will be able to work with an ally and we know that obviously over the last couple of years we've seen how trump has been pulling out of some international agreement so the paris climate accords that drew a lot of criticism of the iran nuclear deal how do you think biden coming into the oval office could see things change getting the e.u. all hope that maybe some decisions will be even reversed well we know already that biden has been incredibly clear what he makes of some of these agreements you mentioned that the paris climate accord that donald trump famously pulled the u.s. out of saying he wasn't happy with it that sort of caused a bit of a fraction in the relationship between him and france's president a man you are not corn now biden has been clear that the 1st day of his presidency he would reenter into that agreement and in fact that's one of the things that many of the european leaders the m.p.c.
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any piece of been talking about on social media. it is the fact that they're welcoming that the u.s. would be back it would be their part of the paris climate to quote in regards to the reigning in nuclear deal again not something that trump pulled the u.s. away from something that was negotiated and the a-bomb the presidency when of course joe biden was vice president so there is that joe biden if he is the 46 president of the u.s. will be somebody who will want to go back to the negotiating table trying to smooth over those relations but there is a big concern here that if biden is the 46 president he's going to have so much on his plate when it comes to domestic issues whether that's the fallout from the election with that's the 1000 pandemic whether that's the economy that europe may be waiting before those issues it dealt with. when we cross live now to shelby sullivan bennis defense counsel to guantanamo bay detainees for some insight into the selection shelby thank you very much for joining us on the program now the
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trump campaign there basically crying foul there saying observers were excluded from the counting process saying that mail in ballots were involved with fraud do you think that these claims are any threat to joe biden's presumptive victory. well to be honest that is not my own legal specialty you know in. in my capacity as counsel to. jeannie. we certainly hope that there is no merit to those claims and i think we have proceeded with an air of very cautious relief in hearing about joe biden's victory. well trying on winning in 2016 actually led to legal scrutiny and a years long investigation in itself now trump himself suspects election fraud and so do you think the political establishment in the justice system are going to react the same way as they did in 2016. i
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i have confidence that the judicial system works it seems this is the only recourse at this point will respond the same as it did to claims of a voter fraud and election fraud 4 years ago and to the extent that one as a lawyer in america must at least have a modicum of hope in the propriety and integrity of our judicial system so that is where he will land and well shelby back in 200-2008 obviously one of obama's campaign promises was to close down guantanamo bay do you think joe biden being the former vice president obama will carry out that campaign promise it's a very good question. as i said before where we proceed with cautious relief with regard to that as well biden's team has said that he supports the closure one ton of. the topic came up in december 29th teen democratic debates and he reiterated
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that sentiment without going into further detail as he has not spoken with any degree of specificity on the topic but everything that we understand about him including who he chose for his national security advisers for his campaign and his . expected nominations for secretary of defense and other national security positions are all veterans of barack obama's. closer task force for going on him oh and so there is cautious optimism with regards to his desire to close the prison as well. well you know this is an action really has had a record turnout and saul so one of the most see it seems of like a very divisive moment in american history the country voted basically 49 percent to 51 percent do you think biden's going to be able to unite this divided nation. i certainly hope so the truth is that it seems that
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a lot of the issues that are most divisive seem to be questions. degrees of morality and how people to find themselves and that's my personal opinion. and i am. not particularly optimistic about his ability to unite simply because i think doing so is extremely difficult nothing to do with his own capacity we also have the same issue that obama faced with regard to the congress being potentially as divided as it was for obama for biden as well which presents problems with regard to guantanamo and like millions of other things that have yet to even be touched so i think he's going to have a hard 4 years ahead. while staying on the topic of division and polarization the u.s. media a lot of it has been really talking about this polarization for a long time and now all the sudden there's a buzz and a shift in talk about unity it's pretty quick change don't think and do you think
