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tv   News  RT  December 9, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EST

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story you have to see. the public versus the police versus the president after weeks of violent protests in. their anger over a perceived lack of support from among their background as they face mounting public us to speak with the deputy secretary of the country's largest police union . he succeeded to force he succeeded to the police 150000 policemen and 100000 gendarmes angry with macro his words unacceptable for a president of the republic. desperate for a deal the u.k. prime minister and the european commission president will hold a meeting on a break the deal after sides failed to work out a joint agreement despite the looming deadline. confronting russia and china
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in imposing additional sanctions hardline measures are included in america's annual defense bill now approved by the u.s. house of representatives by majority. and a very good morning to you you're watching our international. divisions in france a deepening tensions between the public the police and the president escalate and then you're micron is now calling for urgent reforms to law enforcement mistrust of the police force mounts while officers complain about a lack of government support. explains. it's being described as a crisis of public confidence in the security forces amidst a violent protest against the global security law that was aimed at strengthening
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measures to protect the police there's been a renewed focus on police violence. president corn though while acknowledging issues refused to politicize the subject yet live your lives in a society there is violence in society there is racism in french society today this is a fact and as the police reflect society some members of the force display violent behavior and we must go after and punish them but hoey profile incidents including that of black music producer michel in his studio have not only shocked those at the very top they've also led to fresh questions about the police's own internal disciplinary body
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a body that has been routinely criticized for siding with its own and now to add fuel to the fire surroundings ecas case the 4 officers implicated ought to be given financial support from the police as they are investigated by the body all have admitted his beating was not justified there was no reason for the police union to dish out funds from its money part of the paris police profit d.d.l. manned granted protection to the 4 police officers indicted in the michaud it's a clear case this should not be done the default decision. we are not on the same side he picked his side that of the violent police he has crossed the line of republican dignity that he should have in his position i want him to go once and for all be felt right now though is much wider the police to offer furious week after week violence on the streets at demonstrations has seen that injured well
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worth of produce been over 2 years that we've been suffering demonstrations every saturday demonstrations for economic and social reasons which eventually turn into police violence and we've become the center point of recriminations from demonstrators they openly attacked the police not only by words if it was only that it wouldn't even matter but it's also acts of physical violence against our colleagues they've been several 100 injured over the past 2 years so this is completely unacceptable of course today to be a policeman is extremely difficult in all of france not only in paris because there's no place in france where police are not singled out and not violated and not a target for that certain segment of the population which is extremely violent because today we see it the demonstrations and protests are no longer peaceful then insult was added to injury when president michel and this. we're going to set up a survey online so people can say where and why they were discriminated against it's
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about police i.d. controls based on racial profiling housing unemployment and daily life other comments he made suggesting that officers carry out more checks on people who are not white made the police unions furious one called on its members to stop carrying out identity checks all together he succeeded in this tour de force he succeeded to alienate the police 150000 policemen and 100000 gendarmes angry with macro his words unacceptable for a. and to the republic he acted just like an average citizen he gave a personal opinion on the subject but if our colleagues have done something illegal it's up to the justice system to sanction them and they would accept the sanction if there must be one the issue now so controversial that mccall himself is to intervene it's been announced in january he'll hold
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a top level meeting bringing elected officials together with citizens earned police in a bid to find a way to reform the force so it didn't ski r.t. paris. desperate for a deal the british prime minister boris johnson will meet with the european commission president live on the line later on wednesday in a bid to wants again try reach a post breaks agreement the deadline of course for december 31st time's running out previous negotiations between the 2 sides ended in deadlock. it's another important day in breaks in negotiations between the u.k. and the e.u. it seems we've said quite a few times over the last few years but now time really is running out the sense that the 31st at midnight brussels time the transition period ends and britain leaves all of the regulations of the european union if there isn't
