tv Going Underground RT December 5, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. morning france over plans to ban the public from filming the police the u.n. says the new security bill is incompatible with human rights however paris insists it won't be dropped although it could be written. let's go inside and talk to the 1st volunteers of world furries and he called a mass vaccination. russia starts for the mass vaccinations against kobe 190 right here in the capital. we need to understand that this is not going to be just because i'm now being. the head of the international red cross warns that
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vaccines won't solve all the problems with the virus. goes your headlines my colleague nick yarnell be here in just under an hour's time with a full and fresh look at news this is our intention national by taking the. time after time saying we're going underground one week since the alleged u.k. you armed israeli assassination of iran's top physics professor coming up on the show what was the role of mossad in the assassination of iranian nuclear scientist muslim factors a death we ask the organizations former director efraim halevy who also served as the head of israel's national security council and we go to be a rainy inside to investigate the potential scale of the iranian retaliation and president elect biden is already destabilizing the middle east before even taking
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office only some more coming up in today's going on the ground 1st despite new york times anonymous senior u.s. official sources claiming israel is behind the assassination of iranian nuclear scientist most of the factories are dead no reported retaliate. had been taken against the country or its intelligence service mossad for the alleged state sponsored murder i'm joined now from tel aviv by the former director of mossad efraim halevy who also served as the head of israel's national security council thanks so much for him for coming on so was israel behind the assassination of the iranian scientist i love. what you're saying. everybody. very 'd. well do you disagree with you and in fact a counter bought the former cia boss who said and as john brennan he said it's
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a criminal act highly reckless and risks lethal retaliation i don't think you're going to go alone 3. and sure that the directive is. very been. carried out. in the e.u. it wasn't there you. know i don't agree with. my guest donald trump admitted the assassination of cousins from the money but i don't think it generally doesn't even and it made the assassination chain of araa arguably you know. 1 so. i think you're right corey.
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but of course this isn't a soldier lit is being killed i mean do we've heard that he was reportedly working on a coronavirus. maksim do you think it's ok for israel to assassinate scientists who aren't even soldiers sat is one of the. he was also a pretty general. and he had a very senior ranking. so i think this is exactly right zoom in on the scientists earlier in about this i think. so is it more symptomatic of fear or do you believe that brennan went on to say it was an act of an act of state sponsored terrorism would be a flagrant violation of international law i don't. 'd
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think niceties are married is terror. against enemies in the united states similar situations you know the united states. country. and i think many people who knew about the drone strikes under obama would do would agree with you but when you say new comment is that an echo of. what's said many times by the israeli government. should be taken as a confirmation and more like i've a new famously was kidnapped here in london. honey trapped out of here for detention and hit israel no comment was the israeli official statement i don't . know current.
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the message also to. your successor tommy pardew as head of mossad said the youth you've said before the targeted assassinations are of limited value. especially. the loans they are important. train users out such an operation not site selection every time 3 this is the nice image that results in recent years us lisa say it really makes it inside out along will be such an operation 'd affects the activities that go. as such of course 'd and one has to accept this kind of operation. this strike iranian nuclear program. i mean you understand the structures that might have been there in
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terms of theorizing what response to expect from iran. looking from the outside as it were as you're saying you're not the head of the head of mossad anymore could it be perceived as a as a way to entrap iran into a response before joe biden is in or be rated as president. 'd if that were. interesting. if that was the purpose. 'd of 2015 but of course if iran does retaliate lots of iranian politicians in tehran talking about retaliation if the iranians believe now that they have to retaliate
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for their own domestic political concerns would they do so regardless of a resumption of j c p o a talks. that is not to say the. syrians. there are a serious. serious. they also have a. presence in the night states that the way. they reside. is a game of chance. and actually. am. how do you characterize the threat to his really national security today i mean the u.s. e.u. and israel they will oppose b.d.s. boycott divestment sanctions peaceful attempts in opposing israeli policy and do
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you believe that israel is under more threat than ever today. my. busy busy busy busy guess is. 'd any real. interest of israel. so do you think after 4 years of a trump presidency a new president whose a friendly with the netanyahu the palestinians are basically lost i mean mahmoud abbas of the palestinian authority has just taken the $1000000000.00 worth of released israeli money that is being withheld do you think they've given up i
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earl. has been strengthening palestinian solidarity movement in the united states do you expect my dude to be pressured by them into leveraging the move of the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem on the trump or the recognition of going on heights as israeli rather than syrian as part of any deal in the early days of a by the ministration. this n.b.a. change. 'd change he also. 'd creating some private residence.
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there in lies. in your. leverage. of course he's assembling his shadow state department cabinet as it was tony blinken is the future secretary of state someone who very much favored action against president assad of syria to expect a biden administration to renew military attacks on syria and what evidence do you have as you've alleged before that the israeli government has been involved in fueling that war using islamist militias as proxies. 'd sears' a great race. very. diverse.
