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tv   News  RT  November 7, 2020 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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projections put joe biden in the white house says the 46th the us president says the key state of pennsylvania declares more of its vote count presumptive vice president elect come all iris describe to the wind has not just about us as she sent her congratulations. to leave only did it pharaoh. here given that he's the president of the united states and earlier donald trump declared himself victorious in the election there could still be a twist though as the republicans launch lawsuits over a late surge in postal ballots for biden. and the fallout from election night in america creates division we hear from new yorkers as claims of fraud hang over the
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u.s. democratic system. because the whole miss go annoy you know. you go to the point where to put it people get married to people you trust is a direct threat to our looked up mama see trump he's trying to time he needs to find out what he's fighting for because to be some kind of front in this country. you're watching our to international special election coverage my name is donald quarter and i'll be joining you for the program now it's just 5 days since the u.s. election and it looks like we might finally have a result a number of media are projecting that joe biden has been elected the 46th president of america having secured 290 electoral college votes just a reminder 270 are needed for victory in the former vice win in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across that threshold donald trump meanwhile stands at
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214 now across live to atlanta and artie's ben swan so ben the race is being called for joe biden what are the what's the situation now. so the situation as you mention it took 5 days to get here it took a number of different states taking several days to be able to count all their ballots the 2 that were outstanding that the a.p. is now projected as of saturday to go to biden include obviously as you mentioned pennsylvania and also the state of nevada either one would have put him at $270.00 or above but with 2 he's at $290.00 which is obviously a significant enough number over the 270 mark that he has been projected to be the president elect of the united states it's fairly interesting to watch as this is all played out because of the fact that with the coronavirus these vote counts took much longer than usual things to a huge increase in the number of mail in ballots so on election night we had a lot of in day 'd in person voting that was counted and then over the next few
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days we watched these votes come in and be counted at a much slower pace than most americans are used to now on saturday we saw the v.p. elect vice president elect come on the harris congratulate joe biden over the telephone take a look at this. the lead. here given that he's president of the united states of. america i'm honored that you've chosen me to lead a great come tree the work ahead of us will be hard but i promise you this i will be a president for all americans whether you voted for me or not i will keep the faith that you have placed in me. a very interesting kind of turn of events there we have not yet seen the president elect make a statement joe biden we did see the v.p. elect make the statement in a phone call congratulatory phone calls you saw there so that is somewhat unusual in and of itself now keep in mind it's media that is projecting media making the
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call here in the united states but of course when we talk about the actual technical process of all of this that's not how it works the way it actually works is that the election must be certified. in all 50 states each state handling their own certification of what we are seeing right now is a challenge to this certification in a number of states including in pennsylvania there are lawsuits by the trump campaign in pennsylvania possibly in ga ga's going to the recount even though it's leaning towards light and it's an automatic recount so no official legal challenge there yet we're also seeing a legal challenge in michigan and a legal challenge in nevada and just late today a legal challenge in the state of arizona where republicans claim that in maricopa county the most populous county where phoenix arizona is located that poll workers were not helping republicans to fix their ballots if they were beings how we incorrectly and that they were being discriminated against in that way so there's now a lawsuit late today in the state of arizona here's what president trump had to say
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about all this. we all know why joe biden is rushing to full sleep pose as the winner and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him they don't want the truth to be exposed the simple fact is this election is far from over we should be clear here that in the united states a presidential candidate a senatorial candidate a mayoral candidate they all have the right to challenge the results of an election and certainly they have the right to challenge important doesn't mean that the lawsuit goes anywhere but certainly there will be challenges here that as i mentioned in the number of states and specifically each one of these states is going to have a different form of allegation that's been made against them in terms of this election process and what is the remedy and that's what it really comes down to here whether or not there is a canvassing of the vote whether or not there is an audit of the vote all of that remains to be seen archies bence won thank you very much for those election updates . now donald trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani has stressed the allegations of
