tv Watching the Hawks RT November 12, 2020 7:30am-8:01am EST
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as moscow claims they have received over the country win because during this year to complete, he was accused by many of the west, but actually siding with the us not, not entirely. you have 3 objectives and so on. and now we have russian stating that it is not an objective at siding with the germans and the french who are making these claims. he's a legit claims in the poison in russia. so the flow must go with way up near the seriousness of these allegations. and if they think it is something which really smooth reclusion really homes, it is the tunisian unification. these be the international community. the main take very, very students now after the o.p.c. w, excuse me, after germany came out saying that it was poisoned with no, a choke over and over again. we heard moscow asking to get evidence to have access
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to their data to how they've gotten to that conclusion, but they never received any. and now we have this allegation coming from love of saying that he could have been poisoned on the way to or while in germany, where do you think he's basing that off of he may have more information, which is not available to the outside world, who proclaimed he'd move a little to the germans, so there could be very, very much the evidence isn't like joost on the plane because he was on the plane and he left the planes and therefore must be traces zoomable of the gauge and in the plane. so therefore, one would assume, perhaps the russians are now back social institution, which the germans do not have access. because obviously they don't have control of the plane. and the news is a russian plane and remains in russia. so therefore, going to be very interesting to see how this develops because we've seen
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a lot of growth rings for, would have britons that the plane was in fact contaminated, that there are traces of these negatives. and in the plane, it could lead to the conclusion that perhaps he was in fact, he had ingested this know the choking agent in the plane while on the way to tomsk and on the way to germany. that's of course speculation at this point. so we will have to see if any of that evidence does come forward. when all this story broke, just a couple months ago, relations between russia and germany took a pretty hard hit. people were looking at that. what's going to change? do you think today's announcement is going to also be a turn for the worse? yes. well, i'm going to merkel. the reputation in the lighted by coming out very strongly saying that he'd been, he'd been opposing them. he'd been poisoned in russia and it was
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a number which had been administered in russia. and she came out pretty strong, making that statement. and she visited me back in the, in the ship, her to a hospital in balad, which you, what extraordinary for you to stay to do that. so therefore, underlining the fact that she believed that he had been, quote poison in russia. if you like christie, her reputation and so on, it is in fact aligned here. and therefore, she would not find it very, very easy to begala and say, well sorry, i wasn't presented with all the facts. and that's all i was hasty in my judgment because you made a judgment good or very quickly. that was categorically mistaken. and no doubt what you have in the mind. so there was a lot of sygate out growth in the russian government brings forward evidence. now that there was traces with traces of this agent in the plated. it is possible that
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there is a possibility that he infected ingested. noble child the no joking agent in the plane going to arms and really landed numbs. the plane was contaminated, so he author and russia analyst martin mccauley. thank you for joining us on the program to discuss our breaking news story. thank you. our global news after this short break, including on the fallout of the u.s. election result, and the ongoing unrest in the armenian capital of a peace deal with azerbaijan. thanks. the world is driven by a dream, shaped by one person with those thinks
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we dare to ask., welcome back. parts of the u.s., mainstream media seem bent on the eliminating all doubt that joe biden won the race to the white house going so far as to brown reports on probes into alleged voter fraud. as misinformation are just explains questioning the u.s. election results is tantamount to sack relig. the media is outraged that anyone
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would talk about ballot fraud, especially this new york times columnist facebook is absolutely teeming with right wing misinformation right now. these are all among the 10 most engaged on the platform of the post 24 right wing information. so what is this misinformation that he feels is so dangerous and unacceptable and that well, perhaps the reason that this information is deemed to be so dangerous is because those headlines are actually true. and what about this guy? 2nd, pennsylvania u.s.p.s. whistleblower claims postmaster ordered late ballots picked up and separated. while
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the washington post came forward and said, this is all a big hoax that the postal worker has recanted his story. well, that's a great journalistic exposé, except the postal worker says he has not recanted there to say that i did not prepare my statements. head of the republican national committee says they have 234 pages containing the 500 signed affidavits alleging 11000 incidents of potential voter fraud. now you have a media that's rigging it again by saying we're not going to listen to these stories. we're not even to validate. the 11000 incident reports that we have, the 500 affidavits we have across the state. 11000 witnesses is not a small number. now in georgia, senate runoff elections are coming up and another new york times columnist has this idea. i bet everybody moves to georgia, you know, in the next month or 2 registers to vote and vote for these 2 democratic senators.
