tv News RT December 1, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EST
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well, the public which all those laws, i'm sure those laws also you there. backing down the french government drops a bill to ban the filming of police following weeks of nationwide protests. the landmark case in australia for a tease that sees a child from the family off, the parents refuse to consent to sex change treatment. we will hunt down criminals till the end. iran doubles down on the veyron revenge for the killing of its top nuclear scientists. as its futile takes place into the wrong shock as the it's revealed times up to the group set up by hollywood celebrities
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with huge p.r. to find sexual harassment. spent just 10 percent of donations received on actually helping with a very good morning. you're watching r.t. international with me. it's the french presidents ruling party has scrapped a hugely unpopular bill to restrict filming police a spokesperson blamed misunderstanding, misunderstandings over the law, which will now be rewritten. opponents had warned the measures called article $24.00, violated media freedoms and allowed officers to get away with brutality. the u. turn follows weeks of national uproar. my
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it, it was present my current chad and the movement see meeting on monday. as part of that meeting, there was the french prime minister, the french interior minister, and also the leaders of the parliamentary parties of the majority, the presidents of these parties. now they decided following that meeting, that this specific article, article 24 would be suspended from the bill. as i say, it follows a weekend of violent protests in france, where more than a 130000 people came out to the streets to say that they didn't want this particular part of the north in acted here in france. well, the anger that we saw in those protests had been focused on 2 incidents in the last 7 days, which showed extreme versions of police brutality. the 1st was
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a week ago on monday evening, here in paris when police were showing them videos using brute force to dismantle a migrant camp with one journalist saying that he had been attacked 3 times during the evening by the security forces as he was trying to carry out his job that was described as shocking by the interior minister and there was an investigation launched. and then the 2nd incident was that of a black music producer here in paris, who was shown on security footage being beaten up by officers. now the 4 officers involved in the incident have since been suspended in turin, custody, but the reality is many say that without these images being broadcast, then perhaps they wouldn't be any comeuppance for the police. even president machen said that, that image of the black producer who is just trying to get into his studio, being beaten, was shameful, and more diffuse. it was very hard when they fired tear gas. i was at the back. i
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tried to call my lawyer. i tried to call a lot of people, even a neighbor heard my screams. he called me and asked what's going on. i explain it, i've been attacked and he wanted to call the police, but it was the police. it's outrageous. i can't even tell you what i'm waiting for . i wish, of course, that this never happens again to anyone. whether there are cameras or not, it should never happen. the police are here to protect us. well, journalists and engineers had criticised article 24, saying essentially gave the green light to police officers just stop them from doing their job to stop them from filming. it had been previously backed up by the government who said that this was needed to protect the police officers who had been facing unprecedented levels of violence. the police unions that said that this law didn't go far enough. they wanted something stronger. but of course, that now has been backtracked with the announcement that this particular part ought to $24.00 will be completely rewritten. the former interior minister,
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who is the president of the parliamentary group, christopher cassidy said that it was the parliamentarians. it must be the guarantors of fundamental rights, and this is freedom of expression. and freedom of the press is the china latif wrongs discuss the issue with such as the boston. marathon france unbowed party spokesperson, david gura. the government is changing its message. why not at all? because interior minister dominate is no longer right. but because of the mobilization of civilian forces, several 100000 people took to the streets to declare that liberties are not something secondary and unnecessary. the growth of the number of photos only confirm such abuses that have existed for many years. and the source of these abuses is not just one black sheep in the police ranks, but that there are political and public figures who did not want to arrange everything effectively. remember, one time interior minister dominate ensured us that there is no police violence.
