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tv   News  RT  November 11, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EST

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revolution, the great depression, and world wars, the 21st is the century of mental illness. those aren't my words. that's what's the biggest. some psychologists tell us. the only question is, should we accept it as a fact? use for blood's just a week after the u.s. presidential election set to be contested in court. democrats are open season on anyone supporting donald trump, with some even demanding the destruction of their lives. we have collectively the republican party, which we have to level while an election worker from the vada blows the whistle on the latest fraud in the presidential vote. argus debate where the mass ballot meddling is plausible that the last ditch effort that conservatives are trying to use if you believe that there is nothing going on,
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then why is it so dangerous to another you? several arrests are made in the armenian capital. were people gathered for an anti government protesters, they were unhappy about the terms of the new truce signed by armenia and azerbaijan . have you with us, you're watching r.t. international in the united states. the knives seem to be out for donald trump, supporters media personalities, of course for them to be named shamed and sacked with some even calling for the destruction of the republican party. if trump has to lose, but all his enablers have to lose. they have to. we have to collectively, in essence, burn down the republican party. we have to level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again. threats like these aren't only being heard from rank and
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file liberals. some of the loudest voices are saying, if you don't care what the liberal program, good luck finding a job. security, sympathize with those dealing with losing is not easy. and one has to think not only about what's best for the nation peaceful transfer of power, but how any future employers might see your current define during adversity. caitlin collins just reported white house staff are starting to look for jobs. employers considering them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helps trump attack american values. find out how at the trump accountability project, the trump accountability project mentioned there was just recently found it likely with the goal of naming and shaming those who worked for trump's administration so they can find any more work. congresswoman alexandria causing a cortez also raised a lot of eyebrows with a tweet singing a similar to is anyone archiving these trump sycophants for when they try to
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downplay or deny their complicity in the future? i foresee decent probability of many deleted tweets writings, photos in the future, and who could forget that mainstream media trying to sabotage trump at every step of his presidency is one thing. but now many want to prosecute him. it's all very different to the message of solidarity and bringing the country together that we heard in biden's victory speech to make progress. we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. there will be no blue states and red states when we were just the united states of america. maybe a supporters got the wrong idea because repressing red votes out of existence won't necessarily make them blue. from supporters of conservatives have been cancelled in bandon blacklisted the metered, religulous leaper, the last 4 years, especially by mainstream media. by far left agitators, people losing their jobs simply supporting the president, people having their homes, dogs, people being attacked from supporters are,
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have been through all of this. they've survived the last 4 years. they're actually when i've been seeing more bold to get outspoken to stand up, to not be afraid of these tactics anymore. and the democrats, i believe a lot of people do that. we have a plan for a permanent democrat majority in this country. so republicans could never get elected in federal elections in this country and, and they can, you know, sort of march in their one party socialist to tell terry and utopia limit the fuel created by don't tomes allegation that the election's being stolen from him. a whistleblower has come forward, see claims to have worked for one of the voters election departments. his testimony appears to corroborate, at least some of teen chums claims a fraud. i personally witnessed people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot and elopes to 2 other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the biden. harris van we were not allowed to talk to the monitors. we were
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not supposed to say anything ever to the servers and that's far from being the only claim of electoral fraud. a quick search online yields other examples of supposed irregularities. a conservative activists, for example, posted photos claiming to show absentee ballots requested to return by dead people that was in the state of michigan. another facebook post that went viral suggested a person received 2 ballots in the state of pennsylvania is a look at some other allegations. seem to ballots. my name, different versions, one hand, my middle name, and my last name. i said with, you can't see anything. the closest desk ok, let's put things in perspective. the close 6 closest desk was 30 feet to the fore as this test was probably 150 feet. however, officials in different states claim no significant election problems. noted.
