tv News RT December 1, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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going to call ramsey to pedestrians in the job, in the city of trio, killing 4 people and injuring more than a dozen. the driver has been arrested and investors have news website claims to have been blocked, listed by british intelligence officer, exposing government surveillance practices declassified u.k. says it's being targeted by g. c, h, q, condom. a landmark case in australia. sees a child from parents who refuse to consent to sex change treatment. we put the issue up for debate. i don't mean are the parents being bullied, but their rights are literally being stripped away from them,
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with not all 60 g.b. in which capable of making an instalment rational decision. bring the stories you might not find anywhere else. well, that's a great start. this is our national as always good to have you with us a very warm welcome to the program. i want to start us off. we go to germany where at least 4 people have been killed in a call ramming. a driver has been arrested off to crashing into pedestrians a high speed in the western city of tria. the fatalities include one child and more than a dozen other people injured. peter has the story on tuesday afternoon, a silver gray s.u.v. plowing through people out in a pedestrian area of the southwestern city of trivia, some absolute horror stories from eyewitnesses being recounted to local media,
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talk of a, a one kilometer long trail of destruction. through this part of central trio, we're hearing of people being thrown into the air after having been struck by an s.u.v. that was accelerating into crowds of people. there's even stories of a baby carriage being amongst those people that were thrown off after being struck by the by the car. the driver has been arrested. the main suspect is in custody and the only information it's being revealed about them so far is that they are a 51 year old german from the rhine, the trio sahlberg area of the state of rhineland. nate, we've also heard from the mayor of tria, were from labor giving an emotional statement in which he was very visibly moved, visibly moved to tears. as he was recounting what he saw, including,
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he confirmed the scene the, the, the body of a child who had been struck by this vehicle. he did say that there was no further information as to why this, it took place. he said that it couldn't happen until the this suspect is being questioned to try and get to the bottom of what a motive was, but said that there was a process. we've also heard this from police as well that there is a process of questioning the suspect before they will release any more information . the local government of the area of the state of rhode island collaton age where tree is located are on their way to to the city of tria, from the capital of the state. in mind, we're expecting a press conference at 7 pm local time months in or around 3 hours, where we're hoping to get more information the only the good news that we've had is the sorties at the scene have said that there is no further danger. as far as they're concerned, there is no threat of more potential incidents taking place,
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but an investigative news website claiming to have been blacklisted by british intelligence so-called declassified u.k. is known for exposing military activities and government surveillance from london. it certainly has the story, the classified, the u.k. and the head of investigations much. he's a former financial times journalist. they've been blacklisted by g c, h q, and a number of internal e-mail showing that staff are being told not to engage without, doubt that declassified u.k. blacklisted by g.c. age, killed britain's largest intelligence agency, internal emails from shell, which will not been gauging further with math canada declassified head of investigations. the day he published what the agency privately disparaged as a negative long read about his secretive school's program. according to, declassified u.k., one particular line of investigative journalism is what got the backs up of a program run by the intelligence agency. looking into going into schools and
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teaching children how to conspire, brute force cyber attack. the website have also got quite a long history of looking at other aspects of the things that britain's military and government in general are getting up to the members question is assumed to refer to lifton and co no more. and our bodies who completed tofu conversion training in the u.k. delivered by royal air force henri of personal, in 2011 to 2012. we've been hearing from joe that is groups like reporters without borders who have described this mode of operating by g. c, h q m,
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by the government as being trompe and this is yet another worrying example of the u.k. government. imposing arbitrary restrictions on media deemed to be critical to trampy unmoved. it has no place in british democracy for a few years. the criticisms that press freedoms of being clamp down on the british government so far as this latest incident is concerned, doesn't bode well for those who are concerned about press freedoms. while we spoke with a british journalist of on ridley, she thinks the targeting of declassified u.k. follows an alarming pattern of government targeting any form of reporting. they disagree with. britain is a country which likes to pride itself in treatment of speech, and this goes completely against the grain quite why the c.h.p. was made. this decision is silly. it is
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a journalist's job to ask all could questions. to be critical of that information. beatrice seems so, you know, journalists don't do their jobs to be popular. quite the reverse. and, you know, this, this move has already been likened to a trophy and styled decision. and of course, that this is what we've seen in the white house that when journalists upset this president, donald trump, they get blacklisted, or are asked to leave the, the white house, press corps, and the g. c. h q. to do this, to journalistic organization is astonishing. a child in australia has been taken into care in a landmark court case. it's off to the parents refused requests for agenda change.
