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tv   News  RT  November 12, 2020 7:00am-7:31am EST

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and i was trying to think, i'm not going to exploit those who would have to miss the breaking news here on our t.v. . russia's top diplomat suggests that opposition leader i'd like to see enough was allegedly poisoned with a nerve agent this summer. could have been just at the toxin in germany on the plane, taking him to germany clinic also this hour pro-democrat media try to eliminate all traces of doubt about the integrity of the 2020 u.s. election, running reports about probes into voter fraud, misinformation clashes and arrests in the armenian capital, as crowds demand,
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the prime minister resign over a peace deal that they see as a capitulation to azerbaijan and the war for the car park region. because these demonstrators are the ones where you are, these don't belong to or with the right. this is our to international coming to you live from the russian capital where it's just turned 3 pm. welcome to the program. we start with breaking news from a conference between the russian foreign minister and international journalists. some day lavrov has suggested that russian opposition leader alexian of omni was poisoned, allegedly with the know be choke a nerve agent in august. but that may have been targeted. he may have been targeted outside his home country. and you have every reason to believe that what happened to him in terms of chemical warfare agents getting into his body could
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have happened in germany were on the plane and was she was flown to the charity hospital and we're joined in the studio by our to finish now for more on this, this is all just come in. this is just, we've just heard this from the foreign minister. what more can you tell us? you know how it seems that tensions pull dramatically around the situation with alleged poisoning of russia's prominent opposition, figure alexei navalny. when russia was accused of using chemical substance from the north, each family mr. lavrov just now had an almost 2 hour long press conference, answering the questions from russian and foreign journalist. and on so many occasions, a lot was discussed, including the coding cut about american elections. but on so many occasions missed a lot of stress that western partners proved to be unable to rely on. and on so many occasions, he pointed out that in the current situation,
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russia does not see any way actually to count on anybody. but he was very, very confident about, i mean, this difficult situation with western partners. i mean, they are not actually partners. and speaking about the situation about nevada, mr. lavrov used really strong words, an expression describing the attitude, again of the western countries and especially germany. and he stressed that russia's involvement was never proved. that there was no, any solid evidence proving that even the poisoning happened on the russian territory. but the conclusion was made anyway, and germany and some other countries were very quick to come to this conclusion and
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miss a lot of ended up describe in this whole situation as circus. in fact, let's listen to what he had to say. it is difficult for me to understand the motives of our german partners. i already told this to her come us, and i can repeat this. it's not a secret that we see how germany took the role of a leader in the new escalation of relations with the russian federation. mr. glover, of also expressed his concerns about germany's leading role in the sentai russia campaign. and he said that germany didn't only lead this complaint against russia,, but also managed to get many other countries involved. and the c.w., the organization for profit of the chemical weapons. because these organizations, some point actually very quick after this happened. diligent poison with alexina
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violently happened. the organization was very quick to confirm that they was a chemical substance from the group discovered in blood and other materials and urine of virally. and now we hear also from russia's permanent representative to the u.n. . also some concerns about the role p.c. w played in these whole situation. mr. an event we don't have yet, he's clearly, but i can tell you what he said. just imagine we were to leave the p.c. w. their reaction would probably be something like but if they were going to zation ends up losing all its authority and becomes just a buddy just with decisions against regimes that fail to toe the line. it,
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we may have to consider this option. so he didn't say he didn't say that russia is ready to leave the w, but he is considering this option. i think this is, this is quite serious. that might be a long time coming. there has been conflict between russia and the in the past as well. we're going to come back to a little bit later in the program. we're actually going to cross live now to our guest. these aren't of a soul the who's a member of germany's left party. you're very welcome to the program. do you find lover of claims at all possible? well, not only eliot, although will they have been shoulder right again and again. now, because what we have seen is that the show inside has not shown any interest in working together with the russian prosecutors to clear out this case. instead,
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they have their us and russian prosecution and have started a prosecution of their own because according to them, everything happened on russian territory. and germany is the justice system is not responsible for this case. so what they have done is just thrown axes ations into the air, from accusations at the kremlin, and just thrown in there and see what sticks. and that's not a way to combat international relations. and so mr. i was absolutely right in his reaction and we have to see even the rule of the o.p.c. doubt. you can be in the future because we have seen you are serious so many types now are. and we have clearly see that the houses are missing. are you luck? russia has clearly shown that there was no press. so if there is chemical ations now in his blood, then those agents must, from the german side, or during his transfer to joe. and why does the old you see w.
