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tv   News  RT  December 2, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EST

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you. critics warn a highly controversial french police security bill in the wake of multiple births and misconduct cases will only make tensions with the public works. iran vows to avenge the murder of its top nuclear scientists and pin the blame on israel we discussed possible motives and consequences with our guests. i think it was the order to provoke iran into response could then be used as a creature extra strike on iran and its condemnation is going to go anywhere it must go to the to the to the iranian regime that celebrated this is not nuclear weapon it is a provocation. and one of the most shocking lockdown violations in the pandemic a top european parliament member for an anti l.g.b.
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tea party quits after trying to flee police raids on what's being described as a male sex orgy. and india sees one of the biggest national strikes in history as 250000000 people come out to protest free market measures. a very warm welcome from our team here and mosco you're watching r.t. international with me nick you are. in france tensions are high over a new security bill that could criminalize filming of the police officers already in the spotlight of a widespread accusations of brutality with critics mourning far more significant changes are needed to structural and deep rooted problems within the force so it depends of course. it's the burning issue in france right now how to improve
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protection for the police while also safeguarding the public from police brutality . amid a wave of anger with the plans to criminalize the publication of images of the police if there was intent to harm the government has backed down the ruling party and that the much profiled article $24.00 would be entirely rewritten hours later the interior minister outlined his plans for reform sickie a mike what is my deep conviction in what the government thinks is that we absolutely have to keep the protection of police forces during their police actions
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so i repeat they are not protected enough addictions with more training more leaders and more police and the generalized use of police body cameras these would he said tackle the root cause of the problem meanwhile the french police chief admitted that there are some issues but he defended the owner of his offices the police the police are not violent and are not racist saying this i'm not in denial and i'm not waffling i tell you what i see and what i hear every day i see the police officers or flexion of the good side of our society but for many woods are not enough accusations of police violence of tarnish the name of the force these were brought into sharp focus over the past week as she. examples emerged.
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i tried to call my lawyer i tried to call out of people even in neighborhood my screams and he wanted to call the police but it was the police. then as protests turned over the weekend did emerge that one journalist was caught in the fray injured by a police baton as he attempted to cover the demonstrations. an award winning photographer was clearly identifiable as a journalist was shocked by the injuries suffered by a colleague how be condemned the unprovoked violence the injuries were sustained as he exercised his legal rights as
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a photojournalist documenting protests on the streets of paris and did now questions have been raised about the police role in the death of an 80 year old in musée back during the yellow vests rallies. zainab was hit by a tear gas canister in $20000.00 while in her apartment originally an expert report submitted as part of the investigation concluded that the officer that fired the grenade had done so properly and she'd been hit accidentally that's now being questioned following an independent investigation it claims the officer launched the corner to an angle and too close to her building and it was there for an illegal shot a lawyer for the victim's family is so. that it was a deliberate act we believe the police officer fired tear gas grenades because he
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thought the misread of one who was on the phone using its loudspeaker was filming the police violence that took place outside her house rewriting also called 24 is unlikely to be the end of the story the recalls the entire global security bill to be scrapped passions are high not just over press freedom and the ability of citizens to film police officers but also the deep rooted problem of police violence issues that simply cannot be whitewashed so what do you can ski r.t. paris. iran's parliament has passed a bill to raise the stakes on nuclear development unless western countries ease sanctions it's urging the government to suspend u.n. nuclear inspections and boost your rainy amount of which meant above the level was agreed with international powers but the country's president has and are highly criticized the bill calling it bad for diplomacy a final decision on the issue rests with iran supremes national security council
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the bill passed a made up role in the country over the killing of iran's top nuclear scientist torana is blaming israel. the israeli government is the primary suspect in this nation and there are serious evidence has been provided the situation is that from now on we will follow the same path and we will seek to create legal responsibility for it iran as has been said and it is our firm policy will respond to both the perpetrators and the commanders it will be proportionate independent and god willing with maximum pain for those who have done it. israel's government is still refusing to comment on the issue my colleague southgate taylor discussed the escalation possible motives and outcomes with our guest. i think it was done in order to provoke iran into response could then be used as a pretext for a strike on iran try think this was designed to get the iranians to take some
