tv News RT December 3, 2020 11:00am-11:31am EST
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fight every day so you meet your needs and the needs of your family. russia says its covert job will cost less than $10.00 per dose as a present sputnik me to un member states. i am determined to protect our election system which is now under coordinated assault and she. brands the us election a total catastrophe as he pleads with the supreme court to overturn the results. also this hour the french interior ministry announces raids on more than 70 mosques morning it will shut down any found to be influenced by radical islam. and a most unlikely venue looks to take full the orders as an english bar finds a devout way to dodge lock down restrictions. because. breakfast at the
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venue is a person off occasion to reach to the venue as a place of worship. is the church of the for the dr it's. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q in moscow thanks for joining us this hour now we start in the west of england where several people are injured after a large explosion outside of bristol and the blast occurred a few hours ago at a waste water treatment facility according to police a chemical tank caught fire but the cause is unknown at this point the fire service has described it as a major incident saying we can confirm there are multiple casualties on site helicopters are flying over the area and there are several ambulances and fire engines at the scene.
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in today's other news less than $10.00 for a coded immunity that's the price for russia sputnik the vaccine internationally as it was presented to the un general assembly on wednesday moscow wants the job to be available to the whole world and has already agreed on deliveries to foreign countries and we will be producing bands of millions of those this was a big seeing already just starting from february in 4 key jaw gryphus in brazil china korea and argentina will radiate reach supply agreement and production agreements with those countries. more than 40 countries have expressed an interest in buying sputnik the however many western critics have already written after the russian vaccine and hearkens looks at why. the media today is full of big headlines pfizer's covert 19 vaccine is officially the 1st to be approved in
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a western country with the united kingdom leading the way there's a sense of excitement that lives can be saved on the 1st steps towards codewords final defeat have been taken i would like to pay tribute to him to those who made this possible it is the protection. that were ultimately allow us to recruit our lives and get our recall of the movie again this is a victory but the real winner in the race for a covert job has been vaccine protectionism to many in western media and establishment only western produced vaccines can even be considered as part of a global solution to the pandemic and other a break through from the last of the lakers that shares the seneca high as pfizer makes a final push drug company pfizer says it is a great day for science c.e.o. of pfizer tweeting out his congratulations to you but this is really a historic day we have pfizer we have take you up while the european medicines agency has confirmed it's in contact with the developers of sport nick v. the e.u.
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has also been clear it doesn't recommend any e.u. state makes up its own mind about importing the vaccine even if they wanted to the reason strong lobby against vaccines that are being developed outside the european union but that's life we're already used to it and it in hungary is interest to get us a vaccine as quickly as possible hungary isn't alone this has been global since the sputnik ves existence was 1st announced back then media and members of the scientific community were quick to criticize russia for failing to provide public data on the vaccine safety and even when phase one and 2 clinical trial data up was later published in the. skepticism mistrust and suspicion of were still rife at any mention of sport mcvie moscow has been accused of cutting corners using spies to steal western research russia rushed to register it as a world 1st raising eyebrows in the scientific community putin this might be his
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personal back through plenty even here still need persuading that sputnik v. is a reliable choice there's always room for healthy skepticism and critical thinking as with any new vaccine but it seems some require slightly more scrutiny than others take my den or the company has requested emergency approval from the american and european regulators for its vaccine 10 days before that pfizer and biotech sought the same clearance for their job yet neither company has publicly released full data from late stage clinical trials for peer review in any medical journal and it's not just about peer review moscow's been clear it's open to international corporation on covert vaccination to save lives and win the battle against corona virus we are ready to cooperate with others in terms of the nation particularly on the council of europe platform the cruellest pandemic has made it clear that europeans need to unit in the face of common threats these offers appear
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to fall on their fears whether it's a deep mistrust or the belief that sport mcvie is just the way for put in to gain political approval truly joint efforts to find a vaccine never materialized this is probably of little concern to develop states most already have brought up the majority of vaccine surprise produced by their own companies while the rest of the world is unlikely to get access to the vaccines for years to come vaccine protectionism has truly try out with only western produced vaccines touted as world saving despite being unavailable to most and many alternatives trashed and dismissed from the outset the world never really stood a chance at making a united stand against coronavirus. this isn't a competition between ourselves it's about doing the best for our world for the global population and that we must all work together to get vaccines distributed i think there was a very good paper that was published in the peer review journal about the russian vaccine
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a long sit for the general issue about the rush to produce vaccines has been that many of the vaccines have been presented in press releases or all of the in peer reviewed papers it's important that we have doing clinical trials that these are reported properly i know that the sputnik vaccine is being trialled in india now as well and that's a great thing it's about sharing the responsibility we all have to ensure all vaccines are safe effective and that we share them particularly in parts of the world are going to struggle like developing countries where we need to be helping with large populations. and then interview the head of a pharmaceutical company responsible for the mass of sputnik the says western skepticism is groundless. has up in this place and exploited say that russians are rushing with the vaccine scene so many vaccines to be tried and tested with fairly long period of time and that we've done everything so fast growing. up and then when a western counterparts make statements we need to look very closely at who is saying