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the couple are appealing and claim that being bullied into granting consent. the authorities say we will not allow her to change gender. so is dangerous for her to come back to our house because we will mentally abuse her. they want us to consent to testosterone treatment. so the case that trialed who cannot be named for legal reasons, was born a female, but 15 told family members about wanting to become a boy. when the parents refused the child contemplated suicide in online posts and was then seized by protection services. now it's not the only case of parents clashing with authorities on gender dysphoria, which is a mismatch between people, sex at birth and that gender self identification. so earlier this year, another child in a straight, it was allowed to feminize they should treatment despite the mother's opposition, previous rulings had left the final decision up to parents while you're on my discuss this whole issue with august. you take a child at their most vulnerable age and you take them out of what is secure. we
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all know that teenagers make irrational mistakes. that's part of being a teenager. so to rip, that authority away from parents is often the worst mistake that the courts can do . well, there's always the xcuse says, and so we still are from the assumption that somebody who seems to themselves has been transgender is somehow making a mistake, that they don't understand the things that the not capable of making a rush. you informed decision? not particularly somebody 15 or 16 to be incapable of making an informed, rational decision. the parents of the child say that they're being bullied into consenting to, to start treatment in your opinion. is that any justification for putting such pressure on gardens on the family? not only are the parents being bullied, but their rights are literally being stripped away from them by the government in this instance. and in australia to say that
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a child who's 12 years old has decided that they want to identify a certain way and that the parents are now going to be forced to allow this child to have hormone bear. r.p. . i mean, it literally slaps in the face of what the purpose of a parent actually is. when you consider the science, the real science, we know that a, sometimes these decisions people can regret later in life let the child wait until he's an adult to make a decision that may affect his health, his or her health for the rest of their life. if they're just waiting a few years, the parents should be the ones who have lovingly walk them through this. not a doctor, not a court. no one should trump the authority of a parent in this situation. in certain parts of the wales and scotland, 16 year olds who they can make a decision tree, they can be members of the armed forces. they can, they can marry with rental, consents it will, and learn now as a society 16 year olds to make those very mature positions in my opinion,
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then as obsolete. you know, really just to take this old fashioned view that children on some of it shuttles a little more. the flock to the answer is move people from solution successfully. this for the parents should be the divine a foti just because they gave birth to the channel to see more 1000000 cases misconceived when a child says to their parents, i believe that i'm a girl, even if that child is 8 years old and they're physically a male, the, the current prevailing practice is to allow that child to determine what they want to do going forward to say anything different is considered abuse. and an issue of abuse is being conflated and being very hard used in a way that's harmful to actual children who are being abused. these are things that a 12 year old in a 13 year old don't have the capacity to understand
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a longstanding implications of in. so how do we provide a way out for children who are suffering from gender dysphoria? what should happen if there's a conflict with parents starting to fall on the parents to make the best most loving decision for their families? there are 2 things going against children. and these situations one is if they're ripped from the loving arms of their parents and 2 if they're forced to make a decision to leave young, that they might regret the suicide rates are astonishingly higher for children that make this decision decisions. the younger they are when they make these decisions, the more the high, the suicide rate is for them later in life, once they transitioned to. so we need to be very careful about these children being exploited for political reasons. another developing story. iran is vowing to hunt down those behind the assassination of a leading into a physicist. top officials issued a birth dog warning after the scientists funeral. iran. iran has stated before, it is our definite policy independently give
