tv News RT December 9, 2020 8:00am-8:31am EST
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u.k. health regulators more people with a history of allergic reactions against taking the pfizer biotech open vaccine that's up to 2 people who received the job. that warning comes as america's drug regulator reveals that 6 people who took part in trials for the pfizer biotech vaccine have died. also this hour french police officers voiced their anger over a perceived lack of support from the president after weeks of violent protest we speak with the deputy secretary of the country's largest police union. he succeeded in the 2 fools who succeeded to the police 150000 policemen and 100000 gendarmes are angry with. his words on the acceptable for president of the republic
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. watching our 2 international coming to live from the russian capital where it's just turned 4 pm welcome to the program we start in the u.k. where health regulators are warning people with a history of allergic reactions against taking the pfizer buying vaccine as comes after 2 people who receive the job fell ill one day after the u.k. launched a massive vaccination program and earlier in the u.s. regulators revealed that 6 people had died during trials of the drug this is what the u.k. authorities had to say about the vaccine. any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine medicine or food should not receive the pfizer beyond vaccine. our senior correspondent mark grandstand joins us in the studio again with the
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details how significant is this warning coming from the u.k. well given that vaccination in the u.k. started 24 hours ago this is very unfortunate news for pfizer and this is piling on to what we've already learned about deaths and side effects but in this instance 2 nurses became very ill after after being injected with the vaccine they were apparently they had a history of allergies and they're very very doing well now they're recovering but again this is something that somehow slipped clinical trials that people with previous conditions the history of severe allergies and reactions to allergies the they are vulnerable they're vulnerable to the side effects from this vaccine and obviously the they're adding that any vaccination must now be done in facilities equipped with research occasion moves this is use very serious and this is on top
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of again those deaths and the side effects that have been detail exactly so we have these serious allergic reactions coming out of the u.k. and then tell us more about what the u.s. food and drug administration has revealed you know look this is this is the problem is the problem is that we learned of these deaths not from pfizer who's very exceed the zs i mean you'd think that they're obligated to go public and to tell people be open and transparent about how the trials are going how how people are taking the vaccine nevertheless it's important to move that we didn't learn this from pfizer we learned it from the f.d.a. the u.s. food and drug administration which is now expected to green light. the pfizer vaccine on thursday and they're saying you know these deaths 2 of the people who died received the jab while 4 of them politically cebu injection so they're saying that the vaccine is still safe they still believe it's safe it is effective and
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that these deaths where it is unlikely that these deaths were caused by the vaccine a total of 6 of unrolled participants died during the reporting period all deaths represented vents that occur in the general population of the age groups where they occurred at a similar rate. the gist of what they're saying is that these people who died they died of natural causes of things that were expected at their age 3 of them are over 55 so the 1st volunteer who received the real injection he died 3 days after the injection from. his well as a 3 condition which which was dangerous to begin with but the 2nd man who died died 60 days after the vaccine after the injection and 60 days and he had a heart attack the 4 people who took placebos oneself suffered
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a stroke and other suffered suffered a heart attack while the cause of death for 2 more are still under investigation but authorities remain adamant you know in the united states in great britain that these were. cases that. are related to the vaccine so if these deaths are not significant if it's just a part of the statistical norm why are we only hearing about this now well they believe that they're part of the statistical norm obviously you know we learn that people with severe allergies shouldn't take the prize a vaccine need today and after the fact of the vaccination public vaccination has gotten which is going to ring the alarm bells and people who know you know what they're getting into but the problem here is that there's there's heaps to be a lack of communication from. the press by and large because you google articles about the pfizer vaccine recent today few hours ago. and they didn't even
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mention that we had just learned people have died during trials clinical trials you look at other articles bloomberg guardian for example there in the footnotes the side effects of the deaths are all in the footnotes there is a sense that members of the press given how important it is to get a vaccine. out there they don't want to alarm people without jew cause to spread padding you know there's there's already plenty of people who are against vaccination were afraid of vaccines who are afraid of this particular vaccine because of how quickly it had been developed and there is a sense that the companies in businessmen and politicians and journalists they don't want to sort of scare people without needlessly scare people and here it has to be noted that there is cause for concern because people have a right to know people have a right to do what they're being injected with the history the history of the clinical trials and bear in mind that pfizer never published in open sources never
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published in medical journals for peer review the data that it gathered throughout the clinical trial so they really gave that to to various officials and watchdogs. greenlighted their vaccine and what else is there to be found in the f.d.a. as reported well the other scary thing i would say that has struck people and cause some concern is the side effects notably one side effect which is facial paralysis it is a condition and not a lot known about what causes it but for people so there were 2 test groups the placebo test group and the test group that received the actual vaccine the interesting thing about these side effects is that nobody from the placebo group experience that nobody should any symptoms wall for people in the group that received the real vaccine display the symptoms of partial paralysis among non-serious unsolicited adverse events there was
