tv Keiser Report RT November 17, 2020 5:30pm-5:57pm EST
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security cases. next mode licenses each day to tattle to a small number of technology companies that may work with government military services. but i work with such contract as is international and primarily focused on 3 use cases to counter terrorism or platform claims. to the only possible one already there has been a kickback from some, as developers say, they were not made to wild who acts mode was setting the location data to and since the report was published, the out muslim pro has reported in broken toys with the company endorsed an investigation, we spoke to international relations professor jamal with a sex plays a big role the united states is perhaps a deep economic social and presses being the crisis is not too late to blame on themselves on the establishment or. 'd poor reaching this ok,
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are those who are what we call in political science to export prices, which is to blame it on an outsider. not on a side note. i remember this case, the muslim countries, and that was the world. and the muslim community inside the united states would serve as a justification for the crisis. and of course, it would also just this case be muslim countries and that was the word what that's all from me for today. don, a quarter will be taking the reins at the top of the hour check in with him. as for me, i'll see, seeing greater trenchard is a simpson actually, what that means is we end up picking solutions that cost a lot,
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how we crossed the rubicon. let's ask stacey. well, you know, max, i came up with this idea because we were talking about crossing the rubicon on this weekend's orange bowl party. we're talking about crossing the rubicon on this weekend's orange bowl podcast. and i said that basically bitcoin does not allow you to cross the rubicon. it does not allow you to think that you alone, you know, with it's filled with hubris and greed for power can solve like living through the last days of the roman republic. and i was responding to this tweet from liz sly, who is from the washington post according to the outgoing syria on the way chum thinks it's only $200.00 troops. they're laughing, laughing, laughing out loud. that's crossing the rubicon, right? to disobeyed the orders of the commander in chief. of course, you know that term crossing the rubicon comes from julius caesar, who went to war with the gauls illegally. he wasn't allowed to, he was a general,
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went to war and order to gain the public support to what he wanted. he came back when he was at the rubicon and to cross the rubicon meant that he was about to become a dictator. that the republic was ending and the empire would, he wanted to become consul there's so much noise out there fanned. it's a real talent to try to find a way to cut through the nose. and when trump took office in 2016, this was challenging the war machine in america and that and i think the great image out there on the web of the 6 presidents, inclusive of trump. and this shows all the wars that they've started. so that's why they had the coup of 2016, and we, historians, i believe, very quickly will refer to the 2016 attempt by the d.n.c. to usurp. and to illegitimate is the trump victory 2016 as a coup or attempted coup. i think what we're seeing now with what you're describing,
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the miscommunication, are they not the miscommunication but the but the deliberate call was look at the coup in america's coups in latin america in other countries. and now you know, they could themselves remember when caesar crossed the rubicon, he counted on the popular support of the people of rome to support him and to celebrate him as a war hero. he had killed like half the population or 3rd of the population of gaul and had all the riches that he looted from. and so he was going to give it to the people. and the people of course, adored all the free goods that he had stolen from the gaul, and the senators were fled. remember this, that the senate fled. so, you know, we, we have these constant situations where these are the games, theories. this is the prisoner's dilemma. these are all the things that go into,
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you know, popular support democracies republics. that's why you have a republic to over is over like some of the democracies that will celebrate a dictator. they did celebrate caesar coming back and declaring himself dictator. they did want the free goods, he was giving out the population or 3rd of the population of gaul and had all the riches that he looted from. and so he was going to give it to the people. and the people of course, adored all the free goods that he had stolen from the gaul and the senators were. these are the games theories. this is the prisoner's dilemma. these are all the things that go into, you know, popular support, democracies republic, and the financial wars, the military wars, you know, the acting secretary of defense this past weekend set up. so, you know, all wars must and the finance the public. you know, it, you know, people were outraged by this. nobody caused outrage in the public. you know, it,