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'd there is a very large russian presence seriously it's a very. rare. let's say this is. an issue. there is a. neighbor. and i just i was just getting on to and i should save the chinese government saying they've been investing in syria as well what evidence do you have that israel support in islam is to movements which has been denied on denied to us by israeli officials here ongoing underground in the past i read. 'd
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a. little a refugee. like. 'd syria's. grady hospital. and syria and syria very lengthy and friendly we are stopping there more from the former boss of the israeli intelligence service mossad after this short break. thank you all all i saw class law school class people also in a 1st floor if you're born into a poor family if you're born into
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a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people that i have a stance on years old a poignant a generational poverty. it's a tough fight every day you meet your needs and the needs of your family. welcome back i'm still here with a former director of israeli intelligence agency mossad efraim halevy if you are still running moss and you can understand i don't know maybe some moss and officers would tell you in negotiations as you decide you know bolasie it looks to me at all it is israel bombs damascus just in the past few days it appears to be favoring those bombing raids isis diasur al qaida no i think it is ready probably.
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less this area. really do you really have. syria. there really a presence in syria. that's stabilize the syria. israel and i think this. you know you. and i think this sunday which is. what i want to just go around and see what you just go around in circles i mean iran is invited in to syria to help its war effort against its perceived adversaries destroying them will just mean more missile batteries sent to damascus. when you say that. radians are being guided by the syrians. i think the. leverage of.
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syria is very limited. i don't think that we should. be. serious a lot of the elements which us that we. will remove will be really critical syria . the removal of the threat. radios station. syria. well of course president doesn't refute that but then frame thank you thank you. well i was the former head of mossad about the role that organization allegedly played in the assassination of iranian nuclear scientists most in fact preside there let's now go to iran specifically gong to hear from dr sam to robby the director of the recently at strategic studies institute time thanks so much for
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coming back on even before i get to the assassination just tell us since you're in gone what is the situation reason me coronavirus i'm obviously speaking to you from a country with one of the worst per capita rates on earth. sure and i see again actually it wasn't going so well for awhile then we had to shut down for 2 weeks a nationwide shutdown and thank god it's going better now again things are going to open again and we're just going to have to see how it goes new vaccine horizon the well actually yes as a matter of fact. you know you have iran being one of the countries that's actually working on its own vaccine and also in coordination with the w.h.o. and it's looking good we've actually house 3 different projects and let me just add a little interesting note here which is often overlooked in this whole issue that we've been talking about the last couple days with this as a nation. dr fact is that it was one of the people who was actually working on a covert vaccine as part of the defense research organization of which he was the
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head of do you think really radians feel that there is a western attempt to weaponize coronavirus i know that there's been some that said sanctions have been designed the west denies this to damage the medical infrastructure of iran that alone as you say the assassination of president well whatever the case may be in terms of what the reality is the these thing that people in iran feel is that the vicious nature of western governments was completely open for you would you see during this whole covert. pandemic because you know the most basic human needs were not. taken into going to sit consideration when it came to iran things like you know allowing us to pay for money pay with money that we have in banks so in terms of what the result was as far as the iranian people was concerned the result was we it was just confirmed for all of us
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once again that the westerners don't consider us you know equal human beings and they are willing to do whatever they have to do in terms of the. in their attempts . through to try to suppress iran and a lot of iran to rise as a power including allowing people to die from a pandemic as compared to other places where they might get things out for free well western governments deny they're trying to harm the medical response to and joe biden says maybe they'll be a reduction in sanctions when he's inaugurated the european union no less condemned well they didn't condemn it perhaps but they said it was a criminal act to assassinate a scientist and scholar in iran in the past few days. exactly that's the point that they didn't condemn it i mean they can call it whatever they want to call it obviously it's stating the obvious that it's a criminal act you know that doesn't take much of a effort to say that obviously it was a criminal act obviously the things that they said in the message sounded all nice
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and good but it wasn't a combination you have the deputy defense minister of iran being assassinated and you know nothing from the europeans so were you were used to this and so as usual iran has to fend for itself and it does it well does it do it well i mean when i was living in tehran there were scientists being assassinated on the streets of tehran that was years ago it's happening again so iran comprador its own scholars and as you say deputy defense minister and at the same time people are dying of crude oil the iranian government was a failing in being able to protect its people well actually if we're looking at the statistics you know a lot of countries people are dying from from core on a given given the resources that we have and the pressures that exist in terms of the sanctions i think iran is doing a great job could you do a better job of course and in terms of the assassinations yes i agree with you obviously this was a blow and you know they should have paid attention in terms of you know trying to protect them one of the things that we never talk about is well why is it that 10