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a deal that would mean tariffs on all trade between the u.k. and the e.u. that's why boris johnson the british prime minister is heading to brussels he'll be having dinner on wednesday night with underline the e.u. commission president they hope they can get over the current impasse better in person than they were able to do over the phone at the weekend. as agreed on saturday we took stock today of their go in negotiations we agreed that the conditions for finalizing the agreement are not being educated they remain in significant differences still a number of big issues for them to sort out though fish is one of them probably more of an emotive issue than it is an economic issue said she what the year wants to happen is they want to keep a hold of fishing rights in u.k. waters that they currently have the u.k. says no they don't want that in return brussels and saying well in that case you can't sell your fish to us then there's the issue over what's called the level
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playing field brussels essentially doesn't want the u.k. outside of e.u. regulations but part of the single market able to undercut e.u. companies so proselytes wants to see london have the same rules when it comes to things like workers' rights environmental regulations and state subsidies the u.k. side say well the whole point of us leaving the e.u. is that we wouldn't have to be part of brussels as regulation so they're not agreeing on that at the moment and then there's the issue of what happens when there are disputes the europeans want to see the european court of justice play a role not a chance says the british side and they've been going backwards and forwards over these issues for quite a while now. an agreement between you can and you bring you in seems unlikely. i simply do not understand why we are risking value. they want the continued
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ability to control our lives to do freedom fisheries in a way that is completely unacceptable to an independent country conceal it is the united kingdom who wish to leave and is leaving the european union they need much more than we do the deal can only be done if the e.u. recognizes that the u.k. is a sovereign independent nation progress has been achieved in many areas nevertheless significant differences remain it's not all bad news though away from trait there was some progress made over what to do about northern ireland and the british border on the island of ireland an agreement was struck on tuesday between the u.k. and the a you over the allowing goods and medicines to move across that border this came after the british side was willing to remove clauses from legislation it's currently going through parliament that if it hadn't been removed could have allowed the british government to essentially break international law that was
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taken out an agreement in principle was reached the european side happy with that but states say there's still a long way to go i hope. this will create a positive momentum also for that and discussions on the free trade agreement i see as you know we're still very far apart than we are not hiding this from from any one agreement there but certainly not still when it comes to trade this dinner between boris johnson and sort of on the line will hopefully allow the 2 sides face to face to agree on what they're willing to concede on then they can go back to their respective negotiating teams who will then have more ammunition to continue these negotiations as time of time continues to tick away. statement k.b. research red birmingham city university explains why reaching a deal is vital for the brigs it the story that keeps giving and it's
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a soap opera that there's a part of me that thinks this whole sort of thing is a big charade we're being played here that something is going to happen quickly we've got some of the jobs go to you to try and sort of stimulate the sort of the discussions and again there was something from the this said their perfect pair should there be no agreement to continue discussions into the new year the reality is if we get no deal it can't remain us that we then have to start having sort of side agreements what reenter is a sort of a huge cry of grafting of some sort of really skinny dale you know it's not quite hard i mean we'll avoid the tariffs but it will be so the pretty poor and i think they'll get plenty of opportunity should a new prime minister in 2024 particular thought year start to want to revisit this opportunity come back and so that it will say but again i would not put a lot of money on anything at the moment. the u.s.
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house of representatives has approved the annual defense bill which includes some new hardline initiatives the senate's going to vote on the legislation in the coming days here's a summary of what's contained this year's bipartisan n.d.a. a conference agreement focuses on the following priorities implementing the national defense strategy to confront current and future security challenges from china russia trans national terrorism and beyond regaining a wide margin of military superiority specifically the defense act will expand sanctions on russia's not strain to gas pipeline project as well as to impose mandatory sanctions on turkey for its purchase of the russian as $400.00 missile system the bill also allocates $250000000.00 to the ukraine security assistance initiative. and more than 2 thirds of the house voted in support of that legislation that is enough to overturn any veto promised by donald trump the
