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tv   Documentary  RT  December 2, 2020 1:30am-2:01am EST

1:30 am
well let's not go mental image in the can and will do the job with the young fishable is going to need to get that it. won't matter get. me to the tube i need to get some of the funding. in the survey yeah thank you. any money i. mean. if. he comes. to stab me.
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or charge him money that's. when somebody will die again with an adult. but with bear with me that i did pull up. i'm going to get them to meet up under the new government to. be. going to be put on my car because he's suffering after years of. all. the money module it's some how much. you might have got in the alec baldwin cup. if. we come to. believe that i'll get all the. other both of you but i don't want to go. along both. our model of you. know what will be on the.
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all the same they want a mosque on the base that's how much lock em up localhost last call about your mom leveled off it's the idea that all american they're going to get our of our when we're not doing it for us so you know a little bit as a soldier yelling. will. be seen in. this. time around assignment but isn't that. but i don't the money does some numbers after i'm done and gets out of this without. mohun.
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bagan mayhem i'm letting people to go. play there see me then you need. not give 100 knots an hour cuz d.c. will scare bad maybe mahi mahi about hama. not to make us feel good to solve your are so good moments in magic i'm not not one of them closer to ask if i love was. sold up when the kids used to me it was. coffee and food bank you had gone by here you might have been a worry a little 1000 maybe was just a mad pill for me boy you will stab little graphene. that i will. you because google me a higher you know me just call for somebody that he come with us and.
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make up quite a few by killing was a. good family look the january the magic and i couldn't really go i've been away t. me dog long make up of you just see your make up got to go but if you. 2 just go to without prompting one call it back up people are you because he's got our younger daughter by let her down i think the house there are no knocking around so many out there godchild want to travel. honestly i mean if somebody knocking i want you to downsize. when i tell you i travel well i don't
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really want to go out and i'm dark i know i don't know look bad or think about one or you'll get out of that number are divided i'm not. made and i'm headed much on may. need a fair day's to see just to see if we have left as i easily hold by you but he has . made a building business a. middy head to our fashion mcclanahan our mass of the cost of the lawful for our much loved hamada kid i a. home a snob i have to submit on for some cause less than it will seem because you go ahead because they had to kill your husband was a has been here is a yard gain is our little deceived we all thought it was the air yeah good job that book that is similar to the air the one book about the man i'm sure i'm a little thin audit about that but they. measure.
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one new idea just one of them. corny hey. can you measure model we are going to call you going to put it down. on a desist. earth. who will get that energy mounted that i did not that we don't really have enough for everyone at the time i got a look here only has the best of it. are going to look good will attempt. it but it isn't really an. ego good solution of the point i was making a the model about this will just some of them what is not up to me to look at the idea to make a lot of them to me what the motto. i'll be to do but if. the job or job are going to go to me just let me just get the idea out to some. my thought is in them that may walk this talk this the only made them but don't buy that car your stuff tomorrow that is out of that may well behaved in cars they've been here up to my
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view which i will be different if i took the money but took a particularly if the molecule. over did not some of those things did not. only. mean me can. go on land or value or. all eternity as one provided. gave me 10. dollars the because part of the bossiest we were talking. to to me was history just to tell you we could do with all its money would go to the no literally the mother's hands. there are so tough to populated kids above all that they would call time out of easy company if they knew he was a lyric made tuesday it would on spoke with the 2 implacable decay dons was causing enough to pass a little meaning the. citizen would take it on don's one can locate
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a little sooner. or be jolo be. sure boys get to hear john but i think all our yahshua lord made was that he is that of a hand much would you see have a hand yes for his equal lack of b.s.d.'s boyishness ups the hour they hand you have a holiday the week we came abi is my hearty making that i have made me. will be much would have us the hop a hair. you
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know her let her know that i think you owe it to let loose gold. your little bit below. to meet. was to love. the love that. was good was worth it to me because it was this was not noble and that it. was. it was oh if it was. i mean.
1:40 am
how do you know i have become sick and i never killed us at the yet but i have on their time they've been decided to. give us a lot of kids who are dying as i said i didn't lose that part of yeah it was good was to make love to make it up matt love going was a good suspect it's not a bad. kid let alone a. little model or a little pony in boca by the mile and most of the other but here. is. the bill so. war. sewage through various means he thought. that perhaps what i have primarily with the minutes of. leukemia would have been
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a day he. did what comes when good was at its what. a bit off well to get to that will get me to the divine master look at little bit of money pop up at the bridges need to be the return of the don't know how to push and to move up on it and to get past it a good one to get a meaning you get past it or now and then from the going to sound and it will matter you will are so kitty full school after how do i member. of the idea to just it will go away ok i would have. to do that if it is the. room which edition of the chicken. he used to know that yet not the image of the church not in the imbalance is true gene and good luck gives him another google t.v. channel and the mythical immediate amount of it going into monopoly doesn't have to then that i began to but i had to learn to put the most of each of the kill woman
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a preacher but what about them which blacklist would lead people to look as good as to just before they could presumably to a lot of time it would. make a. mess out. most of the qandil. but the plants and. our education would you do. not. model you know to image of god. you castalia. risky well this one as reader would be a good time with the bad news about matt i don't either but i'll go look good naked naked to mold it to a modern economy get a headache in a limited budget of us with the. amount of titles. to give a. little while. well both the left on that one just to become an alcoholic i will admit that i have to go out and balance. my house because i. can't.
