tv Dennis Miller One RT November 27, 2020 8:30am-9:01am EST
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add to move him up to the top of a pay as the go in football, in my eyes, your thoughts on him as a guy. and as that go. well, he's easily a great guy. he's a terrific man and you know it's been my good fortune and i'm honored that he would put his name on my book and do that. and what he expressed in there, this is really grateful for. and you know, just really makes you feel, you know, i'm humbled by it and it's a wonderful thing really, denton. and he is, he is that guy. ok. i mean this guy has thousands and thousands of acts of kindness and he doesn't expect anything in return. he goes out of his way for his teammates, goes out of his way for you know, everybody obviously in his family. but, you know, the guy doesn't say no, and i don't know how he doesn't say no, but he does it all with a smile. he genuinely is happy, i guess the best way to describe tom is he is genuinely happy for other people
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success, any tears for them. and he doesn't think if somebody does something well, even in his sport, that it somehow diminishes him. and that is so rare. and so hard to find in this day and age as a football player, you also recognizes that it's his teammates and that he needs a team that there are 10 other guys who are out there playing with them. and if anybody has a pulling their weight and belichick used to say, doing their job, then he can succeed and do his job. so he gets all of the accolades, he is the goat, he's won 6 titles. i don't see anybody, certainly in my lifetime, probably ever catching that number and to have played in that many super bowls. it's astonishing, but the good news is, is he is everything that you would want him to be if you get to know him. so if you have a mental image in your head of what it should be, he meets an exceeds well listen, if you can see him as a, the key to his happiness, his self contentment, and his ability to live
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a full rich life comes from his original team his family when you see him with his dad, you can tell, although brady is the man. that's the man's father. the way he was with his mom when she was 6, so sweet. his ability, i think, to love people in his life and the beloved that's, that's, that's, that's worth more than all the lombardi's you will ever get right. there it is. and you know, you know, we're right there. he is a sweet guy and he's just a good guy and you know what? he trusts himself. so because he trusts himself, he trusts other people. ok, so you are given the rope, you'll hang yourself or you will be his friend and it's up to you. it won't end because of something he does in the end because you step over a line and he do something stupid. ok, because he trust himself. he cannot allow that to be placed on others. it's such a beautiful quality. it really is mean, you know, he has,
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he has this level of contentment. now he can get pissed off and he get up senate guys and you know, he wants to win. nobody wants to win more. you can't achieve what he has. if you don't have that streak in you, so it's not like he's some pollyanna, no, he's not tough and he needs and he knows how to get the most out of people. and he, he, he, he sees figure that out. but he really, he's either specter now he's and i've been really lucky to have spent the past decade with and of interviewed him hundreds of times or talk about the book. talking to god, moments you remember the stories you never heard? we just did tom brady, we lost one this year, and the mamba, you know, there are days jim, i think about, i can't believe that that, that we lost kobe bryant, tell me about your memories of the great kobe bryant. you know, it bothers me every day. to have got one of his jersey sitting down on
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a chair that they handed out the night that or the afternoon that they had the memorial at the staples center. you know, and i've known him dennis. i know him since he was an infant. back when i was in philadelphia and san diego. that's right, that's right. philadelphia where i was, you know, it was just, you know, it's still hurt your heart. it breaks your heart for the 3 little girls he left behind for gigi's passing and for obviously the nesa to try and pick up the pieces and. and i've known joe and pam, you know, for all those years as well back to back into the late seventy's. so it's just awful. he was, he was a tremendous guy. he was so driven. he was, he was, you know, he wanted to be the best. he wanted to be the cost and he wanted to be better every tomorrow than he was yesterday. and when i got to do is last interview,
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last interview he ever did in a lakers uniform that night after he scored 60 points against the jazz. that i never forget the 2 last questions that i asked him and his answers. i asked him, i said cody, you just put 60 points out there. are you sure you want to leave? and he said yes, no, i'm not playing anymore basketball. and then the last one was was how do i be remembered? and he said, i want to be remembered as a guy who was given all the talent in the world, but worked like he had none. and dennis that said it all about him, this is how it works. and if you are in the way he not, you have in the way, if you were a teammate, they couldn't cooperate or he wasn't getting the best out of you. he got out of the way if your opponent just ran, you know, and he was like, i don't like and hand m.j. and i was at that last game, jim and the goosebumps i have from that night. and obviously they emotional stuff resonates more but just on an athletic base to watch him that night bring the ball
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up at every young guy on the other team. wanted to meet him at the top of the key for a while, you know, to get to the, remember that 3rd, they'd shift it up a guy. would you get that in that position and go bitch about, you know, you ready? let's rock and it just gave me goosebumps that they all wanted a shot at that, that the sheriff isn't. isn't that somehow you remember that? and i also remember that night jack nicholson came on camera with me and i call him the colonel dennis attorney, just a so. so i'm going to need a edge and i say colonel, he calls me scratchy, nicknamed me, scratchy, but as a colonel we, we do as enemies. absolutely. so i said, you know, how do you feel about this night? he said, well, this is a tough night for me. this is, this is really sad. this has been my entertainment, and it's been like watching babe ruth, and how many people can say we saw a bruise. and then i said so, so what's it going to be like without him?
