tv News RT November 30, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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so you should be seen here and a whole lot more than you're saying, if you don't take that advice, easy going to dig yourself out of the french president's party withdraws a bill that would have restricted the filming of police officers. after weeks of nationwide protests europe's own. guantanamo a rights report says, hundreds of family members with european citizenship are being held in, inhumane conditions at kurdish controlled refugee camps in syria and us president elect joe biden makes another key appointment. jen psaki with will be the white house press secretary, a familiar face from the obama era, and remembered for more than
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a few gaps that there are flows of gas that natural gas. i should say. they go through from western europe, through ukraine crain to russia. and we are, i'm sorry, the other way from russia, crean to western europe, or asia as of refugees fleeing russia. and i've seen no evidence to prove clean. who are clean to russia, sorry, are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow. this is our chief international and sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us. right now, the french president, ruling party has withdrawn a parliamentary bill that would have severely restricted the filming of police officers. opponents said the measure named article $24.00 would have violated press freedom and allowed the police to cover up acts of brutality. and now the apparent u. turn follows 2 weeks of nationwide unrest. it,
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it it president macron. chad and the movement see meeting on monday as part of that meeting, there was the french prime minister, the french interior minister, and also the leaders of the parliamentary parties of the majority, the presidents of these parties. now they decided following that meeting, that this specific article, article 24 would be suspended from the bill. as i say, it follows a weekend of violent protests in france where move than a 130000. people came out to the streets while the anger that we saw in those
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protests had been focused on 2 incidents in the last 7 days, which showed extreme versions of police brutality. the 1st was a week ago on monday evening. here in paris, when police were showing him videos using brute force to dismantle a michael camp with one journalist saying that he had been attacked 3 times during the evening by the security forces as he was trying to carry out his job. that was described as shocking by the interior minister and there was an investigation. and then the 2nd incident was that of a black music producer here in paris, who was shown on security footage being beaten up by officers. now the 4 officers involved in the incident have since been suspended in turin, custody, but the reality is many say that without these images being broadcast, then perhaps they wouldn't be any comeuppance for the police. even president machen said that that image of the black producer who was just trying to get into his
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studio, being beaten, was shameful, and more diffuse. it was very hard when they fired tear gas. i was at the back. i tried to call my lawyer. i tried to call a lot of people, even a neighbor heard my screams. he called me and asked what's going on. i explain it, i've been attacked and he wanted to call the police, but it was the police. it's outrageous. i can't even tell you what i'm waiting for . i wish, of course, that this never happens again to anyone. whether there are cameras or not, it should never happen. the police are here to protect us. well journalists and danger use it criticised article 24, saying essentially gave the green light to police officers just stop them from doing their job to stop them from filming. it had been previously backed up by the government who said that this was needed to protect the police officers who have been facing unprecedented levels of violence. the police unions that said that this law didn't go far enough. they wanted something stronger. but of course that now
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has been backtracked with the announcement that this particular part oscar 24 will be completely the former interior minister, who is the president of the parliamentary group. christopher cassidy said that it was the parliamentarians and must be the guarantors of fundamental rights. and this is freedom of expression and freedom of the press and human rights group is accusing europe of creating its own one tonne of all of sorts by allowing its citizens to be subjected to human rights abuses at camps in syria, according to a rights and security international report, there are $640.00 european children and $230.00 european women being held illegally and without charge at kurdish run camps for terror suspects in the northeast of assyria. the report contains eyewitness accounts of inhumane and degrading treatment as are comments. just look at this sea of tents
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enormous dubbed in the report as the new get mo, europe's kuantan of all because of the citizenship or the origin of many of the families there. but here's why this place could outdo the infamous prison in reputation for the horrors happening inside. and pretty much every tent. there are kids since the start of 2019, more than 400 children have died in the main camp. long after i saw was wiped out in this part of syria. families of suspected terrorists are paying the price some die because of gruesome conditions. it can be anything from bad food to tent fires . last winter, 3 and children were burnt alive. we saw the bodies so the babies. if someone dares to speak out against the conditions, the guards, as it's been reported, resort to gunfire. we never feel safe here. my main worry is that my children are
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injured or dying from gunshot wounds. one day a bullet landed between my neighbor's tents. i'm afraid of the bullet enters my tanned and winds of one of us. one children, especially boys grow older. they could end up being forcibly removed, just in case 2 men in military uniforms who had their faces covered with these cards and carrying kalashnikovs and very fast. they took my son who was asleep. i screamed, they said, don't scream. local authorities have admitted they are removing troublemakers, which could be justified by the detainees all in violent behavior. at times, imagine scuffles between those who reject eisel ideology and those who remain brainwashed. it's an explosive mix. the question is whether the threat from these clashes is an excuse for any humane treatment bordering on torture. the syrian democratic forces that are running the camp, say such practices are banned,
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but they are admitting mistakes and keep complaining about the resources they have or lack to keep the whole mess under control. we'll soley responsible for the safety and security of thousands of families of militants in the whole camps. something for beyond a modest capabilities due to the failure of the international community to cooperate with us and their refusal to repatriate this. it's so where do these families belong? who bears the ultimate responsibility for the woman and children? many of whom never chose to be an islamic state, but ended up in its jaws. e.u. members don't want the families back flying them as a security threat, revoking citizenships. it is more than turning a blind eye, the state's actively engaging in a policy that is leaving these people in these dire conditions outside of the law. they're actively doing it because they've said that the security approach is to
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leave them. that this is a strategic policy, it is a moral aberration to have a strategic policy which is leaving mostly children in its attention to die. there is no easy solution and maybe there is no way out europe with its own. i still sleep or sells an unprecedented numbers of terrorist attacks in recent years. isn't looking forward to any extra fuel on the fire decision was that the dutch government does not have to pick up these children. and these women from syria right now. what the judge says is that it is a political decision, and that it is not up to the judge to decide whether they should do this or not. i emphasize that a national security threat means the threat of the most serious kind to the public . the resists, serious risk from anyone who is aligned with ours. so so for now, unfortunately, it looks and navigable that more blood will be spilt in the sea of tents.
