tv Keiser Report RT November 17, 2020 3:30pm-3:56pm EST
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2 obama troops out completely in 2011 from iraq. and we saw what happened there with the built rebuild of isis. now the problem here is that there is no commitment yet from taliban to be able to fulfill its promises of not using afghanistan as a base for attacks by al-qaeda or isis on on us on the us. and i'm right there. the nato secretary general has expressed similar concerns. so it's going to be while trump is doing this for political reasons and trying to fulfill a campaign promise is not on the mall or out. but also got to keep in mind. he may substitute u.s. troops for private military contractors, and that is also something that i lurk in the background, but no one's talking about it. now, many story, rather, you just talked about the now many think biden and his administration might consist of so-called war hawks. what kind of want to see might the new president pursue in
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the middle east? will it be drastically different to what we've seen over the past 4 years? well, i think you're going to see a lot more tensions in the middle east. because of the near cons and neo conservatives who are joining by ministration, you're going to, you're going to see things languishing and will not be major decisions, made decisive decisions. there's also a question whether we can, whether the united states can even rein in iran are, i'm sorry, israel with regard to iran, and that, that's also a potential problem you've got to keep in mind. israel is already said, the red line is the iranians building up their nuclear facilities. and also the fact that biden's administration may not go along with annexation of the west bank. so those tensions that may arise, we may, and we're already seeing that troops could go back into iraq as well as afghanistan
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. and already we're hearing about reports of rocket attacks now on the u.s. embassy in iraq. so that portends something very serious. well, certainly will be keeping our eyes peeled. that was former pentagon security analyst, michael if banks feel time leisure bottle from me. i'll be back at the top. i hope you join me that the was
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timex kaiser. we crossed the rubicon. let's ask stacey. well, you know, max, i came up with this idea because we were talking about crossing the rubicon on this weekend's orangeville podcast. and i said that basically bitcoin does not allow you to cross the rubicon and does not allow you to think that you alone. are you know, with filled with hubris and greed for power can solve all the solutions of the world. so we've crossed the rubicon in america, this past weekend. we saw, we've crossed the rubicon and the media is celebrating like living through the last days of the roman republic. and i was responding to this tweet from liz sly, who is from the washington post. and she said, u.s. officials have been lying to trump and the american people about the true number of
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u.s. troops in syria, an order to deter him from withdrawing them. according to the outgoing syria envoy, chum thinks it's only $200.00 troops there laughing, laughing, laughing out loud. that's crossing the rubicon, right to disobeyed the orders of the commander in chief. of course, you know that term crossing the rubicon comes from julius caesar, who went to war with the gauls illegally. he wasn't allowed to, he was a general, went to war and order to gain the public support to what he wanted to become emperor. so by the time he came back when he was at the rubicon and to cross, the rubicon meant that he was about to become a dictator. that the republic was ending and the empire would. he wanted to become consul around, you know, before they had emperor. so he declared himself dictator and the emperor. right, well there's so much noise out there fanned. it's a real challenge to try to find a way to cut through the noise and find the signal. and i think the easiest way to understand the last 456 years of the rise of trump would be in the context of
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america's on fire wars. and when trump took office and 2016, this was challenging the war machine in america. and they like to drop bombs on people. let's be frank. and that he was about to become a dictator that the republic was ending and the empire would. he wanted to become consul around, you know, before they had emperor. so he declared himself dictator and the emperor. right, well there's so much noise out there fanned, find a way to cut through the noise and find the signal. and i think the easiest way to of america's empire and wars. and when trump took office in 2016, this was and they like to drop bombs on people. let's be frank. and i think they're great. there are 6 presidents, inclusive of trump, and this shows all the wars that they've started. we didn't start any wars. so that's why they had the coup of 2016,
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and we will refer to the 2016 attempt by the d.n.c. to usurp coup or attempted coup. i think what we're seeing now with what you're describing the mist, the american financial system crossed the rubicon, whereby we now have a system where the banks create 95 percent of the money. not the u.s. congress. the u.s. congress used to by the constitution be authorized to create the money of our country. instead, we have banks, private banks, print the money somehow because somewhere along the line we crossed the rubicon. whether it was the founding of the central bank of america, the federal reserve bank, or it was the 1933, gold confiscation, or were you $971.00 that going off the gold standard? like there were several rubicons cross that there was no going back once you did that. and all we did, vidual is like these systems that are designed this way. the american financial system crossed the rubicon where the banks create 95 percent of the money,