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and he went on to say, you know, never be the same. and i say, how would you describe his career? and he said, as good as it gets we want cobie on that baseline. we needed kobe are as good as it gets some of the current film for the moment. you're a member of the stories you never heard. well, talk more to jim gray and he has seen it all over the years. we still have to visit with tyson, jordan mohammed ali, who literally called the greatest that will visit which ever right after this, dennis miller plus one. but the pandemic? no, certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities, has emerged. we don't have a turkey, we don't have the facts in the whole world. peace to be the chief
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judge and come in a crisis like this, this time to time. so we can do better. we should everyone is contributing each in our own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is creating the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. normal guy called a member of
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war. in the past, at the source mean older than just that they seem to, you know, cells of newborn babies were torn from their mothers and given away and forced adoption. i don't know to this day mothers still search for grown children looking in hope for their birth parents. hey folks, welcome back to dennis miller plus one, having a great visit with sportscaster jim gray. let me take off
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a few of the accolades for jim. we're talking about talking to go to his new book, but jim 12 time emmy award winning journalist and you got to be up there with jim mckay at that point. i would think he's been named a sports reporter of the year by american sportscasters association. 3 times host of n.f.l.'s monday night football for westwood, one radio networks. and the book, as i said, talking to go to the moments you remember the stories you never heard, which is out right now. we broke tom brady in the mom of the great kobe bryant, in the 1st segment. we muzzle gets of the guy who even the greats. talk about as the greatest. there's 2 cats so you can see greats look at, you know what he's doing. and that's jim brown, and it's mohammed ali and usually had to give in jim brown would defer to the great, have an l.a. . tell me about your interaction with him over the ets jim. well, i wouldn't be sitting here talking to you if it wasn't for mohammad ali. i was 18 years old and i was a sports interned. and i got hired after my internship in the university of
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colorado by the a.b.c. station in denver k.b. t.v. channel 9. and they were for converting from film dentist to videotape. and so all of the film guys took the union buyout, they didn't want to learn a new craft. so they hired a bunch of young people cheaply and were just happy to have the opportunity. and i was so happy it was a lot of money for me. so i was going to the university of colorado one morning i was in my edit booth very early in the morning and editing the red miller show, he was getting ready for the draft progress come on. and this lady came running in . she was the assignment editor name was suit dues, and i can still see this as clear as day. this is 1978 and she says, you know something about sports, you were the sports in turn. i said yes. and mohammed ali is at the airport, he's 2 and a half hours early. go interview him. they couldn't find a sports anchor as they couldn't find the news anchors. they couldn't find reporters. and of course dennis, you know, back then there was no beepers. there was no cell holes,
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i didn't answer his home phone, they couldn't find him. so people were either asleep or they were breakfast shower, who knows where they were, but they weren't available. so i read in the weatherman's office to try and get a coat and tie, but he was a little itty bitty guy named stormy rotman and didn't see it. so i just ran out to the airport and whatever. where are you now going to know your on the road and and so here is ali. so i go out and i ask ali the 1st question. he says the, you're doing the interview and the whole entourage are going to laugh. now they were laughing at me, they were laughing kind of at the circumstance. ok. so it made me really comfortable when he did that because it just kind of like took the nerves away when when everybody started laughing, it was for me. yes. i'm what it is, ariel. i've done an interview before. so by about the 3rd or 4th question, he said something to me. he said you sound like the local, howard cosell. dennis, that was the greatest compliment i had ever received in my life. ok. and that has
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propelled me was so much confidence and felt so great inside. i loved watching howard and all those years with my dad watching all those great fights. and to have that come out of his mouth was just really some. anyway, you gave me 45 minutes, i went back to the station. i was editing i self out because they were going to put me on television. i was 18 years old videotape and there's never been a news director. his name was roger altman, great guy. but he didn't know me, you know, as videotape better never spoke with me, watch the tape for an hour and a half watched it twice. he was mesmerized, not with me, but with ali. he turned to me when i was already says, wow, this tape and you are going on the air. it's barely adequate. so i tell everybody i've been barely adequate, ever since. wow, wow wow folks, this is the stuff you're going to get and talking to go. this is the moment you remember the stories you never heard. i had never heard that one. but i'm telling