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outgoing president expressed concern the bill seeks to slow down u.s. troop reductions and rename monuments and bases honoring confederate figures and to war activists which baucus says the initiatives in the bill could amount to implicit aggression this is a continuation of years very hostile and very dangerous or a technician out u.s. military and foreign policy which you know can be missed in directions which will be could be catastrophic for the world but either way it will pass it always has bipartisan support every year for the last 6070 years old news you norma's not very good passed by a bipartisan majority of democrats and republicans who i would say is that while. the aspirations of empire i don't think that either russia or the chinese leadership it's a war with the united states if it were to happen would be a disaster for humanity we have
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a continuation of this very hostile powers and the 250000000 toward so called your credit security is really another manifestation of. that hostility toward russia toward china. donald trump or signed an executive order aimed at ensuring that americans have priority when it comes to access to vaccines produced in the united states both the outgoing and incoming presidents are upbeat about the prospects of mass vaccination. signed the executive order to ensure that american citizens have 1st priority to receive american vaccines and then we're going to be working with other countries all over the world this team will help get at the latest at the last 100000000 covert 9000 vaccine at least 100000000 covert vaccine shots into the arms of the american people in the 1st 100 days 100000000 shots in the 1st 100 days this week finds this vaccine is expected to become the
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1st to be approved for emergency use in the u.s. but the plan to live riffles very short of covering the needs of the nation many doses having already been shipped abroad killing more picks up the story. pop u.s. officials are reassuring us that there's enough vaccine to go around in every american can get a jab hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month and we expect to have enough vaccines for every american but by the end of march early april enough across all of our vaccine portfolio to have for every american who would like to be dux it and 100 percent of americans that want to back c. will had the vaccine by that point time although not everyone is going to take it. 6 6 really. kind of the kind of i mean it's nice to have
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a choice isn't it well as trump rolls out his vaccines for americans 1st policies there are mounting fears that washington will not be able to deliver on its promises a white house summit expected to celebrate the victory of the jab had 2 key guests missing pfizer and madonna pfizer is reported to have told the trumpet administration that it cannot provide additional doses of the coded 19 vaccine until mid 2021 they say other countries beat the united states and bought up the supply of global justice now a u.k. based group reported back in november that 80 percent of pfizer's vaccine over 1000000000 doses had already been sold the buyers some of the wealthiest governments around the world now the usa did get some but only 100000000 vaccines the u.s. government placed an initial order over 100000000 doses for pfizer beyond techs
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covered 19 fact seen and pfizer is ready to begin ship an initial dose a soon after receiving an emergency use authorization from the u.s. food and drug administration any additional doses beyond the 100000000 subjected to . in mutually acceptable agreement rumors are circulating that after that pfizer offered to sell more to the united states but trump said no deal now the white house denies that let's do the math pfizer says you need to do with this per person so $100000000.00 vaccines covers only $50000000.00 people roughly 15 percent of the u.s. population but u.s. officials say they checked the numbers and there won't be any shortage we're confident that we will have 100000000 doses of pfizer's vaccine is agreed to in our contract and beyond that we have 5 other vaccine candidates including 100000000 doses on the way from london so what does this america 1st document really mean pfizer privately funded to work without u.s.
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government support so washington cannot force its will to be 1st on the company and its green to sell its vaccine across the planet private property and free markets something that america loves meanwhile in canada's ontario province people who refuse supposedly voluntary vaccination against cove it could face certain restrictions that's the warning coming from the provinces health minister there may be some restrictions in terms of travel or other restrictions death may arise as a result of not having a vaccination but that's going to be up to the person themselves to make that decision on the basis of what's more important to them health officials remarks come amid concerns people will be made to have a job but the authorities are insisting function action will be voluntary they are counted as prime minister announce the country would receive its 1st doses of fines this vaccine next week political analyst of the sunday bruno says the threat restrictions all the best way to make people trust the injection. i think.
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forcing people to be vaccinated with the. premise that we've heard in ontario is not the best way to persuade the population to consider being vaccinated in fact it is the worst way to do it especially now that we are in the berry early stages of the rollout of the vaccine nobody has been vaccinated yet and at any rate the 1st people who will be vaccinated will be medical staff and personnel in high risk places for example all the jones and. other similar facilities so i think the ontario health minister position was irresponsible in fact because i myself become even more. concerned about this.
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cracking down on foreign agency was widely seen as retaliation for the arrest of its ex defense secretary in america and the drug sting will have more months pass after the break. i am.