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there is no racism that everything is in order and so on. and today reality collides with their money. and he changes his narrative. the problem is not police violence. some police officers do indeed commit reprehensible acts, but the violence does not come from them. we see how violence is cultivated in society. the 1st victims are police officers. hundreds of police officers are attacked every day. there is not the respect for law enforcement officials. there was in the past. sure, dermott, it's problems that he speaks in the way the president expects him to because you need to please both the right and the left at the same time. the problem is in the actions and the results that current policy slack to it is difficult to imagine that during the quarantine period, hundreds of thousands of people could protest action where there are no social
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distancing measures. the main problem is that there are 3 already certain how completely helpless they are experiencing a crisis of falling authority and wrongs repeated threats to avenge the assassination of its leading nucleus. physicists that sparked outrage throughout the country. speaking of the scientists feared all this, that the defense minister insisted they will hunt down the perpetrators general. yeah. crime, no assassination. and the foolish action of the left by the iranian nation, we will certainly hunt down criminals until the end. they must know that they will be punished for their actions. the assault took place on friday when most than i was travelling in his condo to wrong. he was shot in an ambush and died of his injuries in hospital iran, immediately branded the attack an act of state terror with countries across the middle east and beyond, also condemning the killing. daniel hawkins reports dr. morsi, in fact, result,
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it was different things to different people, to his family, a husband and a father to his country, a patriot, a prized and respected scientists to others, though he was a threat affectively in charge of iran's alleged nuclear weapons program. it's no surprise, some would have wanted him out of the way. dr. morse in fact, is that they had a project about put it, remember the name for that, and you would not be surprised to hear that soprano is led by the same person who led project ahmad after 5 years of good and also not coincidently. many of supplants key personnel worked under fair use of the project or mark to ron points, the finger at israel, which in line with its usual policy hasn't confirmed or denied any involvement in the assassination of a cabinet minister has said he was clueless about who the perpetrators could be, i have no clue who did. it's not that my lips are sealed because i'm being
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responsible. i really have no clue. whoever carried out this attack, it was carefully planned and brutally executed to a higher level of sophistication. importantly in the operation was very complicated and carried out by using electronic devices no individual able to present to the site. we don't exactly know what motivated the killing. but if it had anything to do with removing a supposed threat in the interests of peace and stability, the result so far seems to be the reverse. the streets a boiling over with anger. well fuck result. it was given a state funeral and granted martyr status. iran is out for revenge. some hardliners are calling for direct, massive retaliation against those who they think are responsible. even the strikes
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on israeli cities are on the table for an eye says god's law and to iran is in no mood to let this crime go unpunished. and images of around i have to know that the rainy nation and the country's officials are brave enough to respond to this criminal action. when the time is right, the relevant officials can respond to this crime. but this is now bigger than just tit for tat violence. if wars in iran's alleged nuclear program was the goal that's failed, iran's government has vowed to continue this. scientists work with redoubled efforts . i'm talking, she will be more united will be more determined even for the continuation of your party will carry on with more speed and power and the nuclear deal already in tatters after the us withdrawal is quickly fading. as the country's parliament looks, the stop inspections at its nuclear sites with the consent of m.p.'s to urgent action plans were adopted to lift sanctions in order to return to the era of the
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nuclear energy boom. and to stop surveillance by i.a.e.a. spies with biden's incoming administration aiming for a new deal with iran. it's looking like they could get no deal at all by them. we'll have to put it in simple terms, apologize. in some ways he will have to come up for have was even more of a diplomatic concession than simply restoring the j. c. p agreement . i think iran will need far more guarantees after all, even when president obama signed the deal not on sanctions were removed. and iran never quite benefited economically hoped. and why would the iranians choose compromise in a rare moment of unity?, they now have the support of everyone from turkey and iraq to the u.a.e.,
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and even europe. we're going to end this heinous murder and extend our condolences to the government of iran and the family of the deceased. the emirates condemns the crime of the assassination. it causes nor sides to practice the greatest possible restraint, so as to avoid dragging the region to new levels of instability and threats to peace. this is a criminal act and runs counter to the principle of respect for human rights and the e.u. stands for, for every action equal and opposite reaction. it was clear assassinating a scientist on a rainy in the soil, would stir up a hornet's nest and will lead to a reaction across the region and beyond. us president elect joe biden, surprise to many with his new white house press. secretary pick don't starkey's not only carry over from the a bomb in iraq, she's also become notorious for her gaffes kaleb mocking reports as joe biden edges toward inauguration, despite republican efforts to derail it. at this point,
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it's pretty clear the transition is underway. biden is appointing his cabinet and he's got internet, social justice warriors beaming with pride about the fact that he has selected an all female senior press team. so the white house communications will be headed up by a familiar face. jennifer psaki, now she knows the office well, having worked under the administration of barack obama and then moving to the u.s. state department. but exactly how good she is at communicating accurate information is another matter. there are flows of gas, the natural gas, i should say. they go through from western europe through ukraine crain to russia, and we are, i'm sorry, the other way from russia. 3 ukraine to western europe. and i don't have anything, any specific comment on the case that point to egypt in government. and i was very due to have a conversation of the department of justice. i don't have any 1003 days instead of have anything is there and i don't have more details on horsham versus refugees, russia and see no evidence to prove plein who are fleeing
