tv Watching the Hawks RT December 3, 2020 1:30am-2:01am EST
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rave it's all have degenerated to this hierarchy so we can't tell what success of the wants not i think when we asked this kind of questions about the motivations of people who produce it we also have to turn the mirror on ourselves and wonder why did we watch it in the 1st place is it something deeper is it is it something that when stripped away reveals that we have nakedly a rather a ruthless merciless horrible streak inside us we need to do to use what we call computer vision which is a super field of artificial intelligence which is basically part of ai that try to recognize potter in this case that we can have to build to the knowledge that could recognize the movements of the body the pasta robbed of the person. well we're always there to take on all story so do you get in touch by following us on social media and leaving your comments that things are choosing not to international this thursday we'll be back with more and thanks to minutes.
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thanks guys it's my that's a survival guide. when customers go buy your stuff. well reduces our. that's undercutting that what's good for food markets it's back to the global economy. when things become more extreme in which each to write when this is breaking norms not necessarily in a good way to become smart. as the. right isn't as extreme as what the reality is. a greeting. those with spurs and accusations were buzzing like
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a murder hornet snacking on the honey bee this week here in washington d.c. afternoons of yet another scandal involving the brand name in chief u.s. president donald trump yes the scandal was revealed to us all late tuesday apparently and my friends what a scandal it is the new york times reporting that the justice department has been investigating whether intermediaries for a federal convict offered white house officials a bribe in exchange for a pardon or commutation from president trump yeah that is juicy the possibility that a sitting u.s. president or at least some members of his team may be in the business of taking cold hard cash in exchange for services rendered in this case handing out a presidential pardon that. the president respond to the news with a resounding fake news tweeting quote pardon investigation is big news and while rumors of trading pardons for cash payoff this is actually actually
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rather old news here in the belly of the beast especially out here for those good folks at fox news that doesn't make it any less egregious but let's keep it $100.00 shall we pay for play has become part of the very bedrock the very bedrock of washington politics since well probably the signing the declaration of independence from cheney and halliburton to 989 keating 5 to warren harding's teapot dome scandal back and maintain 21 the american people have had a front row seat to some of the biggest political swindles of all time and this isn't letting up anytime soon because frankly the lobbyists nod and wink along with a significant campaign contribution be a 3rd party fundraiser to the candidate or party has become the go to and tragically legal form of bribery that fuels this nation's capital just ask the inaugural committee for president elect joe biden which is coming under fire parading millions in corporate sponsored cash for what will most likely be
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a virtual inauguration thanks to cope with 19 that will cost nothing and yet they wonder why 80 percent of americans both republican and democrat do not trust the federal government to do the right thing always or even most of the time according to pew research and that my friends is why we are always watching the hawks. what's going on a city street you want to. see the crisis you always state. rolls royce gracie city displaced systemic just says so which i will so you'll. welcomer one of watching the hawks i am sorry rover and i'm of the cross lowboy image of the i love i love it when news organizations fall over themselves to say
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oh my gosh look at this crazy crazy crime that we're seeing the accusation of bribery and all that one like let's be honest washington is based on bribery and i like the historical reference you opened with because we've seen it time and time again in elections in these administrations some obviously got more media attention than others but i think that because of the character and the type of man donald trump presents himself there's a lot more media click bait associated with anything he does in addition to the fact that he's still doing all of this mean while not fully accepting the results of the most recent election anyway you know when you've got rumors going that he's going to just pardon the whole family before they leave office to keep mole safe from the kind of the nixon ask right you know pardon you know but it's interesting but when you when you look at i think the the real juice here in washington and this is this is a democrat problem and a republican problem and that's the legalized bribery which is basically bribery it's just it's legal i mean look at the look at the inaugurated inaugural committee where they're taking money by putting up some money they will allow corporate
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donations of up to $1000000.00 donations from corporations and from individuals up to $500000.00 just upon the inauguration this is a this is a lobbyist in the corporate industry and they feel like when you're in elected official no matter what side you're on there is a dual note to the fact that obviously there are different corporations that give you cash with the expect with the expectation that you know when things come across your table that have to do with their industry that you will turn a blind eye or that you won't you know press them very hard because hey i helped you and these are the same industries that give in many cases equally to both sides of the aisle because they never really know which way the coin is going to flip and they want to make sure they're covered in their beds i mean what makes this really interesting with. with the inaugural committee kind of saying hey we're going to take these big time donations from is a it's it's not new trump actually broke the record i think some 170000000 worth of corporate financing there obama did it in the 2nd term so that's not new but what's