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a reciprocal response to those who ordered and committed this crime with maximum pain. for the culprits, god willing no crime, no association, and no foolish nation. we will certainly hunt down criminals until the end. they must know that they will be punished for their actions. had the assault took place on friday when the scientists were travelling in his colony a tear on, he was shot in an ambush and died of his injuries later at hospital. iran has branded the assassination an act of state terror, blamed israel as well as the us. daniel who can smell report from the shock waves that sent throughout the region. dr. morsi in factories ardea was different things to different people, to his family, a husband and a father to his country, a patriot, a prized and respected scientists to others, though he was a threat, a man affectively in charge of iran's alleged nuclear weapons program. we don't exactly know what motivated the killing,
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but if it had anything to do with removing a supposed threat in the interests of peace and stability, the result so far seems to be the reverse of the streets of boiling over with anger. well fuck resort. it was given a state funeral and granted martyr status. iran is out for revenge. some hardliners are calling for the direct massive retaliation against those who they think are responsible. even the strikes on israeli cities are on the table. life for annoyed, says god's law and to iran is in a mood to let this crime go unpunished. an image of around i have to know that the rainy nation and the country's officials are brave enough to respond to this criminal action. when the term is raid, the relevant officials respond to this crime. but this is now bigger than just tit for tat violence. if wars in iran's alleged nuclear program was the goal that's
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failed, there are this government has vowed to continue. this. scientists work with redoubled efforts should we will be more united will be more determined even for the continuation of your post. we will carry on with more and more power and the nuclear deal already in tatters after the us withdrawal is quickly fading. as the country's parliament looks to stop inspections at its nuclear sites, with the consent of m.p.'s to urgent action plans were adopted to lift sanctions. in order to return to the era of the nuclear energy boom. and to stop surveillance by i.a.e.a. spies with biden's incoming administration aiming for a new deal with to run it looking like they could get no deal at all by them. we'll have to put it in simple terms, apologize in some ways and he will have to come up for haps, with even more of a diplomatic concert than simply restoring the
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agreement. i think iran will need far more guarantees after all, even when president obama signed the deal not on sanctions were removed. and iran never acquired benefit economically as hoped. and why would the iranians choose compromise in a rare moment of unity? they now have the support of everyone from turkey and iraq to the u.a.e. and even europe. we condemn this heinous murder and extend our condolences to the government of iran and the family of the deceased. the emirates condemns the crime of the assassination. it calls nor sides to practice the greatest possible restraint, so as to avoid dragging the region to new levels of instability and threats to peace. this is a criminal act and runs counter to the principle of respect for human rights. the e.u. stands for,
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for every action equal and opposite reaction. it was clear assassinating a scientist on a rainy in the soil would stir up a hornet's nest of reaction across the region and beyond. the president of the red cross has urged governments to combat the spread of false information on covert fact scenes, which he called a 2nd pandemic. francesco walker said the public were locked in to take the job, could stall efforts to counter the virus. we believe that the massive coordinated efforts that will be needed to roll out the vaccine in an acquittal manner. need to be paralleled by equally massive efforts to proactively build and maintain trust. well, let's cross live now to an e-mail, a manual head of health and care of the international federation of the red cross. good to have your money all. i want to start off. so fake news surrounding vaccines as a 2nd pandemic. why is it coming from his spreading it and in your opinion,
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one of the most dangerous myths out there at the moment. when we have been seeing fake news all over the media. well, before a vaccine emerged that we, our box movement before a vaccine is actually to rise for distribution. and these are being fueled by, by many orcutt's of all of this society with a lot of presence on social media. we also have a lot of people that are just not informed of what, what is happening. and the red cross is really calling to actually correct these means information and try to rebuild trust at all levels in the society. you're told that about trust. i want to pick up on that. do you think that some of the contradictory information that has been coming out? yes, mosque swat, we're not sure how much the same goes for lock downs. should be sent children to school. no. oh yes. all we can transfer it to animals, but that's cold. millions of menkes to think about has always also damaged public