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the u.s. state of wisconsin has confirmed to joe biden's election victory following on from arizona. the president elect is ploughing on with appointments and has revealed his pick for white house press secretary. and as with almost all his nominees so far, it's a familiar face from the obama era. more on that from artie's killam up and well, presumptive president elect joe biden has achieved what's being hailed as an identity. tarion breakthrough with an all female press team and it will be headed up by and none other than jennifer psaki. now folks will remember. jennifer psaki from 2013 in 2014, when she was a spokeswoman for the u.s. state department. and she actually became notorious for a number of her, a number of her blunders that she delivered from the state department podium. let's review jennifer psaki career. there are flows of gas, the natural gas,
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i should say. they go through from western europe, through cain train to russia, and we are, i'm sorry, the other way from russia, through ukraine to western europe. and i don't have anything, any specific comment on the case that point to the egyptian government. and i was very due to have a conversation with the department of justice. i don't have any kids and the state does, instead of have anything there. and i don't have more details on who are members of refugees, russia, and see no evidence to prove who are really to russia, sorry. its nested elegy was also highly suspect, with reports of carousel boarding pre-marked ballots. which carousel is that? you know, i'm new to this is i was reading that i'm not familiar with that term either. it may be that people weren't checking and i'll check and see what, what our team meant specifically my, that, i mean it's not like they were sitting on it or she was going to leave the service . i don't think it's a reference to that. this is just the tip of the iceberg. there are many other examples of misc sakis mind blowing away with words. however,
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she seems to have taken it upon herself to regain the trust of the american people . take a listen. i can't imagine a smarter savi, or better human, to partner with, than careen. john be here to rebuild. trust of the american people communicate the biden, harris agenda, and main. the work of the u.s. government more accessible to the people who all serve. jennifer psaki is not the only individual in the new white house communications team who will have come out of the obama administration. for instance, you've got the communications director for the white house as well as the communications director for the 1st lady, both being individuals who worked with joe biden when he was vice president. and, when he was a u.s., senator. furthermore, you've got the deputy press secretary, being someone who served in the cabinet of the obama administration. and it's important to note there is one outlier. there is an individual who will be serving as a senior advisor to camila harris, who did come out of the bernie sanders campaigns. however,
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this individual is the exception. now in addition to their ties to the obama white house, these individuals seem to also have pretty clear ties to us mainstream media. jennifer psaki herself, has been a c.n.n. contributor in addition to that, you've got corinne jean here. she has worked as a political analyst for m s n b c and n.b.c. news. now, simone sanders has been a c.n.n. commentator before she moved on to the biden harris campaign, and she will also be part of the communications team of the biden harris administration. so lots of familiar faces from the obama era and from us mainstream media will be moving into the executive branch and working in the media team of joe biden's presidential administration. let's bring in the us the libertarian party's arvin vote. he's a former vice chair of the libertarian national committee. thank you very much for being with us here in our 2 international as always. so, joe biden,
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he's chosen an all female senior communications team. again, lots of familiar faces. we were, we've known them here on our team for quite some time. now, these are all from the obama era. why is biden going in this direction? i mean, this is an obvious distraction tactic. the idea i assume is to create such a highly noticeable identity shift that the content of the message is different. so the idea is that if you have an all female communications team saying yes, the united states is continuing perpetual war. yes, we're going to keep our keep the drug war going. yes, we're going to keep our failed welfare policies ranging from food stamps, a government schools that have kept the american people in a state of dependency. yes, we're going to keep doing that that somehow. the fact that the messages are all female will distract the american people. listen, the american people aren't dead. if you keep the failed policy going, it won't matter who announces it what matters is how bad the policies themselves