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it and exactly what they are saying for example they frequently complain that we institute hasn't published enough data and so all of the same time we should realize that just the research institute is not a pharmaceutical giant like astra zeneca or pfizer with a lot of p.r. specialists who are usually presenting the data selectively and in a favorable light so once again you shouldn't compare the data published by the government institute with the data published by western companies when the other hand if you still want to make a comparison that's compared to the oxford research group when it hadn't yet signed an agreement with astra zeneca no one knew them and no one saw the results until big pharma got involved and of sort of just how realistic is it to prove that the vaccine is safe and this point we've seen convincing the proof is it was proven during pre-clinical animal testing please consider that i'm talking about
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safety mail not effectiveness then it was proven during clinical trials on healthy volunteers we've done all that statistics to show that the vaccine is safe. the most unexpected of places one to take holy orders to get around the lock down the 400 rabbits to kill a bar in central england apply for a church license and a tongue in cheek bit to highlight what it calls the absurdity of selective restrictions as places of worship can stay open restaurants and bars cannot. under the new to this is that we would be allowed to i. could be months and months as we don't have a substantial future for me to have a kitchen so there's no opportunity to do that and so we look to other ways all the other businesses in the news that i can under all this is
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a place of worship was one of them so we've reached the richest of the venue as a or send off after cation to register the venue is a place of worship. is the church of the 4 drives. the main reason is to sort of point out that the contradictory nature of the rules our everything from jim. church is in massage parlors every shop we've got a christmas market happening in ochsner outside of it all for us to go ahead while we're well we have a show. just myself starting businesses like ours completely unavoidable and we need more government support. to get us through so the wise. as we've seen in the news the last couple of days the high street is already with arcadia and devon ims. it's been decimated and hospitality next if the government does step up.
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president trump has urged the supreme court to intervene in the u.s. election and overturn the results in multiple states and a 46 minute speech posted online he repeated his claim that the vote was stolen. this may be the most important speech i've ever made i want to provide an update on our own going efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculous leave alone nov 3rd elections i am determined to protect our election system which is now under coordinated assault and see if we're right about the fraud. joe biden can't be president from point a to allege irregularities in the voting system including millions of illegal votes and dead people casting ballots he is democrat run areas of voter corruption and
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changing the person's old traumatic he'd accept any outcome as long as it's accurate but his attorney general's already undercut some of his claims we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election meanwhile president elect joe biden and his team are dismissing the allegations of voter fraud calling the election result fair we could not go live to robert gucci associate professor of sociology at lancaster university for more on this now trump was saying he wants the supreme court to quote do what's right for the country is how he put it saying that the country can't live with the election of this kind what do you make of that. i mean this almost seems like a type of video that a broken down hollywood actor would make from their bedroom at 3 in the morning with crazy wild music going on in the background you know this is this is part of a temper tantrum i think that we're seeing from donald trump to. undermine the
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biden administration but also to keep himself relevant he's been fairly quiet for you know since the election making some decisions talking about pardons and other things but he really hasn't had this sort of outburst and so it's strange to think that this could be coming from a hollywood you know dropped out maybe but this is being this is being aired from the white house in a very formal official and tax payer centered location so that the supreme court's going to take this on i think we've seen so many cases rejected so far lower courts that. they would have to be some smoking gun somewhere you call it a temper tantrum and most major news networks actually didn't broadcast it in full as you mentioned that was 46 minutes long and that was in full posted on the internet and yet he called it possibly one of the most important speeches of his
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presidency why do you think there's such a disconnect there. well the disconnect between i think the media and donald trump's administration is not only is he in his lame duck sort of position where he has the presidential powers until an operation. but there seems to be a slippage in support from the republicans and i think that if we saw more steadfast vocal every day discussions from others within the political elite in the united states that yes this was fraudulent yes this was stolen and then media might treat it a little bit differently and we might see some sort of political pressure on courts at the lower level to to move this to the supreme court or another another decision being made in another federal court so we don't see that sort of political power behind donald trump in this particular effort and it's almost grasping at straws i
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mean his own his own you know justice department as that's protected him for over a long time has a bit abandoned this quest with him so this is kind of the one of those last moments of saying i'm not actually walking out a loser i actually wasn't fired at the job was stolen from me so he continues to make these speeches and as you're saying there are republicans who are slowly but surely breaking ranks acknowledging the fact that there is going to be an incoming administration that it's going to be changing hands and yet he continues to do this do you think this really is an effort to try and change the election or is this just about keeping his supporters happy. well you know donald trump doesn't have anything to lose anymore you know he's going back into private business he may stick is his knee or elbow or something into the political arena in the future but he doesn't have anything to lose going out. you know with these types of these
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types of comments certainly it is to keep the support of the base that he has for the trump ism that has been going on in the last few years he certainly isn't speaking out against crowds or those who are calling for violence in georgia and other places because of their concerns about election mishaps or purposeful elements of the trump administration and so he's not calling for that and this is him in the spotlight trying to to make i think the last few weeks of his administration something that gets talked about somewhere on the media even if it's not the whole 46 minutes. he's back on a news agenda for a bit and i think we might see a few more of these surprised i'm surprised something like this hasn't happened before and i'm actually surprised that it was as calm as it was even though some of the claims were were answers the substance unsubstantiated. associate professor of sociology at lancaster university thank you for joining us on the program today