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not investigate this protection breach of contract by the german sucks. we were thinking of them throwing accusations. we now have this statement from well brought, but is there going to be any way for him to prove that? well, that is a good question and i think only time can tell, but it will be c.w. actually took its mandate seriously. then it would have to investigate how germany could have access to this not talk asia. and it is well known and intelligence, circles that the german foreign intelligence agency, the b.n.p., has had access to not to talk agents for a long time. but what has now for inspired is that it might actually have to develop its own and this would be a very serious thing. and the only c.w. would have to investigate and would have to potentially actually germany as well.
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if the oversea w. does not stay true to its mandates and does not investigate western countries then and there cannot be any reason for the russian federation and other countries through may cause this raid. one thing that russia has said from the beginning is the question needs to be asked as to who would benefit from hurting volley from poisoning volley? i think there's a clear cut answer to that question. absolutely. so i don't think that the politicians and his tail, it every step of the way and say it again eg, popular support in russia is a threat to any party in russia. he is only useful for foreign agents who wanted him out of the way because he was, in fact, the absence of very russian states. so in order to make space for a new agers, he needed to be gone. and,
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and apparently he was not willing to go pretty this might have been the easiest way for him to transition to a new career, to postulate politics through either me or some other right after all this broke right after the alleged poisoning there was a lot of questions on how the future relationship between russia and germany was going to be moving forward. how do you think today's allegation from love brought is going to change things? i think it's going to 1st willage tax and believe it now has to decide whether they want to engage with russia constructively, all, whether they want to go on a different course to think the lavani case has better preparation for the administration of well, potentially president biden because the job site is very interested in working closely with the white house, and they want to focus on well focusing on russia as
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a new entity and to be seen whether any u.s. ministration. the white house will play that game. but now a lot of it's already facing the math before this new administration can take office in january. after russia was accused of using its head, it may quit, the accusing it of having become a political tool of the west. what kind of fallout would there be if russia were to leave? well, who the world is still very much interested in the prohibition of chemical weapons . so i think that a new organization would have to be formed, and it would probably fall to the un mandates. and as the russian federation is a matter of that, u.s. security council is probably a way to out such as you are, is a shame. because if indeed the whole, the c.w. has failed again in this case, and they are amazed that for example,
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the analysis of the bad was done on the status from distant articles on the dr. west laboratories. and the usual way to do this would be to have laboratories in the west and there is essent conferees. so the north side can well ask questions as to the best of the level of political influence to was there a cards? so this was done and this was not the 1st time that the open c.w. has failed its mandate. we have seen this had happened syria where serious journalists now prove that your p, c, w, has not followed its mappings. so the issue of chemical weapons and the prohibition of chemical weapons, this issue that is most concern to all of humanity. it might be time for russia to take the lead and to follow you are you say she wants that goal. you talk about
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finding perhaps a new organization in place of the open sea. i do think there would be a possibility of somehow being able to take the open sea and take the politics out of it and save that organization. well, that is the question that the other member states to the old c.w. and the your press to charge of the administration at have to take not because just an extension of western governments, polluted ship political goals. we had a beautiful organization that the well me add that the people of the world can trust is that if the o.e.c.d. w. was not willing to take that mandate seriously, then that has to be, you know, try to. and i'm sure the time to look it up, but the best way forward, of course, for the everyone to come together and to reform the mandate of the o.p.c. w. and to who was structured in a way that no accusations of political bias will happen. wait anymore.