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pennsylvania had a free fair and secure election and the geishas of fraud and illegal activity have been repeatedly debunked and dismissed by the courts. hoaxes and nonsense, don't buy into these things. the up people, shells out trumps persistence and unfounded claims of fraud and refusal to concede the election to biden or dividing. not just the country but his own party on the americas, rick sanchez discussed with his guess where they believe the allegations of foul play. we see dead voters who've come up from the grave and miraculously voted for joe biden. and i'm worried about the family is because if someone did use my parents to illegally say that they voted for someone, whether it's the canon i one of the can, i don't want i would be absolutely heartbroken. so this is a real issue. our democracy where they are on the left or the right, our democracy is really at stake here. that's a last ditch effort that conservatives are trying to use to basically so seats at
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the senate and election process that was nearly what it is, what it is. i think that at this point, we need a president to accept the results of this election. we need his acolytes to accept the results of this election. we need to stop talking about electioneering. wish there is absolutely no proof. and i think that these lawsuits that we see thrown out on a regular basis go to show just how desperate this president is. because he has no leg to stand on at this point, only thing he's doing is working to ensure that he will transition. how will that happen? and you believe that there is nothing going on then? why is it so dangerous to question it? this is for the left and i imagine if you are saying he wasn't and it was fair, let's go there, joyce: joy, why not let us ask questions. but here's the point. joy, generally speaking, you have to 1st, bring the evidence. and after you bring the evidence to the discussion, there is proof coming out has provided that proof to the supreme court. we have it being taken to the courts right now. so this proof will come out. republicans are
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challenging. $682000.00 votes in pennsylvania alone in which the absentee ballot laws were completely disregarded. or you actually have to prove that you would be absent or not vote in person. of course it turned out to be more of a series of suggestions in pennsylvania, in arizona. i'm going to tell you this, i think it's headed to a recount. you've got to be within a 10th of a point at that point to go to recount. i would argue they're going to probably do the same thing that they're doing in georgia, where the trump campaign is saying we want to have a hand count, an audit of every vote there is they can flow and statistical improbability. at some point, common sense kicks in and goes, hey, there's something going on here. but i will say this, rick, i think what's going to happen is they're going to take the case to the supreme court. it will go to it regarding pennsylvania and wisconsin. the question is, will they be able to the trump campaign, make their case that because of all the commingling of all these questionable ballots, will they be able to force a revoke? it's a high barrier to actually get over the people thinking that isn't lost. it's kind
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of sad to say because, you know, if there's 2 types of things you can, you can say anything you want and you can twitter and a video of a ballot on fire or whatever. they say it's all ridiculous, but that's different than what's brought up in court. and so if you look at the court cases, really, very little evidence has been brought forward in courts that have shown that these numbers could be changed by any large degree. other than 10 ballots here and 10 ballots there. so i mean, this thing is over. like i said, i'm not a fan of either of these war criminals. but if you really wanted to know how this election was altered, then you look at the millions of purged voters from the rolls which are largely people of color. so really biden would have wins, would have won larger if that had been a legitimate vote. legal challenge is a very different from the litigation scene following the election of the 2000. so
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says the lawyer of the then when george w. bush, he'll be the guest on the latest edition of going underground back in 2000. the vote recount in the state of florida did with 5 to most u.s. weeks of back to back legal fights that went all the way to the u.s. supreme court. you can watch the full interview right now. you know, you can usually find witnesses in any election. there's some alleged irregularities . elections are big, messy businesses. the issue is whether there is credible evidence of either an irregularity, schröder of sufficient magnitude to change the results of the election. so the fact that you've come up with 2 or 3 people who say stop and look right, doesn't mean that the election is going to be overturned, of that were the case. we'd never have anybody like that. he's saying what you're saying, partly because the margins are so different this time to what they were in 2000 when you won for george w. bush against al gore. well, they were good,