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to russia. sorry. geography is not sakis best subject now. she raised some eyebrows when she condemned forces in eastern ukraine, saying that they were engaged in an election rigging, scheme called carousel voting, which she had no idea what that actually meant. perhaps this tendency to make verbal blunders is something that the new administration will find enduring. after all, this is going to be the man at the top. what's not to like, but from the beauty of it, and what a neat term watch would have been. those kids to pluck and came up to see most post-prison that they once knew that in such a sum you coverage of international leaders spoke about you had people like more people like the syrian time syrian who sees a friend. she's been my friend, jen psaki says. 'd that she is proud of her new to lauding them loudly on twitter. i can't imagine a smarter savi or better human to partner with,
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than korean john pierre, to rebuild trust of the american people communicate by tim harris agenda and main. the work of the u.s. government more accessible to the people who serve. now this is no surprise as the, team is made up of d.c., a holdovers from the obama years, including a few who have been part of biden's d.c. posse for decades. one of visor who's coming in to work with incoming v.p. . camila harris is someone who has been an advisor working with democratic veteran bernie sanders for a long time. but the rest are just simply washington regulars. they'll be swapping seats in the ongoing game of musical chairs on capitol hill. and they also have, ties to u.s. mainstream media. jen psaki spent some time at c.n.n. as did simone sanders, corinne, jean peer has worked at m. s. n, b c. the cozy relationship between the incoming administration and the mainstream media is going to be something. it's rather hard to dispute,
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but that doesn't mean there won't be a few entertaining moments. kaleb, oppen artsy new york, the former vice chair of the us libertarian party national committee, thinks the makeup of the new communications team is a distraction tactic. she has the ability to keep giving the exact same message that the last several presidents have given. i mean, she has practice from the obama era. she is proud of the campaign. she's not to be saying a thing different or new or interesting. this is an obvious distraction tactic. the idea i assume, is to create such a highly noticeable identity shift that the content of the message is different. somehow the fact that the messages are all female will distract the american people . listen, the american people aren't that dumb. if you keep the failed policy going, it won't matter who announces it, what matters is how bad the policies themselves are. look at this, you know, very obvious thing,
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but don't look at this other thing that all those just as obvious. so in other words, pay attention to who's delivering the message, pay attention to the messenger, look at the identity of the messenger, but don't pay too much attention to the message because exactly the same as what you've seen under the last democrat and republican administration. there's major embarrassment for time's up a sexual harassment charity set up by hollywood celebrities to much sun. i'll say it was revealed, it spent just 10 percent, all the donations on 20 helping women tax filing. so the group raised more than $3500000.00 and it's sosia of operation 2018. but almost hoff went on salaries alone with huge sums also spent on luxury resort conferences and such. just $312000.00 went to the victims of sexual harassment, received this response from the organization. our $28.00 in expenses were mostly
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related to our startup costs, such as legal costs and recruiting stuff that would establish initiatives that would be launched in 2019. time's up was formed in the wake of the scandal over harvey weinstein. a form, a former top hollywood producer, found guilty of sexual assault. the foundation says it's gone on to help thousands of victims, including committing millions of dollars in legal and pay our support. but lawyer, marty harasser thinks new rules are needed for such nonprofit organizations. i would say this really is not a good battle for an hour profit organization. this is what i would call in and discipline basically lost their way. and really what their actual mission was, and it seemed like than our profit was sort of using the organization as a slush fund. the golden rule for profits is that 75 percent of its being really should go to its mission. ma 25 percent go to goes toward the ministration,
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but here 38 percent went to salaries and with the c.e.o. should have done was to see this imbalance and actually take a here's what happens with nonprofit organizations as there are, there are very sort of like self-regulation. i think the best thing that a nonprofit actually can do is put their taxes right on their web site for the public to see. and also, i mean, i think for these sort of large, large profit organizations that, you know, get a lot of media attention. you know, what they really should do is sort of mechanisms in place where, you know, you have like independent board. you have an independent arbiter, you put controls, internal controls in place. a landmark court decision sees an australian child from parents after they refuse requests for agenda change. the couple are appealing and warm. they're being bullied by authorities into granting consent. the authorities say we're not allowed to change gender,
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so it's dangerous for her to come back to our house because we will mentally abuse or they want us to consent to tests or string treatment. the child who cannot me now be named for legal reasons, was born female. at the age of 15, she told her parents she wanted to become a boy. when the parents refused, she openly contemplated suicide in online posts and was then taken from her home by child protection services. we've put the issue up for debate. you take a child at their most vulnerable age and you take them out of what is secure. we all know that teenagers make irrational mistakes. that's part of being a teenager. most of us can look back at our teenage years and say we made some very irrational decisions. and that without the guidance and loving support of our parents, and no one loves us more than our parents, in most cases, we would have made worse mistakes. so to rip, that authority away from parents is often the worst mistake that the courts can do