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fraud will see the election end up in the courts. lawsuits will be brought starting on monday. but the 1st time it was discovered was here in pennsylvania just a couple of days ago. the people you see behind me are just a few of about i'd say 50 to 60 poll watchers who will all testify that they were uniformly deprived of their right to inspect any single part of the mail in ballot as you know from the very beginning the mail in ballots were a source of some degree of skepticism if not a lot of skepticism as being innately prone to fraud. when we cross live now to our 'd of the former vice chair of the libertarian national committee thank you very much for joining us on the program now let's start with the trump campaign they're
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calling foul basically saying observers were excluded from the counting process saying there was fraud involved with the mail 'd in ballots do you think these claims are any threat to joe biden's presumptive victory. there's a few things we need to analyze and one is how likely is there is it that there was a problem now we end with this is the 1st time in american election where there has a sensually not been a secret ballot that means individual voters can be bribed or coerced into voting a particular way so the chances of fraud happening in a largely male in vote is i mean it's extremely high bid that the idea that there was no fraud at all is preposterous is always a little bit of fraud and my guess is that probably a lot more fraud this time in the past now that doesn't mean that the fraud necessarily favored joe biden the profit motive to favor donald trump but the idea that a non secret ballot would be invulnerable to fraud and coersion bribery and that to
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me is just preposterous and naive so i do believe that there was more fraud this year than in at any point the past the problem is proving it if you bribe somebody to vote a particular way and then they vote that way where it will who would you actually how would you detectives do something detecting something like that is very very difficult so i don't see the lawsuits really going very far but that doesn't mean that the fraud never happened. and that goes right into my next question actually trump winning in 2016 led to legal scrutiny and a years long investigation do you think that now that trump himself suspects election fraud the political establishment and justice system are going to react the same way as in 2016. i think you'll see a similar level of reaction but probably not from the same people the media in the united states tend to live tends to lean a little bit more left so i don't think you're going to see joe biden being attacked in the same way that trump was that said i do believe that joe biden's presidency will exist under shadow of doubt for as long as it will at least for the
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1st 4 years if he's reelected it might change but for those 1st 4 years there is going to be doubt there is going to be a question of is he really the legitimate president for a for a while for a lot of people so i do see that as casting a pall over that presidency whether fraud had to do with it or not i think it's pretty clear that the country is almost evenly divided down the middle between people who support trump and biden and we even saw a record turnout of voters do you think that a biden presidency is going to be able to unite such a divided nation no absolutely not right now you have both the d.n.c. and the r. and c. are doing their best to keep democrats and republicans isolated and not speaking to each other and you know doing their best to make them to to get this narrative out there that if somebody disagrees with you politically you must hate them absolutely the problem with that is in addition to it being corrosive to democracy it prevents there from being any real cultural exchange of ideas so i see the next 4 years as
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having more isolation more division more separation between different groups in america. law on top of those divisions we've seen during the selection a lot have been questioning the very effectiveness of the united states democratic system the electoral college the winner take all system do you think it needs a major overhaul after specifically this 2020 vote. yes absolutely i mean there's nothing there's very little that we gain in the united states from having a big powerful federal government it's the opposite of what the founders of the constitution what the framers of the of the constitution wanted they wanted a tiny federal government and power primarily concentrated among the states the idea was that different states should be different they should end their own governments in the past different states even issue their own currencies a monolithic federal government is corrosive to freedom it's close of the individual it's crews have to have 2 to individual choice so absolutely a smaller federal government is what both the framers want and also what i think
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a lot of the american people want a single giant model it is not good for anybody it just makes people feel correctly that they're not being fairly represented. well throughout this election we've seen large groups of people going into the streets supporting whichever candidate they support but it seems like a lot of people of almost forgotten about the pandemic going on at this current time i mean joe biden has recently repeatedly criticized large gatherings particularly at trump rallies for violating social distancing do you think is going to call on his supporters to stop mass celebrations. i don't know i mean i think that if he's going to be a responsible president then yes he's going to have to call on his own supporters to exercise the same caution that he has of the other guys supporters whether or not he does that that's going to let us know kind of what type of man he really is listen we don't really know much about biden to most of america he's essentially an empty suit that's not trump and a vote for biden was by and large not
