tv Going Underground RT November 18, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm EST
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here we're going underground 2 weeks to the day, the usa was supposed to declare a president. and as president trump continues to allege electoral fraud in the most militarily powerful nation on earth coming up on the show as u.k. elite scramble to save the union after boris johnson. comments about local democracy is the lesson of the us election. a rejection of a 2 party system presenting voters with 2 shades of neoliberalism. we asked the green party's health spokesperson, larry sanders, brother of us democratic socialist presidential candidates. but the sun is about alleged dirty tricks of the d.n.c. in coronavirus catalyzed corruption. and as so-called, mainstream media reports emerge of tens of thousands of refugees fleeing from ethiopia just done, possibly seeking asylum in europe. do a bombing here appointees from a possible biden presidency that alone the head of the w.h.o.
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battling coronavirus. have to do it to gray in the bombing of eritrea and ethiopia in one of the most strategically important regions on a all the small coming up in today's going underground. but 1st, while so-called president elect joe biden continues to claim victory. and president continues to claim fraud and his coronavirus deaths in the usa approach 250000. could it be time for the country to consider another way of going forward. larry sanders is the brother of democratic socialist, senator, and former 2020 us presidential candidate, bernie sanders and the green party spokesman here on health and social care. he joins me now from larry. thanks for coming on. so how far do you think any result? whoever wins of the election was more a case of who the u.s. public didn't want to occupy the white house rather than did want to occupy that house and pennsylvania avenue. well, the very 1st thing i want biden is obviously not my who is president. he's got lots of limitations or to goofy to trump,
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or as your master to the crew who democracy. i'd much rather everybody has been. i mean, everybody craves attention and all is aware of what the kind of person he is both politically and personally. but well, not everybody is paying attention to see his attempt to take over the military in terms of putting them on the street against the american protesters. that's a turn to the democrats have for a 2nd go, at least presumably this time around. you said you don't support biden, you didn't detect the kind of d.n.c. dirty tricks against your brother. that wiki leaks revealed to the world in 2016, as they showed they deliberately attempted to sabotage your brother. drop their out the other side. they have said, in a set of alterations to what i never thought of the mill, dirty tricks, that is what you do in
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a political campaign against somebody who basically your post. and burnell basically opposed to them both campaigns and they did a lot of things. biden is on the placement probably a little bit less aggressively nasty than clinton. but the crucial thing you stop those campaign true opposition. the crucial thing is that a lot stronger. the democratic party is a very right wing of the year and in operation like, well, you know, putting your green party hat on, aside from, you know, talk of the militarism of trump, your, your seem to be kind of well welcoming biden. and we know that biden supports fracking, which presumably you believe is a, is an existential threat to the entire planet? absolutely, none. no look what i'm saying is that we have always got avoided the most powerful
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man in the world, having direct control of military forces to be used on the streets country. that would have been an incredible step back. it may happen yet. this is no, nothing at all. so when i'm saying things that i am pleased, i am the odd one. it is not because i have great expectations of him in policy. the policy here, his people who read when they see how discounts course is brilliant. it is actually very good, it's as good as our, you know, and in some areas, probably more comprehensive. so if biden does a bite and there is some pressure on him, he's got a lot of leeway in this regard. burn, or you can disregard all that. you can disregard the range to some extent, but there is probably there. that means that there are a osage in calling, not just the whole science and our own opinions and to burn on civilians. but she
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grew corn 200. we signed up. so are you seeing you've seen who's temped and it's certainly not your brother. and one person being talked about is michelle flournoy . famously of the center for a new security which is funded by weapons manufacturers to congress people. barbara, lead them across from california and mark corn for a democrat from wisconsin. have written to biden seemingly begging the neo cons. are not promoted to biden's cabinet. and you know, by his record on, from, i don't know, grenada and panama to the death squads of central america right to libya. why this survey belief that he can be persuaded to be progressive? biden is a conventional politician. yet we hold him to big money, years rolled into the defense industry and he has it in paper or there is no reason to think of him as a certain sure, green president. on the other hand,
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he has got to pay some of time. neither you or i know how much the term free will, nor what will do well. but the, there is a problem on the side of the green movement. well, you know, i don't know whether you've talked to your brother. many, many people around the world think he might very well begin bombing syria, or is this 1st military escapade in january given the people he appears to be appointing. and the fact that those around hillary clinton appeared to be in the shadow of the earth. what do you, what do you tell you that it would be better to have a different president? no one up with you or that i would different pressure that we don't know is the president. we know who the president is. there are some people who pretended they don't know. that's a different role. and it's a real problem. you have, trump is a very powerful figure in american politics, even though he's a lawyer. well,