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well, in georgia, that is actually a felony. it is illegal to move to georgia simply for the purpose of registering to vote. only people in georgia with a stablished residency are able to vote. republicans have a lot of questions about the election results that showed joe biden. as the clear winner. now at this point we've got mainstream media saying those questions are simply off limits. however,, that seems to be making the trump base even more involvement. r.t., new york, the issue of voter fraud remains highly debated with many believing it's been going on for ages while others demand more evidence. if there is fraud, and what the courts want to see is brought, you have to have a public particularities. which means that who, what, when, why, where or how? ok, so if there is fraud, where is it? you can't make conclusory allegations and that's what he's doing. and that's why
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it's lawsuits are falling short. that's what, that's why i say it didn't bring it for the democrats every time they lose an election and immediately cry, this is gone on for decades. but when the republicans lose the election, then the they are immediately expected to accept defeat. at the very time when the democrats saying no problems, no parole that took place. anyone who's claiming that was a concern there is fear is that they should be actually actively perpetrating a fraud by saying go down to georgia for a golfing holiday and then when in the form. and so you're a legal resident that this is precisely a prelude. the u.s. state of georgia is to hold a vote recount the state generally goes for republicans. but this time the democrats have term to the post by 0.3 percent. that narrow margin of victory has
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led to a hand recount. that's a magical you actually have to do a full and by hand recount of all because the margin is so close right now. it's $14101.00, it's a big process to be a methodical process and you'll be accurate process. and i'm sure that there are plenty of oversight. we want to make sure that both parties have the opportunity to observe this, because we understand the stakes are high. georgia is a state with 16 votes in the u.s. electoral college. so even if the state were to flip in trump's favor, that alone would not change the outcome of the election. but doug collins, who is heading, the trump campaign's efforts in georgia, still thinks a recount is an absolute must. we got to fight this president, deserves that. that's what we're doing for down here. that's why we're fighting to make sure that every legal vote is counted. and we'll see what happens. they have. 6 since november 3rd republicans have been talking about the possibility of fraud and ballot harvesting the trump campaign fall multiple lawsuits accusing local
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authorities of irregularities. also seeking a recount of other states such as them out of pennsylvania and wisconsin. many have dismissed these concerns as regis and have called joe biden to be the winner of the election. and others insist, it's too early to call victor. math is they are matched quite sure what it is that republicans are counting on, but the math is there. biden is the president elect of the united states and i just find him. i don't find a surprising that trump is going out with this intro and the entire time in office . i am surprised that his followers are joining in on it makes one scratch one's head and say, this red mirage could have been kind of big question. which set by to appear to be appear to be the president what he's not that we want to call it sends all letters in middle december that go for biden. he's not president elect yet. the media is
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not that powerful in this country yet. they can't make him the president elect. the change of u.s. president could mean a change of fate. for julian songe that we can honor is currently in the u.k. prison waiting for a court to decide whether or not to extradite him stateside. under the trump administration, he was charged under the u.s. espionage act on 18 counts. he's accused of unlawfully obtaining and publishing state secrets and if extradited faces up to 175 years in prison. democrats, by including have pulled their punches when discussing a songe in the past. because you can also use a high tech terrorist, others say this is akin to the pentagon faced. what do you compare? i would argue that is closer to being the high tech terrorist. and then the pentagon papers, he should be treated as an enemy combatant, with ulead, should be closed down permanently and decisively. this guy is a traitor, a treasonous, and he has broken every law the united states, the guy ought to be. and i'm not for the death penalty,
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so if i'm not for the death, i don't want to do it illegally. shoot the son of a house or with the dog as it's been hard and facts, the obama biden administration actually prosecuted. more whistleblowers than any other less includes. chelsea manning who leaked documents to julian assange and edward snowden, who lifted the lid on the n.s.a.'s mass surveillance programs are the obama administration decided not to charge a staunch himself. earlier, my colleague neil harvey spoke to us on just former legal representative julian burnside. he says that the future looks brighter for the wiki leaks founder and president joe biden. i know that he's revelations about hillary clinton affected the democrats rather than the republicans. but in my opinion, joe biden is a much more rational being that donald trump, if it was. how would you assess joe biden's approach towards whistleblowers?