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are. so the next white house press secretary is to be gen psaki, another obama administration veteran. she came in for a fair amount of ridicule for some notorious blunders. is she up to the job being in the white house speaking for the administration itself? i mean, i don't think it takes that much skill to keep on spouting the same status quo so. sure. i mean, i think she has the ability to keep giving the exact same message that the last several presidents have given. i mean, she has practice from the obama era. she is proud of the campaign. she's not to be saying a thing different or new or interesting. so sure. i think she's up to that job. i don't think that's a job. that's worthwhile. what we need is a president who's going to actually shape and change things and improve the lives of the american people. by cutting government now is not nothing against an all female and all female press team. the libertarian party presidential candidate in 2000, in 2020, was a woman, a powerful leader, joe jorgensen,
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who talked about cutting government spending the welfare state ending the war on drugs. so that's, that's if there's nothing wrong with having women announcing this. but the fact that we're going to just have more of the same, more failed policies, more drug war, more endless foreign wars. that to me is a huge problem. we've touched on this a little bit, joe biden has picked a lot of women for senior positions in his cabinet and is winning praise for the diversity of his choices. what message do you think he's trying to send? i think he's trying to send a pure political distraction. he's saying, look at me, look at this, you know, very obvious thing, but don't look at this other thing that's almost just as obvious. so in other words, pay attention to who's delivering the message. pay attention to the messenger look at the identity of the messenger, but don't pay too much attention to the message because exactly the same as what you've seen under the last democrat and republican administrations of more big government, more failed policies, more
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a war on drugs all that the american people are tired of that and i think the american people also are also frankly smarter than that. now. and you touched on this just a bit, but i want to go back into it briefly and has made it clear that he's itching to restore america's leadership on the global stage. what do you make of his goals and has he got the right team for the job? i mean, the goal is absurd. america has in terms of nato. it's been that's been one way. the leaching of the american taxpayer. america is not made any safer by having alliances with socialist countries in europe. but the countries in europe, of course, are made safer by having their alliance with america. the america, america needs to maintain a military many, many times as big as what we actually need for own defense. so we can keep on defending socialist europe and going back in that direction,, trying to be more involved in nato, rejoining the w.h.o., which so badly dropped the ball when it came to reporting the clearly nonsensical statistics coming out of china when it came to the early phase of the krona virus
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pandemic. i mean, that's just stupid. so i think it's a terrible, terrible idea. and, you know, in terms of who's going to execute this terrible idea, i mean, i have no idea, but if it is the wrong direction for american foreign policy, it is the wrong direction for american domestic policy to base any of our decisions on clearly false data coming out of other countries, all right, interesting to hear thoughts from the libertarian party are involved. thanks for being with us here on our 2 international. thanks for having me on. all right, still to come this hour. iran seeks retribution over the killing of its top nuclear scientists, while regional powers fear a new crisis. one that when we come back, this is our team international
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welcome back. this is international. now russia is accusing western powers of unleashing a massive information campaign over the alleged poisoning of opposition, figure election, a volley. the claim that came out during day one of the annual conference of the global chemical weapons watchdog, the o.p.c. w, at which 56 nations demanded answers from moscow. here's russia has accused the o.p.c. w. of politicizing, the investigation into what happened to alexei novelli. russia says that the hague based chemical weapons watchdog is serving the agenda of all the nations. instead of trying to look into what had happened, germany and its allies resulted to make
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a phony diplomacy, unleashed a mass disinflation campaign against russia, and started to demand some independent international investigations. under the, auspices of the o.p.c., w. $56.00 o, p. c, w. member states put their signatures to a statement saying that the russian opposition figure mr. valley was poisoned in russia using a chemical weapon, a nerve agent from the novacek group. mr. valley was flying from siberia to moscow back in august of this year when he took ill on the flight and had to make an emergency landing in the city of. he eventually ended up here in berlin to receive treatment.
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moscow has made numerous requests that share data that is at the very heart of the allegations against russia. so far those requests are fallen on deaf ears. the kremlin, says berlin is actively trying to derail an investigation by the russian side. but where this leaves us is with a deep divide between russia on one side, the o.p.c. w. on the other, when it comes to trying to get to the bottom of what happened to alexina volley, the united arab emirates, has it condemned a last friday's assassination of iran's top nuclear scientist, the gulf monarchy, call it a threat to regional peace. the emirates condemns the crime of the assassination.
