tv Watching the Hawks RT December 4, 2020 8:30am-9:01am EST
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well the pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. has emerged with the we don't like seeing the whole world needs to be. judged. commentary classist least. we can do better we should know. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is critical to response has been must so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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we are segregated and i suspect most of those people also will be 1st. if you're born into a 4 family if you're born into a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people that i wish 15 years younger that you're born into generational poverty. it's a tough fight every day to meet your needs and the needs of your family. greeting and salutation. if there is one thing that the powers that be in government can stand more than you know term limits honesty and fiscal responsibility it's an informed organized and protesting public and after
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a summer of organized protests and revolt sometimes in the name of good light pushing back against police violence and by the against racial injustice and other times not so good like bringing assault weapons into a state capital because you were told to wear a mask and wash your hands this to mulch a season of protest has left many in the positions of power nervously looking over their shoulders wondering if the pitchforks and torches are coming for them next well thankfully it appears the powers that be. can breathe easy thanks to the u.s. air forces research lab and the good folks at signal frame what is this mysterious signal frame you ask well it is a washington d.c. wireless tech company that has developed a new software that can jump off your. smartphone and internally access any any nearby wireless or bluetooth device in the area or as the wall street journal
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described the software it uses your smartphone as a window into usage of hundreds of millions of computers routers fitness trackers modern automobiles and other network devices known collectively as the internet of things and now the u.s. air force is research lab is testing this wonderfully invasive technology nothing like private businesses and big government getting together to shred our constitutional rights to privacy assembly and you know free speech but it's not just the united states' security state that is looking to squash dissent and the right to organize through the use of orwellian surveillance tactics this week tech giant google was called out by the u.s. labor board for allegedly violating u.s. labor laws by get this spy ring on workers who are organizing employee protests and then firing 2 of them. unionize there's protest as i said before nothing nothing
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scares oppressive power more than an organized informed citizenry who are always watching the hawks. on a city street. that are so let's see this is this joyce state see all these. crazy sick displays systemic deceptions late show which. some things are just as. well corporate are watching the hawks i am tyrol ventre and i will be the. major this is one exciting technology that the u.s. government is digging into essentially how it works is it all kind of reach into like let's say if you're. at a rally in your house you're organizing before a protest it can reach into your phone and then find out all the internet of things around you so the other phones around you maybe what car what's going on you can
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listen in through siri or alexa in kind of kind of connect your phone to all these things without you ever even knowing it and it can spy on all those things around you this is the updated an extra creepy burgeon of what what the federal government tried to do to martin luther king and i think yes it is yes it very much is author and journalist jack rasmussen who wrote about this this week recently well he wrote basically the coming decade in the united states of america will be not only increasingly difficult economically increasingly unstable politically but it will prove to be a period in which technology is increasingly threatening basic civil rights as well as the very foundation of democracy itself do you agree with that do you think that we're kind of getting to that stage now where the technology is definitely making it easier to do whatever word snowden a memoir about i think is that really making it easier but i think you've made this point previously at the end of the day this is driven by human interest so there was always a. a population that wants to quell protests always
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a population that wants to understand when and how to disrupt an uprising and i think that is driven by individuals who largely want the status quo to remain the status quo and if technology hadn't advance they would find another way to do the same thing i think that with the advancements we've seen in technology it provides a safer and more open entryway for them where it's harder for them to get caught up it's easier for them to conceal what they're doing and that part scary but make no mistake people have been trying to dig into and disrupt a lot of the social movements for a very long time speaking of disrupting movements are good news this week that google as i mentioned to also parallel didley spying on their employees and then firing them when they are fear that the employees were trying a little too hard to unionize that's a big deal because look we have a terrible lack of unions in this country have been destroyed over the years how important are unions to this country and how dangerous is it when your companies like google spying a printer allegedly spying on employees and firing them when they try to organize
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what unions are essential to workers' rights and you think that in this country has had a very long and arduous past with its not only creation of unions but also they continue time after time to market disruption of trying to you know separate them and take away the rights that workers have fought so long and hard for we're talking about an instance like what we're seeing a google it's so frustrating because these are individuals who've been trying to trying to have their voices heard now for decades and at this point it is seen as though i don't know it's like google has an idea that somehow this is going to disrupt them people having their rights their way not only to the hours that they work but also the compensation benefits things like that this should come as a requirement for businesses this shouldn't be something that they push away from so you know watching this happen especially in the tech industry and google one of the largest you know this is a behemoths war in this country but also you know technology broadly it's really frustrating i go back to what princeton. star wars 2 all these are whether it's the us government or google or wherever the tighter you squeeze your fist the more
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systems will slip between your fingers this is what happens during firing these people isn't going to make every other employee there want to have more better you want to have a union want to fight back against that kind of the same thing you're spying on protesters they're just going to come back bigger stronger and harder because the tighter you squeeze the more people are going to rebel. in the world of modern american politics done seems to take the cake for polarized nation abuses of power unsavory personality traits and being an all around bad actor but trump isn't the only one with a shady record neither is his party former chicago mayor and longtime democrat rahm emanuel is also a problem a big one emanuel is so problematic that activists progressives and many across the black community are calling foul as word hit that emanuel is being considered for post in the by did ministration though a strong fundraiser who has 10 years service a senior advisor to president bill clinton and us president barack obama's chief of