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. well, as luis de xcuse says, and we still are from the assumption that somebody who seems to themselves has been transgender, is somehow making the mistake that they don't understand the things that the not capable of making a rush to informed decision. not particularly to see somebody 15 or 16 to be incapable of making an informed, rational decision. not only are the parents being bullied, but their rights are literally being stripped away from them by the government in this instance. and australia teenage hood is an emotional time kubrick. his emotional time were literally pumping with you know, emotions. and so to say that a child who's 12 years old has decided. ringback that they want to identify a certain way and that the parents are now going to be forced to allow this child to have or move their r.p. . i mean, it literally slaps in the face of what the purpose of appearance actually is. the thing about this is, this is really politicians and black robes making political decisions. when you
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consider the science, the real science, we know that is sometimes these decisions people can regret later in life. let the child wait until he's an adult to make a decision that may affect his health, his or her health for the rest of their life. if they're just waiting a few years. the parents should be the ones who have lovingly walk them through this. not a doctor, not a court. no one should trump the authority of a parent in this situation. in certain parts of the wells and stop and 16 year olds can vote. they can make a decision in this country. they can be members of the armed forces and they can pay turks and they can marry with parental consent if we're going to allow now as a society 16 year olds to make those very mature decisions in my opinion. then as absolutely outrageous to take this bonkers, old fashioned view that children are somehow the chattels of their parents little
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more. the fact of the answer is most people who transition transition successfully and it helps their mental health, their physical health overall well being. of course, doing anything and you have, you know, one or 2 in which regret it now is quite rare. and this for the parents should be the divina foti just because they gave birth to their child is in my opinion, ok for the misconceived. when a child says to their parents, i believe that i'm a girl, even if that child is 8 years old and they're physically a male. the, the current prevailing practice is to allow that child to determine what they want to do going forward to say anything different is considered abuse and finishing up abuse is being conflated and being very hard to use in a way that's harmful to actual children who are being abused,
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he can't consent to sex. how on earth can you determine that you are old enough to want to have a misstep to me at 12 and have your breasts removed or you want to have your gender reassignment. all these are things that a 12 year old in a 13 year old don't have the capacity to understand a longstanding implications of in. so how do we provide a way out for children who are suffering from gender dysphoria? what should happen if there's a conflict with parents starting to fall on the parents to make the best most loving decision for their families? there are 2 things going against children. in these situations. one is if they're ripped from the loving arms of their parents, and 2 is if they're forced to make a decision to young that they might regret the suicide rates are astonishingly higher for children that make these decisions. decisions. the younger they are when they make these decisions, the more high the suicide rate is for them later in life, once they've transitioned. so we need to be very careful about these children being exploited for political reasons. one of britain's most prestigious
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schools eaton is on the defensive. after firing a teacher for opposing radical feminism, english teacher world noland uploaded a lecture challenging the view that masculinity was intrinsically toxic. after refusing to take it down, the school dismissed him for gross misconduct, claiming the content broke laws on equality. but more than 1000 students have signed a petition demanding his reinstatement unloaders appealing against the decision. but eaton's refusing to back down there was simply no other choice than to ask for it to be taken down. the school made the reasonable request that the teacher temporarily remove it, pending further discussion. but despite multiple requests and then instructions, he persistently refused to do so. we always saddened to see matters reach such an outcome, but the school had no choice in the face of clear legal advice and the persistent refusal to even temporarily remove the content. as the child lost a u.k. discuss, the issue with lawyer, get us
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a political activist and author. i sat through that lecture. it was, it presented a particular point of view about the biological roots of masculine mistakes. i was seeking to counter the idea that's popular in contemporary semitism that masculinity is inherently problematic. and i think that was worth doing. you know, it's worth making a case for masculine values in the contemporary age. so the real problem is, the less busy chair was wrong. the words that he used are really appalling. i mean, he starts saying that patriarchy is a theory, not a theory of matriarchy in the social system. is this in a society where men hold the powers that might be elected at the students distillery question. but that would make it all the more valuable for them to say it. there is no other way to express your distaste with particular ideas and to get around your own arguments that encounter material you disagree with. and if i was
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at school one of the best schools in the country, i would recognise that a lecture the i disagreed with, could form part of very meaningful aspect of my education. if you studied straight and social a gene, you understand how societies were constructed in the past. and you can understand also how much toxic musk unity is connected. and with that the emergency of domestic violence that we're facing still nowadays. if they really believe that an occupant is capable of preaching equality, little then find a way story. find a way to support your teachers. pushing forward robust ideas to your students. that sport at school should be full and we should all due for it and get the lore out of it. as joining us here on r.t. international, we're back at the top of the hour with a loan to stay steady. it was a gave that bond,
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