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let's just move over to britain. now, of course, i should just say we want to talk about health germy corbin's being in the news here, an ally and supporter of your brother in the united states. what do you make of his attempts to get back into the british labor party on the sakia starmer? he's a cause to been accused of anti-semitism here. similar to your brother being accused of anti semitism, arguably in the united states for wishing to support a resolution is on palestine. they didn't get away with it. is it was thought to suspend fowle at every point and probably politically we made a mistake in 03. around at the 700, why don't we do it already supported? strongly and certainly are you very important to the country. and colbert is an
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essential element of the and i don't understand what stomach shots are. 'd risky, politically, much less morally wrong, but this is stammer, oversea, you know, is he has anything to do with the suspension of jeremy coleman from the labor party and that it was old to do with the process. but one thing is, for sure. corbin detested the privatisation outsourcing of health care as a health care spokesperson for the england and wales green party. tell me how you think britain has dealt with the covert death toll worse by capita than trumps usa . well, i think you are wrong. i think the us is catching up, the index are 1000000 people and so on. but i think britain is still ahead and the worst large country in the world in terms of capital from coal. and you mentioned about the old testing and tracing truck kind of thing and its
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connection with privatisation, the what wattage torigoe winters do are used actually are, and i didn't quite believe what they had here. we had a damaged public health system damaged essentially by the 2012 leslie health bill with broken into different pieces in had actually only very good, very old what, leaving your original group in the world and instead building back on those people fragmented all a service was plus the local energetics, and their g.p.'s, who know they're in a community or slow going, we could have had a record low going, very struck in-tray system. i mean that the bar 3 days with boris johnson health secretary, matt called off of this 12000000000 of taxpayers' money was handed out to a diner. hardy's tess and tracy absolutely called says early, constantly improving our response to bring the confidence that high quality testing
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can provide. we've already built the largest coronavirus testing capacity in europe, but testing is diving here in effect. it's not through their testing system is most of it is inferior to anybody to the to reality. but the crucial thing is that your test interest is the center of how you deal with. 'd every time you have separate people out and there are 2 ways to do it, you could have a full blown shutdown and everybody stays home. and that's fun, with just stopping the spread, but it's very destructive as well. but what you, your main needs are to get remote to get to get back to square one once you're back to keep things from escalating because they could have very rapidly as we, as we've seen. you have to find ways of finding the people who have the seeds. secondly, because a lot of people are not symptomatic. you have to have testing to find those people
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. when you find those people who have the disease, you then truck out, all the people they've been in contact with is the merits of the operation tendon. tens of thousands of people. you have to have people who know how to talk to people and get their agreement, and then you have to have ways of supporting those. ok, well, i mean, took over. he says it's doing that. the private outsourcing company and the c.e.o. and winston churchill relative sums ribosomes says what we and our partners have done is nothing short of extraordinary. do you detect corruption in the procurement and all that? but at every level, yes, of course is corruption. you know, there's hardly a day goes by that there isn't a new company, private company, serco z. . it's those famous the most disastrous of them. but there's loads and they all have contacts them in the tory party. they're all either friends or relatives, cronies or what whatever. well, one of again i'm said only one of the only religion is the well only one and off
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1000000000 pounds is alleged to have been given to tory link companies according to one investigation here. how much one and a half 1000000 pounds to one little fracture? yes, it returns ike. i have him dead at the mall. there are many tens of billions. 'd 12000000000 won't go on the on track and trace is probably there and they're working on this 100000000001, testing everybody in the country. but as i may try to make clear casting yours a part of your system, but it's not the whole part. just test you don't do anything. the point is to find out who's got it, who's in contact and get them out of circulation. that's what drives the dumbass. people suffering from the epidemic down. and they haven't done that. they set up this enormously expensive, totally centralized system, which has on train people on telephoto. hundreds of miles away. they have no idea who that they don't follow them up. no,