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years ago or whenever it was that the other scientists were assassinated why is it that it ended well certainly iran did certain things at that time and chose not to reveal them at that time which ended. the series of assassinations that were conducted at that time also by the americans and the israelis obviously everybody has said that there's going to be some sort of a response there will be there's no doubt about it that we should doubt that there's always should be no official israeli comment on the accusations and allegations that israel was involved do you don't think that the heat may be a trap being set that iran's retaliation just before a biden presidency will catalyze a big response. i understand the u.s. is nimitz is in the persian gulf it's been deployed there in the past few days after the assassination sure i mean we always look at these deployments as as you know bigger and nicer targets if it comes to something but the issue is that you know obviously anybody who knows iran which unfortunately it seems that may be the
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israelis and the americans don't know iran as well as they think we should know that iran would not respond in in a way that would cause problems for itself this goes back to understanding what iran is and as i've said many times and for you know one of the hallmarks of the trump and the new of the trump and ministration and that you are now is that they are surrounded by people or by information about iran which is you know completely distorted and not too real because they're surrounded by either iranian exiles who haven't been there for 50 years or by you know terrorist cults who are you know mentally unstable or by their own in terms of their having their own delusions about what they think iran is iran is a constitutionally has a constitutional republic it has different branches of government as you saw the parliament the magic list passed the bill recently the administration didn't agree with it all of this then goes to the supreme national security council and with the
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approval of the leader of the islamic revolution a policy is going to be developed and actions are going to be taken iran is this is a sophisticated state it is a sophisticated statement it comes to making its security decisions whether it's entering into negotiations or whether it's bombing the. base and the bases in aerial after the assassination of some sort of money so you know anybody who knows iran knows that this kind of stuff that the that was done or that this is and this assassination that took place is not going to take iran away from its strategic goal and its strategic goal is very clear and it is stated policy iran strategic goal is to 'd drive out 4 expel the americans from west asia it's going to happen the only issue is how. now it's going to happen is it going to happen with a lot of you know dead american soldiers or is it going to happen with the americans whatever administration it is republican or democrat understanding that it's no longer sustainable to have you know american troops in the region and in
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terms of israel the stated policy is also very clear iran is going to end the apartheid zionist state called israel in the region and the way it's going to do it is not by you know driving the jews into the sea as you know said in the propaganda it is going to do it by supporting a. palestinian state a palestinian republican which muslims jews christians are citizens of equal value and are and not as i in a state in which jews are considered you know better citizens and the muslims and the christians are considered 2nd class citizens the advisers to british and american governments they say they give a good reflection of what iran what's going on in iran that hasn't been any retaliation some analysts said they'd be retaliation against you know dubai u.s. interests in the persian gulf you just tell me who you think most ukrainians and maybe you think i know the hearing in politicians of all sides have been saying it who is behind the assassination was it israel with facilitation with the m.e. k.
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in this remote controlled machine gun. well again this is you know to say whether it was the israelis or the i mean kerry were the trigger people's yeah i mean very likely but obviously these things don't happen with american green light and support and even legit probably logistical support so the issue is not that we try to somehow make a differentiation between israel and the u.s. you know they do things in tandem and in terms of the revenge and who they would seek revenge from obviously the israelis are going to be you know feeling the response if the if if it is the case right now we have the government the administration and iran talking about the israelis being the ones that did it but i mean the new york times had an ornament sources telling them it was is right i think part of the problem we have is that we have these sources so-called sources and you know this is been a plague on untruth you know since we have these anonymous anonymous sources since the iraq war is that they want to you know make the trap administration look bad
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and to kind of say well you know if biden was there he would've allowed it the that's not the case the reality is that you know the americans whether it's the trump or the biden administration they are full hilt support behind israel and if fascinate whether they're democrats or they're republican summering in voices of. the any case you might have to very briefly just remind us who they are they deny behind the nines and he was on the hillary clinton that on designated as a terrorist group and 2012 rudy giuliani who's been a guest on this trooper moved into any 18 and now she could just as easily could be barratt has apparently been implicated because she happened to represent an amy k. affiliate when calling for the d. designation of it is a terrorist organization in the united states you know i mean in any case for those you probably know your viewers probably know or a terrorist organization they've killed over 17000 civilians in iran they joined saddam hussein during the war against their own compatriots so you know and they're
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basically you know they lived in iraq until the invasion and then they fled to albania they have a. they have a headquarters in paris and they are basically you know a religious death cult a personality cult where the members were forced to divorce their husbands and their wives and to pledge full of allegiance to the leadership there and it's. a crazy cult and you know it's not me saying this it's those people who have fled that cult who are seeing this and so obviously you know you just have to imagine the americans and the europeans and the french deciding that well you know let's use these people to fight iran well you know isn't it interesting you have a death cult which has literally 0 support in iran. being in the pool or or the way in which the westerners want to deal with iran so that tells you everything you need to know about american and western policy and european policy towards iran obviously enrique deny that refute that took the samurai we thank you my pleasure
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that's it for the show will be back on monday ron student day commemorating the opening fire of british back to millions of purity forces on students protesting the nato back shah's resumption of diplomatic relations going to run an london until then catch up on all our interviews on you tube and follow me on the ground on twitter facebook instagram side.
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