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a numerical imbalance of 4 cases of bell spell seen in the vaccine group compared with no cases on the placebo group though the 4 cases in the vaccine group did not represent a frequency above that expected in the general population. they've already dismissed these concerns saying this new scientific link between. may merely an anomaly why by some people suffered from these symptoms and others didn't do a group or test group this large tens of thousands of people somebody with or without a vaccine should have experience as you have just statistics but you know it's piling on top of each other so these deaths these side effects and now we learn that people with severe allergies are at risk if they take the vaccine obviously it must be it is understood that every call to cut safety they believe had to be cut to get a room to rule of actually it out as quickly as possible to get
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a vaccine out now before the end of the year less than the this is a process that usually takes decades it could take decades years at least to study the effects of the vaccine to study how people take it through throughout the years you know how it affects them and their life obviously that didn't happen because of the agency because of the huge worldwide to get this vaccine out and to see it successful vaccine return the world to more or less normal so very you know a sense that people should approach vaccination with abundant caution. breaking not start for us thank you. earlier we spoke with epidemiology this marcello frog denali he says the revelations pose grave concerns over the safety of the pfizer biotech job. these. are to see if you supposedly want you need to buy it but at least the senate race company the summit corporation it was they are so motivated by how these. owner market doesn't spoil
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sport there she orders behind the scenes that act she was an economic interest be sorry i'm going to see tonight are divorced and doris we have terror in the case of the astra zeneca but soon the star studded things i mean they're doing not only reports of i want to don't you go girl news but now i'm in the lead or talking about big asians are nice in if people really suffering from memphis to the area and energy to a men's issue some of them dr seuss i mean it could be. these are serious things they should be so don't investigate it this is not only a thing that gorman should know before the order. scenes but also the party has to be formed sort of intimate if you will decision as to whether data seems an. earlier dollar sign an executive order aimed at ensuring that americans have priority when it comes to access to vaccines produced in the u.s.
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both the outgoing and incoming presidents are upbeat about the prospects of mass extinction signed the executive order to ensure that american citizens have 1st priority to receive american vaccines and then we're going to be working with other countries all over the world this team will help get at the latest at the last 100000000 covert 19 vaccine at least 100000000 covert vaccine shots into the arms of the american people in the 1st 100 days 100000000 shots in the 1st 100 days . this week pfizer vaccine is expected to become the 1st to be approved for emergency use in the u.s. but the plan delivery falls very short of covering the needs of the nation with many doses having already been shipped abroad are just picks up the story. top u.s. officials are reassuring us that there's enough vaccine to go around and every american can get a jab hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month and we expect to
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have enough vaccines for every american but by the end of march early april enough across all of our vaccine portfolio to have for every american who would like to be vaccinated 100 percent of americans that want to back c will had the vaccine by that point time although not everyone is going to take it. really. kind of the kind of i mean it's nice to have a choice isn't it well as trump rolls out his vaccines for americans 1st policies there are mounting fears that washington will not be able to deliver on its promises a white house summit expected to celebrate the victory of the jab had 2 key guests missing pfizer and madonna pfizer is reported to have told the trumpet
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administration that it cannot provide additional doses of the coded 19 vaccine until mid 2021 they say other countries beat the united states and bought up the supply of global justice now by u.k. based group reported back in november that 80 percent of pfizer's vaccine over 1000000000 doses had already been sold the buyers some of the wealthiest governments around the world now the usa did get some but only 100000000 vaccines the u.s. government placed an initial order of 100000000 doses for pfizer beyond techs covered 900 and pfizer is ready to begin ship an initial dose a soon after receiving an emergency use authorization from the u.s. food and drug administration any additional doses beyond the 100000000 subjected to separate. in mutually acceptable agreement rumors are circulating that after that pfizer offered to sell more to the united states but trump said no deal now the
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white house denies that let's do the math pfizer says you need to do with this per person so $100000000.00 vaccines covers only $50000000.00 people roughly 15 percent of the u.s. population but u.s. officials say they checked the numbers and there won't be any shortage we are confident that it will have 100000000 doses suffices vaccine is agreed to in our contract and beyond that we have 5 other vaccine candidates including 100000000 doses on the way from london so what does this america 1st document really mean pfizer privately funded to work without u.s. government support so washington cannot force its will to be 1st on the company and its to sell its vaccine across the planet private property and free markets something that america loves. french president emanuel mccrone has presented a draft of a controversial law which aims to tackle islamist extremism the law includes curbs