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they wasted all that money. more important than the money is a waste all those lives. we are back in the hole now with more people dying and having to go into it, shut down, which because people will be united will be compensated for. this is going to cause enormous misery and probably just as well. so the use of the failure to use the public system that exists and to build on that and that knowledge and that expertise. and to institute an entirely new massively expensive massively in a pension system as cost us money is the least well psychosis. he returns he denies that he's proud of the record larry scientist. thank you. after the break, what is the fighting in the horn of africa? catalyzing? tens of thousands of refugees going to do with joe biden foreign policy, the world health organization coronavirus. we investigate the fake news context of degree and attacks on eritrea and ethiopia. all this is all coming up in part 2,
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i'm going on the ground., l. look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. i robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point is to create trust ever conflicts on various charts and with artificial intelligence where some of the robot must protect its own existence. as
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a new gold rush is underway. in guyana, thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields, hoping to strike it rich. here's the good work. children are torn between gold. my family was very poor. i thought i was doing my best to get back to school, which side will have the strongest appeal? welcome back. tens of thousands of refugees are reportedly fleeing ethiopia for sudan after 2 grand militants. bankrolled, under the obama biden administration attacked the globally strategic nations of eritrea and ethiopia. earlier i was joined from washington d.c. by former long time ethiopian opposition leader, the armands elect, namin welcome to going underground. a lot of talk around the world about who joe
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biden might put in his cabinet when it comes to foreign affairs at the state department. and so on. should he become president of the united states? what propaganda? a, you, detecting from the current conflict between the gray in the people's liberation front and ethiopia, and eritrea in the most strategic place on earth, arguably where all the world's shipping goes through. as regards this conflict, they're not you being churned out, partying the international community is totally also the all seeing all are so many incidents where subs, arguing and proceeding to disturb your p.r. for the past 2 years since the reformist government of rb, an it came to the 2000, this is not a condemnation of destabilising measures,
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violations of law order in terms, inches and belligerence carried out by the left leaders because they lost the dominance and the lost power. they lost the lion's share of both on the political and economic life. or if you have a special song about the timing, just as it looks like it could be possible, that biden may return to the government along with a bomb or hair or officials who might have to explain how the thing gray people's liberation front were defacto funded by the obama biden government, when the p.l.f. were in power in addis ababa, arguably, there's some grain of truth in that line of reasoning because some of the people now president elect biden,
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who were very much working with the leaders, basically the late prime minister and the p.l.f. strongman. now we are worried about the continuation of this property p.l.f. policy by biden's president elect biden's for a foreign policy team. but why on earth? as you allege, susan rice, support government in ethiopia are accused by so many n.g.o.s of war crimes. and why would anyone be interested in catalyzing? tens of thousands reported refugees fleeing right now to sedan from this conflict. a continuation of a cynical attitude and practice because on one hand, you know, 1000 democracy and liberty. on the other hand,
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they support dictatorship. like for 27 years plus personal relationship with people developed by the likes of rice and others in the previous obama administration. but it's so limited to the obama administration officials, but other friends of the p.l.f. about in europe and usa are now up to you know, to, to, to give this false narrative that the current conflict was started by the federal government, britain and the united states. both said they're helping the now we government, the haile mariam veselin government with aid money to help the poor of these countries. you say this money to not go to those people. the former chairman
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of the g.p.l. left who escaped their execution, their senior military commander. now in one interview, martin cloud, i believe on b.b.c. to say that they are used back then. the g.p.l. left in the eighty's used to finance their spin. that was their mark for the firman and the refugees to enrich themselves. and later they even claimed that the seed money that made them you know, that enabled them to build an empire economic empire under the name effort in dominance. really for rehabilitation of a multibillion dollar conglomerate that dominated your panic on a media during their tenure for 27 years, you have to see that it is all the laws of your state. there are total domination
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of the top 10 economy in politics for the past 27 years until 2018 then reform ayers, which was launched by the pm rb, who came to the in 2018 means that they will lose all the privilege and the monopoly and edge of money they exercise draws ethiopian in every domain of national life, from economy politics, security to defense establishment. they had the lion's share. so this conflict has to be seen in the context of what the tea p.l.f. is and mind you. they also from the very beginning, they can root you as a minority group that represents only 6 percent of the population. if they can roll ethiopia under their domination, hedge many as fine if they can not, they will discover the g.o.p. and a greater tech, right?