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staff emanuel comes with a dark history he is known to be divisive he's a staunch me a liberal and has led some of the most controversial fights like the north american free trade agreement nafta. he battled against expanding their portable care act and he was no over spewing of cities and unions people's action director george cole summarized it like this under the clinton and obama administrations he attacked public benefits for people in poverty and blocked immigration reform appointing rahm emanuel which show that the democratic party sees no harm in its culture of failing up which gives more power to elected to fail to govern and consultant fail to win elections. but things don't stop with the manual shameful d.c. record in my hometown of chicago emanuel's mayoral terms were killed here are some of his key policy failures for starters he covered up the police birder of 17 year old look juan mcdonald he then close 50 elementary schools in the single largest
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school closure in u.s. history shuttered half of chicago's mental health clinics and took tax increment financing to dollars assigned to blighted communities and used them for a multimillion dollar private sector projects he oversaw a police department that cost taxpayers over $540000000.00 in abuse and misconduct settlements and the list goes on and on rahm emanuel used broad strokes to make the poor poor shrink the middle class and privatized public goods his brass nature is only matched by his agree just leave brutal policy record. and you list off all those things that we should it makes we have one simple question why why why is the democratic party still going to people like why are they still dipping into that well of the rahm emanuel's of the world i mean that is the 1000000 dollar question that so many people are asking and i think that the frustration lies in the fact that the democratic party of today is supposed to have evolved and we have to be
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mindful that rahm emanuel has been a part of the party for very long time to prominence before i was born a man who's been there for 3637 years at this point in a very high level he is a phenomenal fund raiser. we're talking millions of billions of dollars and that has given him you know voice when in many cases he didn't need to he was also known for writing flowery policy positions that were at their time considered progressive thing is as soon as he was able to have elected leaders and he was an elected leader himself all of those things out the window when we saw him take a very start turn and actually make matters worse for a lot of the most under-served underprivileged groups and i think i think you saw the light personified i mean you his work in washington was a bomb was chief of staff and the 1st 2 years of the bottle 1st one is kind of you don't see a lot of the chief of staff or regular people right but it's when he became chicago that i think the average citizen suddenly became aware of just how the farriers this guy can be absolutely because the credit he was enough areas as chief of staff
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it was just not well known after all of these things come out in chicago then the question was ok well what was this man before he got here because that's when we heard about his strong pushes against the cia that's when we heard about him not wanting to expand the public option that's when we heard about you know him trying to shake up the unions he's a union buster it is what it is but in chicago there was the privatization of schools he baber charter schools and with that money for public schools to make sure the charter schools got all of the attention in addition to that we know that he covered up a police involved shooting to help his own reelection campaign being mindful that to dollars tax increment financing is a very vital way for cities to be able to help blighted communities which in chicago if you're in the south or the west side the majority of that area is a blighted community and he took that money and he built stadiums downtown he took that money and he paid for you know the magnificent mile and he paid for a lot of the advancements before the already areas of multimillion dollar homes in areas of the city that did not need any level of assistance this is
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a man who really did not care about helping the poor this is a man who didn't care about the black community this is a man who didn't care about the immigrant community he went against every single thing that they needed including health care benefits including specifically mental health benefits he shut out the. mental health clinics well let me ask you this question just you know do drugs pregnant do you think he's going to make it into the into the cabinet. i would have said yes before this blowback i think that because the by the administration so much pacifically to the black community but also they are having a hard time juxtaposing many of their positions with the progressive agenda rahm emanuel's anything but progressive he's also according to a lot of his policy stance is in the things that he has done over the years he's technically not a democrat are you there i was around the sort of look it would be a very interesting fight and i don't think that they want to have that there's only one pushing back against this within the party like an unknown figures or like you know we've known democrats saying ok enough is enough with this guy. joining what was a 7000 small chicagoans and we don't want this to go to the most vocal that we've
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seen far obviously the squad came out very harshly against him not only because of look on mcdonnell but also again because of some of his issues around public health when you shut down mental health clinics and there you know all of these people who are now you know left to the streets for drug use or whatever else to try to quell some of the pains of the mental health issues they have that causes its own problems in addition to the fact that this is someone who literally got ran out of the city by the black community if your argument is that you are this inclusive administration that you are trying to give back to the community that got you in there to begin with you don't choose the man who's a guy to the black community and is basically he utilized his entire terms to disagree up to what should have been progress for in under-served community you know i really just it is one of those ones we're feels like hey let's pick the worst possible guy possible just because he gives us money but let's do that here on his and his brother's
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a big time agent in hollywood like you know let's play that into the party rather than actually try to make some change which you know if they're playing right into the hands of the people that said that nothing's going to change and by the administration in terms of you know prior to trump and the directions that we were heading. and that i think is the main reason why he will not reach all right everybody as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the marks on the man through the brand new portable t.v. which is available on all platforms for the family pick it up coming up is a time out for times offer for the new york post and other media always pull back the curtain on the need to inspire the organization very curious expression a church you don't want to miss this discussion stay true to what you.