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. a popular russian video blogger has been arrested after the death of a woman in his home after which he lifestream her body and attempts to revive her the dead woman is thought to have been his pregnant girlfriend a blogger for shipment of goes by the name refl a on his youtube channel his videos are mostly about online gambling a visibly pregnant woman called valentino has appeared in several of his broadcasts and the most recent one he described how he had tipped a bucket of water over her and forced her out of the apartment without a coat several hours later in the same video he could be seen carrying her body back into the apartment continuing his life stream and only later calling an ambulance paramedics then later declared her dead and the broadcast continued until the police arrived and forced him to stop the ability for people to broadcast live around the world has seen deeply distressing content shared widely before from graphic violence to suicides and terror atrocities.
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something happened to us when we ventured into this new world of social media it's as though 2 things happened nothing happened and that's our record and also this thing i'm holding up my miles here distortion media platform this camera accompanies every thing that we do a couple of years ago it would have been horrendous to we're talking about it as if it's almost every day i'm trying to understand the motives someone who would voluntarily want 'd to engage in this kind of production and then share it with an unknown number of other people i think there must be people who in the everyday lives of our not recognized they don't have all 30.
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of indistinguishable from a great many other people in society and so what the seeking to do is try to discover some way in which there can be no you know is inside is something that was going to live and so to intervene you need to human or even a machine analyzing the content that there's been streamed and these might take might take a while so it's very difficult to to sponsor thing footage is crew of footage is and take action straightaway to try to explain to these people who are in the video what they did they would look at you and they'd say i just recorded it i didn't do anything i just merely recorded it if they ask the question why do we do this why do we watch this is it the rubbernecking thing do we look at accident do we want to see somebody jump off a ledge because it's just different or are we so joe dupré ved it's all
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a big you waited to this horror that we can't. well what she excessive and what's not i think when we asked these kind of questions about the motivations of people who produce it we also have to turn the mirror on ourselves and wonder why do we want you to in the 1st post is it something deeper is it something that when stripped to work reveals that we have nakedly a rather a ruthless merciless horrible streak inside this we need to do to use what we call computer vision which years or so before going to war to peace will encourage us which is basically part of that to recognise part in this case that we can never be the knowledge that could recognize the movements of the body the posture robbed of the person. france is threatening to shut huge numbers of mosques after announcing massive and unprecedented raids on more than 70 islamic places of worship the stated goal is to fight quote separatism and liberate french islam from
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foreign influences challenge difference he explained well this fight against separatism is something we've covered many times here but now it seems that $76.00 and all mosques here in france are going to be caught in the crossfire of that the interior minister has confirmed the reports in french newspapers that those mosques are now in the next few days going to see what he described as being unprecedented action. in accordance with my instructions the student services will merge massive precedented action against bridges and 76 mosques suspected of supporters must be checked in the coming days and those that have to be closed will be where the mosques that are due to be targeted are said to have desk dining rooms or what have mark in moms who are on alert for the prevention of terrorist radicalization these are some of the reasons why these mosques are said to be targeted now muslims have
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already been saying that they fear of reprisals and there have been allegations of attacks taking place on muslims because of their faith most recent emerged on wednesday of this week this took place at a mosque just in the south of paris and as you can see from the images it said that the car deliberately drove into the front of the mosque smashing those windows at the doors now the tensions have come at a time when the council of ministers is in the next few days due to look at this more to promote republican values it was previously called the separatism or prevent separatism law here in france it's a long time coming present talked about it earlier on this year but the law itself the draft law was released in the weeks following the brutal beheading of teachers patti who had been targeted for showing controversial images of the muslim prophet during a civics class back in october now following his brutal assassination
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there was a clampdown on muslim associations here in france and the closure of a mosque in punt we went to that mosque and spoke to the congregation there who said that they felt that they had been unfairly targeted on are crucial to man we have a very kind of man who speaks to us in a radical french and doesn't tell people what to do it he never gathered us together to tell us to do anything bad. for george orwell i don't know if i told people you should go on by. weapons and then they go and buy weapons and kill someone i'm not responsible for that. i'm not happy about the mosques closure i mean just what happened to the teacher i condemn it i do not agree with those who committed the crime but for the mosque it's a shame. coolies clampdowns who france a provoked huge reaction elsewhere particularly in some muslim majority countries where there have been protests with tens of thousands of people turning up effigies of president and a call for
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a boycott on french products being sold in their countries many muslims are concerned they are living in an element of fear at the moment and they feel that they are being targeted by this law and for many this announcement that 76 small mosques will be either closed or subject to new restrictions will make them feel that even more so fronts is becoming an unfriendly place to live. activists are demanding the boycott of british based multinational cosmetics that's after the retailer donated to a particular women's rights group woman's place u.k. is an organization that tackles violence against women and works for equal pay and access to healthcare but l g b t q groups are fuming that it wants trans women excluded from women only spaces sparking a social media backlash as opposed to employee trans person and a customer i will no longer buy from last u.k.
