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tv   News  RT  November 17, 2020 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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inside the french national assembly, a controversial bill is up for debate on images that could identify police and you be used for malicious purposes on the streets. paris turns to turmoil as thousands rally against the new draft law. our correspondent has been in the thick of it. there are protests here on the street which is being moved at the moment by the police, a huge security presence on t.v. in paris this evening. the u.s. announces it will withdraw its thousands of troops from afghanistan and iraq before
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president donald trump leaves office. in january, the u.s. senate passes an act that could see huge fines or even jail for those involved in sports doping. but the world anti-doping agency warns it excludes american sport while allowing international prosecutions to go ahead and avoidable hostilities, russian president vladimir putin says the bloodshed both between armenia and azerbaijan could have been halted weeks ago before the conflict in the car box had reached the breaking point i managed to convince president lives that it was possible to stop the hostilities, but he's obligatory condition was the return of refugees including to sue, show, then unexpectedly for me, the position of romania. this was formulated in such a way that it was on the acceptable food
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any time of the day, anywhere in the world broadcasting live from moscow. it's r.t. international. i'm donald carter with you here in the studio. welcome to the program. we begin with the french capital, where crowds have gathered in paris to push back against a draft law designed to protect the identities of police officers. charlotte dubinsky has been in the center of the action. well, it's turning into an unwieldy night here in paris as the assembly, the national assembly debates that global security law that draw flow, that includes an element that could criminalize the publishing of images of offices that could lead to them being identified. there are protests here on the street. we're just being moved at the moment by the police, a huge security presence out here in paris to see even, and in the last half an hour a, it has really kicked off here. it looks very calm at the moment, believe me,
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the last half an hour we have seen police battling and whacking protesters trying to move them from the streets behind us. you can see that there is a room of police vehicles here that can and as well that's been used tonight as has ample tear gas. one person told me that they were being forced down into the metro, which is just behind me, where you might, will see that there are a huge number of police officers around. they said they were being force inside there. the tear gas being left off inside there and that they were being forced down to be a stick seated. well, of course we go down into the metro. but the use of the scenes as they've been described by some of the protesters to no, i've seen women having their hey yeah, being used to be grabbed by the head to be thrown to the floor by police officers. if you look, you know, with the other end of them, that medics being hit by police patton's. and in fact,
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as we were just at the metro station filming some of the violence against the protesters, we ourselves to food supply chucked out by the police, my cameraman, who grabbed oil prices while he was filming, while we were trying to do an interview and objectives, from not crowd her sister that is exactly why journalists unions, n.g.o.s and the u.n. have to cried part of this law as being something that could destabilize to have terrible democratic consequences in that's because images over the police are protests, have been used time and time again. shown the violence that's been used and that has been used to pursue cool, says against police offices to bring cases to the police unions to the authorities here in to make sure that people where of that
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this law would essentially stop that. that's what you say. they say that it is censorship. however, the government says this rumor is needed to protect police officers from the parlance. because while i'm talking about the police hitting protesters trying to move them around, we have also seen violence towards the police this evening. we've seen bottles thrown to alton fires being lit. we have seen destruction here on the streets of paris bus shelters being smashed in. so there is violence on both sides. and the government says this noor is needed to protect the police. police unions say it doesn't go far enough and if it is a choice between freedom of the press and liberty, when it comes to showing these images to the security of their offices, they will side with the security of their offices every time. now anybody who would be found guilty about if this were passed would find themselves one year behind