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fight in sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace is ongoing the wave of empowerment and voices that emerged under the new 2 movement in time's up was nothing short of remarkable but now more than 2 years into the time's up organizations creation questions arise regarding where millions of dollars in donations are going and how they've been spent in article in the new york post highlighted the times up organization and found some startling troops the
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organization comprised of the time's up foundation and time's up now inc race 3000000 670218 dollars and 28 team but spent $1000407.00 on salaries only 312000 was spent on the legal defense fund the arm equipped with lawyers who represent victims of sexual abuse charity watchdog groups recommend that only 25 percent of nonprofit revenue be spent on administrative costs but time's up is spending over 30 percent on salaries alone they're also spending big bucks on conferences and retreats dominated by hollywood agents in addition to extravagant conferences times up to shelling out big bucks on ads and k. street lobbyists and of course personal travel. time's up has a star studded board with big hollywood names like reese witherspoon amy schumer real larson and others but that hasn't stopped them from bubbling under scrutiny lisa borders who was hired to lead times up in 2018 only lasted 4 months with
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a salary of 342308 dollars she resigned after her own son was accused of sexual misconduct. the group has also come under fire for its special relationship with hollywood elite and its neglect of women of color who have suffered from sexual misconduct it seems like the more light that shed on the organization that is supposed to help victims of sexual abuse the worse it gets it might be time to stop the clock on time's up joining us now is legal journalist molly barrows and the c.e.o. of better barry tami chip welcome. hi thanks for having us. all start with the 1st to me who do you think should be held accountable here time's up is using donated funds for everything under the sun except what their mission is actually supposed to carry out and can you tell us a little bit about your organization better brave and how it works to combat sexual abuse in the workplace. sure start off with better grades where in nonprofit
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organization that combat's workplace rostand discrimination and we do this by keeping workers with access to free information about their rights and options online a better org. and we started this organization back in 2017 in response to both my own experiences dealing with these issues in the tech industry and also because of feeling empowered by others who broke their silence about these issues and as for who should be held accountable for the allocation on the time i think the board for us to these questions and ask for the explanation of how they are allocate these funds you know one thing i will say is that it is the courts you know as a nonprofit at the end of the day it is still an organization and it's imperative to be able to raise money and be able to pay staff so that as an organization we can continue to be sustainable and carry out all of our programs to fulfill their mission i think
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a key question that i for time's up stuff to respond to is you know why are such a large portion of the funds going toward and for advertising dollars and if there is money being invested into these programs what is the impact so far and i think it's important for us as donors think members to hold them accountable to that great questions that mall i want to ask you what the salaries are astronomical that $300000.00 seems a bit excessive especially for a group that's only about 2 years old push to get the trip cost conferences lobbying them adds up through target after all that is taken into consideration you know very little of the millions of dollars that we. so far at least not 1st times i've ever actually reached the funds forums for victims or any support for them how common is this issue among non-profits and well the times on board of these kind of star studded hollywood types have to answer for the behavior taking place right under their noses. you know there's
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a great question tyrol and i don't have to answer for or say but certainly this is a blot on their resume if you will for an organization that's. just coming out again on the heels of such a huge story with the harvey weinstein controversy and of course he has since been convicted and in the wake of that you saw a real solidarity of women not just in this country but around the world hollywood was meeting that charge and well known for a lot of you know reputation as being this this liberal area in hollywood where they speak out about an issue but then perhaps there's not the right be some hypocrisy there tightly the push to make it happen and i think that's what you're saying when times that may be the intentions were good maybe they spent a lot on salaries they simply didn't know what their mission was new trying to figure it all out but it doesn't look good and so it doesn't look good when the story that launched this own image was right there in their own backyard pollens so was it a conflict of interest you know and i got to give you some great points i mean in order to raise revenue you certainly have success how relationships are the very