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trailer and new zealand etc this is disgusting and law should be ashamed you cannot complain for transfer ojt and then turn around to donate to an end to chance of loss u.k. needs to apologize no christmas presents from lunch no shopping again from l'arche this is so sad i'm disgusted but go to lush now. lush apologize unreservedly saying it's not proud to support such policies companies are increasingly being forced to tread a fine line on which campaigns they back we discussed the issue with women's rights activist paula deanna and conservative political campaigner brandon straka who describes himself as a gay former liberal. i don't think that companies are going to stay silent i think that companies are going to feel like they have are compelled to go along with leftist ideology we actually see companies constantly feeling the need to virtue signal based off of whatever the latest leftist demands are they're donating money
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to these organizations because they're afraid of facing leftist backlash progressives seem to feel that they have carte blanche to go out and stamp their feet and make demands and even threaten bully and intimidate people into going along with what they want and if organizations and businesses don't comply they'll be driven out of business they'll be picketed they'll be defunded they'll be they'll be in such a backlash on social media that they'll be permanently damaged so no i feel that it's actually compelled speech that's being put forward by the leftist and progressive people all businesses should be involved in politics and also in social impact absolutely 100 percent it's a matter of social responsibility on an intrapreneur as well you know i try to donate as much as i can because we have to get back to the community unfortunately we know that this state funding is not to now so we need to companies and big enterprises that to be sensitive and help you know organizations that are trying to
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do something right it's really gone far beyond just us it's gone far beyond equality it's now about really trying to control other people and it's particularly sad in this instance because now they've actually just completely shamed and made a target of an organization that's trying to help abused women it is an injustice especially unfortunately in the united states and he's a structure in joss's so we have to hear the voices of these people when they are actually. demand change and i think this is the right moment to change and that's maybe why you know companies now they're doing that i don't think that is because they feel intimidated or not i think actually because they understood that there may be experiencing a new enlightenment. they understand that we have to get back and we can't control all the fortune you know going to have all the so it's a matter of balance i think we have to balance our rights and get back to or didn't have. staff at french mountain resorts are up in arms over the
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government's decision to keep ski facilities closed over the festive season broke out after the government announced that coben $1000.00 restrictions will remain in place for christmas and new year hundreds of people rallied at a major alpine resort on wednesday they say they've already taken up far reaching measures to comply with health regulations and keep those are safe and that a season long shutdown could ruin their livelihoods. but you don't want to leave everything in place so we can welcome to our representatives met with authorities to discuss procedures for opening the ski resorts we were ready we were told to wait for a decision but nothing has come out of it. we hope to open the cable cars as soon as the health situation improves to all this leave the goal is not to create a cluster in our valley but it would have to think about all those workers at the resorts and their economic survival. we are very concerned we are doing everything
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we can to complete our season but we hear the many french people will be going abroad to ski it feels like having the rug pulled from under us we're willing to make sacrifices but not to be taken for fools if people want to go on holiday let them come to a mountain they're going to be safe. the french government is standing by its decision which holds a nationwide spike in corona virus infections and the prime minister has urged people not to go skiing abroad saying random border checks will be imposed we spoke with the mayor of a resort village he thinks the measures make no sense. this is absurd we do not deny the risks but it's ridiculous to think that outdoor activities of very risky be aware that the ski resorts are close now but people will still come and from a security standpoint receiving these guests is a very big challenge mr juncker stakes these words are frivolous he underestimates these contradictions we face today i'll give you an example that might make you
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smile the only entity that allowed in this arc on new year's holidays is to go to the cinema this is how the decisions made above are affecting territory that falls under so many restrictions to news break down for this hour and that's all for me as a while but worry not will be taking over and about 30 minutes time thanks for tuning in every maybe. the back and.
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