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big differences that won that margin in france alone, you know, was over 46000 votes. so you would have to be able to walk into court with credible evidence that there were 46000 ballots. allouni in which russia i haven't even seen anybody running with a 100 pieces a little bit and regularity. a 2nd in 2000, the problem was one note, everybody, you know, our expectantly was lined ballot, and there were many, many thousands of doubts that had been rejected by the other readers. and the difference was only 537 votes. so that was a big difference from what we're doing when we're here. hungary is among the latest european countries to impose lockdown. snuffle is a dramatic surge in covert cases. it will last at least 30 days and includes a nationwide nighttime curfew. in his fight against the pandemic,
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budapest is also planning to import russia's covert vaccine. this is known as sputnik v. and is being developed by moscow as a research center is currently undergoing post registration trials involving participants from around the world. now the latest data from stage 3 testing suggests that the data is 92 percent effective. a monday, the u.s. vaccine developer, pfizer said that its vaccine was also more than 90 percent effective, speed live on the line down to peter c.r.t., who is hungry, foreign minister, great to have you on paper 1st of all. because i know that you contracted covert 19 around a week ago, and you're actually currently in quarantine yourself. how are you feeling? well, good morning to you weren't we were you were is, was, well, i've been in the car on time for 9 days already. and except for a few morning, things not that i have basically displayed all kinds of symptoms of the whole
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device. currently, those are going on. the problem is that the virus weakened my cells pretty much. i usually run like 15 kilometers on the day. you have to reach, you know, i'm tired even not thinking about running. so when i do a little walk around here, i got exhausted. so it's, well, it's on my wrist, which i would like to propose to everybody to avoid it's bad symptoms with the implants tomorrow. there's going to be the next medical checkup and i hope there will be some good news. now that you have a 1st hand experience, has it changed your perspective on this virus? well, you know, the alarming finger on one and a half 1000000, people have more of the same as this virus has not been here on for a long time. but there is on the medical expert to do looks really have a lot of data involved souls. so many unexpected things can happen. so like in the,
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in the, in the morning guys, the not variable headache in the afternoon, not seen by the iranian style, not the next day. it will be gone through. so the symptoms change very rapidly. and you cannot make a real forecast about how do you saw it. so it's much better to avoid it to complex who are rapidly changing. but it feels like every countries taking their own individual approach to dealing with this problem. how would you assess the situation in hungary look, hungary you have to go with if you want to go to protect the lives of the house, the hungry and people. of course, on the other hand, our goal is to keep the country operating and to keep the economy operating in the meantime. so we protect the life, i'm going to go situation on the people and the jobs of the people in the,
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in the meantime, by the most important saying it has to maintain the author of the ability of the health care system. so in order to, let's say, flattened a corner of the infected person, we decide between always some restrictive measures, including a night of you, including closing the, the high schools and the higher educational institutions. in order to, to decrease or slow down the spread of the wires because the slower the wires, the better the health care system continued to operate. so what they would like to avoid is that image or are the images which we have unfortunately seen in the springtime from how from rich countries from g 7, g 20 countries that because of the lack of medical patients that remained on treated. so this is what we do have to avoid,
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and that's why we have the imposed restrictive measures as also this morning. given that this is a global problem, one would like to think that it would be tackled better by countries coming together, working together, something that always they will know better than anyone, as a foreign minister. whether that's happening, having found the, the level of information exchange and cooperation look, i think you're totally right. so if any time international cooperation based on mutual respect is important, that it is not. and i think he bought received political correctness judging each other during each other should be left behind. and instead of the moment that king go out, there are countries on the political basis we should think about how to cooperate. that's why i think international cooperation would be extremely important, but it's also the vaccine, for example. so sometimes i have the feeling that the issue of the vaccines is
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becoming politicized, which i think should be again, we are crossing fingers for all companies and countries which are moving forward with developing the vaccine regardless what they are. so we are interested in india, american, in the european, in their russian, in the chinese, in these very vaccine development and research to be successful. because the more scenes we will have is the better be negotiating with everybody, including russia, of course. yeah. if this is correct, i have reports that under going to be buying some russian vaccines in december. like you said, you were looking at all the options. is there any concern though, about how that will be met to response from other countries? because as we say, these things are often politicized lucca, these should be avoided. so now it's a moment, be light for the people. so he's, anytime political aspects should be left behind and this is the fight. and yes,