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we've been speaking with iran, tell us only a member of germany's left party. thank you for your time and your comments. thank you. now, maria financial is still in the studio with us. we're discussing our breaking news here on our team. sergey lavrov has put out an accusation that it's possible that the extent of all the of the opposition leader was actually poisoned on the plane to germany or in germany itself. this of course, all happened back in august. i was believe, i believe. let's start with the basics. how did germany get into the story at all? and for that we have to remain the whole chain of events that led the violent to me . well basically what happened in august while on the plane coming back to moscow from he missed in of, on the file, terribly ill and had to make an emergency landing. and there was an emergency ambulance on the runway and he was actually were showing those pictures,
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right. he was immediately after the taking to this car and they were medics there. and he was already and responsive. so he was on ventilator already on the way to the hospital. he was actually in cold, very deep cold. we heard, so he was immediately on the run and we taken to the hospital and he was treating there by doctors and repeatedly we heard from doctors in the russian that there was no talk found in mr. you or a no blood samples, but the valleys family and his supporters were very quick to say that mr. valley was poisoned 10. they started pointing their finger to russian authorities and saying that mr. nevada is in danger. if he stays in russia,
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i mean, that could be dangerous for him, and they started pushing the doctors and even the violators wife sent, unless it's putin to allow his transportation to germany. why did germany, i guess they had some relations with things country, maybe they talk to some clinics in europe, and maybe that cleaning told them that they are ready to accept mr. then there was a russian millionaire who said that he's ready to provide. he's personal so as soon as russian doctor is approved, the transportation actually missed an avali. i think it was like this. on the 2nd day of his coma, he was transported to germany. also important to remember that one of the factors that wasn't just the doctor saying whether or not he could fly,
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we are still in the middle of a pandemic. that was still a time when i think all borders were closing. all international flight was close. at this point, it has opened up a little, but that was part of the issue as well. it was quite problematic, but still we heard from school for remember, this president's spokesperson, he said, we are ready to, i mean, to allow transportation to germany could be our responsibility. it will be a responsibility of the family eve. they signed all the documents and if doctors are ok with that, we will help you with any link pandemic restrictions and related problems. as far as i remember, the russian authorities were like open yet to provide any help. but as soon as mr. divinely landed in germany like very shortly after that we saw here in about we talk about like other chemical substances. and then they said
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this is not a chalk and we heard that from germany and then sweden confirmed that as well. and then we also heard from the p.c. w, but by the way, they said that substance was discovered in blood and urine samples, but it didn't belong to like the, it wasn't banned substance. it was from the chalk family, but it wasn't banned. i mean, it was very weird confirmation from that part yet, so and then it was like very quickly and then we saw sanctions against russia because they were not even allegedly because they were saying russia used prohibited chemical substances. so it was just like this. in a matter of days, the decision was made and russia all the time has been asking german partners and
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western partners and talking to you all the time to provide advice to provide documents to get access. but they were all always denied that and today miss a lot. during his 2 hour press conference he, he reminded he repeated about that, that we, we wanted to cooperate, but we were always denied any access. and this is why he said this is total circus because we don't understand what's going on. we're not allowed even to see what is the basis. they accuse us of a poem, you know, unfortunately the word has become a part of everyone's vocabulary in the past few years. it's come up over and over again. and so we do know that the nerve agent is meant to be extremely toxic. this is something that's military grade and you'd have thought he was poisoned with no
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real choke, that it would have unfortunately killed him if not immediately, then eventually and possibly also infected people around him. can you tell us anything about that? yes, and this is a big question, of course, for russia, mr. lover of pointed out today, he said that even mr in the valley feels ok. although he stressed that russia still does not have any access to meet or see mr. devine, and so all they can do, they can just go on social media, but according to these videos, mr. divinely himself, the one who is allegedly poisoned will not be told. he feels alright and he, he speaks clearly he walks, i mean, he, he didn't even change, you know, although he says that he has been struggling. and he has been feeling very, very bad. but we actually cannot see this happening. so this is
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a big question. nabil chalk is so toxic, it is supposed to kill why it didn't kill anybody. and even mr. neville, it feels ok, and this is why we hear mr. lover of now saying that we have every reason to believe that what happened to him in terms of this chemical thing. maybe it happened in germany or on the plane. even if we we accept that they was chemical agent involved and even we hear that some say that could be that someone from the violin is circle could be involved in that. and here is the report of my colleague about the woman to some say could have played
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a role in that someone must know the whole truth of what happened to alex, a new play in what the motive was, how they did it. what i want to do is try to unravel just a small part of this time called web and see where we end up is head of the investigations department. she's worked for years, many journalists know me to maria power needs. he had different best occasions out of our knees and corruption fund, but her name doesn't appear on the list of employees or in the credits of any of the funds project. she claims she's worked on. in fact, few people had heard of her just a month ago, even of on these former deputy chief had trouble remembering her when or how it was you are, you know, i didn't remember her right away, but it came to me when i saw him 2016 at one of the internal events there already said that not only treated her in a special way, this is not just an ordinary employee. he treated her with special reverence,