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people that you're trying to reach that are you are in compromise in that way are you not necessarily furthering your mission if you don't know what it is because you're too busy trying to please the people that can find your paychecks out i do think it's common tyrol i don't think it's let me say this i don't think it's uncommon for non-profits to see these sorts of questions in spending i mean i think you know it's a national scandal as you can with united way and spending too much on salaries it's easy to do i think that's why oversight and stories like the new york post are so important especially when you're behind a big social cost people need this help and i think what seems organization does which is providing resources for people to buy those that's 3 information you know it's hard enough to find. voice to go and speak out much less if you're trying to navigate a system that you don't even understand or can even sanctions through so to be able to have a map of our lives resources is great and that's meeting people where they are as opposed to hollywood maybe a lightning rod address the issue but it doesn't look like this organization is the one to really draw attention to helping people so far we have seen their out. and
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tammy time's up so you have problems from its inception a leader that lasted a mere 4 months and resigned because her own son victimized young woman figures to even acknowledge sexual abuse by. victims of color actually encountered and messaging that largely only spoke to featured white female elites do you think the organization can survive and if so what needs to be done to course correct. that's a great question 'd as you know as a start of organization there are always challenges that you run into and he have to pivot as an organization and the most important thing is to listen to the people you're trying to serve and i think this should be a huge wake up call for a time without all the scandals that happened at the very 1st year of their operation to what's happening now for them to really listen to the community and to take the steps to represent more voices of women of color who have been impacted by
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these issues giving them a platform to speak up as well as showing more clarity and transparency around the allocation of their funds answering these key questions that donors and supporters have i want to ask you one more thing before we go very quickly is what what should people look for when they are you know want to give to organizations like this and then when they're seeking organizations to try to help combat these major social issues of our time what can they what can the average person do to better kind of root out the good from the bad or know that their money is going to a responsible organizational ask you tell me just because you are obviously running one of those organizations. so one of the best ways to look into. organizations is for nonprofit organizations on their tax forms actually available online so you can look at how they are actually allocating their funds how much what proportion of that point is valerie's operations as opposed to their actual programs i do believe the organization also says different impact reports as well
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that show you how exactly those funds have been used and what the social impacts of those funds have been so those are some of the way it's a quicker way it's to be able to find that information you can also always be chocked to nonprofits program directors as well to learn more about how the funds are being used before you commit to donating to the organization well thank you both for coming on great work out there and your fight for equality and fighting back against the situations that we saw that came out for me to thank you so much for coming on today. look i love me some animatronic will flop excess i do i'll admit it for much of what they spent at showbiz pizza being dazzled by the rocket fire ban and seeing a giant you know king kong at universal studios there is a special place in my heart for giant fake mechanical creatures i love them but even my love of animatronic characters couldn't prepare me for the horror of the latest creature creation out of japan dubbed the scare wolves these animatronic
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beast with flashing red eyes strobing tail lights and piercing screams you can see when they're look like a cross between a terminator and the howling on a rug or corpsman budget these nightmarish beasts were designed and produced a project between precision machinery manufacture otoh psyche hockey joe university and the tokyo university of agriculture this was done in an effort to help farmers ward off japanese black bears from local farms yes that will scare even a bear who already wrote about hazards over the day remember in this world we are definitely not told we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i robot and i love these across keep on watching those hawks. so there would. always be polite never engage with a negra baited or confrontational. to. get into
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any conversation or start answering questions just. to survive and. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich. or if you're poor and. you got 2 eyes in one now. so you should be seen in here and a whole lot more than you're saying if you don't take that advice easy going to dig yourself a hole. things be. right when this is like breaking not necessarily in a good way. the. right isn't it the reality is.
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going to be cheap. and then poof. that's. right if you're scum if he said if we give them everything that's going to. this country. this is what. we are in such. it will come under the bus in terms. of. the. symbol symbol. of not that i got to meet believe again with the phone about the computer with the
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plane. would come back to the 3 story you have to see. you in the best. you will do. as far as a prepares to roll out his vaccine in the u.k. in 6 approval in the united states its c.e.o. admits we still don't know if those who take the jab will transmit the virus also to come the president of turkey called a man you might crown a burden on france urging the country to get rid of its leader that is turkish french relations hit a low over a crackdown on islam and moscow slams what he calls fabricated accusations against journalists of russia affiliated media sites charged with violating sanctions and also to come south i don't know from supporters stepped forward to cast further back to what they are calling
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