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not the us congress has to create the money of our country. instead we have banks, private banks, print the money sub, crossed the rubicon, whether it was the founding of the central bank of america, the federal reserve bank, or it gold confiscation. or what do you $971.00 that going off the gold standard? like there were several and always receive popular support. there was always enough popular support. remember, when it sees across the room as a war hero, he had killed like half the population or 3rd of the population of gaul, and had all the rich to give it to the people. and the people of course, adored all the free goods that he had stolen from the so, you know, we, we have these constant situations where these are the game that go into, you know, popular support democracies. republics. that's why you have a republic gaule us. and this is remarkable man, or rachel maddow,
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just spewing the pro ponzi scheme war machine. because if they let this thing collapse under the weight of its own fraud, greed and money printing, they're all out of a job. right? because paul krugman has said that the u.s. dollar is backed by men with guns, and this was his argument about why the u.s. dollar was better than big coin. so we have another similar person in the news this past week ray dahlia. he runs or i think it used to be the biggest hedge fund in the world. it's down 16 or 18 percent this year, so it might not be the biggest hedge fund in the world. but ray dahlia. oh, he says now is a special moment for markets as china ascends. so ray deleo this week, he said that big question is no good. he's. he's long gold because he believes the dollar is toast. but he said, you know, because it will be confiscated by governments are banned by governments. and that's why he doesn't believe in and bitcoin. so i want to just oppose him to another
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hedge fund manager, which is paul tudor jones. and paul tudor jones recently said that he has gold and bitcoin, but that gold is a bet on dystopian future whereby it like things fall apart and man humans are not good. they can't, they can't keep it together. it's apocalyptic. and they don't work together. he say he then went on to say that because it is a bet on humanity as a bet on the goodness of humanity. and here is ray dally. you say basically he's betting that the dollars. toast and the u.s. is toast. the population is toast, the manufacturing capacity is toast. their g.d.p. is toast because he's going along china and he says re deleo believes global markets are at a very special amends with china. on the rise and the relative power of the u.s. facing challenges. the billionaire founder of bridgewater, so she said in his video message to the caption summit on saturday that china's development is making the country more competitive and
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a learning global capital. right. and out of this juxtaposition of paul tudor jones versus right down the, you know, i think it's very revealing. and right, paul tudor jones understands because he has a position because he's profiting a wildly by big clients as he got into it. it's a 50 or 60 percent, as is michael saylor of micro strategy. and that's why over time he's a performer, a down substantially. ray is not a very good money manager, and he does have this defeatist, fatalistic attitude, that there's no point in even trying just throw the keys to china and will try to squeak by. don't play my games by, you know, manipulating prices and whatnot. as long as i can before they carry me out, but it is quite a stark contrast between somebody who understands what benefits humanity now be. paul tudor jones and somebody is a sock puppet. for the globalists in the dabbles crowd who writes meaningless books . i mean, he wrote a book called principles, it's like 3 or 4 or 500 pages long. i can sum it up quite simply,
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buy low sell high. there are just say 40 books. definitely raise allo is the sort that goes to dabis every year. the world economic forum this year wants to have the great reset trade values a story. obviously he's saying that he's bragging about the, how great the capital markets are opening in china and china is indeed, they've done an amazing job. and they've leapfrogged ahead of the u.s. and many technology capability and innovation. but in terms of like the u.s. was structured around the french in light meant an idea for republican checks and balances against tirana, monarchies. obviously a lot of that has eroded over the years because of all the rubicons being crossed for the benefit of the people. they're just here to help out this emergency order. the patriot act is just to help you to protect you from terrorists that get, confiscating your gold is to help the economy. all that sort of stuff happened over the years. but here there's a new technology called decline and that you can never cross the rubicon. it's not
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even possible with a system to structure our economy and monetary system around that. as the acting defense secretary chris miller said, all wars must end this ends all wars because it can and all wars geo politically because it's because you cannot cross the rubicon, you cannot pull a whole nation off a swift. you cannot sanction a whole country, like it is an open protocol and neutral protocol. so, you know, i think paul tudor jones recognizes that this calm in the way it because the protocol is able to turn greed into an ultra stick action which is securing the network for as trans modification in a way. but to get to that point, because i mean, isn't confiscate a ball and why this is important. what you're saying there is that i cannot use violence to grab somebody property. in the case of american foreign policy, it's all about, well, we're going to grab your oil. we're going to drop bombs on you. we're going to grab