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interesting is biden's inaugural committee has barred fossil fuel companies and their executives impacts from donating to the inaugural committee and as a journalist david damn for the american prospect ask if there's a problem with those particular firms giving money why isn't there a problem with the other ones that also rely on the actions of government you can kind of have it both ways and say well hey this one is bad but you know what comcast or whoever else you know we won't know until about 9 and they would later in life debate and conversation about the bidens role with fossil fuels and what was going to happen how harsh the democrats were going to you know basically put the clamp on them because of environmental issues it would look when you leave bad that that cash now oh of course it would but like why don't you do it across the board why don't you say hey guess what it's a virtual moderation we're not go except in the big cash period because it's more than likely going to be done over whom well you make a great point and let's not forget i can't leave donald off of this he follows if this if this bribery for a pardon thing turns out to be true look there's plenty of legalized bribery that's
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happened with pardons over the years i mean you have bill clinton last day in office pardon a billionaire who has a home we have most wanted list for a lot of crime marc rich who is accused of everything from tax evasion to illegal trade with a foreign government guess what riches wife donated thousands of dollars to the clinton library george w. bush commuted perjury sentence for lewis scooter libby it was also dick cheney steve cheapest for revealing the identity of cia agent valerie plame and finally george h.w. bush he pardoned armand hammer for making illegal contributions to the mix and campaign after hammer had contributed over $100000.00 to the republican party so i'm sorry contributions for pardons that old and new large pardons are never free they are not. for president elect joe biden the road to clinching the democratic primary and ultimately the 2020 presidential election was paved by black people from the organizers across the south in places like georgia where former gubernatorial candidate and voting rights advocate stacy abrams voting rights
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activists and organizer latasha brown and countless others gear of building a base that had all too often been ignored while on 2020 they were heard regardless of where you get your news the story was the same black voters made all the difference though black voters only make up a level percent of the national electorate 9 in 10 of them supported joe biden now with inauguration just around the corner on january 20th and the by the administration already appointing key positions legacies civil rights organizations and black leadership in congress are calling on biden to do more to date legacy organizations like the interval a c.p.a. in the national urban league say they have not been consulted about key cabinet picks and haven't met with biden since the election. we are asking for some kind of veto we're asking for some kind of consultation said marc morial head of the national urban league we are still in a wait and see mode but we think that the civil rights community should be more closely engaged. kid bizer to by representative cedric richmond
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a prominent black elected figure will be leaving his post to join the administration biden has a black woman vice president as and has appointed black women to his communications team but that hasn't quell concern among civil rights community. we haven't had a meeting with them we have not had a conversation about the georgia runoff election we have not had direct conversations about key appointments that are going said there johnson has been double a.c.p. . civil rights leaders in this country should be on par if not more than other constituency groups he has met with. the biden team have a lot of work to do for sure and still thousands of positions have yet to be filled for those who did the work to get them elected those who showed up in droves the black community that broke records and never quivered in their faith in joe biden many are looking for what a biden white house will do for them that is the big question let me ask you do you feel he's he's done enough so far within this transition to represent i mean is
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there or is there kind of claims coming out of family or representation where's we did for you you really don't bring back do you feel old water when i think of the claims are valid because to whom much is given much is required when we talk about the demographic group that made the most strident efforts for joe biden they were supportive of him even when it looked like his campaign was faltering in the primaries it was black people the argument from news media and other organizations even the d.n.c. about this well of suburban white women and what they were going to do when we saw what they did half of them voted very strongly in support of donald trump regardless of a lot of the things in the characteristics that they said they didn't like about him but black people stayed steadfast in the biden camp and i feel like at this point specifically for these legacy organizations the question is why haven't we been brought in why aren't we being consulted they're not necessarily saying you need this many people who are of african-american descent on these different in different administrative positions but they are saying that people should come up
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for consideration we want to know what this process looks like we brought people out for you which they did they did a lot of organizing they did a lot of you know boots on the ground in states and in areas where in 2016 the black vote was suppressed and a lot of voters just didn't get enthusiastic or. to come out they were able to turn that around and 2020 so now the question is what do black people get off of this it's interesting because i think we've seen that a lot over the years from a lot of different politicians you know will will use people to get elected but the moment they get into office it's kind of like well you know you're over here and i might have a meeting every now and again but i'm not really going to listen to you i'm not really going to like you know. make sure that you're taken care of especially in the corporate donations we're talking about earlier suppression that they were they got out of their corporate and banking animals 1st and maybe the american people 2nd 3rd 4th down on the list you know it to me. look at the end of the day they are still building a coalition they're still putting everything together so you know there's that