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i have been continuously negotiating with my russian counterparts and the minister of trade and industry and we have agreed that hungary is willing to buy the russian. we understand it is realistic that in the summer a small scale all of the degrees can be launched in order to make the national national necessary clinical trials on tests back in hungary and as also they 2nd part of january, it might be realistic that food by quantity from russia, we understand what they see and he has received 1st, the entire team and the license report, which has shown a 90 per cent of the effectiveness, which is good news. we welcomed on friday. i'm going to have the next to be there
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or conference, read the minister. but we are not going to negotiate and go about simply buying vaccine for russia. we are not go shooting, localise nation, what the production or at least the part of the production to hungary. there is a company operating here in hungary, which has been producing for other or viruses and diseases. of course, they seem to be able to transform their capacity in a way that they would be able to be involved in the, in the production cycle of the vaccine. so we are negotiating about that as well. we are super interested as we are interested in, not continuing the negotiations be china, india and israel obviously. and we are very happy to see that pfizer and biotech is progressing well in the framework of the common european union purchased. we are interested in buying vaccine from there as well. you know, there was
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a very important consequence. we can draw from springtime that the more sources we have is a better. we remember that everybody wanted to buy mosques, protective clothing, but the late thirst for one source from china, not once in a sense, got not there are more sources. and the more sources we are in contact is a better. and that the only our supply for certain, well, you said, i mean, it seems really obvious. it's about saving lives at this point and even producing distributing the vaccine is geared towards that. do you worry though, because so many things end up like this in life, things get politicized. do you think there's a concern that those who manufacture vaccines will use it as a political tool? well, i hope this is not going to be the case. i have to tell you that i have collected a very good experience during the springtime when the there were absolutely out the normal abnormal market circumstances do. but protective
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device is late, there is mosques, all other kinds of thoughts and, and they are the be the producers were fair enough. the problem was that there was not enough quantity, but i didn't really feel any kind of, you know, political games behind. i hope it's not going to be the case this time. either i understand there are some rumors that even member states would not be allowed to buy axeman from outside of the european union. this is absolutely not true. under the current regulatory framework, the national offer it is, are invited to make their own judgment and made their own decision about what maxine and what are their might be called the why is they approved for our national use. so we are absolutely committed and certain to buy a vaccine from the most possible sources in order to have enough because we understand that the real solution for the smaller chunk,
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very challenging situation, is nothing. go as seen, everything goes, it's just an interim sort of mission everything guess is just to slow down the spread of the wires by the north to, to offer a real solution. is the max, you know, you are interested in buying it from the most possible source. also reveal that for you not allow every, anybody to put pressure on ourselves not to negotiate. we don't use them counterpart. peter, thanks so much for your time. best of luck with your uncovering, you looking well if that and he helped the best of luck. 100 foreign minister is my guest. thanks very much, especially assent of all media. now another anti-government protest is in full swing in the capital. several protesters have been detained in a policeman's, reportedly been beaten up, and the armenians a furious over a peace deal signed by iran with azerbaijan. they see it as a defeat, as it includes the surrender of territory to buckley,
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and that it was 1st announced protests to succeeded in storming government offices . the need to sign those who have fallen in the no go in the car about conflict of being remembered. flowers have been laid candles lit in front of the armenian embassy in moscow, and is no use here for years. but we do see a rupture. so instead of putting it out, there goes, there are not particularly orginally, not going to do it when you've got emotion, but probably a great story because you sure as many people go through new you leave. so when you do so big the most the us start of the social sphere doing the police would point out that they were looting. you showed it in your brother. i mean, you would support show me the people in my think if there was an illusion of what almost all the, despite all the pleasure out of all those stories. it's very different picture