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you know, people were outraged by this. nobody, no imperial people like the interest of it. so you have the banks are involved in a huge ponzi scheme attached to a huge ponzi scheme, was another way to look at it. so you have the banks are involved in a huge ponzi scheme attached to the federal reserve and is backed by america's military. so america's military is kind of the force behind this global ponzi scheme, or a spy in this global ponzi scheme. and that's why you have these are important propaganda stick mouthpieces like paul krugman, or rachel maddow just spewing the pro. right? because paul krugman has said that the u.s. dollar is backed by man with gus was his argument about why the u.s. dollar was better than big coin. so we have another past week re dahlia. he runs,
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or i think it used to be the biggest hedge fund in the world. it's down 16 or 18 percent this year. so it might not be the biggest hedge fund in the world, or a dahlia o. . he says now is a special moment for markets as china ascends. so ray deleo this week, he said that big question is no good. he's because he believes the dollar is toast . but he said, you know, because it will be confiscated by governments are banned by. he's long gold because he believes the dollar is toast, but he said, you know, because it will be confiscate but he doesn't add that he has gold and bitcoin, but that gold is a bet on dystopian future whereby it like things fall apart and, and man humans are not good, they can't, they can't keep it together, it's apocalyptic, and they don't work together. he say he humanity as
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a bet on the goodness of humanity. and here is ray. dal you gather. he say he then went on to say that because it is a bet on humanity as a bet on the goodness of humanity. and here is ray dally. you say basically he's betting that population is tongue china and he says re deleo believes global market facing challenges. the billionaire founder of bridgewater. so she said in his video message to the caption, oh man is making the country more competitive and all learning global capital, right? and i love this juxtaposition of this development is making the country more competitive and learning global capital. right. and i have a stance because he has a position because he's profiting a wildly by big clients as you get into it. it's a 50 or 60 percent, as is michael saylor of micro strategy. and on break down substantially, ray is not a very good money manager. and he does have this defeatist,
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fatalistic attitude that there is in all trust. not a very good money manager. and he does have this defeatist, fatalistic attitude that the trying just throw the keys to china and, or try to squeak by don't play my games by play my games by, you know, manipulating prices and whatnot. as long as i can before they carry me out. but it is jones and somebody is a sock puppet, for the globalists in the davos crowd, who writes meaningless books. i mean, he wrote a book called principles of who writes meaningless books. i mean, he wrote a book called principles quite simply, buy low sell high. there are just a few 20 books. definitely raised a story. obviously he's saying that he's bragging about the, how great the capital markets are opening into nomic form this technology
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capability and innovation. but in terms of like, the u.s. was structured around the thing in china and china is indeed, they've done an amazing job and they've leap frogged, an idea for republican checks and balances against to radical monarchies, all the rubicons being crossed. oh, it's for the benefit of the people, they're just here to help out this emergency order. the patriot act is just to help you to protect you from terrorists that getting, confiscating your gold is to help the economy. all that sort of stuff happened over the years, but here there's a new technology called bit coin and that rubicon, it's not even a scary system around that. as the act, chris miller said, all wars must end this ends all wars because you can and all pull a whole nation office open protocol because it's because you cannot cross the rubicon, you cannot pull a whole nation office,
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which i think paul tudor jones recognizes that this calm in the way it because the protocol is able to turn greed into an action which is securing the network to an action which is securing the network for as trans monfort in a way. but to get to that point, because i mean isn't confiscate a ball and why this is important and what you're to grab somebody property in the case of american for we're going to drop bombs on you. we're going to grab all your resources and force you to take the dollar. it's backed up as paul crocker . we're going drop bombs on you. we're going to grab all your resources and force you to take the dollar. it's backed up. that's. that's the end of the story and the only way to get any of my bitcoin is to offer me something that i'll trade for it. and that's peaceful trade. that's why is pro humanity and violent chaos again, we're saying,