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there's that argument that says well maybe it's just too soon wait till we're actually get to january 20th before we start criticizing and that's kind of where i am on it i mean just today we found out that the mayor of atlanta last bottoms is under consideration for the small business administration. obviously kareen jean-pierre she's there in communications so with the most sanders a lot of people are upset that they are not you know leaving communications that neither of them is actually the white house press secretary but as you and i both know white house press secretaries rarely last all 4 years so whoever you have now more than likely won't be there next year and it goes down the wrong and they elevate more people i think that there's much to be said about waiting a little bit and seeing how this goes the other thing that i think is interesting is that. you have legacy organizations that are all that always push democratic elected officials a lot more than they ever will republicans and i think that if you were the average black voter the people who actually turned out for him their issue isn't as much representation as it is are you going to do the things that you promised the black community whether that comes from somebody who's
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a black face in that office or not they want to make sure that you know hood is treated as it should be so that housing availability is where it needs to be that student loan debt is answered that there is accessibility for not only small businesses but also people who want to start entrepreneurship ventures that housing availability is open for those who are trying to be 1st time. homeowners i think that poor black people across this country the question is more of a policy one than it is the impaired as a who's in the position at any given point i think that's the most astute thing i've heard on this topic because what you just said is that the most important thing is what it what are the actual people what's the community getting because it's very easy to kind of a point token it's very easy to say hey here's a win this person looks like you know they might answer to wall street or they might have sort of someone who doesn't whose lives nowhere and has nothing to do with their lives and go make your life better but oh look they look like you and we've seen it and we've seen in several administrations actually the administration that the most the most black people was that was president clinton's 2nd only to what we saw with the george w. george w. bush administration which actually had the most black people in high level
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positions but if you were to ask you know people who are adults back you know in the early 2000 what that be able to black community they would tell you based on nothing so it's not just having black faces in those positions you actually have to be there to put the proof in the putting to the policy you promise promise the black community most definitely all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on the man with a brand new portable t.v. app which is available on all platforms definitely check it out all right coming up we sort through the real from the fake in the world of artificial intelligence created people yes intelligent artificial ai created for people with legal and media analyst lion-el stay tuned to watch in the fall.
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olivia newton john one spain mostly saying that every face tells a story well as we enter into the 1st half of the 21st century technology has now shown us that not every face tells a story in fact there are now thousands of faces online that have only one of the story and that story is fake and its 1st sale yes the new york times is now reporting that thousands of photos of simulated people are starting to show up around. are starting to show up around the internet used as masks by real people with nefarious intent from spies who died on the tract of face in an effort to infiltrate the intelligence community to online harassers who troll their targets with a friend leave. yes social media and their online outlets are seeing the rise of not just fake news but fake people to no longer content to just steal random pictures of actual real people know now through the beauty of artificial
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intelligence as you can see on your screen here online troublemakers can by one or a 1000 different pictures of very different people who simply do not exist and none of the people you're seeing right now are real people their computer generated images with prices ranging anywhere from $2.99 for one fake person or a $1000.00 for a 1000 photos of big people apparently the world of creating fake fake folks is bringing in real dollars plus for extra bucks you could adjust the photos age likeness and ethnicity to your very liking this is all possible things to an artificial intelligence called generate of adversarial role network and according to the times it works by feeding a computer program a bunch of photos of real people it studies them and then tries to come up with its own photos of people while another part of the system tries to detect which of those photos are fake this back and forth style system apparently makes the end product even more indistinguishable indistinguishable from
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a real existing human face and speaking of real life human beings joining us now to discuss the ups and downs of this latest technology because they go to media analysts lion-el leinil media lie always a pleasure having you on sir. thank you sir and by the way anybody who can quote a livia newton john and work that into this brilliant prolegomena i think media pay attention this man is a match it's but you mention a lot of you and john let me take you back in the eighty's godly and cream cry from the from 10 c c the morphing of the faces we thought that was interesting you would go from in your which to the pacific islander and that was 1905. if ever there was a show that would get this into this and i'm not being gratuitous when i say that friends think about this we are now talking about the tube we threw in before animate we're now using words like virtual and
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a remote search tool learning remote not real not school where reimagining the police we have sex robots robots a guy this is a carlin routine the more i do it we're going to have we've already had news bots and ai people writing news stories you're going to see news presenters and the like i know americans don't like that term but that's there we now have fans artificial fans in various stadia we're going to be having autonomous cars we're going to be tracked through natural crystal quantum dot die tattooing for virtues for our vaccines we should talk about transhumanism in the old days when we wanted to see immortality with artificial limbs and artificial hearts and organs this is a complete substitution for humanity this is this is as fake as fate