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trust. well, there reason one element, these is a new pun, d'amico, new virus that behaves in ways that we didn't know until a year ago. and we've been discovering it slowly, slowly by slowly and so science is adopting, enabled, and communicating a valving science is difficult. and that's why i think media scientist critical role to play, to try to explain in very simple terms what is happening and why changes may be happening. but let's be very clear that the physical distancing works. let's be very clear that mosque work. let's be clear that when vaccines will be released by the regulatory authorities, they will be effective and they will be safe. and we need to be clear on what we know. understanding of some things will change as we move along because it's a completely new virus that we are trying to talk role even within a year of experience on the now. yes. why? it's like it's new. it's evolving. i think for
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a lot of people that's what's most worrying that it is so new that with still discovering so much about it, but they think, well, it should be about me. it should be a possible choice whether i take to not understand the information around you. surely no one can be forced to do it. i think it should be a personal personal choice. and i believe that when people will be convinced. 'd of the raw, done to just taking a vaccine people will come forward. what we are seeing though, from a number of surveys, even in different countries, ease that people at the moment of a very high level of vaccine hesitancy. and so right now we see that the only 30 percent of population in many countries would actually be ready to take the vaccine . we know that these, these will increase the time passes by and people get more confident. and i think we have a role to play, to ensure that people feel comfortable confortable,
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that people feel trust towards the air of authority. used words that the scientists and towards the means that we putting in place to keep everybody safe for all around the world. now we're talking about safety, in fact, sometimes decades, you know, to walk out of the fact that french, if i understand correctly, around 10 to 12 has. now, these vaccines have, obviously, because of the situation gone through much, far off the processes. how can people beasts of their effectiveness? well, the vaccines development goes through regular phases that i've been you know, being able to accelerate that because of the, of the enormous investments that are being put into the research each of the clinical trials. so what we are doing with the clinical trials is a process that actually ensures that the results of the trials are actually v. and they will reveal on one side the efficacy. and on the other side,
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the safety. by reducing the time, there has not been a compromise on the safety and there's not been a compromise on the efficacy of all of all the trials. but at the moment we don't have yet to the results. reviewed by, by the authorities and peer reviewed, we need to wait until that moment. and only after the review, we will have a confirmation about the efficacy and the safety of docs. and so we are not there yet, but we may be there very soon. and that is, in my opinion, quite an exceptional feat because we have been able to compress what's in our time . it will take 10 years to, into a one year. it's a sign of scientific progress. that is to be welcomed and not to be afraid of. and so we just need to wait for those results and then
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hopefully we'll have the next year vaccines coming in in our communities and helping them, you know, try to bring back this terrible pandemic. we've also seen all over the world. people are scared, people are tired, they're sick of lockdowns. now, is there a danger that by banning information that seemed wrong and taken down, for example, posts from social media or flagging them? that's really going to antagonize people father. they already feel that some of that liberties are being tonight to them. do you think that this will just almost wason, that frustration in my opinion is not banning good, very good destructive destructors each sharing their right information as widely outsports. it will both on day on the regular media, the social media, but also within the community is that's what our volunteers of the red cross. and we have 14000000 all around the world do day in and day out today, go and a day listen to people, they listen to their fears, they listen to their concerns and try to respond. that's what we need to do. go
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down to the community level and really understand what the concerns are and try to respond with the most recent evidence that we do have in an hour. it is a big challenge because of all the bequeath, the changing scenario. but he's absolutely critical if, if we want to rebuild the trust that has been eroded over the past several months. and as you were mentioning, has also been accompanied by a growing for teak which is understandable. but again, this is a unique event in many decades. we have not seen anything like that and, and will have to endure a few more months in order to get out of it. and finally, i want to ask you, you mentioned that social media out, what about the role of social media giants? how much responsibility do they bat for, for the spread of information or indeed misinformation on covert on the vaccine? well, social media are clearly places where there's