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you there was more gold in that room than the place there. fort knox, that's a lot of hardware there. you got a sense of, i mean, i know i listen to you on television and seen your shows over the years you can work with this stuff. it's just incredible how fertile and, and how active that is. it's, it's beyond belief that as it's such a joy to listen to it here, it always makes me smile. well, let's read it. thank you. let's talk about, let's talk about bron. you know what i do? it's funny, i guess it's maybe it's in my hard drive. as far as m.j. goes, i don't know. but certainly le bron to me on mt. rushmore, which is a big thing. i got the mom on mount rushmore. i got him. i probably got bill russell, look, but it's, you know, it's just tough for me as they get older jim, i'm 67 now there are some guys i just cannot move down the road for young people
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and that probably makes me an old man. but when i think about russell, i just remember him. i remember him going up and rejecting balls. right to larry 63 . i mean he would block it out of bounds. he would just let was like watch and singe and smith play volleyball or somewhere he would just deflect it over to larry seyfried. he'd push it across the say he'd feed have, let's say, you know, a russian like guy. but tell me about le bron what do you make? well, he's a great player. i mean, and man as he is he really sought them with the way that he has kept himself in shape and what he's been able to do to play in that many finals. i mean, it's just, it's just remarkable. and now to of want a 3rd championship, you know, and do it a 4th championship, but on 3 teams. so, you know, he's doing stuff. that's just incredible. i mean, he gets to the basket every time he touches the ball when he wants to it,
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since it's, he's phenomenal. and what he's done off the court, you just have to, you just have to really, really take your hat off to a moment with, with tremendous admiration and respect with the i promised school. and what he has been able to do achieve, you know, and in the area of social justice and i, i am a huge, huge admirer of le bron james, the basketball player and what he's done with himself for humanity. so you know, it gets really, really hard because i was in the jordan era as well. ok in the night. there are auction with my dad, russell, wilt, jerry west and all of the so everybody's going to have their favorites and what's more impressive. 6 championships with no defeat in the finals or to have played in as many as le bron has. and even though he's lost and to do it with 3 different
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teams. so, you know, you get in and there's a kareem because he has the most points even though brawn may pass him. so you get into personal preferences. and, and i think that we have now gotten to the point where there can be goats of heiress. ok, muhammad ali will always be the goat. he said it, he created it, and then he added the word s. on the end. greatest of all times, times remember when he used to do that, dennis? i didn't remember it or you pointed out. and he would say that, so let's give mohammed that because he earned it. ok, ali, all this other and even, you know, brady is always reluctant to say anything about himself. you know, because he realizes, you know, like we said earlier, there's 10 of the guys out there and one guy misses a block, he's on his back. so jordan had to have pippen, and he had to have confidence in john paxson and steve kerr, those guys to make shots when it mattered. and le bron has played with
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a bunch of guys, you know, off the street in some instances. right. i mean, these guys weren't, you know, certainly the wayne wade and chris bosh with the super team that he formed after the decision. you know, changed all of that. then it changed the whole paradigm and the whole landscape of the n.b.a. . but i mean, some of those teams in cleveland, i mean that was tough sledding until he won with some of the talent that had been surrounded by he had been surrounded with. and then here anthony davis is another great player. but you wouldn't see a whole lot of people clamoring for some of the other guys who are on that team. and he made it work. we're talking to jim gray talking to go just the book. the moment you remember stories you have never heard. and i just want to add auton that jim was talking earlier about how it's like that biblical passage where marvin webster, begats mohammed, ali begats, barack. and i would tell you the gems in a few, all a famous one of them been the boxing hall of fame. and that must absolutely,
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donna and what a great author is bert sugar. and there, by the way, the great purchase yet onya, one of one of the great great writers and characters and boxing historians over and we miss you. so he, so we're great to talk to at the site at his hat. and i know i got with him when i ran with a mother and i were writer in a computer a year with saddam i sat with him and had a drink one night. it was the fight. were you interviewed right after when mike bit of air off? i think i was back in the backstage room talking to bert sugar guys like you this is i was a big and slight bit of i'm not mistaken. i think you were the 1st guy in the talk after that fight. yeah, i sure was, but we don't have people like bert anymore. it's, you know, it's a different era and unfortunately, you know, they've, they've, you know,