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response with it which would then justify an attack on iran is what appeared to be the closing days of the trump administration concerns that this attack could provoke iran to develop nuclear weapons what's your comment on that 1st of all there is no evidence that iran ever attempted to produce nuclear weapons iran which has the most advanced military technology in the region and we've seen that how it has been used against the american base. if iran which has that technological capability if they wanted to produce a nuclear weapon they would have done so years ago the issue is not nuclear weapons it is a provocation just as your previous guest rightly pointed out the israeli regime is looking for a provocation to bring about war in this region because for them it is it's not the interest of the united states or europe or of the region it is their own interest
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let's look at who factories are there was he was a weapons specialist a nuclear weapon specialist now a school that doesn't have a soccer team doesn't hire a soccer coach and a regime that isn't seeking to carry out nuclear attacks doesn't hire nuclear weapons specialists and really you know if condemnation is going to go anywhere it must go to the to the the iranian regime that celebrated this man that carried him around in government motorcade gave him a state funeral condemnation and again i have no idea who was involved the condemnation does not deserve to go to the people that remove this man from a very problematic situation condemnation only goes to the iranian regime who continue to oppress their people and continue to seek the execution of another iranian protesters were calling on a war with america over the killing a black. in january of course we thought that the 2 countries came very close. to a confrontation over the model of general sort of made me my question is is this
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time different and how it was for the purpose of the triggering an american attack on iran that one trouble drum print for the presidency 2016 he promised an america 1st foreign policy we didn't get we got an israel saudi arabia 1st foreign policy it's interesting to me that even the saudis in iraq don't seem to be going along with the script on this one so we could end up with a situation where the americans really don't feel that they have the regional support they would only have the cover of israel to launch an attack on iran so i'm hoping war will not come under no matter what the iranian response turns out to be . one of india's biggest strikes in history has seen 250000000 people come out against any fundamental that they want will devastate their livelihoods and the capital new delhi demonstrators clashed with police who find takeouts and will to come in and use but tons to 4 spot processes.
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septembers law scrapped minimum prices for crops and helped corporations negotiate prices directly with farmers private companies can also now stockpile staple crops which could previously only be done by the government's promise in a random odia insists the new rules will benefit farmers allowing them to attract investment and choose from a large number of bias and he's accused opponents of spreading lies. we're seeing the same old misinformation against these historic agricultural
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reforms is coming from the same people who have constantly misled the farmers for decades we're working with pure intentions and without any purpose of betraying anyone. a new delhi based journalist and political commentator says the moves have been badly planned. through the laws. the government has brought in a split couple hari bottle of them is gold to replace the men with far more bathroom corporate code to do things to rule for. everything to do with chasing and the cvo can reproduce. that old leaves you're reading forcing the mafia the private good to go you have to go give you far more often lead to less crime shivery of the form of interest.
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so one of the most appalling breaches of covert restrictions now a top european parliament member has quit after brussels police caught him trying to avoid capture what's being described as a sex orgy officers raided what's being called a gay party which has surprised many as it was part of an anti l g b t coalition it was attended by some 20 people including european diplomats shina who had been chief whip of the european peoples party was caught carrying drugs as he fled through a window and shimmied down a drain pipe when police broke in a passer by reported to the police that he had seen a man fleeing the lawn the guard or she was able to identify the man the man hands were bloody it is possible that she may have been injured while philine their chordates were found in his backpack in his resignation letter shi'a admitted his behavior was irresponsible he apologized for breaching lockdown rules but claimed the drugs in his backpack had been planted for many peter david coburn says the
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whole incident so it's a terrible example. it's not setting a good example to the people in a time of the american show me going to have a good laugh about it you know the hypocrisy of it all but it is serious and as much as that people do what we set an example like that it all has to go live there or the politicians are having a tremendous party while the rest of us am i having to isolate i mean to look at my hair how to lie and use me i never had hail as long as i was a student i haven't seen obama in months so you know i try to be in the rules and set an example as opposed to little bit away and by you know i think it's better people obey the rules overseas but it's not to to do the opposite to what you're you're selling to the public. you're watching r t international still to come that will europe easing coca-cola strikes into christmas cause another spike in infection that story as well after the break.