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i know that when he was vice president in the presidential year, a bomber had made a big thing about, you know, trying to create opportunities for whistleblowers to encourage them. but actually, the reality was quite different and they prosecuted more whistleblowers, i think than any other ministration prior to them. i still think that biden will adopt a rational approach. mind you, he will not be president of the 4th of january. so i suspect, or on 4th of january, if biden is ultimately accepted as the president, i think that's going to be a better outcome for than it would otherwise be on the part of the reason why assad is in the the predicament he is because of the leaking of information, private information relating to the democratic party by an obviously democrat to think all will be forgiven and forgotten to well to the next stents or will that
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still bay some kind of goods from the party itself. it's worth remembering that chelsea manning received a pardon or commutation from a bomber. and i think the same thinking that lead to that result is likely to influence biden, if he becomes president. and if assad ends up in america, there's talk of the likelihood he'll be sent to the supermax prison, which the warden previous warden of not prison said in the face were worse than death being sent. it's a pretty horrible prospect. and the way chelsea manning was treated in relation to the same matters or related matters gives no confidence about the way sound will be treated. it's a reason why the strain in government should come in and help him, but they've done nothing. absolutely nothing to help him. i think we should be concerned about about if he's mistreated,
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i don't see any leader of the mainstream press. who is sought to be punished as a result of the publication of things that the published calls for donald trump. to concede the election are getting ever a louder, but democrats appear to have forgotten that in 2016, they too found it hard to accept a projected loss artist and hawkins compares then. and now, despite the heated rhetoric fierce the by downright insults in the run up to the election, one thing remains untouchable, the integrity of the vote counting process and certification vice president biden. final question for you will, you were urging his supporters to stay calm while the vote is counted and will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently sort of? yes, but as the race went meccan, meg with supporters on both sides, claiming victory was within their grasp the rules of the game changed. sarah, what do you say to the americans that are anxious over the fact that president
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trump has yet to concede? and what that might mean for the country? well, i just think it's a baseless claims by the president and his supporters, that there's been widespread voter fraud and that the election was somehow rigged or stolen from president trump. that kind of rhetoric is extremely dangerous, extremely poisonous to our democracy. if i were an intelligence analyst in a foreign country, looking at the united states, you know, i'd be, i'd be writing up the slow slide into autocracy. there was a time when democrats saw things differently and their candidates lost by more electoral college votes than this election was viewed as an injustice. as i've been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the best campaign. you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you. the kremlin was allegedly behind
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that election result helping trump to power several years. and millions of dollars later, an investigation concluded there was no criminal conspiracy. yet now the boy in this projected so when the results are accepted at face value and this thought the presidency was a power and he won fair and square. all we've seen so far in the us is the mainstream media, which of course has been behind joe biden, 1000 percent declaring on their own. the joe biden, as the president elect with democratic party for 4 years, and still not conceded that hillary clinton lost in 2016 no matter what they did, no matter how they tried to steal the election from trump. at the time they invented russia, great to try to 1st, undermine then candidate and one, trump one undermine his presidency at the point of the apocalypse. and it's a bunch of lies from the democrats. but even if biden didn't win, the democrats had a back up plan. no surrender. joe biden should not concede under any circumstances
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because i think this is going to drag out. and eventually i do believe he will win if we don't get him. and now the tables are turned with trump refusing to concede his opponent, so willing to go to just about any links to see the back of him, plus present tense. the cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism . i think they would seriously consider booking the 25th amendment and pushing donald trump out and calls from the democrats who spent almost the entire term looking for evidence the election was stolen for trump to accept defeat and move on . looked like double standards at best, left out have any law, no lockers about how the president should immediately sure are probably going to election results from the same characters or just spent 4 years refusing to follow to develop a larger and who and sonia waited that this one would be illegitimate coup if they lost again only if they love
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armenians are furious about their country's peace deal with azerbaijan, seeing it as a humiliating defeat. the last 2 days here, a bomb has been gripped by on rests with protesters, calling for the prime minister's head to roll. how do you judge that the unrest continued into the night with police resorting to tear gas at one point . protesters gathered near the parliament building, or multiple arrests were made, artistic or sound of reports on how a ceasefire at the front has unleashed a firestorm of rage in the armenian capital. meaning i was going through
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a national tragedy. people are gathering for mass protests, absolutely heartbroken and shocked. that armenia has agreed to pass to turn over huge patches of land. it used to control in the golan a cow back over to azerbaijan. and there are refugees who fled the fighting and now have joined these protests saying that they feel betrayed. saying that they feel that their sons, fathers and brothers, died for nothing. he says that they're here. i left a car about 3 weeks ago. oh, my family are there. the bombs fell outside our house. there were children there, and they didn't know where to go. what to do. and then they realized the worry was happening. children died young boys for what to give away or land. this treaty is an attack on our millions, when the prime minister signed it, he betrayed us. if we were willing to give up the slant, we wouldn't have sent so many young men to work. and this sentiment is shared by
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those who choose to take to the streets to they say that they want the signature of nicole crushing the armenian prime minister to be revoked, to be retracted from the, from the documents. because they say that the do want peace. but not on such humiliating terms. i want to or did all of these the long straight. there were no right. to sign a piece of paper to give away the lands of those homes to make people homeless. we are what i was just. we showed our borders, are you fighting the borders and was like you and stole our line from the border guards? john farley. but there's a somewhat different message coming from the go and i pad back from the fight. is there who responded to those who rioted?