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it kosher no sides to practice the greatest possible restraint. so as to avoid dragging the region to new levels of instability and threats to peace. and tehran blames the killing on israel and of the us and its part to days of rioting with people burning both american and israeli flags and torching portraits of donald trump. and joe biden, here's what is known about the assault with iran valuing that retaliation. there are fears of deeper hostilities with of the u.s. and israel. and as our says, it is done of comments. it could pose a major challenge for the incoming biden administration. so far,
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it's been up to run to make accusations, and they israel alongside with the u.s. quite expected. lee, are its prime suspects. warning against any adventurist stick measures by the united states and israel against my country. particularly during the remaining period of the current administration of the united states in office. the islamic republic of iran reserves its right to take all necessary measures to defend its people and secure its interests. in response. israel, the one country whose spies might actually know more about iran than iran knows about itself. has had this to say. i have no clue who did it is not that my lips are sealed because i'm being responsible. i really have no clue. and the united states, the same united states that kicked off 2020 with an open assassination of iran's top general has been completely mute this time. and it would be perfectly fine given the total lack of evidence and nation thousands of miles away from iran had
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anything to do with the killing except in the past 2 weeks. several unconfirmed reports claim the donald trump was seeking options to attack iran to further detail its nuclear program. factories that there would make a perfect target given he was quite a celebrity for israeli intelligence. remember that moon 5 years ago. so here's his direct and uses. the general loom is to announce the closure of project on mars. but then he adds special activities. you know, what are those special activities will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments. and in fact, this is exactly what iran proceeded to do. it continued this work in a series of organizations over the years. i know for preside a well, he doesn't know how well i know him. if i met him in the street,
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most likely i would recognize him. he does not have a new unity. he did not have immunity, and i don't think he will have immunity by aggravating iran. trump would also be throwing a spanner in the machinery of joe biden's foreign policy. given that the president elect has hinted at a friendlier stance on to iran, would offer to iran a credible path back to diplomacy. if iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the united states would rejoin the agreement as a starting point for follow on negotiations. with our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the nuclear deals provisions while also addressing other issues of concern and europe, whose leaders probably still have a p.t.s.d. over january's prospects of world war 3. have been pointing out that this latest killing creates a tough road ahead for biden, a few weeks before the new u.s. administration takes office. it is important to preserve the scope for talks with iran, so that the dispute over iran's nuclear program can be resolved through negotiations
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. we therefore urge all parties to refrain from any steps that could lead to a further escalation of the situation. during the past 4 years, trump has sent america's relations with iran, back into the path of us, tell it by unilaterally tearing up the nuclear deal, recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital. and sending his top diplomat on a charm offensive to all of the middle eastern nations that oppose iran. definitely what the israelis were aiming for. i mean they're there, they're sure and hope is that the united states gets involved in a military action against iraq. that's. that's their ultimate goal, that's their ultimate objective. you know void of that. the next best thing is to ensure that the united states doesn't improve relations with iran, by rejoining the iranian nuclear agreement. and the way you do that is to sabotage any effort at diplomacy. i mean, when you knock off the number one scientist in iran's nuclear program, in
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a suburb of tehran in a bold, daring daylight attack, you're not going to have the iranians go. that's ok. let's, let's get on with diplomacy. it's going to get the reaction. it's getting right now, a hard line iranian response that will further restrict the efforts of not totally shut down the efforts of international inspectors. and only increase international concern that iran might be edging towards. a military weapon is ation effort. this new high profile death, even though there's no hard evidence to reveal the culprits will only once again prove to tehran, that the raw power was hell bent on destroying it. and with the wounds from the assassination of gen, son, imani, still fresh in the mind. no one can be expecting restraint from iran, 31 and a half minutes. that's when i'll be back with another full and fresh look at the news. this is our team. international.
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financial ization has its limits. the accounting tricks of stock buybacks and money printing their lives and in saudi arabia. we see a brilliant example of what happens when a country decides to go into financialization, instead of let's say, diversifying into actual productive economic activity. i think one of the worst things as a kid is what you want to do. it's not what you want to do. it's why do you do the things you do? you could design a life that is focused on your watch being aware of work as a way of expression. people ask me what motivates me every day and i look, i'm just being me. i started my company because it was an expression of myself. i
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am just painting on a canvas, but i think if we can teach them that think of their work and their life as a place to express themselves and then dream of what they see themselves becoming. that strategic mistake makes you think more long term rather than the short term want. athletes are told to picture making the shot before they take the shot. and i think that the same thing is true for the rest of us. we have to picture what our goal is, is looking like and not just pick an arbitrary goal, but what do we want our life to look like? and then create a plan to get there. and we can help kids do better, but it's in their own hands. it's in their hands, that's a lesson every kid should learn. and those sort of step the responsibility i can make sure that i never will be poverty. and my kids in the role of barbie if i do the right thing.
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