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all your resources and force you to take the dollar. it's backed up as paul krugman has men with guns. he said to himself in the new york times, that was right there, published in the paper of record. and so if you have private property in this case, because that is on confiscate to a bowl, you can take my coins from that secretary, chris miller said, all wars must end this ends all wars because you can and all up pull a whole nation off a swift, you cannot sanction a whole country, like it is an open protocol and big queen the protocol is able to turn greed into an end of all financial war as a monetary opsec by the person having their big coin removed from them. and that can be entirely avoided. so let's be clear. many people have lost a big one because of bad upset because of bad protocol. but it's not the fault of decline. if you take all necessary steps, it's completely, i'm confiscate a bill and i'm going to be really against of the say when countries are building
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these big bitcoin positions, whether it's down or around fears. what are they tighter than big question, because the, basically big queen is not back to confiscate it unless of course you, you know, in prison. so there are exceptions. so let's be clear. many people have lost it because it's down or around going incentivise, altruism, you're securing the network. geo politically, it is the financial grid. that is the thing that ties everything to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's really i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very report. i'm max kaiser time now to go to our expense. alex, welcome back. thank you for your latest what alex resistance to work, i guess, resistance to madness. deal politically. it is the financial grid. that is the thing that ties every cross over this breath. they come back in a minute, don't go away. alex resistance to work, i guess, resistance to see it on everybody. and mathematical, it's computer jet and you know, we'll talk about this in a previous pod. cast is light. so did that, you know, what doesn't matter what you me or somebody else thinks, you know, we basically spoke of when we try to interpret big point to our own lead. maybe not
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interpret but try to decree something or project. something on a big, quite rare occurrence. acetic with this kind of, you know, for years i'm randian terms like this is objective truths. like it's something that is there. it's, it, it's reality. it's tied to truth. you know, it doesn't care how we behave, you know what i learned individuals or patients. it's like, it's completely objective, stand alone truth whereas, you know, and what i think that best stance against all what that best resists is any form of fear. whether we'll consider money, whether we're talking, you know, fear loss, you know, whatever like that, the notion of is that i decree upon all of the, you know, it's sort of this, you know, you can call it a lead, but i don't even want to call it a leap because, you know, at least suggests that you know, there's something like, you know,
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for me when i think of the word elite, i think of hussein bolt because he's an elite runner. what he's odes, that elite like it's not shia elite, which is you know, i ended up being voted into government based on a popularity contest. and now i have the right to impose my will upon everybody else right-o. years. the word of late. so is the word cantillon, air, you know, people are just yet their way positions of security are very now because one is it can bring about a lot of philosophical conversation. you know, you do a lot of this worry in your writings and in your part cast. here's a philosophical question for you. talk about objective truth. but in, because we also talk about how it allows people to express their ultimate subjectivity when it comes to value. so how do you square that to? i mean, the only way for us to be able to cooperate. subjective league is to have, this is like some sort of fabric that doesn't move because it's that also moved like, you know, this was sort of think about this is like if you and i want to come together and
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build a house, you know, we might have different tastes and, you know, we might, some different functions, like i might be, the captains, you might be the tile or whatever, but we sort of converge on the subjective truth of, you know, measurement is, you know, we measure things in inches. but if you know we were doing, if you chose inches, i choose the meat is them, you know, we'll throw numbers or like we would do that house we, you know, yesterday. so it's, so it can sort of by being this objective truth. it enables true, subjective interpretation, interests, objective expression from everybody who supports price and it works as a unit of account. some people call it hyper because asian already saying in countries like nigeria, where 30 percent of the population is already moved over to a big point. standard, let's talk about stan druckenmiller for a 2nd. he's a heavyweight in london. money management business for sure. he's the guy who broke the bank of england made a $1000000000.00 by going short the bank of england. he's now anti u.s. dollar is getting into gaul. he's also getting into bitcoin talks about decline
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outperforming vault just like paul tudor jones has made the same comment. do you think he's right that the dollar is toast going forward in this new 21st century political reality? we're living in alex. i think one thing that didn't soros break the bank of england, he were having a 4 star us mellor was sorrels right hand man. he was his genius that was working for soros was standing on canal or he's responsible for big breaking the bank of england. so yes, to be clear. thank you for pointing that out. ok, so now you go on, you know, anti dollar and you know, if enough people go anti dollar, you can break the dollar. the dollar is it's not backed by anything. it's just except for violence except by force and, but if nobody around the world accepting it anymore, it's going to crash. and if all the hedge funds are going short, it's going to crash a lot sooner. do you see this as