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respectfully talk to her as an equal. this is not generally found in a lexus habits which you communicate with someone on an equal footing because she's more always prevailed in him, like hearing down from my throne. laugh at my jokes. it wasn't with her. there was relatively equal communication with her, which underlines a certain mysterious status. let's follow this elusive maria on the day of the fateful flight and the once off to it. it's the 20th of august, the opposition figures on a flight from thompson to moscow. but maria stays behind in siberia, she has work to finish. then a video is posted. and another moment of mystery emerges at 8. 25 am the pilot puts in a request for an emergency landing. 5 minutes later he gets told there's a bomb scare down below. and his landing isn't a sure thing, it turns out to be just got a stat. but why did it come from giving the appearance in the media of
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a bomb hoax at the airport to prevent the, the landing of the plane carrying of only investigators are working as additional versions of what happened. it has been found that the anonymous message was sent through a server located on the territory of germany, safely lied to me as hurried to hospital. in the meantime, maria decides to return to the hotel where he's been staying and to look for any clues left behind. and with the evidence she's backed, she flies out to home, to see in a filename 2 days later. she's on board that imagine carrying on his wife, lynn, and maria considered a friendly european face as a part time resident of london is welcomed with open arms. so germany is sure that it does not work for the others being there are no fools in the modern world. it means that they are sure that a person is not dangerous in their country. they fully understand what kind of person in germany is also met with ceremony whisked away by emergency army
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personnel to the shower, to hospital and even gets a surprise visitor. it was a personal meeting between the chancellor and missed in the vani. it was a meeting with a person who fell sick after a nerve agent attack, and who's been treated in germany, a hospital visit from the head of state to a foreign national in the middle of a pandemic. in the meantime, repair check becomes the power to so set in a detective story and gives the greatest need. because all the way from that hotel room in the middle of siberia, through a number of ports she smuggled out of agent. it was terrifically packaged in different places because we understood that no matter what this bottles were, just bottles, nothing of value, but there is a microscopic chance that they will be valuable if we hadn't taken them from tomsk, they would have become trash and there is no doubt that now these bottles would be gone. those hof drunk bottles of water become star, witnesses apparently the basis on what job identifies not the chalk on the trigger
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open diplomatic firestorm. lengthy power fecht trail to the conclusion that an opposition figure who talked too much was poisoned by thugs and in the far tearing country case closed. or is that during the preflight security check of maria pet check at the airport novosibirsk? there was no contain is more than 100 milliliters in volume in her suitcase and backpack, including any bottles of water. after the check, maria paved cheek purchased a 500 milliliter bottle of water from an ass side vending machine with which she flew to the city of arms. so we don't fully know who maria is, and now her role as the alleged bottle smuggler is more puzzling. but before anyone had the chance to ask these questions and seek any, owen says, suspicions have turned into policy. we consider that there is no other plausible explanation for missing the van. this poisoning than of russian involvement and
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responsibility. drawing the necessary conclusions from these facts, france and germany will share with european partners proposals for additional sanctions. some have already found the motive, the weapon, and the guilty party. they also know what punishment they want their criminal to suffer. is it possible? evidence of the agent and not to contaminate or inflict any ones are only good, but on a place to ground. if you go back to the case in england, where the pros, where there were 2 other persons who were infected by coming into contact with the norwegian agent for the average growth. not credible that if you are carrying a number to a gauge and then you must guard definition, they can tell when they come into contact with you. but actually, the more one looks, the more tangled the sore becomes. and the more it reads as unsolved mystery
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thriller and not the case closed. but i'm going to bring in live martin mccauley, author and russia analyst. now why do you think that a volley case is so politically explosive, head on confrontation between germany and russia? with the russians say that their development, it would not poison now saying what you would not poison in russia is possible that he would listen in the train only may and the general saying the opposite, saying where he wants boarding been in russia. and when he arrived in berlin, there was evidence of it, and nothing happened to him in the plane. and therefore, you have 2 narratives which collaborate one way or the other. do you think that russia would seriously leave the o.p.c. w as it's threatened to do? that's a very, very serious move because you crazy w.
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has been involved intensely in the syrian conflict and many ready because the russians put forward evidence against the the united states claiming backed president assad to be using chemical weapons and chemical substances against that of the opposition and they strongly opposed to that thought it would be it would be a major step for russia. could of course they can do that because president tom leslie world council, if you think because we didn't agree with the way they were conducting, we need one democrat and they were not glenn. joining us, we're for the united states. walked out. so there's a loser. there's a president this year of leaving a very important and i'm sure of musician. do you believe that the o.p.c. w.-o. has become a tool of the west as moscow claims their p.c. double their country when? because during this period of complete, he was accused by many of the west,
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but actually siding with the assad regime, not entirely. they have 3 objectives and so on. and now we have russia saying that it is not objective. it's siding with the germans and the french who are making these claims. he's allegedly names in the poison in russia, so therefore must go with their way up near the seriousness of these allegations. and if they think it is something which really of disability eradication really homes it into tunisian notification, these be the international community. the main take. take that very,, very serious. now, after the o.p.c. w.-o., i excuse me, after germany came out saying that it was poisoned with no a check over and over again. we heard moscow asking to get evidence to have access to their data to how they've gotten to that conclusion.


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