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tv   News  RT  November 21, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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politically, this is what's happening in the united states right now. clashes break out in central paris over a security bill criminalizing the filming of french police officers. opponents say it will fuel police brutality and violate press freedoms. a lawsuit by u.s. republicans. democrats encouraged to native americans in nevada to vote in exchange for gift cards, helping joe biden win the state. and experts, question whether a new german vaccine will be viable saying we need to store it at minus 70 degrees celsius is unrealistic. but it's very important to maintain what you would call the
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cold chain extremely important. otherwise, you are injecting people with substandard. the nature of the vaccine are broadcasting live, eric from our studios in moscow. this is our team for national lunch on thomas. certainly glad to have you with us now to has flared up in central paris over a new bill criminalizing the filming of police officers, as crowds gathered in the city center, they were pushed back with water cannons was was,
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was thousands of people attended the rally in central paris, throughout the evening, the new restrictions have been approved by the national assembly, the lower house of parliament, and will later go to the senate on the reforms were drafted after a police station in south east paris was stormed by a mob armed with firecrackers and metal bars, if passed, the so-called global security bill will ban the distribution of images in which police officers can be identified for malicious purposes. offenders could be jailed for a year or fined $45000.00 euros. the french interior minister says it is a vital measure to protect police and that journalists and citizens can film police as long as there is no ill intent. but the press freedom group reporters without borders says the devil is in the details. it's a good issue that he's going to be able to continue feeling the answer is yes. are
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they going to be able to continue broadcasting? the answer is yes. a civilian is going to be allowed to film the police intervention. the answer is yes. will the be able to reported to the prosecutor that the answer is yes. intent is a concept that is open to interpretation and hard to determine any photos or video showing a dent feibel police officers that are published or broadcast by critical media outlets or are accompanied by critical comments, could find themselves being accused of seeking to harm these police officers for journalists, the legal risk exists, and the possibility of conviction would be real. our civil liberties activists, yasir told us police brutality is widespread in france, and the latest measures will only make matters worse. you have to ask ourselves, what makes people act instead of taking the event itself, that passing further legislation,
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we have to remember we have 2 years of documented police brutality with a yellow vest movement. people getting maimed or losing their eyes a bit, getting beaten, broken bones, a shattered hands exception. and there we sponsor of the government is not to seek police accountability because the person is in front is beyond accountability. but to make even make it even more difficult to expose the police brutality, we can know it's the government thinks that anytime you have a social problem, you pass legislation. we citizens have no oversight over the police. and the only by these supervising the police in france is former police officer themselves. and so this is not really a functioning democracy where the rule of law is a cause of for what emanuel mccoy is doing. today. it is nothing short than an organized a sort on whatever was left, who has been left out of the rule of law and democracy in france. and we have seen continuous reports from the un, all of the authoritarian drift off the friendship of successive governments. so
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what's happening today is only a confirmation that this drift is not new, but only the blatant exposure that in many ways michael is no longer be feeling bounded by international treaties, or what he owes it to the people who brought him to power, let alone alone the french population, but france has become a police state a week before the u.s. state of nevada certifies its election results. republicans have filed a number of lawsuits to halt the process, citing irregularities and voter fraud. one claim, alleges native american voters were swayed by gifts through improper outreach programs by politically biased organizers. mainstream media has called nevada for joe biden, by just at 33000 votes. there are around 60000 voting age, native americans in the state. republicans claim they were lured to vote democrat through a gift scheme by a left aligned nonprofit group, but the group denies any political leaning as artie's killam up and comments in