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when biden really takes the reins in the white house if of course he ends up doing the elections not over yet do you think that's going to be quick and reality do you think it's going to be easy for him to take care of it. i think it would be extremely difficult for him to. unify the country in as much as that it would be difficult for any individual to do so i do believe that he is probably and probably was the most capable candidate of uniting the 2 parties given his policies he is no bernie sanders that is just the bare truth of it. so i have hopes and i can understand why the rhetoric has changed from talk about division to talk about unity only because it has to right regardless of who wins i deal in the president would doing their job and having the interest of the country in mind attempt to unify the country. where we could shift gears for a 2nd now to the idea of the us electoral system in general
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a lot of people especially now are saying that you the us is a democratic system is not as effective as many people perhaps thought in the in the past do you think it needs a major overhaul after this 2020 vote the electoral college and all that. i do and i think and think a lot of americans have been of that opinion for multiple elections now and i am curious to see as to whether or not any initiatives put forth in congress to rid ourselves of the electoral college are actually given the way. people have been speaking about what. i think when you speak to trump supporters and biden supporters alike they can agree on at least one thing which is that everyone's vote should be equal and that she who wins he or she or whomever wins the popular vote should win so i think a lot of us are hopeful that that rhetoric that we've been hearing for 2 or 3
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elections now will actually come to fruition. well one thing about running the selection that it seems like a lot of people have forgotten about as you know the coronavirus pandemic i mean joe biden has repeatedly criticized large gatherings particularly at trump rallies for violating social distancing do you think he's going to call on his own supporters to stop mass celebrations. i had the same curiosity and i. i do have faith that his his rhetoric and his policies do seem. to be the same as time goes along and i do believe that he has displayed everything that he's been promoting and i say this as someone who you know i don't work for the biden campaign but i do believe that he's been consistent and i think that there is concern and there has been among various communities even with regard to today it's hard to put a damper on a celebration that means so much to so many people and means the difference between
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being deported being imprisoned being judged for the color of your skin. it's hard to put a damper on that relief and celebration but i do expect that there will be a bit of chastisement with regards to large gatherings shelby sullivan venice defense council to guantanamo bay detainees thank you very much for joining us on the program was very useful insight. now back to our breaking news from the u.s. where media are projecting that joe biden's been elected the 46th president of america having secured 290 electoral college votes just a reminder 270 are needed for victory and the former v.p. is win in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across that threshold donald trump meanwhile stands at 214 jubilation there but donald donald trump's legal team has filed lawsuits in pennsylvania georgia michigan arizona and nevada and says it could go all the way to the supreme court earlier trump claimed he had
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won on social media after criticizing biden for laying early claims to the white house. trump gets to the if trump gets the supreme court to consider his case it would echo the election 20 years ago when it effectively handed the presidency to george w. bush party's going underground host option written see spoke with trump in trump's impeachment lawyer on the president's chances of winning any legal battle. if you lose is the election by losing pennsylvania there's a strong argument that his lawyers 'd can make that pennsylvania should not count ballots that came in late it's a technical argument but it's the argument that prevailed in bush versus gore and there are already 3 or 4 justices who agree with that argument but it would take a combination of circumstances during the election to bring that case into a posture where you would win in the court so i think it's unlikely you will
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prevail in the courts but that's his best shot what sort of time scale are we talking about would be about a month as it was in 2000 with bush and gore i think we'll 'd have a result within weeks not months if pennsylvania becomes a key state then i think it will take months do you think from always had in mind the 300 judges that were appointed under his administration given that he'd already been suspecting vote tampering well i think he there are a lot of reasons why he wanted to appoint lots of judges his base wants conservative judges but i think part of the reason may very well have been as a backstop as a protection in the event that he had to take the election to court any president would think in those terms supporters of term say he shouldn't have given that press conference on the night saying there is fraud and waited a little bit do you think that will affect any court outcome because he was