1:43 am
say. a film about the film waffle. at this point no one knows when the cold crisis we invade however it is undeniable that this coal prices as negatively impacted the economy what does it mean to
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return to normal is that even possible now will the divide separating the rich from the poor continue to take. things become more extreme in which each to write when this is like breaking norms not necessarily in a good way. satire he knows the. right is an edgy strain is the reality you. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. was he he was 6
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i was i was thankful that i was thankful that he. was. thank you thank you thank you thank you it was. going to. be me
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a while and it was. ok julian akido on hoagy. star you make it to me like he is only here chad you're putting me on the whole history macmiller occasionally. side like your car down sort of. job but i'm on a little bit here was mr to stuff it to high is the of the sea is cool but as devoid of the secret chemical what you did before boldly get there double boiler lab for digital school south america here our job would be here to discover the skull of a human didn't miss for not an hour though is it adequate funding. general is his have said the of the city to walk these articles in the get go have the company of the seeker to underage really have a headache. completely propel something that was good bad well that's peter would be if that's the law will he get that little bit of medals it'll be to you peter you seek out each other for you to play like i said had the best of the secret to call it low when they played about making it might be just the. ghost of who best
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looking at bella tackiest pops up he's got their son would be used as they would you how to use cup as the by look i tell you this will be. tough but i. am the father you see me i'll be 1 may tell you going to tell but tell you the. news but i will tell you leave father your mother but are you. sure as hell was probably the most savvy big party you want to thank you so far the heart's in. your college a chance i will keep up a little but come on.
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you need only kind of have a global movement on up. every night you. know nothing new packaging. in. terms of what kind of. crikey just from a bit take up part of town. well the little downdraft that the small uki ethel's school can build schools get the keys with small uki. take it back and tell. the bus and i'm caught with the media. to play on the
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assets that will bob konami just feel good in a nice and. sunny and his allies there's also a little guy coming for his money it doesn't need as easy going to see. it. as it does in the name must be that it's some. one see it and that there's a book on fire because someone living there. one day with all of us stand there to . the kids he goes oh man does he have gone missing. compass still divided i mean these at that don't have to actually try. to. get home and tell is that the man at the. nominee. don't call that
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one can be above the law neil got to get home as a wife i was a. godsend i bought a baby i mean look. what do you how much. of it is. your door i said or are you. mobbed by us so i'd say well you know what the guy at the my back is getting got to a guy who employed when i didn't think that. they are very young but nevertheless i'm a. business owner you're not above the control dining table the markets up somebody if the. if you will notice that we're all dead i'm asleep or in the almighty what is your obligation if you will get to this mall go over to a little smugly go what if we do those of the muslim and you can embody we call them without you before god and dad would go beyond that though they got caught up
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with death for the use maybe just with the yeah maybe i think we could both see what you believe all of the david wessel of the. last.
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month. on. a.b.c. being. put at. the foot of. the pond to be put c on the plate any panties at heart he's a fun dancing if a fool would go badly but that he hired. 6 what i hate are joe that i have seen. here i'll go to get 1st of no relation to him who is i at a speed but i have a perception of what you want to feel get
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a cancer care center close at hand your best i'm a healer get our home out of us would have given us what education we really be taught to. be. if. to believe. in them yes i think we as a kids and a lot of us we were child care center your home but cheerful. so that could be a 2nd not just make it out come over to the correct stocking or. buy high because i care luck with the not you have a schedule hobby a spinning jahar dancing your job of being music. to care for the highways fair city home to want love all the way out of balance to be humble walk alone go home get your ass take it down say you must let me hit a good point in the not try to hold a pretty damn star you don't sleep through it good sounds pretty cool
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a bagful sounds good because just the very thing he's the 5th the couple that i decided to come close to love all. come up in a bucket sick of the hey is leo when i got a part there could be a bit of joy i am and about his navy death are actually did we meet each other how could he have to do look ahead jill then the game would begin with hey look what we can see that i make i like. the you. only don't know what it was the question was a put bucket. to. a what you. as a fight to the death cell was would made those boy a cave make sure they get to remain just occasionally. fall when a tough it. was really did they found it amusing you couldn't take
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a month to make up like couldn't. get them because. he'd be a bit of an all or. nothing going on money but not a figurehead because they. cannot be a one off so he can call the police on a chain you just give us is a torch of the. opposite . side of you that. you know that very. well.
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since the money can do you still has hope it's not. going to comment on the penalty . to. finish on the issue that his. mother could take when they did commit to be together. i want to go building to get accustomed. as he. does he'll grab me going to check the minimum make. up his bed and. bullshit ok if military obama biondi all the trees it clear when it.
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comes to what is a patrol leaving a gun on his own can. change it to the confidence to look not was adequately was. 55. always.
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get into any conversation or start answering questions. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich. you got. one now. so you should be seen in here and a whole lot more if you don't take it easy. at this point no one knows when the crisis will invade however it is undeniable that this crisis does negatively the economy what does it mean. is that even. the divide separating the rich from the.
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things become more extreme than we used to when this is like breaking norms not necessarily in a good way. the. right is. a reality you. are born into a poor family if you're born into a minority family if you're born into a family as a single parent that really constrains your life chances. poverty. is a. fight every day she to meet your needs and the needs of your family.
2:00 am
european leaders ease restrictions for the upcoming christmas celebrations but concerns grow this could spark another wave of 19 infections. nearly 700000 people in britain have fallen into poverty due to the pandemic according to new research. in one of the most shocking lockdown violations in the pandemic brussels army pay for an anti l.g.b. tea party quit after being caught trying to flee what is described as a male orgy being graded by police. and wrong to avenge the murder of a.


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