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a possibility and is big coin the go to currency in this situation? it was never a question of um, if it's only a question of when, now we can sit here and debate loke, you know, is that going to happen next year? 10 years from now, 30 years from now, 5100 years from now. you know, i'd sort of be banking on gates being more realistic. i mean, you know, that's the thing is the u.s. dollars that the u.s. still has momentum behind it. you know, despite all the, you know, political turmoil and the, you know, the destruction of the constitution, all the kind of crap that's going on there. beats us still has momentum. it still hurts, you know, force, it still has some sort of, you know, economic substance. and strength, so you know, it has the capacity to maintain, you know, the u.s. dollar for a while yet to come. what i mean, everything else also is priced in us though as soon as there's a lot there. but you know, the question is,
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when do you want to make that bet as someone who is making a bet on what money want to hold, do you want to make that it will get coins? you know, 10 years from now? will it, when the dollar is decayed, another 99 percent, you know, because it's worth a couple $1000000.00, you know, relatively speaking or do you want to make that bit today? and obviously people like stanley jugglers that people like portage and there's going to come around like a game theory of this. like, it's better to get nature. it's going to sweep through a lot quicker, i think than anybody is. right. you know, if i jump off a cliff, i've got a lot of momentum. elex great until the last extent. so as efficient money managers, ballio a branch water in connecticut, wrote a book or principle things down 18 percent this year. so maybe quit become a full time writer because as a money manager he's stang's, but never the less he criticized because it has been quote, too volatile to use as a means of exchange and that government will outlaw it. this sounds like fide free,
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fair uncertainty and doubt from 2016 is raise this if i don't mind the time. when in fact it sounds like fun from 4 probably like 2014, it's late. this is civil exchange. one fun that, you know, my mom can sort of like it's, it completely lacks any intellectual curiosity or understanding of what bitcoin is . it's like, it's like, ok will. how does the money emerge? you know, like, you know, well how does an organic natural market price money emerge? well, it's going to find value over time. and it's going to, you know, people don't sense that by definition. it's also a fact that he hunts. and that literally makes me question whether he's either playing chess and he's like stacked in the background big time. and he's just funding it so that you know, it can remain, you know, subdued a price. all she really is,
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or maybe someone ghostwrote principles because it just doesn't understand his own, principles. a b., he doesn't understand any of the economic cycle stuff. he writes, he's just probably regurgitates like someone else or stuff like from the 1st 20 and from historical books. but it's just a name and it's beyond belief. i've lost complete respect for and there are child historians like a 1st of all he's down 18 percent as money with ray, they are looking for tax losses, not for a capital gains number to show because he is the biggest as far in the world. he moves markets way, soros call of reflexivity. you know, the very fact that he's in a stock will move a stock and help buy the stock. and there it is. he's up, whatever he is, and all that doesn't work. and number 3 as a point, whatever he is and all that doesn't work. and number 3, as you point out, he's intellectually, it can't play because then we, i mean, we may, it relates at $10000000.00, he can't anymore. and at some point, you know that there's switched in a flip, but i just,
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i personally hope it's later not now because i'm still trying to keep it. so it's later than not now because i'm still trying to keep it so. yeah. ok, there are china front runner, a once rate comes and it will be up $1000000.00 of the one aim and we're going to be buying bridgwater management and turn it into a professional toilet cleaning service and there's something practical and worthwhile. so the i.m.f. is calling for a new bretton woods. what do you think this means in practical terms, a global century, central digital currency, what does it mean? tell us. i don't even know that needs anymore. i mean us who are living today saying that, you know, the c, b, d, c's are going to help us fight climate change on what it's like to just throwing words out like britain, more than research, climate change and capitalism. you know, look here, i don't even know what anything means anymore. like, it's just so late, you know, with britain with the birth date anyway. so it's like what, why are we really back that anyway? what does this have to do with anything?
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you know, are we bringing that gold like we know, moving back in time like this? i have no idea what they are. well, i think what they're saying is i need to be a global reset, but they don't know exactly what that means except that they know they're in trouble. and what they're going to reset against. i mean, that's a good point, doesn't mean they're going to resort against all the just means. are going to get into a conference room and they're going to, you know, my mind thought of that a lot of things, but i can't say them on television. yeah. but anyway, alex maskey, thanks so much for being on kaiser report. thanks low notes. all right, that's going to do it for this edition of cons. the report with me max kaiser and stacey, i would like to thank our guests. and so, next time by you all the
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world is driven by avoidable hostage scenes, the russian president vladimir putin said between armenia and azerbaijan couldn't hold to 2 weeks ago before the conflict in the portacath had reached breaking point . i managed to convince president aliyev that it was possible to stop the hostilities, but he's obligatory condition was the return of refugees including to sue show. then unexpectedly for me, the position of romanian partners was formula.
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