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a lot of information that is being shared and a lot of music misinformation being shared. we know that a lot of the social media is, are putting a lot of efforts to counterbalance the museum formation and up through to bring forward to do the right measure. so i can see those as a potential agents of force if you change. and that's why i think we need to work with those ones because those social media, a massive influence with large parts of the population. we also need to remember though, there is a large part of the world, particularly low income countries are in for settings where social media has do not reach and where you need to rely still on the one to one communication. and again, the dots where direct cross is that's where we try our maximums to, to, to listen to people, to talk to people in address their concerns. well, it's certainly been a interesting, paired of watching how the situation unfolds over the coming months. that was a manual couple be on call head of health and cash at the international federation of the red cross. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. russian
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delegation to the global chemical weapons watchdog has touched germany and other members to stop using the o.p.c. for political purposes. the own brutal campaign of the so-called poisoning of a russian blogger and then suing actions by germany and its your allies in the p.c. . w. is a way to use this international organization to exert political and sanctions pressure on the russian federation. on monday, 56 of the 193 member states condemned the alleged poisoning of russian opposition figure i'll explain a felony. they released a joint statement urging moscow to disclose the circumstances of what they called a chemical attack. now just remind me fell ill in august on a domestic flight in russia that was taken to berlin at for treatment. germany claims it found traces of a number, chock a nerve agent in his body, an allegation later repeated by the w.
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. however, moscow says its own tests found no such substance, and the bulletin has repeatedly rejected requests for lab data. we spoke with alexander, who is russia's permanent representative to the w. . now he thinks the claims against russia have a clear political motive. what we're seeing today is deja vu 2 years ago. the british persuaded the e.u. and other countries to expel russian diplomats allegedly, in retaliation for the poisoning of the script. nevertheless, in recent years, within the e.u. policy towards russia has largely been determined by a small countries by a noisy minority of states that declare themselves front line countries playing along with anti russian sentiments. the germans drag themselves in. what's behind this, an attempt to smear russia is to present it as a violator of the world order existing in the imagination of western countries to introduce new sanctions against the russian federation. individual states interpret
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the provisions of the chemical convention as they please. we encourage delegations to be able to hear each other and share mutual respect. we must stop trying to impose our own new rules is the approved norms of international law. finally, that's major about our support for time's up. a sexual harassment charges set up by follow what celebrities with lots of publicity. and also after it was revealed, it spent just 10 percent of donations on actually helping women in its 1st year of operations. now tax filings show the group raised more than 3 and a half $1000000.00 in 2018, but almost hof went on salaries alone with huge sums also spent on luxury resort conferences. in fact, just $312000.00 went to the victims of sexual harassment, r t received this response from the organization. our turn to aid in expenses were mostly related to our start up costs, such as legal costs and recruiting. start of that would establish initiatives that
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would be launched in 2019. times op was formed in the wake of the scandal over harvey weinstein. a former top hollywood producer, found guilty of sexual assault. now the foundation itself claims it's gone on to help thousands of victims, including committing millions of dollars in legal and peel support. but lawyer money, how lassie thinks new rules a needed for such nonprofit organizations. i would say this really is not a good bottle for a nonprofit organization. this is what i would call in and discipline profit and basically lost their way. and really what their true mission was, and it seemed like the nonprofit was sort of using the organization as a slush fund. the golden rule for not profits is that 75 percent of its funding really should go to its mission. ma 25 percent go to goes toward the administration, but here 38 percent went to salaries and let the c.e.o.
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should earn was to see this imbalance and actually take a pay cut. here's what happens with nonprofit organizations as there are, they're very sort of like self regulate. i think the best thing that a nonprofit actually can do is put their taxes like right on their web site for the public to see. and also, i mean, i think for these sort of large nonprofit organizations that, you know, get a lot of media attention. you know, what they really should do is put sort of mechanisms in place where, you know, you have like independent board. you have an independent auditor, you put controls, internal controls in place. that's all for this hour, but we really hope you join us in.
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