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on home schooling and a ban on so-called virginity certificates for muslim women critics however say that the bill could increase discrimination against the muslim community. radical islamism is an ideology directed to dividing people and spreading hatred and violence in society faced with this the republic intends to defend itself. as small as a 2 month crackdown on radical islam in france following the murder of history teacher at some back in october a french approach has sparked widespread protests in the muslim world with calls for boycott of french products present micron has become a target and several muslim majority countries for his recent comments about islam . and we cross live now to a lawyer specializing in the middle east for more on this that new bill contains measures ranging from a ban on virginity certificates to restrictions on home schooling do you think that these things are a threat to french values. it's thank you for having me on
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it it's on french values because what they're trying to do it's here it's to combat the radical islam and not to combat islam so what the what the viewers should understand is that in france you do dislike is going to be targeted against radical islam but you cannot target. this disturbing directly because it won't be constitutional so it's a law in general which targets call islam but it doesn't target radical buddhism for for example so what this law say it's in france you have the right to instruct your children yourself. school is not obligatory is not mandatory but instruction is mandatory at this point you just need to declare to the to the ministry of education that you want to keep your child children at home and
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instruct them but now with this law you don't have to motivate and give a valid reason in order to keep your children to instruct them at home and another thing we have we had around 200000 forced marriage here in france so what they want to do is to stop this forced marriage so the representative of the french states if they feel that. is marrying and the woman is pressure to marry someone because of their religion he or she can report that to the prosecutor and tell that prosecutor that this marriage is not valid because it is it is forced by by the family of this woman to marry this man in other thing that has been created body by dislodge is a special prosecutor in order to combat hate on internet or on the social media in france we have special interest. prosecutor we have one for terrorism we have one
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for white collar criminals and this new law is for him is against radical islam exactly and they're placing greater restrictions on radical contact on social media making it a legal to identify public servants as happened with the murdered teacher sum up by t. but will france be able to enforce this. it's it's going to be very hard to enforce it because as you have seen you had a lot of a lot of protests last week in france people people contesting that article 24 which forbidden zeal to feel a police a police officer when he's doing his job but this this interdiction this is it's if you want to harm him are you want to harm his psychology called mind he can he can stop you from doing that but this is almost impossible because
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that means that nobody can feel any more police police officers in the streets what the police are saying it's you can feel mass but you cannot diffuse it on the social media or on the internet but you don't need the new law for that because this law already exists in france if you target someone and you give his address and home and the name of his kids you can be prosecuted already by the prosecutor you don't need a special law for them saw i think this law is going to be struck down and it's going to be removed because of one this law has been approved by the council of ministers today in france but then this law will be sent to the national assembly then it will go to the senate back and forth and then dislodge needs to be constitutional and the council of constitution the constitutional court of france should approve this and say disloyal constitutional or not. so far the french
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crackdown on radical islam has caused widespread anger and the muslim world do you expect that to escalate. i think it's going to escalate because. what we understand of this law even if if it's not called against radical islam because as i told you you cannot call it you cannot target the certain population or religion in france but it's basically it's against radical islam and indeed in the muslim world everyone's tired of this. year of the prophet mohammad and they see why you should you why you always need to sure this saw prison is already all the time criticizing the french president in pakistan and then banning of this you have a lot of muslim people going on the streets protesting burning the french flag even boy called the french products so it's going to harm more france but that's there's nothing else to do because france has its law and it has to be respected. thank you
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for your time and your comments. and staying in france divisions are deepening there as tensions between the public the police and the president as collate as well the man on the crown is now calling for urgent reforms to law enforcement that after 2 of the largest police unions have called on their members to start performing id checks they were angered by morons comments about police officers are going to interview on friday the french president said that police are much more likely to stop and check people of color we spoke to one of the leaders of the largest police union in france who told us about the challenges of being a police officer in the country today. he succeeded in this tour de force he succeeded to alienate the police 150000 policemen and 100000 gendarmes angry with macro today to be a policeman is extremely difficult in all of france not only in paris because there's no place in france where police are not singled out and not violated and
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not a target for that certain segment of the population which is extremely violent because today we see it the demonstrations and protests and no longer peaceful our correspondent in france charlotte reports on the divisions affecting the country it's being described as a crisis of public confidence in the security forces amidst the violent protests against the global security law that was aimed at strengthening measures to protect the police there's been a renewed focus on police violence. 7 7 her profile incidents including that of black music when he said michelle's eclair in his studio have shocked those at the very top.