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jail, with a fine, a foodie 5000 year is that is the severe punishment. but let you tell me this. a severe punishment is being on the front lines in an evening like this when the tensions are so high. and there is that attack from the police. possibly because they're also afraid over the protestors. but the reality is it is been a brutal life with violence from both sides but food a we have stated that violence has been mainly coming from the police to wards protesters who for the most part we haven't witnessed in doing anything well deserved some of the violence, i've said this evening political analyst nicola markovitch, believes police officers today should expect to be captured on camera. because there is something going on with the reorganization of the french police and law enforcement agencies. the tip of the iceberg that we're talking about today, and it's getting everybody really nervous, is the fact that you would not be able to morrow to film
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a policeman. and i think it's important to state that people are not policemen today or law enforcement agents who are law abiding, who are respecting the law, who are just doing their job in trying to make sure that demonstrations are going as normal. but people are feeling today because we've seen in press, in these past years, extreme violence in a lot of demonstrators, their only defense is to film the policemen, showing that this is my security, my insurance, that you won't beat me up. if you do, i'm going to make sure that your face is on is an internet. i think it is extremely important. 'd that when people are in the streets that people be able to film this is extremely important. that's part of the job should police officers 2020. that's the way it is. if you don't want to be killed or become a police officer, i think this is something which is, which is important. the u.s. has announced the withdrawal of 500 troops from iraq and thousands from afghanistan that is set to take place before the incumbent. president donald trump leaves office artie's new york correspondent,
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caleb moppin breaks down all the details. the pentagon has announced that there will be a withdrawal of some u.s. troops from iraq and afghanistan. both countries will have only roughly $2500.00 troops. the withdraw will take place between now and mid january. this is what we've heard. i celebrate this day as we continue the president's consistent progress in completing the mission we began nearly 2 decades ago. folks will recall that recently donald trump removed a number of top pentagon officials,, including u.s. secretary of defense, mark asper. now donald trump is essentially fulfilling one of his campaign promises, at least partially. donald trump did promise that he would end the forever wars and the u.s. military involvement overseas. and it appears that this withdrawal of some u.s. troops from iraq and afghanistan is quite popular with the u.s. public polls show the u.s. public favors drawing down the u.s. military presence. however,
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the chief of nato was certainly not thrilled with donald trump's decision to take a listen. we went into afghanistan together, and when the time is right, we should leave together in a coordinated and orderly way. now the question remains, what will happen if joe biden takes office right now? the u.s. election is still contested. however, most media outlets do consider joe biden, to be the president elect. now. joe biden did speak somewhat of ending forever wars and drawing back u.s. military interventions overseas. however, he did emphasize that he does not feel the usa should withdraw troops from afghanistan. joe biden was very outspoken in advocating a continued u.s. military presence in afghanistan. here is one of the statements he made about why he feels the united states should continue to hold a presence there. this is joe biden. history is going to judges very harshly. i believe if we allow the hope of a liberated afghanistan to evaporate, because we are fearful of the phrase nation building, or we do know,
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stay the course. not only was joe biden, a supporter of u.s. military intervention in afghanistan, he was also a supporter of the u.s. invasion of iraq and even drafted the legislation that made the u.s. invasion of iraq happen. now he has named susan rice as his potential secretary of state. she is known to advocate u.s. military interventions. she served in the obama administration, and he has also selected michelle floor in a, as his secretary of defense, michelle flournoy, a was an outspoken advocate of expanding u.s. military presence in libya and in syria. so it appears that the biden administration will be more in favor of u.s. military interventionism. now the u.s. troops in iraq and afghanistan are expected to be withdrawn by mid january when a potential by did ministration would take office. so the question remains, would joe biden then send more troops in response to taking office? what he undo this move by donald trump?
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that is not exactly clear. however, donald trump does seem like he intends to draw down the u.s. military presence in both countries before he leaves office. trump is doing this for political reasons and trying to fulfill a campaign promise, he's not told them all. he also got to keep in mind, he may substitute u.s. troops for private military contractors. the whole notion is for him to have all the troops next may. but then by then you may be into a biden administration, and the troop levels could go back up again. really depends upon commitments by the taliban and what have you and you've got to consider that a biden ministration given. the lead in neoconservatives may be jumping on board. his administration may pursue efforts to keep troops there. and even establishment republicans are calling for troops to remain in afghanistan and probably even in iraq a new bill going through the u.s.