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paul krugman are trained for it. and that's peaceful trade, that's why is pro humanity and violent chaos again, we're saying paul krugman is a nobel economist. so you can basically, big queen is not backed by men with guns of all financial war. it's a monetary war is it's, it's peaceful because you can't confiscate it unless, of course you, you know, you're an f.b.i. agent is tracking you and you move a $1000000000.00 with a big coin and they've been waiting for you with 2 lifetimes and prison. so there are exceptions to that like but on a nation state level on them and that can be entirely avoided. so let's be clear, many because of bad upset because of bad protocol, but it's not the fault of decline as a bad option because of bad protocol, but it's not the fault of decline. if you take all necessary steps, it's completely i'm confiscated and i'm going to be really are building these big,
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big client positions. whether it's stan or iran, a few others. what are they doing there? mining in the holders all hardliners have big point there. their greed for more, their greed for more big coin incentivizes khan to be crossed. and that is important because that geo, politically, it is a political a, together on a geo political harmony, will start a level of well, you know, and we have to cross the political harmony, will start a level well, you know, and we have to cross over the results of the u.s. election cycle of surprise. many sorts of the,
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us elections, e.o.p., witness games from all across the board. both parties have deep internal parties based, populous challenges. this is for the people be aligned with the corporate is in both parties based populist challenges. this is the perfect recipe for a political beeline. join me every 1st week on the alex salmond, chill. and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics. sports business, i'm show business. i'll see you guys are time now to go to alex penske. alex, welcome back. that's thank you. going welcome back to the kaiser report. i'm not here at all, is because there is a sense if so to what alex resistance to work, i guess resistance to madness,
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resistance to 30. he said, it's just this idea of it's natural authority versus fear of 30 and you know, natural, 30, something that you militants and enter sort of in hearing tonight is top down. you know, it's, you know, some expert or some intelligence, you know, academics, intelligence academics and they just sort of create on everybody. and, you know, the ability to resist, i guess, lost and you know, in internet a century in today's place they are. and even now, because it is a mathematical, it's computer general and kind of,
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a way to go against natural law. and even now, because x., it represents nature and in a way that we haven't seen in the economy. certainly in a long time, can you go down there a little bit? represents above all things like an object, spoke of when we try to interpret it point to our own lens that maybe not a project, something on bitcoin to our own lead. maybe not interpret but try to give truths like it's something that is there. it's it, it's reality. it's tied to truth individual. it doesn't care how we behave, you know what individuals or station is. it's like, is best stance against all what that best resists, is any looking, you know, fear,
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best stance against all that best resists is any form of weather which will conceal money, whether we're talking, you know, fear laws are a decree upon all of the, you know, it's sort of this, you know, you can call it a leap, but i don't even want you know, me when i think of the word elite, i think of his same books because he's an elite runner at his own words, that elite like it's not shia elite which is upon every body else, riley is the word of late. so he is the word cantillon, heir, you know, people are just here away. possessions are very, are in a big question, is, can bring about a lot of philosophical conversation. you know, you do alternate subjectivity when it
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comes to value. so how does that bridge that doesn't move to be able to cooperate subjectively is to have the sense and move because is that also moved like, you know, this was sort of think about, this is a real whatever. but we sort of converge on the subjective truth of, you know, measurement isn't it so it's so it can sort of by being this objective, truth interests, objective expression from everybody's account. some people call it hyper quantization. already saying in countries like nigeria, where 30 percent of the population has already moved over to a big point. standard less money management business for sure. going short the bank of england. he's now anti us dollar. is getting into golf a. he's also getting into bed coin toxic potter jalen has made the same comment. do
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you think he's right? that the dutch in this new 21st century geopolitical alex. think one thing that didn't soros break the bank of england for big breaking the bank of england. so yes, to be clear. thank you for pointing that out. ok, so now you go live. you now go at i dollar, you can bank. it's just except for violence except by force and, but if nobody around the world accepting it anymore, it's going to crash. and a father has friends are going to coin that go to currency and they're such a waste. it's only a question of when, now we can sit here and debate loke, you know, is that going to happen? more realistic. i mean, you know, that's the thing is the deal