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alleging both little fruit even before the election and of course on the night rather than saying this is the state of play at the moment we'll wait and see i don't think that kind of statement affects the courts it was done after the polls 'd will close so i think it was just him saying what he believed and i don't think it will have any impact either electorally or judicially. well the selection has been anything but smooth but up a trying to looks at whether the dischord could tarnish america's democratic image . of all the adjectives to describe democracy which stands for giving the people the right to choose who is in charge the man who stood up to take over the white house didn't pick fair stable or strong democracy sometimes messy it's sometimes requires a little patience as well but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years there's just some of the government governance in the envy of the world just
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messy or it's just gotten way too messy and his country we have received reports of many irregularities we believe that there are voters that have been counted this is fraud this is absolute fraud trumped campaign says they're going to court the biden campaign says it's ready for court fights protests by trump supporters and a series of vote fraud allegations by the president himself trump will go to war over this election and that is dangerous for this country there is quite a list of things appearing as cracks in the system take the mail in voting in times of covert when the nation was meant to rely on it at one point the postal service warned it couldn't cope the president flushed the method altogether saying it would lead to a rigged poll if you read some of these pieces there have been plenty of such the media has been questioning the confidence in us democracy here it's been watching the mess in the wings with raised eyebrows but the problem is ation of america
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should be a warning for europe we are successful because we preach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise i would democracies are in danger and the billing in america does not quite correspond to the democratic culture we know from the united states it's important that the result is then accepted by everyone it's easy to be a winner but sometimes it is hoped to be a loser trumps late night speech puts a question mark over his possible 2nd term in office and he starts. imagine what the 2nd term would look like when the president directly called for the abolition of the rules of democracy he's cool to stop counting votes is a blow to the essence of american democracy here's a voice of concern from allies japan we can say for the united states to get into turmoil and confusion because of the election is a minus for its allies and like minded countries but perhaps the most fascinating thing to observe is the smear by america's foes after so many times washington told
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them how wrong things are with their elections. what a spectacle one says this is the most fragile and election in u.s. history who says that the president who's currently you know this is a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u.s. elections and u.s. democracy are we do not interfere in the internal affairs of the united states and we hate it when they pretend to give lessons in democracy to the world. and refusal of election results were supposed to only take place in developing states things have changed all this have occurred in the us which is no longer synonymous with a stable civilised and consensus based society now just for a giggle let me read out one tweet as an official one country calls on country b.'s leaders to show commitment to the democratic process and rule of law we urge all
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parties groups and individuals to engage in inclusive dialogue to find peaceful solutions to their disagreements to heal national divisions full stop it's a tweet by the u.s. embassy country a in ivory coast country b. from the 4th oh the irony there's a reason a lot of western european nations stopped doing mail in ballots a long time ago france stopped in 1975 because the process is rife with fraud and i have to tell you i think it's incumbent upon the trunk campaign to say al gore took $37.00 days to litigate florida we're going to go litigate and we're going to demand recounts some we're going to be automatic obviously in georgia but in wisconsin in michigan in pennsylvania in nevada in arizona we want to get to where we have free and fair elections where every legal vote is counted in a trustworthy and transparent way the american people deserve it i was wishing and hoping that last night trump was going to look into the camera and say i'm
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demanding a free and fair election that the american people can trust not for myself but for you because you deserve it and i think the scary thing in all of this is at the end of the day no matter who ultimately wins half of the population of america is going to think the election has been stolen that is a very dangerous place for us to be as a country. now just to recap the u.s. media has named joe biden the new president elect topping $270.00 electoral votes with the addition of pennsylvania vote counting and legal challenges by the trump campaign looks set to continue for many days stay with r t as we keep on top of the latest in the 2020 us presidential election.
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well look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. i robot must obey the orders given by human beings except when such a conflict with the 1st law shows your identification we should be very careful about official intelligence the point obesity is too great trust. on theories chummy with artificial intelligence will summon the demon. a robot must protect its own existence and. in southern california the sun rises over san.


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