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has been described as a power grab by american don't an authority by the world anti-doping agency. the legislation could allow the united states to create liability outside of its jurisdiction. and earlier, my colleague andrew farmer spoke with ortiz core sports correspondent, alex, a ski about concerns over the go and coping act. well, the biggest concern is that this new act which is called the russian named after a russian whistleblower, basically applies to international culprits, but not the domestic ones in the u.s. . now they're watching act entails up to a $1000000.00 fine or even 10 years in prison for not the athletes themselves, but the entourage of an athlete, or even the government which is accused or suspected of adopting scheme. but the original draft of that bill included u.s. professional sports and us college sports. but by the time it reached the senate, miraculously, this part of the bill disappeared somewhere. so now basically it excludes all the majority of us professional sport. now this is one of the things that the world
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anti-doping agency expressed their concerns about. among other things, including, you know, how come the u.s. is trying to make itself into the world. anti-doping police. let's have a listen in order along with a number of governments and sports arenas, issues, there's legitimate concerns about the roche and of act. in particular, it may lead to overlapping laws in different jurisdictions that will compromise having a single set of rules for all athletes around the world war 2. which is also to understand why this legislation excludes vast areas of u.s. sport in particular, the professional leagues and all college sports. if it's not good enough for american sports, why is it fine for the rest of the world? now the main mastermind of this new bill is traver steiger, the head of the u.s. anti-doping agency, and it's not the 1st time that tiger was, has been involved in some sort of rift between the usada and the world anti-doping agency. there have been cases where the u.s. hinted through tiger that they would even pull funding from water if it refused to
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play along. so basically, the only thing remaining for this bill to become law is trump signature and no one else. this will happen. brace ourselves for more drama in this again, just to remind us to alexi why it is called the act. now obviously this relates to go to church and gov, who exploded the world of sports in 2016 when he made explosive allegations against russia, against the russian government that it was allegedly involved in some sort of doping scheme is hiding in the united states. there are rumors that he even changed his appearance that he had a plastic surgery or something like that. but the funny thing is there is a job going about now that the 1st person prosecute persecuted under this new watch and of himself. since he claims that he was part of the state conspiracy and you know, going back, this is basically a criminal offense. now if this bill becomes law, but obviously this is named after him. i mean, the irony there is the sports rely on whistleblowers, don't know, but my exactly will discourage them from coming forward in case they get committee prosecuted. and i was rushed, then reacted to this bill. there has been a reaction from russia through the kremlin spokesperson method to scald,
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who called this kind of move unacceptable. i believe we can listen to that, including the beach skew, which we are extremely critical of any attempt by the united states to extend its jurisdiction to other countries. use such cross border practice, use them except we disagree with that. and of course, this can cause nothing but concern. it's not only just on paper looks like a unilateral decision to govern the anti-doping processes in the world, which is why those certainly unhappy but you mention it right. the fact that whistleblowers will now be afraid of being persecuted. this basically hampers the whole process of whistle blowing. if this bill becomes law, we also heard from sports psychology and sociology expert. ellis cashmore who thinks the legislation won't be effective in fighting doping. irony of this, the absolute paradox of the center of it is that it's designed to try to control doping in the world and it will do nothing of the sort. in fact,
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it will probably have the opposite effect, because anybody who does decide to want to, to grass up in other words, to spill the beans, to inform. in other words on doping that they suspect is going on. well, immediately be held complicit in the action because they have a say, how did you know about this? did you ever do anything to contribute towards the doping offense? and if you did, maybe will now be as well. so it will actually intimidate potential whistleblowers certainly not encourage them because there's no witness protection program here. and so really it appears to be the united states positioning itself as the world's antidoping policeman. i don't often agree with water, but i think that they will have something very strong to say about this because really straining on their toes. let's face it. russia's president has offered a behind the scenes look into the ongoing negotiations to end the nagorno-karabakh conflict. vladimir putin explained that there was
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a chance the peace deal between armenia and azerbaijan could have been reached weeks ago, but that one of the 2 warring nations was rather reluctant to give up earlier. my colleague saskia taylor discussed this with artie's maria fanaa. putin spoke to journalists about the gold they could about for more than 40 minutes, and he said the bloody war that lasted 6 weeks and took so many lives and so much devastation and destruction could have been ended earlier. not on october, 19th and 20th. i had a series of phone conversations with president aliyev and prime minister passion yann. at that time, the armed forces of azerbaijan had regained control over an insignificant southern part of care about it. in general, i managed to convince president aliyev that it was possible to stop the hostilities . but his obligatory condition was the return of refugees, including to shusha. so then unexpectedly, for me, the position of armenian partners was formulated in such