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i tried to call my lawyer i tried to call lot of people even a neighbor heard my screams he wanted to call the police but it was the police and now to add fuel to the fire surrounding zacharias case the 4 officers implicated ought to be given financial support from the police as they are investigated by the body all have admitted his beating was not justified. there was no reason for the police union to dish out funds from its money part of the paris police profit d.d.l. month granted protection to the 4 police officers indicted in the michel that clare case they should not be done the default decision. we are not on the same side he picked his side that of the violent police he has crossed the line of republican dignity that he should have in his position i want him to go once and for all be
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felt right now though is much wider the police too are furious week after week violence on the streets at demonstrations has seen their injured well worth of produce been over 2 years that we've been suffering demonstrations every saturday demonstrations for economic and social reasons which eventually turned into police violence and we've become the center point of recriminations from demonstrators they openly attacked the police not only by words if it was only that it wouldn't even matter but it's also acts of physical violence against our colleagues they've been several 100 injured over the past 2 years so this is completely unacceptable then insult was added to injury when president mark on this. we're going to set up a survey online so people can say where and why they were discriminated against it's about police id controls based on racial profiling housing unemployment and
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daily life other comments he made suggesting that officers carry out more checks on people who are not white made the police unions furious one called on its members to stop carrying out identity checks all together his words are unacceptable for a president of the republic he acted just like an average citizen he gave a personal opinion on the subject but if our colleagues have done something illegal it's up to the justice system to sanction them and they would accept the sanction if they must be one the issue now so controversial that marc or himself is to intervene it's been announced in january he'll hold a top level meeting bringing elected officials together with citizens police in a bid to find a. way to reform the force so it didn't ski arty paris. turkey's
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president has condemned an alleged racist incident that interrupted a champions league match between paris st germain and it's an exit here in the french capital a scandal involved a match official but present everyone has pointed his finger elsewhere to get more details we cross over live now to r.t. as alexei go to shift key so what has anyone said about the apparent scandal well it's not too often that events at a football pitch turned political but that is the case when the turkish president lashed out at the french authorities for an incident on the bridge involving a romanian official let's listen to what aragon had to say this approach is forgivable or determined stance will continue france has become a country where racist rhetoric actions are intensified now of course there has been some sort of a war of words between president aragon and his french counterpart a man known for a while now but in this case of course the official was romanian it was the usa for
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match held in paris between bury some german and istanbul a bush actually here now the incident happened just about midway through the game when one of the officials was clarifying as to which stuff member of the turkish club he needed to send off for unsportsmanlike behavior and after that he used the word black but use that in romanian which in romanian sounded very close to an offensive word in english that caused a very angry reaction from the entire bench of the istanbul club and the club itself the team decided to walk off the pitch in protest believing this was a racist incident now of course this caused now widespread condemnation u.a.e. for promised very thorough investigation into this case and the club itself but the sons are among the french club came out with this statement all forms of racism go against the values held by perry since the club's chairman staff and players. there are however opposing forces in this case believing that this was not a case of racism one of them is
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a former liverpool watford and england national team player john barnes who left out on twitter saying that this official was simply speaking his language and this was not a case of racism as it often happens these days in the world in any case the match will be replayed at least that part of the match which wasn't played last night will be replayed tonight in paris with a different set of officials but it's interesting to see whether emmanuel necron will respond to this swipe by his counterpart regard is that the french really had nothing to do with it r t is alexia chefs kay thank you for bringing us that report and that's your wrap up for this hour but of all the stories have unquenchable thirst for news had a number to our website r.t. dot com.
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whatever. water we go to the streets. so make them feel that their fellow human beings the people in their communities feel for them go. to them you know fredo god or. anybody else like. to start same water. that's the start point the building the trust of the connection that they have lost this man it could be the best. way to. rebuild if you need to. and if we have very little or no like. how you know it might be i don't think you know and i think you know you only want
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