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a vote for biden but a vote against romney biden is unknown to most of us and he's going to have to show us what he's made is he going to be somebody that fights for freedom that fights for smaller government that fights for individual ism or you can apply to make the federal government bigger more intrusive and more problematic we're going to be seeing that over the next few years what we've been hearing a lot from politicians not only inside the united states but also outside of the united states that these fraud allegations could harm democratic institutions do you think this whole situation is going to harm the u.s. reputation as internationally as a beacon of rule of law and democracy. yes i think there's no question about that right now you have a lot of people who in my view correctly believe that this election was not really fully above board that there was mail fraud that there was voter fraud and to some extent there's always voter fraud i mean if you are in america
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you have buses that will show up to nursing homes to take people who are essentially out of it who are not neither alert nor oriented to to the polls to get them to vote in the way that they want them to so you have a lot of little late i mean it's legal it's not illegal but it's you know not not really moral in my view and that's what's happened in happen for decades in this case you have everyone anyone who wants to matter what their state of mind is can request a ballot that ballot can be filled in by basically anybody and they could even sell their ballot they could have somebody else pay them to vote whatever way they wanted to so you're seeing something that's a qualitatively different type of ballot that does not have any fraud restrictions on it whatsoever now it's possible that 300000000 people in america are all so morally pure that none of us are going to do any kind of fraud ever that sort of that strikes me as naive if fraud is as easy to do as it was this year my guess is it probably happened. while we were talking before about you know divisions and
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polarization in the united states let's talk a little bit about the media's influence on that i mean us media outlets have been talking about the polarization for a long time and now all the sudden there's a pause and shift to talk of unity a pretty quick change in fact do you think the the talk is going to translate into reality do you think things are going to change quickly over biden's administration absolutely when when the media when the left leaning media talking about unity debts their code for if you disagree with us shut up it's not real unity at all all that's going to happen is the people who feel left out or silenced by the media or by college campuses or whatever. for those people those those people and their views are going to fester and become more radical those calls for unity are not calls for openness and discussion and dreaming of final agreement at the end of a debate those are calls for telling those for silencing those who disagree with their narrative you can see it right now
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a google search on voter fraud doesn't bring up information about voter fraud it simply brings up a lot of denial that voter fraud happened already you're seeing this even across that in the tech giants in the media you're seeing the same thing where the articles about voter fraud are simply denying the existence of voter fraud we're not seeing fair coverage or not seeing we're not seeing unbiased coverage we're seeing a highly selective coverage that looks like it's designed to the opposition. so i guess that leads right into my last question for you arvind do you think after this whole situation we're going to see serious protracted on rest again gripping the country yes no question my mind there is going to be a lot of unrest on both sides because this is not a healed country this is a divided country that has been actively divided by the democratic and republican parties that were 2 groups have been actively and intentionally isolated so that they don't communicate so they don't try to find compromise they don't try to find concord and instead try to view each other to view anyone who disagrees with them
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as an absolute enemy what we've seen from the d.n.c. and been behaviors that are corrosive to democracy and corrosive to a polite society into a civil society so i do believe we are in for several more years of major political unrest arvin vora former vice chair for the libertarian national committee thank you very much for your take on the elections thanks for having me on. meanwhile president trump's return to the white house following media projections calling the race for biden he was given to say the cold shoulder as he entered washington actually. as the presidential motorcade entered the nation's capitol it was met by boos with demonstrators chanting a loser loser from spent saturday morning taking some time out half the golf course he's so far refused to concede and is promising to continue legal challenges. in an