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is still is that the u.s. still has momentum behind it. i mean, it, us still has momentum. it still has, you know, force, it still beats. it, us still has momentum. it still has, you know, to maintain, you know, the u.s. dollar for a while. is priced in us though, as soon as there's a lot there. but when do you want to make that bet as someone who is making a bet on what money want to hold, do you want to make it slick? stanley for a while yet to come? what i mean? everything else also you want to make that bet as someone who is making a bet on what money want to hold. do you want to make that it will get coins, you know, 10 years from now. like when the dollars better get major, it's going to sweep through a lot quicker,
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i think than anybody is. right. you know, if i jump off a cliff, i've got a lot of momentum elex great until the last writer because as a money manager, he's stang's, but nevertheless, he could buy a spam out areas stang's. but nevertheless, he criticized to use as a means of exchange and that government will outlaw it. this sounds like, fide free fair and certain what you think it sounds like fun from so probably like 2014 it's late. this is sort of like stage one fun that you know, my mum can sort of any intellectual curiosity or understanding what a queen is slate's. it's like, ok will. how does the money emerge bucket trust, money merge? well, it's going to find the value of time and it's going to people still in a sense that by definition,
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it's also it someone ghostwrote principles because money from historical books is just an end. it's beyond belief. i love those complete kind of numbers mean that if anyone is just an, it's beyond belief, i love those complete respect for and then i'll tell you a story. it's like a 1st 70. you know, the very fact that i'm looking for tax losses not for a capital gains number to show because he is the biggest as far in the world. he moves markets, what soros call reflexivity. you know, the very fact that he's in a stock will move a stock and he's in a stock will move a stock and help buy the stock. and they're nearly incapable of grasping anything more complicated than how to bully a bunch of traders around into manipulating stock, delayed it, and now is a bit coin, you know,
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but cohen ball after is such an ardent basher for so many years delayed it. and now is a bit coin, you know, calling ball after such an ardent basher for so many years. it can't. because then we, i mean, we need someone, aside from the nation states to try to get quinn from 10 millions or, you know, someone like me might hire a suit. i don't know much, but it's something you know raise going to need a jump down the track and you know, like someone's limits. and i say that tongue, in cheek of you said i was an arrogant, but it's like, you know, he's going to resist that until he can't anymore. and at some point, you know that there's switched in a flip, but i just, i personally hope it's later than not now because i'm still trying to keep it so. yeah. ok. there are trying to front runner a once or a comes and it will be a $1000000.00 professional toilet cleaning service and there's something practical and worthwhile. so the i.m.f. is calling for a new bretton woods. what do you think this means in practical terms?
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a global century, central digital currency, what does it mean? tell us. i don't even know that needs anymore. i mean us who are living today saying that, you know, the c, b, d, c's are going to help us fight climate change on what it's like to just throwing words out like britain, more than research, climate change and capitalism better yet. look here, i don't even know what anything means anymore. like it's just new britain will. so, you know, with britain with a bit of debt anyways, it's like what, why are we really back that anyway? what does this have to do with anything? you know, and we've dreamed that gold like we know, moving back in time like this, no idea what? well, i think what they're saying is i need to be a global reset, but they don't know exactly what that means except that they know they're in trouble. and so what they're going to reset against, i mean that's a good point, doesn't mean they're going to reset against all the just means. are going to get
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into a conference room and they're going to, you know, my mind thought of a lot of things, but i can't say them on television. yeah. but anyway, alex maskey, thanks so much for being on kaiser report. thanks. well, next time that's going to do it for this edition of cons, the report west me max kaiser and stacey. i would like to thank our guests. and so next time by you know, the new gold rush is underway in ghana. thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields, hoping to strike it. rich as children are torn between gold was very poor. i thought i was doing my best to get back to school. which side will have the strongest appeal.
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