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at this point no one knows when the cold crisis we invade however it is undeniable that this crisis has negatively impacted the economy what does it mean to return to normal is that even. will the divide separating the rich from the poor continue to update. when things become more extreme in which each day when this is like breaking norms not necessarily in a good way. those the fictional transpiring right isn't as a strain is like a reality. show small seems wrong all roles just don't all. mean you won't
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get to shape out these days to come out ahead and in again try to be close to the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. welcome back we're trying to become the 1st western country to license a vaccine against provide developed spine finds that the vaccine has been approved by the national regulator cannot cross live to our correspondent sean diaz with a donkey promotion idea stu tell us the details. well it's a new 3 folding waiting for here and you can dismounting it cause it 19 bucks will have mounting approved by the men to cool regulators and could be rolled out as
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soon as next week this announcement means that you can becomes a size country in the world to approve this vaccine and it comes off to the british medical record they can which is the and h r a says it's a job which ringback offers 95 percent protection has it lengthy and is now safe to roll out as soon as next wait so currently what's being talked about is $40000000.00 doses of nothing or just finding united them in these at the 5 supply could be a factor of around 800000 doses that could be sent to our students next week and that means that immunization could start within just a few days so far as i'm buying techs that are the ones that these distributors of all of this and that means flooding a lot of load to the u.k. most other examples as well gearing up for mass distribution in the united states are described as a historic moment very good news indeed but who's at the top of this this man u.k. press stop it kathy residents will start off then people also front line health care workers as well as also 3 modes of delivery and hospitals indoctrination
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centers and rolled out in the community as well the hospitals iraqi a poised on standby and get ready. to hand out in front of the nation and facilities now. for my time caught the house like straight and he says will be back to normal by strip spring and that it will save lives but there will be challenges . hope is on its way. through as the fire as a biotech faxing for coated 19 the n.h.s. stands ready to start vaccinating early next week the u.k. is the 1st country in the world to have a clinically approved vaccine for supply and. we've also heard from the prime minister he. actually. could get back on track specially in terms of the economy a full 2020 has been a completely write off economically in practice that with the u.k. thing in and out of the national lockdown throughout the year all really resulting
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in mass unemployment and devastated hundreds of the you can't call me a thing arthur complete standstill now all of this comes i was the new carrier coming out of it. meaning that bars and restaurants none of the. even places i know well all reopened today so from the u.k. it's all around the method really is the spring could see that the u.k. is back to normal and really it seems as though the u.k. is on the road to recovery so do you thank you for that report. in london. now with less than a month to go to christmas day you states are responding to mass on to lock down outrage by easing restrictions but leaders fear the festive gatherings could spark a fresh wave of covert outbreaks our europe correspondent peter all of us has the story. european leaders are facing a balancing act between keeping covert restrictions in place to stop the spread of the virus and allowing families to be together over the festive period this also
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the need to try in the peace some of those that have been out on the streets of european cities angry and fed up with the current restrictions. the problem is ease restrictions for christmas and new year you may well get a spike in the virus in january here in germany chancellor angela merkel has reluctantly agreed to ease restrictions on the number of people that are allowed to gather together that's been raised to 10 not including children in that number between the 23rd of december and the 1st of january but she has said that there is
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a personal responsibility on people to try and keep covert safe people in winter our worst equipped against the virus and then in the sound that because we spend much more time inside close spaces the situation becomes more difficult we just have to get through this winter months and we hope people get vaccinated and the czech republic they've got a bit further than germany and they'll be opening some shops that have being closed albeit with extra corona measures in place when it comes to religious services there's also a split across europe in italy and in ireland there will be socially distanced masses taking place while in germany and iceland they're going for the virtual auction we recorded shoot services that we broadcast online and they've also created virtual confirmation classes most who move try to. do something outside the church on christmas eve such as a coup or performance service the e.u. might get a glimpse of tension what could be coming down the pike by looking across the
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atlantic to the united states last week's thanksgiving celebration saw people travel across the country and get together with families who are looking to see if that produces an uptick in the number of corona infections but while restrictions that have been in place across europe of seeing numbers either drop off or level out here the question is is it justified to ease these restrictions for a few days of christmas cheer. meanwhile new york's governor has been ridiculous for comparing code to the grinch manson on social media think a better candidate for the children's character who stole christmas is andrew cuomo himself. overt is the group. think of it that one.