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a way that it was unacceptable for them that the prime minister told me back then. no, we cannot agree to this. we will fight. therefore, accusations against him, of some kind of betrayal have no basis that this is broken, but i wrote a very specific place and present by chance that sparked we were violent protests in the media, you know, with people scenes in the parliament and with so many of them calling the country's prime minister, a traitor speaking about that one report and said that it is groundless because mr . pasha and based his decision to sign this peace deal according to the situation, a critical situation on the ground. and also vladimir putin stress that in this situation, there are many in societies who think about getting united rather than divided. but we also know that that was all media as speech on russia, but azerbaijan was also offered what they called moral. i will submit to support by what did president clinton have to say about and chris role in this conflict. well, the russian president said that his role could be discussed and could be viewed
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differently. but what is clear? one thing is clear and current cannot be accused of violating any international law . and as you know, after the peace deal was signed, there was a decision made to establish russia into monitoring center. and critics were saying that it could spark more confrontation and fight in the region, but like important read to rate, it emphasizes one more time that the turkish military will only end, uniquely stationed on the turrets are all visited by john to avoid any confrontation. you wouldn't do it, you can assess to actions in any way, but it is difficult to accuse turkey of violating international law. why provoke the armenian side with the presence of the soldiers on the border? it seems to me that present one perfectly understood it and has understood it. we didn't have any problems here. we agreed that turkey at the request of azerbaijan, will take part in monitoring the ceasefire. we will do this with turkey together.
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bearing in mind that we have very good experience with cooperation in the middle east, including in syria in the libyan zone. and on the border between syria and turkey. we organize, joint patrols together, blood report, and also mention the role of the collective security treaty organization that some critics accused of not doing enough to protect their mania. he said that the fighting was never on the armenian territory nagorno-karabakh. he's not part of their media. and this is why all is member state of the organization. it wasn't attacked. and this is why there was not any reason for the sea to step in . and he also said that the border kind of before now will remain disputed territory disputed areas. so its status quo will remain, but in the future when the wounds are not living anymore. the countries that are by john and the media may return to discussion and may resolve this issue. speaking
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about that peace deal signed by russia, armenia, and azerbaijan. last monday, vladimir putin said that all 3 sides were very careful and very cautious about details and paid attention to every war than every basically cold war. and it was worth it because that was how the bloodshed was stopped. some of global will do, the most important thing that's been done is to stop the bloodshed of the 4000 people died according to official data. in reality, i think there are more tens of thousands have been injured and maimed. this is not a movie. this is a tragedy that is taking place in real life with real people affecting real families. you know, therefore, stopping the bloodshed is the key thing. and law group would also stress that it would be suicide to try to violate the agreement because it is there to bring peace and it should be respected to get more insight into the situation. there we go live now to author and historian gerald horne. 'd thank you very much for joining us on the program. now back in october,
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armenia seemed very reluctant to stop the violence. and even a lot of mir putin had said that that was something that was a bit unexpected. why do you think your of on didn't seize the hostilities back then and cut their losses? i think for many a mayor overestimated its strength. after all, there is a substantial or many in population and friends, which will influence the elites a palace. we also know that france has conflicts with their view, john and so proclaim big brother, speaking of turkey and armenia, may have felt that it could leverage its relationship with friends in terms of gains in the corner current up like wise, there is a substantial or many in population in california, a former governor of california, george deukmejian was a for many in dissent. a, likewise the or many, an american population is very close to the white house as well. and i think that for many a may have thought that because of these powerful papuans and washington and paris,
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it could have used its leverage in a positive manner. likewise for many a may have overestimated his strength because of its relationship with iran, which is ironic. the armenian which built it, so it was one of the 1st local christian nations as a relationship with the islamic republic of iran. so given that diverse pool of strength are many of my to fill that this would hold it in good stead in terms of a conflict within serbia tone. but alas, that did not prove to be the case while focusing specifically now on the goran a car, a block, what do you think the chances are of its current territorial status being finalized now that the hostilities are over? well, i think there is a good chance for its status being finalized in the short term, but in the long term, i feel that the fact that you have this armenian population that until recently