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election season that seemingly deepened the rifts and division of u.s. society the 2 camps are out in their hundreds in support of biden and trump right now with crowds gathering in washington d.c. new york philadelphia and other major cities across the country delays and claims of voter fraud have created rifts and raised questions about the u.s. democratic system got reaction from people in new york. because the whole mess go annoy you know. you've got to do what better put it the american people you know just what the book put american people and what the right person is to see that's going to do good for the people of america that child is a direct threat to alec democracy to our freedom and to allow everything that we live for and everything everybody went flying this country well i think he's already proven himself to be a threat to democracy my goal is that we can get past. this all the hysterics of the last 4 years and start moving forward as
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a country there's no oath fall out at this point even though he's going through these losses which is probably going to delay the presidency from he's frightened he needs to find out what he's fighting for because there is some kind of fronts in this country so we need to make sure we do is for democracy doesn't matter who who remains my whole point is that where were we people have freedom job. maybe care and they can be free to be whoever they want to. know the reaction to joe biden. projected victory has already gone far beyond the u.s. with a range of world leaders sending their congratulations to both biden and harris european politicians were among the 1st to react to the projections earlier charlotte dubinsky told my colleague saw taylor about what's being said. he does in europe have been quick to flock to congratulate biden on his victory will start off with vanderlyn who is the european commission president she offered her warm
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congratulations to the biden harris team and she talked about the u.s. and the e.u. as being allies and friends sebastian kurtz who is the austrian chancellor tweeted about the shared values between the 2 countries. prime minister talked about the us being able to count on italy is being a solid hour like an evening there was a note from here in stoltenberg who is the chief of nato saying that he knows that joe biden is a strong supporter of the organization also congratulations coming through from the prime minister of the u.k. the french president and the german chancellor congratulations to joe biden on his election as president of the united states and to kamar harris on her historic achievement the us is our most important ally and i look forward to working closely together on our shared priorities from climate change to trade and security the
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americans have chosen their president congratulations joe biden and come all of ours we have a lot to do to overcome today's challenges let's work together i look forward to future cooperation with president biden our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to master of the great challenges of our time well so much congratulations but let's be clear not everybody is going to be welcoming a biden presidency and one person's perhaps not feeling too great about that right now is a slovenian prime minister who earlier this week could actually tweeted that he was congratulating trump for his win he's also talked about biden in the past suggesting that biden as president would be one of the weakest u.s. presidents in history but let's not forget he has a personal ties in the game he. because milan in the current 1st lady is of course from slovenia we heard there about reaction from my callers so let's take
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a look how good of biden presidency changed relations with germany for example well i'm glad merkel is staunch politician somebody who would work with anyone and we've seen her try to work with trump over the last few years but clearly germany is hoping for easier relations in the next 4 years it wants to perhaps strengthen that transatlantic cooperation between the 2 countries some of the issues that germany is going to be most concerned about is the fact of the trade was that donald trump has famously have these trade rules with the e.u. over various issues there's also the issue of a nude stream to this gas pipeline coming straight from russia into germany the u.s. currently has sanctions on companies that are working with that and they're also the bigger issues issues of nato iran all of these germany will be hoping that they will be able to work with an ally and we know that obviously over the last couple
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of years we've seen how trial has been pulling out of some international agreement so the paris climate accords that drew a lot of criticism of the iran nuclear deal how do you think biden coming into the oval office could see things change getting the e.u. all hope that maybe some decisions will be even reversed well we know already that biden has been incredibly clear what t. makes of some of these agreements you mentioned that the paris climate accord donald trump famously pulled the u.s. out of saying he wasn't happy with it that sort of caused a bit of a fraction in the relationship between him and france's president a man you are not corn now biden has been clear that the 1st day of his presidency he would reenter into that agreement and in fact that's one of the things that many of the european leaders the m.p.c. any piece of been talking about on social media. it is the fact that they're welcoming that the u.s. would be back it would be their part of the paris climate to quote in regards to the rainy and nuclear deal again not something that trump pulled the u.s.