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moment is the grinch the grinch that helped spread the covert into nursing homes and profited all the deaths by writing a book about leadership in the middle of. kind of analogy from global if you're trying to encourage people to be careful about anything during the holidays because of the good guys and the good of the folks in here that you could celebrating regardless of how the grinch tried to be christmas but i'm not in any when i say. i'm going to win in court is going to steal christmas because we're going to put on christmas like they did thanksgiving.
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think think think. think think there are many thanks for joining us here on our team and some national best wednesday about so for me for today but jacqueline vehicle will be with you in 30 minutes with all the latest headlines. gang. but. it will. come close.
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the state is. getting close to one of me. that will get us from that. tumble to the. image of what. about when nobody will. know part of our. lou lou. does a sea. of people there on the cheap bus and then through and through come through
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still that's my idea of the right to scroll through his computer he said to me you know everything you do to pass. the. police discount because this is what we don't understand how we are in such a country it's. the nurse into the minds of the most incompetent. nurses think i'm going to be. similar similar to john the. one you. got. with that on the cup. with the players who. come back to play story to the super.
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hello and welcome to crossfire for all things considered i'm peter lavelle at this point no one knows when the code crisis will abate however it is undeniable that this health crisis has negatively impacted the economy what does it mean to return to normal is that even possible now and will the divide separating the rich from the poor continue to update. to discuss the economy and more i'm joined by my guest peter bergen great american
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he is an economist at the american institute for economic research in miami and we have made rezko he is in xenos chief investment strategist and we also have eric townsend he is host of the macro voices podcast original macross up rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciated ok let's go 1st to peter you know in looking at the very the. the broadest picture of what's going on in the economy right now i think we all have to be very honest with ourselves that the election cycle influenced people how they look at the economy how bad it is or how good it is and it's all been kind of changed and now as we move out of that cycle. give me your kind of most sober view. what's going on in the economy because you know we hear about a deb you recovery recovery are you and the new and and this time is the cave one which you would assume that it's. the recovery is good for some people
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and also the same time negative for others or we have going in different trajectory so when your cold sober view of what's going on the economy right now thanks it made my my you know inequality is a feature of just about any society advanced or less advanced developing rather wise we're really characterized as an advanced market economy is that even if there is a gulf between the rich and the core. there's a lot of movement at the top if you look at the fortune $500.00 list every year you tend to see that and also that as the proverb goes a rising tide lifts all boats. the what we call the n.p.r. the non-pharmaceutical interventions to address the covert pandemic and to to kill or government lockouts have actually accomplished what some have said was happening all along what they've done is they've widen the gap and they've helped the top while hurting the bottom and they've also caused a resurgence it's
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a really awful economic and social trap so i don't want to jump too far ahead but my view right now is that while recovery may be underway and a lot depends upon what happens next few months i think we're looking at the 21st century manifestation of the smoot hawley tariff in terms of policy and very interesting era kind of how do you look at it because i think the main the bone of contention is here is that there's going to be a recovery but recovery for home and and not only is that an economic question as a political question is well ahead there. well i think the 1st thing to consider is we don't know where we stand everybody is acting like ok we've got the vaccine it's great wait a minute where is the mainstream news to report that there's never been a corona virus vaccine for human beings that's ever worked before lots of people tried for decades and decades to cure the common cold they couldn't do it we've got this brand new experimental messenger r.n.a. vaccine.


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