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separate their prospects of gray and separatist state being created some kind of shades of south sudan when obama was in power. right now it doesn't seem that their gender to create a separate, decries state would much area less because they don't have the majority of support among the ground people. i very much doubt and they are militarily been losing ground about in the journal was down from this point. they are in circles from many directions, doesn't mean that the operation that the federal government is conducting to, to enforce the rule of law in ethiopia and bring this criminal struggle of the typical left to fester justice will be over within a day or 2. now,
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that's not likely, but i think the odds are against them, except some of their international supporters on the ground are losing any ground war, either the concern of the federal government and most just as is that with men and civilian causalities as much as possible. we have to avoid civilian casualties and that exam people must not suffer. so end of this, you know, operation as soon as possible. but you know, war is unpredictable. these people have been fighting for 40 years and they have, you know, 2 years they are, they prepared for 2 years and raising 250000 special forces and militia, what country in the world that original government would raise this number of force quarter of a 1000000 fighters. so that poses a challenge going forward,
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but i think they are overwhelmed right now, and they're losing ground in many fronts of in to marriage. i want to get on to the world health organization in a 2nd because obviously some accusations about the head of the w. a job are very, very briefly infamous the sanctions by the european union and the united states against eritrea. do you think that what the degree in the people's liberation front may do, may exacerbate any tension between asmara in eritrea and hadassah? or is that peace locked in? does a veritable question jest today saying, oh, the strike us tomorrow with 3 or 4 rockets, missiles. but fortunately it's landed in areas that was not you know, better by civilians and they didn't hit that target. they intend to do it and intention, the objective is to drive after they are into this conflict. saw original eyes of
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conflict, make it right, cartwright, so on. and so that the international pressure, the international community will be mounted on the federal government forces, fire and negotiation that will really strengthen their arm to once again come and dominate the european political space. that's their agenda. so after adam fall for this truck, it responded by saying not so not so great was bizarre rockets, they're not going to even, you know, respond with a statement from a threat. well, there's certainly no signs of a divestment by the big funders from the global south, let alone china, eritrea of course, famous for being the fastest growing economy in the world a while back. just finally, what are you going to tell us about ted ross? what he, because he is the head of the world health organization does go anywhere on having
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coronavirus. we have 50000 dead here in britain, a quarter 1000000 and rising dead in the united states and the w.h.o. boss, you know, i believe is implicated in this, in this long going history, a long running history. very good question or a good question because the statements and some information emerging, it implicates search of those are down on to be working on behalf of the t.p.a., left lobbying regional governments, also the international community. and this gives credence to his role that he was using as many out there are working in many international organizations to, to use his offices to lobby and benefit if ideas and destructive agenda to, p.l.f. where u.s. senior member a member of the exerts a committee of was the p.l.f.
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and the ruling, a p.d.f. and also one time i was the minister and the foreign minister of europe. so through the continuation of what he has been doing on behalf of the t.p.a. left and their agenda. during his tenure as official and senior party member, well, we can't verify any of the claims we have invited. the w.h.o. directed rahsaan. we invite him on again. and of course there is a news blackout into gray at the moment bonanza like a thank you. and them in the lack as we need to be earlier than to finish or will be back on saturday, 20 years to the day, the florida supreme court granted you has democratic presidential candidate al gore's request to keep the presidential recounts going after the votes were contested, in the 2000 u.s. election, despite the recounts later being dubbed unconstitutional, does paving the way for iraq war architect george w. bush to take the white house until then you can join the underground by following
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up on you tube, twitter. facebook instagram results of the u.s. election cycle that surprised many. there was no blue wave in the g.o.p. winning is gains for all across the board. both parties have d.v.d. internal divisions and the court is in both parties based. poppy was challenged. this is the perfect recipe for a political deal like during the vietnam war, u.s. forces also bomb to neighboring laos. it was a secret war. and for years the american people did not know how much it is officially the most heavily bombed country per capita. all human history, millions of unexploded bombs still in danger, lives in this small agricultural country. jordyn wieber going to continue to happen
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. even today kids in los full victims of bombs dropped decades ago. is the u.s. making amends for the tragedy and help to the people need in that little land on the job? many adopt a controversial new law beefing up the country's knocked down power as thousands out in force pointing at unconstitutional. and protests, how the violent inception, what it means back amount of 1000 fact scene all pointing to a government poll. the other says yes, well, one senior employee warns on 2 facts. this could be banned from offices on public transport. we discuss whether forcing a vaccine on a nation is the right way to go. i think the government is out the right beating,
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