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who violently protested here in the armenian capital, saying that if they wanted to change the tide of war, they should have come to the disputed region and join them on the front lines instead of breaking and you know, destroying their city, the capital right now. and the prime minister who's being called on to resign over this peace deal is saying that this agreement has helped him avoid an even bigger disaster. guys, the war is not a year. of course we care about. so you should all come and join us on the men and women can do the shouting. i can hear of the general stuff record to me that we like to results is by signing the peace deal. we managed to keep. well, we would have lost, had we carried on the war, the polacre, it was in effect, defenseless. there would have been a total collapse, dozens of military personnel from the frontlines, have some videos in wish they support the decision and all the ground they understand the situation best. but so far people aren't convinced they say again
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that they've been betrayed. yesterday at a protest i talked to some protestors and some of them have been saying and while speculating that some cities like the to city of was deliberately given up on by, by passion on and on passing on orders. there have been no evidence of that as of now, but this is what people seem to believe mostly because the emotions well they fly very, very high here. and what isn't helping people here deal with emotions is what they're hearing from the other side, from azeri by john, and from the, as every president who pretty much teases and tool and some mean eons. among the picture we saw on the free territories shows us that the enemy live there with the feeling of hate towards their, by johnny people. otherwise, why would they destroy all the buildings there? but having spent close to an entire month in the go, in a cab back myself, i have to say that there's
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a silver lining to this deal. at least the fighting has stopped, having seen so many so much destruction, so much pain and fear in people's eyes and those who are civilians, eyes, those who decided to stay there, hoping that their army would change the tide of this war. at least though i see it as of now there will be no more deaths, no more people will lose their lives. but clearly a lot of for a lot of people, this is not enough for a lot of people. too many have already died too many have already suffered for armenia, they say to give up now. so really will have to see how this unfolds. but the russian peacekeeping mission is in full swing right now in the region. our crew will be standing by here to bring you all the latest former diplomat jeremy cans, men who worked as the canadian ambassador to armenia explain to us why he's optimistic about the peace deal. when you have a narrative that goes back decades, when you have this nick group,
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if you want lives in 2 countries. and when, when leaders whip up nationalist sentiment, it becomes very, very difficult because it's very emotional. there's nothing wrong with patriotic a motion when they are directed with such are still of the 2 or the other. so it from both people inherit generation to generation a narrative and it takes, it takes great creativity. true, true to counsel people, to learn again to live together. it's going to depend on the extent to which russian leaders train the complete cooperation of the leaders of the 2 countries in year end,
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2000 very well trained. russian troops will be very effective. but what will be most effective will be self discipline. on the part of the 2 sides, and i think that can only be a change through communication from us. you're watching r t international. we're going to take a short break, but we'll be back in about 3 minutes time with more on our breaking news on long with the day's headlines. stories was a pandemic. no, certainly no borders and just delighted to nationalities so much. we told them it's really we don't look actually the whole world needs to be
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judged. 2 as coming close is the sentence we can do better, we should everyone is contributing each of our own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenges created with the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that clearly together join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics. sports business, i'm show business. i'll see you then it was always in the building, but the especially big city, bright lights, you jump, but you know, many dangers in the glare of atlanta. it's also
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a city where up to 300000 crimes are committed every year for the last one. but the year most, it's still through the reserve least one police officer. if you've read 200 residents in russia's capital lost on the english, i think it was my trip that they were not going to come in. and of course, knowing it was a big deal with them to. mostly this is a story of women and women was troubled histories and complex court cases. you know, some believe i was out there and were not the person that they're accusing this employee. they are considered the most
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dangerous of criminals. she's in a still all the off, 23 hours of the day. tell me that it's not enough punishment. it will give women on death row. breaking news here on r.g.p. . russia's top diplomat suggests that opposition leader. not only who was allegedly poisoned with a nerve agent this summer, could have been just at the toxin in germany or on the plane taking him to a german clinic. also this hour pro-democratic media trying to eliminate all traces of doubt about the integrity of the 2020. u.s. election. branning reports about probes into voter fraud misinformation.
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