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nevada's tribal areas. voter participation was being encouraged by a nonprofit, some very nice prizes. were handed out in order to encourage people to vote in the 2028 presidential election. there were even $500.00 gift cards. now the nevada native voting project said it had no agenda. it simply wanted to increase election participation. and because it did not seem to be partisan, the nevada indian commission, a state agency, had no problem getting involved on that of that indian commission. facebook page 6 posts offering gift cards of the a raffle share. in addition to that, the nevada indian commission offered its own prizes, raffling off 3 major pieces of art to those who voted. people may not be aware, but encouraging people to vote with rewards is illegal. whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate shall be fined under this title or
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imprisoned. but nobody got the memo. and in fact, a reno sparks indian colony official was even filmed, handing out the loot. we have $25.00, $25.00 gift cards to round off and a lot of money cashiers. the excuse is that this is simply a nonpartisan effort not aimed at helping any candidate or party. except there are indications to the contrary. nevada is a swing state and nevada has over 60000, registered native american voters that could really make the difference in our state's them make chain, get out of here, get them out. and harris, campaign swag. as you can see have mass, they have a t. shirt, sign stickers, all kinds of hand sanitizer. all right guys, you have it there, she has them biden said he's for you. i'm all to support it. and if they see to get out the vote, get to the polls and vote partly the best the facebook page of the native voter
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project, even shared a post from an ngo called the native organizers alliance. and that made clear that their an aim was to flip the electoral map from red to blue. not surprisingly, a lawsuit was filed by the nevada republican party. there was scheme set up to give voters something of value raffle tickets. t. shirts, other things like that. if they would come in and vote something that violates federal law, something that violates nevada law. now the nevada native voter project says they didn't do anything wrong. they say that this was simply had nonpartisan effort to encourage voting. and furthermore, they point out that no member of their staff or any other volunteers ever attended any biden harris events. however, their statements did leave out those $500.00 gift cards. u.s. officials have actually condemned the government of venezuela for offering incentives to encourage voter participation. but in nevada,
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i guess it's ok. now keep in mind that native americans vote pretty consistently for the democratic party. it looks ear like a state agency, was involved in a very targeted campaign to encourage vote participation from a constituency that leans a certain way. nothing reeks of clay and transparent elections than handing out valuable freebies and prizes to encourage certain people to vote in america. at least, you know, we, we don't think that there would be any corruption in our government. and so you would assume that this would be nonparty, non-state, actor or organization that was just corrupt and doing something wrong. so when we see things like in nevada, where you have the state authorities, you have a government authority participating in this scheme participating in these things that interfere with our election. that's what's been most troubling, i think for the american population, of course, and in other countries, people are used to governments that might be corrupt and state officials that might
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be corrupt. and in america, we're finally starting to see that that has happened. that's the most troubling thing would nevada and the u.s. state of georgia has confirmed to joe biden's victory after a hand recount. but that is not stops. trump supporters keeping up the pressure. a major rally by trump supporters took place on saturday in atlanta, the state earlier certified joe biden. the winner with a margin of less than 13013000 votes. participants held banners saying stop the steel and election integrity matters. president trumps legal team contains. there was large scale ballot fraud in the state hall, though their focus has now moved to challenges elsewhere. biden has slammed the trump team's efforts calling them irresponsible, and he has repeatedly called for unity and an end to partisan warfare. but there are signs, not all of his supporters are on board with that message. no
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seriously. how do you deprogram 75000000 people? where do you start, fox, facebook. this is not your standard partisan policy disagreement. this is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality and basic decency . ready ready
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82 years ago crystal nothing happened could lead to genocide against a whole identity after 4 years of a modern day assault on those same values by donald trump. 'd 'd i pledged to be a president who seeks not to divide, but unify. this is a time to heal in america. still
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to come this hour, russia's foreign minister visits armenia and azerbaijan and meets the 2 countries' leaders in a bid to shore up the recent peace deal more on that after a short break. this is r t international newly elected u.s. presidents invariably, well, just in the country in a fresh, bold direction. this time, those things may be a bit different. that least on foreign policy, joe biden has promised to reengage with allies and restore the us his position as leader of the democratic world. now, will the biden administration befall him on the global stage? will we see a new approach or a return to the old ways?