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which is a planet with finite moons and atmosphere highly active geology and. a liquid water of the ocean and its interior could. be on those for biology is just far beyond our wildest imagination. welcome back now as 2020 trolls towards a close media outlets are rushing to get predictions about the year to come the journal politico has no exception its just published a list of who things will be the most powerful people in europe is divided them into do is dream is and disrupt this but some of the choices might leave you a bit puzzled isn't he's right guess they have to explain. what politico has done
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is put together a list of 28 people who they predict will shape europe in 2021 to make lee's pointless activity less dull they further divided them into 2 to the unnecessary categories so do as dreamers and disruptors to make the unnecessary categories even more useless they apparently consciously put people into the wrong categories and free speech haven telegram reflects the ideals of its and globetrotting 36 year old creating in 2013 to compete with whatsapp and invade crimean snooping telegram has long been on european governments radar as a tool for terrorists plotting and propaganda lately it's become increasingly popular for guys in mass movements in the west and its immediate backyard what do you mean the west telegram is the goo to add for protest worldwide from hong kong
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to belarus to bolivia for the simple reason that it doesn't preach to its uses what's right and what's wrong and doesn't up politically charged moderators to filter people's opinions doesn't set off user data and privacy to market manipulators you'd think doer of would have been a dream up for creating telegraph a free app for free people hell even do it considering what an impact telegram and sad worldwide but that's rob. then again if you consider that this entire exercise makes no sense the structure is a great choice and speaking of disruptors. putin has been described withholding vast powers to hack american elections to trick millions into believing in vast conspiracy theories to move governments like chess pieces around the middle east and eastern europe all this without necessarily even lifting a finger the russian president is likely happy you can write so far on reputation alone because when it comes to actually doing things well lately he doesn't seem to
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be able to make much of an impact at least not in europe poisoning the opposition leader alexina valmy neither killed valmy nor the controversial north stream to pipeline wage of course makes no sense again if putin isn't actually disrupting it in and they say themselves he hasn't made much of an impact lately perhaps he's busy being a dreamer but the odd series is obvious in any other category putin wouldn't have an evil red background around him and you can't have the least of influential people without a bad putin in it turkish president there do on you might be interested to learn also made the list is a do a bad get this yet for example he reportedly sent thousands of syrian mercenaries and terrorists to fight against armenians on the side of his head about john for money that apparently is a disruption but doing a real goo getter by the way you'll never guess who is the 2nd most this right the
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person putin. j.k. rowling is destructing her own creation and militantly tolerant generation of millennial who grew up reading her books a ghastly comments on transgender rights and her deployment of women's rights and fears is part of her argument j.k. rowlings great scene which landed her with the likes of putin no less was saying that women are women you know biologically no wired chromosome so the scientific definition of a woman but rollin cost her own spell and then double down notice to the fury of fans we couldn't care less what people identify as you can be whatever you want to be an all male it for all i care obviously this is a more complicated issue but really 7th greatest this raptor for 2021. i could theoretically keep going on about politico's cheap click baiting trying to
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tell the fortunes of an entire continent by during names out of the hat and assigning them to a category based on what they've already done so based on the past l. i actually think political would have had more luck and be more accurate using sheaves. mexico is planning on getting much tougher on foreign agents operating in the country in a move that could seriously hamper the work of us narcs the bill served method by the president comes after a top mexican official was busted in a drug sting in l.a. the traffic law requires aides to share information with the mexican authorities and would deny them immunity for any crimes they commit contacts with potential informants would also come under greater scrutiny the former head of the international operations of the u.s. drug enforcement administration says that the changes would be harmful. recruiting informants can come to a screeching halt which would be more detrimental to mexico than the u.s.
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we have a large platform of informants in mexico to the postal comes after the arrest of a former mexican defense secretary in l.a. in october he was arrested in the u.s. on charges that include drug trafficking and money laundering that prompted banks go to accuse us of violating in 1902 patent it hadn't been informed of the investigation by sco based professor guadalupe correct of where a says the proposed restrictions of foreign agents are driven by mistrust this investigation was not shared with mexico because there was supposedly a mistrust between the 2 governments so these investigations and you know always mexico has caught elaborated mexico has collaborated very closely with the united states with information and even we mean we allowing them to be in the mexican territory even armed and collaborating in operations that they have not shared they
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permission and this information that has not been checked has put. mexican law enforcement agencies and the stability of the country under risk so the reason why mexico is is limiting of the participation of u.s. law enforcement agencies probably has more to do with it deviate has to do with this lack of collaboration the illegal. you know recordings and operations ok you could have too much news to me for updates in half an hour. seemed wrong but all were all just don't all. get to shape out just to become educated and in gains from an equal betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart when she stood up for common ground. join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see me a very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids and invited america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients
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doctors manufacturers all the government. the unique thing about march for our lives is that the adults are afraid of us quite frankly members of congress are very afraid of us and that's something we know and we definitely use to our advantage we're able to get meetings with people who quite literally will never vote in favor of any gun violence prevention bill but they're afraid to knock it with us because they don't want to see what would happen if we were to call them out for not taking our meeting but 187 total instances 48 deaths 93 injuries and 15 teenagers killed or injured 3 children. too.


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