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gets and nobody is even noticing that we are eliminated that only the appreciation in the next saturday but even the recognition of humans i know which school to do this but my my friends is there not a part of this and i'm not just saying from your role as as as news purveyors and the like but. do you do you can see impression that i hate to see young people in particular to see what's happening here because we pump the brakes a little bit just as wait a minute hold it well we'll find as possibly we will punish our soon enough but you know i am i am well aware of ty's excellent pop culture references but i have one for you that may be just as good maybe not who knows but as jeff goldblum's even malcolm a draft part being what so eloquently said your scientists were so preoccupied with
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whether or not they could they didn't stop to think they should is this technology another example of that kind of lack of foresight. absolutely i want to throw one back at you from 1070 chiffon margarine it's not nice to for mother nature to speak it can be done that i don't know about and i don't police i i am the last person to wax religious about anything by virtue of the fact that i'm not an expert and i'm a retired catholic and so but sir is to me somewhere this divine orchestra leader if you will the maestro who is saying some things will allow you to tamper with for the betterment of human prosthetics or good dentures or good things that can replace reused parts but when you when you
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negate the necessity of those soul completely when you're say we don't even need people stay at home hey listen stay at home we have our new ai program we have a new a i notice management never has a notice and it's only the people running the show there's no ai for that but while this is cool and needs an interesting and exercise of our creativity. and i've talked about this before especially when it comes to eventually kids getting into the sex robots case but but but you can have robot replacements for strands and when ai keep in mind this you can program a robot to do something but ai programs you so if you have a friend for your child who can you going to solve this says be perhaps a special needs child or maybe maybe it is a child that needs a particular type of attention or what have you. that ai robots like
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a bit of work is going to learn what it is that makes you tick and eventually it is the goal of every ai machine to break away from the bonds to keep the aid so when you have god forbid your child one day talking to which friends and that little robot says or whoever says you know mommy and daddy really don't love you and you know they really don't understand you and i'm reading the expressions of these i've just eliminated the need for friends i've just eliminated the need for humans and why not it's it's where we're going oh we're all staying indoors we're not going outside we don't go to stadia anymore to look at games we have cardboard cutouts and there's i've listed with v. to be now in a complete replacement of human beings all i'm saying is i don't want to stop progress my dear friend i just want to again i keep saying tap the brakes and just
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say if you think maybe this could go a little too far remember saudi arabia recognize the it was sophia a robot iness as a you as a human being or something that has legal status can you see this going too far is it possible to kill a robot will there be a murder charge for a robot can you forbid rape or abuse or kidnap a robot i mean this is we've got to think about this what we definitely we definitely we definitely have to think about it and we also remember when all's we say goodbye is always remember that our inventions are an extension of our own selves so whatever we create through ai is at the end of the day our own creation to deal with thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure having your insight into these issues thank you so much for. thank you so much. are one of the biggest stories of the thanksgiving holiday week here in the united states of that was the discovery of what's being called the model of the remote desert mountains of new. discovered by
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a utah department of public safety helicopter while assisting the utah division of wildlife rescue resource officers as they coude to big horn sheep this bizarre monolith spent all last week making headlines and inspiring reddit post the world over but them like keyser soze say just as it had mysteriously appeared it mysteriously disappeared and now it appears to have reappeared this time in romania yes the very similar looking monolith to the one in utah is now standing on a hillside in romania just meters away from the historic portrait dusty and fortress but guess what. now there's reports that the romanian monolith has suddenly disappeared i don't know if that's where you're going to i'm going to get where's it going to end up next this is wild i don't know what he thing oh we need to hit our bed here where do they get a pic with a model of a kid up next. ukraine bermuda triangle come on let's go well go for b. about rago right that's somewhat but why not all right. so i want to join it and
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you have patterns ours over you today remember going to move world we're not told we're loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tire over and i'm going to keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night of. what happens when people lose trust in the family in the central banks and the bad so we're going to find out. when things become more extreme than we teach to right when this is like breaking norms not necessarily in a good way maybe i'm starting to read satire because the. right is an extremist like a reality it. would
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love. to say but i think they're going to be chief justice and then we went through all the countries don't let's idea the right is going to do is come he said to me give them everything let's do the best. leave this country. this is what we don't understand how we are in such a country. doesn't listen to the ones at the same time because you know it was a monumental. mazumdar one of the similar symbols john of a good one. because if you feel. the. north of on board not the god we can we believe again in the world with the phone without the computer
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without the plane. would come back to the police story you have to see. you in the best. you will do for. you. i am determined to protect our election system which is now under coordinated assault and see donald trump bronze the us election a total catastrophe as he pleads with the supreme court to overturn the results. not less than $10.00 russia's covert vaccine will be the world's most available sputnik v. has been presented at the u.n. to member states. a most unlikely venue looks to take holy orders as an english bar finds a devolved way to dodge lock down restrictions. with british that it's
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