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the world is driven by shaped by one person the day or thinks. we dare to ask concerns are being raised over the technical challenges in distributing a major new coronavirus vaccine, pfizer and by a long tech have applied for emergency use of their job in the us and say that they
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are ready for world wide distribution. but it will have to be stored and transported at minus 70 degrees celsius. we have already produced more than 20000000 doses in our closets and to continue as we speak, producing more and more. this is why we said that by the end of the year, which, how many 5 weeks we expect will actually 50000000 doses that you can distribute to the world. their reality is there has never been a drug that requires storage at this temperature is a logistical nightmare for rural communities. but no one is mean to the challenges, distributing the fact, same pose for the medical industry. very few cargo companies have the capacity to transport goods at minus 70 which is colder than the south pole. in fact, many firms do not even have the facilities to reach minus 20 and that is not the only logistical challenge expected, particularly in poorer and remote areas. pfizer and beyond plan to transport their
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vaccine in a special temperature controlled containers which can be used for up to 10 days. they require dry ice, which is a hazardous material for longer term storage. ultra cold freezers would be needed, which very few hospitals, or pharmacies have. we spoke to senior clinical lecturer at britain's university of exeter medical school. he says it is important for different vaccines to be created across the world to provide choice. well, it's very important to maintain what you would call the cold chain, extremely important. otherwise you are injecting people with substandard or the nature of vaccine, and it is a waste of time resources and everything else. so it is very, very important to make sure that the vaccines when they leave their live oratory, where it is made to where the patient is going to receive it is maintained always at the right temperature. you either have facilities to transport them or you use
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other vaccines and there is no reason to suspect that the other work scenes are inferior. once they're licensed, they're licensed and we know that they are good enough for the job. therefore, it's very good to know that there are also other vaccines made by other platforms. also coming on stream in given time. russia's foreign minister has warned against any attempts to undermine a peace agreement between armenia and azerbaijan. sergey lavrov met with the armenian leader in your van on saturday before heading to baku for talks with the president of azerbaijan, a correspondent in their patrol, car company of the russian delegation on its way from armenia to azerbaijan. and brings us this report from the 2 capitals. so what does it take to cement a cease fire deal that possibly saved thousands and thousands of lives in mcgauran a car about 2 weeks after it was side trip to both the capitals of armenia and azerbaijan, within a single day by some of the most senior russian government ministers on
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a day that's supposed to be a day off saturday stop number one, the presidential palace. but short of the, you know, we repeat that any attempt to cast doubt on the peace agreement, both in the region and in other countries is unacceptable. we'll spare no effort to make the truce work because it has helped save lives and prevented further hostilities, silencing the guns isn't by far the only element of bringing the life in
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nagorno-karabakh back to normal. russian government officials came to your yvonne with a plan to set up a special humanitarian response center in armenia to help with issues as painful as for example, that of refugees plus moscow also wants to get the relevant. 'd you and bodies on board, which sends a message to critics of russia and the west, for example, that blamed russia for so to say, monopolizing the settlement of the nagorno-karabakh called stop. number 2, the presidential palace in, but cool azerbaijan, exactly 2 hours after the departure from here, the one that the russian top diplomat is met by the leader of us, or by john leave here and book who just like we did in the garry. we heard government officials say how much they're thankful to moscow for making this cease fire deal possible. one of
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the most important points that was made as the russian government ministers sat down together with ilham aliyev at that table was that everything was only made possible because of how much all 3 sides were willing to avoid more lives being lost in the gore. in a car about and that is something important to be understood by the parties outside the region that are concerned about the actual terms of the ceasefire agreement. he has a crucial role in the area and in the region as a whole. we have an agreement with turkey, which is supported by his intervention to create a russian turkish monitoring sensor that will oversee compliance with the cease fire in the green car above and around it. this will be an extra factor that will ensure sustained peace, a process in which russian peacekeepers are playing a key roles by the schedule and the geography of this trip. russia is showing like it did many times before that it's not taking sides in this conflict. the peace