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they've all gone. we don't, you know, that was a special group and he was, and he was the head of it. but yeah, the boxing, you know, i was really honored, you know, mike tyson, who once threatened to kill me on camera, so he kill me. and then 45 seconds later dennis, he kissed me on the cheek. and let me tell you that it was far more disturbing to me. like, you know, we'd been on that whole roller coaster ride with them. i want to rip your heart out and feed it to his children. and you know, my back is broken anyway, came in and, and did the, an introduction for the induction to the hall of fame. and so he brought my dad who he had met. and every time i saw mike from the time i 1st met him at a very young age, the 1st thing out of his mouth was jerry. and so now i've had a great relationship with him. but anyway, when he, when he came to the hall of fame and did that, it was, that was really a great and special moment for me. and he's us in, he's an easy, special,
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wonderful guy. and he, he is very, very, he's had a rollercoaster of a life. he's unpredictable. anything could happen, but he is also filled with intellect. a tremendous amount of knowledge, of all, all sorts of things. i mean, he can recite shakespeare and he can also tell you about days of grace, which is on the shoulder of arthur ashe and on the shoulder, the chairman mao, and the tenants of the red book. ok. and you can tell you how he impregnated women in jail. ok. not that you need to be told the story, but the how of how that happened is you know, so this guy has had life experiences that are beyond belief. let me, i might tyson. and he knows that ox ing, so in closing, just to get back to sports, we've been talking about the goats talking to the goats with jim grad. just let me ask your boss king's boxing question as we go out the door since you've witnessed
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it all. hardass punch ever floyd on angmar, bobby foster on my corrie. i got to go with bob far for turns left. who are there for this day? the largest budget i've ever seen. ok, i'll agree that's pretty good when you remember jerry, i mean it's light out there. you haven't lived in modern history. what would you say modern in modern times and in a sense, since 1970 on what would you say 180 on why i think i saw mike hit marvis crack on the glove. and that's because i never my came out in a room atal with no socks, and i think it was a rock. and he hit marvelous marvelous came out. he never looked more like a cruiserweight that it did that night. joe's in the corner marcus is like, look at, i might get a fight this guy, and i think he caught the ball and he still shattered him with his own gloves. so that might have been the, the hardest modern project. your thought,
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you know. but as you know, there's been a lot of these punches and just, you know, it's just astonishing. like i guess the one that astonishes me to this day is in real recent times. it wasn't artist bunch of ever seen, but it's arms punch i ever saw anybody get up from that was when that tyson fairy was like. frankenstein got hit in the head. i've never seen anybody get hit my head like that out. and somehow he got up and jack knees helped him a little bit, maybe a little bit of a slow count, but when they got a wound or hit him with that, right? oh my god, i thought he, i thought he was going to be gone forever. you know, i don't mean literally, but i mean like, there's no way you could, i got up, i got up at 9 or whatever. so that was, that was, that was that's not the hurdle incident. he crossed the ring at that and say, i just clocked this guy with a harder shot. i have envy and he's up 3 for 8. and then you get you back and clapped him and beat him up badly in the next fight. unbelievable. these are
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where'd search to this day you can talk about all the sports heroes you want. you can talk about goats. when mohammed ali and joe frazier have to go out 910 degree heat manila, by the way, the best sports book i ever read. mark crams goes to manila and they know they've got 153 minute rounds and at least said i was dying and they have to still get up out of that still for the 15th. there's no sport like you know, if i love boxing the most, but i do know those are the bravest men because they're in there naked, they're by themselves and they can hide behind anybody. there's no teammates, there's no coaches, there's no nobody, it's them against the other men. and i remember, i remember howard cosell voicing that, that over when, when, when, when ali, this was the closest thing to death, you never experienced. looking at what keith brown accident rate, you know, honest,
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it won't come out, joe saying let me go, let me go. any 5 a? no, no, that's it. and he went it was a great fight, nights out. but great, eddie. and by the way, as we part with him, my concern over me girl, i don't think hurts courts. at least. he's the only guy i know can i have 6 people over for a corner on the cob and i've scored 70 cobb holders for every one of out right over there. thanks to put into your hard court on the cop good to talk your brother. talk at a con the gym. great, that's been dennis miller plus what the i
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believe because humans were geared for you know, millions of years to build up an emotional one when the communication happens within 10 milliseconds in stipends after that because it takes about $260.00 milliseconds. just now if we're together in the same room, you know, this emotional bond between us is very different and slight. you will brigadiers bach
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or a maybe in the shallowness a severe blow to human rights groups, a top german court rules. the burlington can distance itself from american strikes conducted from its soil. previously, germany had to shoulder some responsibility for any us operations using its prime stein air bags to come this hour asylum seeking u.k. . they are being held in a prison like dish consider to she army barracks while health officials warn that the instead of being flying to r.t. was denied speaking to those inside i can't think why don't you let them speak to us and overturn it.
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