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was the preponderance of the population in a corner kora block, which is closer geographically to a serbia, john, virtually guarantees that this will be a long simmering problem. after all, there was a conflict over this territory 30 years ago. we had thought that it had been settled in favor of armenia. now we feel it's been settled in favor of a service done. i think that if we're not careful, we'll be talking about this conflict erupting sooner rather than later. well, let's move on now to the public outcry in armenia over this. this truce, we heard from president putin that he said that would, it would be counterproductive for the government to polarize society. what do you make of that statement? well, head think he has a point. i mean, keep in mind that when the prime minister or her minea went into this war, this conflict with us, their views on that as a left to the deaths of thousands,
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to the main meaning injuries of thousands to the creation of displaced persons and refugees. a significant percentage, many in population, not to mention there are many an aspirant in the prime minister's corner. but as is often said, that victory has a 1000 parents, and defeat is an orphan. and so now that you see that a number of there were millions, were cheering on the prime minister when he launched this conflict, or when he entered into this conflict, now are ready to see him take the nearest and closest exit. well, we know that turkey is one of the key players in this conflict, and the russian president stressed that turkish peacekeepers are going to be involved in the peacekeeping process. what do you think that means for the geo political situation there in the region? well, it's clear that turkey is flexing its muscles,
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it's flexing its muscles in libya, it's flexing its muscles in syria. it's flexing its muscles visa vi its long time, long term conflict with its neighbors. speaking of greece, you have president fundamentally insulting president micronor friends after mr. mccloy home made some statements about the so-called islamic separatism that he sees in his country, speaking of friends. and so turkey, in some ways is returning to history. keep in mind that from $1300.00 till about $1800.00, turkey was a major power. it was only with its loss during world war one that it began to decline. now it's beginning to rise again. and turkey also has managed to maintain rather positive relations with russia. the process of relations with china and even despite conflicts has positive relations with washington as well. this puts turkey
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in an advantageous position, going full author and historian gerald horne. thank you very much again for joining us on the program. thank you. and the report has claimed a counter-terror branch of the u.s. military is buying up location data from apps, specifically those aimed at muslim communities. the problem, the platform behind the report called motherboard has said the exact reason for the operation buying location dead as unclear. the u.s. military, which is infamously used other location data to target drone strikes, is purchasing access to sensitive data. many of the users of apps involved in the data supply chain, a muslim, which is notable, considering that the united states has waged a decades long war on, predominantly muslim terror groups in the middle east and has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians during its military operations. motherboard does not know of any specific operations in which this type of base location data has been used by
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the u.s. military. its claim that the u.s. government obtains data from several muslim focused apps like muslim pro, which claims to be the most popular of its kind with almost 100000000 users, others include muslim angle, a dating app with more than 100000 downloads. similar apps are focused on specific countries like iran, turkey, and egypt. more general apps are used as well among them occupied o. step counter, c. plus and craigslist and global storms. whether it's common that applications sell their data to brokers. in this particular case, one called x. mode, they in turn, profit from selling access to the in for the information to a wide range of clients. that could be anything from advertisers to intel and defense contractors, or as the motherboard platform claims. the us military. however, x. amount has stated it only distributes data in security cases. thanks. mode licenses each day to panel to
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a small number of technology companies that may work with government military services. but all work with such contract as is international and primarily focused on 3 use cases. counterterrorism side to security and predicting future covert 1000 hot spots and has been some kickback from some, as developers say, they were not made of aware of who x. mode was selling their location data to. and since the report was published, the app muslim pro has reportedly broken ties with their broker company and launched an investigation. we spoke to international relations professor jamal wakim, who believes u.s. domestic politics plays a big role. the united states is perhaps, a true deep economic social classes part. 1 of x., one being the crisis is not too late to blame on themselves on the establishment. 'd who are reaching this out, who are what we call in political science, to export prices, which is to blame it on an outsider. not on an inside. i members,
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case the muslim countries, and that was the world with the muslim community inside the united states would serve as a justification for that crisis. and of course, it would also just the, if i am the interventionist policies to more of your world news stories in just about an hour when i was still seems wrong. why don't we all just don't call me. i'll get to see pal does the attic and in detroit because the trail went.


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