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agreement put an end to 7 weeks of deadly fighting in the contested mountainous region. under its terms, baku will hold on to its military gains, and in addition, armenia has to hand over 3 other districts. around 2000, russian peacekeepers are in the area to enforce the truce. meanwhile, azerbaijani troops have entered the district in a kind of bach which was ceded to baku as part of the peace deal. the event was celebrated at a local mosque with of the 1st friday prayers there in 27 years our treatment of gaza is in the area for us. in 1993, the city of ag was seized by armenian forces. the new population was evicted, expelled the never since then. it has been a goose city. no one has lived there until now. a short bus ride later we had done what new journalist has dug in years across the front lines of the gold and they got up. this is the 1st time since the war began,
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that we've been able to get into territory that is controlled by the as yet by johnny army. and these, this was only yesterday under the control of pro armenian forces. as a result of the ceasefire. on the 10th of november that both sides and the i mean your side as you budge on the side with the help of russian mediators. this area, city and province region were handed over peacefully by the armenian side to is it about time for them? this is a very big occasion because this mosque in the center of city has been a symbol of the war in the is it about johnny side 3 decades ago? 40000 people lived by johnnie's, who were expelled from the area, forced to leave, and have been refugees ever since. well, this was where i have just come back to my hometown. thank god. for 27 years i lived in exile. those barbarians destroyed our city. the. this is
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a landmark movement by john righteous and ceremonial. the 1st spread that mosque in 27 years learned that only the is headed by johnny military wouldn't speak to us in camera. well, we got out of them is that justice had been done was that it would go to the question is if it doesn't ask you about it, then you come to that issue the publisher coming. so i'm going to have you do the kind of that you both want, but it's not so, but it's a disservice just not special. but if there's still an incredible amount of work that needs to be done, the devil is in the details. this is why russian peacekeepers and their buddy forces that arrived during the night took the area over
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a meeting for hours on end. they need to sort out lines of control and where each outpost will be. but is it about john? the checkpoints will be manned by said by joining forces right next. the russian peacekeeper outposts back to back despite the number of peacekeepers and as yet about johnny troops and ag. there was little tension. soldiers and peacekeepers talked and joked. it's felt by all sides. the war is over we have good relations with both the armenians and as a result of those okie playing, the positions vacated by the armenian army. of course the conflicting saw it, but the conflict is over. for my part, i would like to say that i'm very glad that today we've sealed the deal to settle a years long conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. i saw the decision has been taken as a result of analysis of the military situation and based on the sentiments of people who have been most for me there and with the military situation. at this
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point, the ceasefire deal has been a success. refugees, flock back to their rooms. heavy weaponry has gotten roots, aruban, and everyone is meeting their obligations. there's no love lost to be sure. but with every new day there is less and less cause for another war. or i guess the of from the go to make out about 35 minutes. that's when i'll be back with another look at your news. they say it's r.t. international. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very critical time to sit down and talk it's been decades since the fall of spain's fascist regime. but old wounds still haven't healed me from a girl. do you are on the bus at us is mean older than she was and that's important to you know cells and of newborn babies were torn from their mothers and given away and forced adoption. that only feaster to this day mothers still search for grown children while looking in hope for their birth parents. join me every 1st day on the alex, i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to get out of the world of politics or business.
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i'm show business. i'll see you there. if the following up on that some stupid ok. there's not much along for me as going to go down the hill, what makes a person weak? it's money. if you don't have money to move slightly, i'm going to like that outlet or over the limit both to contract. it is more easy to get money from any here
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and don't make cost money even a form. we'll buy them out of the minerals. so it's making a big lot about please
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please if we get to the ransom money how do we kind of you come here, then you don't even talk. it was here is something to be cool. and then
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i just came here last week to my fans. i need big money instead i'm going to the one we go to what do you want, what do you want to know when you don't see money which was for me i'm a little boy.


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