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away from something that was negotiated and the a bomb the presidency when of course joe biden was vice president so there is that joe biden if he is the 46 president of the u.s. will be somebody who will want to go back to the negotiating table and trying to smooth over those relations but there is a big concern here that if biden is the 46 president he's going to have so much on his plate when it comes to domestic issues whether that's the fallout from the election with that that's the 1000 pandemic whether that's the economy that europe may be waiting before those issues it dealt with. just a reminder the media are projecting that joe biden has been elected the 46th president of america having secured 290 electoral college votes just a reminder 270 are needed for victory the former v.p. is win in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across that threshold donald trump meanwhile stands at 214 jubilation there of course but donald trump's
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legal team has filed lawsuits in pennsylvania georgia michigan arizona and nevada and says it could go all the way to the supreme court earlier trump claimed he had won on social media after criticizing biden for laying early claims to the white house if trump gets the supreme court to consider the case it would echo the election 20 years ago when it effectively handed the presidency to george w. bush or he's going underground host option spoke with trump's impeachment lawyer on the president's chances of winning any legal battle. if you lose or use the election by losing pennsylvania there's a strong argument that his lawyers 'd can make that pennsylvania should not count ballots that came in late it's a technical argument but it's the argument that prevailed in bush versus gore and there are already 3 or 4 justices who agree with that argument but it would take
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a combination of circumstances during the election to bring that case into a posture where you would win in the court so i think it's unlikely it will prevail in the courts but that's his best shot what sort of time scale are we talking about would it be about a month as it was in 2000 with bush and gore i think we'll have a result within weeks not months if pennsylvania becomes a key state then i think it will take months do you think always had in mind the 300 judges that were appointed under his administration given that he'd already been suspecting vote tampering well i think he there are a lot of reasons why he wanted to appoint lots of judges his base wants conservative judges but i think part of the reason may very well have been as a backstop as a protection in the event that he had to take the election to court any president would think in those terms supporters of term say he shouldn't have given that
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press conference on the night saying there is fraud and waited a little bit do you think that will affect any court outcome because he was alleging both i'm afraid even before the election and of course on the night rather than saying this is the state of play at the moment we'll wait and see i don't think that kind of statement affects the course it was done after the polls 'd will close so i think it was just him saying what he believed and i don't think it will have any impact either electorally or judicially. well the selection has been anything but smooth to trying to looks at whether the disorder could tarnish america's democratic image. of all the adjectives to describe democracy which stands for giving the people the right to choose who is in charge the man who stood up to take over the white house didn't pick fair stable or strong democracy sometimes messy it's sometimes requires
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a little patience as well but that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years in the system of government governance and the envy of the world just messy or it's just gotten way too messy and his country we have received reports of many irregularities we believe that there are dead voters that have been counted this is fraud this is absolute fraud trump campaign says they're going to court the biden campaign says it's ready for court fights protests by trump supporters and a series of vote fraud allegations by the president himself trump will go to war over this election and that is dangerous for this country there is quite a list of things appearing as cracks in the system take the mail in voting in times of covert when the nation was meant to rely on it at one point the postal service warned it couldn't cope the president flushed the method altogether saying it would lead to a rigged poll if you read some of these pieces there have been plenty of such the
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media has been questioning the confidence in us democracy here it's been watching the mess in the wings with raised eyebrows but the polarization of america should be a warning for europe we are successful because we preach differences between countries and peoples so we benefit together if we lose the ability to compromise i would democracies are in danger was the billing in america does not quite correspond to the democratic culture we know from the united states it's important the result is the accepted by everyone is easy to be a winner but sometimes it is hoped to be a loser trumps late night speech puts a question mark over his possible 2nd term in office it is hard to imagine what the 2nd sound would look like when the president directly code for the appellation of the rules of democracy he's called to stop counting votes is a blow to the essence of american democracy here's a voice of concern from allies to pat. we can say for the united states to get into turmoil and confusion because of the election is
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a minus for its allies and like minded countries but perhaps the most fascinating thing to observe is the smear by america's foes after so many times washington told them how wrong things are with their elections what a spectacle one says this is the most fraudulent election in u.s. history who says that the president who's currently you know this is a rival says trump intends to rig the election this is how u.s. elections and u.s. democracy are we do not interfere in the internal affairs of the united states and we hate it when they pretend to give lessons in democracy to the world these beauts kerio and refusal of election results were supposed to only take place in developing states things have changed over this have occurred in the us which is no longer synonymous with a stable civilized and consensus based society now just for a good go let me read out one tweet as an official one country
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a calls on country b.s. leaders to show commitment to the democratic process and rule of law we urge all parties groups and individuals to engage in inclusive dialogue to find peaceful solutions to their disagreements to heal national divisions full stop it's a tweet by the u.s. embassy country a in ivory coast country b. from the 4th oh the irony. now time for a little recap of the u.s. media has named joe biden the new president elect topping $270.00 electoral votes with the addition of pennsylvania but vote counting and legal challenges by the trump campaign looks set to continue for many days joe biden is due to speak shortly in his 1st remarks since the race was called in his favor so stay with r.t. as we keep on top of the latest in the 2020 u.s. presidential election.


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