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though, in azerbaijan, where people have taken to the streets, to celebrate the chiefs under the deal. the countries expected to recover several regions by the end of the month, people in back you are also happy, the decades long conflict is now over. earlier my colleagues broke down the current situation in the disputed region and the renewed hopes for lasting peace. well, the place to brokered by most has 9 points. the 1st and the most important one is of course about ceasefire for 6 weeks. the region has been seen to bloody deadly
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fighting with bombardments habit to refire and of course casualties, including among civilian population. we have been receiving dramatic pictures like these for this whole month. and now the size decided to stop it. the russian peacekeepers to go into the region to secure the agreement. we know that 3 military airplanes have already lend, attain the city of yet another mania. this is, these are the pictures provided by russian defense ministry. airplanes, broad person, now equipment, transportation, special week old, russian peacekeepers are going to be stationed mostly along what is known as the lauching corridor. it is a 5 kilometer wide road connecting armenia, tuna, gordon, and it is expected that they're going to stay there for at least 5 years and it could be extended. what is the agreement say about specific districts? well, they do says that the army is stop there where they are now. meaning as it is by
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john will keep the areas that managed to seize during the fighting, including a very important town of different size, call it differently. it is location because it is on the high heel and you can see the whole step on the cat, which is the capital of the go from there. and military generals say, if you have this shushi, then you have the whole of the core of the. now azerbaijan will have it heard as a leader call and it it is very important for both as it is by john, that i mean him not only strategically but culturally and religiously as well. well . now as the debate, john will have control over this town. and also the agreement says that their media will have to return to 3 disputed regions a defacto following the conflict in 1901, in regions. so as you understand this agreement is basically everything that but who wanted for many decades. these are both leaders speaking about it so
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differently. the text of the statement is unspeakably painful for me personally and for people i have made this decision as a result of an in-depth analysis of the military situation. this is not a victory, but there will be a defeat unless you recognize yourself as a loser. we will never recognize ourselves as losers, and this should unification and revival. for my part, i would like to say that i am very glad that today we have sealed the deal to settle a years long conflict between armenia and azerbaijan and the occupation as regime land. what about the people who have been forced to flee their homes during the fighting? have they been taken into account? yes, of course. and i think this is one of the brightest points of the sick room. and we know that tens of thousands of people were forced to flee nagorno-karabakh have now, according to this deal, they will be able to return safely back to their homes in the garden. and this will be morning told by u.n. personnel, u.n.
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staff. and also we hear that the sides agreed to exchange prisoners of war and the dead bodies of their soldiers and their civilians. the red cross spokesperson of the girl and her boxes of the truce will be crucial for the thousands of people who have fled. the area, the impact of this killer, a sham on the life, the think you are put in across the region. i believe it was pacing and turned their life upside down. would speak about on 100000, people who had to leave their homes. now you search for safety in all or wrote flight number are not comparable, may leaving the big target mean, you know, all of the people already meet or who would cherish mental health more it's like or what you call support. it could also support make it could assistance and you are a, these people in where the president across 32 hour
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almost truth comes by providing medical ethics homes, food aid for the term or eastender ready to support for affect people by this escalation. today this is, all a t. it's a national, thanks be a company that's coming your way. how often are when else should seem wrong. why don't we all just don't call me old yet to shape out just a few educated and it gets written equals betrayed. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. what
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you people look for to see whether what we're saying is actually playing out in the real world. and sort of thing to look at would be the u.s. dollar versus the chinese or the big ok, that's the main 4 x. pair. that's going to tell you what's happening in the global economy. if this, all this debt is going to trigger all this money printing, the dollar will start to drift lower and it's already, you know, looking very weak. i think the last 4 years under they've been able to kind of propped up to a large degree. but i think maggie, going to see a serious decline of the dollar. you can see the chinese currency start to really outperform the dollar. during the vietnam war, u.s. forces are in low. there was a secret war. in for years the american people did not know.


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